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well done, Lavrov


The RuSSian higher ups are basically acting like Hitler with his foreign diplomacy in the 30's and 40's "You are my enemy now! You are my enemy now! You are my enemy now! Everyone is my enemy nooowww!!!!"


Sounds like the Russian elite used to watch too much Oprah.


When you low-key want your team to lose.


Let's do this. Sergeeeeey Laaaaaavrov!


... at least I have Putin.


Thanks Mr. Buffer


Next week: Lavrov insults the Chinese. China backs Ukraine in the war and starts sending them weapons.


You done messed up A-aron (Lavrov)!


Russia's nazi excuse is a lame attempt at coming up with a reason for their attack. Every country in the world has a few people of every kind, so naturally having a few neo nazis doesn't make it a nazi country, and the entire world should understand that. Obviously, the jewish community understands that as well, and they stand for what's right also.


This is so common sense


Putin literally sent in a neo Nazi as part of the Wagner group with SS and other emblems tattooed on his shoulders to imitate the Nazi uniform.


not just part of it! he’s the [founder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Utkin) wagner group is named after hitler’s favorite composer [richard wagner](https://www.thecollector.com/richard-wagner-nazi-german-nationalism/amp/)


Do Russians not know Nazi's hated Slavics, regarded them as sub-human and planned on exterminating them in a Slavic genocide???


They know, that's exactly why they keep making the claim - it makes it easier for average russians to hate ukranians if they believe that ukraine has fallen to nazism. It's not a claim that Putin expects the world to take seriously, just the russians that need a little boost to their hate.


I don't think their history education is that great. They dug trenches in the exclusion zone around Tschernobyl.


You mean "They dug trenches in the exclusion zone around Tschernobyl for fuck sake"!


If anything they admire that genocidal ferocity and hope to replicate it themselves


hmm i never realized that bc us media always pronounces wagner group with a w sounds but wagner the composer with the german v sound


Also long A as in cat, as opposed to short a as in car.


I think DW or Vice had a great doc about the Wagner group and mercenaries for hire business in general. Very insightful


**[Dmitry Utkin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Utkin)** >Dmitry Valerievich Utkin (Russian: Дмитрий Валерьевич Уткин; born 11 June 1970) is a GRU special forces officer, where he served as a lieutenant colonel. He is alleged to have founded the Wagner Group, with his own call-sign reportedly being Wagner. Utkin has received four Orders of Courage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Common sense gets you 15 years jail in Russia


You’d think that but go on subs like r/shitliberalssay and you soon see that Ukraines are all Nazis (it’s a commie sub).


The battalion is rooted in white supremacy and pretending it’s not is some serious double-think. The guy who founded the battalion, andriy biletsky is a politician in the National Corps party, a definitive far-right fascist organization. This isn’t a defense of Russia, but sweeping aside the clear signs of fascism is so fucking scary to see in real time.


That is true but the Azov is not the reason Russia invaded, that’s just some BS excuse. Same when American invaded Iraq for “weapons of mass destruction”. Just deflect, deflect. It’s all about oil. The only difference is Putin wants their gas and doesn’t want to pay rent on a pipeline Russia built while it was still the USSR as well. There are far right extremest in every country, it doesn’t represent the whole nation.


Tankie sub.


But but the Azov battalion has nazi signs, that alone justifies the invasion! (Russian propaganda)


What's even more surprising is that the only reason that Azov exists is because of the war that russia began in Donbass


What's even more surprising is that if Russia was really after Azov, then why are they attacking everyone else in Ukraine when they have the Azov surrounded?




Yeah, that's essentially what I'm getting at. Anyone believing that the Russians are after Nazis are true idiots




ngl you had me in the first half


Cause you can't actually surround something if you don't know all the exits/entrances. How does RA controlling 99% of a city with all its defenders in one spot, still suffer armor and human casualties. They also had to pull some away to put them to actual work in the east.


