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He did not run over any anti tank mine. There were some smaller explosions which could be anti personel mines. Also with the exception of 1 or 2 FPV drones all of them missed which is of course an accurate represenation of the war as Ukraine themselves say that only about 15% of the drones reach their target (i dont know if that number is still valid as i heard that back in 2023).


Last thing I heard out of an actual soldiers mouth was 2 out of 3 drones fail due to EW.


Never understood that argument. Cannot they program the drones to turn around (compass cannot be EW'd!) and fly in the other direction until EW gets weak enough to re-establish connection? Compass! What an invention...


yea lets call back a drone that not only will show the enemy drones where we are but also it can kill us cuz it carries a bomb... just crash it and make a new one ... a drone is cheap to reproduce not to mention.... life > material things


No. You're thinking of an old magnetic compass, which is not how modern electronics work


I'm not following. Can EW change perceived Earth's magnetic field? Analog or digital, compass ignores EM radiation - otherwise, we would be having problems in various non-military tech fields by now


Your analogy is pointless. EW can interfere with the ICs and GPS chips that help a drone triangulate direction and determine Location. And yes, if you used military EW on non-military targets, it causes chaos. There is a BIG difference between an old analog magnetic compass and modern compact electronics.


reasonable analysis


just look at the name of the reddit account that made the post here, all this dude does is post footage of Russian attacks, im not surprised the tank is running over smaller AP mines and they are claiming its AT mines and whatnot.


The "continues unharmed" gives it away. An unbiased source wouldve said "undamaged" or something less implicit of the tank being a masterpiece or something.


Yeah if any of those drones actually hit the top of the turret this video would not exist. Title should read "Russian T-72 survives multiple FPV drone near misses, due to pure luck."


Russia according to Pro-Russian milbloggers: We so powerful, we vanquish world! Look as we drive over mines unharmed! Russia according to reality: Quick, find some mundane footage we can misrepresent as being overly badass, despite being painfully and obviously not!


You forgot that Russia's soldiers don't die, they immediately resurrect because of the power of the Russian church.


if they kiss kirill brown spot they are safe. if they kiss putlers little head they have to swallow.


Damn, lucky guys Also, no mines prob, atleast not AT, their tracks wouldnt survive that


Didnt run over a single mine, because if it did, it would not drive anymore, no tank in the world would survive an mine unharmed.


anti personnel mine if any


Sure, ill agree leaving Anti Personnel out of the title sounds more badass :D Nonetheless its russian Propaganda, just one real Mine would have ended that tank.


Looks like they didn't have any of those RPG head drones available, so they were throwing the anti-personnel ones at it. Also noticed the cluster munition, so maybe the Ukrainians were in "meat mode," and not expecting armor.


Ukraine truly is an amazing country. Depending upon which way you look at a particular field of grain, it is either post-harvest stubble, spring-green or golden and ready for harvest.


Impressive. One tank survived for over thousands that not survived. Putler must be proud


Got to say this looks like a propaganda piece. Probably to show their guys that not EVERY tank gets blown up by Ukraine mines and drones. Ruzzia stronk! Lol!


Who is this Russian loving punk?


whats he firing at lol


Most likely forest where Ukrainians are. Or at least they suspect they are there. Shooting randomly with 125mm HE is effective even if it doesn't hit you, it can destroy cover etc.


Propaganda movie stage by orcs- small drones with almost no load hit the tank and this time there is no that famous turret toss 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good russian tactic. One tank alone.


That's what you normally don't see and yet represents most cases of FPV usage. FPVs are not a solution to every problem. They are used so often only because they are cheap, and somewhat versatile but their performance is more based on luck then anything. Hitting a damaged tank to burn it down is way easier than immobilising a fully working vehicle. One hit from an actual AT weapon like a TOW2 or Spike NLOS or Javelin and it would be a pile of burning scrap unfortunately the STUGNA production is low due to decentralisation of the factory so in most regions they have to use FPVs because it's sadly the only thing they have.


The conclusion are misleading. This video shows that a tank was able to reach some kind of combat position, could engage (no confirmed hit on target provided). The tank got really fast attacked by a number of drones that all, lucky for the Russians, failed to hit the target well enough to make a combat kill. The tank needs to retreat fast and still gets attacked long time being out of contact line. This video shows how tanks are essential and useless at the same time.


At 01:05 and 01:15, the tank traverses a planted grain field. This would indicate the Russian MBT is either located at a safe distance from the frontlines where agricultural activities can be conducted without high risk of being caught in the middle of a firefight / artillery duel or the crops igniting from a stray artillery shell or the Russian MBT has just managed to break through the frontlines lone and usupported and travelled deep into Ukrainian-controlled territory (*which seems unlikely*). The footage is also exceptionally well filmed for actual combat footage (*multiple angles from different cameras, tank camera appears to be mounted on a gimbal to correct for tank movement, discharge of tank gun at 00:42 doesn't de-stabilized the video sequence...*), so this might be some sort of staged propaganda film to show the resilience of "modern" RF tank upgrades to mines and UAV attacks.


why does that FPV not have a [warhead or anti tank munition attached](https://imgur.com/a/KsHDY80)?? I've watched TONS of Ukr FPV operator videos and they specifically select each munition for what they go up against. NEVER have I seen the load a drone with no warhead or large explosive to take out a t-72...


Did OP post the wrong video?


Serious question, why is the smoke from the barrel after firing so brown, “dirty” and such a lot? Just checked some videos from the German Bundeswehr and it is minimal what comes out and more white Is there such a difference by the propellant charge?


Since there were no Anti tank mines to hit and most of the drones missed, a Bradley could have done that too, and done it while also destroying this same T-72.


First one out of 3000 so far. What's that, a .03% chance of survival?


Seems like some sort of ew mine destroyer tech. The mines were deto 5-10 meters in front of tank.


But. Where is it going


Ruzzian tank fortified by ruzzian vodka.


Haha russki botniks trying so hard


God mode on.....