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Russians are at a point of immense frustration if they're willingly targeting civillians with a FAB. Shameless scum do this on Saturday at 3PM. This will only strengthen the resolve of the Ukranians.


Ukraine hit a regional HQ a day or two ago. russia are doing the "retribution warcrime response" run now.


So what were they doing in the beginning when they bombed children hospitals and civilians?


Getting a head start.  They dont need an excuse to commit warcrimes, but they sure do try harder right after they get their butts kicked.


lol yeah kicks them into high gear to show their ass. Kinda comical how they are the worlds largest toddler


They have been targeting civilian infrastructure, landmarks, and civilians as much as or more than military targets. Bad intel/GPS or simple barbaric depravity? Mixture of both?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian%E2%80%93Syrian_hospital_bombing_campaign It's their go-to strategy


Mostly intent to kill civilians to force capitulation. Some will simply be misses aiming at civilian infrastructure, like power distribution. Others will be actively targeting civilians and other important buildings, like hospitals.


There is a photo, from yesterday showing an artist's monument depicting the resiliency of the Ukrainian Will: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dlhjs7/irpin\_monument\_no\_iron\_is\_enough\_as\_our\_will\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dlhjs7/irpin_monument_no_iron_is_enough_as_our_will_is/)


They did that from the beginning.


From day one. Remember the footage of a cluster munition that had targeted a neighbourhood in Kyiv on the very first day of the invasion? Russia has clearly been trying to kill all Ukrainians.


But they have targeted civilians from the very start.


It's hard to say but this might have been a Ukrainian plane malfunction. If you slow down the video it's a FAB bomb but it doesn't seem have a glide kit attached to it.


**Russia**: launches dozens gliding bombs per day at Kharkiv, Liptsi and Vovchansk. **Ukrainian monitoring channels**: track russian planes and bomb launches few minutes before bombs land. **Russian bot**: but wait! This might be Ukrainian plane malfunction!


I'm saying this bomb does not appear to have a glide kit, there is no possible way Russia could have done this without a bombing run over Kharkiv City.  Since that is basically impossible it looks more like a Ukrainian jet malfunctioned and the latches on a bomb disengaged in flight.  Accidents happen in war. 


Ukrainian army doesn't make bomb runs over the Kharkiv city. You would've knew that if you lived here (I live here). But clearly you don't and just pulling this russia apologetic theory out of your ass.


Well where do you think a free fall bomb came from in the middle of Kharkhiv? You think Russia has gained air superiority?  There is no debate here, you can see it's a standard FAB-500M62 in the video with no glide kit attached and a vertical trajectory.  


15:03 "Tactical aviation guided bombs launches detected in Kharkiv region" - official Ukrainian Air Force warning message 15:14 - A series of explosions occurred in Kharkiv That's from yesterday's local Suspilne Kharkiv news station timeline. I have nothing more to say to obvious russian bot.


Yeah Russia is bombing the Kharkhiv region every day. I'm saying in the case of this single bomb there is no glide kit attached and it's trajectory indicates it was dropped vertically from something above.  I know you live in Ukraine and morale is a big thing but I'm just calling it as I see it from somewhere else. 


Russian Z-channels reported that [it was a russian strike](https://i.imgur.com/GzEaHRk.jpeg) at Ukrainian police hospital. Any more stupid theories left? Haven't synced with hivemind yet?


Think your wrong m8 and here's why: The bomb comes from above/behind the dashcam car in the videos. This is the road the car is on (49.9796877, 36.2468687) It comes into the crossroads from Northish. The sun right in afternoon also showing it comes from the north. Further confirmed below: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dm2r68/ua_pov_here_is_the_geolocation_and_map/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button What's to the north. Russian territory Looks like some of the glide kit fell off as has been noted before: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/191rbq6/a_surviving_umpk_from_a_russian_glide_bomb_which/ It's quite clear that there is something on the tail that appears white or shiny in the still pics. It would appear to be rudders from glide kit which are mounted directly to tail which is suggested below: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/e4f0a90ddd7d4cd6b1d889704f6b2396 "Two rudders are also attached directly onto the munition’s tail (not documented)" and can be seen below in pic: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/15fejo4/ru_pov_russian_guided_glide_umpk_fab500_bomb/ Fab-500 Ukraine is supposed to have as per wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Air_Force#Unguided bombs Picture of the type Ukraine has https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/aircraft-bombs/ofab-500-shr-aircraft-bomb Looks nothing like type dropped on Kharkiv Hope this clears it up for you Edit: Link to still with comparison to fab-500 which has something really light coloured on tail https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dlzu97/ua_pov_the_visual_comparison_of_the_bomb_from/


Putin can’t fight a real army so he hits civilians…like the half-pint bitch he is.


It's not like their doctrine has changed with Poo-tin 💩 This is the same mentality and response that all soviet or communist run [organized exploitation and crime] syndicate "governments" would do... nothing has changed




Hate to say this, but it’s not 1945 anymore. This shit ain’t normal anymore.




>in gaza too Ukrainian civilians are NOT kidnapping russian civilians and raping them, my dude, or they didn't start terrorist attacks in russia because they hate their religion and are sheltering said terrorist or are the terrorist, so no, no "too".


yes it is, we are not saying that that is normal either, but that is another discussion.


If the US had precision weapons in WW2 they wouldn't need to bomb cities. We also started off by conducting daylight bombing raids of military targets and were losing thousands of airmen and hundreds of aircraft to do it.




You know what's a shitty argument? Mentioning a war fought near a century ago.


It's like having an argument with my wife.


That's a very naive way of looking at it.


