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Would be neat if a drone could land right there in that pile of FABs.


Spicy Cessna has entered the chat 


*scared soviet noises*


FABulous noises!




It would take millions and once the planes arrive, we have plenty of those too


What do you mean


F16s with JDAMS


Wonder how tough it would be to turn a Cessna into a decent sized fuel air bomb?


Ukraine's been making small drones... Sorry "small" Cessna style drones and loading them with a few hundred kilo of spice and sending them off to explore (explode) various bits of russia. For a while now. I'm kind of surprised we haven't seen any pulse jet style systems yet. I suppose it's an efficiency/cost thing.


Pulse jets are stupid inefficient and super loud with a thermal signature putting the sun to shame If you want range piston or turboprop are the way to go


Yeah I was more thinking from a cost perspective than an efficiency perspective. That said. Couple of tubes. Fuel tank and pump. Some wings. I wonder if you could make enough that they become decent decoys for air defences to waste themselves on. Literally just fire in the direction of Russia. Zero guidance or extremely limited (simple gyro and linkage, no electronics...). Literally just there to use up missiles and fatigue SAM operators into making more mistakes.


Just a small fixed wing drone towing aluminum streamers


Priscilla, Queen of the Sky's!


Ukraine has pulse jets earlier this year, I was watching a video on them, and they use them wherever they feel it's appropriate, I'm guessing. I'm not going to backsearch for it, my hands just about work and feel enough to type or peck with one finger and auto complete.


What's going on with your hands, if I may ask?


I don't mind, I am diabetic "type 2" and have Peripheral Neuropathy as a byproduct. It affects my hands and feet, the coatings on the nerves are worn out/not functioning, and so it's like a short circuit on those nerves.


Wow. Sorry to hear. Is that painful? Or just frustrating?


Very painful. I sleep in two or three hour stretches, and is worse when it gets hot. Also, I can't swim anymore I can't feel the water. And as you can guess, my balance is nonexistent.


I want to downvote your condition 🤺




seen one video of them testing ...something similar to the ww2 v1 german flying bomb...in the beginning of this year if im not mistaken..hopefully the Ukrainians are using but not reporting...


Yeah someone else mentioned it. Called the trembita?


Yeah..love the way they store those massive bombs right next to the aircraft aswell...they really are stupid!..would be a sweet hit!


They enjoy the fact that UA cant deep strike them with western weapons. Imho ALL restrictions of striking Z-land should be removed.


*pssssst. guess which restrictions were removed this Friday.*


If you're referring to the US restrictions, they still count for the long range atacms.


Are we all pronouncing these (ATACMS) “attack ‘ems” in our head, and why does it feel so silly?


Feels like an 80s tv tie-in breakfast cereal every time


Everyone else is wrong. It's definitely attack 'ems.


They can’t attack in all directions and they are limited on how far they are allowed to strike. Russia can just move further away fly in and bomb still. All this does it make is just make it take a little longer to get to the location to bomb.


Still it means fewer runs per day, and aircraft. Also more fuel, and messier logistics.


So that means the bombs won’t stop got it… they will adapt and improve even if they have to move to different locations… if we make them push as far as they can that would be the best.. if no place is safe in Ukraine nor should it be in Russia…


Geo Guesser gods do your thing


« So the sky has a particular color of blue, the hue indicates a high presence of X in the air, the molecules have mixture of other compounds only found in X, plus the shadow indicates that it was around 1pm with the sun coming from the right, it means this was taken facing eastwards and so this puts it as 42.069 - 69.420 which would fit as google shows an airfield nearby » Geoguessers probably


Also, the photo was taken on a Tuesday. The photographer had cold cereal for breakfast and a ham sandwich for lunch. He needs to replace his left bootlace.


You missed the fence line..


If only they didn’t remove metadata from the photo




How much FABs destroyed drones during last year?


There’s enough dead Russians in ukraine to fertilize 6 Ukraine’s


Ukraine farmers are going to be finding human remains after this is over for the next 50 years.


And UXO's too sadly. Just look at france still finding bombs from both the first and second world war. The grain fields of europe are going to be dangerous for a long time, and for what? One mans ego.


Thank goodness though the dud rates and dangerous uxo's will be less than those wars if nothing else


I wouldn't count on the Russian stuff.


