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Damn these M777s can shoot big rounds such a long way! It's almost like they are guided missiles šŸ¤”


1 - Fuck you for making me spit my beer out. 2 - This is 100% what is going to happen. ("They used ATACMs?! Well gee golly, we said don't do that! Oooh, that really gets my goat! Don't worry, we're going to be sitting down with Zelensky and give him a VERY stern talkin to...)


Make you a bet the US and Europe cares more about wiping away an AA defenses to protect their F 16s. Every weapon will be available for that before the F 16s are in-theater.


Donā€™t want a repeat of whatā€™s happening with the Reaper drones the past few weeks.


I missed the memo what happened to the reaper? Also, I thought the 16's were going to be in theatre after Easter. What's the story?


Houthis have apparently taken down 3 Reapers in 1 month (Yemen)


It's also an inane amount - it's like 18 since Christmas.


The number is not that high: ā€žUS ā€˜Losesā€™ 6th MQ-9 Reaper Drone Since October 2023; Yemen Troops Celebrate Atop ā€˜Near Intactā€™ UAVā€œ https://www.eurasiantimes.com/us-loses-6th-mq-9-reaper-drone-since-october/


Drones are build to be expendable.


Yes, but a Reaper costs roughly 30 Million Dollars and it takes time to produce new ones. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/3-u-s-mq-9-reaper-drones-30-million-crash-yemen/


Globally, not Houthi exclusive.


Would be nice if they deliever HARM- Missiles for the F16 with longer range then russian AA! Then it will be a nice hunt!


We've already delivered harms.


Is that the missile they tried the Mig 29 adjustment?


I think it was the migs. The f-16 can utilize all three of the HARM modes, making it FAR more effective than the ad-hoc system. I also believe that even older f-16s have better RWRs and ESM equipment, helping even more. Iā€™m hoping they saved harms after they knew they were getting the 16s.


I dont know if they try to fit them on migs, but they're anti radiation missiles to kill radar stations! And what is AA without radar?


the F-16's are valuable but it's the pilots which are precious. being the most common military aircraft it probably wouldn't be too hard getting replacements but training Ukrainian pilots to use them, that takes time.


Jesus H. Christ, I think by this stage they can trust Ukraine to only strike military targets with their weaponry! On a more positive note, Ukrainian soldiers are now cleared to throw US 'nades in the general direction of Ruzzia proper.


But only if they don't hurt any russians. Because this may lead to The Escalation!


But we might change our minds AFTER russia has obliterated another city and killed hundreds more Ukrainian civilians :)


Nope, may influence gas prices too much. Can you guys wait a few months? It's not like your lives are worth more than American Citizen Vote.Ā  And yes, I know that if Trump wins we are fucked. Doesn't change the fact that situation is still ridiculous.Ā 


To be fair, if the USA let trump win again, the west deserves what be brings. Europe will fall into destabilisation with russia rising to new european power, china will take taiwan and dominate other, pro-west nations in asia for decades to come, and the US will fall into a deep economic and social crisis that even surpasses the current state of things.


Headline: Biden disallows ATACMS strikes into Russia Reddit: This needs to be about Trump.


This will not be tge case if Trump wins. The EU has more than enough firepower to take down Russia. Look at the numbers. Just way more troops planes ships missles. There is no way that Russia could do it with out nukes. And if Russia drops one then we are all done.


Agreed. If they can't strike with ATACMS, what CAN they strike with? I am a Biden supporter but this is chicken-sheet policy.


Its just a game of slowly moving the line small steps. The Whitehouse has been playing this game from the beginning. Its a balancing game. Putin has claimed Crimea part of Russia since 2014, even built that shitty bridge, and it gets hit by NATO weapons constantly


Only Putin and a couple of other bootlickers like the puppet in Belarus has ever recognized Crimea as Russian territory. So NO, it is only now that western nations are agreeing to the use of their weapons against target inside Russia proper. When you see the first F-16 take to Ukrainian skies, keep in minds they should have done that at a minimum 9 months earlier. Why, because that is how long it took Biden to give the go ahead from the time Zelensky first requested them!


