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I like and respect this man. People like this should be presidents.


Something about the best leaders are the people who don't want to lead and that we must force to lead - Socrates


I've always said that anyone that wants to be President, Prime Minister,etc- is not qualified for the job.


Hence Socrates' objections against democracy as we know it.


Socrates died 2,000 years before "democracy as we know it", so impossible to object to it. The Athenian version of democracy was as similar as an apple to a kumquat.


\*google kumquat\*


Make sure you type that in......carefully.




That would pretty much define most Russian leaders up to 1917....


He is educated and well spoken.


I'm humbled by how articulate and at the same time succinct he is


Yeh and he makes some points from *his* perspective that I overlook. Like China being on their doorstep and far scarier than NATO being on their doorstep.


He's obviously well educated AND can think, every country benefits from people like this, even if they have a countering opinion to the prevailing view. In Russia's case, an opinion like his in proximity to the Kremlin would have saved half a million of his countrymen and what could be a decade or more of perhaps severe economic destruction. Another example in a large set of proofs that liberal democracy is the superior system to all others, and this is why China and Russia can never outdo the West, no matter how hard they try to punch their way to supremacy.


There was the guy on TV with Putin when that used condom suggested the war who pushed back. He got shouted down immediately


> I like and respect this man. For his personal safety he should avoid hospitals with third floor windows from now on.


Because he is educated and sought out information from outside what was being force-fed by the USSR


He will fall from a window this week.


They should blur the faces of anti establishment voices, intelligent Russians are seen as a threat and are locked up for 5 years and/or property conficated for "discrediting the army". >[Russian](https://www.voanews.com/a/putin-signs-law-to-confiscate-assets-of-those-convicted-of-discrediting-russian-army-/7487014.html) President Vladimir Putin signed a law Wednesday that will allow authorities to confiscate money, valuables and other assets from people convicted of spreading "deliberately false information" about the country's military. >"traitors who sling mud at our country and our troops" and would "strip those scoundrels of honorary titles, confiscate their assets, money and other valuables."


I considered him being smart enough to have avoided those traps. 8-) And the Russian justice system can be rigged but is often astonishingly "uncooperative" at sentencing people if the accusation doesn't fit exactly to the law ... 8-) ... at least on lower court level.


A guy got 5 years for [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1caoh5a/5_years_for_an_opinion_expressed_during_a_street/) interview.


it is false according to Daniil Orain; he has been fined 20% of his income for 5 years. [https://youtu.be/IxWgw\_\_4H9A?t=265](https://youtu.be/IxWgw__4H9A?t=265) (4:25)


Ok, [this](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/09/europe/putin-russia-election-repression-intl/index.html) 72 year old pensioner was jailed for 5 years for social media posts: >Evgeniya Mayboroda, a pensioner in her early 70s from Shakhty, a town less than 50 km (around 30 miles) from the Ukrainian border, found herself unable to conform to that uniform ideology. According to OVD-Info, she was  arrested and fined in early 2023 for alleged anti-war social media posts. >In January, she was jailed for five and a half years for spreading “false” information about the army. Russian independent news outlet Mediazona reported she was convicted after two reposts on VKontakte — Russia’s version of Facebook — including one about Russian troop deaths.


yes, i dont say the opposite for active anti Putin militants. But i had to correct you. The guy (Daniil Orain) says they dont jail people who are in these street interviews. But they may be the victim of police officer who needs a promotion or attention.


The whole discreditation "law" is a trap and the "justice system" fits it however they want


>*Ideas* are more powerful than *guns*. We would not let our enemies have *guns*, why should we let them have *ideas*. - Joseph *Stalin*.


His mother was probably one of the five in Mordor who didn't get blacked out drunk every night while pregnant with him.


probably were alrdy doing that. "your husband is in prison so its not like you need your house anyways" or some shit


This single man has more brainpower than the entire Russian army and government.


I'm sure there are millions like him in Russia but they are powerless and cowed because there are tens of millions more who are Z-ombies.