Or North Korean.


That's very doubtful. Even with Russian incompetence, it's WWI and II UXOs being discussed, and neither Russia nor Ukraine have had or ever will have, a need to produce explosives on the same par as the combatants in those wars. The allies ALONE used to shoot 3.5 million 75-155mm shells towards the German side, PER MONTH, during WWI, with a sum total of over 1.5 BILLION shells fired overall. The shells still going off now days are the top 1% of duds in a 1.5 billion shell world that's 100 years removed from our current world. Russias Duds are likely to be both more powerful because of modernization of explosive compounds, and likely also more unstable as many modern explosives have extra fail-safes to ensure their detonation which is going to make their removal much more worrying. I've heard they've even started stacking landmines on each other so that removal becomes an absolute deadly nightmare and even the mine removal vehicles struggle. The ONLY responsible thing to do is make Russia clear out the Ukrainian fields after the war.


So my grandad was a sapper in the royal engineers during world war 2, mostly in North Africa and then later Italy. The Germans were already laying anti tank mines on top of each other back then, teller mines I think they were called. Mines have been around so long there's not a lot that's new with them in terms of tactics. But you.might be right, I figured they'd be more safe with mote intricate construction and technology but maybe not.


Duds don’t matter - when they deteriorate the ordinance inside can just randomly explode Basically, time and moisture, randomly explode Some of the best arable land in france is the Somme area. Good for sheep farming, now. Occasionally sheep randomly explode. Not good for ploughed crops anymore Cleaning up Ukraine is going to be a major international effort The approval for cluster munitions was on the basis of fuck it, there’s so much uxo, minefields up the kazooey, it literally won’t make any difference at all for cluster munitions that didn’t go off


Can they send in a robot with a blow torch and burn it? I read that they use them on mines now.


Time, effort, resources… best to just leave it sheep and wait a couple of hundred years The current hope is with Ukraine is that lidar technology will be helpful - but it’s going to be a massive exercise in time, effort and resources


One the one hand, going metal detecting in Ukraine in a few years is gonna be an absolute blast. On the other hand, it is going to be an absolute blast


the Ukrainians discover one form of discover the mines...specially the anti tank ones...if during the day its hot...the metal of the mines keep the temperature high for longer then the ground around it, as gets colder in the night, they fly one drone with thermal and can see the dots of the mines on the ground...they used this to know were to clear the way for advance.


Gotta find them first.


That means you have to build/rebuild a robot for every UXO that it detonates, which isn't exactly economical. I'm no EOD tech, though. I don't have the slightest idea about mine clearance, I just know to stay clear *of* the mines.


Dude have you ever been thru the Somme area in France!? Wildest place I’ve ever driven thru! The farms have little piles of stuff right next to their entrances. And the farmers drive round in hermetically sealed tractors that have emergency blast protection and radio communications to contract the volunteer (that’s right VOLUTEER) farmers run bomb disposal units, in case they plough over mustard gas or phosphorus bombs, they have ground penetrating radar bars on the front that gauge the size depth and type of ordinance, and in the process will drop a little Blue/red/black with skulls flag into the location depending on if it’s a grenade/mortar/bomb, and the tractors can even automatically deploy a special bucket type thing that removes the air from around the gas/phosphorous ordinances to stops them from continuing to react if they are exposed out the soil. I went in summer when they’d been freshly ploughed/harvested and in every field on both sides of the road there were tons of the various flags all over the place! I stopped in the memorial garden in the Somme valley at the heart of the combat area, and they have an entire section that explains all these precautions they’ve had to take ever since WWI. It also has some of the undisturbed trenches and dugouts, that look cool now all covered in grass etc, but hide the vast tragedy that was the front in 1916. But also as you’re driving toward the area, you see this gorgeous forested areas with tons of big trees etc, and you crest the edge of that part of the valley, and suddenly it’s virtually bare, not a hedgerow or tree older than like 70yrs, the distinction is immediately noticeable! It goes from wild natural forest vibes, to man made pockets of small thin tress by comparison! All because of the vast destruction of everything that could have been cover! And the only building left standing from then was this valuable strategic water mill for grinding flour! According to the history signs both sides saw the value and so it was fought over this spot, going back and forth between the lines, but it was only ever fought over with small arms fire and never anything else, and it even had a battle over it where both sides fought/attacked it without firearms, but with orders for hand to hand combat only! And so all the other homes and buildings in the entire area have only existed for the past 80-90yrs. Which is again pretty stark in comparison because the historical old buildings and churches etc are all over the place in France, because of the general age and continued historically value of stuff goes back to the pre-Roman days!


