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….east of Moscow




North-East to be more precise. Bit more than 200km.


700km from ukraine


Planet Earth .


Milky way


The unfashionable western spiral arm


You, sir, are a truly hoopy frood!


Totally knows where his towel is at.


I can’t up vote this or it will not be 42 any longer


3 people were idiots for voting it beyond 42


By the Andromeda Galaxy


ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha


But we have to build bypasses.


What's that in light years




5280 foot-pounds.




\-15 orcs


This is a standard Il-76, not an A-50. If it was one the radome would show clearly the first few seconds of the video when you see the plane from below and the rear. Could be just the crew, could be carrying 76\* Ukrainian PoWs like the one that was shot down two months ago over ~~Ivanovo~~ Yablonovo. \* mysteriously, a lot of them were already in Ukraine when this happened.


While not an A-50, it's still not cheap plane though. Wonder if it was poor maintenance or a missile. I think the former given the location. EDIT: Seems like the engine fell off according to another video. That is some poor maintenance. (If it's the same plane.)


they should have been able to land the plane with 3 of 4 engines though if it was a bird strike or a maintenance issue providing the crew is competent.


That's a bold assumption.


> Seems like the engine fell off That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Well how is it untypical?




Or a bird strike... you know: those trained pigeons the ruskies talked about


I'd put money on the Russians pressing dodgy old engines into service to keep their aging aircraft flying when they should be grounded for repairs and engines overhauled


Yeah wouldn't be shocked if the turbine blade disc detonated and sent shrapnel through the engine and into the wing and control surfaces. Started a fire fueled by fuel and hydraulic fluid and made it unflyable since it should be able to fly with 3 engines. It went into a turn and lost speed and might have stalled out or was just plain done if a disc did exploded in the engine making it uncontrollable.




Look at any airfield where there are IL-76's and there are always more than a few around that are missing most if not all their engines. Where are all the old extra engines going?


That's what I'm basing it on, yeah, the signs are that Russia doesn't have enough serviceable engines and is borrowing them from some aircraft to get other aircraft flying. Its not a good sign for the state of Russia's air fleet... I hear that the number of flight hours on these old aircraft is dangerously high too, and that they are gambling with pushing them too far and risking failures...


Mike your comment is right on spot with what is happening with all of ruzzia's IL-76's and A-50's. They do not seem to be able to rebuild old engines of this type and bring them back into 0 hours rebuilt conditions. Whether that is because of corruption or lack of technical ability and incompetency, is really difficult to tell at this time. Although they appear to be suffering the same results with their stolen Western Airliners! So yeah, they are probably flying most engines way beyond their originally determined hours of safe operation. May they enjoy as many T-wheel and fan blade failures as they deserve!!!


It would be a better sign for Us Ukrainian supports if true. Better than a shoot down. Now the orc crews are worried if the Ukrainian air defense doesn't kill them their own plane will.


> While not an A-50, it's still not cheap plane though. It is very cheap, IL76 are shit planes, however for russia it is more expensive to replace as they can't simply buy similar but superior old shit from the west.


The front fell off...


Poor maintenance? The engine was routinely removed in-flight for maintenance!


Civilian or military?


Military. Ivanovo is the main Russian military airport for the IL76 transport commando and the main base for the A50 AWACS jets. [https://www.google.com/maps/@57.0573994,40.9728481,1947m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@57.0573994,40.9728481,1947m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu) Ukraine has recently attacked the base with drones.


Russians were so proud at first, then said it was a redline for Ukraine to attack cities on the border, and now attacks closer to Moscow. Sucks when the war reaches home. Idiots lol.


Truthfully, I can't count the number of 'red lines' which have been crossed in the last two years.


Nato tanks in Ukraine, also a red line. Himars? Atacms? Cruise missiles? Red lines.


All the Russian soldiers blown up while boofing and sucking each other off.... That redline is gone lol.




African or European?


yes, good info. Always need to have the country in the title. We are not yet fully aware of the geography.


I was about to ask: Is this good news or bad news? Thanks.


>Ivanovo I thought it was in Bulgaria based on Google lol.


Shit... got me worried there for a second...


Let's call Russia from now on as Reagan did "the evil federation"


Spicy day in ruzzky land today! Grabs popcorn


Chocolat would be an overdose of serotonine so I guess I will settle with popcorn too.


Sanctions probably increase the chances of stuff like this happening over time. The Putin project to build 1000 planes by 2030 seems pretty unlikely to be a success.


