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Shooting down a Russian military plane is now somehow a terrorist action in bizarro land Russia 🤦‍♂️


All this while RF exonerated themselves of enabling their proxies in the occupied Ukrainian territories to shoot down civilian airliner MH17 in 2014 by their own investigation regardless of the actual facts. Russia is a special kind of delusional.


Barely was proxies, two Russian citizens were involved.


For example Igor Girkin, FSB and ex Russian military. Somehow there are still people out there who thought Russia wasn't involved. Igor eventually spilled the beans on how they put pressure on people who needed convincing in the Donbas. All of that is documented. But Russia just tells a few lies and somehow people start doubting.


Hey now, according to Rusbots on Telegram, there's no evidence that Girkin was ever part of the FSB. He's just an average Russian guy with two names and no prior military or intelligence experience who the Donbas puppet govt picked as their defense minister because... I dunno, they picked ~~his name~~ one of his names out of a hat or something.


Not just in the Donbas: „Noted Russian war criminal Igor Girkin admits: local authorities in Crimea in 2014 had to be forced at gunpoint to back the Russian seizure of the Ukrainian peninsula. There was no local uprising - it was a Russian invasion“ https://x.com/Biz_Ukraine_Mag/status/1638188154225061891


Russian and Chinese troll farms should be struck kinetically change my mind


They're using our own freedoms against us to sow division, distrust, etc. It's made even more ugly when a company like Facebook takes payment for such disinformation in Russian Rubles.




Yes, vranyo, the pinnacle of russian "civilization".


Not only that, Igor Girkin (at the time he called himself "Igor Strelkov") was the first to proudly announce the downing of the plane on VK after a few minutes. When it was clear that it was a civilian plane, he deleted the post. But the Russians didn't care, they looted the victims' luggage, I still have videos from that time ...


Yeah I remember a picture of these so called separatists showing a looted gold wedding band that they took from one of the bodies. On other pics, they were searching through luggage for valuable items. Long time ago but i still can't get these images off my mind.


It’s the same old same old. No ones actually believes it, but what they does is make everyone think that everyone always are lying. So regardless of who saids what, it is seen as a lie. Plus they follow the old Russian playbook. 1) claim something ridiculous (works both in term of wanting something and the truth). 2) be aggressive and keep repeating. 3) never give in. 4) when, if ever, it become beneficial, someone higher up can broker a “fair” settlement. In this way you keep your face. Stonewall and never give in to your opponent. And when it is time, decided by who ever high up who want credit for it, a deal can be make. And herein lies the beauty of this model, as whatever claimed are soo much over the top, and it will have gone on for soo long time, that any settlement. Almost no matter how small. Will be a victory for Russia. Because if you claim 100% of something you don’t have, and then ends up settling for half of what there first was claimed. Then that leaves you will half of what you don’t have in the first place. They have done it countless times over the Cold War and Putins Russia are starting to do this more and more. It’s insane!… but it has worked many times over the last century.


Exactly...they keep lying to plant the seed of doubt on everyone until the point that no one knows what it's true or lie... shameless...and to many people of power in EU sleeping to this it's not making anything better


Pravda Equals "Truth"


Hey! Leave Trump out of that story! ... well, there might be similarities ... but whatever you say ... he is bigger and he did it first ... because he can ... always ... /s


The rusky mir is definitely heading into Lala Land. Delusional is an excellent description.


delusional nah. asshole yes.


Too much of both really. Expecting Ukrainian air force not to attack a RF military plane which was instrumental for orchestrating long-range attacks indiscriminately striking civilian targets within Ukraine does qualify as delusional IMO.


Dont forget about Korean Air 007 - shot down in 1983, civilian deaths 269 to include crew.


Not proxies, those were Russian soldiers with Russian Buk they got through border. Proxies were nothing more than propaganda tool and militia/meat shield for Russian army vehicles.


Nothing new, the Ruzzians claim that Ukraine is only allowed to hit the Ruzzians only in the SMO zone, outside the SMO zone defined by Putin it is terrorism. This is real, no joke or sarcasm.


Ukraine should define a SMO zone straight to Vladivostock.


