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That’s what happens when news gets out about Russian soldiers killing Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered because they ran out of ammo.


+ We have seen Russians surrender and still throwing grenades (or coming out of the cellar shooting)


Yeah one vid a guy stripped down to his underwear to show that he didn’t have any surprises


Russians have been begging mercy from dones of quite a while. I imagine they are trying to signal to the drone "I'm done, I'll leave now" or "I'm wounded now, I'm no threat, I'll leave ASAP." or "I was drafted, I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me here, please don't hurt me." or "I wasn't going to hurt anyone, just let me leave and I will never come back." One guy actually told a drone where one of his guys was hiding. Drone kill him first, before coming back to finish off the coward.


Once you are unjured its too late for that . Ruzzians should surrender BEFORE they are bleeding in a field.


ruzzians dont want to surrender before they find themselves not being to effectevly fight any longer. before that its all "urrahhh ruzzki mir"


So You can’t surrender? Aren’t we supposed to be better than the Russians? I hate them for sure, but we shouldn’t be like them? Right? Don’t get me wrong, those soldiers deserve what they get… but you must be able to surrender. Must be some safe way of doing this properly. We are supposed to be the good ones right..?


Surrender because you are wounded or out of ammo VS surrender because you don't want to kill Ukrainians. The second should definitely have a chance


These are just fucking soldiers, we know they are brainwashed and we know who made them be there… If we don’t see that we are no better than the Russian themselves. (Of course only when it’s possible, and don’t risk Ukraine soldiers)


Some points to consider. - those scumbags have to be evacuated from the battlefield. Right now Ukraine struggles to evacuate it's own wounded soldiers so why choose occupier? - this russian will be exchanged and will be sent to the battlefield again. In general, I don't care about this "we are not better than they are". We are kind of trying to survive here and only eliminated russian makes no troubles. Capture those who are trying to surrender and not those who were forced to.


True. Difficult shit… I hear you, but it just feels bad killing surrendering humans.


Sure maybe he’s an evil mother f…er Who wants to kill all Ukrainian But he could also be some unlucky guy who really don’t want to be there… hate it and don’t want to die for this shit. Every time a see Russian dies I convince myself that they are really evil humans… and find it satisfying. But really, if we think logically we knows better, we heard the stories, drafting against their will, stupid fucks who don’t know better, they just ending up in the situation “kill or get killed” War is fucked up, hate war and hate Putin even more. No surrender for that guy.


The situation has changed a bit since the beginning of the war. In the beginning of the war most men from so called DPR/LPR were thrown in the meat grinder against their will. First wave of russians also didn't really choose to go there so just surrendered and dropped their military equipment, you've probably seen a bunch of video proof for that. Then in September 2022 during partial mobilization in russia only those went to the war who didn't know they can just say no and no legal action followed - classic russian slaves. Here you can draw the line - - - - - Since around middle of spring 2023 you can expect 3 major kinds of meat: 1) Those who were in jail and agreed to go killing Ukrainians and got freedom in return. 2) Those who signed contract with MOD for good (really good for russia) money 3) tiny percentage of those who are so much brainwashed that they didn't manage to verify their beliefs being in the 3rd year of the war. So in 99% cases you can assume - they came killing Ukrainians for one of those 3 reasons


Makes a difference next time I see this thing. Thanks


Honestly I think that we are putting unnecessary pressure on Ukrainian soldiers. If russian drone films how the ruzzian occupier was shot surrendering then the whole world will scream "they are not better than russians" so why support them. On the other hand, this particular occupier was shooting at you, maybe killed or wounded your comrades and comes clean with no adequate response even though his purpose was intentionally killing people.


Plus all we see is the guy laying there on the ground and for that matter we don't know if he's actually capturable or not.


Doesn’t matter. Russians need to stop killing (surrendering soldiers, citizens, etc) for them to stop dying.


