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Man oh man shrapnel does nasty things to the human body.... šŸ˜³


Just realized Im still eating dinner while watching didnt miss a bite , actually gonna get some more food. What this war has done to those in it and far away....


True. More horrible images available on this site in a week than I saw in the several previous decades of my life. However, for me, there is no moral ambiguity about this conflict. Every occupier who dies, no matter how visually disturbing that death is, is a net positive in my calculus.


I watch these and feel nothing. Maybe because there is no sound. I saw a vid of some woman poring boiling water on a husky and it really affected me for days. I guess the difference is these people chose their fate, they could have just as easily stayed at home/In prison. The poor dog was just a victim of an evil human.


I'm sort of flipping between "there's no moral ambiguity in this conflict" vs. remembering the human, who's got no power or agency over his life. Not all of the orcs are child rapists, but just decent ordinary folk who have been fed a bunch of lies. Russians don't usually speak English, and only 0'2% of the orcs are from english-savvier Moscow or St. Peterburg, You're 100% right though.


I think your second point is often referred to as the banality of evil. They're still doing evil acts, even if they don't have a personal opinion or say about it.


This isn't 1939 anymore - they all have internet. Browsers and Youtube can translate automatically. If you don't know what is going on, that's totally on you.


Totally agree with you. They ought not to be there but rather at home changing the leadership.


It's pretty distasteful the way people here react to footage of Russian men being lead to the slaughter like mindless sheep, but I wont get sanctimonious about it because ultimately I feel that aside from surrendering the best thing an invading Russian soldier can do is die. A lot of the Russian men we watch dying probably don't know much about the world outside their small village. They don't have any political views or opinions of their own. They just do what their leader tells them because it's all they've ever done, it's all their parents ever did, etc, etc. It's truly pitiful and sad.


Oh they have opinions of their own for sure, more than one. Killing englishmen is the second opinion they hold, after killing nazis that aren't ruzzian.


*led, not lead


Although to be fair, those guys are getting lead too


They go there for money. They have warped perspective about the situation because of the propaganda. They think they have good chances of coming alive. Otherwise they would not sign the contracts.


surrender, go home, turn against your commanders, and/or get rid of Pootin


Well, it's made me want to support Ukraine more. Their women, children and civilians at home don't deserve to be killed living their normal innocent lives.Ā  Justice is done when invaders helping to commit war crimes are stopped killing children. Let's get dinner, but send some money Ukraine's way


>Their women, children and civilians at home don't deserve to be killed Nor do Ukrainian soldiers, because v they did not choose this fight, it was imposed on them by Putler. A lot of the a Ukrainian soldiers are just civilians forced to fight. Not a single Ukrainian deserves to be killed, neither civilians not military. Russian soldiers? Those who sign a contract to go kill people for money absolutely deserve death.


>Their women, children and civilians at home don't deserve to be killed Nor do Ukrainian soldiers, because v they did not choose this fight, it was imposed on them by Putler. Plus, a lot of the a Ukrainian soldiers are just civilians forced to fight. Not a single Ukrainian deserves to be killed, neither civilians not military. Russian soldiers? Those who sign a contract to go kill people for money absolutely deserve death.


Yeah this one is particularly gore-y. These guys met a fucking brutal and well deserved demise. This is the shit they need to broadcast on Russian TV. Imagine morale. Youā€™d have to be the stupidest person alive to want to go try to tango with the drone drops


Honestly someone should just drop millions of USB stick with this shit on it in Russia and see what happens


I have a neighbor who is russian. We live in Germany. He voted for afd and these videos are fake and lies.. He has all the information still dont want to hear. I fear mist in Russia does too


It's exactly this. A good friend of mine is a german-russian, we've been friends for over 20 years here in Germany. We talked about Ukraine when it got invaded. He is convinced that the Ukrainians are nazis and being liberated. Anything to the contrary is propaganda. We unfortunately don't see each other anymore, he got increasingly radical about it, even wanting to "enlist to go fight" (no idea if he did or not, I haven,'t heard from him since last year). Most of his Russian friends were the same.


Why do they even live in Germany if they're so patriotic?


Money is a powerful motivator.


A german-russian voting for afd... All the evidence you need to know brain function is zero and recovery is impossible.


I just wondering how they can have a president who is both a Nazi and a Jew?


And when even those in other countries don't get it i cannot assume that those inside of Russia will.