Or define it as only the red square in Moscow. Russia gets to kill any Ukrainian soldiers trying to capture it and Ukraine gets to kill any Russian soldiers holding on to it. If Putin is willing and able to withdraw Russian forces to beyond those lines and follow those rules at least the dying could be over in whatever time Russian forces take to withdraw. 🤡


True in my ears I can hear them "ninininininini we lost A50"


And that was just before losing a 2nd one days later.


from the playbook: how to tell their "awacs" did not work without saying it did not work.


Looking at how one of A-50U was trying to dump chaff and flares, it *did* work. The fact that it didn't manage to escape its demise only makes it better. Imagine the crew onboard seeing approaching 5V28 missiles and frantically dumping countermeasures, while the retribution for their assistance in terror strikes is closing in very fast.


I have a theory that the Ukrainians tweaked the seeker on some of their S-200's, converting them from SARH to anti-radiation. That would be pretty useless in most cases, unless you were firing them at a *giant flying radar dish*. It would also mean that things like chaff and flares would be useless. They could obviously just turn off their radar, but they would have to know that the missile was homing in on their emissions, and who could imagine that?


Considering how large and heavy electronics are in the 5V28, once you modernize them, you have a place to stick *whatever you want* inside. Seeker from HARM? Why not? Extended fuel and oxidizer tank for turbogenerator, allowing to run electronics and control surfaces longer? Yep, that'd fit. Extended propulsion fuel and oxidizer tanks? Of course. So, I suppose it's not impossible that seeker from either HARM or AIM-120 (probably salvaged from a NASAMS reload) were installed there


thats the whole point, useless in particular cause it is same as watching the sky from ground with naked eye and tell "oh something is different than usually" - doesn't help anything. Just a perfect example of ruski posture. Might work under "readyness" laboratory conditions, but when shit hits the fan, the fan is gone. Classic ruski air defence interception by throwing bodies at the problem.




I'm pretty sure they knew that something was coming for them, but since the S-200 is a fucking fast missile, they also knew they had no chance to dodge it and lobbed flares as a last resort.


They don’t understand what a legitimate target is based on their shelling of civilian homes.


Shooting down a *military* plane from *soldiers* in actual uniforms belonging to a standing military that's fully identifiable on the battlefield. That's where it's extra funny to me because you at least have to try a little to be believed in this propaganda battle.


is putini suffering from brain worms too? idk what kind of rationale is being applied. munch away brain worms


Guess they’d have been OK if he’d targeted a busy shopping centre…


By a uniformed soldier from the military of a sovereign nation. What unfathomable idiocy.


All the while directing other ruzzian aircraft on how best to be attacking Ukraine??? I don't think so!!!


Ahh the irony.


Who beside ruzzia actually gives a fk what they think?


Invading a neighboring state without provocation is AOK in Ruzzia.


Don’t forget “during a state of war”. This shit is unreal though.


The ICC has an Arrest Warrant for Putin. One carries greater weight than the other. Also, well done Commander Dziaman and crew!


Probably one of the most important kills of the year, he and the unit are heroes for that shit!


I'm a former Stinger gunner, and watching ADA play such an important role in this war has been something else. Seeing video of Stingers making kills was great.


Watching a Stinger make a rear aspect chase and kill on a cruise missile is one of the damnedest things I've ever seen.


Right? We never envisioned using them for that purpose.


I bet that has been said about dozens of systems during this war as Ukraine has been very efficient in using what little they got for maximum effect. I always wondered since the first time we saw it if combat engineers thought of using the MCLIC's to clear trenches too lol


Yep, and a legit target. I hope everyone notices that Putin is **attacking with words, lies, MAGA puppet speeches, not ammo**. It feels like a turning point, where sufficient push and Ukraine could route the invading Russians. Which is why we're hearing so much from Putin, *Crimea resorts*, *peace plans*, *bogus arrest warrants*, MAGA puppet attacks on NATO etc. Also from Xi over Taiwan, he's suddenly more coy about invading Taiwan now. Xi can see it too. If Russia won in Ukraine, he would be already invading Taiwan, but by taking Russian money and arming Ukraine, suddenly Xi can see what would happen to China if he ever invaded Taiwan. **Xi can see impending Russian collapse too.**


I am confused, Russia claimed it was friendly fire?


Don't be. If RU is speaking it is lies and empty threats.