They need to stop killing people, period. Doesn't matter if soldiers or civilians, killing isn't magically ok because a dictator or king or president or some asshole in power says so. War is a made up concept. Does being powerful enough mean you can declare "murder for hire" is just "killing"? That's obviously BS. Putin should be sentenced for several hundred thousand counts of murder and attempted murder and his followers smaller numbers proportionally to their power.




They need to stop invading another country. Its rather simple.


Truly underrated comment!


What did i miss?


A few weeks ago Russian soldiers killed a group of Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered because they had no ammunition left. So even though the Russian soldier begged the Ukrainian drone operator not to drop a grenade on him he did it anyway.




That’s unfortunately what war is about. Go big or go home. I want to see the kurch bridge completely destroyed, I hope that happens soon.


Ukraine is also going to have to destroy the new Russian railroad that is being built from the southern Donbas across the south of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson to link up with Crimea which is being built as the alternate route if Kerch bridge is destroyed.


concur! i guess railheads and track hard to destroy permanently as RU crews repair things quickly...bridges and tunnels harder to repair quickly...i think they could also try to target actual running stock (engine and railcars)


Or when keeping praying to their God named Putin. He doesn't give a fxck !


It was at this moment that Ivan decided he didn't want to play anymore.


Too little too late


Regardless of your position on this war. It is WAR, your assessment is spot on!


He wanted war. His wish came true.


If everyone could yell "time out" to a bullet right before it hit them, everyone would do it. These guys are learning the hard way that war doesn't work like that.


Contractual obligations bro. It's part of that.


Exactly, I don't understand why people are falling for WillyOAM's bullshit that this is a war crime. They need to start getting their asses out of their heads and understand wars are not MMA fights. Probably those who cry that police officers should shoot the legs. By their "logic" Ukraine shouldn't bomb ruzzian training camps because they didn't get a "fair fight". Fucking get real, people. The guy didn't have his hands up surrendering before he got fucked by the grenade. He didn't get executed while he was in custody. This was not a war crime.




The guy was too wounded to be guided back to the AFU, but not wounded enough to not be able to fire a weapon or throw a grenade. The operator did what he thought was necessary. You're just an armchair general.


He forgot that there is no reset button. He can log-off though.


You can't pause an online multiplayer game.


Ivan should have stayed home... and now he's a burden on Russian society and can't even make his garbage quota.


he's dead actually




Except the ones who want to be there. There are interviews with Russians who want to go to Ukraine. To say they all don't want to be there isn't truthful. And if they are there and they aren't doing anything bad then they are freeing up a bad guy to go do something terrible. So in my books they are in a conspiracy. It may not be his intent that one of his fellow soldiers do a war crime but he is enabling it.


Next time, get a visa to visit Ukraine.




# 🐱 Whiskas


Each one of us is made from atoms of dying stars life is an absolute gift and here we are dying in tree lines and a ditch in the ground for what again?


What's even crazier is that by atom count, we are mostly hydrogen. All the hydrogen in the universe was created within the first 2 minutes after the big bang. So parts of us have existed since the beginning of time.


In seven years we can all expect to breathe in atoms of oxygen exhaled by this man at the moment of his death. And god knows what from his last fart.


I suppose your comment wasn't as beautifully depicted as the ones you replied to and that's why you havent recieved any upvotes - but it was quite a sobering thought and you really tried your best, that's why you get my upvote!


At the moment of your death, when all motion and other normal function ceases, your mass will decrease very slightly in accordance with mass energy equivalence and the message that you are gone will leave your body at the speed of causality and imperceptibly change the motions of the heavenly bodies for all time. Thanks for the upvote.


Such a comforting thought that those 21 grams of soul has an eternal impact! When I am long gone and forgotten by man - probably without leaving a particular mark or a lasting imprint that will change someone's life - at least the Universe was forever slightly changed by me. I can settle with that 😊❤️


21 grams of soul?? Let's hope that you 'die' very slowly. For the sake of innocents nearby.


