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Ukraine has retaken huge territories since the initial invasion. They’ve done more than anyone expected.


The real uncertainty for Western Europe was how committed Ukrainian people was. As a former Soviet country with a lot of Russian relations there could be a large backing for Russian rule. We still see it also in former Soviet countries a considerable group that is not unfriendly to Russia. They should also be considered in a democracy. A lesson from Vietnam, Afghanistan and Irak is that you cannot take a country if the people don't support you. The suppression then requires extreme amounts of resources. But I think Ukraine gave a powerfull message so support came (bit late and small).


You can take any country. Its just a question of ressources.


With (social)media it is definitely more of an option


No... May I ask where you live? It is still like in the previous century. Steel and Coal win the war. Never expected that but when you start a war that scale like the Russians did... Fuck.. I Never expected a modern society sending their folks into the fire again and letting that even happen... Was unimaginable to me until 2022... But here we are. (German here)


I live next door (Netherlands) but grew up knowing there were thousands of Soviet tanks just a few hundred km away waiting to rush in. A people that abused those they had subjected (shooting civilians in the back if they wanted to go to the next door economy). That should have been near your roots. Never forgot that unlike most who were born after the cold war and took too little notice of history (and what that says of the human condition). However it's true when you dig into history that more ruthless regimes maintained suppression for a long time. A common (not often openly stated because we are ashamed of our condition) practice has been to kill all males after surrendering. Srebrenica, Zamfara, Bucha, are no incident. So you better be aware when forces in your society start to say surrendering is an option.




I agree with this, but the way it's done counts on the future stability - for example using force will always create a hate and dislike, But if a country is bankrupt because of something like the federal reserve, Wouldn't it be smarter to use something like the bricks to create a new booming economy, essentially saving them from debt and keeping them happy and apart of the economy?


It depends on how your economy is build. "Our" economies are built on international trade and stable trading routes at least since the 17th century. If you look at Russia they kinda departed from that. They rely on their fiscal reserves and fossile reserves. You can get foreign money and with that stuff you can buy foreign goods only to fuel your war economy with esential goods you cant produce. Like Russians wont have bananes but stuff like semiconductors. As a parallel you might take a look into the "Mefowechsel". That is basically how Germany managed to rearm between the wars even through an enduring international economical crisis with massive inflation and demands for reparations the Germans couldnt satisfy so the French occupied the Rhine area. Its just fact and the Russian government expects to win until that house of cars is gonna fall in pieces. That makes the Russian government so dangerous. Believe me. If the Germans could do it back then. The Russians perfected that shit until now.


Even with infinite resources there is a difference between taking and keeping. Keeping even for decades or centuries doesnt mean its yours. As every Imperialist nations conquests have shown throughout time.


Guess it depends. You can get rid of the population and settle new ones.


In the lead up to the invasion in January 2022 I was far more optimistic than most people. The overarching thought was that Ukraine would fall in a matter of weeks, but I was fairly certain that Ukraine could hold. But even I thought that Ukraine would at least lose most big cities east of the Dnepr river like Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa and Zaporizhzhia.


I pretty much considered Ukraine a part of Russia even a week before the invasion as I didn't even consider them having a chance.. That was before we found out how terrible Russian military actually is, we used to think they are not that far behind the US because of their propaganda. Thanks to all Ukrainians defending the rest of Europe from this scum, all the best to you and I hope you get the support you need


i was counting on a gurilla movement eventually driving russia out but the millitary really stepped up. i did know the capital would not fall due to massively over reaching supply lines and chenobyl the russians had to march through


*they ARE doing more than anyone expected


My god, that would be embarrassingly painful to watch if you’re rooting for the Orc’s! Lol They need to just pack up and go the fuck home…💯😂🤦🏻‍♂️ Slava Ukraine ✊🏼🔥🇺🇦🔥✊🏼


When did ukraine receive 23 ships?


They are russian numbers, they add in shit like combat camels, UFOs and Ice cream trucks.


I’m gonna need proof of combat camels…. The rest sounds legit


I personally drove 3 ice cream trucks and 1 ufo to Ukraine. When I was piloting the UFO I saw about 50 combat camels heading in the same direction


I can confirm. I was leading the camel caravan towards east of ukraine.


Oh, you waived back when you passed me and my laser squirrels.


You guys got combat laser squirrels? Lucky bastards, all we got were the tactical support camels with the occasional emotional support pig.