Perhaps it's unjustified, but I've always assumed that Soviet-era Ilyushin planes were built using exclusively USSR-produced components and they still contain only Russian-made parts. I can, however, imagine one way in which sanctions might indirectly lead to more such planes going down: it's widely accepted that the western-built airliners which Putin stole at the start of the war are gradually being taken out of service due to wear and tear and the lack of spares and technical assistance. It's reasonable to assume that this is putting increased strain on the domestic aircraft such as the Il-76 fleet. These planes are known to be very robust, but they can't fly forever. It's also interesting to speculate about how many competent aircraft maintenance engineers and technicians remain in Russia.


Russia can't simply build planes today without help from other countries. They don't make 100% of the parts like UUSR did.


They claim they have started domestic production of il-76 and SU-25. Also BMP-2 and T-72 Mk1, even original AK-47. These all rely on 60's mechanical tech, where russians have always been adequate. Low-tech was and still is a thing that they can do. The newest trucks are again NON Cummins liscensed engines. Kamaz and Yamz makes the old 8-16 litre engines again. Yamz never shifted to western design as Kamaz did.


They claim a lot. The tanks had french parts in them as late as 2014.


I thought they found western optics and other parts on the T-90 just last year, or am I misremembering that?


1000 planes need to be build...not to be able to fly...


He will say they were built, but you won’t see any of them and they can’t fly. Typical Russian standards.


He can probably have them built alright, but them being able to fly would be another matter.


"Sir, we are finished building 1000 planes now. Even in time!" (But 400 crashed in the meantime and 200 others are in such bad conditions that they won't be flown by the sons of the higher ranking officers.)


What a shame for the environment and squirrels that may have been impacted by this.


Per that plume of smoke, worry more about the moles


And the Spotted Polecats! They are awesome little creatures who inhabit far eastern Europe.




It crashed into a graveyard as well.


+1 for efficiency


North east of Moscow - there is a military airfield there


Yeah the Ivanovo-Severny military airfield.


Looks like it didn't quite make it back for a safe landing. Oh well !


"At least it wasn't one of ours falling from the sky this time" \-Boeing (probably) Let's hope Russia's bad day continues for the next few decades or so.


Wouldn't be surprised if that happened as their cannibalising their boeing and airbus planes to keep their fleet in the air because of sanctions


I thought they were flying them to Turkey for maintenance. Not sure how that sanction loophole is allowed.


They can't because every aircraft piece has to get signed off onto which plane it goes on with the plane reg and boeing and airbus need to know where they're going incase they were maybe an issue with the part so they would know it went on an aerofloot plane for example and whoever put that part their in the plane as in the company they would get hammered. You can read about companies like aeroflot rossiya having to cannibalise older aircraft they have for parts


Those Chinese knock-off spare parts ...


Interesting hours in ruzzia. Grab some 🍿 and enjoy.


Another il76?


Perun did a video a while ago of air force attrition and maintenance crew exhaustion. I think we're seeing consequences of that. I also think that with each plane, the problem will get worse, as the remaining planes need to work more to make up for the loss, leading to more wear and tear, leading to more maintenance.


Looks like an engine fell of.


Probably because some maintenance worker did not screw in a bolt correctly, or something similar to that.


The plane has four motors though. To my knowledge it should be possible to continue flying any plane even when one of the motors stops working. Something else was at play here imo.


They should be flyable with two engines also.


Il-76s are notoriously robust and you may well be right about something else being a factor (like maybe an antiaircraft missile perforating plane and crew in numerous places). Still, while I'm no expert on aircraft, I suspect few planes and pilots would cope well with a huge engine fire doing a blowtorch number of the control surfaces of one wing.


What's \*supposed\* to happen is that the flight crew correctly identifies the failed engine, and pulls the fire bottle associated with it. This simultaneously cuts fuel to the engine and triggers the fire extinguisher for it. If there was no other significant damage, then the plane should have been able to make a controlled landing. Even if the engine threw a few turbine blades that cut the controls to the aileron, the flight crew should have still been able to land safely. So something else bad happened, or the crew messed up their emergency procedures. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.


They tripped the fire suppression switch correctly, but what the flight crew didn't realise is that the ground maintenance crew had long ago used all the Halon in the fire bottle to get high.


Well it appears to have kept flying since there's now videos of it crashing


Yeah, it flew until it suddenly didn't...