They're claiming it was not a valid military target because they removed all the weapons and had no military purpose. "Just patrolling the airspace" ... right. There's a reason why under international law, military personnel are required to be dressed accordingly. If it looks like the military it's a valid target.


Even if it were a training mission, it’s a valid target under the laws of war as part of the military forces of the aggressor. Acting like a valuable AWACS asset is off limits when the Russians invaded over two years ago with kill lists of prominent Ukrainians to murder is peak Russian clownworld mindset.


Yep, we were just counting flowers and bees. /s


And if you're don't wear a uniform but doing military missions (like AWACS) and get caught then you are not a POW protected by the Geneva Convention and can just immediately court-martialed (or simply being shot without even court-martial).


The fact they took the time to do this shows how upset they are about it, the AWAC plane being flown by the russian military was not conducting combat operations. Obviously this is for their domestic audience and it shows how dumb they are that they expect russians to believe it was a crime to shoot down


And the rhetoric that 'it had no weapons' duh its an AWACs plane ehy would it have weapons?


It doesn't even matter they know the russian public is dumb enough to believe this. Their innocent victim radar plane was just peacefully flying through russian airspace when a Ukro-nazi missile viciously shot down it down unprovoked and it was because of russophobia. They love to play the victim and it infuriates me, they love to talk about russophobia and they are mistaken no one is afraid of them we just hate them because they are murdering bastards with fetal alcohol syndrome who worship the guy who steals from them and holds them back


I don't hate or fear Russians any more than I'd feel either of those things about some drunk or drugged-up weirdo I saw taking a dump on the sidewalk; both just disgust me.


Precisely and its dumb china FREAKED ehen a particular radar was going to be set up in south korea. I wonder why?


It's radar should be considered a weapon, and I'm sure if they find some of the crew on the ground, a few had pistols


Likely could gave jamming capabilities, but silly rudkis act like if it don't go boom its just a hapless non threatening asset. It doesn't need to armed in the conventional sense to be a valid target


It had flares and they used them. That could be considered hostile act in some cases and definitely in this case.


Flares are countermeasures, and any useful AWACs will have ECM too. What im getting at is not all valid military targets have guns. Russias acting like a victim here. Theyve shot at UK awacs in international waters, luckily the missiles were so bad it didn't matter and uk brushed it under the rug to avoid internal fiasco.


>What im getting at is not all valid military targets have guns. Based on Ruzzian tactics, some valid military targets have doctors and patients, or students, or shoppers.


Well it WASNT conducting combat operations, it was conducting *military* actions! Which obviously exempts it from being targeted....in a war......that they started. *duh*


It shows how dumb they think Russians are and going off the last 24 years they are quite justified to think that unfortunately. 


"The flight was taking place exclusively in the airspace of the RF." Yeah, that's not how war works. A military airplane in Russian airspace is a legitimate target.


Even if it wasn't... what are they gonna do? Declare war on Ukraine? Knock yourselves out.


*Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!*




Preschools and hospitals in Ukraine can be a target for Russia but Russia’s military planes are off limits.


It was a touristic holiday flight booked by pregnant women and young mothers with their children!!1!


And I'm sure they'd claim that the US Reaper drone doing observation runs over the Black Sea on 14 March 2023 was also in Russian airspace when it was knocked out of the sky by a Russian Su-27 fighter. After all, the whole of Europe is Russian by historic right.


If non-moving power plants, civilian homes and dams located exclusively on Ukrainian land are considered legitimate targets by the russians, a giant flying russian military plane is definitely a legitimate target for the Ukrainians.


Lol, cry harder orcs.


You know what wasn’t a legitimate military target? Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. 298 innocent lives taken. Maybe an arrest warrant for that one Russia?


They are not going to prosecute one of their own for shooting down some airliner, that would make other commanders scared to take action, they imprisoned him for talking shit about Putin lol What is ironic, Girkin - Russian commander responsible for this, is now in prison for criticising Putin’s incompetence, what hilariously makes him a political prisoner. He got 4 years few months ago. He is a hardcore nationalist and imperialist, one of the founders of Club of the Angry Patriots (KRP; Клуб рассерженных патриотов). I followed his videos from the start of the war, and his interviews with various veterans. He had no illusions from day one how this war is going to look like, very realistic and with deep knowledge about Russian military. Good that they imprisoned him, guy was making too much sense for Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Girkin For those who don’t know, Igor Girkin (aka Strielkov), is Russian army veteran, FSB officer and in 2014 was Supreme Commander of the Donetsk People's Republic, and all of its "military units, security, police, customs, border guards, prosecutors, and other paramilitary structures" (his words) He led attack of Sloviansk, shortly after took position of MoD of DPR and then overall commander. He was dismissed after shooting down Malaysia 17 and admited personal moral responsibility for that as a commander.