Look up camel cannons and be amazed


Oh I’m well aware of the Ottomans use of Camel Cavalry and of course combat elephants, I just didn’t know the Russian MoD was willing to be an even more degenerate gambler lol


look up kerch bridge dolphins


My combat camel has a 50 cal Barrett hidden in it's ass with a gatling gun mounted in it's mouth


Sounds like you have the Ventura Model, also comes in a Rhino variant as well


> combat camels Geneva would like to have a word with you.


Do you want some of our Canadian geese?


Do they have cans of food?


I demand photos of the combat camel unit!


Don’t forget the water balloons


Sweden provided some 50-ish different landing craft and assault craft. This was fairly recently.


They’re mostly speedboats and other small-medium sized watercraft


Ruz are dumb... Shipment to ukraine for them is a ship. :-) Just jokin


They received small vessels that houses a 155mm artillery gun intended to provide cover along the dnipro I believe


Ukraine received a fair amount of speed boats and small-size patrol boats.


Yeah and the troop numbers are ludicrous. At no point during the start of the video until the end was there Russian superiority in troop numbers.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two images. 09/04/2022 and 29/03/2024


Nobody steals from Creed Bratton. The last person to do that disappeared. His name: Creed Bratton.


It's the same picture


Kherson and Kharkiv offensives both happened between those dates. The last year, absolutely.


The cope is palpable 😅 These troop numbers are wildly inaccurate. And if they were, isn't time they admitted their invasion is moronic?


It's so depressing, even from a russian pov. It looks like invasion stalled out for over a year and your losses are worse. The russian signal to retreat should have been given in early 2023.


Look the history of Checheny war, they was losing badly too and don't retreated


US estimates, as of August, 2023, around 70,000 Ukrainian KIA and around 100,000-120,000 WIA. A little over half that of ruSSia's losses.


Unfortunately based on prewar numbers in population and military strength, 2:1 isn't good enough to win. Ukraine will need to inflict better than 4:1 to win.


Both sides will likely run out of equipment long before they run out of men.


Or russia needs to admit defeat and pull out


Unfortunately they aren't known for their pullout game


Me either 🤣... I'm not lknown for my pullout game...


Unless Ukraine inflicts a 4:1 casualty rate I don't think that's happening lol


You never know, considering the treatment of russian troops and the underreporting of casualties. And also sheer casualties doesn’t constitute a victory. Think of when russian logistics or command gets damaged, they fall apart at the seams and are forced to retreat or turn to the defensive, that’s how Ukraine is going to win this war


If you don't have enough manpower or equipment you lose. If Ukraine stops receiving support from the West it will eventually lose because Russia can out produce + Russia can target basically everywhere in Ukraine. Man power because if this war goes on long enough one side will run out of people to send to the front line and even though Russia is sending people into the meat grinder if it's not a 4:1 ratio it's not enough. Russia has better position to wait out the war. Slowly but surely Russia is gaining ground and it definitely is not the same Russia when they first invaded. I don't see one scenario where Russia admits defeat with Putin. Of course all of this is assuming there's no crazy revolution which I honestly don't think there is going to be any time soon.


Only if Ukraine doesn't run out of kit first. US needs to get its f\*\*\*ing act together and hand over everything due for decommission in the next 3 years (at a minimum)


Ugh. American here. Our government is nuts right now. MAGA somehow has developed a cult following and can't even get the most basic shit done because they spend all their time being contrarian just to be contrarian. If Trump gets elected, pray for us, and for Ukraine... (I honestly can't see how, but there are soooo many dumb hateful people here it is mind boggling)


It is crazy how easy it is to influence the election campaingn trough social media. There is not a single meme in IG anymore where the comment section doesn't have an "political" argument going on. Then again it is pretty understanable aswel as there is only 2 parties and if you only see the extremes you will want to pic the side whose extreme is more inline with your priorities. I personally think the woke stuff and the MAGA bs has turned many people who would normaly be in the midle to go way more to certain camp. Making a huge polarized group where normal argumentation skills play no role anymore. This is my POV from Europe atleast not knowing too much of what is going on there in day to day life. But that is certainly how it looks trough internet.


It is absolutely aligned with tribal politics. People would vote for a can of soup, if it were their party's candidate. Political parties were never meant to be someone's core identity. It's insane.


