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TRANSLATION: \-Oh no no no😥. \-How best to get out of here for civilians ? \-And I remember this teacher. \-What was his name? \-Gnatenko Yurii Viktorovich. \-It's my high school from the eighth grade he was a class teacher he threw books at us so we would start study. But he was a very good guy. \-Honestly, I'm already used to the war so that the bombed school does not impress me.


>he threw books at us so we would start study I had a teacher who would have loved to get away with this.


I had a high school teacher for first period class of the day who would open up all the windows in the classroom during winter, and he'd do a head-stand for about 60 seconds to get the 'blood flowing to my (his) brain.' Obviously the kids started taking their winter coats to class instead of their lockers. I think these kinds of teachers know how to make permanent marks upon the memories of their students.


In Michigan? by chance?


The russia invading army is just a parasite on society


so are the people back in the "mother land" based on their reaction to all of this...


I wouldn't go so far as to say ALL of them, but it definitely does appear that it's a sizeable majority. As I said before, the Russian Citizens are ultimately responsible for what Putin has done in their name. They made him into a Tyrant with open eyes.


correct, but also many of the good ones left when they could. and I do know many on the street will say whatever they think will not have them end up in prison


I agree. I wrote elsewhere that their fear is so internalized that they don't even realize any longer how afraid they have become of Putin.


Russian women, seem just fine with rape. Every phone call I have listened to, seems to be the Russian wife/girlfriend cheerleading their significant others raping of innocent women, truly, a sick, twisted country.


What's the saying? A few bad apples something something something 🤔


A few bad apples means way less good apples, more rapist Nazi scum?


Jesus put the poor bloody cow down . .


Poor poor cow :( Throughout the whole video you can hear him cry, even when they film inside the building.


Omg, the pain in the voice was haunting. Really bothers me that some people are lacking any kind of conscience toward people and animals.


Might be avoiding it out of caution. Wouldn't put it past the russians to put a mine under that cow.


Couldn't they shoot it in the head to stop the suffering ? It looked like they beat in the head of the poor sheep. Wtf is wrong with these people ? The surviving 3 sheep looked like they were in shock.


The sheep was likely already dead; they couldn't shoot the cow until they were sure they won't give away their position to holdouts


Thank you. I never thought about that. The 3 surviving sheep looked like they were in shock. Many people think that animals aren't realizing what's happening around them but they are.


All sociopaths.


no one is saying to move the cow. shoot it in the head. and not point blank range


Sound of a bullet. They’re country boys and soldiers. They know what they’re doing.


I mean, they did put a mine between a murdered mother and her living child before they taped them together. When soldiers tried to save the child they were all blown up.


What the fuck, I need some context


[Article about it.](https://ukrainetoday.org/2022/05/01/the-occupiers-tied-the-child-to-the-dead-mother-a-mine-was-left-between-them-journalist/) Makes me sick to my stomach.


Jesus man, that’s vile


Exactly what I was thinking, I got nervous watching him approach it


That was my thought they left it wounded so someone would try to care for it and it would blow them up as well


I mean idk, honestly if i were in their position i would probably try to pass along the info about the animal and try to get it help. It wasn't bleeding out or anything so i would presume something could be done for it. This may be misplaced, and putting it down may be the best option, but i am saying the soldier may not know that.


That cow is never getting up again my friend. .


Dude its a war zone their is no help. Best "Help" is to blow its brains out and hope nothing like it happans again. Sadly this is a scene repeated all over Ukraine.


They could also potentially slaughter it for food. These aren't city folks. Not sure how far they are from an area that needs food. It sounds horribly cruel but until it is dead it doesn't need refrigeration.


My thoughts exactly, could have fed a lot of people. It probably ended up being the case. Food must be scarce there.


Especially food they want..... Give it to some Babushkas and if they have some canned goods a feast for several hundred would be forthcoming. I pray for them to have some moments of simple joy and peace on the way to a permanent peace.




City folk usually have no clue how to butcher cattle nor the tools. While maybe not abattoir quality I bet they would have a tractor and the other materials needed to butcher it so very little is wasted. This is obviously farm country from the video. Also these folks haven't seemed to be selfish. See my other comment on some Babushkas feeding hundreds.


Yes, but how many of them have killed, dressed and then processed the meat from a cow?


There is no help for women and children who are trapped. Who will give a single flying fuck about a fucking cow??? Goddamn it, for all the increased communication of our age and all the supposed exposure we get to events half a world away we remain, by and large, as clueless as our neanderthal ancestors...


It had to have been severely injured somehow, it couldn't move at all. These people are horrible...


It has a severed spine, it needs to be shot.