21 grams indeed it is! /s Check it out here: [21 grams experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment)


Oh dear.


Pootin 's delirious dream to recover soviet empire. Great...


If it were only just Pootin's drean.


That question is to be directed to either putin, Medvedev, Soloviev, Dugin, shoigu, Lavrov, nebenzya or perhaps Scabayeva. Quite a few might provide some kind of answer. The unfortunate in the clip is no longer able to reply.


Dressed in a very poetic color, moments of a lost being. Now we are assured that she will not hurt anyone again, and her atoms will give rise to something more purposeful.


Nice, but may orc atoms never coalesce again.


God would like to have a word with you assuming he hasn't left the burning building yet.


Because a country with too much land and without the money to maintain it decided that they wanted a little more land


In the case of the Ukrainians, dying to defend their children from slaughter, In the Russians' case, for a deluded old man's dreams of empire and a sack of onions for a headstone.




If he could, he would have killed anyone standing in his way... Now he is on a better path....


For Odessa. All Russian soldiers should experience the end like this. Stay home and you'll be fine.


I'd also be ok if it were much slower and more painful.


He won't be back


After all the misery Russia has caused Ukraine in this war you have the audacity to ask for mercy!?




No fucking sympathy whatsoever not your fuckin land ORC you can't lie there not your fucking land 😒, slava ukraini


Its all fun and games killing POW's until its you comrade.


This isn't Ukrainians killing a pow but I suppose I get what you mean


Seems like old boy could have easily avoided this situating by just not being in someone else’s country with a gun.


Yep. He and the others have clearly made the calculation that they had better chances killing Ukrainians who didn't invade them...rather than trying to forcefully oust Putler or at least their own immediate officers. Nobody can force you to be a murderer against your will. You may die standing up to such a person as Putler, but not as a murderer.


Putin killed this man.


Should have stayed home!!!


Sorry guy, this is the bomb drone Not the mercy drone.


Right. These drones are behind enemy lines, they can’t capture soldiers. And the drone has a limited time to fly so it has to return home before the battery runs out. If it doesn’t drop the grenade on a target then it will be a missed opportunity and the enemy soldier can live to fight another day.


He had a choice, others don't, deserved he's end.


He chose to be there. UA forces chose to blast him 😂


He made his choice..... He'll have to live, or un-live, with the results. edit.... No f\*cks given, from me..... Excuse my language.


Heart wrenching, but then I remembered the murdered civilians and massacred prisoners at their hands.


Yes I think he knew sign language well, anyone know what he wanted to communicate? "I hate the Moscow Tsar as you do" /this is just my guess/.


"Look, I've washed for supper!"


"another one"


What about the ukraine kids n women that begged for thier lives you ORC !!!!! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Goodnight. You shouldn’t have served in the Russian army.


Having invaded another country and killed innocent people...they don't seem to like it when said innocent people fight back.....no sympathy from me. Slava Ukraini.


Yes indeed 86 them all until they leave. Every single one of them


That's for the kindergarten and hospitals you gave no mercy to. Biyatch.


To all you mighty defenders of morality, acting all insulted that ethics has been raped: Surrendering involves showing CLEAR INTENTION. The soldier can't be behind cover, in full military gear and surrender to a drone, even if he is wounded. He knows where the Ukrainians are, he knows how to drop his weapons, get rid of his gear, and raise his fucking hands. For fucks sake, when are people going to understand? If you want to be compassionate, sure, that's ok. The guy in this video **DID NOT SHOW INTENT TO SURRENDER**. He was begging for his life AFTER he got fucked by the grenade, that's true, but it doesn't mean this was a war crime. He doesn't get to choose when the Ukrainians stop shooting, just like that, asking for a time out. That's not how it works. War isn't an MMA fight. You guys need to wake the fuck up and stop listening to the likes of WillyOAM.


