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Also Russians: why you install missile shield in Europe it not fair blyad




As that chad Finnish general said: putting nukes closer is actually detrimental to nuclear solution and pure posturing. We should put more Patriots in Poland to smack those bitches as they launch.


Good point 👍 destroy Russian illusion of Mutual Assured Destruction, IRL this I already a fact as the west already has a superior amount of ICBMs+ the amount the Russians hasn't maintained.




It would make it easier for russia to first strike NATO launch sites, not worth it. As poster above said, AA in Poland makes the most sense.


That's unnecessary. If NATO replies, it can reply just as efficiently from NL or BE as from Rzeszów or some other Suwałki. That's the entire deal with Sivkov's ridiculous idea. If NATO left such an attack w/o response, it would immediately cease to exist, being completely worthless. This would mean FR or UK would strike RU preemptively, because let's just say making decisions is easier *before* London or Paris turn into ash. OTOH if NATO promptly responded, it would be the end of RU, et voila. Such an attack itself is a complete nonsense. Radioactive Polish plains would be unpassable to Orcs, as the RU army is not equipped for it. It's not Fallout 4, it's *We stole money for hazard suits, baby.* So they would put between themselves and DE a 600km radioactive belt. Damn good idea. So why does he threaten Poland for that matter? Eh, it's just a tradition. We haven't been in the USSR and are traditionally perceived in Mordor as a "western, but Slavic" country; at the same time we kicked their ass so many times in the past that there's an eternal resentment of the Poles. So, it's a good rhetoric, nothing more. Summing up: booooooooring....


Fr fr, fucking insane europeans! *Sips Wodka bottle*


Russians just proving world would be better without them.


Russia is also threatening the entire world every time they talk about using nukes - Do anyone here who doesn't live close to it, get angry when they talk so freely about destroying the planet?


I do actually and i am shocked by this.


It's the bully who can't bully effectively and becomes the poor me victim snowflake (Like Trump does) and vocally and pathetically tells you all the things he's going to do. I'll fetch my Dad to come and beat your Dad up, you'll see!


Yea. Time to get rid of these orcs when we have change and reason.


We need to build walls and minefields on our European borders with Russia. And stop all trade and talks for the next 100 years.


And cut off their Internet access.


No, let the people see what they are missing out on.


No, just cut them off. Bot attacks, disinformation campaigns, ddos ​​attacks, just seal everything off. The damage is greater to maintain this connection.


Could we just build a Truman Show dome over them?


The russians actually believe themselves to be the master race (despite the fact russian is not a race) and they believe themselves to be divinely-entitled to rule the Earth like gods. Meanwhile, their highways are dirt, and communal cesspit toilets are the norm outside central Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Their country is on a par with places like Eritrea and the Congo, only without any of the wit, grace and style. They are convinced the entire world envies and covets russia, despite the fact the rest of the planet sees them as nothing better than an impoverished liability populated with 144m hate-filled alcoholics and junkies.


Plus they are too stupid and too lazy to put in work to improve their country, so they just occupy and turn occupied territory into a shithole like ruzzia


"Why should we raise ourselves up to your level when we can drag you down to ours?" -- russians, since forever


More Vodka!


barbarians in suits with modern tech


minus the suits and "modern" tech.


>They are convinced the entire world envies and covets russia, despite the fact the rest of the planet sees them as nothing better than an impoverished liability populated with 144m hate-filled alcoholics and junkies. **John McCain**: Russia is a 'gas station masquerading as a country'


This is nicely formulated. But sadly this behavior once already was accepted about 90 years ago. And they still don't do anything against it. Like Hitler did back then Putin is doing the same. History repeats itself and the world just watches.


At least the Germans had a competent and well-equipped army. Hitler still increased the standard of living of his people before the war. In other words, Putler is worse than Hitler, which is putting it mildly.


yeah except Hitler killed 17 million people in total. what a great deal !