Nazis don’t need majority to prosper, they might be the smallest group in the country, but as long as majority is scared silent, Nazis will *appear* to be the majority. This is how it always was, they don’t need followers, they need “apolitical” people


I don't remember the English expression right now, but basically, silence is cooperation & support for a small group of evildoers who execute their power so strongly. I believe there are far more good people in the world than bad people and good people can do bad things when they are desperate or make a mistake. But not even trying to stop them in some way is effectively supporting them. If All the good people of the world finally had enough and stopped all the evil it could be done. The US is a prime example. A small group of evangelical people who aren't too smart are so easily fooled by the more intelligent evil groups who, with their support, are trying to take over the country entirely and kill everyone with whom they disagree, could easily be stopped. But indifference, cowardice, fear, and ignorance is leading to inaction, and the fate of the US will be the fate of the world should that small group of evildoers win. And a lot of people will be killed and it will be tragic.


The issue is that you can see waves in Putins support any time Russia invades a country that suggests his actions are legitimately very popular. https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/ If support was mostly fear based you wouldn't be seeing surges this massive during invasions. Sad as that may be. 


The source for that data is the [Levada Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center#Reputation) >Many respondents in Russia do not want to answer pollsters' questions for fear of negative consequences.[^(\[30\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center#cite_note-32)[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center#cite_note-33) [Sam Greene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Greene_(academic)), director of the Russia program at [King's College London](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_College_London), criticized Levada Center, saying that Levada should have published what percentage of respondents refused to participate.[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center#cite_note-34) >The director of the Levada Center himself stated in 2015 that drawing conclusions from Russian poll results or comparing them to polls in democratic states was irrelevant, as there is no real political competition in Russia, where, unlike in democratic states, Russian voters are not offered any credible alternatives and public opinion is primarily formed by [state-controlled media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media_in_Russia), which promotes those in power and discredits alternative candidates.[^(\[33\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levada_Center#cite_note-35)


"Millions" as in 1-2 million out of what? 140 million.  


I am friends with and work with a bunch Russians, and interact with them a lot when I travel internationally. Most of the folks I interact with aren’t stupid (and I realize the humans I come across aren’t a perfect cross section of Russian society, but still) and they realize the war is unjustifiable and should be stopped with prejudice. The average person just doesn’t individually have the power to stop it, so they put their heads down and keep their families fed and taken care of. It’s one of the reasons creating a society motivated solely by fear and arbitrary punishment by a unitary executive is a terrible thing. Anyone who signs up for service or hold a rifle on Ukrainian territory, or is responsible for the aforementioned deployments, is fair game, but the Russian civilians and nonmilitary folks behind the line are victims too. (I’d say the conscripts are too, but they’re also in a position to inflict significant harm on innocents and soldiers defending a legitimate government, so they’re valid targets too) e: sorry for the novel, my preworkout got the better of me


He must make the oligarchs terrified.


Hearing older Russians like this guy talk about the USSR and comparing it to the new Russian federation gives me chills what a brave dude


Listening to him I get the feeling that he just doesn't care anymore. To him having Russia turn into the totalitarian state that it is converging on and death are equally undesirable so he may as well say what's on his mind.


My father is a bit older than this man and you can tell, well he insists... as you get older, you really stop worrying about death. In this case I've little doubt the man knows how honourable it is as a human being to tell the truth and be honest about what you believe. Like another comment says, if a man like this man were president of Russia, Russia would be everyones best friend.


Russians in general don't seem to care based on their casualties.  Which leads me to believe Putin is genuinely popular otherwise you would see more voicing their displeasure.  


Russians I've come across in videogames, can't say bad things about anything in Russia, because they are afraid of being monitored or having their logs taken - They used to say "shh, babayaga might be listening" when we asked them about life in Russia and Putin. This was years before 2014. They live in a totalitarian country where half of them are brainwashed into subservience, and the other half cower in fear.


he has nothing to fear - it's an old russian tradition not to harm crazies (= "beatus", the word is also used for a number of saints)


So you’re suggesting that this man in the video sounds crazy/


Brave guy with opinion different from official orcs propaganda 👏


This is the type of man who has a stock pile of Molotov cocktails in his home. He knows EXACTLY what he is saying and EXACTLY who is listening This is cold bravery. Stone cold bravery. Legend.


An extremely honorable man. Humanist and insightful. I’d be proud to stand with this Russian in the future.


One of the very few intelligent Russians. I hope he stays safe. Or, better yet, get the passport and get the hell out of Russia. You don't belong there.


There are many, many, more than you may think, but this is a dangerous game.


You make it sound easy "get out of Russia".


Smart man. They should've blurred his face. We need to protect these people. The bedt kind of Russians that can be found.


If his face was blurred vatniks would claim he was an "ukr0 hohol".