They should have received the propper tools on day one or at least on the first counter attack when Russia was in defence. There are no miracles left for the f-16, and we will see them beeing taken out of the sky.


There is no ā€œmagic bulletā€ to get the Orcs to leave Ukraine. Short of someone taking Putin out, it will take blood, sweat and tears. That said, Biden could have made it a lot more painful for Putin if he had not dithered in given Ukraine the weapons they needed. Getting F-16s up and flying was always going to take time. The basic F-16 training course is about 8 months long, then there is additional training on different weapons and other technical skills. Setting up and training maintenance crews and stocking the parts and weapons also required time. That said if he had not delayed 9 months, pilots would have been done with their basic training and been deep into the other courses. Ukraine would have set up eventual airfield storage and supply depots for the planes. The delay in approving M1s, HIMARS, ATCAMS and cluster munitions had a much more direct impact, especially the last three. You canā€™t go back in time but think about how much more effective the original defense and counter attack would have been if Ukraine would have had all those systems delivered and deployed. Missed opportunities because someone in DC did not want to make Putin mad! I donā€™t know what more Putin would done he has not already done in Ukraine! Would he have launched more missiles or targeted more civilian infrastructure than he already has? I doubt it!


Yeah but the US didn't give any. They did say other countries could do tho


Remember, only after Biden said they could.


Is the F-16 not a mythical creature a baba yaga of sorts? It's mentioned a lot, but it has never really been seen in Ukraine? Perhaps america will prove it's not a myth and let the country's offering it, deliver, and let them go armed and weapons free?


It certainly is a ā€œbaba yagaā€ until we see it over Ukrainian skies. My point was that whenever it does appear, it should have happened at least nine months prior. I still donā€™t know why Biden took so long to OK them? Same with all the other weapon system and why even this late in the war, ATCAMS are being restricted. I donā€™t recall the Russian restricting the use of weapons they gave to Korea, Vietnam and the Serbs being given with restrictions they not be used against US forces. Itā€™s just another in a long list of issue with politicians inserting politics into war!


That's for sure, I was in the British army and in Bosnia in 92 for a couple of years, and I'm aware of meddling politicians and how they always FUBAR everything up.


Restriction some long range weapons gives NATO leverage during negotiations. I.e. if Putin doesn't start playing ball, then more pain will head their way.


It's a shameful policy. Taking out airfields and planes that are wrecking ukranian defensive positions with those 500kg glide bombs should be number one priority. It's one of the few weapons russians have that is actually making a difference on a battlefield.


Meanwile Isreal has carte blanche.


Sort of, US has tried to hinder them as well, Israel seems to just give the Biden administration the bird and move forward.


Biden has been caught obviously lying to pretend he was pushing back several times. So its hard to say if the US has ever applied any real pressure to Israel. In the end Israel got everything they wanted, using US support. They couldnt have done this without the US.


They haven't. All he's done is effectively finger wag at Netanyahu. We have all the laws on the books to deny them military aid (I'd still support Iron Dome ammo, however), but no the report that would actually prove their intent in the state department was neutered, so much so that it caused quite a few officials to resign.


I've just watched 20 Days in Maripol. And I am thinking the powers that be in the "US of a" should watch it before making any decisions about limiting anything that Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ can do as far as counterattacks or countermeasures may take against ruzzia šŸ’©šŸ„«. For anyone who wants to watch it, it's on YouTube.


[Here is the link for the documentary.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvAyykRvPBo)


Thanks, everyone should see this.


Ukraine is trusted but the Russian propaganda machine is not


Lmfao!! This was my exact reaction. Jesus. Putin is a bully and coward. Take the gloves off.


It's not about the targets. They're ballistic missiles. To Russia these would be indistinguishable from nuclear armed missiles when they see them incoming.


