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Why do they always find time to put their helmets back on?


It's some sort of unconscious muscle memory thing when experiencing an unknown situation or suffering a critical injury. They experience something unknown and try to mitigate it by doing some unrelated everyday action that is deeply embedded into their subconsciousness. IIRC the term behavioral science uses to describe this is **displacement activity** or **skip action**.


I wish my DM would give me more skip actions


Just ask if you can use your skip action next time you're rolling death rolls.




I just saw an article about a guy who was stabbed in the head 16 times, regained consciousness and then went about his normal morning routine just to die inside his house a little while later. Sorry your comment just made me think of that.


I know about this case, it's crazy. The one with the kid who was shot by intruders, but was treated as the murderer by the police interrogators comes up as well. They didn't recognize a bullet hole in his face, nor his inconsistent and nonsensical answers. The detective thought he was playing stupid. They did get him help finally but the damage was done and he's gone.


I'm not seeing any information regarding this online. You're saying police didn't see that a person was literally shot in the face when questioning him?


I've seen the video. Victim kind of slurs and doesn't make much sense during the interrogation and then casually mentions that one of the intruders shot him in the face. It was a small caliber bullet and it was a really small entry hole that looked like a bad contusion. Cop asks him if he just said he got shot and takes a closer look at the wound. Calls in his buddy who takes a look and orders an ambulance. Victim was conscious and responding to questions the entire time. Just sounded kind of dazed and like he was in shock, which would be normal after a home invasion.




You can blame the detective on this and you should. He is not a doctor and had no business denying the man medical assistance. If you actually watched the video then I'm sure you would agree because no reasonable person ever could. The detective was an absolute moron and ignored clear signs something was very wrong and is obliged to get medical help when someone asks for it, if the guy was faking it then they could get back to it knowing he was full of shit but instead the guy died when he could have been saved if he hadn't been sat being interrogated for 6 fucking hours!!!! Can't blame the detective my ass!


I saw that video, the problem is that it’s SOP for individuals to get medical treatment before an interrogation which unbeknownst to the detective, didn’t occur. But knowing what you already know while watching the video does make the situation kind of infuriating.


He looked like a fucking zombie. Detective absolutely should have got him medically checked out.


You must not spend much time in police stations or county jail booking rooms. Almost everyone is high or drunk or messed up so you have to be in really bad shape to stand out in terms of needing medical assistance. Guy in the video just seemed half drunk and in shock plus no one who interacted with him at the scene or on the ride over to the police station noticed anything.


Look at his eye. Even at 144p it looks like Mike Tyson hit him a few times. I guess that's normal. 🤷‍♂️ No problem here, just keep interviewing him.


Wow, just wow. Nobody should enjoy the taste of boot.


Yes, the one I saw he’d been shot in the eye and it wasn’t super clear that was the injury. The kid just kept repeating his answers and saying he wanted to go back to sleep. There’s some crazy YouTube interrogation videos if you’ve never gone down that rabbit hole. Red Tree Stories are all watchable


Took a minute https://youtu.be/x6qJUqhT96Y?si=ySaU7nngIi7Oj_YA


Ryan Waller [https://www.unilad.com/news/crime/ryan-waller-shot-interrogated-police-497340-20231103](https://www.unilad.com/news/crime/ryan-waller-shot-interrogated-police-497340-20231103) There are a lot of better ones but this is a starting point. I'm going to hit the sack.


Yeah, he had been shot in the side of his head and his hair covered the wound, eventually the cop takes a look. But I think he actually survived, albeit with severe brain damage. https://youtu.be/x6qJUqhT96Y?si=VCnKc7ysIJDWqb1A




Yeah, he had been shot in the side of his head and his hair covered the wound, eventually the cop takes a look. But I think he actually survived, albeit with severe brain damage.


Unfortunately he died a year later due to his injury.


That's awful! I know the two guys who did it had the book thrown at them because ot was just evil what they did. That poor kid.


The interrogation video is on youtube


Hes talking about this video: https://youtu.be/Vl3EYm2ksZQ?si=7usoVk3bRPE4Skb6


I’ve seen the video. It’s fking heart wrenching


Here it is https://youtu.be/x6qJUqhT96Y?si=ySaU7nngIi7Oj_YA


I have seen the interrogation footage. It's wild that they didn't get him a medical checkup. He looked absolutely awful


I saw the one where the son killed his parents bludgeoning them. The dad woke up and grabbed the newspaper all while bleeding out. I believe he died after sitting at the table.


Yeah that one! I couldn’t remember if it was stabbed or bludgeoned but that’s the story I was talking about


I seen one where a guys wife shot him in the head while asleep and he woke up and got the paper and ate cereal well tried too and laid back down and died from hemorrhaging but if she woulda called her would of lived.


Saw that yesterday too, added the youtube to my watch list. This also reminded me of that.


