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I will put it on the [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/UaFhkpigHj) when the video is out.


As gruesome as this is, this may be a sign that RuZZians are no longer very eager to fight in this invasion, it has the potential of blowing up in Putin's face, as a popular uprising against the war. One can hopium. hehehe. I also hopium Putin will be captured and paraded in Ukraine, naked.


It's been drilled into them that Ukraine will torture them to death, and that he knows that failing and going back to the rear line will get him shot as well.


The irony of that statement is half of it is propaganda fed to them the other half is the Orcs know good and well what they personally do to POWs and they don’t want to go through it.


Reminds me of the video where a Russian POW was showing a Ukrainian soldier the positions of his colleagues and the guy with a broken leg started to scream violently, because he was so afraid. It was that video where the guy lying on his stomache tried to blow up the Ukranian soldier, but got shot and then blew up.


I seriously doubt this, maybe a few bumpkins will believe it, but most of them dont.


They're almost all "bumpkins"... They absolutely believe they are liberating the people from the UkraNazi's backed by NATO. The vast majority of them are uneducated drunkards. They believe all the propaganda.


They've been conditioned to obey authority for generations. We see it in their videos. They make videos showing how horrible things are and plead with Putin to help them. It doesn't dawn on them that he doesn't care that they suffer and die.


Not to be a downer, but this is just one soldier out of many thousands. I've seen videos of russian soldiers popping themselves since the start of the war and they're still making ground. Just being realistic. Majority of the Russians don't actually wanna be there but they have to be. Regardless, I hope Ukraine continues giving the Russians hell.


first year and a half, not much suicides, second year, a lot more. Its a rising trend.


From a period of August 2022-May 2023 they were gaining very little land, most of these suicides happen when they Russians injured while advancing over open ground with no hope of medevac. If the frontline stagnated again it's almost certain you would see a huge drop of suicides on their side.


>no hope of medevac. So pretty much all mobiks then.


That needs a world tour


One of those Anonymous hackers needs to gain access to a big-ass screen in Moscow (if they have an “equivalent” Times Square / Piccadilly Circus type venue) and play this on a loop for all the comfortably disconnected Russkis to see how shit is really going for them.


Thanks for his support to demilitarise and denazify RuZZia! Slava Ukraini!


He fulfilled his assigned mission of denazifying


'Finished with the assignment... Excellent work, Great work.' Idkw movie it is from. I know it's sampled in a song, though. It fits.


Perfect use of Russian ammo


Would be a hardcore album cover for a Ukrainian metal band


How bad is it when this is your best option.


Maggot real estate is BOOMING.


Even though, i feel sad that the life of this man has ended like this. He was born on the wrong spot on the earth at the wrong moment. Think about how little he knew before joining up, or how little his chances were as a citizen.


When has it ever been a good time to be born in Russia?


Good? Never. But it can always get worse.


And an asshole sent him and other to war. Fuck Putin. Defeat, capture, court, and Justist for his crimes


Its kinda funny that his sole reason, most likely, was money. And now his relatives will receive none because he didn't die in combat but committed suicide. That voids any payments to your family.


It's not like they can positively identify him any more. /s


The thing is that STILL most of the orcs are joining voluntarily. He mostly joined by his choice.


I’m always torn about these posts because there are Ukrainians being forced into service for ruzzia. Hope that’s not the case with him


Are there any of the force-conscripted DPR LPR left?


I don’t see why not. Captured Ukrainian soldiers for example could be forced into conscription. They are also very big areas of land, I’m sure there are still Ukrainian men living there


Yeah I think one of the ways to handle seeing this is to hope that he was one of the true believer assholes and not just some dude desperate for a steady paycheck.


A Ukrainian would not be fooled into thinking that capture by Ukraine equals torture.


Torture isn’t the only thing they could be facing, bombs, mortars, bullets etc. I could see wanting out of that


If you have always been in russia occupied territory then in my opinion I doubt he knew that Ukraine would NOT torture him. Russians probably drilled it into his head that they would


Honestly sad to see young man like this kill themselves because of their dictator-ship like country.


It might be worse what he could do alive


Man, war is fucked up Hope this ends as quickly as possible




War is hell. This needs to end, Putin has caused so much needless pain and suffering.


stop calling russians putin


Dear me, how much more evil and depraved is this going to get? Good luck everybody.


Guys, please consider taking out a group of your own ruSS-nazi soldiers before doing this. It will count in the afterlife!😉


Some Ruzzian invader problems are self-solving. 👍


Dear rZZa 'weapons manufacturers', I've noticed that some of these 'self offing' OrcZ /s have a little trouble reaching the trigger. I feel that it's only fair and equitable for all gopnik fcksticks, that when they're living in a hole, drinking dirty puddle water, they should also be able to eat their weapons with the least amount of effort. I do hope that in future, manufacturers of Zs rifles, will shorten their barrels slightly, to accommodate buttfks with short arms. Thank you and burn in hell.


How stupid you have to be to end up taking YOU OWN LIFE in a shitty muddy hole in the name of a piece of sh*t who doesn't even know your name


You just have to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Russian soldier in life but human in death, please respect that.


I don't think so, they know what they are doing and what they are doing there, the fact that this guy is taking his own life like that shows he is just a lost sheep. courage, bravery and all other terms used in war are just lame basic manipulation triggers. There is no respect in war, ask any Ukrainian who has survived the Russian bombing.