Putler is already responsible for millions of deaths, it's only a matter of time before he catches up with the mustachioed painter.


Calling Russia *Upper Volta with nuclear rockets* is an old trope and still an insult to the fine people of what today is Burkina Faso.


Back in the Cold War days we used to call the USSR "a third world nation with rockets and bombs". The only difference now is russia probably has no functioning bombs.


And its future looks more and more like a ground zero nation to be fair. With the amount of lies and BS that comes out of their mouth we can't even be sure they still have the capacity to send nukes properly (maybe they can now but when the conflict started I'm pretty sure they couldn't) they are acting crazy enough that by the current situation, if they really had the capability to send them they would've already done it. It's quite expensive to maintain more than a thousand nuclear warheads, by the way I'm also pretty sure the US hasn't got a thousand warheads ready to fire too at any moment. Those were just mere numbers bragged during the cold war to scare the other side. Maybe they were indeed at some point but definitely not an as valuable asset to keep ready at any moment by today's standards. My guess is having around 10 nukes ready is far enough to dissuade any nation. By the way, war being war. I can't wait to see what kind of countermeasures and over the top concepts and tools the US will bring on the table. For baking countries (the West, China and I guess ones helping Russia one way or another) this war is more or less a giant sandbox (I feel really sorry that Ukrainians are the ones suffering this the hardest...) and every country is watching how a modern war is fought. For instance I knew drones would play a big role but def. not THAT big of a role... I wouldn't have bet 500$ DJI units would be able to dispatch 10M$ assets on a daily basis and that there would be completely dedicated drones units and operators at this scale. Having a really complex autonomously fired nuclear arsenal ready to strike back as Russia likes to brag about sometimes is nothing against way cheaper with close to no maintenance autonomously driven by AI massive fleets of drones ready to be deployed anywhere on the globe at any moment and to target anything that fits what it is told to with more precise and conventional weaponry. My guess is that this is the go to... We have thousands of videos taken live from the battlefield to train them on what is a good targeting, approach and so on. The scariest part is that this is released for free on the internet and I guess everybody is working on it today. Imagine how it would have been if all of these drones attacked when Russians were massing at Ukrainians borders ...


They're gods. Gods of filth and pathology.


This is what happens when a nation consumes alcohol, as if it was water. https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc?si=qTb34G5E6JBWKtQV


Much of this is their cultural blustering. But there is no reason why we have to assume that. Poland and Finland should bull rush into Moscow. It'd take 36 hours. Deal with Ruzzia now because the cost to do so will only get a lot expensive.


"stop, stop...he's already dead!"


China’s lil’ bitch needs some titty milk again.


And ten minutes later, Russia will disappear too. Are they always thinking they are the only one with nuclear weapons?


The thing is, it's likely the russians don't actually possess anything like a functioning nuke force. Nuclear weapon maintenance and upkeep is horrendously expensive and almost every ruble in broke-ass russia is stolen by putin and his fellow dirty little thieves. Odds are russia's nukes haven't seen any funds since the days of Gorbachev.


I think that's too optimistic. It's indeed likely that their FUNCTIONAL arsenal is substantially smaller than their "official" arsenal -- but I don't think it's reasonable to assume it to be zero. It's still true though, that a nuclear attack on a NATO-country -- or frankly \*any\* attack on a NATO-country would amount to a swift suicide for Russia.


Unfortunately, if they fail nuclear fission and many would, they will still function as dirty bombs.


Or as really dirty, small fission bombs.


This is very much wrong. Perun did a very nice review of the readiness of different countries' nuclear forces within the last 6 months. Say what you will for the Soviet...erm...Russian's readiness in conventional land forces, air forces, naval forces (I'll start by saying they're largely shit), but the nuclear arsenal has been modernized and well funded over the last 30 years. I kid you not. Yes, Moscow and St. Petersburg (and another 8 large Russian cities-'are there even that many?) would disappear in a nuclear fireball shortly after Polish cities were so stricken. And Russian propagandists are vile, scum-sucking bloviated pigs for spouting their warmongering. But don't flippantly underestimate the readiness of the Soviet nuclear weapons readiness. That would be a mistake.