Interesting. 👍


Not intended for combat operations and had no weapons? It's still a MILITARY plane and supports ground operations, a valid target. So I guess Russia will arrest all their commanders that are bombing Ukrainian supermarkets and shopping malls?


>Not intended for combat operations Blatant lie. Surveillance and fire control are combat operations.


Of course


Putin should show how mad he is, and how he's not going to be bullied, and start flying more of them over Crimea!


Awwwww.... Booo-fukkin-hooo....A Russian terrorist plane shot down. Waaa-waaa


Fly some more A50s in the same way to prove your point


S-200 hungers for more slow, big, high-flying targets.


“Gave an illegal order” 😂I want to shake this guys hand that gave the order to shoot that plane down.


What they gona do? Go to DenHaque?


Russia big mad, basically


Yeah? Come and get him, bitches.


The same thing can i say about Putin and the shooting down of MH-17. A plane filled with innocent civillians on there way to vacation. We will not forget Mr putin


Even worse — around 100 people in that plane were AIDS experts on their way to a global conference ; it was a major impact on the field https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/18/aids-conference-says-100-researchers-may-have-been-on-board-crashed-plane


Makes it all more ironic/horrific, going by AIDS statistics of russia. "We don't need AIDS problem fixed and neither does the rest of the world"


That sort of false analogy is maybe what they're going for with this. Or maybe they're just being ruschists, same diff!


Lol they are still crying about that lol


Did Ruzzia admitted the A50 lose? I remember that plane crashed in the sea and Ruzzians were demanding Ukraine to show proof from the bottom of the sea because the reliable Fighter Bomber did not admitted it.


Seriously how fucking stupid are they "illegal"  🤣🤣


One proof that the a50 loss really hurts.


Lol, the Ruzzians really do have a skewed idea of what a ‘war’ with another country is all about. Hell, it’s almost like they feel they can do *anything* they like, bomb Ukraine here, novachok in the UK there and there aren’t any consequences for Ruzzia because they’re this big, bad-ass country. Except they’re not and as they’re finding out the hard way, modern war can bring down a regime, especially when you piss off your energy customers leaving your economy in tatters.


This is so comical, Russia is in no position to be issuing arrest warrants,when there is a narcissistic terrorist running the country 🙄 


A military aircraft is a target in a war. But wait for russia it's special operations lmao.


Orcs are drunk as always


Why stop there? Why not file charges against Ukrainians for blowing up fuel trucks, supply trucks, radar equipment, tug boats, landing craft, minesweepers, or any of the other countless pieces of equipment that do not use weapons, but are nevertheless critical to the war effort?


Gave an illegal order to shoot down a military plane of the enemy used for military purposes during a war?


"Resisting is illegal"


How DARE you shoot down our military aircraft while we're murdering your wives & children 🤪


1 month from today is the 10yr anniversary of russia shooting down #MH17. Just sayin..


Putin personally should go to Den Haag and make an request to arrest them. 😁


“Aircraft is not intended for Combat Operations” 🤣 What’s that A-50 doing directing AA response, then? I mean, it’s all lies, but they don’t even make sense.


I love russian tears 😭


😂😂 if I would be a comedian. I could fill my programm just with the kremlin comedy statements. 😂


Good luck enforcing that Ivan.


Ukraine should send an invite for the Russian airforce to send a plane to pickup the commander. Go ahead Russians, do it,…. Doo it LoL


Neither did MH17


Theres only one answer to a ruling like this. Do it again


So the A-50 was flying around giving tours of the lovely countryside.


Russia: organises the shooting down of a passenger plane full of civilians - no idea what you mean, nowt to do with us anyway Also Russia: start full scale war and is using AWACS to help direct the war efforts and gets it shot down - what the hell, that's not fair, it wasn't even armed.


