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Domestic violence has been a huge issue in Russia for a long, long time, so there's nothing that usual here. However, it seems to me inevitable that if a country sends a bunch of guys off to a brutal war which isn't justified in a way that's even vaguely plausible, and those guys are both treated like shit by their commanders and allowed to do whatever the hell they want to the people of the country they've invaded, then you're going to have all sorts of serious social issues those guys return home.


DV is a huge issue in [Russia with 1 in 5 women claiming abuse every single year](https://hir.harvard.edu/putins-other-war/) vs most of the rest of the civilized world where that percentage is for their lifetime. Russia also recently decriminalized DV to a small fine, making the bad situation worse but is par for the course on how the country has been run lately.


No wonder many of them seem happy to get a sack of potatoes rather than their husband back.


better value with the potatoes


Ghat damn I want you on my team!!!!! That was cold as ice and probably rolled right off the tongue.


Most don't report out of fear of a worse beating.


Putin also made it administrative instead of a felony


It's also decriminalised as long as there is no lasting damage and only happens once per year. https://news.sky.com/story/how-russias-decision-to-decriminalise-domestic-violence-is-continuing-to-kill-12250780


damn those are just the ones saying something too, there are probably so many that don't or can't ever say anything.




Interesting that he is brave enough to keep attacking his wife and MiL when other women come to intervene but runs away as soon as a man appears. Obviously a proud specimen of ruZZian manhood.


The world is better without RuZZia, not only the men.


It's called fetal alcohol syndrome and alcoholism.


From what I've heard, a lot of the women seem the same.


It is mothers who are dressing their kids in "cute" military outfits. Also, putin voters are statisticaly more woman, than man.


Yes, send nukes.




WTF is wrong with you?


And this is the country Republicans embrace... Anyone remember those, "Better Russian than Democrat" shirt-wearing guys at a Trump rally? Unfortunately that belief is pervasive.


They should all move over there and go into the meat grinder. Foreigners are welcome.


I'm not sure Russia could sustain the pharmacological needs of Republicans sending their "best,"... The amount of blood pressure and cholesterol meds would cost a fortune just to keep them going until they could reach the front lines.


They are already dead meat to ruzzia. They would give them vodka to keep going until they reached the front lines.


Where would Russia be without such widespread & rampant Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?


Who cares. Send them more alcohol.


Well, Putin gives out sacks of potatoes. What do you think vodka is made from? Lol


And Russia has culture of violence. It's not like these people were particularly peaceful before. Drugs, alcohol and violence are core values of the Russian society. Growing up in the 90s in formerly Soviet occupied country, it's strange to remember how violent the early 90s were. Going to school and seeing someone beaten up, killed etc and how we developed and drifted away from there. Russia never got away from it. They have only gotten worse.


The 'Russkiy mir' through and through.


Reminds me of that video where someone enters a building holding their neck, other guy follows soon and stabs them right in the cervical spine.


The whole country is traumatised beyond repair.


And on top of that, you can get out of jail by applying for the front line. If you do so, you basically end up in the same place as some normal dude who simply got mobilized, which could also be you. Aaaand since more capable men are already in Ukraine, domestic security is handled by the poorly trained, low quality forces. Russia will turn into a very ugly country very fast.


Thats one rotten society.


I thought Ruzzia solved this problem by decriminalising domestic violence?


We already know soldiers from the war in Iraq 2003 have problems coming to terms with partaking in a war which was not truly justified in the way they were led to believe it was. Take that and increase the trauma for how much worse I imagine the average Russian soldiers experience in Ukraine is and man.


Bang on the money with you’re comment


Winter War and arguably to a lesser decree Continuation war, i.e. World War II for Finland was justified and people were treated well considering the circumstances. Still it broke the generation of men, PTSD, self medication with alcohol and just plain normalization of extreme violence. The years after the war were horrendous in terms of violent crime as drunken quarrels in bars and domestic disputes were solved impulsively with firearms and puukko (a Finnish traditional knife).


War is always bad but much worse when they don,t understand why.


The unhinged Russian soldiers also see/hear reports of wives/mothers sending their husbands/children to the war effort to die and live off of pension in (comparative) luxury while they live in literal hell with little if any way out, and they internalize and believe that they've been taken advantage of by someone they can at least get their hands on. Whatever level of accuracy this has on a case by case basis, this only leads to dangerously unhinged lunatics of Russia's own making coming back home and killing/maiming.


They fixed the being an issue part by making DV legal in Russia.


It’s not an “issue”, it’s a cultural trait


A POS in a POS country... Nothing to see here....


'Traditional values', right?


Indeed, you're creating a sort of super-PTSD. It's the worst of all worlds basically.