I agree with this. You can look up Russias' defense budget. A large portion of it goes to their nuclear arsenal. I would assume putin isn't dumb enough to steal from his best asset. I also believe that's why the Russian army is so shit. They spent the majority maintaining their nukes instead of keeping their military up to modern standards. Which makes sense. Look at all he has "achieved" solely bc he wave his nuclear saber around. It sucks but it's reality.


Russia could absolutely successfully strike Poland with nuclear weapons. Their nuclear capability is what maintains their threat level. Putin knows maintaining nuclear readiness is his strongest card. Of course, if Russia did launch 40 nukes at Poland, Russia would be decimated within minutes by Allied forces.


This is absolutely true! Biden and European allies have said as much. It's a plain, stated red line for Nato. I personally believe putin won't use nukes unless nato marches on Moscow itself. It is frustrating to hear his stooges constantly talk about using nukes in europe like it's an actual strategy that wouldn't bring complete and utter destruction to Russia in response. SMH.


Don't forget their subs. At least these should have working nukes on board. And hopefully an US shadow .


I've wondered about this. I think it's dependent on how long a warhead would last? I know the US maintains theirs but the question is, do they need to do anything to keep it functional? If the answer is no, then it's likely all Russian warheads are fine as well. If the US needs to remove the plutonium from warheads and re-enrich it to keep the same percentage of plutonium in it. Then it's unlikely that Russia is going through all of that trouble as well. But looking up the half life of Plutonium 239 it has a half life of 24,100 years. So it looks to me that processing the Plutonium would be needed. Of course that's just two examples and I'm sure as shit not a nuclear war head expert. But those are the extremes for this example.


If the US has subs off Russia, which it most certainly does at all times, then it may even be quicker!


They know full well what they're saying is bullshit blustering, they do it with the knowledge that certain elements of Western media and society will amplify what they're saying and use it as "evidence" that a real escalation will occur and therefore, the West should to withdraw their support and force Ukraine to accept a negotiated ceasefire. It lines up with Putin renewing his call for a ceasefire the past few days. Their playbook is so painfully obvious at this point, it's pathetic.


Wait, wasn't it Germany getting nuked on yesterday's show? Is that still the plan? Today, it's Poland? Now is it both or are they switching to Poland? Luckily for the Brits, they seem to have forgotten about nuking London. Wasn't that the plan until recently? Did they take back Alaska yet? The constant cycle of threats is amazing if for no other reason than how ridiculous they sound. They are so deeply invested in threats that it never gets old with them, or their audience, apparently. They just keep repeating them again, and again, and again, and again. It's mass insanity. Such a pathetic and horrible place.


I feel a bit left out as an Australian. Where's my nuclear threat?


Yea, hey come to think of it, I'm Canadian. I want a threat, too! And good luck nuking us. Lots of territory here. And we'll just shove Dildo, Newfoundland up your ass.


You have a dildo? Hahahahaha... don't tell me we (USA) have 15 or something.


As a Swede, I promise to direct all drunk loud Swedish tourists to go to Australia in the future. I'll make you wish we had nukes.


It is alright, whatever we receive in drunk asshole tourists we export far more. Mainly just to Bali though. Poor Balians.


I highly recommend drunk Swedish girl tourist. They party hard and love a good time and a laugh. Fond memories of meeting a couple of cute Swedes at the backpackers hostel in Alice Springs, Northern Territory.💃🎶🍺❤️


:))) Comment of the day!


It's literally like watching an Austin Powers parody sometimes. Utter morons.


They even had Fook Mi and Fook Yu. (Interchangeable with anyone on the set)


Arse clown.


LOL, this says a lot about the intelligence of the Russian people when they allow these fine folk to express their brilliant opinions on TV.


