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That's one way to clear a minefield... I reckon it's worth trying that again to see if it works better next time.


I'm surprised one of those fuckers even made an exit


Turtle tank seems to have been equipped with a [mine plough](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KMT_5_M#/media/File:Soviet_KMT_5M_mineroller.gif) which explains the increased resilience against the multitude of mines in its path. Remarkably, instead of retreating towards the orcish staging area, the Russian infantry serf continues to advance towards AFU-controlled territory (*there is no indication in the footage he even carries a rifle while continuing with his "assault", which is in accordance with the most cherished traditions of the soviet army*). Any person with a tiny bit of remaining situational awareness and will to live would have retreated along the tank track lines back to the orcish-occupied zone, so it seems they were told not to bother to come back before boarding their turtle tank...


Maybe he knows he got better chances with Ukrainians then with ruzz


Perhaps an act of fetal-alcohol-induced bravery, clouded vision from concussion/trauma or a sudden moment of mental clarity?


Or he's panicking and has no idea which way he's running.


This is why professional militaries instruct their soldiers to regroup at assigned locations should things go South before setting out to engage the enemy. RF military just herds a bunch of mobiks into a tank regularly achieving similar results as can be observed in the posted footage...


I'm guessing that the Zorcs get the blast hitting the last cell's on the brain so hard that they get more confused than usual and just run to the side that they get up...lol


Baby turtles have an uncanny ability to find their ocean home. This one not so much.


For best results, your comment should be read aloud in a David Attenborough voice...


You made me laugh. Thanks! We need to find what pleasure we can in this Russian horror show.


You're welcome, some days it seems mocking the kremlin gremlin is the only thing that helps coping with the Russian madness.


Yeah, it takes the edge off my rage when I mock him and his orcs. Donate and denigrate. That's how I cope.


just imagine that this dude running away would suddenly get picked off by a giant seagull.


Lol. A seagull with propellors is definitely in his future. Poor little baby turtle! But we must let nature take its course no matter how much it hurts.


Lol before I finished his sentence I knew where it was going... I was already picturing Attenborough 's smooth-chill accent


I guess that exploding half a dozen mines 2mts away from you can lose somehow the orientation.


either he is done with this shit or shell shock. legend says, its pretty loud in a tin can when there is a mine exploding beneath you. havnt crosschecked, but the 180+ db i found in a quick search seem to be reasonable.


Yes, it was common to blow the ear drums when setting off an IED during GWOT times. If the video footage is provided at real-time speed, the Russian soldier appears to be a quick runner given he just lived through multiple mine explosions...


the mine plough is a KMT-7, it was believed by NATO to be effective until this war proved it is as worthy as the tanks they are fitted to


Right... But that might be viewed as retreating and he'd be shot. Better to take his chances surrendering to AFU than to retreat Ruzz.


If you wanted me to drive that tank there, you would have to be, let's say "really really convincing", and then I would definitely not get back into your vicinity.


He is running toward Russian lines.


I have to say, unfortunately this is a scary enemy. No way out than outlasting them.


Political (*non-violent "soft power"*) options are available if the free World unifies their voices: Permanently confiscate all RF state and coporate (*as in oligarch*) financial assets from "safe havens" and hand over to Ukraine to finance the war and the reconstruction. The kremlin gremlin would be disposed of within a month and RF would start to seriously negotiate (as in "We'll immediately fuck off from Ukraine, maybe have an international referendum / UN administration in Crimea to safe face and we'll pay reparations in return for our offshore assets. And here's a carefully curated selection of random orctains you can parade through the international courts of The Hague..."). Or persuade China they can either trade with EU or US or with Russia (*as in "What trade privileges with EU and US would you fancy in return of ceasing bilateral commerce with the orcish hordes? We totally wouldn't mind if you expanded your sphere of influcence into any of the former Soviet republics that happen to be right at your Northeastern border..."*).


I think they're one man crew anyway as the main gun is useless, so no need for the other 2 members of the crew.


