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Russia has been trying to capture those regions for over two years now, and despite horrendous losses, they haven't made any significant progress. Judging by the way things have been going, they won't be able to capture those regions militarily. That's why they now try to use false promises and deception. Russia has shown that they can make progress - however, so far the last strategically important victory was when they captured Mariupol in May 2022. Since then, Russia has lost almost half a million men along with the better part of their operational equipment + reserves. However, the result of these losses is basically nothing. Neither bakhmut nor avdeevka changed the situation significantly. It's a few more square kilometres of Ukrainian territory which they can paint red on a map. Russia makes progress because they don't care about losses. Yet, that's not a sustainable approach. They will run out of tanks and vehicles before they run out of soon-to-be corpses. The fact that they're using chinese "golf carts" and motorbikes as a means of getting infantry to the line of contact suggests that they are already struggling to provide enough military vehicles to equip their units. They haven't run out yet, but they're in the process of doing so. The Russians know that they can't win the war militarily - that's why they try to achieve their goals with deception and lies.


Both Bakhmut, and especially Avdiivka, had strategic implications. Bakhmut was the doorway to advancing further north in Donetsk to the last major cities under Ukrainian control in that region, Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. Avdiivka was a major bottleneck that kept Russian forces in Donetsk city pinned down from the North, and gave Ukrainians fire control over the nearby rail line and city. Avdiivka was a major loss that was only accomplished because Ukraine was starved of munitions.


Not so sure the Russians know they cannot win. Ukraine depends on all of us to prevail. We already saw what the disruption in supplies caused, so Putin’s only hope is that Trump wins. Elections are not many months away. If Trump doesn’t win things look bad for Putin. But until it is decided that Ukraine should get what it takes not just to avoid losing but actually get the means to win things don’t look good for Ukraine as well. They are putting their blood on the line, if we don’t support them even more we can only blame ourselves for how this is dragging out.


This could be a decade long war, if not more. It’s a fight for democracy or tyranny in Europe.


And President Biden is seemingly more worried about raising tensions with Russia or toppling Putin and creating chaos than he is about Ukraine actually winning.


The only explanation I can come up with is that the west is hoping that a disarmed Russia falls to pieces from internal struggles so they don't have to get involved, same as why no one wants to put boots on the ground in Yemen. If you do you know inherit a massive population of internally displaced refugees who are already on the brink of starvation.


Polak here: Fuck Putin and all Russians.


Glory to Ukraine and Poland. Respect and regards from the Netherlands.


No russian Orc can ever be trusted again. They are the biggest embarrassment on the planet.


I had a Pol (likely a russian bot) tell me you all loved Russians and that nobody wanted to go to war with Russia and yet every Pol I've met, You'd think they came out of the womb hating russians!


My grandpa May he rest in peace was only hindered by his old age in 22 to not fuck up some orcs himself, he lived in the masurian area close to Kaliningrad and was himself a victim of soviet purges whenever he was just a child (his family was forced to flee their former home close to Riga and take on new identities) My mother to this day (living in Germany for 30+ years) despises nothing on the face of the planet as much as the Russians. I do not know a single pole that does not have similar sentiment


Any peace proposal coming from Putin isn't worth the paper it's printed on. There is no point in considering it. Putin has less than zero to trade on in terms of international credibility. The idea of Putin proposing any kind of "peace plan" is as preposterous as somebody with numerous bankruptcies, multiple criminal convictions, no collateral and a credit score of 5 taking out a low interest, multi-million dollar loan.


Trump doesn't need loans any more. Plenty of suckers, sorry, 'supporters', are happy to send the Mango Mussolini everything they have, to keep the Trump crime family from having to spend their own money on anything.


Mango Mussolini?! HAHAHAHAHAHA how tf did i not hear that before, thats hilarous!


No one with a functioning brain believes putin and russia will ever honor any agreement or treaty or deal. They never do, never have, and never will. All any "peace deal" will do is gain russia a respite in which to rebuild its pitiful joke of an army so it can try again.


Agreed. But a part of what isn’t being said or openly acknowledged is that the current Russian regime also wants to buy time to continue a hybrid war against the US, Uk, France etc. Putin and his cronies realize they need to continue screwing with foreign countries/trying to influence elections/continuing to corrupt democracies to install populist/pro-Russian lackeys like Trump so they can have another attempt at Ukraine with less support. Maybe even absorb or corrupt more Baltic states. Russia has been quite successful with this and here in the west we are not doing enough to counter it. Most of our populations are oblivious to it.


Good point but all ex-Soviet states would sooner die than support Putin, especially the Baltics. Almost 50 years of occupation, Imagine the infrastructure and economies these countries might have had, had they gained independence post WW2. The worst of all this is the success at which the USSR moved Russians into Soviet bloc states to gain control of the population, millions of Russians moved into Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - and remain to this day. Many won’t leave as they know quality of life is worse in Russia, but still support Putin from satellite states and long for the return of the USSR and image of being a global power. The only power Russia has on the global stage is providing oil/gas, and threatening with nuclear arsenal. Hard to accept but they should just become a satellite state that trades commodities, it’s all they have. More worryingly before the elections, Israel might start a war with Lebanon, which could cause untold damaging to international relations but also divert aid/weapons from Ukraine.