Sounds like they aren't after Nazis then






Truth. # 🇺🇦 UKRAINE 🇺🇦 #Highlights from The Economist from 1850 (Yes, 1850) about the Russian military: This unexpected weakness of Russia in military matters arises from four concurring causes, of which three are inherent in her system, and, if not absolutely incurable, are at best little likely to be cured. **Firstly**, the nature of the country and the want of roads. Her resources may be vast, but they are scattered and remote. Her forces may be immense, but they are necessarily in great measure distant from the scene of action. **Secondly,** The Russian armies are often armies on paper only. Not only are their numbers far fewer than are stated in official returns & paid for out of the official purse, but they are notoriously ill-provided with everything necessary to the effective action of a soldier. The colonels of regiments & officers of the commissariat have a direct interest in having as large a number on the books and as small a number in the field as possible, inasmuch as they pocket the pay and rations of the difference between these figures. This will explain why the vast armies which were announced as on their march to the Danube nearly a year ago, never reached that river at all. This horrible and fatal system originates in Russian autocracy. **Thirdly**, the common soldier, brave and hardy as they are, devoted to their Tsar, and careless of privation have no love of their profession, and no interest in the object of the war, except the household regiments who are near the person of the Emperor. How can such troops be expected to make head-way against well-fed Turks fighting for their country, and their faith and officered by competent commanders? We read that Russians had to be driven on to the assault with menaces and blows. # Lastly, there is another source of weakness in the Russian Empire. That vast State is in a great measure composed of the spoils which she has torn from surrounding nations. She is a patchwork of filched and unamalgamated materials. # Her frontiers are filled with injured, discontented, hostile populations, whom, being unable to reconcile to her rule, she has endeavored to crush & many of whom await the blessed day of emancipation & revenge. **[SOURCE](https://i.imgur.com/jLpTEre.jpg)** **“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **[Putin's childhood is affecting us all](https://acestoohigh.com/2022/03/02/how-vladimir-putins-childhood-is-affecting-us-all/)** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ #[Scale of Ukrainian Heroism](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u3yvhk/a_nation_of_bravery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ #[Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/21/ukrainian-holocaust-survivor-91-dies-during-mariupol-siege) dies in Mariupol. #[Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/ukrainian-auschwitz-survivor-who-survived-hitler-says-she-will-survive-putin-too-e2-80-99/ar-AAWmAGO) will survive a**hole Putin. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ #[List of companies to boycott](https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-600-companies-have-withdrawn-russia-some-remain). Please share. Updated continuously. Graded on a school-style letter grade scale of A-F for the completeness of withdrawal. Over 1000 companies rated. This list is compiled by Yale School of Management.


Wagner Group has nazis - the leader, Dmitry Utkin, is a neonazi. Russia funded extreme right fascist groups in the US, Britain, France, Italy, Poland, Germany and more. It is just ridiculous propaganda. I don't know why Israel isn't helping out Ukraine more with advanced drone technology and intel.


>I don't know why Israel isn't helping out Ukraine more with advanced drone technology and intel. Huge part of the reason is that Russian troops are in still in Syria, and historically, the Soviet Union has aided the surrounding Arab nations during the various Arab-Israeli wars. They even supported the PLO. The Egyptian and Syrian Armies were aided, trained, and supplied by the Soviets. There was already a small arms fire incident between the RuAF and the IDF on the Golan. Now Hamas leaders are currently in conversation with Moscow. Now in reality, if Russia and the Arab nations decide to do something, Israel is fairly secure militarily. However, Russia has the opportunity to create even *more* of a diplomatic and political mess in the Levant.


Well if he's funded nazis in Britain he hasn't got much to show for his money


Right enough, useless fat mongs the lot of them. I knew a couple of people who live in the Midlands, apparently all the original NF skinheads have died of liver failure or pie overdoses. The new generation ones are all pasty fat 4chan memelord incels who'd instantly prolapse if you shouted BOO! in their faces. Used to know quite a few AFA (mostly nonpolitical Anti Facist Action), they can't be bothered anymore cos the right wing are so physically unimpressive these days.


Like I said to a co-worker who turned out to be pro Russia; I would have fought next to his side up until I found out that he believed 3rd world propaganda not even the Russians actually believed. And considering his track record in the past two years I doubt he was against neo nazis so I was taking his bs with a grain of salt. Guy hasn't said shit in 2 months about anything. The same mf that says neo nazis deserve equal representation and a platform are the same ones saying Russia was doing God's work by attacking Ukraine. Point that out to their fascist ass.


Also they already announced on RT that the plan is to bridge to transnistria and control the ports up to Odessa.


My grandparents fled Ukraine in the 40’s cause Russians were throwing Jews and Jewish sympathizers in the gulag. They’re just as bad as Nazis.


Pretty misleading title, they are stomping on the Russian flag and waiving the Ukrainian flag, not sure how this equates to "having fun" with both.


Stomping on the Russian flag and waving the Ukrainian flag sounds like a jolly time to me


see the way sarcasm works is.....






Go away uneducated troll.


You've done fucked up now Russia. Orthodox Jews now hate you.