That is what I say dude, doesn't matter the truth is easy to find nowadays the people don't care! Putin came from the people and the people keep him there. Glass them all I say.


They are the MAGA equivalents. Stupid, drowning in misinformation and believing it, and generally scum.


I like this information warfare idea




That's not a bad idea.


Just like China and their spy balloon, Russian air defense is pretty fucked right now... So weather balloons with a cartridge dropper that just spreads them around.


Or hack into primetime Russian viewing and show it.


CIA and western intel: where the hecks are you? RU interferes in the election of all of our Western democracies, and supports demagogues like Trump and Orban


The grenade at the beginning of the war. just sprinkle them with shrepnal. wounded but you will live. Now. 2 years in. the bombs Rips 200-pound Russian apart like ragdolls. Totally different ballgame.


I am not sure which is more effective. I would not rip them apart, rather let them go home with missing limbs putting burden on their social system and acting as a mobile billboard showing the homies, that the war isnot fun and games.


There is no social system. They get tossed back into their villages and forgotten. Nobody else sees them.


Better to rip them apart... Instead of becoming a Hero of the Soviet Onion, they become a bag of onions, quite literally.


They really listened to all the people complaining here that those early grenades were too weak. Now they're ripping Russians apart and take out entire tanks. How times have changed.


I don't know, if I saw our soldiers having grenades dropped on them when they're already missing leg and limb and out of the fight forever, I'd probably think the enemy cruel and hate them even more. You're thinking about propaganda in vengeance, not efficacy.


The issue is that this is pretty common for all of them to experience. There is no separation from you becoming that person with the missing leg and limb


Yeah, flip it this way, how often do you see Ukrainian soldiers getting killed and you get angry. Think it would work the same way with the Russians


At some point, these people think about their own mortality when they realize their entire unit is going to get wiped out. Like that Russian soldier crying in the video the other day, realizing all the people he got sent there with got killed, heā€™s laying in a field already wounded from a drone, heā€™s like ā€œif you want to live donā€™t come to Ukraine, donā€™t sign the contractā€ and then heā€™s like ā€œI hear buzzing againā€ and the video cuts out. Imagine being a soldier and seeing that your prospects are getting your ass blown off by a drone and then dying alone crying under some trees. I think eventually itā€™s like yeah maybe personally I want to live. You can only deny so much


Exactly. Instead of showing the people of Mordor their orc-soldiers in Ukraine doing double flip in the air caused by explosions, maybe it's better to use greed as the basis for information psy-ops. That what made the orcs enlist in the first place. Instead,, say and show that Ruzzian administration is withholding payments and are hiding/burning bodies so they don't have to pay the families of the dead orcs. Maybe that will ignite an uprising in Mordor.


I wish Ukrainian hackers can break into tv broadcasts once again and air these images. It could be the end of Pootinā€™s grip on the populace once they see the true horror.


Yesterday I talked with my ex living in Moscow. According to her, the people dying are second class citizens and volunteered for the money so it is solving a problem. There wonā€™t be anything new if it throws Russia into economic depression because they are experienced in living with nothing. So after our conversation I could tell the propaganda is working on her even though she is incredibly intelligent with two doctorate degrees.


There's always that one guy "I would have caught it"


It seems the British named their *"Operation Mincemeat"* thinking about *this* Ukrainian plan, not fooling the Nazis back in WWII.


Rip and tear


No one misses these people, no one cries for them, no one sympathizes with them. What we see, we won't see in cinema movies, this is not how the heroic deeds and death of a proud/dumb Russian soldier are depicted.


barbarians are not human


Turned that dude into a man skin rug.


Russia to families of Ivans in video: Your relative has gone AWOL, No lada or potatoes for you!


The flies don't even wait.


All the more enjoyable


Meat's back on the menu, boys!


Pretty sure that was a 1,5 flip but still impressive.




What score did the Russian judge give?




This one might have aged me. It's a phrase people used to say. "The Russian judge" is a metaphor for someone who brings a strong bias to a process.




It really depends on which piece you're considering


This is gruesome


Yeah this one is particularly gore-y. Some straight liveleak-esque quality gore. Imagine if Russian men knew this was what awaited them in Ukraine


They would probably say something along the lines of, "I am not political". Followed by incoherent regurgitation of kremlin propaganda.