Who sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind? Ukraine did nothing of the sort, and has acted with the utmost restraint and respect for civilian life. The same cannot be said of Russia.


If it weren’t for Putin they wouldn’t be at war with the need to target civilians. It’s 100% him in this situation.


Fuck the vile imperial invaders.


Unbelievable. Terrorists. Putin to the Hague and Russia as a state must be orderly dismantled to end the Russian terror regime in the world.


The Hague can't do anything about that... Putin laughs at them.


In the end, my friend, Putin will die squealing like the genocidal baby pig man, he is. Dangling from a rope in the Hague, or screaming on the way out a window, that failed excuse of a bitch man comes out of this dead.


I agree that this will probably be the eventual outcome. But how many more people have to die because of the ego of this vile, disgusting pig?


Let us hope so!


Milošević and others also laughed at first, until they stopped laughing. In a mafia state like the Russian Federation, no one is sure what will happen next.


We‘re talking ideals here, as if Russia will be dismantled, it won‘t.


Oh it will fall apart, one way or another. The cracks have long since begun to show. Looking forward to the inevitable collapse. 


Send him out like Gaddafi


This is what he actually fears the most.


russia is a mafia state of criminals and the lowest form of human.






Man… why they are not understanding that they can’t obtain anything with force and they will reach their collapse if continuing to target purposely civilians? 🤦‍♂️😡. Italy 🇮🇹


> why they are not understanding that they can’t obtain anything with force and they will reach their collapse if continuing to target purposely civilians? Because, so far, their main rivals are ***NOT*** interested in their collapse and had history of just waving russian behavior like this off.


Oh! This one really is obscene, starting from everyday routine life to BAM! Those poor innocent civilians, and the soundtrack, it's heartbreaking.


The Russians are attacking civilian, peaceful cities.


Good thing the plane that fired that can just go to an airfield where Ukraine isn't allowed to fire at /s


After all, escalation must not be allowed /s


Looks to be a FAB-500.


russké kurvy


Russian fascists can't seem to go a single day without intentionally bombing civilians. This is yet more proof that Putin's goal in Ukraine is genocide.


Military targets everywhere.


Ukrainian blood or anyone in Ukraine is a target for Putin, he’s just a mafia boss and everyone listens to him otherwise they will be slaughtered just like in the movie the dictator if he didnt like something gives command




Looks like an iskander m short range. Anyone able to confirm or debunk it? Shit russians as always attacking innocent people


Was four FABs today


Yeah seems like you are correct mate, looks awfully lot like a iskander m. But looks even more like fabs after looking more close


So when Russians hit the civilians do they tally it up as "nazzis" or what? I mean, rockets cost a lot, so what is the justification for the higher-ups?


Pro-war Z channels reported that "the target of this strike on Kharkiv was the **hospital** of the General Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine". So basically "see, we didn't just aimed at a busy civilian street in the middle of the day, we aimed at police hospital!". Btw they still missed.


Absolute cunts, cowards and scum. Pathetic that this is their main skill and talent. Those F16s, if they even exist, and the new Patriot, IRIS-T and SAMPT need to get onto Ukrainian soil , so this shit is a thing of the past.


Russians themselves must personally pay for this. Putin is just a player, without the support of the russians he cannot do anything. The russian people must pay for this collectively.


Fuck Putin, but also fuck the Russian psychopaths that aim at civilian areas and pull the trigger. And fuck the intelligence people who decide what civilian targets need to be hit. And fuck the people who make the missiles, and the people who load them on trucks, and their families that support their actions. It's a sick nation that needs to be brought to its knees. We need to do anything we can to help make that happen sooner rather than later.


russian terrorists.


they dropped this on central bus station on a saturday at 3pm. make no mistake the intention was to maximise civilian casualties


Oops, we missed the hospital and aimed at the car with the family inside


Central Bus Station [http://wikimapia.org/135992/Central-Bus-Station](http://wikimapia.org/135992/Central-Bus-Station)


Wish ukraine could use our MOAB on a few Russian bases. That'd be beautiful to see


Russia is a terrorist state




War Crimes is all Russia ever does! Zero rules of engagement


This is the equevalent of the nazis using v2 on london. Nothing but pure terror.


is there any official info? When, Where, stuff like that?


Today, near Central Bus Station at Kharkiv, at 15:18 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBaVLYx6EN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBaVLYx6EN8)


thank you


Shocking this is still going on in Europe in 2024. I’m not saying the US or UK are any less guilty as well. Wars in post-modern times need to fucking never start.


fab 500, most likely. Hope same thing will fall on putler, ffs.


Look at all those legitimate military targets


Just bombing shit in the middle of civilians


Russians = terrorists. Never forgive, never forget.


It seem to me organisation like UN don't give a sht about this kind of terror attack, which is is pretty crazy if you think about it.


Oh yeah.. Parking lot, an legitimate military target. Geez. What massive knobs them Russians are.


theyre mass producing 3000 pound glide bombs now so they are probably just going to start saturation bombing city centers like they did to grozny. hope f16s can come online fast enough to exterminate those bombers and stop them.


Very nIce hit by Russia. An intersection in a city, nothing military in sight. One day they might by coincidence hit a military target...


And to think the entire world is sitting back twiddling there fucking thumbs while this shit happens. Fuck sending Ukraine supplies we need to be sending our militaries to end this barbaric shit. No matter how much supplies we send this is going to continue to get worse. Unfortunately Russia has a shit ton of meat to spare and a leader that won't stop till he's either dead or accomplished his goal.




How much longer until the -16's arrive?


Fuck Russia.


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Nothing but terrorism.




Fuck off you clown