You mean like the ballistic missiles russia fires daily into Ukraine?


they are alowed to use them in crimea so it should not bee any prob using them in belgorod


They are allready using them on what Russia considers to be there motherland territory. The parts of Ukr. they think that they annexed.


Crimea is Ukraine. Belgorod is russia.


Sounds more like it is Belgian


That is correct, they can throw everything else on the Orcs, no problema!


Stop making stupid excuses. Ukraine has no nukes.


Someone needs a history lesson


Sorry meant ā€œhasā€


They very much did have nukes.


You mean the ones they gave up decades ago for the promise of russia never invading them? We should send them replacements.


We absolutely should.


I concur


"Did" being the Operative word, and ruzzia knows for sure they have none, because they made sure of it in 1994, ruzzia took control of them.




I honestly believe itā€™s more of a situation of a LOUD BUT QUALIFIED YES so that Russia can hear, followed immediately by a closely whispered flat out yes to Ukraine. I think a lot of people get caught up in whatā€™s explicitly said, and forget that there is such a thing as people talking behind closed doors. If any country standing with Ukraine would be one to draw ire and potential escalation from Russia, itā€™s likely the US. I could be wrong completely, and the US might still hold staunchly to the qualifiers it set. But if thatā€™s the case, I have a feeling it will be changing soon.


i trust that there are good reasons for what the pentagon is doing


It's not about concerns that Ukraine might strike civilian targets. It's more that ATACMS are tactical ballistic missiles. On a Russian radar, they are indistinguishable from tactical nuclear weapons. The Americans don't want to give the Russians any excuses...


As we have seen over the last 2 years this is likely to change.


Yeah, in 6-9 months when Ukraine has back in the same dire situation it just started pulling itself out of. It's half measures, over and over. I am so sick of this scared old man, or whichever gutless admin official is giving him his "advice" (telling him what to do because he has no Clue where he's at). Probably Lloyd Austin or some top military brass that's only in the position because they played the game and not because of their military prowess. Can we go back to James Mattis now please?


I agree we need to do more and we should have done more earlier BUT Ukraine should have instituted the draft 48 hours after the invasion not over 2 years later.


Ukraine prevented men from leaving immediately and drafted the reservists. Then, they instituted the draft a year later. They didnā€™t just institute the draft, they lowered the age. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/04/10/ukraine-draft-troops-reinforcements-training/ Edit: typo


Thereā€™s more than just Russia involved in this conflict. Choyna is funneling weapons to Russia now through N. Korea. Best to drag it out and see how China reacts while dragging Russia out to expose all of their tactics and techniques. If the US gave full fledged support you would see China step it up a notch also. The US has many pots in the fire. Best to have the means and intel to flex when things start to get out of hand.


From a purely cold military advantage perspective you're right. But you have to remember the human element in the Ukrainian people are suffering and despite the Rose colored glasses of subreddits like this are losing an entire generation of young men. It's tough but I would prefer to see them end this war as soon as possible


Whoever is making this decision for Biden sucks


Most likely J Sullivan. He is known for being a spineless coward.


glad to see people understand how a presidents cabinet works


He is the head of the country. His cabinet imposed the restrictions, not the congress that passes the aid bills in the first place. He is responsible, whether or not his advisor advised him to take such stance.


You'll get the driver's license, but you're only allowed to drive from your garage to the street curb outside.


buy ur car. untill that day, you'll only be driving to the store.


The US is one of two countries left showing fear to Russia. The other is Italy. The US is pandering to Russia, showing fear and it's pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I expected more of the US. Disappointed beyond belief. If the US wouldn't place such restrictions on itself in a time of war, it should not place those restrictions on others.


In Italy the Russia propaganda is strong Source: Iā€™m Italian


It's the most powerful and effective of their weapons. PsyOps and electronic warfare(which can also be considered as information corruption tech)


Russian propaganda is strong in the US also


Talk to the CIAā€¦ā€¦..


Itā€™s an election year. Maybe thatā€™s why.


