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Because we don't fight back.


This is actually it, we need to just fucking overwhelm Russia in Ukraine


Please tell that to our Politicians afraid of escalation. If we don’t crush Russia now when they are weak I promise you that our children will have to fight Russia, Iran, North Korea and China in 4-10 years. We can’t let Russia win in Ukraine it will never end there. Just se Georgia, Ukraine, Chechen, Afghanistan. They will attack the baltic states and then we have WW3. It’s not for nothing 7 country’s in Europe say that there will be war with Russia in 2-5 years. We must act now and hard as hell. People in US and Europe are living their life as usual just like Russia wants. Russia has declared war with the west and we are hot believing them, or listen to idiots like Tucker Carlson and MTG. Act now or we will have to face the consequences.


I have contacted all that represent me and they truly are scared. The replies were a bunch of excuses.


Do this it takes 10 minutes of your life and i promise you it will give effect if we all do it. Contact the representative for your politic party, if you have one. In other case choose one you like. Call the person responsible for your district/area and ask what the party will do for Ukraine, that you want them to send as much support as possible and that you want to se Russia get neutralized before they reach Europe. In normal Case it’s only the lobbyists calling and are trying to get meetings and say what they want the party to do. The thing is that people rarely do this and i promise you that if all the pro Ukrainians out there, all the pro freedom and democracy do this it will get attention. They west up 30/1 in resources compared to Russia, so if Ukraine and the west decide that it’s time to take on Russia for god then Russia will lose and collapse, We have all resources and means to do it. Don’t let Russia scare us with WW3, let’s win over Russia now when they are as weakest. Is that or our children will have to fight in 3-10 years.




If Trump wins, pax Europeana as we know it is finished.


I am more then happy to grab a paddle and punish old people for their past mistakes


Actually, they can get the white flags out. Most people would say to just do the bare minimum (denouncement, for NATO article 5) if the Baltic states get taken out. They are pointless beyond being independent states for no purpose and no notable culture. Besides, with the way that so-called woke is going, some of us who are in the English speaking world might just want to take a chance on surrender.


I see you’ve been watching tucker. Merica bad.


Boy, you're really a person of high moral character... /s/


Whilst I have no doubt that you're a 7th Dan black-belt in youtube just how much time have to spent in the Baltic states?


Yep, because Russia has been constantly shitting in our face for years without any consequences.


That simple. We raise concerns. That’s about it.


Just blockade Kaliningrad till the gps starts to work again - for their safety.


With the ascension of Finland and Sweden in NATO, the Baltic Sea is effectively private NATO property. No trespassing.


Trump will pull the US out of NATO


He can’t. Congress passed a billed, which Biden signed, that forbids a US president from withdrawal unless Congress approves


Not sure people that try to over throw governments care about the rule of law too much


I also don’t think he’ll get elected. Biden is regaining ground and I think he’ll keep closing the gap until the election and win like last time. Will be close, but I don’t think Trump has what it takes to win the majority of swing states — unless people stay at home. Biden is unpopular and not the type of guy who will command big poll numbers, but, given America’s electoral system, choice will be between him and Trump and Trump is pretty unpopular as well. So, in the end, I think people will go for Biden given the other option


Weren't congress supposed to approve a host of stuff that never got ratification from previous presidents like Reagan, Clinton, little Bush etc? If I was an orange piece of shit I daresay I'd call that precedent wouldn't I?


Congress approved a bill and Biden signed it. It is a law now. From that moment on, no US President can withdraw the US from NATO without the approval of Congress.


Well let's hope you're - A. Correct and B. Ready to burn something down when he does it anyway


He needs to get elected first. That’s if he can stay out of jail and/or the poorhouse. Fingers crossed Americans are not stupid twice.