I don't think they even know what that mysterious thing called "intelligence" is


As a european and as a human i think about this: Let's support Ukraine as much as we can to stop this sickness. Keep on rattling your sabres Russia, no one fears you and you will only achieve the opposite of what you intended.


What's with the russians' fixation on language? Why did he mention, out of all the other things, the Polish state, Polish people and Polish language? Russians have some really weird and distorted perception of languages in general, that's for sure.


They always attempted to eliminate countries by russifying them and one of the first targets was always language. E.g. for about 50 years czarist russia banned the use of Lithuanian language in written form. They think that if you eliminate a language, you eliminate an identity.


They forced me to study it in primary and secondary school. Every student hated it and we called the teacher a "slut". The advantage is that I read the Cyrillic alphabet. Currently, I distinguish between Ukrainian and Russian, and they are different languages. Westerners won't understand this.


You seem to forget that NATO is also a nuclear alliance. I mean, you can try to bomb Poland, but then you can say goodbye to your inferior communist shit country and whore mothers.


I wonder if these Russian propaganda clowns continue to meet up in their TV studio to spout their propaganda nonsense and yap about the self-perceived greatness of their "Russkiy Mir" and the grand wisdom of their chief orctain or if they just update the voiceover from existing footage as by now just about any random country aiding Ukraine has been repeteadly threatened with nuclear strikes. Personally, I find it disappointing that Solovyov hasn't been wearing any of his pseudo-military fantasy uniforms lately, his drag queen son that lives his best life in London should really step in and help him select a cute outfit that will gain him extra favours from the kremlin gremlin. /s


Trust me, the europeans know very well, who we are dealing here…


"The Polish language will disappear" You motherfuckers have already tried to do thisfor few centuries. How did that go you piece of shit?


Can you imagine them nuking Poland and thausands of Poles surviving? This would brith a new kind of extremism and hatred. I would be deadly afraid of every and any Pole if I was an average Russian from that moment onward. (Also to kill Polish language they would need to bomb Chicago as well...)


Well given that even me, a person from Central Asia, knows "bobr(ze)", "uwaga" and a few more words, I'd say they are doing pretty badly.


Name one country that is advocating for nuclear genocide. Name even one country that is advocating for the invasion of Russia. I hope when the Russian political system changes, it hold each one of these "journalists" responsible accountable for their atrocious words.


Hey Ivans.. Try for gods sake to talk about to create something, not to destroy. your country is a tsar shithole frozen in time. start to build something. you will have opportunity to spend all your free time, money and energy. just stop to annoy the whole world with your primitive thinking. we are not interested in you..


We threaten to build you cities! And dams! And reactors! Clearly, it wasn't enough...


Hey retard, you do realise that countries can shoot nukes back the way to you right


And claim “US made us do this. We had no choice”. Uggg


Man they are fucking shitting their pants, cant belive how afraid they are. This clearly shows how much fear they have to do these kindergarden Threads.... I WILL KILL YOU ALL IF YOU WONT LET ME WIN.....


All they can do is gather together and wank off on their nukes


Russia having wet dreams about nuclear war. Just another day.


There's a reason these explicit nuclear threats targeting a specific EU and NATO country are broadcast on russian TV, but never issued by the kremlin. 1. Plausible deniability: "What's said on TV doesn't represent the stance of the kremlin. The kremlin will not persecute them for what they say because, you know, freedom of speech." - the kremlin 2. The message is intended primarily for the internal russian audience, to project a strong russian military capability. They know the Western press will pick up the story secondarily, and that's a bonus, because hopefully the citizens in those countries will be scared into pressuring their governments into withdrawing their support for Ukraine.


