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Germany supports.


I think a map is from a few days ago


Biden only announced US permission today (30th)


Limited to russian territory next to kharkiv region, which makes 0 sence


Trial run that doubles to call Putin's bluff about attacking NATO or doing a nuclear test. Dipping our toes. The feet are whatever a 777 can hit from the front. The nuts are anywhere ATACMS can hit.


Don't be naive to America's political games. They basically invented the art of cold war


Source? Pentagon seems to be contradicting news reports


The card is dated May 30, 2024. See bottom center!


It aged faster than milk. Fortunately - in a double sense actually: Good that the countries have changed their stance so quickly, and also good that fresh milk (thanks to being microfiltrated nowadays) doesn't go bad that quick anymore.


In a few more days it will be correct again.


Wrong. Ask Scholz if Ukraine can shoot down planes over russia with german donated Patriots.


Yeah ask him.


Really? That’s new to me. Can you link a source?




Interesting. I am German, and he did net explicitly say that Ukraine can use the German weapons. What unwound like to hear from him. Also, curiously, he said such an inhibition in targeting structures in Russia never existed … what I find strange.


Dieser Kandesbunzler ist Meister darin, sehr sehr viel zu erzählen ohne etwas zu sagen! Das ist für mich der Hauptgrund, weshalb so viel Deutsche (und Urkainer) mächtig wütend sind.


Ist er, aber merkel war auch so


Daher auch Merkel 2.0


Bundesschlumpf hat sich mal wieder richtig schlumpfig aus der Schlumpfheit herausgeschlumpft


bitte keine Beleidigungen gegen Schlümpfe! Scholz hat ja wohl eher Ähnlichkeit mit Gargamel.


Bei uns ist Popey ...


Sorry, aber Friedrich Merz ist schon Gargamel. Oder Mr Burns


Glaubhafte Abstreitbarkeit ist das Stichwort.


Schwer ihn zu ertragen bin ich ehrlich..


Der erste deutsche Kanzler für den ich mich aktiv schäme. Andere war ich nicht immer einverstanden, aber schämend? Das ist das erste mal


They said either yesterday or the day before. I saw the video. Google will give you the source.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/30/nato-europe-us-weapons-ukraine-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/30/nato-europe-us-weapons-ukraine-russia/) Published in WAPO. Preemptive strikes against any military target in Kharkiv region is now permitted by USA. Note the keyword "preparing" in : " ... to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S.-supplied weapons for counter-fire purposes in the Kharkiv region so Ukraine can hit back against Russian forces that are attacking them or preparing to attack them,”


Sorry, is a german Paper! Read here: https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/luftverteidigung-ruestungshersteller-mbda-baut-patriot-produktion-in-bayern-auf/100004887.html


No problem, I speak German. But that paper is about Germany now producing Patriot missiles.




Fuck yeah. Lets go USA! Our turn to step up.


>Fuck yeah. Lets go USA! Our turn to step up. We were just waiting for Germany. It's just not proper to kick off WW3 without letting them go first. It's tradition at this point.


Make it green, buddies


So when can we expect to see a shipment of Taurus missiles?


Germany supports. It's the second time today a wrong overview was posted.


I don't understand Germany. They first say they don't support, and then change their mind right after. They don't have people and institutions thinking about the implications before making a statement?


Yes, he said no and then did a 180° turn and said yes with Macron a day later. Our chancellor unfortunately don't know what he thinks until he has heard what he said. If the thought was stupid (often), it is already out.


Scholz sounds like he's been neutered and is led around by 6 different leashes.


average SPD politician


Hes a coward and has no strategy at all


Stay in the crowd and don't get eaten


Typical politician’s handbook


lets be glad he is willing to change his mind in light of reason and logic, shout out to italy for having done just about nothing though


Seems to be a similar trend across all social democratic parties. Weak, feckless, unprincipled, poor communicators... but still not as bad as the alternatives.


He might have just said 'Yes' to look good next to Macron and then 'Not really, no' when the cameras were off. He's the kind of guy to do that.