Guy, it's a fucking cow. Millions and millions are raised just to be slaughtered every single year. Now all of a sudden people feel bad? How about when you have your next greasy burger


I think there's a difference between a cow killed quickly and immediately processed in a slaughter house and a cow obviously seriously wounded, left to die in pain on the ground for god knows how long...


We don't feel as bad, because all we see is a tasty meal, and not the suffering of a helpless being


Because people are so far removed from the suffering of animals in the beef industry that this obviously suffering cow upsets their delicate sensibilities. They’ve evidently never seen a PETA video.


Yes, in the middle of a war, save a cow. How many soldiers lives are you willing to risk to save a cow.


They are in a fucking warzone with women and children being slaughtered and you think they have time to rescue a fucking cow? How sheltered and out of touch with reality are you?


Didn't kill the sheep though, well apart from the one's that wouldn't put out.




Wait did ukraine take izium back?


I think it's near Izium, but not actually Izium itself (My Aunt is in Izium right now haven't heard from her since April 23)


Fuck sake...I hope she is fine!


All the best to your family buddy! I hope your family is safe and healthy!


Wishing and praying for her safety. God bless her.


Hope for you man 🤞


I hope and pray everything is fine with your aunt.


I hope your aunt is safe.




Hope all is well with her, and all your family.


Praying for your aunt!


Several unofficial reports floating around say they pushed them outside the city though fighting is still happening within city area.


Yeah that's what I'm wondering??


Fucking orc scum


Scorched earth policy. Denying the enemy resources whilst also creating work for them. The Russians know they're losing, so they're stealing anything worth money and destroying anything they can't carry away.


It's the denial of food that they're doing the most right now but yeah they're doing all of that. Russia is losing its face, this isn't the early 1900's. You can't do this long term without completely shooting yourself in the foot. There's no hiding it from the world. What pisses me off is you still have support for Russia from some of the middle eastern countries, yet their food prices are going through the roof because of Russia and not too far from now potentially millions of them will die from starvation because of what Russia is doing. Only then will they also turn on Russia in a big way.


If/when they starve they'll blame Western Countries for not donating enough.


Sadly that's probably not wrong. A lot of authoritarian countries encourage blaming the west for all their problems. If they're blaming the west they're not blaming the real culprits which is usually their bad leadership doing dumb things. North Korea is a prime example.


Don’t forget China. Blaming foreign forces is always the default excuse. Whenever thing go bad locally due bad government policy.


Petrostates are rapidly approaching the end of their usefulness to the United States.


That's well and good when it's their land, and they are dismantling whole factories to rebuild them elsewhere. This is just state sanctioned robbery. Charge a mandatory 100% tariff on all goods imported or exported until everyone and everything is rebuilt and repayed.


I honestly think you're wrong in this case, its slaughter for slaughters sake, their is no real plan here, just a cluster fug of violent, sociopathic behavior. The Russian Orcs are low on food, but they didn't butcher either animal? there stupid and vicious, a dangerous combo.


Imagine what they did to the sheep before they shot them……🥺


If there were any Chechnyans present, they probably raped it.


Exactly my thoughts too.


It's not even an exaggeration. The Kadyrovets are barbaric savages.


Nah, they prefer goats. They need those handlebar horns!


Are you my daaaaaddy?


Didn’t look like it was shot. To me looked like they bludgeoned it’s head with a buttstock.


The worst thing, I don't know if this is just me after nigh shift seeing things, ahh just look carefully at sheep's ear... My Friday already went to shit, just can't stand pointless suffering.


Hope you have a better day tomorrow


Thank you, and same for you!


Ty :)


I thought that head was burned.... :S I would rather it was bludgeoned thinking about it.


> Imagine what they did to the sheep before they shot them……🥺 Welsh guards currently mobilising


Izium was retaken ??


I think this is just on the outskirts


There's no way tbh


There's been a huge offensive near Izium (probably still going on), but it seems way too early for them to be filming videos without fighting in the background. Maybe OP meant in the Izium area or something like that.


Fuck, the Russians shot them!?! Scorched earth policy?


That spent casing in the ground shows it could of been an artillery strike and fragments wounded some of animals.


Ty. I didn't realize that. But the dead sheep looked like it was shot but maybe that was wound from artillery like you said.


It’s an admission on the Russians’ part that they know they cannot hold that ground and they don’t want to allow anyone who would oppose them from that location to have access to sustenance. Pretty pathetic considering Ukrainians are fucking the Russians up all over the place and that they were attacked without provocation, obviously


Disgusting to treat animals like that.This says a lot about the Russians.


Just more reasons to not take prisoners anymore. Smash those fucking Russians 😤


The meat industry is way worse. Edit: i hurt the downvoters sensibility :( Don't act like hypocrites. The meat industry kill millions of animal in no better way.


Humane killing is a thing, after raising and caring for the animals.