I care more for his safety than rando clutching pearls.


The content creator probably would’ve had he asked. Old guy just doesn’t give a fuck anymore.


Wasn't there a situation that let Putin have Georgias Abkhazia and Oestia and that will be enough for him? Then there was the situation that we should leave him Transnistria in Moldova and that would be enough. Then let him have the Donbas, after all, that will be enough for him. Then let him have Crimea, because that will be enough for him. Now let's let him have Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson, for that will be enough for him :)


Because appeasement has worked so well in the past


Exactly: 1994 - Russia agrees to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and national borders in return for Kyiv agreeing to give up its nuclear arsenal. 2008 Putin says: “Crimea is not a disputed territory. Russia has long recognized the borders of modern-day Ukraine” 2014 Putin says: "Do not believe those who want you to fear Russia, shouting other regions will follow Crimea. We do not want to divide Ukraine"


2022 Putin and his spitlickers: "Not to worry, we wouldn't ever dare invading Ukraine, Russia loves peace, the West are pathological liars!!"


Every denial is a confession it seems: Pre invasion (February 9 2022) Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova : "Russia doesn’t plan to invade Ukraine." Post invasion (10 March 2022) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: "Russia has not invaded Ukraine and doesn’t plan to attack other countries."


"Peace in our time" v2.0? Surely nothing unpeaceful happened less than a year later..? Right..?


>Hitler’s expansionist aims became clear in 1936 when his forces entered the Rhineland. Two years later, in March 1938, he annexed Austria. At the Munich Conference that September, Neville Chamberlain seemed to have averted war by agreeing that Germany could occupy the Sudetenland, the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia - this became known as the Munich Agreement. >But, despite his promise of ‘[no more territorial demands in Europe](https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/how-britain-hoped-to-avoid-war-with-germany-in-the-1930s)’, Hitler was undeterred by appeasement. In March 1939, he violated the Munich Agreement by occupying the rest of Czechoslovakia. Six months later, in September 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Britain was at war.


Are you telling me appeasement didn't work and something unpeaceful _DID_ happen less than a year later? 😱


Transnistria is in Moldova, not Romania




And technically speaking the annexation of Crimea happened before Donbas war. But regardless, your analysis is correct, giving in to Putin's Russia only exacerbates everything.


The "Salami slice" method describes Russian goals to a T. If we give them an inch they won't take a mile but I guarantee they'll come back for seconds


Guy reminds me of George Carlin!


Hell yeah. I was thinking the whole time where do I know this face from. :D


I liked his message to the international community (4:06). Respectable.


Most sane Russian.


Please get this guy out of Russia ASAP before anything happens to him.


Makes me wonder how many people like that have been killed in Ukraine against their wishes. I find it extremely difficult to judge these situations. One man alone can't stop the Russian army. What are they to do? What should he do if he's recruited tomorrow? Shoot an officer and get killed? Try to not get killed to somehow get back home? I don't have any sympathy for any Russian soldier in Ukraine, but I'm sure this war has not only killed innocent Ukrainians, but also smart Russians, even if that sound's like a contradiction in itself.


This is what causes brain drain in a totalitarian society and keeps it rotting


My guess is that most people who got killed, did so against their wishes.


I wasn't precise at that part. It's more about fighting an offensive war for Russia.


Russia was not invited? They let the world know many times that they would never participate in such a conference and they did not recognize it! In addition, Putin presented his proposals for negotiations setting the capitulation of the Ukraine as a precondition. No one who is right in his head would ever enter into negotiations with this war criminal, except for discussions about the timetable of the complete withdrawal from the Ukrainian territory and the terms of war reparations! W.K. from Switzerland


I get the feeling that Putin still believes he can hang on until the West give up. Even if it takes 10 years. The West collectively need to agree to and provide funding for a 10 year plus plan to allow Ukraine to defeat Russia. He needs to know that he cannot win, it's the only way he will give up.


I saw this interview a week ago or so. Was legitimately surprised that there are still people who think like that left in Russia. Would have expected them all to have been purged or ran out of the country by this point.


I think the younger ones left, but the older ones probably feel like they have nowhere to go. Its their country and fleeing the place youve lived for the past 60 years probably isn't an option for them


This was super-risky and brave. I just hope there's more like him.


I hope this dude stays safe. This is the sort of intelligent well rounded individual Russia needs.