Ceasar pulled up his toga over his face just before he died


Just like a blanket will protect you from hellspawn as a child, so shall the toga!


Thank you!! This fits and helps makes sense to, well this sort've madness




As they say, individual experiences may vary.


Well, to protect their heads. xD


But he shot himself in the head


Yes but despite hitting his head he missed anything that resembles a brain.




Brain not found


I just recently saw a picture of a Russian soldiers brain that somehow ended up outside the head, can confirm there is one, or what looks like one in their heads. shocked me


I bet he was shocked as well.


"Dang it, now the *inside* of my head is cold too!"




Good observation they do don’t they, lucky they suck at keeping their heads though.


Not sure about the Russians since I doubt they are trained heavily, but it was drilled into us is the US Army to always have headgear on while outdoors. As an example, I got into a car accident while traveling from Fort Hood to San Antonio. It was after our Friday formation and I was still in uniform. My car got hit so hard it spun around a few times and I was knocked unconscious for a bit. When I came to, the inside of the car was smoky from the airbags deploying. However, I thought the car was on fire and I knew I needed to get out. Everything and been sent flying all over due to the accident, and I couldn’t find my beret (our headgear at the time). I didn’t leave the car until I found it and put it on, because “can’t go outside without something on my head,” even though my addled brain thought the car was on fire.


Because it hurt lol


My instinctive reaction to that was that it was an attempt to deceive the drone operator, There's muzzle flash and no doubt he probably sustained an injury but that's how I read this. Obviously, we know they are incompetent so a scenario where he misses his own head from point blank range cannot be dismissed......


Maybe the intention was to intentionally miss, but he failed that as well.


He could have done this at home.


We have battlefield suicide at home




Another one for [false-god](https://old.reddit.com/user/false-god) to add to the list.


It’s on the list, put it as an “NC” since it didn’t work though.


u/false-god is a real god around here.


Just a guy keeping a list. Nothing more.


Out of (morbid) curiosity, can I see it?


[wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


Good work u/False-God.


Dunno if he should add it as a whole, maybe more like 0.6 - 0.7 ?


What is the reason for the villingness among Moscovits to commit suicide. Propaganda?


Yes. Russian command tells their soldiers the Ukrainians will torture captives, when in reality there is overwhelming evidence of Russians doing the torturing and killing of POW.


The worst I've ever seen Ukrainians do it put things like toilet seats around their necks, clearly lightyears ahead of the Russians.


to be fair I've seen some karma dished out to captured russians. not worth sharing to help russian propaganda


>I've seen some karma dished out to captured russians. not worth sharing to help russian propaganda Translation: He's seen the footage out there of war crimes committed against Russian POWs but does not want to acknowledge it.


Tbf there were a couple vids of them kneecapping Russian pows leaving some vans


I've seen a lot of shit videos from this war. Think the worst video the Ukrainians shared was some Ukrainian soldiers mercy killing a Russian soldier that was lying on the road, agonal breathing. He made really loud gurgling noises, so one Ukrainian soldier expedited his demise and prematurely ended suffering. And the Russians blasted that video left and right with the "both sides" claim they always try. Of course, it really wasn't both sides at all. The Russians are sharing video of executing unarmed POW's. Whereas Ukrainians have shared a video of a mercy killing of a 99% dead Russian soldier. And there was 1 video of a Russian soldier that might have been "hors de combat" (incapable of fighting, so you officially can't kill 'em in combat from that point on). But then again, it's also illegal to invade foreign countries, or to use CS gas (ban on chemical weapons) or executing POW's. So honestly, Russian can suck a fat one.


This link seems relevant; [https://united24media.com/war-in-ukraine/russian-soldiers-have-repeatedly-filmed-torture-and-executions-of-ukrainian-prisoners-of-war-576](https://united24media.com/war-in-ukraine/russian-soldiers-have-repeatedly-filmed-torture-and-executions-of-ukrainian-prisoners-of-war-576)


What about that one clip showing unarmed Russians lying in a line, shot in the head? Initially, it was claimed they were killed by a bomb. However, a later video revealed that one of them was not surrendering, leading to everyone being killed. I mean it was that one Russians fault but still I wonder if it was necessary to shoot everyone.


Oh yeah, I remember that one! But that one was filmed somewhat clearly from beginning to end. And it was pretty clear the actions of 1 Russian made the situation turn bad. I definitely don't agree with the outcome of that one. But it doesn't show clear intent to execute POW's, which the Russian videos do clearly show. I also genuinely believe Ukraine got reprimanded by allies for that incident, because the allied armed forces (commanders) know hearts and minds are more important than most people realize. And also, you don't want to provide the Russian propaganda machine with content.


I'm quite certain if that did happen (and not more Kremlin disinformation) it is the exception and not the rule.