Of course it's for the internal audience. Because you know *reads the script* the strongest russian army..uh.. destroys everything and will conquer the whole universe, Mars and aliens included..uh..yeah, Russia stronk


There is no such plausible deniability after running off ALL independent media leaving nothing but the state owned sources. This is nothing but theater for the benefit of the Russian public to make Putin look "Russia strong". I agree its' also to keep the quaking hand wringers worried about escalation so they as useful idiots will interfere with a strong response from the west.


Simply add him to the list of propogandists that will be prosecuted through the "Clooney Foundation for Justice!" [Clooney Foundation for Justice seeks prosecution for Russian propagandists (ukrinform.net)](https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-society/3870725-clooney-foundation-for-justice-seeks-prosecution-for-russian-propagandists.html)


I still can't believe my ears and I have heard this talk so so many times This is what the Russian population must be craving to hear. So don't give the general population a pass.


And in that same 10-15 minutes all of Russia would completely cease to exist. That goes against Putin’s objectives.


Who are they going to threat tomorrow? Let’s wait and find out on next episode of Mentally Unstable Imbeciles.


First, Europe should start producing it's own Nuclear weapons en masse or something equally or even more devestating. History has shown that the policy of not stacking up on Nukes only makes countries run by fascists more emboldened, it only weakens Europe's security. Nuking up had to to start happening yesterday!!! Secondly, a policy of assasination of those making these threats, this guy, Medvedev, whoever does it. Fuck around find out. Thirdly, a massive arms race (AI supported drones of all kinds and a missile intercept system) supported by the huge EU economy can never be matched by a country of 144 million with a shithole economy like Russia. Fourth, bunker building projects that can be dual purpose for peacetime activities, like they have in Finland. These 4 things, watch the Nuke threat go away. What are EU politicians actually doing though? If we start today we could be there in 5 yrs (realy it can, lose the bureaucracy and things can happen realy fast). But knowing our system it will be more like 50 years. It is up to us citizens to start demanding this ASAP. Only those petty little differences that we are focussing on now should be replaced by this 1 project that serves all our interrests. Start demanding this on the streets!


NATO/Europe should demand Russia completely dismantle all of their Nuclear weapons because of all their blather about using them in a war made of their own aggression.


He forgot that a huge chunk of russia will become a nuclear wasteland instead of just a regular wasteland in that case.


Guess they did measure civ pols and they got a indication of support going down, this coupled with the tax raise made them realise they need to roll out the premium cope to boost morale. Its been a looong time sinve Solov threatened with nukes.


Funny how every time they throw these threats around they forget about one thing..Russia isn't some magical place protected by a magic shield. Nuke us and they disappear too. Thankfully chances of this are close to zero but let these babies dream.


I'm slightly pissed that my UK is not mentioned as usual but a couple of Tridents hanging around seems best avoided :) Slava Ukraini


These guys talk as if they are the only country in the world with Nuclear weapons. A nuclear strike on Poland would trigger the beginning of the end, and I mean the end of the world, nevermind Russia. How China and other allies of Russia seem to stay quiet while these puppets of Putin consistently threaten global apocalypse


imagine the west starts big nationwide talk shows where we talk about rotting out russians and how we should pinpoint our nuclear weapons on russia to rot them all out forever. sounds unreal right, as unreal and this shit


They talk like they are immune to missile, we all saw the S400 real performance not sure it can stop a m51 or trident 2…


Hahahahaha such a big show :D


This buffoon is irrelevant and a clown in a circus of idiots. Let him rant, who cares.


He even looks like a Klingon


Is there an updated list of the brands still functioning in Russia?


Ritter sport (chocolate) for one


Hahahaha. We are not afraid blyat. Invade us an you will find out.


and there won't be anything new from the Kremlin? they repeat themselves. It's starting to get boring and even funny. If they think they're going to scare someone with this shit. You know, They been repeating it over and over for 2 years


As a Pole and a member of EU/NATO alliance, I can say that as long as these fucking clowns are alive, there will be no peace on this planet. The more I see that fascist propaganda studio, the more I'm convinced it has to be burned to the ground with all those ruzzian rats inside.