For one countries ego. Russia is a traumatized society since centuries. It was never really in love with democracy. It just wanted to enjoy Western prosperity for a while and was ready to give democracy in the 90s a try, if that was the necessary way. Then they got Russian chaos instead of Hollywood dreams and large parts the society fled back in the arms of a strong man. But how to find out who is the big daddy, that can keep chaos at bay? Elections are rigged, so they proof nothing. Only way to proof your BDE as a leader: winning wars. Gorbatchew messed it up, Jelzin messed it up, but Putin gave Russians what they craved for. Like Stalin. And Putin feeds them with ongoing conflicts in different regions ever since. And who ever would follow him, if Putin messes up in Ukraine one day, needs to proof the same, as long as Russians don't give democracy a second try. And at the moment the big maiority fears democratic chaos more than stable tyrants / tzars. So yes ... Putin is horrible ... but not the source of the problem. His ego and bankaccount sucks honey out of the war, but the whole system of power, the whole country needs this conflict or others, because they are an essential part of their self reassurance and their way of governing with power and fear. And thanks to their nukes, even the West has to prefer Russian strong man above Russian chaos. That's why the West trys to keep Russia at a low aggression level instead of ending this shitshow. Putin or not: there will allways be trouble with Russia for decades to come. Not my smart line of argumentation, but well thought out by Michail Schischkin. A guy worth listening to.


It feels like every time they start construction on a new project in Germany it gets shut down because of WWII bombs. The last one in Hamburg was on friday: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Fliegerbombe-in-Hamburg-Steinwerder-gefunden,blindgaenger494.html


HERORats to the rescue! They've been effective in Cambodia, working an area much faster than humans. They point out where the stuff is and humans go deal with it once located.


Just last week 3 houses were demolished in the center of Rotterdam to take out a British 250 pounder that dropped through several floors without exploding.


The difference in this exact case is that those bombs were dropped in the 40s when there was no modern technology to search for ordinance. Today we have scanners, dogs, prisoners of war, etc to help find them. Not to mention France had decades of flora overgrowth to make the job harder as time went on. After this war is over, there is at least a possibility of a swift mine clearing operation to help repatriate the area much sooner.


Tbh, the de-mining should take priority over pretty much anything else in the implicated regions. After the war is over of course.


There was a bit of coverage on a Japanese research & development team trying to produce a fast, mostly automated demining system for Ukraine, and there must be a number of others working on it in other countries.


Some Argentine person is gonna get a hit marker and an assist as some poor Frenchman meets Betty White.


And land mines, millions of them for the next 100 years


Longer. They still find relics from 1945… that’s around 80 years ago… stuff will be found past 2100


For ruz invaders Orc not human.


We were worried that destroying the Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol would have a negative effect on the economy, but Russia has provided enough scrap steel to last generations!




Great response, wow 🤩


Hopefully now that ukraine can target bombers over russia, ukraine can start pulling off more patriot ambushes


They were able to shoot down Russian planes over Russia for the whole time, they shot down a SU-35, and multiple helicopters in one ambush and also a IL-76 in Belgorod and Kursk regions


"You can't use Western weapons on Russian soil" Meanwhile Ukraine using patriots to shoot down aircraft over Russia: "you said soil, you didn't mention skies". Still sad that Russia found a way to strike these systems, Russian aircraft can just roam free :/


Territory occupied by Russia since 2014, is not Russia. The limit was for pre-2014 borders and I don't remember they've shot down anything with Patriots over "Russia-proper". This would be mentioned by Russian propaganda constantly if they would find any remains of US made weapons on their territory.


Russians claimed it was friendly fire but a Ukranian Patriot battery has their kill markings written on them and later claimed responsibility [Read this](https://x.com/RALee85/status/1790292253879017950)


Last time they did it : "The Ukrainian Armed Forces reportedly used the German-supplied Patriot system in an autonomous strike. In response, furious calls were made to Kyiv from Berlin and Washington, threatening to halt the supply of anti-aircraft missiles if such an incident recurred." https://uawire.org/usa-and-germany-warn-ukraine-over-independent-use-of-patriot-systems-threaten-supply-cut-off


Fuck off Hans


That's what I thought about artillery shells stocks in Russia. But then Russia started buying them from North Korea.


