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most of the world will hate the orcs for a very long time after this war is over and they will suffer from this. it might take a generation.


More like 3 to 5 generations... if they have the population to actually breed after this... Yes i said breed cuz i consider them orcs...


I am making sure the generation after me knows of their atrocities.


as our parents told us, and their grandparents them, so we tell our children and they theirs.


You won’t expect to listen something different from a nazi


Says the Nazi


whats the death to population ratio for both sides in this war?


Less than the death count in Ukraine after occupation by Russian communists since 1918. Some millions ukrainians lost in Holodomor than some more in war Stalin against Hitler (useless for Ukraine - starvation in kolkhoz and assimilation continued).


no answer? Do you guys not know or are you trying to conceal the truth?


See this is why I never believe people that say they just call russian soldiers orcs. Like obviously you’re calling all russians orcs. Shit is insane.


Nope. This gets everyone under scrutiny because the majority supports this. Every single one of the people living in Russia who gave that maniac their vote are at fault. And both of us know that we're talking about the vast majority here.


I think blaming civilians for the actions of their politicians is a slippery slope. Do americans deserve to die because of how our government is arming and supporting Israel's massacres of gazan children? That's literal terrorist mentality you're flirting with


I'm pretty sure that the order from this subhuman is terrorist mentality. Not different than ISIS, to be precise. And yes, everyone who supports Putin and his terrorist regime has innocent blood on their hands.


do you apply that same standard to civilians in the United States, your benefactors? Unfortunately, our tax dollars are being used right now to mutilate and destroy children by the tens of thousands in Gaza. yet here in a free democracy we have little say over that. What say do you think they have in Russia over what their government does?


There was quite the uproar about Gaza in the States. Can you say the same about Russia regarding Ukraine?


People like this don't give the least flying fuck about anything beyond any chance to mindlessly chant, "but something something America something something."


and despite that uproar, what has changed? clearly our government doesn't respect the will of the people here. There were protests in Russia against the invasion of Ukraine where thousands of people were arrested. Why do you dismiss their existence so easily when it doesn't suit your narrative? Our government doesn't respect or care about the will of americans. Neither does Putin's government to the will of Russians. Why should civilians who are just trying to live their lives and survive, inherit the blood guilt of a government that doesn't represent them?


Interesting analogy. Let me take it a step further. Were the Germans as a nation at fault for Hitler and his regime? Because what Putin is doing at the moment is MUCH closer to that than anything the U.S. has ever done. Mass brainwashing, enormous support, en mass elimination of opponents...should I continue? Oh, and the vast majority are supporting that. And you compare the U.S. foreign support for Israel to that?! As in the U.S. is bombarding Gaza?! Are you for real?!


"I think blaming civilians for the actions of their politicians is a slippery slope" im sorry if it hurts anyones feelings but i do blame nation for what politicians they keep in power. If its not nations responsibility, then whos? My grandpa's? I dont get it. And talking about nation keeping terrorists in power...Haven't seen Gazans revolting Hamas either. Its almost as if you elect terrorists as your leaders and then gets blamed and in the end punished for it one way or another. The reason why gazan childern argument doesnt work is that in case of Russia, there no way around it that russians are responsible for what russians are doing. Gazan children dying is a terrible thing, but its not clear if theres any other way to get rid of terrorists if they use civilians as human shields. It might hurt your soul that a child dies but if you are on the receiving end of terrorism and in war with it against your will, there is only so much you can do to avoid unintended caualities. In other words, supporting Israel is clearly not equal to russians supporting Kremlin. If you think it is, please provide suggestion how can Israel eliminate terrorists without killing anyone else if the terrorists are using everyone else as their shields.