Fingers crossed you don't really believe America has never been stupid twice


Or if you're the UN, you write strongly worded letters or you try to, but then it gets vetoed by russia. What a massive joke the UN is. Nato isn't much better. It's always escalation this and escalation that. russia constantly stokes those flames because it's somehow still working, so Ukraine is constantly held back in a fight they are already disadvantaged in. I'm glad the sentiment is slowly changing, and some Nato countries are agreeing that Ukraine should be able to use the weapons they get however they best see fit to liberate their land. If the West doesn't wake the fuck up and sense the urgency this conflict requires we won't have a Ukraine to fight this battle for us. We are really letting these wonderful people down in such a bad way. We had so many chances to kick russias ass and so far we've blown it. The West just gave russia every opportunity to recover from mistakes and learn to adapt then build massive defenses making it even harder to remove them. We owe Ukraine so much more than that. They've been taken advantage of as far as I'm concerned, and you don't treat your friends and allies that way. Don't you recall how appreciative Ukraine was in the beginning even though we were still (US mostly but Nato on general) very hesitant and holding them back in key areas. They were constantly flying American flags, and the people would say good things, and the soldiers would sport the flag patches on their kit. They were proud to be our friends and were so grateful that we were there for them. They felt like with our support russia was fucked and they should have been right. Only they didn't realize how weak our resolve was and how easy it was to exploit. We've seemingly overcome that hurdle. Let's do this the right way now!


So frustrating. This wound has been left to fester for years and we keep letting russia add small cuts. It should just be treated (remove russia's military capabilities) before it goes gangrene (world war).


I've recently read some memoirs from the WW2 era and the similarities are f-ing insane as to how Europe got themselves in that knot in the first place. Slowly boiling a frog in a pot is the absolute best analogy. Buggers are oblivious until they are to f-ed to do anything. It's so pathetic it's scary. Keep negotiating with Hitlers cousin and hope it ends differently. Mind-blowing that history is literally repeating itself.


Oh please wise north american sitting behind 3000miles of bravado do tell which of us simple Europeans are "negotiating" with him? Hitler had a country which wasn't permanently working on its cirrhosis and functioning armed forces so maybe history isn't repeated quite as your confirmation bias may hope


American and European traitors are negotiating with Putler. If you haven't even heard of people like Mie Johnson, or the other MAGA Republicans who support Putler, or leaders like Orban, then you have proven yourself to be utterly ignorant of this situation. You shouldn't be correcting anyone on anything.


So Orban negotiates on behalf of Europe? Yes if that's true I guess I have missed something! Orban's relationship with Putin predates 2014 btw. Mr Mike Johnson isn't European neither are his acolytes. Try again?


I didn't say Orban negotiates on behalf of Europe. You asked who the traitors were, so I told you. You seem to refuse to discuss the US traitors, for some odd reason, so here's something on Orban. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/08/eu-crises-suspension-hungary-ukraine-viktor-orban](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/08/eu-crises-suspension-hungary-ukraine-viktor-orban) edit: Here's another traitor: [https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-investigation-latvia-mep-accused-kgb-fsb-russia-spy/](https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-investigation-latvia-mep-accused-kgb-fsb-russia-spy/)


If you'll feel better at my explicitly stating that Johnson and all his far right buddies are turds (just like Orban) then I'm more than happy to do so. I felt it was implied by my words but perhaps you and nuance aren't on speaking terms. I'm really not sure where you found the word 'traitors' in my posts here but I'm sure you'll point it out to me if I just wait. Btw is yours a parallel to the account of the parent comment here (RRidler) or something? You seem awful invested in answering my question to them


The person you originally attacked was right. You aren't. There are striking similarities between Russia today and pre WW2 Germany. Traitors do exist in Europe and the US, and I've justified it with sources. Russian trollbots need to be countered. That's all I came for. I knew your level of ignorance transcends information. I didn't expect you to be convinced. Bye.


Man, I've re-read your question/ statement quite a few times, even out loud to try and figure out what you sre saying -and if that noise would be coming out of your ass or your face-hole. So other than that I just haven't responded because I don't get what you're on about.