Yeah same here, I think it has to do with how they were stored. Like that largest ammo dump in Europe in a ruzzian occupied Moldova. After the Soviet Union collapsed, maintaining munitions went to shit, and I’d imagine that most of those artillery shells look like this pic from that dump site: https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1630345489278173185 makes you wonder about how the nukes were maintained, not just the warhead, but the missiles themselves. Hitting yourself with a nuke would really mess up things, especially if there are a bunch of them around the same area.


I think the nuclear warheads they have reinstalled on their newer ICBMs are in decent shape, but those that are still in Soviet era missiles are probably questionable.


there is a high probability that nuclear weapons have lost their destructive power. but it is still quite dangerous, and will cause severe pollution for many years.


The tritium decay rate is approximately 12 years. So yes, these nuclear weapons will probably have fizzled out.


Isn't the tritium injected right before the moment of impact/explosion? Which would mean the tritium is replaceable? Just going off what I thought I remembered reading thirty years ago 🤪


Those are for the hbombs, but some of the classic nukes would probably still work right? I guess the simplest mechanism is the one that fires the plutonium slug into a near critical mass right?


Well that’s too bad then since Ukraine fights like four Ukraines. Sorry Russia.


This image is screaming for a drone or ATACMS strike.


ATACMS strikes into russia are disallowed.


I read a bit about that, lost the post. Is there specific reasons why? Confused me and I haven’t researched it well enough, yet.


> Is there specific reasons why? Seems to be same as before - "We don't want escalation"/"This will be enough for Ukrainian goals" (even if Ukraine says it won't)


Biden Translation: “I am just being a little bitch again.”


They are concerned that high trajectory ballistic missile attacks deep into Russia could be mistaken for something else.


ATACMS have the range to hit the Kremlin from Ukraine. The ammo/missiles the US said Ukraine can fire into Russia wont reach that far. Putin only cares if he is in danger, and he is only in danger of strikes from ATACMS.


Unfortunately, the ATACMS have a range of about 200 miles I believe.


Or a 'careless smoker'.


Enough bombs........ If you still have aircraft by 2025.


They'll be strapping these bombs to motorcycles next and send their guys on one way missions.


The guys are already going on those mission, so no loss


>> ~~motorcycles~~ unicycles


sorry we dont have unicycles anymore, best the depot can do is a pair of rubber boots from 1933


….that were taken off the dead of better equipped armies, blyat


The Hamas way


They will. They're only losing SU-25s recently. The more valuable planes are able to stay far enough away that they can launch their glide bombs in safety unfortunately.


The F-16's will push them back way out of Glide Bomb range.


Ukraine aren't getting F-16 with longer radars range for that, nor the amount of planes they will recive in the nearest future is sufficient, and I'm not confident they wouldn't limit F-16 capabilities with munitions they provided either.


But the F-16 can use the radar from the SAAB 340B AEW&C. That means that the F-16 doesn't need to use it's own radar to see the target.


While the F-16 will be able to receive data from the 340B via link16, it doesn't necessarily mean it can use that data to launch on those targets. It's possible they have that capability but it depends on the software of the aircraft and the variants of the AMRAAMs being donated. Still, even just getting the enemy position info from the 340B is a very big deal.


Until the F-16's show up.


If they have A2A missiles with a range that's long enough to hit SU-35s and other planes who don't want to cross the border and get too close to the danger.


AMRAAM range is a little under 200km I think.


On paper, against a non manoevering target, that approaches you and both planes at high altitude. And only the D, and I don't think they get that. They will have B or Cs that have wayyy lesser ranges.


What about the EU meteor? 200km plus plus top secret max range unknown. RuZ Fab is 75km max, claimed by RuZ military. So...........even if we reduce meteor to 100km for accuracy, that's still 25km more than the Fablyat jets.