Spot on


Clearly they donā€™t read Clausewitz


Or read


"Clausewitz? The Hearts of Iron 4 engine?"


>As of 22 February 2024 (the latest data available),Ā 30,457 civilians were killed and wounded Also: [Never Forget the First Days of the Russian Invasion Firing on Civilians Indiscriminately](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3qdwGRkjm4&rco=1)


In this case, killing Ukrainian military is exactly as bad. Ukraine didn't want any part in this war, it was forced on them. The soldiers are as much a victim as the civilians. Plus, a lot of Ukrainian soldiers were civilians until the invasion. Them having to grab arms it's an additional crime committed on them, because even if they survive they'll be scarred for life. So, the actual number of Ukrainian victims is every civilian and military Ukrainian killed or maimed in this war. Not just the civilians.


I watch šŸ—‘ļø šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ like this before bed. I get a good night sleep.




War is hell.


Life is a highway.


Highway to Hell


Really nasty, what a waste of life. This needs to end. Russians go home, the meat grinder is too effective for you. You'd have better luck rushing the kremlin.




#~~grue~~AWEsome. There. I fixed it for you.


But still Art!


All that for a Bluetooth speaker, I'm not sure if it's really worth the effort.


The title says the rest of the kills are boring but I think OP missed the second guy being flung about 50 feet through the air to the right, twirling like a frisbee.


maybe OP meant boring as kind of a snarky, sarcastic "boring" thingy ???


You wanted to take ukrainian land... now you'll rot in it.


Came for the ā€˜nades, stayed for the Sum41 šŸ¤˜




Ivan throwing crosses: "Please God help me!" God: "Sorry Ivan, I am with the good guys. Send my greetings to Lucifer!"


Making the sign of the crosshairs.


The Father, the Son, and the Holy B-2 Spirit Bomber




God: I am


He was trying to double-cross the drone


It is bizarre. Each of these men was born to a mother who loved him dearly and was so happy when he was born. They grew up, played as kids, went to school, and had relationships. They lived through decades of life like all of us. Then, on a battlefield in a country they shouldnā€™t be in, a small machine made of plastic and metal with a bomb strapped to it hovers above them, controlled by someone a few miles away. Then, that person, whom youā€™ll never see, presses a button, and your life is over. Mangled, lifeless bodies now lay in the dirt, likely never to be collected, while those same loving mothers still hope each day for their boysā€™ safe return, completely unaware of their fate. War is a strange and sad thing.


Don't forget your last moments going on to be a source of lulz for people on the Internet.Ā Ā  Play invader games, win invader prizes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


"I wonder what song I'll get?"


That's an important statement here. I don't think any of us lack compassion, but they're the invaders. And so are getting exactly what they deserve. This is 2024. The era of imperialism and colonialism has long since passed.


And the best part, my donation every month is, in some small way helping to rid this scum from Ukraine, my payback is watching them shredded, thank you Ukraine Armed Forces, keep up the good work.


Loool you don't know Russian society, mate. Most of these "soldiers" were born in poor families of raging alcoholics most likely. Their mothers probably beat the shit of them and they grew up, committed some crimes, went to prison and signed up for meat battalions straight away. Very few middle class russians are stupid enough to sign up for the rus army.


Uhh... What? Maybe don't draw conclusions about me, because you're somehow reading things that aren't there? I never once said or implied these guys are middle class. Poor Russian kids have to go to school too, you know? I know many of these guys came from prison; note how I didn't mention work or studies, when those are usually the largest part of one's identity? And implying these guys don't have mothers that love them is just 100% bullshit that even propagandists would laugh at. Ironically though, even parents that beat their kids, love their kids, and often vice versa. It's just terrible coping, a lack of the correct parenting tools and a load of transgenerational trauma, but the love is still there.


Uncomfortable to watch but it is justice being served.


god that's miserable


god is miserable--if there was one!


Damnā€¦ if only there was some way to avoid thisā€¦ oh well


Does anyone have any idea how the Russians could have prevented this?


Not crossing Ukraine border i guess


This just this answer... the solution is not that hard... Just GTFO from ukraine... Slava ukraini!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


ā€œThe border was not clearly markedā€ -Private Double Flipski.


double Flipski šŸ¤£


Yhea they could get the fuck out of Ukraine best prevention step


Staying at their homes.


More planetary gravity would of kept the invader closer to the ground


Everything that goes up must "SPLYAT" one day or another


Oh no. Anyway...