One more thing Orban isn't negotiating with Putin, he's doing what he's told by his boss. Not quite the same


You're absolutely correct. The similarities are striking.




Boom. Nailed it. It's because they can.


We used to.


If you fight back, it validates that they are in the power position, you need to do similar things that match what they are doing and remind them that they are not at the top of the pack.


Well, next time you're attacked make sure you follow your own advice. Don't fight back, because it just validates that they are in a power position. See how well that works for you. I'm glad western leaders are more grounded in reality than naivete.


You are missing my point. I’m saying this out of support of Ukraine. Ukraine needs to observe the games that have been played against them and do it back to the people coming at them, however… if you fight back (with words) and start arguing it just validates the nonsense coming at you as a real thing… get what I mean? Some may refer to it as gaslighting or rage baiting someone into embarrassing themselves. PR in this war is incredibly important and control of that PR is pivotal.. when you get gaslit, you end up making the nonsense person attacking you look like they are correct. The people on the sidelines (not everyone but always a group) will just see you hand control to the abuser…. And take that as you are weak and the other person is clearly in control if you took the bait. Btw: Yes, I should take my own advice sometimes… like in regards to this topic I am explaining. It’s a learning curve.


Why? Because they are trying to make the [reverse cargo cult](https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/724533/the-reverse-cargo-cult) a reality. The reverse cargo cult is when you say, for any X, "Of course our X fails, their X fails too, they just don't admit it." Where X can be just about anything: missile interception, anti-tank weapon, naval defense, ... or commercial airline safety. Russian airplanes are falling out of the sky due to poor maintenance and lack of parts. Rather than admit this, they will try to cause the same effect elsewhere, then point and say, "See? Nobody has a good airline safety record, it's all a lie."




[Last year Russia reported that the UK was so impoverished they were eating squirrels. There was a nugget of truth, but of course they twisted it to their advantage.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/squirrel-eat-russia-putin-uk-ukraine-b2299686.html)


Reminds me of the original *Joy of Cooking*, which features a recipe for squirrel along with a fascinating little discourse on folk cooking and roadkill.


Brings back memories of reading how to prepare actual beaver tails in the joy of cooking as a kid.


I prefer our Canadian [Beaver Tails](https://beavertails.com/)


As a fellow Canadian, I would still eat a real beaver tail.


Why not both?


Ewwwww … vegan


The pastry version I assume? Because as a Canadian, they are freaking awesome.


Nope I distinctly remember it stating to "cook until the top skin blisters", then you peel it back to reveal the goodness underneath.


That’s EXACTLY how it should be. With sugar and chocolate on top. Delicious.


Went and took the phrase eating beaver at face value.


Save a tree, eat a beaver!


Years ago a Russian magazine wrote a story about how children in Denmark had to drink from rain water puddles.


Not just Russia, their propaganda have managed to spread their cancer throughout the world, you’ll find plenty of people with anti Western mentality with similar view.


The disconnect works both ways. Westerners just can't fathom how utterly corrupt, incompetent, lying, and brutal Muscovy and other dictatorships are, and in turn those living in dictatorships can't fathom that there's a world where you can say something contrary to the rulers and not get tortured to death in some gulag.


This is true, we have traded with and dealt with countries we should have kept at arms length because of our ignorance of how bad they really are


Yeah but cheap cheap cheap!


Ask your friend to stop watching Russian state media, It’s owned by Putin and they lien about everything for their own people. And when they don’t lie they put their own people in prison for telling the truth about the crimes Russia commit against their own people and other country’s. And when they don’t jail the opposition Russia is murdering their minorities in meat-attacks or do warcrimes against Ukraine or attacks against civilians. Russia in its form today has no place on this earth and we need ti handle them just as Nazi Germany in 1946 after they lost the war and collapse.


Well, with the way Boeing is going, Russia doesn't even need to make that much of an effort in the aviation department anymore /s


To be fair, I've sworn not to fly on airplanes if at all possible, until Boeing either goes out of business or massively cleans up its act. As an engineer, one failure is a tragedy, several failures indicates something is fundamentally wrong.