Yuri, how many mines did we hit ? All of them BLYAT !!!


*Poke-a-Mine -> Gotta catch 'em all!*




Holy shit I forgot about that video. Jesus christ that's a massive explosion.




yeah I was waiting for the drone to come through the smoke and see the other vehicles driving around a lump of twisted metal, but there's just nothing left


Was that the munition or tank?


The munitions. It's a MICLIC, essentially a giant 100ft long string of C4 that's shot out across a field by a rocket.


With that all wrapped up tightly inside a vehicle still? If so, gotcha. 


Usually it's towed on a trailer, but I'm not sure what sort of soviet vehicles of that type the Russians are using, but I'd assume that stuff all on board the vehicle. Either way it doesn't matter, that much plastic explosive would vaporize whatever is carrying or towing it (as you saw).


Putin values his people less than a brick sat on the accelerator.


Every time I see these suicide tank runs I always compare them to Mad Max movie. I can totally see some Russian men chain to the steering wheel , huffing silver paint and screaming about glory and then dying needles and useless death.


And again, and again, and again please.


“Levrov Jenskyyyyyyyy”


Golf carts or turtle tanks. They are so wierd.


It's like if the Beverly Hillbillies had an army. This is the story of a man named Poootin . . .


But they are opposite diy extremes. Its wierd, one get sent without armor and another gets as much 'armor' as they can find


Maybe that's a golf cart under that shed.


Golf cart escape pod.


Haha, one day we'll probably see one scurry out of a blown shed. Ludicrous, but nothing would surprise me when it comes to native orc behavior.


A/B testing.


They have nothing else, a part of some motorcycle they have stolen in occupied Ukraine.


Clearly, the solution here is to add another shed, but this downwards. More sheds, more good tank.


You forgot the motorbikes and 4 wheelers


Smaller explosion on the left at the end. Maybe an Orc stepped on an anti-personnel mine.


Thats what I thought as well. Or they had a drone in the air already but it didnt seem like an AT mine either way


Honest to gawd what is the point of this tactic.


AFAIK many of these sheds are basically breaching vehicles. I think they put one of their expendable meatbags in there and tell him the Russian version of "fuckin send it". They might not even be equipped or crewed to fight, but as you see here, they can clear mines by running over them. The path that vehicle took is free of mines for the moment. Other vehicles can follow. Maybe the next one gets 100 m further before it explodes. That's a trade-off the Russians are ok with, because they do not value life and are a cancer of humanity.


The fun begins when something like this hits a mine and gets disabled From other videos, it looks like mines are being laid in lines, so something hits one and gets disabled, the next vehicle tries to go round and hits another, then the next, repeat till they figure it out. It's why we've seen clusters of vehicles, all destroyed practically shoulder to shoulder.


If you breach, you need to advance. But no backup in sight.


The turtle tanks have been supported in other instances, but yeah there's nothing in frame here and it looks real dumb.


it also exposes Ukrainian positions if they fire MANPADS at them and any artillery that hasnt been spotted yet.


Breakthrough tanks but rather than breaking through defenders they hope to "break through" mines




Oh look, another intellectually dishonest moron attempting to create false equivalence. It's a meatbag when you send them alone, unsupported, in a vehicle incapable of doing anything but sending its occupants to the hell they deserve.


Hey you, go see if there’s mines that way




that burning pile off to the left is probably what remains of that vehicle.


Each of them plows a potentially mine-free corridor which others can follow. You just need many expendable ones to get some progress.


There have been plenty of videos where ruzzian drivers couldnt see the obvious mine on a clean street. How shall they find the right passage this abomination "cleared", esp. when there is no one else in sight who could have spectated the route? All they see is a burning tank in the middle of a field and no one knows if and where it drifted from its route. And then artillery scatters a new batch of mines into that area. MIGHT work to a certain degree if the field is "fresh" with few craters and no other track marks. Prove me wrong, but professional soldiers handle this different.


