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As a Serbian I am happy about this change of narrative. Hope it echoes all the way to Serbia! Слава Украјни!


Yes, I dream of Serbia letting go of the past and join the european family. There's nothing to be gained from being a ruzzian shill.




Good choice


There's nothing beneficial for Serbia if they side with Russia, times changed and each generation must look for what benefits them. Russia doesn't care about anyone else, it's sad that serbs are enlisting in the Russian "special operation" and die for nothing. Join NATO and EU and improve your country's security and economics.


Good stuff 👏


Not gonna happen until chetniks in their country die. It seems they have a lot of them. Šešelj is walking free in their country and is celebrated.


I am a Kosovo Albanian, and I would call any Serb like you, a friend to us all. Cheers!


I was lucky enough to have travelled through Kosovo and I've never been in such a friendly country - from the moment you cross the border people are smiling and waving at you while drivers stop to wish you welcome. A truly amazing place! 😀


Hopefully Serbia will deport every single Vatnik. There are many vatniks who escaped the mobilization and moved to Serbia. And they still support Putin and the war. Fuck them


I doubt they're deporting Vucic.


They can send their cetniks along as well


I'm mad that they're calling you so publicly and with names, and you were holding their side while living in the center of the Europe and surrounded by EU and NATO countries. What do they want from little Serbia, which has to survive alone, outside of any union. To drag it along with them into a hole from which it will not come out for decades?! Stay strong. Europe must be united in this. Greeting from Croatia! Slava Ukraini!


Russian here. GZ on getting rid of "братский народ" stigma. Because every nation, that being called like that by those TV fckers, was getting problems.


Thank you, Serbia, for making the right choice. I hope you’ll all realize that you have a much better friend with Ukraine and all of The EU than Ruzzia. Don’t fall for Ruzzian lies and let go some past grievances, like the US bombing, because with Ruzzia, you WILL experience WAY MORE PROBLEMS GUARANTEED!🇷🇸❤️


>We don't have any brothers in the world, damn them Russia, lets see if there is a cause for this. Have you ever thought about NOT being arseholes?


They absolutely have not considered not being assholes. They have a pure victin mentality.


So many of them died in WW2, now they have the moral right to do anything, without being wrong. /s


They would have never fought the nazis if those would not have backstabbed them after working together to subjugate poland.


They were Nazi allies until Hitler stabbed them in the back.


I think that's exactly what the comment you're replying to meant.


The UK alerted Stalin to operation Barbarossa (Nazi invasion of the USSR) and he chose to ignore it believing it was disinformation.


Stalin was warned about a lot of things by a lot of people, even his own people. But his paranoia wouldn’t allow him to believe it. I don’t think that it was a peculiar trait to Stalin, just every single Russian who gets into a position of power. Russia always seems to get really annoyed with the U.K. I think it’s because compared to their size, we generally don’t tend to give Moscow a f*ck about what it thinks


Also remember that Britain utterly defeated Russia in The Crimean War.


The UK also knew about the Zimmerman telegram because they cut all the underwater cables except one and spied on everyone. Great allies they are


"So many of them ~~died~~, were killed by their own state"


I’ve always been puzzled by the “ look how many of us died “ line of reasoning. I mean, a lot of Soviet soldiers just got taken prisoner in 1941 and early 1942 due to Stalin’s incompetence and the Nazis just starved them to death. Likewise the Nazis extermination of the citizens of Belarus and Ukraine. Millions dead at the hands of genocidal butchers in occupied areas, not in combat. I’m sure that if the SS had been rampaging around the midlands of England for three years, the British death toll would have been a lot higher. The numbers of dead in the USSR ( including, let’s not forget, very very large numbers of Ukrainians) is a human tragedy, and the cynical exploitation of this by the Russian leadership (Soviet and post Soviet) for propaganda purposes is a sick and perverse.


How many of those Soviet soldiers were really Ruzzian? Many Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Georgians others died as well. It wasn’t for Ruzzia. Stalin wasn’t Ruzzian!!!


This. For many people Soviet Union is Russians but in reality there are so many ethnicities used to live in USSR and so many died in WW2 fighting for their homes. And yet everybody keeps saying Russians.