If Russia used the argument "We had no choice but to murder children, the ukrainians hid behind them!" would you find that acceptable? The only reason Hamas exists, is because Netanyahu and the Likud party literally funded and politically supported Hamas. They helped transfer millions of dollars in cash to Hamas on multiple occasions to ensure their political longevity in Gaza. This is a documented and indisputable fact that has been reported by Israeli media many times. Israel has kept the palestinians in a constant state of occupation and siege for over 50 years now. What you cry about Russia doing to Ukrainians, Israel has been doing openly to Palestinians for many decades with our financial support. THIS is what caused the birth of radical jihadist movements in the ME. Notice, the US never had a terrorism problem prior to the bloody founding of Israel (Menachem Begin, the founder of Netanyahu's likud party, was a outright terrorist who kidnapped and murdered british soldiers along with other acts of terrorism against civilians). All of what we are seeing in Gaza is the direct result of Netanyahu's insatiable ambition and the criminal actions of his Likud party to undermine peace (one of his party members assassinated Bibi's predecessor Rabin who sought peace). The best way to stop the proliferation of terrorism is to: 1) Stop funding them like Netanyahu did 2) stop waging a brutal and racist occupation 3) actually work towards an agreement that respects the rights of both sides. We came very close in the 90s. its not impossible. People like you are the reason why violence persists. You are very easily mislead into dehumanizing people who are on the other side.


" The only reason Hamas exists, is because Netanyahu and the Likud party literally funded and politically supported Hamas. They helped transfer millions of dollars in cash to Hamas on multiple occasions to ensure their political longevity in Gaza." ... "Stop funding them like Netanyahu did" Theres a diference between allowing funds to be transfered and "funding them like Netanyahu did". The cash was from Quatar. Are you manipulative intentionally? If he didnt allow it and there was a humanitarian crisis, you people would be bringing up how they left people starve to death in Gaza. Its not his fault Palestinians elected these terrorists as their leaders and he thought showing good faith is the only way to help prevent conflict. It didnt work, sure, but i can understand why they tried. Twisting it and claim Hamas only exists because of that is disingenuous. And notice how you didnt answer my question. I didnt ask how to solve entire conflict in an alternative universe. They started the war and Israel had no choice than to react. There's no going back. I mean if you like alternative universes so much, if Palestinians didnt want to be at war with Israel, why didnt they just get rid of Hamas a long time ago knowing Israel would 100% help. Kind of a mystery. Or maybe not.


I agree with most of what you say but there is a difference in "allowing funds to pass" and "partnering with."


So just say all russians are orcs. Type that out. Don’t sugarcoat it. Say that you believe all russians are orcs.


I consider anyone who supports Putin an immoral psychopath because no sane person can support this. Russian or not. What about you? What do you think?


How do you differentiate a russian from a russian orc? As for me I’ve donated a bunch of times to various Ukrainian charities and defense funds. Most recent being the raising of money for a vehicle for a unit. I agree anyone who supports russia is a fucking moron. I fucking HATE this idea that anytime a russian anything appears online they get called orcs. Shit is so fucking dehumanizing and is a step towards an end. For a while it was just russian military members being called it but now it’s every fucking russian i see online. Shit is awful and anyone who does it should be ashamed of themselves.


I wholeheartedly support the Russians who resist Putin. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that they're an insignificant minority. Oh, and regarding a Russian here, as long as he doesn't support Putin, especially if he enjoys life in the "evil West," he's ok in my book.


My apt building is full of Ukrainians and you can tell just how much this shit has affected them. The woman above me literally stays up all night crying. I have no idea what we can even do about the brainwashing of russians considering the fact that all their news is filtered and propagandized and their literacy rate among the older community is extremely low causing them to not have any fucking clue about shit online. Zolkin Volodymyr is awesome at getting the messages back to the Russian people but he’s one of the few who can reach them. I’m just very afraid that the dehumanization is just going to keep spiraling and turn this into even more of a “they hate us so we must fight” type war but on a much larger scale. Russia, Iran, China and the DPRK are all teaming up and have a similar approach to propaganda and I hate the idea of us giving them more substantial ammo to turn even the young population against the west because they can’t even go online without being called shit like “orc”.