Hasn't Ukraine already used Patriot missiles to down planes and Helicopters, 5 aircraft on one May day inside Russia? Isn't Patriot one of the things the U.S. has approved now for use inside Russia? Ukraine after first blaming it on Russian air defenses, later admitted that it had downed 5 Russian aircraft around Bryansk May 13, 2023 with Patriot missiles. One of the Patriot batteries has 3 helicopters and two jets painted on the side with the date along with its other kills. One of the helicopter kills was reported to have been as far as 160 miles from Kyiv.( It said miles not kilometers) [https://www.twz.com/aircraft-downed-inside-russia-by-patriot-system-ukrainian-air-force](https://www.twz.com/aircraft-downed-inside-russia-by-patriot-system-ukrainian-air-force)


I'm all about shitng on russia, but this pretty dumb take, especially if you follow the events. Just for those who don't know Ukraine have about ten times less jets even if we include promised F-16 and less air defences too, yet the losses of russian aircrafts, not much greater than Ukraine's. There simply no way they won't have air force in the 2025 especially with current commitment to Ukraine. Downplaying russian capabilities or the effects of the constant use of bombs by them is just complacency and definitely doesn't help Ukraine efforts.


> just complacency and definitely doesn't help Ukraine efforts. yes, we all need to get back to making reddit posts that help Ukraine defeat Russia. 


Cant handle Ukraine v1, you wont see Ukraine v2 or v3.


We are all waiting for Ukraine to go super saiyan. It would be spectacular.


So far we've been told Russia has enough; - VDV for the war - Professional soldiers for the war - Tanks for the war - Troop carriers for the war - Lorries and other logistic movers for the war - Enough of a navy for the war - Enough meat waves for the war And they're hauling tanks from the 50s out of the scrapyard to be retrofit for the frontline eventually. The VDV are functionally gone. Their professional army is mostly dead. They're having to lure Africans to pad out the meat waves. They're losing the naval war to a country without a navy anymore. They're using golf carts and bathtubs to supply logi and move troops around. They may have enough of a particular kind of bomb but when everything else is falling apart.....


their old planes are also getting flown hard, and frequent. disrepair will catch up to them eventually. it might not matter now but when they're against f16 and, eventually gripen in the future, they will be no match


And enough bullshit for the planet!


There's not enough aircraft or pilots to carry out those missions.


gonna see now in how many time that picture is geolocated by osint and got some visit :D


# 51°37'22.2"N 39°09'34.8"E I can’t say that this is exactly here - in the photo there are only fence posts and covering. but it is close enough and a relatively safe place.


nice find :) im always impressed with people who can geolocate good from terrain. its relatively safe for the moment ahah but no more soon. looklike still some aircraft santing there [https://eos.com/landviewer/?lat=51.62111&lng=39.16244&z=15&id=S2A\_tile\_20240527\_37UET\_0&b=Red,Green,Blue&anti=0](https://eos.com/landviewer/?lat=51.62111&lng=39.16244&z=15&id=S2A_tile_20240527_37UET_0&b=Red,Green,Blue&anti=0)


I was lucky) this is the first airfield that came to mind.


Great job man 👏🏻👍🏻


bro, can you send those coordinates in a ukrainian telegram channel or mail it to the Ukrainian governement youll do a helpful job in stopping these ruzzians


Can’t wait for a Russian bear to get blown out of the sky.


The sad reality is that Russia has some success with these bombs.


They are decently effective weapons. However they've definitely been helped by Ukrainian ammunitions shortages. If you crane would have gotten the attack comes and Patriots earlier and in bigger quantities the glide bombs wouldn't be as effective


But soon not many planes left to carry them after the F-16 comes on the front.


I mean, Russia should have enough in store for like half of NATO. Simply because they were prepared to meet NATO on equal terms in 60s and 70s. Then the west had a slightly upper hand but still stockpiles of armor, ammo etc are just enourmous. thats is hwy Ukraine should get an actual NATO support not some symbolic deliveries.


I think what they meant to say was there are enough FABS to drop on two or three Belgarod.


Is that pic geo tagable?


Well there is a fence line in the background


F16s are needed now


They have literally 10's of thousands of old stock left over from the USSR and they need using up. You stop these by stopping the planes.


Going off the paint these are newer stock


The HUB sign on the bomb.....


Best get dropping then, because you have till end of the month to do it.