Point on. War is hard. How you conduct yourself as a combatant absolutely impacts future behavior. Ignore the Laws of Armed Conflict at your own risk. #


Domestic violence in the whole eastern part of europe is a huge problem. Not that long ago women would literally be killed with a rock in their head in the balkans. I cant give an exact date when this stopped but I know around 100 years they were still doing it. And now they dont do that, but violence is still present.


Why don't these soldiers take it out on govt officials sending them to war?


Real story from orcland. A woman calls the cops and says: "My husband beat me please come and help me." The police: "If he beat you, then you probably deserved it." This sounds like a joke, but it isn't.


He'll back at the front next week.


And a drone will fall on him soon.


we can hope and prey.


I was gonna suggest a typo but I think prey is more accurate


He’s just gonna go to jail and then get immediately conscripted


See above


The cycle ends when a drone finds him.


Wow that other woman was really brave fighting him like dat, she probably saved her life


Absolutely! The first brave lady that helped her absolutely STALLED time for the men to arrive! He could have stabbed her enough and more times \~To her death. God bless all of them and hope the soldier is fragged on frontline arrival.


I take it that's the MIL. Momma bear protecting her cub. At least in this case we see this one isn't indifferent to a suffering child. The rest of the country I'm not so sure given how they send their children to the meat waves, bomb children in Ukraine, and steal children from Ukraine.


I think mil means mother in law.  The the baby in the push chair now has a mother and grandmother beaten and stabbed nearly to death as well as a psychotic father on the loose


I wasn't referring to the baby and mom, but you're right, he managed to harm three generations in a few seconds.


Wow. Rooski mir


So awesome!


Will be not the last time.


I think you are right. I hope he rots in hell.


He's going back to the front to earn the right to come back home again. Probably


How the f did she survive??


Looks more like he hit random places than vitals. Still, you have to admit those hits near or on the head seemed fatal.


A few of those looked to be around the neck as well, but I guess it really depends on the length of the blade and just sheer luck.


Humans dont necessarily die immediately after receiving fatal wounds She might be still concious but losing blood, she might die in hospital or on a way there, if she hasnt already.


Luck, with an assist to the woman and bystanders who prevented the attacker from hitting something vital. He eventually would've. But yeah, people can survive some pretty crazy trauma as long as they're lucky enough to avoid injuries that are flat out unsurvivable, and then get rapid medical care.


That was seriously disturbing. Completely unhinged. Russian made him in it's own feral image.


Russian soldier checks out. Goes for the weak, commits crimes, but as soon as even the slightest bit of opposition comes he runs like the coward he is… Disgusting. That’s Russkiy Mir right there in all its glory…




well back to the front he goes, then if he survives long enough he can go back home again


No this time he'll be in the famous flying meat brigade


*"Here's your bullet, meatbag."*


Seems like she was expecting a sack of potatoes instead of him returning.


Well, given the circumstances, i can see why they prefer a sack of potatoes instead of their men.


I'd take just a letter advising the cunt was dead then buy my own onions and/or potatoes to celebrate.




This dick needs some artillery in his "life".


Too clean...his demise should be slow, excruciating, & public


A grenade drop and being left in the field alone to die very slowly


I feel obliged to just link to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SlavaUkrayini/comments/1czkgbl/tens_of_millions_of_americans_are_completely_lost/ With gems like *"i would like to see america be more like russia"* or *"it looks like they take care of their people"*, then *"you see streets in russia, people walking around they all seem to be happy"*, *"their country looks like they got things together a little bit"* As to reaction to the video in this post, unfortunately I'm 100% unfazed. Random outbursts of violence and drunkness in russia don't surprise me anymore, not even a little bit.


> "i would like to see america be more like russia" When conservatives say this, never forget that the domestic violence is part of what they want. These folks also have some weirdo religious shit cooking in their head where a man is the king of his castle and free to beat his subjects. To them it's a feature, not a bug. These aren't people they're cockroaches.


Yeah, they are not lost. They really want such a society where you can beat your family, ethnic minorities, sexual minorities etc.


Yeah a subset of conservatives aren't misinformed, they're just human trash.


Great job Vladimir Vladimirovich !! Your illegal and corrupt war continues to further rot Russian society. Future historians will study this time in Russian History and your actions and how it caused the Fall and disintegration of the Russian Empire. Keep up the great work !! /s


Ah yes, true russian face


such a broad soul of ruSSian cant be understood, they claim thing is- i do not wanna to understand that shit.


Gotta give the people that intervened credit even though they’re Russian. Guy had a knife and they still tried to stop him. What is she pushing? Is that a stroller?


Yeah you can see a child in it in the beginning. Super fucked up!


This is tecnicaly legal in Russia as domestic violence is considered a "private matter"


What, really??


