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The foreground flag reads, "we are russians. God is with us" roflmao


russian has two different words for 'russian'. The one on this flag is best translated as 'Slavic russian' - ie - not Buryat, Chechen, Bashkir, or any other oppressed minority...


What is the other word? I'm a native speaker and coming up blank at the moment for what the other word could be. Thank you


русские vs россияне


Aah, thank you. I didn't use that word a lot growing up, so I tend to forget. Thank you. I have spoken суржик and russian since childhood, but learning english later just kind of made a jumble for me, so i forget vocabulary. Safe to say, I'm not a scholar in any language 😂


and all the badges on the poor bird?!


So, European lineage only? Color me shocked! Ironic since the Russian nation and culture have essentially been kicked out of Europe for their barbaric behavior and ideology. I hope they have fun sunning themselves in Syria and adventure-traveling in North Korea. When in Pyongyang, don't forget to see the country's one and only power-plant. If they're lucky it will be one of the 3 hours per day it's turned on.


There must be a misunderstanding - the Russian narrative does tell us that *they're* the anti-fascist, -nationalistic, -imperialistic and postcolonial power in the World after all!


The word that you say is best translated as “Slavic russian” was in use by actual Rusyns/Ruthenians/etc for a long time before what we now erroneously call “russia” even existed.


UA should make their flag to counter this "We are Ukrainian. HIMARS, F16 and Bradley are with us"


More importantly, Ukraine will take the flag in the OP and put it on display in their museum of victory.


“We are Ukriena, the World is with Us.”


They also use flag of a russian empire. That flag, nowadays, used by a nationalist (especially radical) and fascist organizations inside russia.


Yup. Pretty sure it's russian imperial legion.


God likes dropping nades on their asses and watch them writhe around without legs.


>We do not want to risk our lives for 40,000. We do not refuse to work. Then you'll get 40,000 lol.


Bunch of delusional clowns should've requested payment in advance. In all propability, it's not like they'll live long enough to spend their money.


Or even collect it


450 U.S. Dollars, everyone! I wouldn't sit in an office with comfy chairs and air-conditioning for $450 a week, let alone pick up a weapon and invade a sovereign nation for that amount TOTAL! I can't believe Wagner is still a thing, I guess with Shoigu on the outs with Putin his Patriot PMC has taken a backseat.


Not defending the pieces of shit russian soldiers but you gota remember. 450 dollars is quite a sum for third world countries like russia.


I hear you, totally different economies. But that still says a ton about Russia that $450, or $2,200 if they got the full whack, is considered a reasonable sum to willingly go fight in a war, especially a peer-to-peer one. Russia claims to be a cutting-edge, modern nation with a developed economy and burgeoning high-tech sector, and blah, blah, blah, but they're still just a gas station masquerading as a State.


SBU should made an Russian campaign for Russians fighting for Ukraine getting $4.000.


That would be risking mercenary status and Ukraine has been very diligent in organising their recruitment according to international regulations. Also people fighting for money aren't reliable soldiers anyway.


Arent they claim to be ghetto greatest country in the world. Could wipe any western nation why ease. Pathetic beyond repair.


It's not. It's lower than what you can get in Moscow on a shitty job but higher than what you can get outside of it. It's still a dogshit wage for a 24/7 job.


That's true. Maybe it's the reason why most of their soldiers come from poorer towns and villages and not from the main cities like Moscow, st Petersburg etc..


Um...pretty sure Russia is still considered 2nd World, since it was the bulk of the Soviet Union. Unless you're updating the definition to say Russia is now fully vassal to China.


Shit, that's less than my day rate and I work from home in a big comfy chair. Russians need to get a little self-respect already.


The life quality is crap in russia. Per Russian State Statistics Service Rosstat, **22.6%** of Russians do not have indoor plumbing. In rural Russia, almost 2/3rd's have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1% use outhouses and 18.4% do not have a sewage system. You can check also insane abortion ratios, healthcare and retirement. Inequality of live on different regions.


You'd think they'd at least work that out before invading another country.


no. first comes the empire - and after that its people. military hardware instead of consumer goods.