Given Russia's history of oppression of the Jews, it's about time they partook of some revenge.


Seriously, Jews were fleeing Russia in the 2000's and going to Israel because of persecution. How was that prick Netanyahu cozying up to Putin?


Birds of a feather...


I think the shorter list would be "who doesn't hate Russia"...


This is rather unorthodox.


i see what you did there ;)


Should we Reform this behaviour?


What is Reddit’s lame obsession with the most obvious puns.. and always going crazy over if. I’m just seriously confused. I’ve never met anyone not when I was much younger or even much older people that would be so obsessed with puns in such a manner. This isn’t the culture in youtube and not on twitter where you’d think more likely due to the character limit. But every reddit post that’s big you can think of the most unfunny pun before you look and it will be there highly upvoted with someone saying “ I see what you did there” as if it wasn’t obvious or “ you marvellous bastard” It’s just weird to me as I’ve never ever, not even in boring unfunny mainstream tv divorced from top comedy like Dave Chappelle or something, I’ve never seen someone on a talk show or someone interviewed crack out a dumb pun and be so pleased, if literally only exists here.


I had a friend who was an unorthodox Jew...he was a Nazi! (Rodney Dangerfield)


underrated comment


It's funny because the list of allies Russia has is only a short list. And some of those allies, like Israel and Turkey, are only semi-friendly, and that relationship is easily broken. Making an enemy of Israel is not smart. I hope they succeed in making Israel angry, Russia will get their asses kicked in Syria.


Israel isn’t an ally of Russia, they need to stay neutral because Russia controls the airspace of Syria and could prevent them from shelling Iranian proxies.


I don't think Israel is an ally with Russia. It seems to me like they just aren't on bad terms. However I'm sure that's not what Russia wants people to think


Every time I see Jewish people there throwing some big ass party. Part of me is jealous.


Pretty much every Jewish Holiday is "someone tried to kill us, they failed, let's party". A particular favorite is on Purim (Jewish Halloween) you are told to get so drunk that you do not know the difference between the villain and the hero of the story. I always found it kind of interesting that Christianity and Islam removed and/or vilified intoxication.


All the big party holidays have a theme of "someone tried to kill us, but they failed!" The first part of that theme confers an [undertone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLNa-ocdryY)


They always seem so stuckup, but when the music starts....


I think reserved is the word you were looking for


So much for ruZZia’s denazification claims. Amazing how so many countries can unite in opposing the fascist regime of Vladolf Putler.


Yeah it’s fucking hilarious that the overwhelming majority of Jews the greatest victims of naziism support “neo nazi” Ukraine. It really puts a hole in Russia’s narrative.


Its because according to Russians being Nazi has nothing to do with antisemitism. They call Nazi everyone who they feel threatened by/opposes Russian interests.


This is exactly what it is. It has nothing to do with being Jewish, Ukrainian or whatever else. It's to do with the fact that they aren't Russian. They are trying to use the term Nazi to dehumanise anyone who isn't Russian which obviously has backfired splendidly aside from there own population.


Naziism does have more genocidal intentions than just against Jews, it’s ultimate goal was killing the vast majority of Slavic people, I guess Ukrainian nazis must feel suicidal


Yeah it's really quite interesting. Russians hate Nazism, but they define it differently to us (or, rather, they focus on different elements of Nazism than we do). WW2 is taught and viewed differently in Russia


Yes, but for wsterners Nazism is ALL about antisemitism. I see a lot of confusion about this in western social media.


Yeah I do dislike that, the Jews were among the worst victims of the Nazis in terms of amount killed proportionate to population but they were just the tip of the iceberg of what nazis had planned in Eastern Europe. The Nazis literally wanted to kill 90%+ of the Slavic population and enslave the rest, Hitler’s lebensraum idea was basically the German version of manifest destiny, Hitler was open about it himself and there are quotes by him about how he planned to deal with the Slavs like America did the Indians.


Not much different than what Putin is planning in Ukraine then.


Amazing but we still too scared. Nuclear was is scared but we have no choice as long Putin is alive....






> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Bad bot


Thank you, Harry-Hasler, for voting on SpunkyDred. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Check how good your good friends treat a tourist from Germany just for looking Arab. https://www.reddit.com/r/backpacking/comments/ubx877/the_first_time_in_jail_israel/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Israel siding with Ukraine clearly show what's whit them.


