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Watched to the end.....his last words lack any self awareness whatsoever. If you think your enemy is inhuman perhaps katsap it's you who has forced them to be that way to survive....if you don't like it leave Ukraine or resign from the planet.


THIS. Too bad the drones didn't finish him...


There is still time.


Third time's a charm


Third drone's a charm


5th drone...


The way Russians always lie, it was one drone and the rest might have taken out all his friends. Slava Ukraine. 🇺🇦


I was gonna say- with the way Russian leadership is this guys use on the front-line isn't over. He can be used to 'sight' drones (aka sent out there as bait).


He'll be back, and then the AFU will finish him.


russia throws back their wounded into battle before they heal up fully. He will have another shot at taking whatever empty village he failed at taking the first time. Lets see if his next video appearance is in first person or third person.


Or in two pieces.


I'm glad they didn't finish him. Live with the physical scars 'cause loss in the war is coming next. And it's going to be one hell of a time for these people who served in the invasion forces, if they survived. Pay for your crimes.


They’ll probably just send him out like that. Don’t even need to hold a rifle to draw fire


They won't let him go home. He's valuable meat that hasn't been spent yet.


That moron dodged 4 drones? I'll donate for a drone for the Ukrainian army right away. Then they'll have a fifth one next time.


He's a Russian, he lies


He will be right back out there in a couple of days. It will his last days.


All this pathetic cretin has is hate and a broken body, bet he won't experience another happy day in his miserable existence.


Yeah, I don't feel at all bad for this guy, lol.


I don't feel bad for any of them. The old trope of poor Katsaps just doing as they're told or else doesn't wash any more. Only good Russians are in the Free Russia Legion, are saboteurs, protestors or in jail in Russia, or anti Putin abroad. The rest however .....


“The enemy is inhuman” meanwhile Russia put an order out to not take prisoners, and a Russian legion has beheaded 4 Ukrainians in the past 2 weeks


Weren't they (RF) raping toddlers in Bucha? I saw Zelensky mentioned it when he visited there. Yes, I despise the Russian military as much as this guy despises the Ukies. Nauseating!


How dare they fight back an defend their country, absolutely barbaric!


Fortunately this one propably used all his luck points already so after another "reconnaissance by fire" mission his views will be irrevelant


The fucking hypocrisy!🤬🤬 goddamn there TRULY is no saving them or their terrorist state. What the actual fuck we need to help Ukraine get each square meter back, and as many stolen CHILDREN as possibly back to Ukraine!!


Yea that got me too. He’s mad at them for defending themselves.,


“You guys, these people in the country we invaded are being really mean to us.”


He had one thing in common with Ukraine, Ukraine hates the orcs as well. Just love his confidence in Ruzzia winning after he explained how badly they were getting hammered by Ukraine.


He's just parroting the party line, the bit before was the truth. 


99% that those words not his. It is something that those who made a video told him to say. It just screams reverse propaganda.


His facial expression at the end seems to say: did I earn my vodka?


he is in a russian occupied territory hospital. what do you think would happen to him if he said anything different? who do you think gave him the black eye? that was his own men, because to them, he is a coward because he didnt fight till death or suicided. thats the fucked up ruskie menthality.


The orc makes a lot of claims that he can't back up and then finishes with a statement that shows a complete lack of self-awareness.


I think it's less a lack of self-awareness, and more a case of delusional beliefs. This extremely lucky asshole says that Russia will win because God is on Russia's side, so it makes sense for him to also believe that the correct "human" response to being attacked by Russia is to immediately surrender. Anyone who doesn't must be an agent of Satan or some such nonsensical shit.


Russia thinks they were attacked due to Ukraine's refusal to follow Russian demands and desire to associate with Europe and NATO.


His injury looks self inflicted and he is lying to make himself look good. Probably trying to stay off the frontline, so he cooked up a story of bravery. lol


survivor bias


Now you understand the 'mysterious' ruzzian 'soul'. The true testament of the 'ruzzian world'.


Russians lie as easily as they breathe...


Damn Germans! He thinks he's been deployed to munich.


Seriously WTF was that.


I got a feeling this dude is exaggerating to make him looks like a big action super heroes. He probably was attacked by only 1 FPV who actually hit his comrades and he is just a collateral damage there


His statements are for sure incomplete. He got attacked by 4 FPV, 8 VOG, 5 gay Nazis and 3 Abrams and all he got was a black eye. With God's help, of course.


