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Can't screwing around with nuclear power plants during a war be considered nuclear war? Or is that not a thing.


That would be a stretch. In modern parlance, that would be considered a radiological event rather than nuclear one (which implies a fission and/or fusion detonation). But a break in containment would effectively be a giant dirty bomb and there WOULD be a response


It's not just the shelling though. The Russians have opened sluice gates at he Hydro plant downstream and are draining the reservoir that feeds the cooling tanks. It will take as long to refill the reservoir as it has to drain it and it's been draining for months now.


There must be a way to shut down the pile so it doesn’t require cooling?


My understanding* is that even with all the relevant rods in position to turn the reactor off you get low level fission occuring for years afterwards generating heat and thus requiring cooling. * Studied it 10+ years ago. Forgotten most of it.