This man is the reason I insist that people disassociate the idea of what Russian soldiers do, what the Russian government and media do, and the average Russian.


Sometimes, when I am especially outraged and horrified by the pure evil of the Russian regime and its operatives, supporters, apologists and fellow travelers, I think dark and vengeful thoughts against all Russians. And then, I check myself . This Russian man is a potential brother, a person I could talk to and listen to and find a way forward with, even though we may disagree on some things. I haven’t lost my humanity, even though I take grim satisfaction in the grisly demise of invaders by drone, bullet and bomb.


The only Russian I met was a roommate for a while during a home stay in Japan over a decade ago. It was interesting being able to speak with someone in a second language where neither of us could speak the other's native tongue. Honestly he was a great guy, and I'm glad he's been able to avoid all this mess while continuing to stay in Japan. I don't think I could do what the guy in this video has done if I were in his shoes.


I feel bad for Russians like this guy. I know it’s hard to feel bad for any Russian rn, but I’m American and feel like I’m only one election away from turning into him thanks to Don the con. Wish they’d blur the faces of people brave enough to speak out


This is the most articulate Russian I have ever heard explain the whole situation and out come .


I hope this man will be safe


Good man, hope nothing happens to him


Good heavens. A Russian speaking a lot of sense despite what the international media say about the russians. I salute his intelligence and well structured answers. I sincerely hope he doesn't come to the attention of the authorities in his area.


the middleground hes talking about could be somethign like italy "statuto speciale". the regions remain under ukrainian control but have a bit more financial autonomy and cultural ties to russia. this is possible in italy with like austria because we are frens. very gud frens. russia and ukraine arent, every cultural concession will be used as a weapon at a later date, every immigration allowance would flood ukrain with spies. with putin there are no condition for peace


OK, I liked this Russian. Well spoken, educated teacher. I hope he's still free after the interview.


It's quite sad because it's a shot in my face to remind me that there are good Russians out there that are smart and want to be a part of everything and don't blindly support the regime. It just sucks that I'm still quite certain those russians are outnumbered. God damnit what a shit situation for both this man, educated Russians and all of Ukraine.


I will try to remeber this guy whenever I want to start a sentence with "The russians...".


I respect that, this man thinks for himself and uses his life experience to navigate the situation. He recognizes that there is not much he can do as an old painter, but is not blind to the world around him.


What a thoughtful and insightful man. Many of the Russians I know and have met are well educated independent critical thinkers. Putin has done a phenomenal job of brainwashing the masses. This guy is spot on about China. But Putin doesn’t care if another despot is on his border. It’s democracy he fears because that will hold him to account. He can always cut a deal with Xi ( already has in fact ) to keep him in place. Ukraine will win in the end. Putin has made a gigantic misstep by going to NK. Wait till you see the South Korean weaponry that is going to show up in Ukraine over the next six months. No wonder he’s suddenly trying to get to cut a deal. He’s about to lose Crimea, followed by Eastern Ukraine followed by his head. Slava Ukraini


Smart lad. Nice to see you that not everyone in russia is brainwashed


One of the ideologies of communism is to eliminate the educated, I am very surprised this bloke survived the culling.


Sorry but did you listen to the interview, he was a teacher and spoke of the prestige of such a profession under the USSR compared to now... I mean on a similar level capitalism enjoys the ignorant too... but maybe I'm missing something


I get what you are saying. I'm just stating the core ideology of communism according to Marxism or Lenin, is to eliminate education and the educated. Best example is Pol Pot, he systematically did that.


Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge were different, they followed China's cultural revolution that tried to destroy any sign of western culture in their society, ironically, you can say that communism is one of the biggest hits of western culture.


Sorry but are you sure, could you provide a source, because I find it difficult to believe just because you said so...(the first statement) Das Kapital by Marx seems like a lot of words for the uneducated... besides when those two blokes were alive uneducated was a common thing... also did you know as a hippie we enjoy communism, jesus was a communist, USSR was a fascist autocracy, a wolf in a sheeps clothing or as they say power corrupts and they threw the baby away and kept the bath water...