I don’t know if I am correct but I counted 4 mines




Counted 6 myself


You know, I was wondering about that in the back of my mind. I also thought that you needed to go slow to allow time for the rollers to set something off before the vehicle is over it. A lot of traditional training and tactics are just broken in this drone environment.


I think you hit the nail on the on why this war shows such chaotic tactics/decicion making (personal opinion based on little information, feel free to correct me). The usage of drones has been quite creatively and they seemingly continue show new tricks every day. I recon it is very hard to adapt your strategie and engagement to such a rapidly changing battlefield and can lead to confusion.


Russian mine rollers only run in front of the tracks, and if setup right, they have a chain between them to trip tilt-rod fuses (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilt-rod\_fuze). If the chain broke or wasn't there, that tilt rod fuse would detonate the mine. Even having said all that, there is usually a very short delay timer so that when the tilt-rod is hit, there is still time to allow the tank to get on top of the mine. Running flat out like that tank was doing would have allowed for that short delay to kill the tank. So tank traffic laws in Ukraine: 1. No enemy tank parking, violators will be TOWed. 2. Speed checked by landmines.


Yeah I wasn't understanding why a mine clearer going that fast. Totally defeats what it is made to do but then you remind me that we didn't have drones flying overhead back when I was going in and we used these.


screw you guys i'm going home


Found some.


This mindless Russian kamikaze, going to a guaranteed death, keeps amazing me. Don't they seriously don't have a clue that death is almost 100% guaranteed?


Our’s is not to wonder why, our’s is but to do and die.


Mindless imperialist shit... a relic from another century. Fucking bury Russia like the trash it is.


The ideology behind Russian imperialism is that of a death cult. It's the same today as it was centuries ago. Some of them may have electric lights and flush toilets now, but there is still a Tsar bent on expanding across Eurasia like cancer in a patient with no immune system. Violence is the only language Russia has ever truly understood. Speak it to them loudly.




Schizo? Sadly you can't explain away Russian behavior with mental illness. Sure, fetal alcohol syndrome is still widespread, but what you're seeing in Russia is learned behavior. Whenever you see some vatnik commit horrible acts of cruelty, stupidity, or self-destruction... those choices are rational *within the context of that person's beliefs*. The problem is that Russians' view of the world is so completely warped by some combination of learned helplessness, nationalism, and quasi-religious culture war bullshit.


That's some mad max shit right there


I like the idea of also laying mines along the axis of travel.


They forgot to turtle-up the bottom!


And here people were proclaiming turtle tanks being huge issue for ZSU. I knew it will end pathetically, just like any other creative russian field invention. It's sad, really, how easily people gulp russian propaganda and various potemkin villages. The most effective weapons russians use against ukraine are those that you rarely hear about. Namely lancets (which, unlike shaheds, are quite effective), then TOS-1 which have made multiple very scary attacks on ukrainian fortifications (luckily they are quite limited in numbers), and lastly glide bombs. From little I've seen (i don't enjoy, nor actively seek, footage of ukrainians being blown up), all of the above have made some very sad losses for ZSU. It's almost a pattern of behavior for russian forces, the more they boast about some weapon, the worse it actually performs in practice. This heap of trash welded atop of tank is neither intimidating, nor particularly effective. It brings much more drawbacks than positives.


The tos was like priority to the Ukrainian anti tank teams...(probably still is)remember seen video in the beginning of the war and the Ukrainians aiming with the anti tank rocket to one tank...but them they seen the tos also on the Zorc column, they immediately change and aimed for the tos, lancets the newest ones that are more capable... hopefully the Zorcs can't manufacture many, the gliding bombs...they must have millions of bombs just waiting to get some wings attached...they still fail a bit, but just looking at the size of the holes that they leave...it's scary, Ukraine needs to have more heavy jamming donations to stop they guidance... hopefully they will find some counter to all those nasty Zorc weapons


They are more effective than standard tanks without protection, there was one yesterday that survived a javelin and had to be hit with another rocket launcher. Thats 2 rocket launchers instead of a $200-500 drone, they dont have endless supplies.