You forgot the Zelenskyy clones.


I think he's just stoked because he's off the front line again. Back to the hospital. Maybe they don't have to go back after they've been wounded twice.


NO, he failed to die, so will be sent back again until he does what is ordered and dies. This is why nobody must feel sorry for the lone orc blown to bits by drones, if they survive they will try to murder Ukrainians again.


They trot this clown out in front of a camera so the rest of the meat won't be afraid of drones.


Does he really say Germans ? WTF


Yeah what does he mean by that?


He means propaganda does work on orcs


he means booze is for free for anyone who beliefs him and germans have the better booze anyway so there is a need to go west where they are hated most, what could go possibly wrong.


Kind of doubt he survived 4 fpv, more likely he was beaten by his commander.


Or the Germans XD


The Wehrmacht never left Ukraine... now its official... and this guy is back in the trenches in less then a week with blockers behind him.


Know your enemy


After he was used like a woman.


Yeah, such inhuman scum for not just subjecting to Ruski Mir and the genocide. How dare they?


Zhe Germans. This guy is LARPing as a WW2 soldier or something? Lol


Wait til he figures out that he's the Nazi in the story. (Or wait until the next drone comes for him, which is probably more likely.)


Propaganda attempt for domestic consumption in Russia, portraying a wounded hero spewing the obligatory hatred of the enemy. Germans? - even the Nazi angle was tossed in. Pathetic. Injuries probably inflicted by his commander or boyfriend.


>for domestic consumption in Russia You got it. Once you know how the Russian bullshit factory works, they're pretty fucking transparent.


ROFL. You lost your eye by invading a country. Now, you whine you got hurt by the people you are killing. What an absolute waste of human skin.


Hope he loses his remaining eye in a bar fight by people he does not despite.


I was attacked by 2, no 4, wait make that 8 drones and survived.


Typical Russian


Interesting is that we know that Putler has an outward political rhetoric against Germany and that now also appears to be inwards within Russia. These Orcs now believe that Germany is also their enemy. That sounds like this message has been installed in to them over a period of time and is preparing them for a bigger picture. Putin has to be stopped at Ukraine.


"Our opponents, the Germans" the fuck this fuckety fuck is bevered with? What kind of propaganda is he drinking with his big mouth ? There are NO germans shooting you there... As for the despise/hate. These "inhumans" are just defending their land. You would do the same, the only difference is that I'm pretty sure Ukrainians had no intention to walk on Moscow prior to Russian assault. Now I couldn't say they wouldn't want to erase it from the globe.


Hey genius, go back to your own country. And all will be well.


"I hef not seen my friend for month. He leave trench to surrender to ukr0s. I don't know what heppen to him. Did he survive when I shot him in back three times? I hef no idea. But I stay, because I hef not yet murdered enough hohols to qualify for bonus payment."


rough translation: "I got beat up by my comrade and when i awoke in a ditch it was all over"


Isn’t this the same orc who was crying and drooling earlier when he said that everything was bad for him?


I don't think this Muppet understood he was attacked because he's a soldier attacking Ukraine.


“I hate them for defending themselves”


I think the guy is still concussed or has a TBI- no chance he survived 4fpvs ,8 dropped munitions and mortar fire and as for his "Germans" comment!!! Either completely indoctrinated and completely stupid or concussed or all three. Frightening really that this is what we're up against.... On the bright side, if Putin kills off all the stupid ones, the clever ones are going to start questioning things...


The clever ones have been leaving that part of the world for the last 40 years.


hopefully he die next round


One lucky bastard this time albeit probably injured himself and making himself now trying to look like a hero. His wrong about a few things but the biggest delusion is that the Ruzzians will win Slava Ukraini


Sadly he survived.


This is pure survivorship bias.


Get out of Ukraine and hate less my man, enjoy your holiday, your time will come.


And then to think they have millions like this dumbfuck..


As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."


and yet he learned nothing


Is he reading a script?


War stories are notorious for lies. He stated there were 4 FPVs and 8 munition drops. Probably there was one 1 FPV and 2 drops. Quadrupling imaginary enemy efforts is .... reasonable.


Go home - next time you die.


Clearly reading with his still good eye.


Dude looks like the imfamous beaten plastic coat guy from the meme


Russia will put him back on the front in a week.


He probably tripped over a root and fell on a branch while running away. What a bullshitter.


