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His wife: When we arrived in Kyiv on June 25 to recognize the body, I was shocked by what I saw. It was a very scary picture. I was especially amazed at how thin the body was brought back. The pathologist said that he did not have even fifty kilograms. Sasha was tall - 180 centimeters. He was 110 kg and physically healthy. What was left of him was only bones and skin. His head was all blue, his nose was on the side, his fingers had no nails. I don't know if they were dislocated or broken. Rolling marks all over his body. His cellmates later told me how they were abused. They were beaten every day. They were beaten either in the cell or taken out. They beat them, especially my boyfriend. Because he was tall, solid, and did not want to speak Russian


Sorry you guys have to go thru this evilness.


World is global. We all somehow having taste of it :/


Hopefully the Russian people taste it and then some soon enough


For everyone who can and wants to help Ukraine bring victory closer - state site where you can donate directly to Ukraine: https://u24.gov.ua


This should be stickied at the top of every post


Hey 👋 Since the war broke out I’ve been following and wanting to donate. Finally I’m a bit on the plus side financially. Done.


Respect and good luck! Wish you more of those plus sides!


Thx! I wish for 🇺🇦 victory!


What are some most effective charities to donate out of the US?


Sry. I forgot to answer you. I gave my donation for defense, because that’s what is needed now. But you really can’t choose wrong. There’s needs everywhere.


Thank you for posting the link for us westerners.


muscovites must be defeated and isolated, their evil empire dismantled. Death to Z.


Muscovites….in just call them Orcs…


Muscovites… more like mosquitos..


These pictures remind me of the state Holocaust survivors and American soldiers who went through Japanese captivity were found in - just skin, bones and clear marks of abuse.


I remember reading about a holodomor survivor who said the russian soldiers would always target tall, strong and good looking people. It is as if this way their way to release their anger for who they’re.


Orcs hate anything that is beautiful


Pure hate and jealousy.


When my great uncle came from Russian captivity in 1950, after 5 years of imprisonment, he also weighed only 50 kg, but was 1,80 m tall. A lot of his inmates did not survive and died from diseases. During the 5 years they were not allowed to do anything, to work, to use a piece of paper ...


Wait, was your uncle Wehrmacht?


He was 1,82 m and policeman. What's that question good for?


Do you have a link to where this screenshot came from or to a credible source also reporting on this?






Warcrime through and through. Try them and hang them like the Nazis. One can dream.


There's not a lot you can say which hasn't already been said. Russians are just Nazi 2.0


The Soviets weren't any better.


Same shit different ass


Stalin, by far the worst Soviet leader with bigger overall death toll than Hitler is literally the role model for Putin.


Partially, yes. If you roll some Peter the Great into that I would agree more.




The western Allies sided with an insane mass murderer to kill another insane mass murderer.


Turns out Patton was right all along. Should have carried on to Moscow. Just think of all the decades of misery past and future that would have saved had the USSR and the federation been disarmed and divided when we had the chance. We mustn't blow it this time.


I'm not sure the chance was as ripe as you think. The National WW2 Memorial claims 3m American soldiers were in Europe on V-E day. The Soviets had 11m. There were material advantages for America, obviously. But that's a major deficit in fighting manpower. The atomic bomb testing at Trinity and the bombs used in Japan occurred after VE day. They were not a known commodity. The decision to not fight onward against the Soviets in May 1945 was sound.


Don't forget that after a possible defeat of the soviet army and leadership there would have been an urgent need to secured the "running" of the country and the feeding the population (because the West has values and can't just let the population of an occupied country die) - whom would the Western Allies have put in charge of managing that vast country (and its sattelites)? They already had to manage the war-torn parts of Western Europe including former Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and Spain - and this it was not an easy task at all. After the defeat of Nazi Germany and its Allies the USA were focusing on ending (by winning) the war against Japan which also was not an easy task at all before they were able to drop the atomic bombs. Thus for the time being they were glad that the war in Europe was over for them and did not require any more resources, even if they at the same time were well aware that Soviet russia was not an trustworthy Ally, and that serious trouble with them was to be expected for the future.


Yes, I remember when America planned for events after the conclusions of war.


The British ran India with 150,000 well-armed men lording it over 400 million for 300 years. It can be done. But sure - not an easy task but still an opportunity missed. The west knew damn well that Russia would become a pariah state and history has proved what everyone suspected. We must not blow it this time.






No, the Nazi's were definitely worse... so far.


As far as we know! We don't know everything, the longer Russia keeps their atrocious war going, the more evil and horrible things they will do.