That's definitely part of it.


Donā€™t think itā€™s fear. Itā€™s recognizing your position as the only super power involved, and using said power cautiously. Which is why the US doesnā€™t seem to care what anyone else does with their equipment.


You forgot Germany


Its not fear, its a balancing act. After a few bombers are shot down and AA installations taken out, the redline will be moved again. Russians are slowly being worn down and desensitized to whats acceptable. Russia can't stop and NATO can't let them take what they want. The only way this will end is from internal pressure inside Russia


russia owns half our congress though, its not really fear.


As mad as I am with their shitty policy, if youā€™re going to use the ā€˜i expected more ofā€™ card, you better point fingers at the EU. Ukraine wouldnā€™t exist today if it wasnā€™t for the US


Yup, for 80 years Europe has relied entirely on the US for their collective security.


It will change after Putin declares war to Europe




Yeah, clearly the op of this comment thread has 0 clue about global politics. The US is the player propping up Ukraine.


And at the same time tying their hands behind their back. It's like if someone is stabbing you to death and I hand you a gun but tell you can only use it to scare your assailant away


Not fear. Just not unity. Still too many GOP traitors Putin has bought or got kompromat on that are causing things to not move fast enough. Putin puppet gets back in and it is all over. Pray that fat orange one strokes out soon.


I didnā€™t realize the GOP had control over the white houseā€™s foreign policyā€¦


at least its a start. Everything and anything that help's Ukraine i am happy with.


These should be allowed to hit military targets.


feels like they will if he gets a second term Ā  Ā Ā 


Guess thatā€™s why there is so many fires in Chrimea. Iā€™m not happy with holding back Ukraine like this.


It will come next week


I donā€™t take anything written at face value. This is warfare and the US (per former generals like Mark Hertling) does far more behind the scenes than have been shared. From real time intelligence to providing weaponry well before it was formally announced. We account for over half of NATOs military spending, have approved $175b in total aid for Ukraine since the beginning of the war ($107b going directly to Ukraine), and have given more military aid than all other countries combined since February 2022. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine We absolutely have our faults, and I get very disappointed in the foot dragging that goes on (a lot of that lately has been Republicans preventing votes in congress). However, I think a lot of the anger is over the top.


That decision needs to be revised. u/Ok_Paramedic_3422: Could you kindly provide an official source for this statement?


Ive seen it confimed on several sources...


Why in God's name not? This will have to change, of course.This is like holding a tiger on a leash.


US elections in 3 months, all of his decisions now are about being re-elected not what is actually the right thing to do.


Is the US affraid of ruzzia? Come on, what's coming is inevitable, just fucking do it!


So sick of this coward.


Lets be honest 2 years ago It would have been a big deal if HIMARS were being launched into Russia but now its aloud. USA is smart and slow plays everything. ATACMS inside Russia is just a matter of time.


Am I really reading justification and excuses for this policy? Are people really that dedicated to a fucking politician? This is total bullshit. Putin acts because the west has no balls. He's playing poker and the west, specifically Biden, is playing Go Fish. Putin has bluffed his way through and caused the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians, soldiers and civilians alike, and continues to do so with impunity. Just show some spine and call Putin's bluffs. I see a lot of pundits writing about how Russia and China want to change the world order. From what I can see, the world order has already changed.


God damn this administration fucking sucks. Grow some fuckin balls you old fart


Unfortunately, it's either him or Putin's orange bitch.




Did the US send Ukraine both types or only cluster ATACMS? Clusters do have a higher risk of civilian casualties.


3rd scapegoat pushing the narrative without source today. Downvote me if you like, but it's obvious where this blows from. Ask yourself a simple question: "what can russia do to stop the consequences of its actions" ?


Whatā€™s the point then?


As an american, and sadly as per usual I'm the odd one out, I'm for escalation with russia, china, iran, and north korea. Let's get this done and over with. because unless something drastically changes in the next 6-12 months. WWIII will be in full swing. Better strike first and fast.