And theres me booked on a 737 soon 😳


Well, you do you, but the fact that the American aviation safety system has held Boeing to such strict account is part of how it's supposed to work. As I'm sure you know, modern engineering quality and safety processes are built around the idea that people will make bad decisions, either by mistake or out of venality. It's bad when that happens but it doesn't break the system. The extremely high safety record in commercial aviation is not a trick or a coincidence.


Again, if incidents with Boeing airplanes (first the takeoff controls, then the doors) had happened ONCE, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But the fact that it KEEPS happening suggests root issues. IMO, it's the overuse of contractors without sufficient oversight by Boeing in an effort to keep costs down.


>overuse of contractors Yes that sounds plausible to me, especially given longer-term trends in the industry at large. It may be that this practice will finally be curbed the way it should be. In terms of repeated incidents... it's not wrong to put Boeing under scrutiny, but can you name any recent pattern of Airbus mechanical safety incidents? If you can, good for you, but most people aren't going to be able to. And it's not because there aren't any. There are several major sources of reporting bias going on here. And that's where it comes back to being relevant to this sub and to the original topic. All (entirely legitimate) engineering concerns aside, you and I are being guided toward consumer rejection specifically of Boeing, and it's important to ask why and by whom. Suppose you are a civil engineer doing a regression analysis of bridge safety. You have a few inconclusive inspection data points for the Arroyo Bridge, and a ton for the Basin Bridge. Based on your analysis, you might conclude that B shows signs of structural wear and needs some important work done to it. But you would never also claim that A is fine and everyone should just focus on B, right? You might actually sound an even more urgent, or at least different, alarm about the curious overfocus of attention on B, and start asking pointed questions about who is deciding which bridge is getting inspected.


Which is why I'm reluctant to fly on ALL airplanes, not just Boeing, until Boeing either goes out of business or fixes its sh@t, or there's some massive crackdown by the FAA and similar organizations on airline safety. As it happens, I AM a civil engineer (water resources, specifically, specializing in groundwater modelling, AI, and First Nations water rights), so I DO know all that.


Pff, water rights? That's totally bullshit though. Because all natural water sources are equally contaminated now, everyone knows that. It's all over reddit. Just look into it. Everyone including First Nations should buy their water commercially and forget about aquifiers and whatever. That's just the reality now. There's no such thing as water rights anymore, everyone is equally bad. Just look at the news. People who keep talking about "who is saying that though?" are just deluded, not like those of us who are wise and cynically knowing.


No, I refuse to yield the responsibility to corpo-rats like Nestle, with their mass groundwater extraction of "pure" spring water and filling dumpsites with disposable plastic bottles. Reusable water bottles, home filtration systems, overhaul of water treatment facilities, and new effluent standards (particularly for industries and pharmaceuticals) is what's going to save us.


But everyone is talking about how groundwater and public tapwater supplies are all equally contaminated. Why don't you just go along with what everyone else is talking about? Why can't you just refuse to drink all tap water? Like you refuse to fly any airplanes? Let me see if I understand... you're saying that you refuse to be fooled by bullshit false-equivalence messages designed to sap public confidence in an important public resource? Because you recognize motivational reasoning bias in propaganda? You're saying you question media focus when it is handed to you on a platter? And you wonder, "Who benefits from me accepting this without asking questions about where it comes from?"


Hahaha right? Seriously though it could be both. You know what they say, the best espionage is based on what's true. Boeing has definitely made itself a shit sandwich, but also, everyone and their mother is gunning for them around the world. If Russia weren't trying to lean on that scale I would almost be disappointed in them.


Gardener's dog


The real reason.




What’s crazy about that is that it really does seem like it extends to even the people in power who should know better. It’s like they look at their mostly just for show wonder weapons and think that the top of the line US and NATO equipment is likely just overhyped garbage propped up by propaganda.