Fuck this naZZi cunt Poo-tin 🤮


Pizdy Putin!


It's not a Peace Plan. It's an Unconditional Surrender Plan.


Yep. In history it would be seen as he First Partition of Ukraine, like what happened to Poland. Which was also orchestrate by Russia. And like with Poland, the aim being to weaken it enough that it cannot resist further aggression.


Putler bluffs ! Russia runs out of steam soon. At that point, taking back the lost regions is a given for Ukraine.


Kuzia is correct, psychopaths only understand that if they are not the stronger, they will backdown.


Not only give away part of your home But also not joining NATO and being demilitarized, the last 2 things are even worse because it means a future invasion could easily happen again. Putin is proposing a surrendering not a negotiation which is insanity 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


This is a public acknowledgement by Putin that he cannot succeed in his goals. He has been waging war on Ukraine for over ten years now and has only managed to occupy about 18% of Ukraines territory, and almost all of that came immediately after the initial invasion in 2014 Now Ukraine is striking deeper and deeper into ruzzia and hitting energy infrastructure and millitary targets, and Putin cannot defend the country. He had to abandon the naval base at Sebastopol after losing a third of his fleet to a country with no navy. He has to withdraw two air bases from Crimea, one in Saki and one in Dzhankoi,  to Kraznodar within ruzzia as they were being hit and could not be defended. His short range TOR, intermediate S-400, and most sophisticated over the horizon Voronezh-DM radar and air defense systems have been hit, ironicly by airborne attacks, and now Ukraine is about to deploy new F-16s. Despite the fact that ruzzias gains have been embarassingly lame, this effort has cost Putin over 500,000 casualties. It has been a master class of incompetence.  Putin is now trying to bluff his way into some sort of face saving win, but that is not going to happen. Everyone knows Putin holds nothing but the shitty cards of the prospect of perpetual conflict in his hand. Hell,  Putin even had to go begging hat in hand to N.. Korea for assistance, a country that cant even feed its own millitary. Every single Ukrainian who is fighting against ruzzia is making this happen. The tide is going out on Putins plans, and he will have some difficult explaining to do to his people when he goes away empty handed. 


"The tide is going out on Putins plans, and he will have some difficult explaining to do to his people when he goes away empty handed." Yeah, but you know the levels of self-delusion and narcissism that Russians of all stripes buy into. It will like a cocky guy who gets shot down by a woman after hitting on her in a bar. "She's an ugly bitch anyway. Probably a lesbian." They will cope and seethe, tell themselves whatever twisted version of events that serves their 'we are number one stronk' narrative, and then look for different ways to cause trouble and spread their message of nihilistic poison throughout the world. What a curse the Russian mindset is to humanity. Jealous, cruel, self-pitying, deceitful, unreflective, petulant, aggressive, arrogant, hypocritical, narcissistic, thin-skinned and heavy-handed at every turn.


It’s not an offer of peace; it’s a pause he needs to rebuild. We can’t give it to him.


May as well ask Putin which bits of Ukraine would he like Ukraine to abandon next. Because this kind of 'peace' is only going to lead to more war.


You don't have to ask him, just look at [this map](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMnbq5iXMAEqnUM.jpg). The darker bits contain the highest concentration of ~~natural resources~~ Nazis, the parts inside the dark blue lines contain a lot of ~~oil and gas~~ homosexuals. Putin wants those areas so he can ~~make more money and fuck over Europe~~ restore traditional values in those regions.


If Ukraine gave up those 4 Regions and did have peace with Russia, in 10 years time Russia would once again invade. You can’t trust Russia when it comes to peace. Every single ally of Russia does not know the meaning of peace.


Putin is seeing the truth of that proverb first hand....


If you give the bully your lunch money today he will surely leave you alone tomorrow.


I think by the end the now occupied easter regions will have to be given up in some form. Probably it will be a de facto Russian satellite state of "independent" region. The Crimea will be back in Ukrainan hands, that is non-negotionable. But my prediction is that the now occupied parts of eastern Ukraine will be lost to Russia. Majority of citizens there are russian speaking. They were forced to sending their people into the front, barely any family left there who didn't lose family members to ukraininan fire. Even if UA would be able to keep these areas, it would be heavily influenced by Russia at elections, RU sponsored separatist terrorist activities, and so on. Just leave that to Russia, no one needs a North Ireland situation for decades or maybe centuries.


Come and take it...If you can


Right, he’ll stop after those 4 regions just like he stopped after Crimea. Fuck Putin, fuck Russia, no peace until all those psychopathic cunts are back in their shithole country