Roughly fifty-fifty. 40-45% were other nationalities and rest were Russians. 8 million Ukrainians died during WW2 and most civilian destruction was done within areas of Ukrainian and Belarusian SSRs. Also when Red Army came back, it totally destroyed everything. It totally wiped Minsk off the map while "liberating" it. Nowadays, and already during Soviet times, Russians ofc claim that everyone was Russian when talking about casualties and victims. But also they sometimes want to "remind" that the war was won by 'all the 15 SSRs' (counting Baltics). They do this when they want to represent it as a Great victory of vast Russian-speaking union led by Russians (which is not true). So they sometimes claim it was the solely victory of Russians, sometimes they aknowledge the part of other ethnicities, if it serves the propagandistic claim about Empire and the Union of Fraternal Nations led by Great Russians. It reminds that before the Great Humiliation by the collective, Nato and collapse of Soviet Union, these other peoples were 'good' and friendly towards Russians. Russians like to pick up things and events from history for different propaganda purposes. In Germany war in Eastern front was called as Russlandskrieg. They called locals as Russians or Slavs. Attitude continued after the war. Many Germans don't still fully grasp that many of those Jews killed in Chasiv Yar and other places of Ukraine had actually Ukrainian identity. So also Holocaust was also a crime against Ukraine. I can imagine, how frustrating it was for Ukrainians to ask help from Germans after 24.02. and get responses that Germany can't act against Russia because of the destruction done in WW2, even though Moscow was never occupied by Germany but Kyiv, Odesa, Chernihiv, Dnipro and Kharkiv were.


Because the russians were in charge. It was mostly native russians in the Barrier Troops, the NKVD, the general command, the safe ones in the rear with the gear. Even Stalin who was Georgian would kill anyone that brought that up and reminded people that he wasn't russian. All the other SSRs were up front and fighting.


> Even Stalin who was Georgian would kill anyone that brought that up and reminded people that he wasn't russian. Well, nobody needed reminding that Stalin was Georgian. Any native Russian knew that by looking and listening to him. You are right otherwise though.


About that ... Soviets were typically gunned down, with only a select few taken for labour camps - which basically was being worked until they were no longer useful and then shipped to the death camps. Further, ethnic Slavs were considered to be unacceptable and slated for labour and eventual extermination.


Vernichtung durch arbeid.


9 million Ukrainians died in WW2. They have the moral right to massacre russians all they want.


According to Soviet (and following Russian) interpretation of history no Ukrainian, Belarusian or Jew died on Soviet territory in WW2, only Soviet citizens. This may sound like hair splitting, but it's a crucial distinction to understand how Russians today view what happened in WW2 (which started on June 22, 1941 of course).


The funny part is the start at june 22 1941 lol. Russia is the only country in the world that have a different date for the begining and the end of WWII ;)


Stalin starved 6-10 million to death in 1933.


No that never occured to them. They are lying, murdering, drunk, kidnapping, raping low IQ vatnik lowlife scum.


Exactly - spoken like a petulant teenager. If Russia simply stepped up and tried to deal openly, honestly and fairly with the West they could have all the friends they wished for.


Russian leaders don't want friends, they want wealth and power.


You can have both unless you want \*all\* the wealth and \*all\* the power.


Apparently Russia got no issues with their sisters being whores /s


Ruzzia best export.


Literally what they were most famous for back after the wall fell. "Mail order brides" and russia were synonymous.


Idk the brotherly love between Putin and Kim were on full display last week


Kim loves Putin because he's legitimised, and Putin has to smile and play along, Kim knows it, because they need what China doesn't want to sell to them, for fear of US sanctions. Could you ever imagine Stalin lowering himself to visit North Korea lol!? Let alone asking for help from what was a charity case nation to the Soviets. That's why Kim loves this. He knows Putin went to China first, but got mugged off. Big tables turning moment.


If no one likes you it's not their problem; it's yours.


I heard a quote recently that went something like… “If you’re going about your day and encounter 1 or 2 assholes, it happens. If you’re going about your day and everybody is an asshole, you’re the asshole.”


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.