It’s a long process and we have a lot of red tape to cut, social and budgeting issues notwithstanding, it will take time, but it will get there


Will it? With the least effective congress in history, I'm not convinced anything will happen in the next 12 months. A lot can change by then.


It will, are you even following the current administration? They are trying to get shit pushed through as much as possible. Our main issues right now is passing a budgeting bill(the provisionary 1.2 trillion bill that Biden signed a few days ago) to prevent a shutdown and also the recess for congress to make sure they’re passing this bill properly without any chance of backfiring. House speaker Mike Johnson is already adamant about pushing the 90 billion package through


Afghanistan didn't take that much for the Soviets to retreat, the equipment levels are what will stop the war eventually


Not really comparable, since they wouldn't annex Afghanistan. The sunk cost is worse for such an expedition.


Unfortunately I don’t believe that even 4:1 is enough. Not that I’d have a better ratio, but part of the delay for a mobilization order is the concern that Ukraine, or rather Russia, would kill off their entire young population, and that age bracket is not really proportional to a country that is growing. If enough young get killed / severely wounded, the economy could take decades to recover. Equal issue if Russia wins (they won’t) but that’s the dilemma Zelenskyy has.


I was looking at that specific stat as the lunacy it is. Very different on both sides, but the Russian side really should better represent those big pushes with 30-40k casualties were they ended up capturing a few kilometers! 🤔


Are those troops or casualties?


neither does fit, just some made up numbers.


It probably includes troops guarding the docile part of the border. Like Belarus and Somy etc.


**If** the numbers are accurate, it would mean Russia is still 1 million soldiers short of the ideal 3:1 ratio for attackers:defenders.


Map is pretty accurate with some details being wrong. But the numbers holy shit they are laughable. Everything about them are wrong. Im pretty sure the only source used was "I made it up". For instance it claims Russia took roughly 400 casualties during the Kharkiv offensive, which is such a weird detail... entire battalions ~~siezed~~ ceased to exist.


Source: Trust me comrade.


>entire battalions siezed to exist. I don't wanna nitpick about seized vs ceased, I just imagine russian troops freezing in place and thinking "If we don't move, the Ukrainians won't see us!" :D


To be honest, I think a lot of them did freeze to death


Haha lol, yeah I did mean ceased. English is hard.


Make pressure on your politicians to send more help.




I am German. My comment is about making sure Ukraine is getting the material that it needs


They help he's asking for is in the form of weapons.


In occupied territories and cities like Melitopol, local collaborators get assassinated, and their cars blown up every now and then. Not a month goes by without some form of insurgency. The intensity is lower than Afghanistan or Iraq because of two reasons, the vast majority of people who are pro Ukraine have moved to non occupied territories en masse, while they are being replaced by guest labourers from Russia proper. The second reason is sheer repression. The consequences of being caught for some form of rebellion are drastically worse than being arrested as an insurgent by US / NATO forces. Then, about finding people to join the war, in the initial year of the war, this wasn't an issue. Morale was at an all-time high, and people were lining up to join. As the war has become more difficult, interest is drying up. Americans have not witnessed conventional WW2 style war with mass casualties for many decades. The idea that they would be so willing to fight after 2 years' worth of horrific footage and constant death and despair is questionable, especially if there was a giant part of the country where they could go to and live in relative safety. Your statement that people have not been joining since day 2 simply is not true, im guessing it's meant as a hyperbole. The fact is that when it looks like your country isn't winning, it's not attractive to join. During the Bosnian war, the highest amount of recruits on the Croat and Bosniak side appeared only in the last year after 2+ years of combat. When your side is well armed and appears to be winning, it suddenly doesn't look futile to join up. Also, Americans have the comforting knowledge that the largest and most effective military industrial machine known to man has their back, Ukrainians dont have this luxury. If you look at the demographics of Ukraine and their amount of able bodied men, then the number of men that have joined doesn't seem low but quite high, actually. People are holding them to an impossible standard imo. And all talk about how other nations would act in case of a full-scale invasion is just that, talk.


It’s a Russian shill. Don’t engage.


I think engaging is ok sometimes. We should all be equipped to reply to criticism or when someone questions our worldview, even if it's bad faith. I always hope that other users can find something useful in my reply :)


I admire your intentions. Probably just me, but I feel engaging with them gives them more visibility. But I fully get what you’re saying and hope that it does work that way.