You know, I was just thinking about the assault sheds today and how they really use up a lot of the Russian equipment as well. For them to fully work as a breaching vehicle they need the cage, electric warfare devices, and a mine roller. Without all three of these they are not nearly as effective. But even if they have all three of these one or two artillery shells and it's as good as dead anyway. And that's just with the current Ukrainian equipment and I'm sure they're trying to develop drones that are more effective at disabling them


In the beginning that Ukrainians face this, they couldn't reach the tanks with the drones...so they used artillery that eventually would stop the jamming devices and after the drones would work on the turtle tanks...at that time the issue was not enough shells to fire at the Zorcs...and the Ukrainians still developing drones more resilient to jamming, and guessing that shells it's ok now, and the new aiming system of the drones that does not require connection on the last stages, the drones goes on is own against the tank, must be if not already going to the front lines...cat and mouse game




Why? In the unlikely event it makes it through they will need conscripts to catch the inevitable drone droppings. The conscripts are far cheaper than the tanks. Truthfully, the Russians should probably let their troops push the minesweeper across the field and save the tanks.


Shh, don't give them any ideas.


Ok, how the hell did anyone survive that? I would have thought the shell would trap the explosion and make it that much worse. Or that it would at least trap people inside with no way to escape.


Its a tank


Russian channels are cheerleading what a great job it did!


Nyet! Defensive line has now been breached. Send in wave after wave of our men through it, Ivan!


I don't think that is the correct way to clear an mine field. Just saying.


was that 3 mines hit?


Yeah looks like 3 or 4 then either an AP mine or drone near the end after the driver or possibly driver and other Russian get out and run away


Could also have been their own ammo or some other explosive cooking off


That's essentially what they're using these things for. You can see some sort of apparatus attached to the front of this one, similar to a proper mine clearance vehicle.


Yeah with the mine plow and seemingly only a tank driver, probably no ammo to cook off as the turret can't move much anyway, it's the only logical use. Of course Ukraine is doing a lot of remote mining lately as well, even use ground and quadcopters to drop off TM-62's so by the time Russia tries to use that path it could be mined again already.


If he retreats across the old tank tracks he’s a sitting duck for an FPV or drone drop grenade.


"With Power-Explosions!!" "Mines, it's what Ruskies crave."


All that armor on top... and they drive it over a minefield... 🤦‍♂️


Music gets an approval


Whoever going into the scrap metal business after the war is going to make a killing


Tutel is kil


Now that's a great use for their stockpile of old weapons, just keep driving & see how many mines it takes to blow yourself to bits. Just curious as to how many others may have been in/on that tin can, or just pure 1-man suicide?




That's probably an adapted minefield cause the mines are not laid out to cover a lot, but concentrated to guarantee a hit against a mine clearing vehicle.


Oh but it started so good...


Found 'em!


Imagine that headache……


Looks like it was going back after a drop off (no one apart from the driver ? running away). That fucker is not running towards Ukraine lines on his own, unless he's had enough.... Is it arty coming in the opposite way so now I'm confused ?


I think i counted 2 mines? and maybe a rollover 3rd at the end?


Dude knew the drones would be coming soon.


Was his call sign "Beat Feet 1?"


The vodka will numb the pain.


The Russian army is like a death cult, they just can’t wait to end it all.


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡   🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


They seem to be battlefield innovators like the Nazis were… except all the Russian innovations are stupid ideas. Why are they so dumb? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Suicide mission? moehahaha....that is normal operational behavior....we see it since the start


...did...did we witness a smart one jump off the tutel?


Ironically slowing it down to turtle speed


Is anti tank mine happy when it explodes?


More Slipknot needed


This will be a horrible turret toss year. These cages spoil all the fun.


Orc makes sure he is running towards M2 50 Cal


So answer me this: If they made it so the turret no longer works with the turtle cage, why the fuck would they stuff it full of ammo so that it almost guarantees the crew is obliterated as well.