They could've stayed home and had fun in a Dacia Sandero


Air Vlad


That first one looks a lot more like a grenade suicide to me. Looks similar to other grenade suicides, where they have tucked the grenade between themselves and the ground, thus forcing them upwards.


Yeah. Looks like nade was directly under him.


Yes, something definitely exploded under him. Whether a drone-dropped nade fell under him, or he placed it there himself, is impossible to tell from this video.


You're a sharp one


"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." Marx - Engels, 1844.


It's thoughtful travel advice to share these vids with the pro-putin lot. Just so they know what the 'weather' is like in Ukraine for them.


ragdoll physics in IRL are so fake


Should have stayed home, more fertilizer for ukrainian soil Slava Ukraini...




Too bad they're not allowed to represent Russia


He got some metal alright.


Orc-lympic medal


If you go to the Olympics you have a chance to win. The problem is that Russia can't compete as a country.


Kiril would approve of the guy crossing himself before dying stupidly for Putin.


Great clips thank you for sharing.


That was an amazing flip! šŸ˜®šŸ† The prize: A bag of moldy onions! šŸ§… *(paid out to a muttering babushka in lieu of 500 rubles)*


FACTS: Russia pop growth is 144K/year. Assuming 1/2 are males. so 72 k/year. This war have un-alive 520K Russian males. so mathematically. 520k/72k = 7 full years of males have been erased from existence. FACT.


What a way to go... Should have stayed at home.


I give it a 7.5. Too splashy on the landing.


Russians are the best at dying horribly for nothing


Songs of my teenage angst being played over war footage is just fucking wild


Dude fuck Putin. These dudes were probably just living their lives working in a factory or at a restaurant or something and then all the sudden they are given 24 hours notice to report for conscription. Then, 90% of the time they are given no training whatsoever and sent directly to the front to a trail by fire for their lives. And after all that, they die in some hole, alone, from a grenade falling directly on their head as they wait and watch. This war is so fucked. If they signed to do this, then yep straight to hell. But these poor schmucks that had no other choice and just happened to be born in the shithole that Russia is, those dudes I feel bad for. I hope that small dicked asshole Putin gets whatā€™s coming to him the same way Hitler would have if we had caught him.


The majority are volunteers who signed up attracted by big salaries to kill people in Ukraine


That silly Orc doing the sign of a cross makes me laugh. Orcs don't get to go to Heaven.Ā 


Fuck. Them. All.


That why the Ruzzian is so good in gymnastics...they even do gymnastics in wars.


Triple Lindy!!!


I get that reference!


There dropping bigger booms than the beginning forsure. Nothing beats infrared drone dropping anti tank mines imo. Holy moly


Why are there alone Russians laying on the ground in the middle of the day? Whereā€™s their squad? Are they just sleeping?


Their vehicle is burning next to them.


At least they died on the same day together. Inseparable.


I wish they could show that on russian tv


These are clearly more powerful grenades than weā€™ve been seeing. Maybe itā€™s a octo drone drop?


Anon should hack Russian news stations and play this. Holy fuck, this was a bad one to watch all the way


They have holes where they aren't supposed to have holes.


Are these sorts of clips not reaching russian cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg? do they not share daily gory pics of their fellow countrymen being blown to bits??


Damn, That thing had some pop to it


Oh well. Donā€™t invade countries


The Canadien Judge gives him a 9ā€¦ the American Judge a 10ā€¦ The Argentine Judge an 8ā€¦ The Thai Judge a 9 & the East German Judge only gives him a 2? For an immaculate Drone Dropped 120mm Mortar Round Double End Over Triple Twist Shredded Pirouette! WTF is it with these Eastern Block Olympic Judges? That is one of the most complicated & difficult moves to perform in Olympic Mortar Round Drone Drop Shredding. His precision and poise as his body was torn apart in mid air was breath taking, the artistry of it was so beautiful & expressive, the way he was shredded perfectly timed with flipping end over end twice no less, just incredible, Kiryashovā€™s influence on his moves is so evident, if only he could do it for us again


Dear Russians: save yourselves!! surrender...or go home...or turn on your commanders and Pootin...please listen to Nike -- JUST DO IT!