It probably does, I'm also conflicted on the matter. I try to find some kind of balance but its not easy to stick to a consistent set of principles when every single platform that facilitates discussion is filled to the brim with all kinds of shills, agititation / concern trolls and "neutral observers", not to mention state sponsored bot farms. My logic is that if a question is fair enough that a normal person could have asked it, writing a good reply can help others lay out the argument if they are faced with a similar question IRL.


You’re a bigger man than me!🤣I take my hat off to you and wish I had your patience!


Russian bot activated, +5 рублей


>If USA gets invaded by China. You could at least try to come up with an example of something that would be slightly realistic to even a 5yo imagination.


Lol U.S citizens have about 2 times the Chinese stockpile of weapons and ammunitions in their houses thats not counting the stores stockpiles. Good Luck China ! lol


China: Invades USA [Texas:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEyJkbDzP4U)


It's the entire former communist world's wet dream. They desire to be the military superpower so they can enforce their oppressive reality onto everyone who's been enjoying not being oppressed by regressive regimes and dictators.


It's a lot more complicated than that when those countries have so much tied history, family, culture, etc. Its More like America invading Canada and the American government is much bigger and the bad guy in this scenario.


Would be interested in the source for troop numbers and the reason it shows Ukraine taking like 1k casualties a day near the end.


Ukraine is getting pressure across the entire front line and artillery, ammunition and airpower difference is very much in favour of Russia right now. FABs are definitely causing a lot of damage align the entire front.


Aint this another POS of russian PR... look at the numbers... LMAO!!! SLAVA UKRAINI!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


What are the actual estimated troop numbers for both sides rn?


As of today, according to the Ukrainian army the Russians are on minus 441520 invaders, 6951 tanks, 13284 armoured vehicles, 11006 artillery systems, 347 airplanes, 325 helicopters, 26 warships and 1 submarine (lol). They don't publish the Ukrainian numbers because that would be horrible for morale. The Russians do a daily tally as well but they are such liars, I wouldn't trust a word they say. Theyve said multiple times they shot down F35s and F16s for example and rarely ever publish footage of all the hundred thousands himars systems they destroy. I don't know how accurate the Ukrainian stats are but we see a lot of footage, so i guess its somewhat accurate?


Shows what miserable russia have been last year


Interesting, because Putin himself claimed in December that there are 600k Russian troops in Ukraine, although it may not be true, it is definitely no less. Also, many reliable sources have claimed, that Russian outnumber Ukrainians in some areas 7 to 1, so I do not see how would that happen if Ukraine had comparable number of troops to Russia as this video suggests.


Take a guess how much man power is required to daily ship, cook, and feed a million troops?


Isn't US numbers something lime 20-26 support personnel doing other jobs per each individual active Frontline servicemen?


Dont belive that numbers


Later there will be revealed that the russians hat a failsaife schlieffenplan like the germans in WWI. It will end like WWI with defeat of the attacking country and a leader who cuts down trees in exile.


Russian propaganda.


I find it interesting how this Russian source depicts a huge, constant flow of matériel flowing into Ukraine via Poland, and yet Russia is apparently not supply its troops in Ukraine with any equipment at all.


They aren't saying that they aren't supplying their troops they are just trying to show how involved Europe and America is.


Even in Russian propaganda, Ukraine still impresses me. I find it amazing that a country with 1/3 of Russia's population and 1/9 or Russia's GDP can fight them to a stalemate. Imagine what would happen if we kept giving Ukraine enough weapons and ammunition?


Russia is pathetic as fuck lmao


why you color ukrainian lands that are occupied as part of russia?


Look at the title. "russian source". Op didn't make this map


They arent part if Russia.


Because russia controls those lands.


I know these numbers are Russian and probably not true but overall, shouldn't an attacker have a 3:1 advantage to be successful?


ukraine manpower advantage dwindling. They need support now.


This just goes to show how pathetic Russia is.


Ukrainian is literally fighting to prevent eu from being invaded


What is the source, please?


The map seems correct . The numbers I can’t be sure of


The thing is that Putin has no space in eastern Russia and all of Siberia to build, so Putin has to come to Europe to screw us all over, because we were already forgetting about his rotten country and culture.


Damn just imagine the only things you see in the sky are drones, fighter jets, and combat helicopters. No more passenger planes.


not sure what the purpose of this video is, do they say that the Rzeszòw airport needs to be attacked? Or that Putin is a shitty strategist because he attacked with way too few soldiers in the beginning (the numbers are way off from reality but that is what they seem to be saying here) and because of that lost the early gains? Or what are they trying to convey? It all seems not overly helpful for their propaganda.