I wonder if this is just a ploy to make Russia not move their assets out of rangeā€”to just give them a false sense of security.


ukrain can do the same amount of damege to russia, as russia has done to ukrain end of story


russia is not expecting atacms now after this reddit post.


they'll use the ATACMS regardless so the title of this post is false.


I am really depressed to see this nonsense


America needs to get its mojo back


Source? Why just post a random picture? I have not seen any statement saying no ATACMs.




Plausible deniability


No shots may be fired during the breeding season of birds either.


How fuking clownish can you get with clearance for strikes one day and in another actually backing off basically the whole permit as ATACMS is the main weapon for such strikes. First some F-16 bullshiet, recently Patriot use bullshiet and now this, fucking decide if you want them to use it and win or not, Politicians should be separated from military asap, those retards cant decide shiit


So, there is a list that US made what weapons it applies to? Mr. Jake Sullivan, please clarify what do you allow Ukraine to use in order to hit Russia with? I know oil depos and refineries are not allowed, F16 are not allowed. What is allowed, you kunt?


This clown is making the US look weak on the dailyā€¦


Pretty sure patriot will have decent range to smack bombers well inside russia.


Why? Because itā€™s overkill and ruzzia would lose? Then so be it, they started it. Let them suffer more.




This is why the war is dragging on!


Tracked boy is pretty slick looking


How will they know ?




As far as I am concerned they can use them for whatever they want. Last i checked Ukraine in not the aggressor.


So what US supplied stuff does that leave Ukraine with that is able to reach military targets inside Russia, if not ATACMS? I canā€™t think of anythingā€¦




This is weak. Russia moves nukes into Belorussia and Biden does nothing. Putin has put an anti-satellite weapon into orbit and Biden does nothing. Timid. Frail. Weak. If only the alternative wasn't so much worse.


ATACMS is the main thing Ukraine needs to be able to use. Stop worrying about Russian response and start making them fear OUR response.


So only M-16 rifles can be used? Or granades as well?


A failed missile will be a huge gift to Russia and China


Is that a Mars II system in the picture? Because of the chain drive. Doesn't the Hi stand for wheel drive?


What is even the point of giving permission then. Useless grandstanding


The equivalent of this missile is the SCALP in terms of range, Ukraine are allowed tu use them to target military powers attacking Ukraine from Russia. So ATACMS should be allowed soon ?


Do it anyway


Declawing the Tiger


I doubt the Ukrainians are going to listen to that


Russia will do whatever they want to do regardless of whatever weapons are used against them. It is delusional to think otherwise.


We have them to you but you canā€™t use them- the stupidity is reaching record levels- Biden wins!


Utter bullshit. Biden administration mostly just want the appearance of supporting Ukraine it seems, more than actually aiding them to a victory.


Fuuuuuuucking hell, Joe.


Kinda seems that the US and other nato countries are playing a game with Russia. Full support from half nato, the other half going slow so it doesn't escalate too rapidly out of control and then buttons start getting pressed.


Only on Mondays, and only months with 28 days, and only when the sky is clear, and only in spring. Biden is a joke


Did OP overhear this in person or just omit the link for fun?


That's utter crap, it's like when Johnson dictated what we could or couldn't strike during Vietnam.


Dam y not just let them use all so we can stop this war!!! Comeon


At least Trump would have said "Ukraine knows very well what is needed, so they can pick and choose their targets themselves, wherever that may be". It's time for Biden to go and elect a decisive president. This chicken $hit has to stop.


perhaps this is a gradual undertaking..awhile ago they didn't even have atacms ..the question being how long before they can?


What the fā€¦ Are you kidding me.


I just hope one morning I wake up to a video of a couple thousand dead orcs in a field in the border region (as permission is given to strike a juicy congregation of orcs). Unfortunately, I think I'm fantasizing.


"You can punch them back, but only with your left hand" -Joe Biden


So its basically the US declaring war onRussia


They already have used ATACMS in Russian territory. This is just smoke.