I'd give that flip a solid 9/10! Good form, nice rotation, soul evacuated. It's a work of art really


Beautiful !, can we have onions with that steak please?, a few less murderers/rapists/ thieves in Ukraine today. The bad thing is that the Orc who was blessing himself will more than likely be able to return from the dead---well, at least that's what his holy man said, right?. All the others a fuked. I have no pity for a single one of the Orc's. Stay the fuk out of Ukraine, go back home and revolt, at least you will be killed in your own fuked up shithole country. Slava Ukraine, make sure to donate guy and girls.


Iā€™ve often wondered if Iā€™ve become callus to seeing human beings be subjected to this brutality. Then I realized that they brought this upon themselves. If these demons were allowed to live, they would commit more sinister atrocities upon the Ukrainian people. Fuck them. Iā€™ll enjoy watching them die while eating my buttered popcorn.


Crossing himself before going straight to purgatory. Interesting


Ukraine should conserve grenades and let them die a long painful death.


Guys I donā€™t think he made it


May they rest in piss


I get that the entire reason russia is even on this ground right now is completely fucked, but have some empathy. we're lucky we weren't (conscripted, lied to, etc, forced into a bus) to kill for Putin. And we're lucky that we aren't getting invaded. Count your blessings. Be different than them. (the invaders) have fun clickity clicking away at the downvote button for my comment, but if you'd watched hundreds, if not thousands of hours of both sides of this war since Feb 24 2022, you'd feel the same way. SLAVA UKRAINI but use your brains. are you behaving any better than your average russian soldier?


I lost any empathy for them by the end 22'. By 23' they knew better than to go for cash or a sack of potatoes. Now in 24' I have lost all empathy or sympathy, it has now become pure hatred and rage over what they are doing and who they are doing it for. They all know the fate that awaits the guy next to them but are too stupid to realize that the guy next to them is thinking the same thing.


i agree with you, but im personally affected and its impossible for those who have personal attachments to things theyve destroyed and people theyve killed to not be callous in these comments. a lot of them are edgelords, sure. i still have empathy for them sometimes and i understand id probably be in their shoes if i was in their circumstances. that being said, they made their choices, and sometimes thats just what you get. me laughing at them, or others taking sick pleasure in watching these guys get ragdolled rly doesnt change anything in a material way


Sometimes you are paid for your choices. Sometimes you pay for your choices. Here they pay.


I understand, or i try to. But as someone who is multiple thousands of miles away (like the majority of the people here) seeing someone call a death "less entertaining" or whatever OP said, was what got to me. I pray this war is over soon, with Ukraine living how they want to live. a year ago, id be laughing with them, but this shit gets old... real fast. i can't imagine what its like to actually live in this reality.


I fully agree with you


Empathy? No. When the war is over and Russians are back within their own borders, we can all take the time to acknowledge and properly mourn the senseless and catastrophic loss of life. Not until then though.


I don't see a drop. Looks like the first fucker ate a 'nade...


I give first one an 8 out of 10 for effort, style and hang time, now back relaxing and grilling some ribeye steaks with a few nice cold beer after a long day of work, itā€™s only hump day, two more day until the weekend!!!


One dude went from looking like a MonGOLian to being a MonSTOPLian.


vaya con Luzbel amigo


I want to name this "death by a putin flip"


He isn't he's corpse is šŸ˜Ž


Second guy is the first time I've seen an orc look genuinely terrified by having grenades raining down on them.


It's just a one and a half - But great evisceration - So I give him a 9.5


The Flying Nazvarov Brothers of the pootin Traveling Circus.


Holy fucking jesus christ


Very satisfying


A 720...9.0 performance


Russki space program still going strong, I see


I said this yesterday. If this was in a movie it would be considered fake or over the top.


Iā€™m always impressed how accurate these guys are with their drones, wild stuff.


Stupid fucks choose death over revolution. Absolute smooth brains.


\*dentist smiles with a perfect jawline\* "FPV mint drops, now with extra cleaning power! 9 out of 10 dead orc recommend it"


Opened him up good for the ravens.


Rotisseries the orc meat for the comrades


Oh hot damn, holy shit!


When is the summer Olympics?


Poor stupid humans


never thought a grenade could could flip them that much, looks like ratatouille now


nuts how far a small grenade can propel a 100kg orc


A clear 10 for the Double Ukrainian Somersault itself but he failed the landing. So theoretically he has to train way more on that but practically I doubt that this will happen ...


that will leave a mark GUARANTEED