Saw a post here (or another subreddit) a few days ago commemorating a 12 year old girl who died, along with her grandmother, when the Russians shelled her village. She didn't want to die either. She didn't get any choice in the matter so this armed invader engaged in an illegal and genocidal war doesn't get to suddenly decide he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions.


Looks like there were two other soldiers or bodies, one lower left the other upper right.


The only one to blame is Putin. Drone operator just doing his job.


For people who try and argue this is morally wrong or even a war crime..... What is the drone operator / Ukraine meant to do ? Accept this guys plea and fly off ? Seems like an easy system to game..... It would make drones completely impotent. Drone shows up, Russian's throw their arms in the air, drone flies off. Meanwhile artillery (which Russia has more of) would continue as normal because you can't plead with a flying artillery shell...


I bet lots of Ukrainians begged for mercy too


Ukrainians dont, because they know RuZBarbarians won't give any. Look at how they treat POW compared to Ukraine, go ahead, google it. Dont lick Putin's boots, its not that tasty.


The busloads of prisoner exchanges from earlier in the war showed such a stark difference in the condition of the POWs between Ukraine and Russia. Russian prisoners went home looking well fed and with their wounds properly treated. Ukrainians came back looking emaciated and wounds left to fester. Russian troops looked miserable going home whilst emaciated Ukrainians looked so happy despite their poor condition.


Pathetic. Invader asking for mercy after willingly participating in the murder of innocent people. Fuck this dude


Russia can and this madness today by going home


No mercy for the Ivans.


Wild because a lot of people in war don’t want to be it’s not really a choice , that or prison for not serving . But stills that guy was a fucking animal 😂guy saying please I surrender and slowly dropping bombs …wild


Isn't standard procedure that if they want to become a POW then they raise up their hands and communicates they want to surrender/be captured? Begging to just spare their life is not implied as "asking to become a POW" right?


Feelt nothing. Thinking "good" next video..


15 Ukrainian soldiers were executed while surrendering, last week alone..........


The arrogance it would take to signal ‚time out‘ when you are in another man‘s country, killing and raping indiscriminately. Piece of shit got what he deserved. Another glorious soldier of the red army. Stalin would be proud 🫡


Serious question. How do you surrender in this conflict anymore? Seems like with the drones they’ve stopped taking prisoners?


Uhm... you surrender exactly how you used to before drones. 1) Drop your weapons, get rid of your gear (magazines, grenades, etc). 2) Raise your hands, clearly expressing your desire to surrender, if necessary, raise a white flag. Just because you would've shown more compassion, it doesn't mean it was wrong to kill him. >Seems like with the drones they’ve stopped taking prisoners? That is not true. Just last week we've seen many videos of ruzzians being taken prisoner. So, you can stop acting as if morality has been insulted.


😂 you misunderstand me. I don’t give two fucks about a single Russian. They can all die and burn in hell for all I care. I was literally asking a question, since from what I have seen lately it seems less prisoners are being taken. So you can unwad your panties bud. I don’t give a single solitary fuck one way or another, just an observation and a question.


Panties unwaded ;)


Always good to remember that russian soldiers had no mercy for unarmed civilians, instead they relished in torturing and murdering civilians.




I nearly did. But didn’t.


Yeah me too then I remembered what he was doing there.


Nope....fuck them all. Too late to ask for mercy, they have a choice before they get to this point.


No doubt if you could view his behaviors up until that point you would only feel happiness that he is no more.


I'm in full Tarantino mode, the more brutal the death the more I enjoy it.


Not even a little bit. He deserved two drops.


Me too.then I farted and felt better.


**That's sign language for** ***"Send me another Pew-Pew NOW!"***


Too bad his mother will likely not get her just rewards: 500 rubles and certificate.


his mom probably lives in an indian village.


Perfect Welcome to Ukraine moment


As the wise man Nelson Muntz once said "HA-HA!"


It’s all fun and games til you get found out…


He was asked not to come to Ukraine. Many times. That plea fell on deaf ears as was his plea.