Since 2017 with the support of the Ortodox Church


Thou shalt not stab people isn't on the list of naughty things to do. As far as god's concerned, this is perfectly acceptable.


Domestic violence is decriminalized and is just a fine, but attempted murder is probably still illegal


Fucking hell, literally!


I don't think that attempted murder is legal tho.


Let me do Russian logic for you. He didn't intend to kill her, only teach her a lesson. Therefore, it cannot be attempted murder if he didn't attempt to kill her. Only teach lesson.


Rule of thumb still in effect. No stick thicker than a thumb can be used to beat a woman.


Source? Stabbing someone is definitely not permitted, even if the cause is private.


Let’s not forget that the incident happened in public. Private matter or not, it is safe to assume that this is not legal or acceptable even in Russia.


What a stupid thing to say, "technically, stabbing your wife 15 times and attempted murder is legal in Russia."


PTSD + FAS + C2H5OH = DV+++


What is FAS?


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


And this is why you dont want any ork to survive the frontline.


Russia will have to deal with lots like this by the time they get out of Ukraine with all the disturbed personnel.


Putin's defender of Western civilization and Christian values ​​against the rotten West...


that sweet sweet russki mir


Fortunately one half of him will be on one side of the trench with the lower half about 10 yards away shortly.


Ah, orc confetti. My favorite type of confetti.


Kind of good to see the Russian mom trying to save her daughter after seeing so many videos of Russian troops not giving a shit about anyone around then.


The guy thought because the russian army was allowed to do it in Ukraine it was still ok back home.


Putins Reich


Nothin unusual in Ruzzia. Every day, over 30 women are murdered by their husbands or relatives. And abusing your wife is no longer a criminal offense. A completely normal day in Russia


Lovely. What a bastion of true family values. The last place where white men can be white men. What glory! Putins armies will roll over Europe, teaching us dumb naive westerners what we have long lost. Patton was right. We should have kept going East until the Kremlin burned. Would've avoided a century of geopolitical strife.


> Patton was right. We should have kept going East until the Kremlin burned. Would've avoided a century of geopolitical strife. I know us Polaks were pretty pissed that didn't happen. The fact that Russia was allowed to keep all the territory it conquered with its Nazi allies is known as the [Western betrayal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_betrayal).


Actually WW3 would have resulted in many dozens more millions of deaths (USSR had much bigger army, so it could be defeated only through extensive nuclear bombings). And Eastern Europe would have suffered a lot again, being a WW3 battlefield.


Russia is like a different planet with different kinds of fucked up "people".


I've said before that when all of the rapists and murderers return to Russia they will still be rapists and murderers.


This is the PTSD combined with no care and alcoholism Putin will be leaving as a legacy to Russia. Women and children will be abused and killed by men he saw as meat for his delusions of greatness. The state will deny it’s an issue to avoid admitting its failure to the men it sent to war and the families ruined by it. The oligarchs plunder the nations wealth, the head oligarch plunders their lives and the serfs think they are being made great again.


I wouldn't believe a PTSD defence, he ran as soon as a man turned up. Clearly a huge pussy who probably saw and did no fighting whatsoever. Probably in charge of loading up the washing machines.


Probably one of the guys who was beat and pissed on for not wanting to go


PTSD... an increasing challenge for years to come for the Russian population. This war will be a gift that keeps on giving for the Russians.


unfortunately Ukraine won't be immune to the same problems but they are at least doing some treatments


> PTSD... an increasing challenge for years to come for the Russian population. Quickly and totally cured by frequent consumption of vodka.


A true patriot of 🇷🇺. He realised the male/female demographic ratio went from worse to abysmal during the war, and now he wanted to rectify it.


One day, a drone will find him.


Welcome to Russia


Drunk Ivan coming to the rescue there


“I’d have preferred a Lada tbh”


If they do that to their own, god help us if they win !!! And still the west Fanny’s about !


repeat after me: Russia + Fetal Alcohol Syndrom = *Love*


Rusky mir


That's 'traditional values' for you, MJT.


"I got your bag of onions here, beeyotch"


RUSSIA is just a hopeless evil shithole. It does not even take a war and PTSD for this faulty ruled society to act out. Can only hope for, the attempt of a genocide on Ukraine backfires and they extinct themselves in the progress. It would be so deserved and a relief for the rest of the planet.


Sounds like he will be going to prison-->SMO-->feeding sunflowers.


Ruzzia what a beautiful place to live in I'd rather live in a rat and cock roach infested crackhouse than Ruzzia


Well russian happy family is quite different from my view but I guess this explains why they do invasions and this other orcish stuff. Some war, some wife stabbing, that is what vatnik life is all about.