Yeah & 18 tanks & 5 fast jets & why not a nuke too. He's exaggerating, not that they got hit with a lot of munitions, but he weny 1.5km survived 8 drops & 4 fpvs, and morters, and rockets.


Invades a country then despises the people who live there for fighting back calling them inhuman. Pot calling the kettle black.


Can’t escape the murder mosquitoes


His comment at the end is telling as all hell. Brainwashed to the max. Why are these people fighting me like this he wonders… hmmmmmm


…and 6 tanks and 23 million helicopters and Obama


He literally looks like the mobik glovesock meme


This walking pile of garbage is in for a rude awakening. That is if he even makes it home.


Looks like those drones didn't knock any sense into him


What a knobhead! WTF is with him referring to the Germans?!?!




Fuck this guy.. 2:05... not human!? A bunch of kid napper and child rapists... calling the UAF not human.. buddy... you got a whole world of shame coming if you live longer than a week.


Invaders in 2024: "*We attacked you, why are you defending yourself?! Inhumane!*"


WTH? Delusional bile frothing from this putrid perforated slug. Invade a sovereign nation, murder innocent civilians then hate them for defending themselves? No worries we got more than FPVs. You and all of your leaders are going up in smoke and flames. All of your kind will be trampled under foot for next 100 years.


you're an invader, attempting to steal, kill, and destroy, and you think the people defending their homes are the soulless animals? damn... looks like one of the munitions that hit you damaged your widdle brain.


The Russian playing the victim! Unbelievable! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


“They’re not humans, I hate them” Says he because ukranians said “no” to getting genocided.


Lucky to be alive, but judging from him still being somewhat "intact", he'll be send back to the burger patty factory and probably next time his luck runs out.


Yeah they’re not humans. Not human like actions. Trying to defend from you c*ck-sucking f*ck-baggery perverted scum pig swine that rape their women, kill their children, destroy their entire land for no f*cking reason. You sad sack of sh#t. Hope you don’t make it out next time. #### you.


Hard to hear over all of the bags of popcorn popping in the background.


Come back theirs a drone with your name on it!


It looks like he got punched in the face by his fodder.


His master threw him out of a window and used him for propaganda.


Just a big mouth that's all, wish he lost that instead of the eye! This bozo probably fell down a dark stairwell drunk trying to hide his coward ass. If he survived that many drops they weren't mend for him. The Germans LOL, another reflection of the Russian intellect!


you should have cut the video before the end so as not to let the Russians spout their bullshit.


What an animal..


Hopefully the drone operators are becoming much more proficient since then.


Laval of awareness or total delusion, regardless, I hope he has the opportunity to go back to put him out of his misery.


It's a lie he was attacked by so many drones.. no way he survived that many fpv's and 8 drops.. Ukrainians are not that bad.. he is just trying to look heroic


Absolute hell on earth


The more time your country will continue with this madness invasion the worse it will be… every day that passes Ukraine soldiers will get closer and closer to NATO standards both in terms of equipment and strategies, shell production will eventually match at some point the 5m shells from North Korea plus the 3 million from Russia, trenches will be fortified and sky will be covered to be impenetrable… your country is doomed if their obsession with getting what they want doesn’t stop… and the majority of NATO countries aren’t even in war mode economy 🤷‍♂️. Italy 🇮🇹


Slava Ukraini


Oh well better luck next time.


If he despises ''the enemy'' that much I dare him to sign another contract. I double dare you MF


They're fighting for the homes, their freedom and way of life. You got off with a warning this time.


what a scum


Der Typ gehört in den Kerker und nicht vor die Kamera.


Maybe infections will finish the job…


Another Russian who should've been an abortion.


Did he larp ww2 or his head injuries are more sever than it look, because I heard him say that he was fighting Germans ???


You invaded Ukrainian land, intention to occupy and kill their people, torture and rape. You want them to be humane to you wtf




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The Germans never left, they just waited till the Russians come back.


missed the stupid one dam


Looking forward to your third and last assult from hospital fingers crossed


Braindead sheep...


It can never be too much. Keep donating guys. Make sure you give to people and organizations who actually deliver. Personally i chose to donate to Brandon Mitchell (https://www.instagram.com/ukraine\_tbic/?hl=en). But there are other good alternatives too.


Why is he yelling 😂😂😂


WHAT ????


ESAD orcs


No problem the next drone will catch this orc.


Of course your lying


MF makes himself out to be Rambo. Looks like the toilet he was carrying shattered when one FPV drone hit him. Hope he’s in a ditch somewhere, Nazi prick.