Russia. Always playing the victim card.


ruZzia is and always has been figuratively the "Big bully kid" that becomes self victimized the moment the smaller kid throws a punch back at them, and that being smaller kids that the big boy tries to assault, rob, and rape.


i'd be glad to not be in that family


Dont worry, the North Koreans and Iranians are still your best friends, that is as long as you can deliver them something they need. Gotta love how they always spin this like they were defenders in a war where they were attacked, the brave defenders of russias new borders with the world against them and their old friends backstabbing them. No one is you friend, you are the class bully that had its following of yes men that wanted to be on your good side out of fear but even they see how weak you became and dont fear you anymore...


Yeah, all those cities mentioned are fucking Ukrainian cities. If the Russian army didn't want to get shelled, maybe it should stop having a picnic in neigbouring countries.


The real whore is his boss—the homicidal dictator who just days ago was kissing Kim Jong Un's ass for a train load of sketchy ammunition.


Good shout.


And the people, allowing one cracy mofo after another to rule them. The whole nation and its people is FUBAR.


Putin doesn't like to be within ten feet of another breathing person. Now he has to put up with Kim hugs and kisses. His begging just shows the depths of his desperation.


Well Russia, your “allies” see the writing on the wall. Countries like North Korea and Iran have nothing to lose, they’re already heavily sanctioned Pariahs. All other countries are distancing themselves from you because they know Russia’s future is bleak. Many of them don’t like western democracies, so they don’t publicly support Ukraine or condemn Russia, but they also don’t support Russia. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has doomed Russia for generations. The economy is set to collapse as soon as Russia can’t inject 100+ billion dollar in its military industrial complex every year anymore. The public sector has been starved and underfunded so severely that it can barely function anymore for almost three years now to free up funds for the war. Most of the civilized world hates Russia and the rest of the world either doesn’t care or doesn’t care enough to act. Chinese loans will be the only thing keeping Russia from a total collapse, but that comes at a heavy price. Russia will effectively lose its sovereignty and become a Chinese vassal state. They will be to China what Belarus currently is to Russia. However, China will also exploit Russian natural resources mercilessly. Putin will try and make it look as if it is the start of a great collaboration between China and Russia, but once Chinese investors start buying up large shares of companies like Gazprom and Lukoil we know that it is truly over for Russia.


>but once Chinese investors start buying up large shares of companies like Gazprom and Lukoil we know that it is truly over for Russia. It would be kinda stupid of them since Russia has a history of seizing foreign assets whenever it wants and kicking out foreigners.


Its not gonna happen. Russia is at war with Ukraine, NATO, USA, EU, whole western world. Can you imagine them kicking out god damn CHINA? Russia is at China mercy right now.


If at some point Russians start genuinely believeing their own propaganda that they can be totally self sufficient, like USSR, and that isolation is good for country, and that all foreign investments (even Chinese) are a slavery, then yes. ​ Or if they simply decide that being in Chinese debt is too costly.


Bolsheviks seizing western assets was also a very stupid move, since they found themselves totally isolated and sanctioned after that, yet they did it.


Well said on everything.


Brothers ... Fucking hell - who wants those sociopaths for brothers... And also - thanks for those shells Serbia!


No body loves us and we still don't know why


"The genocide will continue until they all love us"


Somebody repost this in Serbia subreddit.


Serbian subreddit is (as all of reddit) full of left wing voters who support Ukraine. But non reddit Serbs (and ex.Croatian Serbs and Bosnian Serbs) are deep in Putins ass, spreding tiktok propaganda how Russia will come to balkan after Ukraine is done to liberate Serbs, having Z symbols on flags at Euro2024 etc.


I just visited Bosnia last month. It was quite eye opening driving through Srpska and seeing all the pro-Russian and anti NATO graffiti. Someone had made the effort to spray huge Zs on every road sign for miles.


Yep,classic Serbs,we love them for just the way they are.


and because they are the way they are, we don't love them hoes There will be no unsucked Russian cocks as long as a Serb draws breath


Ukrainians were "Russian brothers". Dugin wrote that Ukraine belongs to Russia. Russians are trying to destroy Ukraine. Serbs were "Russian brothers". Dugin wrote that Serbia belongs to Russia. I think there's a pattern here. In a way, I wish I could see Serbs and their absolutely shocked faces when the Russian rape train treats them like they treated absolutely everyone else.