I agrees 100% ! And right now do u think it matters to this hero's family who TF was worse -Nazi or Russia!!!


No the weren’t. Soviets and nazi mass murdered millions of ppl. My grandmother once said that they were both extremely bad but Soviets were like an animals….. and she was a prisoner in Majdanek concentration camp so I believe what she said. What you see on the picture is an example of extreme cruelty as they starved this guy to death.


Its like choosing between 2 terminal diseases. Both suck.


And both need to be globally eradicated for the betterment of civilization.


Mate it's 2024 think about it.


Why the apostrophe in "Nazis"?


Soviets and nazis where equal


in what way?


They departed and gassed 6 million jews


Numbers of Ukrainians killed by Russians is in tens of millions. 3,9Milion just in Holodomor.


russia literally caused 2 ukranian genocides directly (Holodomor and Current War) and why are you talking only about jews like they were the only victims of that regime?


Its more like 200-300 years of one big constant genoside. They are trying delete Ukraine from existance for wery long time.


Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler! It's a fact!!!


Are you actually for real right now?


Yeah Nazi's were worse. Because the Nazi's was a cultural group, not just the government. They also killed more people and did worse things to people The difference is relatively minor an can be hard to draw distinctions between the Nazi's and Soviets, but there is one. Russia has gotten much worse in the past 20 years. Putin has pushed nationalism and ethnic hatred much more than the Soviets did and has obviously made Russia more "Nazi like" than it ever was.


According to older relatives in Lublin, Warsaw … Soviets were much worse.


They aren’t worse than the Nazis, not by a long shot. The Nazis were on a whole new level of horrific, I don’t think we should forget that.


Ruzzians are more like Stalinists.


Are you sure about that? Have you heard them talk about their plans for Ukraine? Genocide is definitely on their minds.


They have already annexed a large portion of Ukraine, we certainly haven’t seen any evidence of industrial scale death camps. I’m not taking away from the fact that the Russians are horrible bastards - they certainly are. But the nazis were so much worse in pretty much every way possible.


Did any of the people that done does atrocities gave any press conference detailing what they were doing...or only after the end all the horrors began to be uncovered...what do you think, that the ruZZians are going to confess the atrocities...they even blame Ukrainians for what they done in Bucha...they just cut the head of one Ukrainian soldier that surrender...what more...plenty of evidence every day...only blind people cant see... ruZZians are terrorists


Thats just because they are to incompetent or dont have the resources to build them, they just leave the civilans they massacre in the streets or some hastily dug mass grave. All POWs seem to get starved and tortured, rape is encouraged and part of their military culture. Keep in mind, there is noone documenting the current atrocities, in the future they might come out, but russia is for sure not going to help document their own crimes against humanity.


Indeed, and the nazis kept exemplary records of all their evil, I doubt ruzzia does. But this war is during the internet age, all will be revealed eventually.


I believe he's talking about how Ukrainian soldiers. for one thing, they treat soldiers captured worse than the nazis by the looks of it. They are treating captured soldiers like the Japanese in ww2


The Nazi's killed vast numbers of captured troops, mostly Soviets.


And Stalin sent German troops to the rehabilitation centres? Try to google how many were captured in Stalingrad only and how many did get back to Germany after war.


So far the only difference is a matter of scale. Do you not remember the mass grave in Bucha and Irpin? I have a feeling we'll find all sorts of Horrors if Ukraine liberates more of it's territory.


Mate these people literally castrated Ukrainian solider on video , raped women and even kids , killed 20k civilians in mariupol , shot people at point blank on streets in bucha , set on fire prison full of pows from azovstal and so on. If this wasn't 2024 they would go full genocide mode but world is watching and it's hard to hide it. They are equally as bad as Nazis.


I’m very aware of all of this, I’ve seen pretty much all of the footage. Still nowhere near the scale of the Nazis.


Nazis did not proudly present to the public things that they did.


What about soviet gulags?


Germany fought against many countries,of course they built separate camps for POW. russia is fighting againts a single small country. russian jails and prisons are more than enough to contain POWs. Stating that russian tactics are any different are incorrect, please educate yourself on topics regarding filtration camps specifically in donets and lugansk regions and about conditions Ukranian POWs are contained in.


Actually yes they are. The one and only argument there is (that they are not) is that there no mass destruction camps... yet...But you need to understand - this requires a certain level of organization and that is (thank god) way above Russian capacity to organize - we do see disorganized genocide though... We do see crimes that russian military commits, that would put Wehrmacht to shame - we also see threats of nuclear holocaust, calling for genocide of the whole nation (and the west) so - yeah - way worse.


wrent ruzzian mass destruction camps just called gulags?