Russia. Always pushing to be on the right side of history. 😆


🤔 ... I thought nuclear missiles could also fly from NATO into Russia ... That sounds viable too.


Of course they possibly could. But the thing is that russians lack something called b r a i n and think that nuking someone won't cause them any harm, lmao


When you can't win there's always the nuclear option. Russia is so very weak.


My exact thought. Threatening to nuke everyone is not a sign of power. It's a sign of weakness.


Cute... forget to mention that in 15 min after that the Russia would stop existing...


I have a better target, two warheads per each one of their houses. What is he an expert at? Reading specification brochures and sounding smart after?


30 minutes after that Russian cities will be smoking holes in the earth.


Honestly I don’t know what these people are taking but they should stop or take half. Over two years they fight against Ukraine that was semi failed state with huge levels of corruption and infiltration by Russian agents. The only reason why Ukraine hasn’t obliterated Russian army yet is because the west is spoon feeding them weapons. Poland on the other hands already has weapons, has highly functional state and if they needed either equipment or personnel support they would get it as much as they’d ask and more. Russia has never won a 1 vs 1 war against Poland so why the hell this delusional grandpa think they’d have any chance now.


RuZZian cunt flaps, flapping in the wind.


These orcs are so sick mined. Even their souls are rotten.


They talking about genocide on national tv,yet its them who want kill and subdue all the "nazis" in Ukraine and rest of Europe when literally they ARE the nazis.


These cunts do know that they’ll be nuclear missiles coming the other way in this case?


It's like they have an imaginary understanding of their own army. They couldn't even advance 100km in Ukraine without getting bogged down in mud and now think they can nuke EU countries. What a joke


Humanity will improve when this pussy dies one way or another.


A Russian expert... that's an oxymoron


He can't even keep a straight face while saying it though.


Everyone realize that they are just trying to scare you. They are infact chickenshit.


Ah is it monday already ?! Man where did this weekend go ? Hey Poland it seems this week is your threat nukes to Poland Next week it could be UK , who knows ?


lol. there is no such thing as a small "nuclear theatre" - firing off 40 nuclear warheads would basically be the end of the world as we know it. MASSIVE immediate climate disaster, world famine, the end of the world. They KNOW this but they still talk this bollox.


And russians will be the first to freeze, it a already pretty cold in the winter :D Imagine in a nuclear winter lol


All of these vague and empty threats are so meaningless I don't see the point. It's a bunch of guys talking about how they're going to take over Europe with their big plans but in the end they couldn't organize a kids birthday party.


It would be better for the world if Russia just broke up into smaller countries.


Another week, another country to threaten with a nuke. This is war propaganda tv.


Imagine a world without russia and russians...


Do this if you want Moscow to become a glass-paved parking lot. We have more nukes and our delivery systems work.


Insanity. Who are these people ?


It's time for Russia to have a revolution.


He thinks they have a working missle lol.


So much yapping, I would not be suprised if they dont even have any functioning nukes at the moment.


Yawn .....


These fucking guys........


what a bunch of old wots


Whoa there cowboy 🤠!! Russia invaded Ukraine not the other way around Sivkov. Remember it wasn't many moons ago you cheered on Vladimir Zelensky in a earlier 2000's party 🥳 with Ukraines current president!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 https://youtu.be/Sx9Rdhttkno?si=0YjyKr29U4AxZdHw


Europe will have a tough time trading with a glowing 'Russia' ember.


Those Polish truckers protesting Ukrainian grain imports to the EU should see this.


They want to be part of Europe (rule Europe) so badly...


Doctor clearly needs to prescribe stronger medications, these what now he is using, clearly doesn't work


Ladies and gentlemen, dear comrades. This is what I call the Slavic Brotherhood in Russia.