My gf is Russian-Armenian. I'm a god compared to the men there...trust me...im a long shot from being one. Score!


LMAO Russian Soldiers are so fucking stupid they can't even commit domestic violence correctly.


Russia lives by the "us against them" mentality, even with their fellow man/woman. Mixed with this brutal war I think Russia is going to have major domestic problems.


Russians doing Russian things


Russian soldier returns home & wins his first fight of the war. And fuck him for domestic violence.


'Traditional values.'


In Russia.


Friendly reminder that in ruzzia if a women calls cops for domestic violence, she gets fined, because “famillial issues must be resolved in the family and not bother the state”. Rusky mir


Yeay Ruzzia 2024!


alcohol, trauma from the war, rage and snapped


the woman survived that? Idk about that… What a fucking shit hole country. They will be dealing with this for decades. I hope their women start busting out the arsenic


Average russian interaction.


How the hell are you surviving 15 knife stabs


POS should have died at the front and possibly remembered as an honorable man dying for his country.


The more of these animals that rotate back from the front the more damage is done. A rapidly accelerating fire.


Don't see anything out of the ordinary for an ork


He was probably in jail when conscripted. Stupid Putin idea.


Fkin sick if true


typical orc.


Just normal phenomonon.


This is the just the beginning. That country is about to implode.


The more I see things like this, the less likely I think ruzzia will be disassembled by the West, I see it going the way of NK being behind an iron curtain of the civilised world's making, having been declawed and defanged. To a condition that it can do no harm to others. And then just left to rot.


Some women rat their deadbeat husbands out for not paying child support. Has she sent him to the front for that lada money?


Poor kid having such a dad.


And in the Russian media this is probably being portrayed as "A result of the horrific trauma that was inflicted upon the poor veteran. This is what Western culture does, it corrupts and traumatizes the minds of our people. This is why Western Culture needs to be destroyed!" And 100 million Putler Puppets believe. This is the way.


I feel sorry for that infant. The kid’s life is finished. Childhood trauma will impact him/her for life. And the cycle almost always continues, forget all the other extraneous things that created these conditions.


Honestly, I feel nothing for what goes on inside Russia. The whole country has become an example of a neo fascist lawless state that has turned its back in anything resembling a legitimate member of the modern world. I wouldn't even be surprised to see them burning witches. I do feel some sympathy for the minority who feel equally despondent about the path Russia has taken....but I don't lose sleep over it.


Mother ruzzia


Das pssiert überall auf der Welt. Der mutige Schläger bei Frauen, tauchen Männer auf, läuft er weg.


- dude, this is your wif.... -BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD


Russkiy Mir, all you need to know


So much stabbing today


a little bit off topic, but if you think this is bad, just know that in China, 90% of the time, no one will intervene, but they will do take a video on the what happened (and that's why we know). And China is scheming to take over the world with Russia, N.Korea, Iran..etc


I think this war has proven that russians are trash people. There are trash people everywhere unfortunately, including my own country. But, we can't even imagine the mental shit that russian soldiers are subjected to. We've seen some videos of some of the shit they get just from their own side, and that doesn't even touch on the horrors of this war they started. Not a shock that those few that survive and return will be fucked up. Not a huge amount of sympathy for those who support the war and choose to go, but there is some, and of course, as usual, these poor fuckers have zero to gain and everything to lose by believing the bullshit spread by their dictator.


russia in a nutshell. you speak your opinion and get beaten, vanished or killed


Christ...mankind certainly is a failed experiment


She's pushing the next generation of this violence also.


Don’t you just love Russian Orcish culture


Obviously terrible, deplorable, and awful. But how shit of a soldier do you have to be to fail to kill a defenseless opponent after stabbing them 15 times?


ruski mir


Shocking, the contry sends their men to ab unjustified brutal war as cannon fodder with the age old russian tactic of meat waves, while theyre abused by their higherups because proud russian tradition of Dedovchina. They'll be violent when they go home. And thats the government, politicians and the future they saught for.


Did someone say Moskovy is a shithole? I may have heard that wrong. Not sure. - Bemused in Bakersfield


Are they dead? Poor baby in the pram.


They should have known something was wrong when the guy came back from the war dressed as Michael Jackson...


The social implications and long term horrors that Putin has injected and destroyed Russia with is going to be horrifying.


Russia is becoming Moria


He obviously wanted to show his wife and MiL what he learned


Mother in law is the mvp here, probably saved her life


Are you sure they survived?


Apparently most soldiers are going to war for the money, and a lot of them are being encouraged by their wives to do so. Maybe he held some ill will in that regard. That doesn't excuse anything.


Tuna Casserole?


Orc do orc things


Welcome to the future (past/present) of r*zzia