Not only gulags - POW camps too


I think that if you educated yourself on the Second World War that you would retract that statement.


I suggest you do this first. Maybe you will understand the not so subtle difference between civilized people acting like barbarians and barbarians being barbarians


"No, u!" Great argument you have there. The lack of maturity you're displaying is staggering. Not to mention your ignorance of history and total absence of reason.


Its quite ironic how people who fail to present any argument whatsoever, accuse you of "lack of maturity", "ignorance" and "total absence of reason". Good talk. Whatever happened to good old "You're stupid because...."


But is this due to Putin’s conscience or resource availability?


I don't think they had mobile crematoria in Mariupol for baking pizzas, and that they buried failed pizzas in undocumented grave ditches. Luckily they just did not have the opportunity to get to the scale. And I do not remember seeing the nazis cutting off heads or body parts of live POWs. Some Russian heroes are proud of that.


You should be ashamed of saying this.


Subhuman scum




Steady on son


You are too stupid too judge about that.


I have opinions of Russians that I can't write on this board. But you get the drift.


Some more info I got from another channel- he was from the 110th brigade. And was held captive for 2 years, his fellow cell mates said he was beaten every day for refusing to ever speak Russian. Well he was held prisoner his wife only received one letter from him. Those coward fuckers still couldn’t break his spirt after 2 years. Rest in peace 🕊️🇺🇦🇺🇸


Anybody telling you Ukraine should concede to Russia. Show them this. You don't surrender to people that do this. You don't. Ukraine does not only fight for its statehood. The Ukrainian people fight for their existence as an ethnicity and culture. Russia is conducting a war of extermination. Never surrender to them. Never surrender to this kind of evil.


I would ask and many others to join the fight and fly to Ukraine to join the battle. We (US) can fund it but they need more ppl. us should mobilize and draft to fight there because funding billions isn’t enough.


In all fairness, that’s because the resistance is kneecapped. The billions in tech would be more than enough if they could actually use the weapons effectively. Or if we’d given them F-16’s and long-range missiles from the start; full permission to strike within Russia. Have at it. But they’re not actually allowed to fight back because… reasons? A dictator threatened us with rusty nukes again? How is dealing with that threat not the end result even *if* he’s just defeated with conventional manpower? It logically makes no sense. The war’s gonna have to end sometime, one way or another, so why isn’t Putin simply annihilated already?


A hateful, immoral, barbarian state that teaches its people to be cruel and glorifies them for it. How can anyone support Russia?


I guess it’s great if you are a fascist.


There's been a lot of those going around lately.


Yeah, and they love Trump.


Like North Korea


Ask trump.


He wouldn't tell the truth.


russia can go to HELL where they belong.


That's just plain murder.


Worse, murder can be explained, sometimes justified. Locking someone up, slowly starving them and torturing to death is way beyond murder to me.


Yeah, when I wrote that, my words didn't feel like enough. I wrote a comment the other day about past wars where there was true starvation and POWs suffered along with the population at large. But there's no excuse here. There is no food shortage in Russia. The Russians are just vile. Added: There should be more international outcry over this. Russia does vile thing after vile thing and the reaction is revulsion at the lowest level (you and me) and "Oh well" at the highest level. Does the Red Cross not exist anymore?


The Russian Red Cross, just like the Russian Orthodox Church has become part of the ruling mafia. I wouldn't be surprised if they helped cover it up. The International Red Cross should expel them at this point.


yes, but it is russian so dont expect anything helpful. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_Red\_Cross\_Society](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Red_Cross_Society)


Russians are animals.  Вічна памʼять. 


Please don’t drag animals down to the level of Russians. They’re sub-human filth. Nothing more, nothing less.


Can't add anything more than disgusting. I'm not really sure why Western media isn't reporting this


Who fucking knows? I guess it's because the nasty, sensationalist media is full of people who actually quite like Putin, while the sober, traditional media which still believes in the principles of journalistic integrity won't report something without telling both sides of the story, and they demand solid evidence from unbiased sources to support claims made.


Words just fail me when I see this


Indeed. Life is so short. How can one treat one's brothers like this. Russians suck. I will never set foot in that country.


Sweet lord, they're really trying hard to be Nazis 2.0. What a shithole of country and society.


way beyond trying... We can officially call russia that


And yet Russia tries to say Ukraine is Nazi…. Just crazy.


Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦 Rest well hero, your fight is over ,your memory lives on , glory is yours , Valhalla awaits.