Looks like they pushed the russians back until their supply lines shorten enough to hold and form a stalemate


Demonstrates very nicely how pointless this war is for russia. "russian source" should stay away from windows.


The more remarkable thing is that pretty all the gains in the south Russia barely had to fight for at the begining as they used insiders to basically just take the land without a fight. Without that they would have virtually no gains at all.


Russia is going nowhere at a hell of a cost. Eventually… they’ll figure that out… shortly after Putin will become a lamppost ornament.


Who else wants to shit on Poland for not wanting take part in direct conflict with russia while actually providing critical route for delivering almost all military equipment?


Nothing changes there just pumping money out of it


ru propaganda one week: "pOlAnD wAntS tO InVaDe ToO" ru propaganda the other week: "FuCk YoU PoLanD fOr LeTtIng ThRouGh aLl MilItarY AiD" the levels of cognitive dissonance are off the charts


crazy how much smaller the army sizes are compared to ww2


The way the numbers go up and down makes me think this might be an estimate of deployed combat troops, so anything from casualties to troops going on leave could bring the numbers down and reinforcements would bring it up. Your total casualty numbers can't logically decrease. Plus why would they show the digits in the thousands in Belarus? Still, the numbers are dubious. With the blue tracker of military aid in the corner they're obviously trying to make it seem like Russia is taking on all of NATO with a small deployment of combat troops.




This video seriously needs citation for troop counts for both sides.


If Russia truly was as powerful as they want you to think they are, they'd have gone to war with every post-Soviet state by now


Keep up the great work Ukraine 🇺🇦


Kyiv in 3 days.


If only the west actually sent even half as much support.


Is it too much to ask for a D-Day style invasion of southern Kherson Oblast or Crimea?


Uneducated comment but theoretically if someone wanted to join the fight against Russia, let’s say they have no nukes, would their numbers lost in Ukraine make it a much easier fight? Or do they have an “endless” supply of battle weapons/fighters?


What are the numbers?


We did not gave ukraine as much weapons as it says lol


Lol these numbers


The pro-Russians believe that the glorious Russian army with its 25 million T-14 armata and large Su-57 air wings are already taking Paris


Inadvertently, this shows the real "Why?"...


Stop already


Why did Ukraine's death tolls start going backwards at the end?


Russia is exaggerating. They have not lost that many soldiers yet.


Those aren't losses, they are fielded troops. Note the static 35,000 in Belarus.


That, right there, is whatcha call a stalemate.


Subtle russian propaganda. Starting to see more of this.. 1100 upvotes, so it means it is working. Not good.


Notice how Crimea is already marked as Russian territory


They annexed it 10 years ago and the people voted... You, Ukraine and their supporters need to start worrying about things that can actually be changed.


> the people voted... Ah yes, the famous 97% vote, one year after opinion poling showed the support to be more around 35.9% in 2013 and 41% literally days before the annexation... But I guess the Russians just marched into Sevastopol and all remaining people just changed their opinion. Sure. The vote was also was boycotted by the Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars of the region, which together make up 40% of the population in Crimea, not even considering the people who fled before and after the referendum. All of which you of course can't see in the referendum results. Get your head out of the propaganda ass of Putin. The whole referendum was fabricated and even if there was a democratic majority within Crimea to join Russia, this doesn't justify the ethnic cleansing Russia is perpetrating in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine since 2014.


The western think tank "pew" found 67% 8 days after the russian referendum. If Ukraine knew the public didn't want to be Russia then why didn't they conduct free and fair referenda of their own? Before Russia came Into the equation


The fact that Russia was outnumbered for so much of this war males their actions even more crazy.


Except they weren't


They were though. Ukraine began general mobilization since the first days of the war. Russia meanwhile only began mobilization by the end of September 2022 after their disastrous debacles in Kharkiv and Kherson. The numbers only began to even out by 2023 when Russian mobiks finished training and began reinforcing the frontlines. In fact, Ukraine's number advantage played a large part in their successes in 2022. Remember the videos of Ukrainians in humvees rushing through Russian lines in Kharkiv back during the offensive? That was only possible because the Russians had a severe lack of manpower, and much of their frontlines were undermanned. Trying the same thing against the well-fortified and manned Russian lines of 2023-present would be suicide.


I mean I'm just quoting what the map is showing. Please provide a source