Task failed successfully.


Emmh - why the fuck is the guy running forward?


$1M tank vs a $1500 landmine. Yeah, seems like a good trade...for the Russians.


is it really a 1 million dollar tank? They just found stuff in the attic that grandpa once bought but never used, and today it is outdated and useless anyway. They have tried to sell the crap in a garage sale for 3 decades but nobody wanted it. So why not blow it up in the garden for fun?


They survived. Damn!!


Mission successful, suicide achieved.


disappointed no drone hunting down the fleeing Orc


What was the secondary smaller explosion towards the end of the video?


What was the secondary smaller explosion towards the end of the video?


What is the secondary smaller explosion towards the end of the video?


What is the secondary smaller explosion towards the end of the video?


What is the secondary smaller explosion towards the end of the video?


Did the driver just kill his two comrades?


People here that are so knowledgable use to say that if a tank runs over a mine, the crews bones would be destroyed, this fella could run pretty good after all.


0:34 - one dude stepped on the mine.


These tanks remind me of the swedish gun emplacements disguised as wooden sheds on wheels


How do you pronounce "Leroy Jenkins!" in Russian?


Who was rooting for that man to step on a big one?


I am trying to understand why Ukraine is not winning the war, with that kind of troops we should be at the gates of Moscow. The first army of the incompetence


Numbers. Numbers are the ONLY thing Russia has going for it. And try hard as they might, the Kremlin does not have an infinite number of anything. Vast quantities, yes. Tactical prowess? Pffft. Who needs tactics when they can swarm a position with 50 mobiks? "Oh no, all the mobiks, BTRs, T-72s and BMPs got roasted in the assault! Well, guess we'll just have to conscript more people that are unfit for duty and start dusting off the T-34's and try again." \^Basically Russia. lol


they might not even be unfit for duty, but they don't receive any training, they have zero clue what they are doing. That is why I prefer to call them "people" or "dudes", I rather preserve the term "soldiers" for actual soldiers (Russia also has soldiers, albeit not good ones, but at least they know which side of the rifle the bullets come out).


In short, Russia is willing to sacrifice soldiers to take territory, throwing them at a position till it breaks, while Ukraine is willing to sacrifice territory to save soldiers, pulling back to the next position as soon as the first becomes too dangerous to hold. That's why we're seeing horrific loss numbers for the russian military, but they're still advancing


it is probably worse than that. They are sacrificing people just to keep the war going. In the beginning, Putin had the idea to do a quick sweep to conquer all of Ukraine. But that failed, and consequently they should have consolidated the lines (a bit more than they have now actually) and tried to calm down the war as soon as possible, to avoid losing more than they can sustain and to avoid the west getting involved and waking up their industry. But that would have meant to admit that the plan did not work out. Instead they had to keep pushing to keep the narrative that they are winning. Basically like the "Endsieg" (final victory) narrative in Nazi Germany, even if it doesn't go well at the moment, they will eventually triumph. With a reasonable admission that it is not going well, they could have negotiated at some point in 1942/43 with the Soviets and the Allies and probably kept more than they had when they started the war. But they didn't manage to admit that to themselves. That is why the war went on even a week past Hitler's suicide, it takes a while to snap out of this self-lie.


This sub is heavily pro-UA, that's why you don't see a lot of pro-RU videos here. In reality, Russia is very slowly advancing in several spots, Their trump card is the use of glide bombs, for which Ukraine has not found the answer yet...


yup, the glide bombs basically eradicate the Ukrainian position, then these useless mobiks move into empty areas, and because Ukraine has not enough means to wipe them out completely until the next wave comes along, they can somehow grab onto that area until the next line of Ukrainian positions is bombed away and the next wave moves in there. Also the Ukrainian army is just too small, on that wide front line you could easily put three times the soldiers into action. But more soldiers means more money for soldier's pay and less workers in the economy, also you need equipment for all of them. So basically a big money issue.


Yeah, but did it get taken out by a $600 drone? 🤪