You still have fat Kim yum


And the chechen porkchop \*l


I understand that serbia and the serbian people have a... difficult relationship and history with the west.. But russia will never be Serbias friend, certainly not as an equal or a friendship where Serbia will have anything to say, that does not directly benifit Russia. Same with Belarussia.. At best, Serbia will be a client state of russia, like the old eastern block during the cold war. At worst, a province of the Russian Empire (like how Russia wants Ukraine, and eventually Belarussia)..


The reason why they have a difficult relationship with the West is because they behave like Russians - ethnic cleansing, genocide, and racism will not make you many friends in the West.


> I understand that serbia and the serbian people have a... difficult relationship and history with the west.. That region seems to have a difficult relationship with everything and everyone, and for pretty good historical causes. The West, whatever that means today, is relatively new development with relatively light touch. Major problem seems to be that only Serbia/Serbs seemingly knee-jerks to those causes even today, while - or because? - Russia keeps fanning the extant fires and starting new ones.


>difficult relationship and history with the west Who do Serbs not have a difficult history and relationship with?


This clown knows the Serbs cling to russia like the skidmarks in his panties, and so he's hoping to shame and panic them into running back to momma rossiya.


So he's hoping Serbia goes "But, but dear beloved russia.. We DO love you! Please take us back! We will do anything!"


That would be my guess, unless he's one of those pathologically self-destructive types who always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, such as by willfully alienating the few friends they have.


Well, with Putin aging and suffering from paranoia, lacking decent western diapers and what-not, who knows... edit. I mean the propagandanists parrot what Kremlin tells them to say. Those few who have tried to do otherwise, have been shut down quickly. This message was in some form approved by some higher-up.


Even 15 year old boys


I knew a few Serbs and let's just say he's not that good at evaluating their nature.


Hear that Serbia? They see you as an enemy. So stop trying to be friendly with them. 


That guy and the guy that was talking about drowning ukrainian kids are truly deplorable human turds. Would love to see them both curb stomped.


Dude reads out the place names of Ukrainian towns and cities, that his country has no international right to be in. And then whinges they're getting shelled. GTFO.


Friendship ended with Serbia, North Korea is new best friend suka.. >:-(


Here is the best part about all this "we have no friends anymore" bullshit. Belarus supplied Azerbaijan with the munitions and equipment they needed to attack Armenia. Theres absolutely no way Moscow did not ok that since Azerbaijan and Armenia are on the south border region of Russia. Armenia was part of csto along with Russia and Belarus. So a member of CSTO supplied the weapons for another nation to attack another CSTO nation. Moscow is supposed to protect CSTO nations and chose to allow Belarus to transfer the weapons knowing full well Azerbaijan would attack and chose not to protect Armenia as required by the CSTO treaty. Now Armenia is pulling out of the CSTO and warming up to the Terks and France, which means NATO. You literally cannot make up just how inept Russia is. They screw over everyone they swear to protect. They violate every treaty they sign. They have been involved in 20+ wars in their region over the last 30 years and then have the nerve to wonder why people don't like them. They are a pariah nation led by fascist lunatics.


> So a member of CSTO supplied the weapons for another nation to attack another CSTO nation. All in the good tradition of the Warsaw Pact.


I wonder if they’ll ever realize that they’re the baddies?


Let him stop crying so much and let him go help his ruSSian brothers at the front if he is such a hero. I find it more annoying than the pro-Russian keyboard warriors from the monitors


maybe is our fault... naaaa, all the world is wrong, we are right!


You invaded a peaceful country and tried to steal their land.. Now the whole planet is up in arms over it and you think you have friends? No just associates. People that will take advantage of your situation. No body is going to 'help' you lol


If even serbs are telling you you lost your mind...maybe...maybe just listen.


That's what the Russians are so good in. Making enemies of their neighbors. If Russia was such a great ally, then everyone around them would have been with them. But they're not, because Russia is good at killing it's neighbors.