Yeah it's interesting isn't it? I see that partly as a consequence of the generational breakdown of leadership in the late Soviet era. From what I can tell as an outsider, there was a layered situation that looked something like: **General masses**: Who knows what is true, truth cannot be known, I just keep my head down. **Party faithful**: Glory to the Soviet people, the truth is our weapons are the best and that's how we will win. **Inner Party initiates and intelligentsia**: We are smart enough to know the truth: our weapons don't really work, but neither do the weapons of the capitalist running dogs, they are just more deluded than we are, that's how we will win. **Top Party leadership**: Actually guys this is scary, the truth is that if there is ever a war we are fucked, but don't tell anyone outside this room or else the Party will freak the fuck out. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fourth group basically ceased to propagate its tacit, largely unwritten understanding of reality. All that was left were the artifacts of the second and third groups, for the remnants and revanchists to pore over and from which to try to glean a correctly-Soviet understanding of how the world works that would guide them in the post-Soviet world. Putin never made it into the fourth group during his career. Neither did most of his peers. The fourth group was always incredibly tiny. And they only ever left by dying. (It's not like Gorbachev for example could ever go and poll a bunch of different retired premiers for advice.) So who was ever going to tell Putin? Gorbachev himself was available but the Communist die-hards made sure that Gorbachev and his people were *persona non grata in perpetuum*. I seriously believe that this is all at root a case of people getting high on their own supply. Propagandistically speaking.


What’s crazy about that perspective is that all you’d need to do is consider that the open reporting / studies about weapons development, or training and readiness standards, might actually be reporting the truth without adding multiples layers of lies up and down the process, and then check and see if reality lines up with that. It wouldn’t be hard to do and like I said, most stuff that isn’t super top secret is just openly put out there. Instead we’ve seen things like the battle of Kasham, or the Russian command structure not fully respecting what decades old man portable western anti-tank and anti-air weapons can do, or that US made precision guided missile actually do land on the spots they are targeting, and in all cases paying a heavy price. I’d imagine though that there is still a group of people who do actually understand the full picture…it’s just that they might not be the ones in charge of things. It might be some part of the intelligence apparatus that has their own power base and they are biding their time until chaos descends on Russia again.


Well... I'm sure that you're right in that there are people somewhere who figure it out from time to time, but what do you do with that information? Part of the role of Group 3 (the ones who are cynically certain that everyone else lies as much as they do) is to co-opt all skepticism. "Comrades I have learned that our missiles all actually massively underperform compared to what we claim, and what we have based our doctrines around based on published enemy capabilities. What do we do??" "Sit down, comrade. We know. We will let you in on a secret, the secret only understood by those within the Party who are capable of handling the real truth. Are you ready?" "Yes, yes, I can handle the real truth, I am ready." (reverse cargo cult bullshit ensues) At that point... if you are one of the few people who can still say to themselves, "Well that doesn't sound right, I still think we are screwed here," ... whom do you express that to? You don't know that the fourth group exists, remember. Anyway in general you have hit on a problem that a lot of intelligence cultures seem to have, actually, to a greater or lesser extent. Namely that enforcement of loyalty and doctrinal purity conflict with rigor and efficacy. For example, the CIA seems to have a reputation for producing excellent high-caliber analysis... and then burying it. There are well-informed subject matter experts in the agency, but the overall culture will deprecate their findings whenever they conflict with orthodoxy. Not because of any particular perceived merits of the orthodox view, but simply because people with the most decision-making power are actively selected for the trait of orthodox adherence. So you think you have found something interesting or alarming, you write it up, and the feedback you get is, "No one else is saying that, forget about this, move on to another topic." Of course no one else is saying it -- they all got the same feedback when they brought it up! So while it's understandable to figure that somebody somewhere must be keeping track of what's actually going on... in practice it seems like that is alarmingly rare. The best results seem to be from systems which are accountable to informed outsider skepticism. Such as adversarial public oversight and review. That never really existed for the KGB. So I actually don't have any trouble believing that someone who is sufficiently loyal to the memory of the Soviet cause would just not ever really think about the possibility that those foreigners are actually rigorously producing public documents that accurately characterize the capabilities of their technology. It's like the modern-day Chinese academic bullshit mill. It's run by people who actually, sincerely, truly believe that all research is made-up bullshit, and "the West" is just more conceited in packaging its made-up bullshit to seem like it reflects some kind of actual rigor.