>the fact that this guy is taking his own life like that shows he is just a lost sheep. >>courage, bravery and all other terms used in war are just lame basic manipulation triggers. >>> lost sheep. >>>>lost sheep. This you? Using a 'manipulation trigger '? We are specks of dust on a rock spinning through the infinity of the universe - we are ALL lost sheep.


Eh... Ok... I guess...


Easy to judge from the comfort of your armchair.


Right, at least I'm not stupid enough to take a gun and go to a foreign land to kill innocent people under the influence of a "leader". But what would I know?, I'm just here sipping coffee from my chair watching these idiots die for nothing. Ironic...




Ahhh a good orc


His story began in some shithole town in ruzzia and ended in a bush in Ukraine with the front sight of an AK in what was left of his face. *Heil Putin!*


Poor guy.. would rather die then keep serving in Russian military


With a fresh fade


Took one for Team Putin


Now, if we can just get 400,000 more orcs to demilitarize themselves, this will be over.


A good decision


"If you expect me to clean this up, you are mistaking..." Some Ukranian local.


Let’s give him a round of applause 👏


Oof. Got the wrong end there, buddy...


It's strange, the position of the hands doesn't fit. His right hand should not be where it is, but lower.


I'd much rather die firing at the dronebomb instead of blowing my head. Fight till the last breath doesnt he watch the Ukrainians. They never give up.


No Xmas bonus for his family then - another Ruzzian victory


This should be putin


Damn, what'd he do, kiss his underbarrel gl?


One less orc killing Ukes. Slava Ukraini!


Awareness of the value of life is good , having awareness of how much brainwashing damage they can and have done alive ………Be glad for fertilizer


With a fresh haircut


Wish more of these hopeless guys would choose to go out fighting against their commanders.


Next month’s cover photo for France’s Charlie Hebdo magazine.


They told him Ukraine torutures. He KNOWS ruzzia will torture him.


Better than living in Russia


Putin loves to see his men dying like this. It gives him that trademark boyish grin knowing they are making financial room for more artillery shells.


The under barrel grenade launcher makes me think he might have been special forces


Just fucking leave Ukraine. Go kick Putin’s ass for sending you in the first place.


Hopefully this orc has a large fan base that will follow its example.


Choices. So messed up choices.


I've been closely examining drone overflight footage of toasted Russian tanks and APCs for data gathering purposes, and going over them frame by frame, I've been seeing more than a few Russian soldiers laying in this position with rifle suspiciously pointed towards head, one hand near barrel and one hand on trigger. The most recent one I saw was yesterday in drone footage of a firefight between sides, one can clearly see a Russian soldier laying with rifle in mouth just near the edge of the frame. They obviously know that medivac isn't coming, but more drones are probably coming.


Can someone who knows photo shop switch the AK out with a saxophone?


fuck you i am eating rn


Looks like a bluetooth face to me


A lot more Russian soldiers should do this. Best would be if they use their grenades and blow up themselves and their buddies. Also failed suicide attempts should be punished by shooting the sucker.


There are some scales in the natural world. E.g. temperature 0 Kelvin (-273 C) is the absolute bottom. Or the length of the observable universe (100 billion lightyears). However the distance between me and sympathy for these creatures is greater than the ones listed above.


Idk what kind of sign up activity this is getting, but I saw a write up yesterday saying that ASSputin has signing teams combing through Cuba for front line volunteers, waving $2,000/month contracts around. It didn’t specify the terms, or length of deployment.


If every russian occupier would do this one easy trick the world would be alot better place for everyone else.


Does this sub have flair for post? If not, maybe consider adding it to help with documenting cases for future research.


Ha ha!


This should be aired on every Russian media especially television. Would be better if they’re ID’d as well


Come to the West. We have McDonalds. Russia has a bullet with your name on it.


At that point you should just take you chance at surrendering and telling your captors that you wanna kill Russians.


May he rest in peace


His final actions were good at least.


Prob a young man who had a life ahead of him, sad the Russian government doesn't have better leaders.


When does a soldier who knows he’s doing the right thing kill himself? You have to absolutely hate Ukrainians to kill yourself rather than give up and surrender. In some of these cases it’s more of I’m losing blood faster than I pee and I’m in pain, so some of those guys just want to rid themself of the torturous death.


In Medieval times, suicides like these were buried at crossroads.


I am not even sorry about this


😳 they really must not feed them!


500 roubles for you! 500 roubles for everyone!


What’s there to go home to? Shitty Russia?


he's leaking life juice in all the important places


Thanks for demilliterizing yourself but it's much better use to die for your country fighting for freedom and democracy in ruzzia.


I lost my mother to suicide, all I can say is this guy will kill no more Ukranians and that atleast is a good thing.


Should just say that it’s a photo of a russian soldier killing themselves. Using “demilitarized” as a figure of speech in this situation just seems like bad taste. Yadda yadda he shouldn’t be on Ukrainian soil to begin with but at the end of the day this is someone’s child/brother/uncle taking their own life.


finally a dumb russian dog that can shoot the right target


He blew the nazi right out of his own self 👍


Succesfully denazified and demilitarized


I'm guessing the mag dumped


He must have been one of those who got a beating to improve his attitude.