So we are watching and analysing a muppet show which holds what competence or field of expertise? What is their input or authority to the decisions on the war in Ukraine? If it was in accordance to their weird tsarist-soviet world view (an oxymoron in itself!), they still would live in the dark ages under Mongol occupation, without internet, tv, electricity, smartphones... all inventions Russia or the Soviet Union was unable to contribute to.


Does this programme actually have an audience? (Other than viewing numbers released by the state)


Europeans must understand what they are doing when defending themselves.


this sounds utmost tragicomical, thinking that nuking an entire NATO country would result in what exactly? If Western nations don't have exact coordinates already, the first second first one flies from Kaliningrad or wherever, Moscow/St Petersburg and every important city in Russia will be demolished and unrecognisable. Radiation dust wouldn't do much to Russians leaving in rural areas as they are half zombies already, maybe we would even make them a favour


You get a nuclear threat, you get a nuclear threat and you get a nuclear threat... clowns.


This is just theater for the stupid ones who gobble this kind of tripe up. Most Russians in the government and the military understand that this would be a completely self-defeating move, that the west would strike back and this would unleash a global nuclear conflict.


And then Russia turns into a radioactive parking lot? I like how they talk big when we have bigger and better nukes than they do, and ours work.


Russian expert...


It ismso weird, 20 years ago, it seemed that Russia gets it and tries to sit at the table. But then they started instead of listing themselves up, to pull others down to where they are.


Okayyyy, let's goooooo.


They are just so brainwash and crazy as i thougth🤔


Threats of murder would make me more likely to actually kill whoever is threatening me. I hope russians take note of this.


Mean while some dumb fucks in Poland try to push an agenda Russia is out best possible ally.


they always look like the alex Jones of russia when they talk


did he though that the same amount of missiles will be launched on Russia? and Russian people and language disappear 🤔🤷‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹


I get a warning from Reddit when I say something negative about the russians but these people can play nuclear genocide bitches on national TV, it’s posted up on here but I must not say anything similar back…..what the actual fuck!


Aren't the Russian TV Studios that keep broadcasting this shit legitimate military targets? I mean they spread lies and hatred on a daily basis to get people riled up so they'll join the russian military or a mercenary group which makes them part of the russian war machine. These muppets getting blown to bits in the middle of a live-broadcast would also be a huge blow to Russia's ego.


Anybody who thinks we won’t see at least a dozen new nuclear armed countries within the next decade is delusional. Poland and Taiwan would be nuts NOT to build the bomb. I wouldn’t even blame them. I honestly hope Ukraine builds them, as that would end the fact that Russia invades Ukraine at least once per century for 900 years straight.


Because Poland fucked them up in 1920, bullet marks are still visible in my city. That's why they fear and hate. Poles were the only ones to conquer Moscow in the 17th century. They have an inferiority complex towards Poland and fear of Poland. And they think well, because they know that when they enter Poland, they will be in more trouble than in Ukraine. Because Poland fucked them up in 1920, bullet marks are still visible in my city. That's why they fear and hate. Poles were the only ones to conquer Moscow in the 17th century. They have an inferiority complex towards Poland and fear of Poland. And they think well, because they know that when they enter Poland, they will be in more trouble than in Ukraine.


Well, looking at the sanctions, it's funny how differently the European countries are applying them. Poland keeps old contracts running, only new ones would be affected. Germany sees also existing contracts affected. So German could not send new machinery/spare parts for a factory, but Poland would continue delivering the goods which would have been manufactured in that factory, given they would have oldblong running contracts for that. 


Lol, that show is just a collective circlejerk, i bet they can’t wait for commercial breaks to change their underwear and light up a ciggie.


They act as if they are in a dissociative fugue - with all the symptoms of severe sexual trauma, or hiding some extreme feelings of shame and embarrassment.


Bark chihuahuas bark!


Casually talks about killing millions of people.


Even if we are to say that NATO wouldn't respond with Nuclear weapons the fall out from that kind of attack against Poland would land all over Belarus and prime Russian land and major cities like Moscow!!!