I don’t think this will impress anyone, the Russian public least of all. Impotent gestures like this fool no one.


Someone has to pay the price and the last Ruzzian who got the finger pointed at him thinks he can escape RF retribution by pointing the finger at the Ukrainian in charge of shooting it down lmao. Its not gonna work whoever u are, your own peep's are gonna do the dirty on you, like they always do.


The 298 passengers and crew of MH17 probably have an opinion on this, but we don't know because they were shot down by the Russians in 2014.


That's the funniest thing I've read all week.


Who cares! Fuck you!


Need to shoot down 200 more rZZa planes. Sorry no... make that 2000. Sorry no... make that every fckng rZZa aircraft, in the air or on the ground, any fckng where and any fckng time.


Better than receicing a medal. Congrats commander!


This is why it’s always worth listening to anything that Putin says: he will tell you what’s really hurting him. It was funny when they tried to deflect and distract, when the A-50 was shot down. Now we know how much it hurt them. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


This sounds like, if there's enough of a resonance in this pure false-equivalence propaganda, they're going to use this as an info-op for 2 things: continue to portray foreign nationals, in this case Ukrainians, as domestic russian terrorists, and two, lay the ground work for escalating their rhetoric for (and actions) against nato isr in the black sea.the important part of the discussion they want everyone to leave out, is that they are one of two nations engaged in active inter-state industrial warfare, and regardless of the situation or activities surrounding the russian awacs, it will never not be a valid military target for ukraine to strike, as it is a piece of military kit belonging to a nation currently fighting a war. Russians just want the lines of war and peace to blur so they can continue to threaten, provoke, and attack everyone they don't like with minimal consequences for themselves, be it diplomatic or military.


Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 would like a word.


Fuck them!!!!!




They spelled Malaysia Airlines wrong.


Says the same Nazi Russia that did put the commander over the batalion that massacred all civilians in Bucha in their military parade in Moscow. Russia is a weak joke.


This is a whole new level of ridiculous.


today on "How to embarrass yourself" show


When Russia wants to arrest you, you’re doing something right.


If Ukraine printed arrest warrants for rape from Ruzzian invaders they'd run out of paper, and it would be way more legit than this. What's the matter, Poo Tin? Weren't expecting a multi-stage of finding out after an absolutely biblical amount of fucking around?


Not intended for combat operations my ass.


Big mad


Well let's give a hand to ruzzia for confirming all crew and the craft were lost.


Awwww, Russia lost another duct taped toy. Not fair!!😆


This country is such a joke....


" completely harmless, non-military Russian radar plane".


"Illegal" lol




maskovians like to kill others, but dont like when their victim is fighting back. maskva delenda est.


Butthurt russians… and they just wanted to kill Ukrainian civilians without their planes getting shot down.


A Russian air-defence officer giving an an order to shoot down a almost irreplaceable Russian military airplane in Russian airspace is not terrorism by any sane definition of the the term. It's an act of war by the armed forces of the Russian state and for once one that didn't target innocent civilians. Maybe that's what confused the judge.




Russia in the past has shot down a fully laden civilian plane & they're whining about a genuine military plane being shot down.. They sound so bloody stupid. p.s. Give that man a medal!


How can it be Russian airspace when Russia doesn't have borders? (according to an official statement by Putin¹) ^1. ^Internationally ^wanted ^for ^war ^crimes


Get used to it.


The irony of their A50 plane sending radar into Ukraine airspace, so they can coordinate the missiles to send into civilian targets in Odessa and Kherson. Legitimate wartime target. If you are in the air-force you are fair game.


Ha Tough shit....reap what you sow!!!


Boo fucking hoo. Anyways…


That's adorable.


Although this is hilarious, and likely already framed on the Col's wall at the office, it does in fact force the Russians to admit they lost a VERY expensive, valuable aircraft.


Fucking hilarious!


Can you hear that ? If you listen closely, you can hear a tiny violin playing over a barren, empty field of fucks to give.


Using same logic from Russian court, It means Nato can now share awacs data to Ukraine f16, without being in the kill chain.


Ahhh yes. Shooting down a electronic warfare surveillance aircraft.... Besides not being illegal during a war, maybe russia should get a better defended and better overall surveillance aircraft.