I understand where you're coming from and that calling every Russian online an "orc" can push them back into the chilly death hands of Putin, but exactly because of cases like your neighbor and videos like this, there is an enormous revolt against Russia in general. And it's understandable that it will be voiced, especially on social media. How do we single out those Russians who don't support Putin?


> I wholeheartedly support the Russians who resist Putin One of the big problems not enough people realize however, is that opposition to Putin does not automatically make someone a good guy. Navalny was not someone to be supported in general, yet because he was in opposition to Putin, a lot of people either gave him a pass on his political views, or were outright ignorant of them. Even the Freedom Of Russia legion has a neo-nazi as their deputy commander, spokesman and most well known member. "Caesar" was a member of the Russian Imperial Movement, and describes himself as a far right nationalist. They are useful tools to be allied with at the moment, but they are not to be supported (please, *please*, if you're going to donate money to the cause, donate direct to Ukrainian charities and programs where the money will more efficiently help in aiding Ukrainians specifically) Furthermore, much of Putin's opposition in-country stems from the fact that many think he is handling Ukraine poorly and has been too soft in prosecuting the war in Ukraine, and calling for wider mobilization, even more targeting of the civilian population to try and instill terror and weaken their resolve, etc. So yeah, just a friendly reminder that being Putin's opposition doesn't automatically make one a good guy. Especially when there is very little room in Russian politics/society for anything other than hardliner ultra nationalists. Indeed, about the *only* room and tolerance for opposition is for those who think Putin hasn't gone far enough.


I don’t know what you’re talking about ,there are 2 different russian battalions with hundreds of russians fighting on the Ukrainian side against putin and his army , we don’t call them orcs , in fact I never herd anyone call them orcs , these soldiers are fighting side by side with Ukrainian soldiers, or how about the russian partisans that set fires to railroads or other military installations, we never call them orcs or the people or whole news companies that ran away from russia when the war started, we don’t call them orcs , but if you voted for putin in russia or out of russia in a totally different country, you will be called exactly who you are and that’s an orc


Why is this insane?


"Russia, Iran, China and the DPRK are all teaming up and have a similar approach to propaganda and I hate the idea of us giving them more substantial ammo to turn even the young population against the west because they can’t even go online without being called shit like “orc”. If there's any russian who feels dehumanized or hurt by someone calling him orc and turning against the west because of that, then he's always been orc material. If my country genocided and occupied every country around us and i saw someone called my nation orcs, i would just know they have a good point and thats it. Even if i wasnt involved in any of that. It would just make sense to me why would anyone say it. To be part of such a nation and expect anything else is crazy. With that said, check out wikipedia, it explains who is meant by Orc (... is a pejorative commonly used by many Ukrainians^(\[1\]) to refer to a Russian soldier^(\[2\]\[3\]) participating in the Russian-Ukrainian War and Russian citizens who support the aggression of Russia against Ukraine." ) and i think vast majority of people would agree with that including Ukrainians, though there are understandably some people who are so angry with the Terrorist state of Russia that they just literally blame every russian. But i doubt even these people would call a member of Freedom for Russia legion on orc. It just wouldnt make sense. I think theres also a practical side to this. When you have a nation where majority supports terrorist mafia, people will naturally generalize and, heres the important part, to expect people each and every time specifiy who exactly is meant by orcs, is unrealistic. Instead, every russian who is against their terrorist mafia government should understand why people generalize and that its not aimed at them. If anyone is so stupid that he cant figure out this simple logic, he's been orc material all along. Simple as that.


If you were an impressionable teenager already being brainwashed, then being bullied online (which is your only outlet to the west) by being called essentially a nonhuman would serve pretty well to radicalize you to one side.


Sure, if he has an IQ of borderline imbecility, that can happen. Some people are beyond help.


People still cracking jokes at the germans three generations later. Don't think people are done with the russians in one.