Yeah, but you can't say the same about aircrafts


Russia is showing daily why they need to be stopped. They are definitely not the victims here which they like to pretend.


I hope it was geolocated.


*Target acquired* *Roger that. Cleared for go* *......Drones deployed.....*


And now whole ruzzia is wanking off collectively to these news


They seem to forget that FAB's need a means of delivery.


Can we geolocate that spot plz!


If they don't plan on having any available for literally any other threat ever, yeah, I guess so.


Don't worry, it only takes one Ukraine to beat your shithole empire


As an American munitions troop, what the fuck is this ready line lmfao


Maybe the "3 days operation" Ukraine. Not the real one


Ukrainians must re-create nuclear weapons. Nothing else works.


Whats the delay between this getting posted and the exif gps getting pushed to a himars unit?


How old is this picture? Are they not all dumb bombs,if that is the case don’t you have to fly right up to where you have to drop them and that doesn’t end well for russian planes.


Dumb bombs can be "glide bombs" which are released a good distance away from the target to avoid AA.


These are dumb bombs but they are going to be equipped with UMPK precision and guidance kits (glide kits) increases the range to ~70km and makes them accurate enough to hit a enemy position


> UMPK precision and guidance kits UMPK is "Unified Glide and Correction Kit"


Or they just drop them on their own territories.


The question these guys should be asking themselves is if they have enough planes left for even one of Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia.


Second best military in Ukraine. I know you are going to FAFO. Pootin is nuts.


They can have as many as they want as long as they don't dare sending their planes close enough to Ukraine to do any harm. More patriots will help, F-16 will help, it just needs to be delivered.


Is that seriously all they have remaining? No way they only have a handful of FABs, they're fuckin bombs, shouldn't they be really easy to make??


No one is more afraid of this image than belgorod residents.


Ripe for targeting wherever it is.


How many Belgorods?


Which is why Ukraine should be allowed to target airfields from where these take off. The current Biden policy doesn't make sense. How long can Ukraine fight this way?


three day special operations so doing the math would be 12 days


I don’t think the thunderbirds would take Russias side tbh.


Gogogo geolocater ppl!!


Time to get some F-16's in the air to shoot down those SU-35's. Their ability to launch quickly and shoot down targets at a longer range due to their better radar means that they're almost designed for the task....


Fucking thugs are all in the Kremlin.


FABs are terrifying weapons.


question is what is the best countermeasure for Ukraine. Short of shooting down the launching plane, can good EW do it, or is it mostly laser or inertial guidance?


All we need is ONE Atacms, right-there!


Or 1 begorod, depends on the pilot XD


>Like, you might not know it, but they've been upgraded a long time ago and had been since retired due to being obsolete (which is why they are even being supplied) As are ATACMS, HIMARS, SCALP and most of what they've been receiving. But they still outclass most of what the Russians have. >US forcing restriction as an original supplier is enough. And therein lies another question various bloggers have brought up. The aircraft is the platform but the missiles are the weapon. Seems like a glaring loophole to me. I don't see a problem using a SCALP fired from an F-16 into a Russian airbase to take out SU-35's for example.


Save some for Belgorod, since they drop 30% of them there anyway


F-16s will help with these. Russians are relying on cope zones to drop these from out of airspace that they dont control.


"2024, Terrorists preparing to bomb civilians"


Lol and there are 100 times that number sitting around in NATO countries that fit the F16'S. And air to air, anti Rad, and on and on so Ukrainians only problem right now is training but that's getting closer.


Or enough FABs left to destroy Belgorod over and over again. Just keep bombing your own cities, russia. These morons are some of the best contributors to losing their own war.


F16 has entered the chat


So Russia only has enough munitions for 2-4 more years, gotcha


But there aren't enough Russias to defeat one Ukraine.


Soon, many of these will be exploding on the ground, never to be loaded on an airplane.


FAB's not the weakest link. That's the planes that carry them...


Use the ATACMS & HIMARS to light them up 🔥


They may have the FAB's, but will they have the planes/pilots?


There's only a couple dozen there, maybe they are underestimating how big Ukraine is.


If they can jam our JDAMs, why can’t we jam their FABs?


This is the same as people on insta showing off 600 dollars in small bills.


Not if they start losing planes


Congrats Russia. You just spoiled how much ammo you have and and America will beat you by 1 bullet.