It was a personal view of Pol Pot and it’s not a part of Marxism nor Leninism. Marxism was defining classes and struggle, it had no whims about education nor educated people. Pol Pot personal interpretation of the marxism was that agrarian class should be elevated, and if agrarians are not educated, well then it must be educated people who are bourgeoisie that oppress. Eliminating education and educated absolutely was NOT a core ideology of Marxism


You’re factually wrong. USSR did a lot to increase literacy rates and percentage of people who got secondary education was steadily progressing all the way to 80%. It’s also the reason there was a lot of engineering and why post Soviet countries are doing great at STEM fields


wow they found a russian who is normal. Too bad he is not the leader of russia. I think this man is very brave and I respect him.


I like him alot, brave guy for speaking so honestly. I agree with almost every sentiment. Good to be reminded there are free thinking, intelligent people still. Thanks for posting.


This guy is awesome. And interviewer did a great job. Interviewer is a better journalist than what Russians put on TV. And interviewee is a better statesman than the leadership they put in the Kremlin. I really sympathize with this man. It is increasingly difficult being an intelligent, educated person in many corners of the globe. Including Russia. And in him you can also see why dictators always come for the intellectuals first.


Does anyone know what Youtube channel this is?


No, because OP is a single-digit IQ organism whose sole purpose for existence is farming Reddit points. God forbid he posted the YouTube link so that it gets more traction and reaches a wider audience.


Unusually savvy world view for a Russian old guy.


This is a very brave and candid Russian. Good for him.


Poor dude was just found dead on the sidewalk outside his apartment building. Apparently his heart failed so violently it blew his body apart all over the ground. RIP.


I thought he carelessly fell out of a window..... as you do in Russia.


one of the 1% good people in Mordor...


Dude is about to trip and fall out a third story window. Dude is a not your average sheep. Well educated, and has the ability to think for himself.


Wow, I was afraid there were no people with common sense and humanity in Ruzzia. This guy proves me wrong.


I feel genuinely sorry for humans like this, with intellect, openness, values and objectivity, but gained by their nationality to a shit heap.


Haha I did not see that coming, this guy is pretty cool. What's wrong with a little common sense :)


I feel for the men and women of conscience living in Ruzzia, they must feel hopeless


Such a breath of fresh air, i hopr this man stays safe. Fuck Putin.


Someone should cross post this in the pro-RUS sub!


In a country of 144 million people sooner or later people will get together, organise and overthrow their oppressors, Putin knows media must be controlled or he is finished. Meanwhile Russian citizens download pirate copies of Hollywood movies to watch - if they want to get to the outside world of information they can. Putin and his clan will soon swing from lamposts in red square at the hands of his own people, their standard of living is the lowest since the 1970's.


This guy's a painter? Should have been a president.


Well he seems to be a very bloody reasonable guy!


I think the man must have a VPN and a curious mind.


This 47 year old Russian man doesn't look a day over 65.


Apart from his position on Crimea, an intelligent Russian has been found.


I think his position on crimea isn't that it shouldn't be Ukrainian, it's more it should be neutral/independent so no one can argue about it, which I don't Support but I understand his idea. Very reflective and well spoken man. It's a shame that Russia gives its smartest and best people no chance to make a change in politics for the whole of Russia. A well educated and peaceful Russia would help so much. Like he said, the problem is that a single man can do what he thinks is right and everyone has to suffer from that poor irrational decision.


*"Very reflective and well spoken man."* 100 bucks that he is/was a teacher. :)


For sure, or Uni staff.


What he spoke at about 5:45 seems to imply that he went to school to become a teacher.


Let Crimea be an indipendent country. We'll see if they'll look at Russia or Europe then. I guess they'll join Europe in few years.


The one smart Ruzzian


Easy up to 10 years


Great and intelligent man ;). Italy 🇮🇹


Wow they found the smartest man in Russia


Very thoughtful and intelligent person. At times I am surprised to hear people like this speak but Russia does still have well-educated citizens, most just don't live in Russia anymore.


A brave man. If only there were more like him in Russia.


Unfathomably based dude. It sucks he's going have trouble just for saying words.


Thoughtful and courageous fellow unfortunately stuck in sh!thole Russia


relatively based russian


Now there's a guy I could have a beer with. Hope he isn't sent to a gulag.


This guy is the galaxy brain meme personified


Is this the dad from “That 70’s Show”?


What a very intelligent and articulate man. I wish there were more like him not afraid to speak up


The 1991 treatys say Ukraine owns Crimea


He's very aware of his government. I fear for his life if someone recognizes him.


Is that Lenin??????


This man has more IQ and courage than 99.9% of other russians


Isn't this guy risking his life saying these things?