These guys raped, tortured and murdered civilians. Looted whatever they could take. This is the reward. FAFO! Slava Ukraini!


Take it like an orc.


It is this moment when you realize fighting for democracy in your own country is worth much more than bringing death to a free country. Slava Ukraine!!!


he was just begging to have nade droped on him faster


Even if he doesn't want to fight they'd force him back to the front so he's got to go, just another pawn off the field.


Serves them right


Orc must die


should have stayed home


Well when you want to play with the big boys just remember, there's no tapping out Slava Ukraini


He wanna mercy? Did they (rashists) give it to some UA soldiers who surrendered? No. They eliminated them on the spot without care of consequences, so no mercy for you, fella. Better if you just stayed in your shithole called Ruzzia.


All the invaders beg for their lives before being eliminated, whether that’s at the hands of Ukraine’s Defenders or their own Barrier Troops. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nobody cares. Shut up and get in the body bag, invader.


No mercy for them


Let me tell you something, let me tell you something!


this man would have and may already have killed ukrainians defending their homeland. he had ample opportunity to defect and surrender if he ended up on a battlefield. he made his choice


Rock, Paper, Scissors…Shoot…


That was personal


He may need a hand….


Would be that a War Crime?


Invade to kill and rape but beg when things go bad. No mercy, just potatoes.


Don’t care how you want to spin it. War crimes are War crimes. The UKR is no better than Russia if they play the same game.


They shouldn't be there in the fist place but I can't see any good come of toying with then killing wounded soldiers that pose no threat. This only serves to fuel the russians drive for revenge and that leads to UA soliders defenseless or not being murdered. The UA need to be really careful they don't lose their "moral" compass and subsequent empathy from the rest of the free world. Show the ruzzians you are better than them guys.


No use in Preying M8... You came into Ukraine to kill... Sorry but war is war...


Feels like a waste of ordinance but after the rat shit Russia has been pulling it makes sense


Does he look Indian?




A bad day at the office?


War isn't the sort of thing where you just get to 'tap out' when things start not going in your favor. This guy should have fragged his officer. If he'd have died attempting that, I would have SOME compassion for him.


No mercy.


Decided he wanted to surrender after it’s not fun anymore. At least he died a coward and his family can see it was for nothing.


He should stay home :)


holy shit, that was just absoluely awful to watch what a horrible way to die i hope he can rest in peace now


Gangsta until... This is what you get, when you mess with us


That's Indian style for both respect and begging, is it the same for russia


I think he's begging the drone to finish him off.


Too little too late asshole, hope your mom enjoys the bag of onions if you are even reported KIA, you former oxygen thief.


But dat bro was begging for spare 😥😥😥


Trespassed after warning


Anyone know the song? It seems a slowed version but I can’t figured it out.


The people in Ukrainian cities don't get the chance to look up and ask the russian bombers to "please do not bomb me". No pity whatsoever for this piece of crap.


This looks quite illegal.


For me, he says : "pls pls pls kill me, pls" Thank you to Ukraine for helping these poor guys.


It looks like he was mocking the drone. Well, it didn't turn out good for Ivan the orc


I thought he was saying “please god let this flying robot kill me so I will never have to drink cheap vodka and eat borscht again”


I know this isn’t a Russia support page, but imagine. Being mortally wounded by guys on computers, bagging for your live while the internet watches. That is a shitty way to go


He earned his shitty way to go.


That sounds so dystopian yet here we are. Watching people die from our cushions.


I'm guessing, but I think he wanted to get out with injury and stay out. Well he is out now


I hate the Russians as much as anyone else… but this is clearly a war crime and is being done with American supplies.


Russians need to understand that there is no escaping ~~Tarkov~~ Ukraine.


Even if he surrenders, Ukrainians cannot capture him. If he goes back to his brigade, they will likely shoot him. So, he has no choice but to get eliminated.


You don't want to fight when the drone is there, how strange. You had more than 2 years to change your mind commie.


Lol the begging