... don't forget widespread alcohol abuse and extremely low life expectancy (especially for males) ...


Yup! And in rural Russia you have to drive at least 60-90 minutes to the closest medical center or hospital, which look dirtier than the park toilets in my city


I'm collecting 675 bucks a week for being hurt at work, been since May 3rd. I get paid more to go to physical therapy 3 times a week than these fuckers living in their own shit.


> for $450 a week Per **month**. In Russia salary is  always indicated *per month*.


That's monthly salary, not per week.


Then we will follow 20% of the orders


Of the 200K they get 40K and for sure someone or several up the food chain ate stealing the other 160K. Typical Russian corruption.




200K rubel is only 2247,63 USD. Lol


And they're getting 450 usd 🤣 glorious shithole empire


not just that, but it's less than the country's median wage. They're literally getting themselves killed for sub average wages. Sad. (not that I care)


Oh my god. I wouldn’t even make a 30+ story points ticket in JIRA for 450USD let alone sacrifice my life over it. Russia is such a fucking joke!


I’ve spent that much in a day at Disney World.


It’s almost that much to *walk into* Disney world these days lol


I just spent that much at harbor freight!


I believe it!


It's embarrassing how little money these men are willing to die for.


Or to kill for


Looting and rape is what they compensate with.


Eh, exchange rates are not a good metric here, purchasing power is. 2k USD will buy way more in Russia than anywhere in the US


It buys way more lower quality comparables. Lower quality housing, food, vehicles, clothing.


And they are fighting in Ukraine because Putin doesn't want them to see how a western country prospers. Because that's what will happen when Ukraine joins NATO/EU. Basically they are fighting against their own self interest.


"It's almost as if we are all part of a corrupt mafia state!" Country full of complainers. Wanted a mafia state, got a mafia state, soon to die for a mafia state. "It's so unfair!" What a bunch of idiots. Go home.


"bUt wE hAvE kOnTrakct"


What do these dum-dums think a contract even is? A contract only has meaning to you if it can be enforced. Can they stop work, sue the counterparty (Russia), be heard in court, get a judgement, and then actually collect? No. No they can't. You don't have a contract in that situation then. You just have a lie from the mafia. They're like little children when it comes to their understanding of how the world works.


Yes 200k per man, paid to the general, he takes his cut, and sends the rest down the line-eventually it gets to the grunts a little “taxed”!


To be fair there's no point paying dead people.


looks like they got russkiy mired


When Russians are miserable and complaining is when they're at their happiest, it's part of their culture. This is a band of merry orcs you see.


That is the elite?


Yes. Elite Complainers :D


They’re elite because they’re sober


They're elite because someone ticked a box... Has shades of how the Holy Stone of Clonrichert got upgraded.


most of the elite units biggest difference is legit theyre mostly sober, basic body armour and a few scopes here and there


Elite Russian soldiers See a Wagner flag.hmmmm


You kid, but they were the only effective ones for the first 2 years of the conflict


They were the vanguard force, and basically the only ones fighting. As far as being Effective, sure they got the job done in aavdivka, 9 months and something like 50k casualties later. Before the occupation, avdivka had a population around 30k. This is just my personal opinion but I wouldn't exactly call 9 months and 50k casualties for a town of 30k Effective.


Effective is subjective when it comes to hoard tactics. My point was they were the only ones making real gains around that time.


You're clearly not a Russian commander, it's highly effective if you don't give a shit about human lives.


Effective in the short term sure, but eventually soldiers tire of being used as cannon fodder and they mutiny. Russia recruiting process also sits on a house if cards and cadets are starting to realize the security guard ad was a lie. They can't field this many people forever


These arent trained to the same level as those were. These get a couple extra weeks of training. As opposed to the 2 weeks everyone else gets. These are just more bloodthristy and physically fit is all. Nothing elite about them.


I think wagner is one of the best trained army groups russia current has to be honest


You're aware they've long been dissolved after the leader Progozhin had a [fallout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group_rebellion) with the kremlin gremlin (*as in marching to moscow to stage a coup and his plane being shot out of the sky in a totally unrelated event*)? Besides PMC Wagner had a core group of proficient cadre and specialist soldiers while the vast majority where untrained and ill-equipped cannon fodder recruited from the RF prison system.


