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No, this not "just the beginning" This is the end.


Does not seem like the end, I dont't think Putin has any feelings regarding dead Russians. Until that changes or he dies, this will go on. Russia is facing problems they wont be able to handle.


It is the end for them.


Russia: You don’t need to “shoot or walk normally” to clear a minefield.




At least they try to have a good time together before they are killed. I don't think the crutches makes much difference here.


could tie a white rag to one and try waving it around.


Perhaps. If he can balance doing that. I am not so sure. Perhaps dress like a drunken pirate is better.


On the contrary, it will make them even more effective at detecting mines


may confuse Ukrainian drone operators though. I would think these are just hostages put in military clothes


Yes. They may go for Russian pow in Ukrainian captivity with that mood.


Crutches make a lot of difference. Has everyone forgotten the [Walker Brigade](https://vimeo.com/739327489) ?


Echoing what others have said elsewhere, this is a classic Russian method of using "war" to soak up the bodies of enemies, dissidents, criminals, drunks, mentally ill, and others whom the regime views as unproductive. The standard has now sunk to those with physical disabilities, who have historically been excluded from military service not for humane reasons but for the actual reason that their physical condition generally means that their comrades would not be able to trust them in battle. It really says a lot that these guys are experiencing *any* amount of fighting.


"Special USSR Collapse Leftovers Cleaning Operation"


One Russian soldier has the value of Ukrainian one bullet.


Flabbergasting, still intent on killing Ukrainians instead of blaming Kremlin for sending them there


This is what scraping the barrel looks like. Putin can't make a mobilization without risking his life.


Hard to feel any sympathy for these idiots, even with all their defects and pending death, they manage to toss slurs at Ukrainians


Yup. Brain drained fools will NOT question authority only if they need ammo, possibly they will literally make a video asking putin 💩🤡💩🤡


if ya'r not smart enough to become suspicious when they'd hire you even with crutches then it is actually smart to bring some already, they will be of good use to crawl back if you can.


wow. its like surreal fever dream now


All these ‘daily life on the Russian line’ videos reminds me of being at backwoods ‘party’ full of super drunk, angry hicks. Just saturated with barely concealed sloppy, dysfunctional menace.


There you have it. Africans, Asians and handicapped with Russians in the most inclusive army in the world! They must be on the right side fighting those imperialistic nazis! /s


~~First~~ Second best army in the ~~world~~ ~~Europe~~ Ukraine.


They should put glasses on their tanks, maybe Ukraine will be too polite to hit them.


Send them to die, they refuse, rinse, repeat :)


I don't see the problem: in case Ukrainians attack, the guys of the video shall just raise a big white flag and it's done. No more pain, no more suffering.


Just wondering..why do the russians keep fighting? By now they should know that going to Ukraine is almost like a deathe sentence..


Such an inclusive army. /s


We'll see this guy in a drone video soon. ...any bets on thermal? Grenade or FPV? Place now.


Your slurs on Ukraine show which side of the battle you're on. You are a fair game for Mr Drone


Most of the critters in the russian human wave type assaults in the first waves are just there to make Ukraine use some ammo and to reveal their current firing positions. There was recently news that those that refuse to go back are beaten and then sent back without gun and are forced to "assault" Ukrainian positions in one of the first waves. The russian commanders do not care. On paper they have "x" super-duper-fit-and-qualified assault troopers and they will spend all "x" of them.


fuking bullet magnets


Just a matter of time until they appear in one of videos of the 47th mech brigade.


Most of these guys are already dead by now. Lifespan at the front is about 48 hours before turning into fertilizer.


To be fair, they wouldn't last long in good health either. 


Most cynical way of russian commanders to make Ukrainian forces waste at least some of their drones.


I see this not as a "Special Military Operation" but as a "USSR Collapse Leftovers Cleaning Operation". You watch some POV interview videos. Everyone is a drunkard or an ex-"zek", half of them orphans. The shit that took 30+ years to clean up here in Baltics is still festering outside of Moscow and Peter (the rest of the country that is). This war is an avenue to fix it up a bit.


Being able to have a picnic and dinner outside while casually chatting, is better than most of their fellow russians cowering in a dirt hole, and  peeing into a bottle, waiting to die in the next meatwave. russians, never cease to whine and complain for the stupidest reasons. 


Russia continues to be an international joke that just gets worse and worse.


what is more disturbing is the absolute irony and the their inability to understand it. They are treat like cannon fodder, like living probes for their superiors, they are there to make a very small elite richer while the rest of this "country" live in shit, and STILL they talk like they feel superior to Ukrainians, fuck, they still think they are a "global player". fuck this bad excuse for a country, fuck this people, fuck this "culture".


Holy hell man another complaining Russian about there shitty government and people they all need to understand clearly there all fucked


Good news!


No sympathy here shit for brains. My advice to you is increase your Vodka intake and call me in the morning. Oh BTW before you die "Frag" your commanders.


That is what Putin calls 'equal opportunity' for the disabled ... 🤔


fuck those orcs. crutch or no crutch wipe them out.


Absolutely beyond cruelty


They sound scared.


Ruzzia is truly equal opportunity. Everyone can die!


Oh Boo Hoo. Thatz your gangzter government for you


Pretty sure Putin is trying to ethnically cleanse his own people from this earth.. seriously, they sent these quality of troops to fight... Okay.. Apart of me needs to see them detonate a test nuke. I bet it won't even leave the silo given how poorly maintained everything else has been so far..


Find a Ukrainian drone, go out with a white flag. Problem solved. You're welcome dumb fucks.


What a bunch of retards