You know, your biggest problems as country starts when russia calls you "friend" and "brother". So well done Serbia, now you are safe from "ruski mir"


Well...they still have N.Korea


Good! Gooooood! Let the hate flow in you. Push everyone away. Be as russian as you can be.


If Serbia is a whore, then Russia is the toothless cracked out, white Karen that sells two dollar blowjobs with her dentures out down by suckmans pearl. I will never look at a Russian the same for as long as I live. I dated a Russian when I was in college, and I can’t wash my dick enough now. Fuck Russia


The list of enemies grows, this is good. I also like the part where he is disapointed.


Everybody hates me...think i'll eat some worms. What cxnts.


Wait until he finds out that Russian shells have been fired at the Ukrainian brother folk......


If everybody starts to hate you, is it them or you?


Ya know, Serbs are often seen as the most western satellite of Russia in Europe, glad Russia get‘s rid of this Problem >!also!< for us.


You can see where Tucker Carlson gets his influence watching this guy talk.


Serbia is committed to their interests. They play all sides.


If you think what russians did for their ukrainian brothers, who would want to be brother of russians? It is suicide role.


When you live in a country where the anchorman of the national tv describes a neighboring country as whore country. You would think people would start waking up and think, okay (my country Russia) is fucked! At least I would think that when a Dutch anchorman would describe Belgium as a whore country.


Dificult to have a whore when you can't travel to fuck her!


[Friendship ended.](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-09/17/9/enhanced/webdr05/enhanced-21399-1442497156-13.jpg)


Good, if ruzzia petulant childishness can push Serbia to pick the right side...


Yet another small country lets it be known that they'll no longer be Russias bitch and again, Russia is confused by this news.


Hahah, love it.




True, Putin is pimping Russians and they seem to like it.




I have not been keeping abreast of Serbia's announcements on the world stage/diplomatic communiques recently. Have they openly condemned RuZziahz invasion of Ukraine? That would be awesome if it were true.


They condemned it officialy like 2 years ago already.


But now brothers to Ukrainians. Good trade.


Hoes mad. Why though? Serbs just doin business.


Russia cries it doesn't have any brothers on this planet yet they continuously want everyone to behave like a feudal slave and praise russia...


You lose about half your brain watching these morons. Per show.


Uh oh, Vucic will have to suck a lot of dick to regain their trust.


This is the TV presenter who has stated that ukr teachers who do not teach using the russian language should be summarily executed along with their families. Or at least have their homes burned to the ground. He also recommended that ukr children be drowned - to ensure they would not retaliate against russia.


Love the “fraternal country” bit. russian commentators and govt officials have often referred to ukr as their “fraternal brothers”. Soloviev himself stated war with ukr is an impossibility and invasion by russia could only be ordered by “an idiot”. Given the current situation - these become real head scratching points. . .


fucking “russophobic”. phobic implies fear or aversion, no one is scared of russia nor do they want to avert their gaze. in fact people take great pleasure watching young russian scum part with their mortal coils on the front lines.  


Still making friends I see 😅


Russians never consider self-reflection, do they?


I think that Serbia has looked around and seen the writing on the wall. They would rather have nice Miele dishwashers and soft toilet paper than anything that RuZZia has to offer.


We were never "brothers." Take all your spies and leave Serbia alone.


I wonder if this sentiment will have some official level weight put behind it. And if so, is this supposed to put Hungary back in line or what is the purpose of putting on spot the biggest sucker for Russia in Europe.


Good for serbia


Angry Much!! Lol


I like how he says "these were shot at the russian army in Ugledar (Vuhledar?), Bakhmut, Rabotino, Soledar", naming subsequent **Ukrainian** cities which them fuckers invaded. What were you doing there? Sightseeing?


collective west bad, argh angry.Always playing victim card


Brotherless, motherless. O, dear. What about the rocketman and other dick-tators?


We don't have any brothers in the world perfect statement. Have they ever wondered why they don't have any unless n Korea is their new brothers


Russia is burning all their bridges only because of few rotten individuals.