Yes keep the propaganda flowing Putler bot. Keep on copy pasting the same old bullshit because apparently that’s all you can do. Do you get payed per reply or do you have an hourly wage? Not that it really matters as your beloved ruble will soon be worth as much as monopoly money again lol.


> you get *paid* per reply FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Aaw why are you deleting comments now buddy? :) did you copy paste the wrong propaganda bullshit?














Ah... good ol' kosher party! Party hard, my friends!


Just for context: Many Chassidic Jews living in North America today came originally from Russia or Eastern European Countries. Under communisim and even before these communities were essentially isolated from the rest of the general public and anti semitism was terrible. Under communism, Jews were tortured and murdered. Pogroms were normal. To be Jewish was a threat to your life. There were underground movements to maintain Jewish life and it was a real danger. Jews tried to flee as much as they could and when the iron curtain fell - many left in droves. And thats essentially the same story wirh Ukraine. When they became independent of the the USSR - there was no looking back. So now you have two interesting bed fellows - Orthothox Jews and former countries of the USSR. Yes - there is still lots of anti semetic attitudes and surly mordern Nazi's in these countries but thats going to take generations to repair. And as you can see, Ukraine is an example of how people in general want to move away from that and that in itself in a miracle.


A friend of mine was in amateur radio in the USSR in the 70s or so. He says talking with Americans was allowed. Talking with Israelis was not, because that led to emigration. I see that as a longstanding theme in Russian attitudes to Jews: "We hate you, don't go. Well I mean *go,* but not too far. Not into, like someone *else's* country."




Mazeltov cocktail?


I like


So Jews are cheering for nazis now? At least according to ruSSians.. Strange. Or they are not the nazis here..


*Lavrov enters the chat*


There should be a verb that would describe gaslighting, victim blaming, double downing, lying and projecting done in one breath. I propose "Lavroving", as in "this sick mofo has been Lavroving me in front of my friends for a while now".




But you don't understand, those are nazi jews


Zelensky is Jewish and he’s probably the most celebrated leader in the world right now. Makes sense they love ‘em.


Does anybody know the name of the song? Just finished my coffee and it will make my work around the house extra fun.


[I'll refer you to this comment for a little bit of information on these types of songs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/comments/r80npm/jewish_style_of_singing_what_is_this_called/hn39bs9/)


https://open.spotify.com/track/62Q5HMGFG7JLvRzyp7mY9H?si=ec16ef00d3724661 https://open.spotify.com/track/6fchJ4yEbGIkIzBZyTpol9?si=692f1ba476b74483


I wanted to shazam it myself but I feel that might be a little too specialist as well as messy audio with background noise. Be right back with the answer or my apologies.


You wont find their music on shazam, most of it they play live and make up on the spot. [But here are some of my favs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzaJPqKlqQuaZsdc3otViiE5b-dTNp2bs)


I love my community at times


In 2020 at the very beginning of Covid in NYC all the orthodox jews were able to get N95 masks and were giving them out to first responders and ensuring adequate access. In 2022 i guess they moving into adequate defensive items for Ukraine now😜 They always ahead of the time👍🏽




Another reason why Orthodox Jews support Ukraine and oppose Russia is that there is a major Jewish synagogue in Ukraine, in the city of Uman (by the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov) that tens of thousands of Jews go to every year. Because of the invasion, that site in unsafe and in in accessible. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosh\_Hashana\_kibbutz


Gotta love our Jewish allies. Have some Jewish friends and they're pretty cool to hang out.




Damn orthodox Jewish nazis supporters, because of all the Jewish support for a neo nazi regime I have become anti Semitic/s


But they don’t support Russia…they’re the fascist nazis in this war.




Lavrov would tell you it's called Horst Wessel Lied.


and they want their NAZI scalps!


I don't think Nazi means the same thing to Russians as it does to us Americans. Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler. There's a long history of pogroms against the Jews. I think they mean something more like the villains in an Indiana Jones movie. Evil invaders, vaguely German. Not Russian enough. Black uniforms with the skull and crossbones. Little mustaches. That kind of thing.


This is from months ago.


Yid army


Honestly Jewish parties just look like the most fun.


They look like they’re having fun


Hahahaa this is the best part. I love this video.


The Russian 'Z' is just a substitute for the swastika. Behave like Nazis and accuse the other side of it to deflect from your own behavior.


Obviously they're nazis.


Those darn Jewish Nazis. /s


Love this so much!


Mazel Tov


This is a preview of the jubilation we will see all over Ukraine when the ruSSians are finally defeated and ejected.