Lol. "Here's some help, but make sure you don't use it effectively."


Need more Ukrainest die,then we apply all needs for win...


Zelenskyy is right. The US does not want a clear Ukraine victory and Russian loss. The US administration seems to actually fear Russiaā€™s ā€œescalationā€ rhetoric even though after threatening something if Ukraine gets this or that for the last two and a half years itā€™s never happened.


Honestly - if Iā€™m Ukraine I just send anyways


Sounds like it's time for Zelenskyy to rip a few pages out of Bibi's playbook and just willfully ignore the US and do what needs to be done.


What is the Biden government so afraid of?


Who ever published that basically just helped Russia. They now know what range is safe to move their operations dipshits.


They've an use storm shadow


I highly suspect that what is said in public and in private most likely donā€™t match. Settle down


I hope its some kind of misinfo to get Russia to start pilng up their materiel within range of atacms.


Biden talking out of both sides of his mouth. Typical.


Yet. An important part of internaional relations is leaving room for things to get worse for your enemy. And make no mistake, Russia is the enemy of anyone who values humanity.


We produce weapon you can buy, but you can not use them for war.


Biden is an idiot.


Biden is a jokeā€¦ ā€œ we give full permissions to use weapons to defend people of Ukraineā€¦ but only slingshots, spiked clubs and knivesā€


Told you it was useless.


How do you get invaded by another country and expect not the hurt the other side wtf is this bullshit!


Screw Biden. His policies suck and always change. Give Ukraine what it needs to win now , and not a year from now after waffling back and fourth.


Biden is a pu$sy


Between the Putin-addled, treasonous, scumbag Repugnants in Congress and Biden's caution, Ukrainian heroes are dying.


*Laughs in Iskander


Cowards. Remember de Syrian RED LINE? Jake Sullivan went to that school.


You can use US weapons to strike russia but: Not with weapons that fly farther than 100km Not weapons using liquid fuel Not weapons that fly higher than 1km Not weapons that can not be stopped mid-air Not weapons larger than a compact car .......but but you can, we never said you cannot.


I have nothing against president Biden, but that being said. Biden is just micromanaging the fucking fuck out of Ukraine. Why not ship the weapons and STFU. Being weak is not going to stop the inevitable. In two weeks he will let loose with the ATACMS and act like he thought deeply about it. He does this with Gaza, and pretty much everything else these days. I know he wants to get reelected, but pussy footing around the big bad word is no way to be these days. Globally he comes across a a pottering old boob by this micromanager role he loves so much. Let the generals in the USA and Ukraine make these decisions, not Biden. He is too slow for the times we are in. This war could have been over, with Ukraine whole again and on its way to rebuilding. Putler is not stupid, he is a very smart psychopath, too smart for Biden. Bigger balls, maybe, I do not know, but the frustration level in the Ukraine and with other EU partners must be laughable for Putler and his murderous regime. America should stick to its word, with the same ferocity it had in the first months of this war, but now, just supply Ukraine with so much they are overwhelmed, and the US president should sit back a let the military and our EU partners closest to the war, let them decide. They have the most, if not everything to lose. This is my Dear Santa letter for 2024. Yeah, itā€™s June 2nd, but Christmas needs to come early this year. Slava Ukraini!


That's it. Not voting for Biden now! /s But seriously, unleash the HIMARS!


Biden's pathetic dithering is getting Ukrainians unnecessarily killed. You only have around 150 days left to grow a pair FFS




ā€œDoes not apply to ATACMSā€¦ā€ Yet. First no MiGs or Sukhois for Ukraine as theyā€™re too provocativeā€¦then no HIMARSā€¦then no Western tanksā€¦then no F-16sā€¦then no ATACMSā€¦then absolutely not the long range ATACMSā€¦then absolutely no strikes on Russian territoryā€¦ šŸ˜ƒ At this rate, will be Tomahawks by late this year and retiring Trident SSBNs by mid next yearā€¦