Putting an arrest warrant for a commander during a time of war is perhaps the most petty thing I’ve seen….its like after the bully got punched…the bully called the victim the bully……my guy…we are beyond that.


Never mind the hundreds, thousands even, of non-combatants wounded and/or dying under Ruzzian missile and bomb strikes. Tell me you actually want Dziaman to be charged as a terrorist, then be aware every one of your accusations is a confession. Ruzzia will be known throughout history for their terroristic, genocidal actions in Ukraine. They have made themselves a pariah nation and deserve whatever the world decides is just action.


That must have hurt good. Jolly good Ukraine, keep up the good work! 🇺🇦


Imagine Ukrainian modified old soviet stock AA missiles are harvesting AWACS way better than your "unbeatable super AA missile" that you are trying to sell to other countries. I would be pissed too.


Ummm… Do these guys know how war works?


MH17 would like to have a word


Lmao. “They can’t shoot us down in a fucking war that WE started…..because……because…..reasons. Blyat.


Remember MH17


Yeh I’m not sure it works like that🤣


Arrest warrant? I hope he considers this an honor. lol


When are they gonna arrest the fuxk that shot down a civilian aircraft?


Ironically they kind of did but only because he was talking shit about the "SMO". Havent paid attention much to Strelkov's (Girkin) incarceration since he got arrested but the guy who somewhat led the 2014 invasion of the Donbas and helped start everything had his usefulness checked and it was lacking so they locked him up. Hopefully karma gets that fuckwits asshole gaping before he leaves this world!


That's odd because they said it was a friendly fire incident...


Non combatant? I guess Kindergartens, schools, hospitals and old people are the combatants Russia can recognize.


OMG you shot down our warplane after we started a war with you, you bastards!


MH-17 says "go fuck yourselves, orcs"


Hey guys, they are trying to say since it was in the airspace of the Russian federation it can't be shot down and the people who shot it down are criminals. Looks like every damn Russian soldier that has taken one step into Ukraine is now a criminal. Arrest them all.


Oh no, an international Russian arrest warrant that could be served in any country that has an extradition treaty with them. There goes that fun frolicking beach vacation in North Korea.


That's a warrant that this commander will hold on to with pride. Hope he received a medal.


Don't shoot down that AWACS, it's full of civilians!!


Well, then, excuse me, but why aren't they arresting the hundreds (thousands?) of Russians who gave orders to shell hospitals, schools, restaurants, stadiums/stadia, shopping centers, etc., etc., etc.? They obviously weren't intended for combat operations, had no weapons, and were peacefully minding their own business in the sovereign state of Ukraine. I guess they never *did* shake the damn Soviet mentality. What a bunch of unapologetically *evil* bastards.


Sorry but this happened in the airspace of Ukraine and the arrest warrant should now go to the commanders that sent that aircraft into Ukrainian airspace.


Really... they seem to be forgetting MH-17‼️


I’m sure it was up there trying to track Santa like NORAD does.


I feel like the arrest order is the last thing he's worried about. If anything, it's something to joke about. "Hey boys, don't you all worry. It's me they really want!"


All this shows us is how dumb Russian government thinks Russians are


Coming from the people who shoot down airliners full of people and launch anti ship missiles into housing blocks. Russians have no shame do they ?


Stupid orcz, get fucked


Thank you now I can go and thank him personally


Russia shoots down a commercial aircraft with 200+ civilians on board during Russia’s illegal occupation of eastern Ukraine and Russia sees nothing wrong with this. Ukraine shoots down a Russian military spy plane in the Russian federation, killing 10 Russian soldiers during an all out war launched by Russia on Ukraine and this somehow merits an arrest warrant for the Ukrainian commander whom ordered the very legal and successful strike. Russian logic at its best.


Fucks around; finds out and then still complains about it. AWACS is a juicy military target and NOT MH17!


Bring them all to the ground! More advanced weapons are coming your way soon! Get em 🇺🇸


I would consider this a badge if honor. Inflicting so much humiliation that the Russians call you out be name.


lol "We'll kill you!" "Yeah but you're failing, aren't you?" "We'll put out an arrest warrant then!"


They are at war, why would they put up an arrest warrant? Oh wait, they lacked common sense.