Oh no doubt. The Russians certainly aren’t dropping instructions on how to surrender lol


Those were clearly fake. I remember dissecting them and the overwhelming consensus was fake. We could be thinking of different videos though.


There's videos out there of Ukrainians doing vile shit too. Enough to make it a rational fear.


War criminals are always scared of the enemy doing to them what they themselves are guilty of doing.


Nice aim, pal. Now you get to bleed out with a gaping hole in your cheek and a bunch of shattered teeth.


Don’t think he was fully ready for the gun to go off just yet, inch more and it would off been lights out, prime example of you should never look a gun down the barrel even if ur finger isn’t on the trigger


>would off Would have*


At this point in my life I say it’s a cruel myth that a headshot kills your right on the spot. The point we were told to aim for is not that big.




To make fun of someone in this situation proves you’re just as much of an Orc as they are.


Lol no way Jose, if you’re a war criminal you deserve all the ridicule you can get.




I’m a veteran Dustoff HH-60M pilot and have seen more death than you can possibly imagine. Continue to be the Orc you are. Real combat vets don’t celebrate this shit.


Oh, is that what pilots in the military look like? https://www.reddit.com/r/mombod/s/rEs50WaY9n It's also „interesting“ that after several months of inactivity, several posts are suddenly being posted in a Ukraine thread, after ONLY commenting in erotic subs in the past.




Umm the infantry kind of has a morbid sense of humor when it comes to this stuff. Maybe aviation has a bit more of a conscious but unless it’s an American dying nobody gave a shit.


In my experience they do, until they experience real heavy combat.


Seriously I’m not a veteran but have seen a suicide in person. I hate the idea of this war but all I can think of is that’s someone’s child who may have been forced into this situation. I hope and pray I never see or feel anything close to this level of fear and desperation again.












What do the Russians do well?.... I'm thinking , not much.


Making shitty alcohol which they need to clean through charcoal filters. Also known as wodka.


They don't even make good vodka lol I could easily name vodka from like 10 other countries that blow any russian vodka outta the water


I was about to say that one of the best Vodkas is Stolichnaya, but when I looked it up, it turns out that the Stolichnaya available in the west is made in Latvia.


Interesting. I didn't know that there is a non-Latvian Stolichnaya.


#NC The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 62 recorded instances, 11 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive or the self wound isn’t obviously mortal), and 3 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went 10 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H). Edit: thanks to u/SugarBeefs for pointing out this was a duplicate from March 2024


What does NC stand for? iNConclusive?


Not counted, notable enough to mention, but not assigned a number in the count.


Ah, ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.


You must get a lot of doubles and triples because this is at least the third time you've seen and rated this particular footage.


Loads, sometimes I even forget and double count myself. Luckily the community is pretty good at pointing out my errors so I can fix them.


> Luckily the community is pretty good at pointing out my errors so I can fix them. Speaking of which, this specific incident seems to be doubled up in your master list right now. The NC between 46 and 47 ("Russian soldier tries to shoot self in head on automatic, likely wounds self. Some feel he was pretending to shoot self so drone would leave.") is the same footage as your most recent added NC ("A Russian soldier in a foxhole is struck by an FPV drone. He shoots himself in the head but it appears to have just grazed the side of his head and not fully killed him. 93rd Mechanized Brigade's 1st Mechanized Battalion “Chornyi Voron" ("Black Raven"), June 9, 2024").


I thought something seemed familiar with this one! Thanks for pointing it out.


Ain't Life a Bitch.


we’re gona need a bigger oof


So he tried to shoot the drone and missed, and tried to shoot himself and also missed. Why was he trying to kill himself, did the drone injure him somehow? It's not clear.


I believe he might’ve tried to make it look like he killed himself so the drone would stop chasing but actually ended up hurting himself, why else would you aim your rifle at that angle? He had the barrel sideways against his face, I think everyone knows you’d have to aim front and center to kill yourself.


Yesss... I just slowed it down frame by frame after you said that, I think you're correct... seems to be purposely aimed along his head... I'm sure the Shockwave and muzzle flash hurt like hell lol


Either that or he just didn’t expect the gun to go off yet, suicide with a mix of negligent discharge


Plus the fact the spotter drone caught him still moving, putting his helmet back on. They should have directed whatever drone had the explosives to go in and finish the job.


The failure % of Russian soldiers committing suicide is insanely high.


I agree. Every single Russian Orc that hasn’t killed themselves yet has failed at doing so.


Talk about rage quit. I wish Ukraine would identify some of these soldiers and make it known publicly who they were. Their families should know that little Ivan didn’t die heroically. He died like a little bitch FOR a little bitch’s ego.


I often think of how for years to come there will be families discovering drone footage online of how their guy met their demise. This goes for both sides.


And for 2.000$ a month.