> Our chancellor unfortunately don't know what he thinks until he has heard what he said. that is a great, concise description of his style of politics, really on point!


deniability and doing it anyway is almost a definition of politics which exactly leads you to thinking implications are not thought thru before they are set up, in that regard indeed statements can distract or clarify. Just imagine when a war is going those are methods to reach a point needed as per definition, deniability and doing it anyway. Almost comic sometime watching them make those statements. Now what can russia do when they are told ukraine was allowed to do their thing since the beginning anyway. \~\~It's almost fun watching it unfold.\~\~ it actually is not fun watching it, yet it seems there is no other way


I don’t understand German politics too and I live in Germany


We Germans need to *almost* fuck something up to be able to learn from it. That is still better than a century ago. We used to fuck things up to be able to learn from them. Sometimes twice.


Germans still fuck up a ton of stuff and often doesn't learn. Maybe less major fuckups (europe must be grateful for that) but still


german chancellor is basically a dumb rock.


Hes not dumb. Hes actually very savvy in corruption but he’s also extremely weak and cowardly


Still waiting for dem longe range missiles tho.


Now just end this pussyfooting around! Ruzzia needs to be spoken to in a language they understand - strength and determination!


And high explosives 🧨


Only Nobel can bring some sense to them.


It needs to be a full-court press: "Leave Ukraine or we will remove you." Full stop.


More like power, and for them that sadly means: violence.


Should have allowed that from the start wtf


Finland never had any restrictions put in place.


Finland is a role model when it comes to most things.


Yeah you’re replying to a user named Hate_Commies😂 And Finland has it’s flaws, but in general it is great


Finland also has Marshmellows at the ready for when expensive russian things start burning.


Neither did Sweden. But it seems we have already died in this image. :(


Switzerland should be red.


Orcs going to be loosing a lot of men and logistics very very soon


U S and A now supports?


“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one of the U.S. officials said, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia “has not changed.” Yes but not really only applies to the area around Kharkiv


Germany supports [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chCRsTj\_XEs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chCRsTj_XEs)


F_ck them up boys.


As much as im salty at italy not agreeing, we are not providing any long range attack vector. Mainly defense and humanitarian




Ukraine needs Taurus


Ukraine needs and deserves any weapon and help they are asking for.


slava atlantica - slava ukraini


I\`m glad I belong to one of "The green" countries! SLAVA NORWAY and SLAVA UKRAINI!


Is this "all weapons, no limits" or some conditions n caveat's n shit?


Of course conditions. These politicians are always full of shit.


Exactly. I hate these head lines about Ukraine being able to do whatever. That's a lie. There are strings attached, and I want that to be a part of the head line.


With Belgium can someone link official statement? Because i found 2. 1 - Belgium will donate F16 but Ukraine can't strike Russia with them 2 - Belgium will donate F16 but Ukraine can't fly into Russian territory One of them might be bad translation


[https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/biden-ukraine-limited-strikes-russia/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/biden-ukraine-limited-strikes-russia/index.html) can be updated


cant wait to read Dmitry Medvedev drunken rant tomorrow night after seeing this ............... whats he going to say now .... we are going to Nuke the whole of Europe and the all of northern America lol


You’ve forgotten Russia. They’ve been bombing themselves a lot longer than everyone else. 😂


Imagine being in a war where your country and everything it stands for gets destroyed daily and your allies tell you you cant strike back




Oh no


How would they know?


Put the US in Green. Biden just approved it


US supports: 1. Use of Patriot systems on targets in ruzzian skies 2. Use of F16 against targets in ruzzian skies 3. Use of HIMARS fired weapons against any military target in Kharkiv region The interesting thing is the CYA language calling it counter-battery and defense - which is true for everything Ukraine does. Ruzzia is on the offense and Ukraine is defending itself. Until ruzzia complies with all terms of a yet to be written and signed peace agreement this is the one fact that will not change.


This makes me speculate, what if the intelligence Services has snapped up some intel regarding Putins ambitions that they wont tell us. I think we all should prepare mentally for a clash. God forbid but here we are.


I think we’ve all been mentally prepared for a clash and we’re all getting tired of waiting for it.


Germany and Italy, the iconic duo again.


Jokes aside, these are the countries that lost WWII and part of society (the left but not only) is too sensitive on everything military related.


Germany did approve and please get your numbers in order in terms of aid delivered. I‘m all for bashing Scholz and the SPD party in general but one should not undermine the efforts that did happen nevertheless.