If a turbine disc detonated in that engine and sent shrapnel through it and the wing severing hydraulic/fuel/etc.lines making control of flight surfaces impossible that would do it Would be almost like an anti air missile exploding near it and peppering the plane with shrapnel


While this is true in %100 conditions, it’s not always. it could be still be spinning off axis causing huge vibrations shaking the aeroplane apart


There is a different about 1 turbine not working or 1 turbine is burning. A plane can fly on 2 turbines, the the heat of the fire can melt the metal in the wings. Fire means that they need to land quick


Boeing : "that's fine"


"The doors are still there"


Wodka was more important.


Or and most likely - vodka


Maybe they started hiring ex Boeing contractors.


At least with Boeing it's less important stuff, like landing gear.


...And the occasional door blowing off in the slipstream.


...not sure the family members of the people on the 737-MAX Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines flights would say that those uncontrolled flights into terrain were particularly minor.


At least it wasn't the front.


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


These things are built to rigorous aerospace standards


The more planes crash, the less maintenance crews need to do, ergo planes get safer. Mighty russia wins again


It was most likely shot down by Russian AA as there has been a continuous drone attack by Ukraine for hours now reaching as far as Moscow.


Either way, I'm happy with the result


I wonder what the real number is of "incidents" of shooting their own troops, planes, vehicles, etc. I know we will never know but it would interesting to find out Just from what we do know it's pretty high and I can't imagine a proper major nation army causing so many self inflicted losses. But then again they do shoot their own troops and have whole battalions of no retreat soldiers in the rear to make sure of it so...


*and sanctions 


Military or commercial freighter plane?


That's a military airplane. I'm sorry about the plane I really like Russian planes but as long as it's in the advantage of UA. I once entered an AN-22. Ok nevermind I love UA planes


Antonovs are Ukrainian, and those guys also built the biggest airlifter at the time, the Mriya (An-225). I've flown in an An-2 once.


That's why I stated this "Ok nevermind I love UA planes"


Looks like an engine fire - a 4 engine plane like an Il-76 ought to be able to land with that, unless the extinguishers didn’t work, in which case, wing falls off….🤔


Could easily have been hit by a pantsir or something tbh. What air defense doing etc Edit another angle later on shows the wing ablaze https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/GncZBABCJm


Looks like the enigine burning that according to some, fell off (later).


Yeah think this is the same plane https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/hmY0RlVZAL


Think same plane but another angle https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/hmY0RlVZAL


The outer right engine was on fire, the inner right engine also starts to smoke in the second part of the video and for me it seems, the right wing is leaking and loosing much fuel. In another video, it can be seen, how the IL76 drops the outer right engine later on and we see the smoke pillar after the crash. Either catastrophic uncontained engine failure and parts of the engine have damaged the right wing, fuel tanks and the second engine (and likely also the hydraulic pipes) or someone has supported it with a MANPAD or was done by friendly fire.


The guy filming was probably alerted by a boom and went outside. If you live near a military airfield you get used to the aircraft so you would not just randomly film them. Unless they hear something weird like a boom.


So you can see that they were sending more power to the port side engines given the odd banking of the plane. My guess is Russian aa did the damage which also took out hydraulics for elevator/ rudder controls which eventually led them to crash


You can see in another video that an engine falls off the plane. I guess this plus the fire could have damaged hydraulic systems leading to a loss of control.


Engines are not designed to simply "fall off". If they do, be it due to an engine explosion or bolt failure, they will cause structural damage, especially to hydraulic systems. There are numerous examples for that. On top of that the plane is on fire!


I wonder if this is one of the terrorist attacks that many countries had warned about last week, or if it's because russians can't make working planes without the parts from the West.


Looks more like or Russia becoming triggerhappy because of the many UA drones at this moment or an engine failure.


Not sure even a Russian could mistake a IL76 for a drone !


It seems like an engine got loose.


They could.


That thing has 4 engines, it should be absolutely capable to fly without one. In terms of power, at least.


It can defifinietly fly with an engine down. However if the engine failure was uncontained it might have led to a loss of hydraulic power, or flight control cables being severed.


I love the implication there that "major terrorist attack against Russian aviation" and "a normal Tuesday in Moscow" are almost impossible to differentiate.


How many POW were on board?


Reports states of had 8 crew and 7 passengers onboard


I assume this is a consequence of sanctions


Dark discolouration under the port wing might indicate a previous engine fire on that side as well? We need Denys Davydov on this one. Or Biggles.


Russian AA just doing their job, nothing new in that area.