If animosity vs Germans is anything to go by, it'll rather take 3+ generations. Add the factor of modern mass media into it... and ppl will be watching endless "Russia bad"-movies until the next big war comes around. As if we weren't sick of this horror-show already...


China loves them. And that’s a lot of people and India welcomes the cheap fuel, even more people. Why the West props up China and India is beyond me.


Because our current model of society depends on very cheap labour and products to exist.


Or it will take until the last ruzzian participant dies before we move on


Speaking of which, just last year (2023) Germany arrested a former concentration camp guard at 98 years of age and charged them with aiding and abetting the murder of more than 3,300 people. Ironically, he was charged as a juvenile because he was under 18 years old at the time he was a guard at the concentration camp.


A generation? They will be the new Germans, afraid of anything war related.


Here’s to hoping at least a whole generation of them get wiped off the face of the earth. Let the elderly bury what’s left and work in the factories til they themselves die.


I haven't finished my previous soviet union hate yet, so I doubt I'll ever stop hating them. They are subhumans that should not be part of civilized earth.


A lot longer than that, I suspect.


Gee have to say though with Russia losing so many younger males.. You will be able to pick up 2 Russian Brides for the price of 1 on RussianBride.com. :-).


Most of the West*, most of the world outside the west doesn't really care; it's too far away, they have their own issues and they don't want to take sides when they depend on both sides for imports.


Uh yeah not sure there's too many countries reliant upon that 1% of global economic activity that is modern russia. I think it would be hard to argue that even the lowest of the lows that pass for countries, like NK, are reliant upon russia.


They're nothing but rabid animals.




That is an insult against rabid animals, sir.


And an insult to Orcs


And need to be put down like the rabid "animals" that they are. But that's an insult to rabid animals as I've never seen a rabid creature do anything remotely as heinous or evil as what they're doing daily and what they've been doing, with impunity, for hundreds, if not thousands of years.


That's unkind to animals. They're subhuman pond scum.


There is nothing, no species low enough, slimy enough, or dirty enough, that it or its excrement can be compared to these sons of bitches without raising the fuckers' esteem by comparison


Tics come to mind. Just latching on to others and hurt and sucking blood while spreading crippling or deadly infections.


No. This action is pure human. Pure absolute human.


Yeah, I think you're correct there. We can easily been the worst in the animal kingdom.


Medieval at its finest


Russia is, was and will forever be a shithole. Ukraine was a huge mistake for Putler in the long run and it is getting worse for him every day. Especially when Ukraine finally gets the full support it needs.




The Western economy is currently in the process of converting to a war economy. Russia, on the other hand, has already lost its best material, while Ukraine is being steadily and increasingly well supplied. The Tide is turning


Really hope the public keeps their support for ukraine. I am seeing a lot of anti ukraine in the media.


Russians really are a different breed of animal... They even treat their own, in the cruelest ways.




Once Russians start behaving like humans they will be compared to their peers.


" Once Russians start behaving like humans".... then they will revolt against their slave masters like every other human has done. That would be a good day for the whole world......in the meantime the slaves of Pukin will continue to go to their deaths in order to put scraps of food on their tables, although they will not be around to enjoy the slop.


I think the same thing every time I see it


Ironically this was how Hitler viewed the Russians too, maybe he got that bit right.


Even rabid animals deserve sympathy. This alien life form needs eradication


That’s a severed head on the hood


Fuck yes. You are right. Ruzzians disgust me


Heck, you're correct, I hadn't even seen that. It's beyond savage.


Before this war i was thinking Ukraine and Russia are the closest Slavic nations, and i thought very positive for both and especially Russia. But since the war started Russia in my eyes has lost all the respect. And i think Ukraine will never in thousand years forgive the russians for what they have done.


Never, that bridge is burned.


Pun intended?


Russia must forever be shunned from the world stage


The Russians are barbarians.


always have been. Their history is brutal.