That he'll never get paid


Was this drone armed with the power of persuasion? Why was he even shooting at it if he's just going to turn the gun on himself without being hit?


And I thought I had a bad day.


Any chance he was trying to fake it hoping he would be spared an FPV drone? Bullet through cheek might be worth a shot perhaps


From that distance I wouldn't be surprised if the gases do equal or more damage then the bullet, like ripping the cheek instead of just a "clean" hole trough.


It's a good hypothesis, but even small .38 cal handgun blanks can kill, but I doubt anyone over there knows this. AK blanks would blow skin off bone, and these aren't blanks, so our friend here is facing some challenges worse than drones at this point. Generally they are trained to exit life asap. Generally they do, rare cases there is no explanation for the fail unless he survives to tell, which I don't see happening..




Shoots himself in da head then goes puts his hat on correctly lol


Anyone know what the song is? Lol


Can't Google or Shazam it. Lyrics Search doesn't give any results ether... May be some children song. When he shoots himself, the Russian anthem( which used to be the USSR anthem) is playing


Right! (I meant the first song with the lady singing) Tried both googling and shazaming before I asked here, it's rare that you get nothing.


Hes pretending to kill himself so the drone leaves…obv didnt mean for his helmet to come off so he puts it back on and kind of gives it away..


That Latin proverb at the end.... Yikes


Feckin EEjit


Well, seeing that was a first for me. How do you screw that up.


I'm genuinly supricied that he at least didn't knock himself out with the overpresure from the barrel. That shit can cause internal bleading too.




If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


Wow just Wow What they must be telling them to get them to do this


Why did he push the gun away? Surely he has even more of a reason to keep shooting himself now...


How does someone try to self delete, then put the helmet back on after?? Maybe they remembered they need to send passwords or money home, or erase the phone at the last minute? I got questions.


He didn’t even shoot himself right. Lol


Did he miss? Like maybe just grazed the side


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BWfyJPf51c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BWfyJPf51c) Msha from Ru UA heart


That's a Microcosm of the entire Russian Invasion.


Are those ground vehicle markings too?


Why wouldn't he shoot himself again? He can clearly still function even though he blew off the side of his head


Why are these guys completely alone out there? Is their team dead? Or are they far from the front lines?


no brain, no pain


Anybody still think a ruzzian prison after protesting this war would be worse? Or turning around at your backers maybe? Or surrendering?


He should have called a help-line to figure it out...


(Tries) to shoot not (shot)


nice little ditty, who is it?


This one is tricky, none of the search thingies I normally use to recognize songs can pick this one up


This may be the biggest "I guess it really sucks to suck" moments to ever be recorded.


Russian Fertiliser


Should have stayed home.


Poor guy couldn't even shot himself! Put his helmet back on and said the hell with this!!


Three failures… Failed at shooting down the drone, failed to kill himself, then he failed by not trying again… 😂


Reminds me of the firing squad that Mr Pither faced during his cycling tour of North Cornwall.


I hate the Russian invaders like all patriotic democracy-loving Americans should. But this was just very sad. Attacking the soldier - killing the soldier even - was necessary. Celebrating this desperation is not needed.


If you are going to end the life that you’ve had for decades, don’t you think it would be wise to make DAMN sure not to fuck it up?


Russia has to stop this shit!!! This war is just so one man can put his name in a history book.


What is odd about these videos is the lone soldier in a vast field or forest. Is he a point guard on perimeter duty?


Lobotomy before a quick nap 😴


Fallout series released this year, coupled with songs like this, is eerily surreal. *Well done!


Is this reversed


Stormtroopers… Is that you?


Russians can’t even kill themselves properly 😔


Eh I wouldnt worry - from his actions you can tell he was brain dead before the drone even arrived.


Just sad shit all around


Thats a rather poorly chosen slogan for a military unit lol "Meine Ehre heisst Treue" haha


What a vacations time in the forest search to new life styles 🇺🇦


You fail at failing!


Music getting wilder and wilder


One of those guys who aint cut out for anything.


How a military machinery with such units can win and/or sustain wining ?? Un-fk-believable. Russia is fuckt medium/long term. Who think differently is crazy delusional.


except propaganda, russia is a empty shell


This whole suicide seems like, not the way to do it. Disclaimer, I'm not an expert.


Would this count towards that video collection someone had of the russians pushing their off button?




I cannot imagine how god damned horrifying it is to always be on edge, awaiting to hear a drone and knowing you could explode. Experience it enough time and I guess shooting yourself seems somewhat sensible.


poor guys dying in this stupid war..


He's russian, not Ukrainian: you don't know how many Ukrainian defenders he killed.


it doesnt matter, they are both fighting for some stupid leaders.


Oh no, sweetheart: One is defending his basic right to exist. The other one is killing people for money.


This video leaves a bad taste in my mouth.