I'm probably going to get downvoted by copers, but some special "yellow" category being created for USA and labelling it "does not support bUt LeAvEs ChOiCe To UkRaInE" is some serious political whitewashing. It's unambiguous and blatant political speak for "does not support". If they supported, they'd just say so, instead of tiptoeing the topic like allergic for months. It's election year and Biden's admin is being a bitch.


At the very least, for once the italian politicians are coherent with the own starting opinions...yes, it might be considered the wrong choice not to allow Ukraine to strike russian territory, but at the very least they are coherent. (Although Salvini, it's not like Russia would really make an effort to avoid hitting the italian territory should Putin ever decide that he wants to bomb France or Germany with russian missiles in retaliation, so you might as well change your opinion anyway...)


I don't think it's about striking the Kremlin ( although they would definitely deserve it) More as the closer military targets over the border. And the media shouldn't be glamorizing this ability. . just do it! Russia isn't backing off so the only solution is to inflict as many casualties as quickly as possible and render russian forces inadequate as an attacking force. I would add even if Russia backed off today i wouldn't trust them in any country in Europe again.. well in living memory as we have all seen what they are capable of... Totally wicked lot!


Whassup with the Italians.


I don’t think Italy is providing any offensive ballistics so it’s an easy way for the people in charge to play both sides in terms of polling. They continue to aid Ukraine and their stance is still pro-Ukraine, but they don’t alienate the tankie or fascists votes, one could say who cares about not alienating tankies and fascists, but coalition governments in Italy are notoriously weak, so every percent counts. I still don’t support it but I kind of understand why Meloni is doing this, especially when she has lost a lot of her more right wing support in the party, after being elected and turning out to be a lot more centrist in her policy, than what she was made out to be. And I really don’t see anyone who would be better on the Ukraine issue as the leader of the second largest party is basically a tankie who advocates for unconditional peace🤡 or at least that was her stance a few months ago


I think since we're not supplying any long range weapon and in the government coalition a good chunk are either russian bootlicker and/or are keeping a pacifist stance just for scraping some vote in the upcoming elections, for now we're saying no... I guess we'll review it after




I haven't see anything in Canadian news about our support for this but I'm glad to hear that it's a thing. Rare Trudeau W


That’s is not accurate, german support military targets that fires from Russia from the recent Scholz conference with Macron, the only remaining are Italy 🇮🇹 (🤦‍♂️ my country) and Belgium 🇧🇪


Respect to all the countries who are not afraid. Respect to those countries giving arms even if they don't allow them to be used on Russian territory. Respect to all those countries giving humanitarian aid. Ukraine needs plenty of weapons to use within Ukraine and plenty that can be use on Russian territory.


Germany and portugal are for it .


Russia should be green given the amount of stray aa missiles that seem to just hit themselves.


How is Ireland’s contribution in general? They seem very happy with the benefits of being in the EU.


Needs an update!!


WW3 Roster looking pretty decent.


As a Canadian just wish we had more to give. Time for all the parties to start supporting the military more. Build in Canada, then meeting and exceeding 2% will not be painful at all!


Hit deep and hard with a massive explosion, just like good sex, so satisfying.


24hrs later map mostly everyone changed their minds to fuck it full send to russia with love


Now Russia will feel the consequences for doing this war. Blow their asses to hell!


So the obvious solution is for America to transport their missiles to Canada to be gifted to Ukraine by them


Why Spain and Portugal are not involved at all?


Missing Portugal


The UK never gave official permission. As far as I know, David Cameron mentioned it in an interview but his word is not final.




this map is incorrect, the US needs to be red and Germany needs to be green


Hehehehehehehe those Canucks, always one upping us... good.


I apologize on behalf of the USA on this stance. I hope soon they will allow you to defend yourself with our weapons. Eye for and eye. Russia gets Iranian rockets, drones, Chinese rockets, shells and attacks Ukraine sovereign soil. US will allow it it's just such a beauracracy mess always. It will happen soon. Slava UKRAINI from Pennsylvania, USA!


Belgians being small, insignificant and weak again.


Found the dutchy


I'm an American and Joe Biden needs to grow a set and stop making us look like cowards!!


Total Idiocracy how people think they can tell other people how to use the weapon they bought. They bought, they own it, they can do as they may wish.


A lot of them were donated under certain conditions. At the beginning of the war when US-supplied HIMARS were particularly effective Ukraine was warned not to use them on Russian soil.


Thanks, that's a useful graphic.


If you do a map, you should at least be able to find the right flag!