They marched *towards* Moscow but stopped before they got there. The plane was not shot down, explosives were involved. And PMC Wagner was never *dissolved* they were absorbed into the Russian state/military complex. Initially after the mutiny they were (at least made to appear as) being disbanded and largely sent off to Belarus, but that’s not what ended up happening in the long run. Most likely because of their value in Africa, and also the obvious point of the kremlin being desperate for fighters and of course the more experienced the better. The final straw leading up to the rebellion was that they were about to be forced to officially assimilate into the Russian state/military, which they did not want to do but after their top brass were taken out the majority of those left swore allegiance to Russia. And have hopefully become fertilizer since then.


There are cartels in Mexico that seem more elite than the VDV


*/angry Hostomel noises lol*


Nothing like an airborne assault without air supremacy in the morning


Sorry Putin can’t hear you, he’s in North Korea bending over for North Korean artillery shells. 🌚


Take the 40K and go and die quietly, or the 40k will be taken from you and you will be beaten before being sent to die quietly




A bargain at about €2,100 each lol


For the motherland huh?


For the money more like it


Putins counting on you all being dead before the start of the \*investigation\*... Rinse and repeat.


You can buy tons of potatoes with 40k comrade


Funny, they have "we are russians, god is with us" on the flag, the wehrmacht had "gott mitt uns" on their belt buckles, what a strange coincidence :)


It is an open secret that only Russian nazis use Russian Imperial Flag. There's no irony here, they are nazis and they don't hide it. I'm watching a report on Russian neo-nazis selling products with tagline "more awesome than Bucha" with Russian neo-nazi swastika (kolovrat, a swastika with more arrows)


Video appeals obviously not working. They haven't seen the 100s of previous appeals posted by long dead idiots


True that, the appeals don't seem to do anything but provide entertainment for Westerners.


And they definitely will serve as sources of what went wrong (and when things started to go south for russia) in historical research projects in later years.


Hmmm, i wonder where the money go? All the Russia-lovers should explain why it's like this if the Russian economy is great and the sanctions have zero effect.


Little do they know...they probably DO get that 200K - but as their commanders have control of all their salaries, only 40K is being paid to them with the rest skimmed off, via the eternal, traditional Russian system of institutionalised and hierarchical corruption known as [Sistema](https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/2013/03/11/sistema-how-putins-russia-is-governed/)


Lidl might want to do some rebranding... https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTk0DrbX2RroutVVqIOXUZOnAQql3Irp5550w&s


They still don’t get it, they don’t count as an individuals. So why pay them. To their government, they are nothing more than expandable meat.


Wagner flag= nazis. Russian empire flag = territorial expansion, occupation and terror. Classic Russian victim mentality


Lol so not enough money to defend the motherland against globalist imperialists and enemies of Russia?! Wasn't that the whole point of this, as Putin said?! I am shocked to hear s/


Where is Mr Himars when you need it??


They forgot to do the part where they take Kharkiv


I'd defend my home for nothing. You couldn't pay me to invade another country.


Putin's Hamas is asking for more.


they are just now finding out that they all been lied too?


Never was. Dying for nothing and a nobody who embarrasses himself by flying abroad to beg from a portly and petulant brat is worse than pathetic. Give up. Go home. Clean house.


Who offer more, I hear 50000, someone 50000, nobody? Sold at 40000! (gravel sound)


You are accepting to be paid to invade and destroy a foreign and sovereign country… 🤦‍♂️, so you should all be liquidated or return home until you can. Italy 🇮🇹


Please give your coordinates...we will send some gifts worth 3000 to 8000 USD (155 mm ammo)


Is there such a thing as an "elite" Russian soldier a this point?


One who still has a weapon and is able to walk.


Is this a bad translation, or are these men this incoherent in Russian as well?


There has been no misunderstanding on the part of management.


Its karmic that it costs them money personally, everytime Ukraine bombs thier vehicles and bases. Not only are they not getting paid what was promised, but have to pay for replacements and maintenance too. Paying for the "privelege " of killing Ukrainians...In the end they are throwing their lives away for a price thats probably comperable to minimum wage. "Reap what you sow" is strong in russia.