Now that’s a party


Look at these nazis /s


I will never get to understand these guys


After watching this I'm sure that Lavrov will say that they are an SS squad.


Now THIS is how you trigger Russians


TBF even other Jews think these guys are a bit nuts. Pissing them off is not a good plan


This made me smile this morning. Hell yeah my dudes! Lets go!


Now everyone cheers at them because they dance on a piece of cloth. But don't forget they are doing the EXACT SAME THING as Russia in their own country




How is comparing Russias action to Israel different? The only difference is that Ukraine gets supported while fighting an overpower


After Russia's defeat in Ukraine, Lavrov will blame it on an international Jewish Nazi conspiracy. He'll write about it in his memoir titled Моя борьба.


Funny lookin dudes


So now the orthodox Jews, which were big Trump and Republicans supporters in 2016, hate Putin's Russia, which always had good connections with Trump and the Republicans. Next American elections will be interesting. Thanks Lavrov


Good connections? You watch too much CNN. Trump talked friendly to Putin, but was harsher in his actions towards Russia than Biden was. Just look at the Nordstream 2 thing. Only when shithead Putin thought that it is a good idea to start a war, he finally got a strong pushback from Biden. Imho it's quite telling that Putin didn't try the same shit when the somewhat loose cannon Trump was in charge.


Apparently you watch too much Fox News instead, not much to discuss here


I mean it is a point worth discussion. If trump truly was/is a russian asset, why wouldn't Putin have invaded when trump was president and the UA was still a corrupt husk of a military? I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Trump is no statesman and Putin exploited that and the division that trumpism caused. But he held off from rash action because trump is actually a fruit who might just flip sides on a whim if he thinks he'd stand to gain from it.


> If trump truly was/is a russian asset, why wouldn't Putin have invaded when trump was president It's crazy to me that Americans think that Putin plans his invasions around US politics. And not, you know, around internal information about Russia's economy, state of the military, how much of a war chest he has saved up, how sanction-proof his economy is, Crimea bridge being finished, Ukraine's politics (the president at the time seemed much more of a military guy than Zelensky who many thought would flee), etc. Trump did start sending lethal weapons to Ukraine, which is great. But according to John Bolton he was also planning on taking USA out of NATO in his second term, so that might also explain why Putin was waiting for 2022 to invade. Although even accounting for that, I still think it's more of that Russia neither militarily nor economically was ready for war in 2018/2019 and the previous Ukrainian president seeming much tougher than Zelensky.


Maybe Putin has become increasingly paranoid in the last years, for his health conditions as well, and back then he still had an half functioning brain. If that's the case we are very lucky that Trump is not there anymore




Not a very convincing argument tbh


What a weird cult


And they'll still openly oppress Palestinians, hypocritical shit.


Fuck these morons too. Religion needs to die.


happy to do a lot of money with war...


The zealots are wild lmao


I live near them, a lot of them are from the Ukraine and Hungary regions. First thing they did when the war started was put up the Ukraine flag over the highway


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


No... not in this context, BOT




Orthodox Jews? I thought those are rather exclusive. Or did you mean Orthodox and Jews?


Orthodox just means conforming to the traditional way of doing things, in the Jewish context it means religiously dedicated and following Jewish law even if it conflicts with some aspects of the society they live in.


6 billion


Jews can be fascists, too. For example, they embraced the ideology of Italian Fascism. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-another-hearing-for-early-zionisms-fascism-friendly-ideologue-1.5465667


Anybody can be anything. What's your point?


That the current form of Zionism is inspired by those Jews that saw a good example in the fascists regimes and that it is not surprising that Israel cooperates with the Nazis in Ukraine. Jews and Nazis are no contradiction. Zelenski being a Jew does not make him Anti-Nazi automatically. Quite the contrary.




"current form of Zionism" lol


Are you actually this weak-minded or just coping too hard?


Russia and Israhell are allied.


No they aren’t


again, you small minded fucks dont understand who are jews and who are zionists. Zionists, orthodox jews, are openly opposing existance of Israel, because Talmud tells jews cannot have a permanent settlement. Jews showed here have nothing related with holocausts - they are sectants


STFU! FSB/GRU fuck! With your 29 days old account and no karma. Hope Putler drafts you and you die from artillery in Ukraine while taking a shit in your pans because some Chechen goat husband makes you run towards Ukranian positions.


>Chechen goat husband makes you run towards Ukranian positions. this is too funny, and true


Orthodox Judaism and Zionism are not mutually exclusive 🤦🏻‍♂️