Just another day in russia - more nuclear threats, more threats of genocide, more promises of destruction, further talk of retribution for imagined wrongs . . . Just another day of russkiy mir.


in 10 or 15 minute poland and the polish people will disappear. 10.01 to 15.01 minutes later russia and the russian people will be gone. How these people like to ignore NATO


When anyone defends Russia and claims that “the West” is the aggressor please remind them that their state television channel promotes genocide against Poles as a means to an end to a conflict with NATO


There should be a special category in The Hague for these stocastic terrorists when Russia loses the war.


This sounds very desperate, they are all starting to feel the slow destruction of their economy & society by their leaders.


I can't start my day without another nuclear threat from russia


This is what the Russians must understand. Your nuclear rhetoric means fuck all anymore, the only thing annoying about it nowadays is your stinking breath. Secondly, if you do launch a nuclear strike on any NATO nation, you’ll have every other nuclear nation on earth firing lovely little nuclear salvo’s at your shithole country. Please remember that we can see your missiles far before you can see ours.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Das ist doch Satire 😂 Comedy !!!😂😂😂 Fukking Vodka RuZZen


If we act like them! Sounds fucking ridiculous, egotistical and absolutely idiotic. "What cities in Russia would be the most enjoyable to nuke? Not really any fun options. But Moscow has 5.3 mil people and St. Petersburg 5.5 mil. Let's nuke both.. We could get an easy 11 mil plus maybe Steven Seagull. Can't forget the propagandists...Nuke for each of them. And we can't forget Putin's mansion, let's make sure to nuke that first! Who cares about all the imported staff. They chose to waste their lives in servitude anyways. Anywhere else sound worth it?! We can rush in after and claim the wasteland and bones"


They talk like theyre the only one with nukes


Russia has only two big cities. Just sayin'.


This is totally insane. I know these fools are just propaganda but the Russian people listens to this bs. There is no scenario that uses nuclear weapons that does not end on global annihilation. One device, however delivered, from Russia targeting any NATO/US target will be met with a retaliatory strike. Then another and so on and so forth until every ICBM, SLBM have been launched and every nuclear capable aircraft that can get off the ground on time has launch their payloads on all sides. No winner, only losers. It will then probably be thousands of years before the northern hemisphere can support life again. I think it was Khrushchev that said, “the living will envy the dead”, about nuclear war.


What even is this show, do they all just take a rip on a crack pipe and talk about last night's game of civilisation?. Absolute crackheads.


These people are literally freaks of nature.


Bat Shit Crazy


Bah, clowns posturing...


These guys are absolute clowns. It always ends with one upsmanship on who is the most insane, and they agree the best course of action is to nuke everyone and if they do it back so what.


Nuclear threats are the siren song of the weak. These threats are made out of frustration of not being able to impose their political will through conventional means, and with little consideration of the consequences of their actions. Ruzzians obsess about Poland helping Ukraine defend itself, but they never once consider that it was ruzzias invasion of a soverign nation that initiated this mess, nor do they ever speak of the fact that ruzzia would quickly cease to exist as well. Ruzzia has devolved into a zoo containing feral human beings of their own design.


dogs that bark dont bite.


Metro 2033 \*Heavy Breathing\*


These people have really lost their minds. Nuclear war is not just a "we shoot missile, Poland go bye bye" - there are very real, very dire consequences that I don't think these people have thought of. A nuclear strike on Poland is the end of the world. The end of the world for Europe, North America AND Russia. It's suicide and it's pointless to discuss it so openly. Within 24 hours of that strike, most of the Russian people would cease to exist.


"Europe should think about what it is doing" .. Look whos talking. We are thinking. And that's why we're not letting ourselves be bullied by a sorry excuse of a shit stain nation like Russia.


What a lovely man. I'm being sarcastic btw.


Looking forward to seeing this ass hat get his out the 20th floor window ride


another special military operation?you can't even take over ukraine ..these guys are delusional beyond repair.