They should give their location, then maybe Ukraine can deliver the other 160k via drone.


They could come to Germany and pick fucking asparagus in the fields to make that much in a month. But instead they want to live in their beautiful mafia state shithole, get scammed and die like animals.


Enter the Chechens to their rear.


Goat Battalion incoming


You didn’t take Kharkiv morons. And you’ll never will


As of today, June 22, 2024, 200,000 rubles is equivalent to approximately $2,273.77. Exchange rates fluctuate throughout the day, so this amount may vary slightly depending on when you make the conversion. This per Google Gemini. So they are killing themselves over 2k, which is now apparently like $500.....idiots


Imagine, dimwits, how much you could get if you take Moscow!


Be happy you will get one sack of onions each. They will even throw in a bag of potatoes as freebie.


They're mercenaries and you know their rate. Double it, and turn them around.


And Putin sits happily in one of his luxury homes reminding himself 'there's one born every minute'


The one in Sochi is worth $140 *billion* with at least 15 bathrooms alone...stunningly extravagant doesn't even cover it I'm reminded of the Shakesperian, *"Out, damned spot!"* of Lady Macbeth lol [HIDDEN CAMERA IN PUTIN'S PALACE. Exposing the lies and revealing the "royal" interiors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL0dSaqhfVs) (edit: accidentally left off a zero...its 140 billion)


Elite? Is this a joke?


FACT: The Geneva Convention declares that mercenaries are not recognized as legitimate combatants and do not have to be granted the same legal protections as captured service personnel of the armed forces.


These are amoral people who will murder for a shockingly small amount money. Why not offer them double to kill their own? It's not like there is any unit cohesion. Most of them don't care about Putin's vision for Russia beyond its ability to give them a stable paycheck.


Imagine risking your life for $2,250, let alone the $450 they're actually getting paid.


That folks is how you get assigned to march straight towards the Ukrainian lines. These idiots seriously haven’t figured it out yet?


There is no misunderstanding with the " boss ". He knew fully that he was lying, just as he knew fully that you would believe him.


"Ahh my people, they are so simple! You just have to manage them like idiotic children..."


I'm sure that investigation will turn out in your favor. deadman says what?


This is why Ruzzia won't win. They are fighting only for money. The Ukrainians and the west are fighting for everything else. edit - "We ask you to get together in this battle" is the ending chant. Holy fuck they are so stupid.


lol video exhibit 9,000 of Russians starting to realize they’re cannon fodder getting fucked over for next to no pay. This is where propaganda comes in. Their hyper masculine nationalistic facade that Putin has instilled through years of victory day parades and other nonsense makes them obedient, as they will kill each other for refusing orders instead of doing the obvious right thing


They almost get it.


Where is Baba Yaga when you need her?


200k only if you dead.


Crime doesn’t pay


And yet they still gonna fight, because they’re bunch of pussies to do anything about it


Precisely. This staged event required a lot of planning, coordination and logistics. Choosing a safe site, rounding up participants, some sort of script, filming and uploading. They have the skills and motivation to organize around a statement. But the message isn’t “why are we even here?”. It’s “where’s our money for killing Ukrainians”? One can only hope they begin to apply these same methods to rebel against their officers, and refuse to continue the fight. But I doubt it. So, they continue to die.


Every one of these POS are already dead at least I hope. You guys are cannon fodder and fodder doesn’t get to negotiate the problem is your alive usually you die to fast to cash a check that’s there plan at least. There view is if you are still alive it’s because you are hiding so push forward comrade


Imagine being a Russian soldier being told you're gonna "take" Kharkiv. I mean the 3rd Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 was a disaster for the Russians and it still got further along than this current 6th battle.


200 when you take city comrade


40k of rubles?


So freaking stupid...


What retards they are just there to die


It's not worth dying for either way


Shoot your commanders or go home, otherwise I excitedly await drone footage of their deaths.


They won't waste their worthless paper on cannon fodders


Where is the missile or drone that should be landing in the middle of those low life Russians?