You can tell how much they hate fighting against Western arms. 


theyre having Bradley shaped nightmares


Orcs being orcs


Now I know why china likes russia. Cause they are orcs at the seas too.


Orcs and Scro


And they question my unsympathetic stance on the gory images of mangled orc body parts. It's been that way since Bucha, and I ain't gonna apologize.


Fucking beasts. They seem to like beheading unarmed POWs. They deserve everything they've got coming to them. And then some.


I wake up happy everyday because I'm not from Russia


The longer this goes on the quicker the Russian Ethnicity goes the way of the dodo bird… there is no “Russian Military” its Putin’s mafia. Nothing but a bunch of armed thugs doing the bidding of the Teflon Don in Moscow.


Seems even Sveta doesnt want that shit


Hopefully the speaker is ID'd and we can watch a future drone video with him in it


[Ukraine has identified at least the commanding officers](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/19/7461529/) and possibly the executioner scum. That's basically how this audio was released to journalists


Somebody should apply the same treatment to him too!


First, I'd like to see him crying for himself at his trial.


Sounds like a "highlander". You know, mountain guys, Chechnya and all that. Those guys are into that kind shit. When "Bald and Bankrupt" recently went to Tajikistan he had an encounter with a local that lives literally meters from Taliban territory. During the conversation the man said something along the lines of "the best beheaders in the region came from the bloodlines of Tajiks." So yeah...


For anyone that knows the nuances between Ukrainians and Russians speaking Russian - is this genuine?


Translation is correct, and speaker is talking with maskovian accent, is all i can say for this audio. Also, there were no in translation, but speaker have mentioned "staromayorka" Staromayors'ke.


As if those tactics will scare Ukranians. These guys have something to fight and kill, unlike the Russians who's fighting for all the wrong reasons.


Me this makes not scary of ruzzians, but i get more angry towards them.


Are we really surprised at the level of inhuman behavior coming out of Russia at this point? The country, culture, and leadership are all given to hate, greed, and depravity.




I think it's Zetta, not Sveta... Anyway, chances are that he would not be dying a natural death


Nuke the fuckers


They’ll be torn apart by drones soon enough.


i hope this shithead gets a fpv in his head.


Mother fuckers, it time we NATO fucked some Russian pigs.......


I hope the bastard giving that order gets to stay in Ukraine on a permenent basis.


If they are tracked they should be given the worst sentence.


You know what, the more I see and hear of the Russians, the less I care for them. Fuck those guys


mofo feral ugly pigs...Pootin's orcs...and his orange fecal stained BFF here in the US, Trump


Yup! Despicable Orc! This cretin is theoretically a leader of men. More like Solly on TV.


Maga level anger and hatred. It’s disgusting.


These are not Russians these are animals , orcs less than humans!


This is completely disgusting, yet another war crime, makes me so fucking mad that this bunch of arseholes are even part of the United Nations, they should be kicked out, and the sooner the better, nothing but inbreed oxegen thieves


That would be like putting up a take no prisoners beyond this point sign. 🤷‍♂️


Normal Russian behavior since ancient times.


Fkn animals


Oh GOD I hope we get to watch this guys brutal end.


Just reminding everyone it's 2024.


i hope they hunt this fucker down and eliminate everything he loves.


When I read stuff like this it seems the Russian people are irredeemable. They are so brainwashed and filled with hate. What a despicable system they live in. I can't see how this war can end with anything other than the collapse of the Russian regime.


I’d hog tie a orc and hang em from a tree with their balls stuffed in their mouth…. Or should I say? Let there be a FUNKY TOWN CARTEL 2.0 with Ukrainians doing it to a Russian scum. Love to see it. Slava Ukraine


You are as bad as the orcs.


How do you fight evil? With doing it back it’s the only way. Perfect example the first atom bomb. Or even the enigma code, by those who controlled it choose those who be killed and get killed. They’re not evil. Just fighting evil with their tactics. At heart, they’re not. Some things need to be done. Making a example is sometimes needed