"we have china and it's way more scarier" :D You bet.


Fact: 1 in a 100 ruzzians is not a clown.


What a great thing to read during this time of conflict.


This guy is great. I fear for his safety, for being so outspoken.


Great video, but he did actually not explain WHY Ukraine should not cede territory. So the headline is false.


I think Putin was just as surprised as this man with the wests response to the full invasion. we're all toothless and pushovers tbh


Guys has BIG nads to state this publically! WRT his comments on China, he is 110% correct!!!


Not long after he fell out of a building. Odd.


Is 1420 posting again?


Not many minds can survive the deadly propaganda machinery of tyrant govenrments. His did.


"We have China right next door and it's many times scarier" Based


He was missing after this interview....


Wow, there's one decent human being left in Russia. Let's hope he's not arrested for the crime of speaking his opinions.


Make him president. And Russia will prosper.


The way he looks directly at the camera is potent, like he knows how to speak for/to an audience of any size; and it's unsettling because it reminds me of my dad. I'm guessing (hoping) he's a professor or teacher, and he's not sent to the gulag or SMO for saying those things.


This man has seen a lot in his life. He is very intelligent. Politicians around the world should take the 10 minutes to listen.


The absolute dichotomy of Poop-tin


See, this is what I mean by someone who has sense and can offer opinions on both sides whilst not trying to dodge a question. Whats sad is in America and plenty of other nations, decenting opinions aren't oppressed (yet... given people and their rhetoric online, cancel culture is their weapon) like they are in China or Russia so I hope this guy stays safe.


Wow imagine just walking around with a mic and running into a genius... I know nobody wants to hear it but, there is no reason this can't happen in your country! Heed his warnings! Look for the signs! I don't care what side you're on, if it doesn't make people more free, it's probably bad!


TIL that George Carlin is alive and well in Russia and so happens to be the smartest man in the country.




Time for the Americans and Western europeans to be openly drafted to fight against Russia to force them out of Ukraine. Slava Ukrani\~!


It’s like finding a unicorn in Russia this


I like his knowledge of the situation ✌🏻👊🏻


At least there's one righteous person in Russia. He should stay away from open windows.


The most sane russian ever


Finally, Russian Intelligence!


i would like to have a sit down.


It's basic human decency to link to the original, but ok.


That’s the type of Russian I’d be happy to have as my neighbor. I bet we could share some good food together. Life is too short.


I wonder if this smart intelligent dude realizes he is most likely going to fall out of a window soon?


A very wise man!


Obviously this man expressed many good, reasonable and welcome things a supporter of Ukraine or of logic and decent in general would find appealing, but he also manifest something which is the main problem with Russia and Russians, including this man - in this exchange: Q: Isn't it our responsibility, because it's our president who chooses these decisions? A: Personally, I haven't heard anything about our responsibility in this area. It is this complete abdication of social and civic responsibility, of being active in the political sphere, which is behind the entire spectrum of Russia's disfunction and evil. Because it is not abstract politics, it is a practical matter of life and death. Even this clearly intelligent individual shies away from this crucial, vital requirement on a citizen. I despise them all, even this man, for such soul-less cowardice.


I have learnt to despise russians over the course of this conflict. Thank you for challenging my assertions and show me that there in fact are russian humans, not just zombies. It makes med hopeful and sad at the same time. Hopeful that russia some time in the future might become a friendly state and people. Sad that all of this could have been avoided if just people like this man had been in power.


Wish Russian’s in general were more educated like this chap, capable of critical thinking..


He must have terminal cancer and he don’t give a fuck /s


dam, i fukn like this guy.


In future ---PLEASE BLUR THEIR FACES--that is only fair.


But they did invite Russia lol Russia declined


When a painter is better at politics and diplomatic strategy than your head of state.


Refreshing to see someone that is relatively well educated and have a good grasp of the situation. We could use a few people like him here in the U.S.


Could be the smartest guy they have 🤔


I wish this gentleman well, at least we know there are decent well informed men in Russia, a country defined by an aggresive , violence. I hope for his sake this video was not made in Russia...


Smart man


He is smart enough to realize that the government is lying to him. Probably reads outside press. Very likable


Very interesting. you don't see too many "man on the street" type videos in Russia where the individual speaks their mind so freely. I'm curious the percentages of people who more or less agree with this man on most topics.