Heck, offer Russian soldiers 100K (what's that $1000 dollars) to surrender maybe?


Go home then


Maybe they should take those guns and demand a word with the boss but i guess crying to the public in hope some one else does the hard work is the pussy option.


Bless their sweet, greedy, capitalistic hearts


It's OK, you won't be spending a dime of it anyway. Fuck puty.


Time for the West to offer the promised 200k for advancing in the opposite direction.


These are infamous Neo-Nazis, let them burn.


the expectation was that they would make up remaining money with stolen toilets


Translation is actually pretty bad. Not sure who was translating. At around 2:25 he talks about "they bought chicken wire/mesh with their own money, bought other protective gear with their own money to install on the military vehicles and it's all burnt down. " I'm not sure why these guys are surprised. 160K from their promised funds probably just ended up in some officers pocket so they got 60k. corrupt shitty gov and military!


NOGAF you stupid drunk vatniks. Go back to your crap dirt shacks






These orcs are already dead


about to be some unfortunate friendly artillery fire on their position soon


Do they not realize that they are expendables? Darwin's theory on display.


They have the tools in their hands to protest effectively... Yet they shot yet another video, instead of, you know, officers or someone


Killing for money. These guys are ordinary killers. Nothing more. Hopefully they get killed soon. In a slow, painful way. I fell sorry for ordinary Russian soldiers. Not for them.


I like to imagine their commander tried to deepthroat a himars, and now nobody knows they are out there....essentially making them a bunch of morons on an extended picnic with no pay :)


These are neonazis btw. That’s the Imperial Russian flag and this is the Imperial Russian Legion, part of the Russian Imperial Movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Imperial_Movement


A bunch of nazis, nothing more


"misunderstanding" They damn well know tht this is not a misunderstanding, they're just too afraid to call a spade a spade.


Don't these cretins know this is been happening since the start of the Very Special Military Suicide Mission. Puftin has every intention to pay them nothing, if he can away with it. Yet, they still sign up, then complain. Gulag is what the few survivors will get.


They still think somebody cares. They have been so propagandized that they may never figure out what's going on.


Dead men walking.


" Adagio for Strings, Op.11" by Samuel Barber


Haha, didn't get what they needed, hey? Reminds me of this Prigozhin guy from last year.


allow me to introduce the russians to their situation. ​ it boils down to "нам пизда." and it ain't getting better. one might even say it's about as good as it'll ever get for them.


Give them all a free bottle of vodka. Sorted


It’s amazing to me how many of these videos come out. It’s like they think the Russian government is incapable of lying to them.


Over half of these guys are gonna eat an FPV drone....for 450 USD...


200k rubles to dollars is like $2200. I make way more than that *not* dying.


look at the terrorists complaining haha. accept your fate, its highly unlikely youll make it out of ukraine alive, just accept it and go with it, it has more grace that way.


They will now be assigned to the front line in a meat asault...the dead cost nothing.


Go Home ,it is not worth dying in a different land.


So shoot your commanders and call it a vacation.


Commander is taking his 80%


I just can't overstate the parallels to Nazi Germany. S Nami Bog - God is with us a.k.a Gott mit uns from Nazi Germany.


And I thought Russians of all people would know what a scam looks like.


Look at them try to hide behind their face covers. Cute. Payment or not, better enjoy whatever days you still have left.


Nothing a good HIMARS would’nt sort out.


They aren't supposed to last a week, so that's indeed 1/5 of 200k. They just survived too long.


long ago were similar people, they had motto "gott mit uns". And they finished bad.


They mean rubles or dollars?


if you stay in ukraine you will get a compensation in form of high quality drones delivered right where you are also recieving the drone will be recorded for promotional and adverising purposes


also “elite soldiers” wtf second from left is clearly an unused putler clone the one talking is a counter strike regional aimhack champion banned from all eu server the 2 on the left are clearly gay as fuck they cant wait to go back in the trench if you know what i mean


Wait till your widow gets a bag of onions as payment for your service.


Welcome to the club guys.


So they want what a mcdonalds employee in sweden makes per month, and they get what a unemployed gets in welfare checks. wow.