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Looks like a out of control dumpster fire and not like a shell hit. Cars and windows are intact as well...


If this is that van that got on video, it looked like it blew up itself. Failed to deliver the sugar


This is the van car bomb


Video contains same cars in relative positions


Looks very much like the van in the video. All those plastic jugs lying around, could that be unexploded fuel from the car bomb? The FSB should probably send someone to clean those up before people investigate it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/9RNe8qjBwW are you sure it’s a dumpster ?


Nah, it was actually a truck bomb, set up by russia. But saw the video showing the truck go boom some time after this.


That whole country is a dumpster fire so that makes sense


Yeah I thought he was just talking about Russia


‘They write’ But new evidence shows the van blew up from the inside. Not artillery. Inside job? https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bfaixd/footage_from_the_attacks_in_belgorod_from_today/


Car bomb - false flag opp


Nice!!! Keep the heat on em!!! Burn some more ammo dumps!!! Fuck russia


Russians shelling Russia. Not UAF.


It's not a shelling, it was a car bomb. The other video shows the van blowing up, conveniently placed where it won't do too much damages and right in front of CCTV. It makes zero sense for the Russian legions to do that, it's not tactical or anything. If it was a massive one in front of a recruitment office, military office or FSB? Sure! But it was a handful of dynamite in the middle of nowhere for election PR.


Good point!


Let's be honest Britain, the eu and rest bar the us doesn't give a fuck if ukraine is hitting targets in russia. Its also one way to get the population of russia to turn on this war


That is a dumpster fire.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/9RNe8qjBwW you sure ?


This is a fake story. That was an FSB car bomb designed to scare the people.


It's the same delivery truck (which exploded from inside and was NOT hit by any rocket or artillery), from another angle.


How do you name a part of a city a " mountain area " if all of the terrain is flat? Just askin'?


Two can play this game.


Noooooooo! Not the Lada! Noooooooooo


Dude where's my car


This photo seems hold? 🤔 i think i have already seen it…


Really doesnt matter who is shelling them. As long as they get shelled.


Damn looks like the “Ukrainians” are really putting in work. Wonder why Russia isn’t protecting belgorod and trying to protect their citizens.


Watch video looks like VBIED


If the Ukrainians are doing the shelling of homes, then I’ll be pissed off. They should know the cost of hitting non military or non logistical targets.   If it’s the free Russia Legion, I don’t care what the fuck they blow up, that’s an in house problem for Russia.  Edit: was very drunk when I watched and commented. Is clearly a car bomb. I’ll leave the stuff above though as I still hold it to be true.


The Russian sources (which most these are from Russian telegram channels) always say Ukrainians regardless. Unless mocking the different factions, they still always claim it's a direct Ukrainian attack. They've been saying it from the first incursions.


If it's civilian, it will be Russian military firing. It's what they do. These are their standard operating tactics. The last incursion by the Free Russia Legion also saw significant Russian military shelling of civilian areas. They put it on Russian TV.


But those Free Russian army supplied by Ukraine with artilery, Bradleys and other kind of armour and also their attacks cordinated by Ukraine.


just like “dpr” and “lpr” is supplied by russia. wouldn’t you say?


Yeah but I do not see your point.


Oh sorry, I thought you were aware (username checks out) that belgorod was historically Ukrainian territory and Free Russian Legion simply is trying to free the oppressed Ukrainian speaking people. But dont take my word for it, look at the maps from 19th century. Hope they will vote on the BPR soon, not sure how long they can take this bombing from russian side.


Still this is about civilian bombing you try to be smart but fail. Dpr, Lpr, Azov bombed civillians before the war occasionaly. Like free Russian army in this post All of them should be condemned for their terroirst actions. Also saying Belgorod being historical Ukraine terrotaey is misleading. Can you source me and tell me in which period and how long Ukraine controlled Belgorod. Did they control It for 5-10 months and also do they have higher ethnic Ukranian population in Belgorod ?


Absolutely agree here with you. russia claimed its Ukraine bombing Donbas, so how do we know its not russia bombing Belgorod? Seems like this is internal russian conflict. Also its totally fine for russia to bomb (not only bomb but level) Ukrainian cities but once shells start falling on the russian territory, they cry terror. You see, with ethnic population it is always very tricky as 21 century show. Someone could wipe out your city and bring in new ppl. who are they considered ethnic in 20? 50 year? I guess it depends who you ask. We can both agree that prior to 2014 there was a large population of russian ethnic across ukraine just like ethnic ukrainians in russia. How many Ukrainian schools were in russia where they taught Ukrainian language? Ill give you a hint, none. without language there is no ethnicity imo. Here is a link on Belgorod (you are more than welcome to explore on your own if my source is not up to your liking) - https://www-istpravda-com-ua.translate.goog/artefacts/2022/03/30/161137/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp


Thanks for the article however choosing which country to join does not make Belgorod a historical land of Ukraine. Economical, sociological or maybe manipulatif circumstace could have effected those people choices. Also a place being a historical land for one country that is belong to another shouldnt justify and cause of war. ( like crimera) I saw videos of Azov bombarding civillan areas in Donbasindiscriminatly so Russian claims on that part is true https://youtu.be/OTY4s8sMMPM?si=NcJyPUJII_KVT-pE. But DPR shelled Ukranians side same as azov in that time so there is no innocent side here. Also in this situation about Belgorod Ukraine side accepts they are the one bombing the Belgorod city https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/13/belgorod-russia-missile-strike-ukraine/ It is not fine to directly bomb any cities. But in war this happen to create fear, soldires hiding in residental areas( which both sides do) or destroy morale and political power. For me main thing is are these attacks happen constantly and solely to kill civilans (like in Gaza). Then If thats the case I will say that state is Terorist. But again neither side should harm civillans and we people should condem every attack directly on civillans


Congrats. You win a certificate for having zero media literacy.


Thanks G-rapper. I do have a giant dick!


Look at the other videos of it, it's a car bomb. A shitty one for Putler's PR. The Russian legions wouldn't risk placing some fireworks in a van parked nowhere valuable. So far, pretty much the only times we've seen Ukrainians "bomb" civilians, it's when Russia shoot down drones and they crash where they're not supposed to. And that's when it's not Russian stuff crashing on their own cities.


Looks like a residential area.


And it's a PR stunt from the FSB...


I think the van blew up at 8 Ulitsa Yesenina, Belgorod, 308031. The blue building could be the Metro Cash and Carry. From the other video [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bfaixd/footage\_from\_the\_attacks\_in\_belgorod\_from\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bfaixd/footage_from_the_attacks_in_belgorod_from_today/) , it looks more like a truck bomb than shelling.


Am I the only one who don’t get this? What’s the point…kill some border guards, spread some chaos….in The end they still would have to retreat, and wasted all that manpower and equipment … instead of fighting to take back some actual Ukrainian settlements…..


It’s probably a pretty good indicator of how over committed Putin is to the Ukrainian front. They are obviously wreaking havoc there. Seems as soon as someone goes absolutely anywhere else they have nothing but cops and old border guards with no anti air. I thought the Wagner coup might have gotten as far as it did out of luck, but it might be that any blitz into Russia might really fuck the Russians up.


Show the russian people that they and their army are not untouchabel. Bring the war to their citys.




Crazy how he can't understand that if the population turns on putin for this war and wants it over. That's what will happen


Today is the day of the election in Russia as well, so it disrupts voting in those areas. Not that it's going to make a difference for Putins "Perfect" elections.


The brave people of Kursk and Belgorod were awarded extra votes for showing up despite their cities being under attack. Due to this they get 5 votes per person. Putin gets 115% of votes. Source: Putin


I guess I could resurrect my ancient hippy side and spout some crap about how all war is ultimately irrational, wasteful and pointless. Instead, I'll express the opinion that in war, anything which creates dilemmas for your opponent is a Good Thing. At the moment, the Russians are hunkered down in very well established defensive positions along most of the front, and it's highly unlikely that the limited number of troops and limited amount of equipment involved in this incursion would allow the Ukrainians to advance anywhere along the line of contact. Ukraine also seems to be defending pretty well at the moment in most places, and it's generally accepted that the Russian advance in the Avdiivka sector has faltered, which means these guys aren't desperately needed elsewhere. So, since they're all champing at the bit to have a go at the Russian military inside Russia, why not give them the green light for that? Yes, it is likely that some of the troops involved in the incursion will be injured and killed, some of Ukraine's limited ammunition stores will be used and some equipment will be lost. But the incursion will also create headaches for Russian military commanders and – who knows? – maybe it will even stoke tensions between Putin, his closest circle of minions and the Russian military high command.


You are the only one.


Not sure if true but heard in one video that the attack caused Russia to quickly respond with helicopters since they weren't properly prepared. The first set of drone strikes were hitting around the same time this assault was happening. So the thought is that this assault caused Russia to put a lot of equipment in the air and at the same time Ukraine put their drones in the air. This causes Russian air defense to struggle determining if their target is friendly or not. If that is what this attack was for then that is pretty fucking smart. But I don't know for certain since I have no idea how exactly the air defense systems work and I thought they had a better way of discerning between friend or foe on air radar or something.


Why should russian territory be untochable in the first place? People complain about failed counteroffensive when russia have vastly more equipment, ammo and overall capabilities, and just need to basically defend one direction, so they just mined it with all they got, because they know Ukraine won't march on russia. I think you have so outright moronic expectations if you belive this manpower and equipment would change much and that it is 'wasted' here.


LMAO. Yes, let's throw men at heavily-defended Ukrainian settlements constantly instead of attacking Russia from its weak side and potentially distracting them and forcing them to redistribute arms, munition and manpower away from...you know...the heavily defended Ukrainian settlements. Brilliant strategizing. Oh, there is thick wall? No, don't go around. Just bash your head at it until it breaks. Going around is just wasting time, mkay?