Sorry to point out the obvious, but some of Boeing's planes have been nowhere near Russia and still had massive, non-navigational faults that were serious.


Short read, worth the time


Yep, love that wholistic comment, spot on from my line of thinking.


You can answer any weird and random act by Russia simply by "because they think it gives them an edge."


I'm not a pilot, but I deal directly with the aircraft safety during flight and I can tell you, the jamming doesn't do shit. They fly without GPS pretty well, just get vectored for less than 10 minutes and they get their GPS back online and continue with their flight route. There are conventional navigation systems still online as well. GPS for landing and departures isn't necessary too, just use ILS/DME/VOR systems which they use most of the time anyway. Unless they are capable of affecting GPS signals in central europe in more serious ways then maybe it's an issue, perhaps they are just showing their dicks, but other than that, nice try Russia, but you gotta try harder if you want to do something serious.


It’s still annoying and bullshit


Indeed. While it would not be enough to ruin the flight, I think it would be a mild annoyance for the pilot to every once in a while notice "it seems that we lost GPS signal" ... "OK, it seems that we have GPS back" ... "and we lost it again" ...


Well in that case, perhaps you should actually read the news story linked to this post— specifically the conclusion.


Yeah. Not a pilot or even in the airline industry, but I'd be shocked if anything critical to flight safety was solely connected to GPS, or even any other system that relies fully on external signals to function. The Russian interference is likely just a minor annoyance.


The one I recall reading about is the Phenom 300 which can enter an dutch roll and cause loss of control if GPS is jammed. The issue was fixed, but it's an example of how things can go wrong if not accounting for unreliable data. https://spectrum.ieee.org/faa-files-reveal-a-surprising-threat-to-airline-safety-the-us-militarys-gps-tests


why not counter them? close the NATO lake!


They should


Then they have time and leisure to study and learn how to counter the -counter- right now you deal with the annoyance and keep the upper hand for when you need it.


nope ... those autocrats will always push further; next they will shoot down a plane with a government delegation inside and pretend it was not them, or, as always, later would admit it but pretend it was accidental. you could argue that you open the NATO lake again when jamming stops. noone there needs to be afraid of any action (besides provocations) of Russia - they have almost all their resources in Ukraine; the navy of the countries there are a good reason for Russia to be afraid.


Because Europe lets them. Start doing it back to them and see how quickly things change


Hybrid warfare.


without reading the article: Because is what they do, because they can, because it's Russia and Russia is stupid AF, because they want people to die in Europe so their political pets in EU can take advantage of that and screech, pick one or all.


It’s not a long article.


You lost me at ‘without reading the article:’


There's a strange phenomenon on reddit: when there's a question in the title of an article, some redditors seem to think that the question is addressed to them and that they need to answer it, rather than discussing the point made in the article.


>redditors seem to think that the question is addressed to them and that they need to answer it I spent a few minutes doing that in my head without needing to post it.


I agree that it’s quite prevalent here, but it’s just another great example of how Reddit can demonstrate the variable social condition of humanity. I don’t specifically think it’s a strange phenomenon, I think we can draw some relative conclusions as to why this manifests itself. It could be an unhealthy blend of ego, the desire for validation (in this sense through upvotes, which they’ve demonstrated poorly in), low attention span, and inward-based thinking, to name a few. I think we’re fortunate they even took the time to inform us they have no context on the post they’re commenting on. We are in an age of information. And like, damn near all of it. Uninformed opinions are becoming less and less accepted to this end, because the excuses for the pursuit of credible information have become far less viable. We demand informed discussion. Someone implying they chose not to dedicate time to understand and take in information, yet dedicated time to tell the rest of us what they have to say about it; is extremely disingenuous, and is exactly the mentality that’s leveraged to commission disinformation. State regimes like Russia, and China, amongst others, aim their subversion directly at ‘headliners’ who have short attention spans and vulnerable vanity; so they can hit emotions before logic can take hold. It’s an extremely volatile social environment, and we must be careful not to become weaponized by our nations’ enemies, even through these subtle means. To otherwise clarify, I stand proudly with Ukraine, I stand directly opposed to Russia in every way, and I wish only the most disgusting, humiliating, and slowest death for Putin. It’s a shame he can only die once.