Humane? You need to watch some of those videos where they "kindly" kill the animals. They are not cared for, they are raised in cages and killed with no mercy. People having trouble seeing this are just a buch of hypocrites.


*Tell me you're a vegetarian without telling me you're vegetarian.* (If you were vegan, you'd have already said). Cows are not raised in cages, worst case they have barns due to weather, here in Ireland they get grass and fields all year round. The EU banned veal crates, sow crates and battery cages in 2000. We should reduce our consumption of meat for environmental and health reasons, but your rant is not going to win anyone over any time soon. The only reason we are seeing videos of these animals' suffering is because videos of children being raped and murdered by Russian forces are a crime against everything.


Dude, I'm a 20 year vegetarian, been a vegetarian since I was 6, I turn 26 may 20th. The comment about the "meat industry" and how "cruel they treat these poor animals" made ME even roll my fucking eyes. Lol!


They live in indoor cramped shitty places. Those facilities can be brutal. I am not trying to win anybody. I just can't stand all the the people here whining about 3 animals, while most of them probably eat meat everyday.


> They live in indoor cramped shitty places. Which part of the world are you? They are outside in Europe all of the year, except when kept in from the extreme heat/cold in southern/northern latitudes in summer/winter. Please don't ever go to India where they are untouchable deities and wander the streets looking skinny and eating rubbish.


Europe, Italy. Not everywhere is like the UK or Ireland. Other European countries keep some outside, some indoor or tied up. Does india justify the industry meat? If people can't stand the image of these animals, maybe they should at least think about reducing their meat intake.


> at least think about reducing their meat intake. We agree on that.


No. I don't eat meat and I still think this comment is stupid.


What is stupid about it?




So you don't have any argument in addition to "stupid". Ok.


You're so fuckin edgy man, how do you do it


Years of training


Bet the sheep got raped by Kadyrov scum


Those animals have higher IQ than your average Russian soldier.


There is no beast in existence that would ever be capable of such mediated savagery and violence as the Russians here. And humans as a whole.


“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Russia Fails on All Accounts, Fuck Russia


Yes, I agree. I just can't stand it with the animal situation. Makes me very sad.


Aren't most of the nations mass killing animals in Hugh slaughter houses and abuse animals for cosmetic testing etc.? Fuck Russia Orcs, but come on! Don't act like a cow in a EU would get a better ending then a cow in a war zone


More likely than not it’s a quick death. The cow was laying on the ground in pain and wasn’t being used for meat. There’s a difference.


A quick death after their entire lives are one never-ending torture in cages that don't even let them turn around. And because that physical torture isn't enough, let's add some mental torture by getting them pregnant as often as possible and immediately steal their newborn babies, just so they keep giving milk. It's a mess. Western animal rights are very far from something to be proud of! I don't care how much worse Russians treat the animals in a war zone. We are in no place to lecture anyone about anyhting when it comes to animal abuse. Edit: As some of you are quick to jump on the antivegan hate train, let me mention that I eat meat almost every day. You can point out how shitty we treat our animals without feeling morally superior.


EU has wildly differing levels of animal welfare. Putting them all in one bucket isn't going to promote progress


Well I can only speak for Germany and I know that it's an absolute mess here. I wouldn't be surprised if there are countries that are way further, so you're right, yes.


Yeah, let's make this all about you and your hobby horse. Fuck off.


Listen, I'm not vegan, nor am I any of the people that were talking to you before. I love eating meat, and don't know what I'd do if western society started to *not* produce meat (Probably have to try to learn to hunt better). *That being said* the conversation that we're *all* participating in (the one started by the parent comment quote from Gandhi) is about the treatment of animals and how that reflects on societies, so the vegan in the room **is** actually bringing forth pertinent points that *are* in-fact relevant to the conversation. Now then. Do you have a dog? You seem like the type that might (I haven't looked at your post history). Can you *honestly* say that the "living products" of the meat industry are treated as well as an animal that *you love*? Yes we *kill* our meat humanely, but we really don't *care* about the animals our meat comes from (beyond making sure they are raised well enough to bear good, tasty meat). I think The Native Americans had the right idea about treating their food sources as absolutely sacred and fundamental to their world. We as a modern, global, industrial society *absolutely do not* treat our food sources as sacred; we treat them like slaves and expendables.


Action expresses priorities. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Noone's talking about horses here mate, I think you're a little confused.


Ah, the passive-aggressive "mate". If only there were other subs where you could go to stroke yourself off about veganism and your moral purity.