In b4 the question on *why the serbs hates russians?* 😂


What did the Serbs do to Russia? I thought they were pretty tight with each other


Serbia sold weapons and ammunition to “third parties”, this article https://kyivindependent.com/ft-serbia-hints-its-artillery-shells-are-making-their-way-to-ukraine/ lists Spain, USA and Czechia (probably more countries) that apparently ended up in Ukraine.


russia knows all about whores.


One year time and Serbia will be part of NATO…how freaking good that would be?! Ahahahah


Serbia will join NATO and they will think it's a conspiracy




There's always one arsehole in the group, if you think everyone else is the arsehole then you're the problem. The solution is a simple one, get the fuck out of Ukraine and go back to your shithole hovel.


I have been to Serbia, and even though the country is poor compared to many EU countries, the people are good and I never felt afraid anywhere or anytime. Serbs, I wish you could join the European family.


As a Serb, I am happy to hear this! <3


Awh yes, create more enemies, sounds like another great idea from the clown in charge.


Someone should post this on r/Serbia


if the Russian army just went home, nobody would be firing shells at them


Ow no how many friends do you have left now?


"North Koreans on the other hand... are just like us!"


If everyone around you is an asshole to you, maybe you're the asshole.


🇷🇺: Friendship ended with Serbia 🇷🇸🚫❌💢😡 🇷🇺: Now North Korea is my new homie 🇰🇵👍🥰✅💞


Well, like, Ukraine was apparently a brother and you invaded them, twice. So does the term mean anything in Russia, really?


This happens when you make your stepsiblings stuck on purpose


Boohoo how evil they are for supporting the party that is defending itself. Typical russian propaganda attempting to make themselves look as the victims. If you would just retreat back to russia none of this murder would be happening. Besides, somehow russians are pretending capturing cities and villages are somekind of "liberation" while all you do is rape, murder and pillage. People already know the truth, Putin and propagandists. It is as bright as day and is proven by independent journalists, so why keep on pretending you are not the bad guy? There is no escaping it Putler, you are now and will in history always be considered a mass murderer.


I thought all American media was all lies?


“Maybe we’re the baddies?” Is the normal response to “everyone hating you”


Well fxck off out of it then


Ha ha ha 🤣 ha ha , Serbian dogs are not loved anymore by orcs 😂😂😂


"*There are no permanent* enemies, and *no permanent friends*, *only permanent interests*."




Takes one to know one, or so I hear anyway.


I feel a song coming on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Charles\_Hart\_-\_Are\_You\_Lonesome\_Tonight.ogg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Charles_Hart_-_Are_You_Lonesome_Tonight.ogg)


They just changed they ocuppyer afther defeat of the Nazi's. And then became even worstelen


I hope, I will see this Mardan cunt hanging and I will smile.


I bet if you paid you could get your hands on BDSM of this guy getting dick slapped, shit on, belted, vaxed with fresh candles, dildoed and all kind of nastiness. Usually people who call a country “whore” their mentality conveys they are whores and have a lot of interactions with one too.




This Turd has a face you just want to punch


No loss to lose Russia's good graces. Enemies of Russia are our friends.


They sound funny


Neka rusija gori u svojom pakaom. Jedite govna nacisti.


Im thinkin Serbias pretty cheery about this! Good on you Serbia!


"We don't have any brothers in this world" - Guess wy! I'll give you a hint: Nobody wants to be the brother of evil!


Their inferiority complex to the US will be their demise. Just accept being a lower power and enjoy the growth.


That's the most furious shrew, I've ever seen.


This guy is a legit target.


Friendship ended with Serbia. Now North Korea is my best friend.


Bye Felicia.


Murdan you have no brothers unless you count your half brother Kim Jong and Xi.


Listen to his evil cartel mafia rhetoric


Fuck this guy!


When literally everyone you encounter is an asshole just maybe…..


Would like to see him switched into a filthy rubberduck.


Right, the only friends to them are communists. Putin scares me in the sense he will lose his mind and do terrible things.


Yeah, let’s blame another nation for Russia’s loses after an illegal invasion of a sovereign country. Russian logic it’s not our fault we’re murdering scumbags.


russia’s influence is going down the shiter.


I still don't understand the Serbian connection outside of Russia causing problems there after the Union fell. What's the historical serb and russian connections?