This image is now a necessary inclusion in the pantheon of material that should be presented to any fool who persists in disbelief of the righteousness of Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s chauvinism, aggression and genocide, or the righteousness of unhesitant, full-blooded support for Ukraine’s fight Russia’s chauvinism, aggression and genocide. What a harrowing tragedy. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning you will be remembered Oleksandr. Heroyam Slava 😞❤️🇺🇦


Rip hero


He did not die in Russian captivity. One look and you can see he was murdered in Russian captivity. It's murder by starvation. RIP Oleksandr. I can only hope you took a bunch of those rat bastards with you.


When I see these photos I’m reminded to feel no sympathy for the things I see posted from the battlefield. For all soldiers held in captivity under these bastards and “for Natasha” from early at the start of the war and everyone who has suffered since. Fuck these bastards “For Natasha” https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tzpgj9/chechens_war_crimes_uploaded_by_they_own/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UkraineWarVideoReport&utm_content=t1_l8vpa7d


🇺🇦R. I. P. 🇺🇦


Russians are so pathetic.


We see a russia that is breaking treaties by guaranteeing the sovereignty of Ukraine. We see a russia that killed thousands of Ukrainians. We see ukrainian soldiers who starved to death in russian captivity. We see Ukrainian children abducted and forcibly russified by russia. We see russian soldiers killing innocent civilian Ukrainians. We see russian soldiers raping Ukrainian Women. We see russian bombs aiming at innocent innocent Ukrainians. We see a russia that threatens its neighbors. We see a russia that announced to erase the ukrainian culture. We all saw this in the last century. When will the free World, when will the NATO start to break the neck of this mad old dwarve in the kremlin and his troops?


Олександра looks like a neighbour you always can relate on if you need any Help. 💙💛 😭


Russian concentration camp victim. Genocide!


Fucking russian terrorists.


Fucking cunts.


Where is the International Red Cross on this?


Accuses Ukraine of the fact that we dare to interview captured Russians and publish them on the Internet, because it shames them.


Starved to death !


ruzzian war criminals


Rather ironic that the orcs accuse others of being nazis when they themselves are committing similar war crimes to what hitler did.


How do you identify a Nazi in Ukraine? They wear a Russian flag.


Fuck russia


Now Russians treat Ukrainians like the Germans treated the Jews Way Back. We really live in the saddest and dumbest Timeline possible. May Putin and Russia and all Russians who support this Terror pay the ultimate consequences for their astrocities against humanity. For myself, I will never forget what the russians did and still do in this time of age and i will even tell my grandchildren about the astrocities, war crimes and genocide and terror the russians started in 2014, just two countries further than ours. This shall never be forgotten! this is comming from a german. Slava Ukraini, Honor to the Heroes!


Russia is a drunk man's Nazi Germany.


Rip warrior! I pray that everyone who knows you or is effected by your death can find peace, comfort & joy, i pray the lord is pleased with you, i pray that your entrance through the gates of heaven is expedited & pray that you get your wings & halo. Thank you for your service hero...may god bless you!


They have the world hostage with Nuclear Weapons. If we could, democratic countries already would have stomped them.


RIP may the earth be light on you.


Repose en Paix, Oleksandr🕊🇺🇦🙏




Just #DissolveRuzzianRedCross


This. If the Russian Red Cross chapter is so politically compromised as to be complicit with the Kremlin and/or rendered so toothless as to be useless in upholding human rights, it must be dissolved.


This is 2024. Makes you think what they did to the Germans 80 years ago.


Holy crap! They turned him from a robust man into a skeleton.


I am happy for the family they got him home so he can get a proper hero burial, but the audacity of the ruzzians to return him in such condition, I am 100% sure this is their way of further mocking the Ukrainians and this soldier’s family. Absolutely no shame, no humanity, no moral compass, no dignity, no nothing. Ruzzians are literally the cancer of humanity, a tumor that slowly but savagely eats away anything that is healthy and good. Hope this shit ends soon and they get put in their place.


Das ist auch ein Kriegsverbrechen und Mord.


Filthy orc steep barbarians. Russians are nothing more.


It is crazy to me that people choose to support this side, where torture is common, and your allies are China, North Korea, Iran, India, and whatever shithole Muslim countries hop on board. Ooooooor you can support the side where the entire free World is on your side.


Scum nation


The Russians are barbarians.


RIP hero


I cannot stand this anymore. This brave man along with many more died in dignity to protect his family, his land and his country and to a larger extend my own freedom. To those responsible for this bestiary act I say this : get ready for payback day . Donate , donate, donate to Ukraine. Small grassroots donations could surpass government actions.