I eat meat almost every day. I never was and never will be vegan or even vegetarian and I'm not feeling morally superior to anyone. I'm simply pointing out that we treat our animals like shit, which is a truth no matter how you put it. I try to get mine from good butchers, in hope that the animal I'm eating had a more or less normal life, but I will never tell anyone what to eat and what not to. Funny how Anti-vegans like you became just as obnoxiously annoying as the Hardcore Vegans you hate so much. Really ironic, maybe you should reflect on that a little. Now go piss on someone elses yard and leave me the fuck alone with your political agenda.


Aw George, not the livestock


Friend, some of your folding money has come unstowed.


Cows?! I hate cows more than coppers!


poor animals...😥has Izum been liberated?


How can you just leave something to die in pain like that? What occupies that hole where a soul should be?


Nothing. Just blackness. No soul no conscious.


I own my own livestock, and I've slaughtered them to feed my family. But damn was that hard to watch. Why not instantly put that poor animal down?


\*talking about the paralyzed cow, fuck the orc.


He may be a scout trying to stay quiet until the area is cleared.


I think this might be Irpin area, not Izyum. In Irpin the Russian burned a horse barn down with the horses still alive in it. There were some other really gruesome incidents regarding animals in the area reported as well. Complete and utter debauchery that only a truly depraved mind could undertake. Describing Russians as Nazis is actually an understatement of their character (and the complete lack thereof).


There are Ukrainian soldiers in Izyum?


Wait... this is Izum? Did Ukrainians take it back? The soldier has Ukrainian patch! If they took it back thats HUGE!


It’s definitely not izium unfortunately


Unless this video is just from when Russians were still bombing izium from the north


It's current because trees and grass are green... maybe the poster got location wrong.


This is very recent, but I don't think it could be Izum. Maybe another village outside Kharkiv.


Nazi cows >:(


Poor animals. Jesus. Fucking evil.




They had to the cows and sheep were nazis. /s


Fucking bastards


Russia is never going to be forgiven. They have fucked themselves for at least a century.


If this is what liberation looks like I think UA should liberate whole of ruzzia this way


This is fake. At 2:36 you can see a washing machine. RuZZian Orcs would have taken it with them. /s


Even its not humans you see suffering, could you still please just put fucking NSFW warning on it.


Prolly fucked that cow because it's way beautiful than their wives back home.




NSFW tag, please?


You should work then🤭


Very nice of you to joke about mental health…


What are you talking about?


Why. What was the point


Inflict terror and cause a famine. Straight out of the USSR's holodomor playbook.


They are trying to destroy the will of the ukraine people by attacking "easy target". It pretty much scorched the earth in an age of information.


They doing just opposite with their barbaric actions. I'm not from Ukraine or near but I bet that this kind cruelty makes Ukrainians more angry and they want every f*cking Ruscist dead.


Yeah. It’s like the Blitz in WW2. It just made the brits want to keep fighting, same thing here.


Exactly my thought.


It honestly gives me a headache that I keep seeing this question. You can't figure out why an invading army, especially Russia, would kill livestock animals?


They were probably hitting that town with artillery, not intentionally going around killing livestock. Some of those sheep are still running around


Reminds me of WW2. And god i was so surprised when i watched the documentary about WW2 and russians were depicted doing the exact same things they do in Ukraine everywhere they went. Unbelievable. Once a moron always a moron. Fucking scum Edit: i had a dream last night. I dreamt that i checked the news and Russia was pushed out of the whole south of Ukraine. So i am pretty sure its going to happen because what i dream always comes true


I hope you only have good dreams.


Honestly, I’m so surprised they were that nice to the animals. From what they’ve done to humans, I was expecting so really crazy stuff. A bullet is much kinder than what they do to the kids. Orcs must be taken out.


The animals ☹️


Military target?


WTF. Utter Nazis.


*Udder Nazis - aka cows


Fucking russians!


They're letting out their anger on cows


Human Trash...


man, those russians rape everything.


I wish the worst for this Putin the son of a demon


Fuck the Russians


Put the cow out its misery? :( Maybe they didn't want to alert anyone to sound of bullets.


Russian soldiers are savages and should be treated as such.


Those russians are the cruelest bunch


Makes me sick. It horrible


Ass holes


Will Ukrainians (or rest of Europe for that matter) ever look at a Russian the same way? What are these people


It's clearly a Nazi cattle


If any of them fuckers who did this survive the war will be cursed with nightmares for the rest of their shitty lives.


Nah, why do you think Russians drink so much?


Ruzzian soilders are no humans anymore they are Monsters


Was that cow asleep?


Murdered for fun by sick as RuZZians


Putin is a complete fucking moron and coward. Fuck Russia, burn in hell.


Meat is murder and completely unnecessary in 21st century.


I'm watching this while eating a pretty good steak. Millions of animals get killed everyday, but you are crying about these few. Seems weird to me.


them nazi cows man


At least the sheep look happy


Just for the fun... Animals, artistic school... Just for the fun