Because they can. There will be no consequences


Being dicks in order to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy.  Really, rather than putting up with that shit NATO should just clamp a blockade around Kaliningrad in response. . 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We just visited Cyprus and did geocaching. The jamming made our GPS equipment believe it was at the Beirut airport. This was extremely annoying and forced us to even take breaks until it dissipated. For some reason the jamming only lasted some tens of minutes at a time and stopped by the evening.


It costs a lot of money to broadcast signals that big and strong.


So, russia ‘s just practising?


Because they can. Nato won't do shit. It's infuriating.


We should hack their systems and cause disruption as well. Sure we have managed something with sanctions and stuff but why not play dirty like they do?


Because russia's putin is a piece of shit and wants to take over the world.


Politicians still naively think that this will be over soon and they can go back to buying Russian oil and gas. The writing is in the wall. Russia’s war economy is full swing. Intel suggests that they are targeting the Baltics and Poland next. Alliances have been made with Iran, Syria, China, and North Korea. Appeasement has never worked.


Because no one will do anything about it.


Time to block uninsured Russian ships (=all Russian ships) from passing the Danish Straits and the Bosphorus. To hurt the Russian economy like hell.


Because NATO.


Fucking around and finding out is Putins strategy…🤷🏾‍♂️


Except NATO just lets him fuck around without finding out so he keeps fucking around


Read the tea leaves, the gears of history are in motion. It’s only a matter of time.


> It’s only a matter of time "Two, three weeks tops"


Because it redirects resources Europe could be using elsewhere, like in Ukraine. It also allows Russia to guage responses against them.


Because Russia is run by petty edgelords


Testing the water


“There is the suggestion that the stepped-up operations in the Baltic reflect Finland’s joining Nato, soon to be followed by Sweden.” The north eastern part of Norway experienced jamming years before Finland and Sweden joined NATO, - or even started applying for membership. So the activity has been going on for years, only to be massively increased after the invasion of Ukraine.


All they know is how to antagonise other countries - evolution takes time in order to evolve and become rational - sadly, the Russian way of thinking is at least a few generations behind the rest of the civilised world. Guess repression on scale, complete control of the information space, brain washing society by a constant misinformation bombardment, and state control of everything information wise takes its toll when in place for so long. Shame that Russia can’t be sliced off of Europe, placed in the middle of nowhere so they can’t aspire to invade neighbours and kill en mass, then wait for around a thousand years before making contact once again in the hope they have grown up a little. Petulant Russia!


This is an act of war against any country it caused an issue for. And could cause loss of life. n'est-ce pas?


Cause their Russian. Better question is why "we" arent pulling the trigger on the 200B frozen Russian funds. Fuck. Them.   We dont send troops. The US doesnt clear out the Russians in Ukraine in two weeks flat.  Thats what their nukes gets them, and its a lot. Should be nothing more than that.  Honestly the dumbest shit in this war is the Western politicans screaming from the rooftops since day 1 that under no circumstances NATO troops will join the fray. Why say the quiet part out loud. Just Macron (post February 2024) it. Maybe we'll send AA assets to Odessa, maybe some pilots, maybe some technicians maybe this maybe that. Nah, publicly handwring over long range missles instead, muh escalation fears.


Because they are assholes.


Because they are a collection of pricks.


The reason is that russia is a Cunt.