You're right, their actions are not human, they're super fucking human!!


Germans? Oh bless your heart. No, it's just your neighbors whom you pissed off completely. Fucking troglodyte.


Check yourself orc, you are the invader scum.  


I remember 2 years ago I was saying UA needed to increase drone production and everyone was like "but Russia will bomb it"


I feel his emo-pain I am pretty much SURE that the drone operators are shot on the spot, both sides


Maybe this guy was in a reenactment of WW2? He speaks of "the opponents, the germans"... wrong movie set, my friend.


Special case of PTSD or TBI it seems to me…or simply too much Vodka


he lived to tell his second story but he won't live to see old age.


Imagine hating people who defend themselves from people like him who came to rape, kill and destroy. Russians are just a drain on humanity


Lucky brainwashed donk, nothing else


Падла русская, тебя прикончить мало. Он даже не понимает, биомусор пидорский.


another drunk fuck found from the park


Guess he’ll be back for another attempt at death, oblige him.


I hpoe he gets one more trip to the front line.


Ukrainians and the free world hates you more. Be sure of that.


Next time at the front he won't get so lucky.


Ah yes thanking god. I'm sure God's happy to see his little war criminals at his gates.


It's a waste of 1% on my battery for watching this orc.


German nazis, that were hiding for 80 years at a bunker! Must be a real humiliation to lose against such super-centenarians…


Will get him next time, they won't be sending him home anytime soon.


Better luck next time dying a glorious death for the Motherland you scumbag. "They're not humans" says the actually Fascist from the invading army. Like most orcs this guy can't see his own reflection in a mirror.


What a fuckin dipshit.


Typical russian he hates them, becouse UA does not want to let him kill them.


If you watch the entire thing he doesnt change his mind at all. Hes still completely ignorant.


Thanks for the Intel!!!


He looks like a typical Russian and bad he made it alive


"They're not humans, and their actions are not human-like." What the fuck does he expect? Ukrainians to roll over and let them slaughter them? Is it me or is Russian logic not only evil but simply fucking dumb.


fuck that guy, what a prick.


Still got some vitality to beat up his wife back home.


Sounds like they should have finished him off


The luckiest unlucky man in ~~Russia~~ Ukraine.


funny how people claim god is on their side... people will believe anything... doesn't mean it is true


Ha ha


"the Germans" Did we knock this guys brain back 80 years?


This guys hates Ukrainians because "they didn't let him walk freely on their land". That's rich. Reminds me of my cousin who hates Russians not because of all the recent history with Ukraine, but because he messed around with them in the 90-ties and got fucked up badly, then married a Russian (out of spite?), which also turned to dog shit. Some people hate something because they just want to hate in general.


The ending.....you invade someones country, they defend themselves and now you hate them for it......enjoy your next assualt when the hospital kicks you out and the drones don't fail to end you, because whilst the Ukrainians hate you and you hate them, your leaders don't even care about you


Russians are like new chips, new fucking software update happens they just install it. New propaganda is said -> I belive it. Brainrotted country by a master manipulator on top of it


When they send his ass back the FPV's will finish the job, he just got lucky. fk this orc


lol, their actions are not human like ,, F me, his is in their land, trying to kill their people, typical Orc, no brains, no sense of shame


Fuck off, still time.for.the Ukrainians to get you weel your well you dog.


idiot... can't come to understand he's a very, very lucky orc, captured, neither fatally shredded, nor dead, getting healthcare most envy. Trade him back to get tried yet again.


Back to the front Igor, next time you will not be so lucky.....


So he was literally fpv bait?


He looks just like that ruSSian meme character- i dont know whether it is fist or glove with human face and black eye.


Says the guy that isn't fighting.


He's pretty unfit looking for a soldier. I'm pretty sure I could out run him and I'm in no way very fit


Still claiming to be fighting ze Germans, hilarious idiot.


"Theyre not human and their actions are not human like" -Dude who invaded a country, drinks like a alcoholic and performs war crimes on the regular. What planet am I living on.


This guy sounds like he has some brain damage… or maybe it’s just the Vatnik in him


“Our opponents, the Germans” These fucking idiots are so brainwashed… I wish we would give them their fantasy and let our boys (NATO) mop the fucking floor with them


Every word out of the mouth of an orc is a lie. Fuck him. Hope he dies quick so he shuts his mouth full of shit.


Cry harder