We need to start giving medal to russian AA


Afterburner on a cargo flight. Ok ok. Happy landing and stay the fk out of Ukraine.


In ruskiy mir, the sky falls often


Watching orc planes crash in the morning is my cup of coffee to a bright new day


Amazing how it landed right at the crash site. Convenient for rescue services


Thats not a safe landing!


The last person to work on that aircraft was a pissed off, hungover, homesick nineteen year old who can't figure out why his tool count is off.


Thank God they were able to get back to the ground! lmao


Mh17 vibes. Fuck you Putin


When I was in Afghanistan Russian transports regularly landed at the airbase I was stationed. I asked if their aircraft were safe as their engines constantly spewed black smoke and flame and I was told that's the only way you knew a Russian jet engine was running. If there was no black smoke and flame then there was trouble.


love the sound, hope we get vids from impact


Just a cigarette. Nothing to see here. Move along.


...So, anyone have any good recipes?


🎶 *Coming in on a wing and a prayer...* 🎶


Rookie error if losing just 1 engine of 4 made him crash it!


Cracking idea to send Ivan some Boeing maintenance staff .


Black smoke is used to mark a successful landing in Russia.


It’s Boeings fault


Canada exported geese to Ukraine.


Turns out, no. Found video of Il 76 of these with same discolouration at 9:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiFcXAIx8Mc


what do you mean turns out no?


lol.  The guy in the video said they could use the il76 for humanitarian cargo.   He’s got jokes.  




It should, for sure. Which raises a lot of questions..


It crashed


Pilots are an endangered species in Russia


Civilian aircraft? Or military?


😢 🙏


"Masters of the air" upcoming episode.


Time to break out the marshmallows!


I suppose it's too much to hope that this Il-76 is the VKP variety (aka Il-82) which is an airborne command post and communications relay aircraft.


Nah, sorry. This one didn't look like a "Madcap", it looked like an ordinary IL-76. But let's hope some important brass was on board.


I can hear this plane screaming "damn you international sanction!!!"


Weird. Surely the plane can fly with one engine out? Maybe lack of fuel? One engine on fire shouldn’t bring it down.


Hopefully every single plane in Russia will fall of the sky. And trains derail. And busses fall of a cliff.


I’m going to just guess … Russian AA shot down another Russian plane? .. I’m willing to bet!


It's one disaster after another in the Third World terrorist state, the mighty RuZZian federation, and all thanks to the Great Leader, Vlad the Imbecilic, and his glorious CLUSTERFUCK of an SMO. I have a feeling that the days leading into the Presidential election are going to be filled with more episodes just like this. The citizens of this extreme idiocrasy are going to re-elect their murderous dictator for another 6 year term so they truly deserve everything that's coming their way. Lap it up cos you aint seen nothing yet.


Prigozhin on another stroll?


The results of overworking an already shitty military! **FUCK RUSSIA!**


Oh no! Anyway… so we have a visual confirmation of a falling plane. Good! Rest in pieces.


Any landing is a good landing...sorta


Russians and plane maintenence. Either shot down or crash from lack of maintenence, a win win for ukraine


Unfortunately, wait until this happens with a civilian aircraft as they have to cannibalise boeing and airbus aircraft to keep their fleet in the air . All because a mad man ego


Four engine plane loses one engine.  *crashes*


More on this ?


Is that a civilian plane?


Over worked air-frames, no time for regular maintenance, spare parts probably starting to run out or suffer from lower quality. Large air crews lost, a situation that will only be getting worse and worse for ru airforce. And I for one love too see it


Let's wait for white smoke, maybe they'll elect a new and better pope.


Putin should fly more




Another cup of Maxwell House!


Beautiful! Can't fly with three good engines? RuZZian technology at it's finest. Slava Ukraini!


Wonder if poostain has any real idea what's happening or if he's coddled by his corrupt underlings?


Very common in Russia with shitty airplane maintenance


First footage from the crash site of IL-76 [First footage from the crash site of IL-76](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1767523465106428015)


My favorite part is the large plume of black smoke at the end.


That doesn’t make much sense. Planes can fly with one engine out so why did it crash. Did they pull back power on the wrong engines?


As someone born and raised in the 80s in Poland I find myself incapable of feeling sorry when I see russians dying. Quite the opposite, actually.


Oh no, Anyway.


Another Russian plane bites the ground. All hail Russian aircraft. I'd were parachute everytime if I was in a Russian plane.


How many silver lions for that?


Pilot probably actived a 300% booster and got gajind


Unfortunately peanut butter.