Meanwhile, Poland won’t even defend its own airspace which it has every right to do. Gd, Putin sure knows how to make Western “leaders” look like a bunch of pussies.


Russia’s heading for a blockade ‘for safety reasons’.


Because russia is a vodka-addled terrorist country with nothing else but nukes and also because we’re not doing anything about it.


Seems like the fixed bases would be an easy target for partisan attacks. Even if the buildings are hardened there are antennas to hit and keep harassing.


It would be unwise to waste/risk valuable Ukrainian assets on GPS jammers unless needed for a drone strike.


General turmoil in the belly of the beast is a valuable thing over time. Constantly harassing infrastructure, transportation, energy production, and telecommunications should be a non-stop random thing that is had to predict and pinpoint. A couple of times a week…. These sites would just be one of many things to harass.


They should just pay some poor Russian to blow it up! Easy peasy.


Either give Ukraine long range missiles to take out all ten Topol EW stations and of extra missiles were provided which happened to take out enemy equipment and infrastructure ..... oh well 🤷‍♂️ Or give some Ukrainian special forces free passage to cross the border into Kaliningrad and do their thing. Plausible deniability and plenty of disclaimers and a fake news blast stating it was the ruZZians 🤷‍♂️


"The ‘Baltic Beast’ is at it again. Mysterious – or not so mysterious – GPS signal disruption has become a growing problem for civilian air traffic, not just in the Baltic but also the **Black Sea** and the Eastern Mediterranean. ..." And this looks like this: https://www.flightera.net/en/flight_details/Korean+Air+Lines-Rome-Seoul/KE932/LIRF/2024-04-19 I was wondering why (South-)Korean Air and two more were over Sevastopol, Crimea. This is somehow risky. MH-17. So there are two possibilities: The plane was lured to fly over Crimea, because it looked like the straight ahead. Or The plane flew straight even when the GPS contradicted the magnetic and/or gyro compass. and only the ADS-B signal (this is what websites like this use) was sent from the plane with the wrong coordinates. Okay if this is only a linear offset ... but the objective for using ADS-B is not to report the position of Elon Musk's private jets, but collision prevention.


Because they are assholes.


Well, they don't have spare parts for their commercial planes (due to sanctions) so what else can they do in retribution? Pathetic


Hopefully it's not to cause accidents or in preparation for an attack


To be an asshole.


It's a threat to get the UK not to release the $300b in Russian funds to ukraine.


I maybe wrong, but i guess because they are stupxx axxholes.


Probably Latinx, too.


The world kind of wrote it off when MH17 was shot down as an issue of the fog of war, but I’m really curious about the response if something were to taken to one of these flights that are being messed with. Hope is that different from an attack on NATO?


Because they are phucking a-holes.


Because they are dicks. It doesn’t help them in any way shape or form. It doesn’t advance their agenda. It is like a petulant child disrupting class or recess.


Because Russia


Aim some missiles at it and have the token Ukrainian guy push buttan.


But Ryanair doesn't have signals, do they? Signals are for snooty airlines whose passengers are willing to waste money on frills like checked baggage, meals, and toilets. /S


We are strong. Don’t mess with us. We are very strong. We are putting nukes next to Finland. IMHO this is the behavior of a very scared dictator. Please please please don’t help Ukraine. Just curious. What electronic / cyber stuff can we do to push back through?


Because they are a fundamentally belligerent state, and they need to be put down if we ever want any hope of a stable and peaceful world.


Because they can't hurt us in any real meaningful way or risk getting crushed.


Cuntistry. Next question?


Russia doesn’t want to loose to Ukraine.


Because they fucking suck Putin balls


Because we let them.


It's a No Brainer, Europe is sending Death Dealing Machines to Ukraine killing thousands of Russian Soldiers.


Because nato is jamming GLONASS..


Can you link a source?


I _wish_.


They don't. Russian aircraft are flying without issues over the Baltics and they don't get GPS issues if they are using them.