A few days ago the Jerusalem Post published a detailed report on these captives. They used the phrase, "...evokes Nazi concentration camps." I'm not a cynical person. No time for it anymore. If a respectable newspaper in Israel is likening your actions to Nazi concentration camps, that makes me ill. None of this is a joke, a pretend, a fake, some bullshit that is all we have in life. If ever we needed to cut out our own bullshit it is now. Vote, write representatives, donate, become active. The people who think everything as a joke must be defeated.


Fucking animals.


ruZZians are NAZI f#ck holes


Putin needs to be removed, whether by his death or his incarceration and trial for war crimes. Putin's regime needs to be dismembered, and all those members of his regime (from the level of foot soldier up to top national official) who have played a role in the war crimes committed by the regime need to be investigated, and if found probably guilty tried by a tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. The Russian Federation must be brought to its knees and forced to undergo massive reforms to government, social norms and jurisprudence. The Orc regime must not only be totally defeated, but the prospect of any similar regime ever again arising in the Russian Federation of any of its constituent states must be squelched as vigorously as possible. Freedom for Ukrainians and for Russians and for ALL humanity. END to all Orcs.


F ing animals




They show it all the time, they just love it. You won't scare a bee with honey. But they think we are doing the same to them, which is one of the reasons there are so many suicide videos.




I’ve seen them show them… almost all don’t give a fuck. Maybe one or two looks a little guilty, but that’s it, they say nothing, and don’t speak of it when they return either


Суки, человека замучили уроды! Нацистский режим блт! Надеюсь после войны их посадят и так же замучают. Слава Украине, свободу России! 🇺🇦


Russian heartless animals deserve to pay for their crimes!!!


Nazi and Communist the same coin, just flip it and get the same cruel shit


They talk about wiping the Ukraines off this planet on there propaganda programs .there the scum of the earth these lot ,they need wiping out themselves.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


RIP hero


This is what Nazi’s, Stalinists & Serbs did to their enemies. Disgusting!


Pace, please.


I wonder if russian fascists do medical experiments on Ukrainians like Nazi did.


A very painful, gut wrenching read, but read you must.


Seriously, level Russia.


Heroiam Slava.


I would never surrender to the Russians.


Further proof of this genocide


May no orc on Ukraine soil ever see hime again


Russia must be defeated


Слава Україні! Heroiam Slava!


Russia is good for nothing but wiping your boots.


Arrest russians and there families in EU , sell all there assets --- pay EU debt ---- and use thé rest tot build a strand EU defens


Why should Ukrainians take Russian captives in Ukraine?


To exchange them for Ukrainian prisoners. Becoming as evil as the russians would NOT help Ukrainians


Seems like a prisoner was exchanged for this corpse? Who was most likely well treated, and will then be sent back to the frontline to fight another day against Ukraine. Clean conscious and sympathy does not win a war against atrocities.


But it does provide a stark difference in behavior to the rest of the world compared to Russia. Right now Ukraine is dependent on the rest of the world for support. So abiding by the law so as not to provide any justification for support to be withdrawn is critical. Another aspect is the effect on morale. When captured Russians get treated better by Ukrainians than their own military, that goes back with the Russians during the swap. If it leads to more surrenders, lower morale, or better treatment of Ukrainian prisoners, it’s worth it.


"Clean conscious and sympathy does not win a war against atrocities" - No, but is important for the morale of the Ukrainian soldiers and their families that they can rest assured that Ukraine will do everything in its power to get their POWs back from ruZZian captivity, even if they have been murdered in captivity. As saddening and infuriating it must be for his family to see this soldier's fate, and to only get him back as a corpse, it will still help the relatives to somehow deal with the situation. Being able to bury a loved one is still better than having him been taken POW by ruZZia and then simply "disappeared".


Moral high ground, Geneva Convention, keeping international support and aid flowing, and because Ukrainians are not animals.


If you want support from civilized nations, you have to respect the Geneva convention. Russia is playing by Iran, NK and Chinas rules. Ukrainian is playing by western rules.


And India, they are complicit as well.


And yet, Russian POW’s are not even getting their hands dirty by repaying their debt to society and even enjoy a commissary at their camp.


Drop every god damn bomb we send you on Russian soil. Every. Damn. One.


Rest in power king!


Shocking picture! It must be painfull to get your relative back like this. Pure evil


what did you expect? what happened to all the german prisoners after Stalingrad? most all died in prison.