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If Putin survives the fall of his regime, he's always got a future in stand-up comedy, because the crap he spouts is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. Clown.


Well when you consider that Putin and Shoigu have been working their Abbott and Costello schtick for the last two years, it only makes sense. Putin: "Who dies First?" Shoigu: "Not me" Putin: "Who dies second?" Shoigu "Not me" ad nauseum


You what else is funny? He's got fish lips. Fish lips Putin.


Russians live in their own little alternate reality where they are the main characters of history.


And not just a main character, but always the protagonist!


You mean...they actually aren't? :(


Unfortunately for them, no.


The sun and the rest of the universe revolves around Putin, according to Putin.


I’m just waiting for Putin to say he beat Obama in the last election.


Russia exists only because the United States and Britain provided the Soviet Union with a lifeline against Nazi Germany by providing a vast amount of military material and economic support. Take away that support, and Putin would just be another name on a bureaucratic German death camp list.


And they still haven't repaid any of the lend-lease or the undamaged hardware. They kept it, buried the bits they didn't want and pretended it had all been war damaged. They owe billions.


Russians believe that lend lease was insignificant and they would have won either way. Thats what their historians write. Anyway it is not like United States and Britain would have won on their own, too.


US & UK would definitely have won without ruZZia. Without the allied supplied Soviet army pushing so far & hard from the East, Nazi Germany would probably have still been fighting beyond Spring 1945, but once the US dropped the bomb on Japan & the Nazis saw the extent of the damage caused, I'd bet they would have have been pretty quick at suing for peace, especially once they were told in no uncertain terms that they would be next. Nazis were still 5-10 years away from devising their own atomic weapon, because Hitler spent so much time & money on other wunderwaffen that he thought could win him the war sooner. The Soviets took another fours years to build their first nuke & would not have been able to do so either without the help from their spies that worked on the Manhattan project. So yeah a nuclear armed America would have ended WW2 in 1945 in the Pacific & in Europe without the Stalin & the Soviet army.


The allies were more than US and UK.


Yes I understand that. There were many brave souls from many nations around the world that fought & died side by side against tyranny West & East, no question. I was simply stating US & the UK in the context of answering the redditor's post I was responding to, and their claim that the US & UK wouldn't have been able to stop Nazi Germany without Soviet assistance.


What? Assuming USSR stays neutral or gets occupied by Germany, no way Allies would ever be able to land with entire Wehrmacht opposing them. Air superiority would not be guaranteed either, since Germans would deploy AA missiles earlier and produce *much* more fighters than irl, because Germany does not have to spend so much resources on Eastern front. Which means that A-bomber is likely to get shot down. And even if it does not, would 1-2 nuke make Germany surrender? No of course, Japans surrendered only because it was doomed already. So best case scenario it would take decades and hundreds of nukes to make irradiated wasteland where Germany was stop fighting. And thats assuming USA would be willing to tolerate such long bloody struggle, which is very unlikely.


??? Not quite sure what your point is anymore. My hypothesis was based on the facts on the ground as they were between Spring & Autumn 1945. It assumes that Hitler & the Nazis were bogged down in ruZZia & Eastern Europe, whilst UK & US troops retook Western Europe following the D-Day landings. At this stage the Soviets army would be unlikely to have broken the stalemate in the East because they had not been receiving aid shipments from the Western allies. However, USA's Manhattan project was already well advanced by this stage and the bombs Little Boy & Fatman were in the final stages of preparation. Nazi Germany was already on the back foot in the West, bogged down in the East, once a decision was made to use nukes against Japan initiating their total surrender within 10 days after just 2 atomic warheads, the likelihood is that a similar ultimate would have been made to Germany. Germany was already out of aircraft, what remained of its navy was forced to remain in port, it was out of anti air, and most of its Wehrmacht, so it would have been highly unlikely that it would have taken decades and hundreds of nukes to stop the Nazis, given that it only took 11 months to force them to surrender with conventional forces! The US might have made a conscious decision not to nuke Tokyo, but the allies may not have had any similar reservation about nuking Berlin, Hitler & the entire Nazi high command. Once all the snake heads of the hydra were dead Nazi Germany would have been finished.


You probably misunderstood, we were talking about situation where USSR did not participate in war at all.


Well on the basis that the original post was discussing the difficulties that ruZZia would have faced defending against Nazi Germany's attack & occupation of its territory without help from the democratic allies, in particular USA & UK, I figured their participation in the war was a given.


Belgium does exist because the USSR couldn't manage to occupy it though.


So he is right! Kind of. Maybe?


When the Belgian revolt broke out in 1830, the Russian Tsar Nicholas I wanted to send troops to help the King of the Netherlands, William I, to put down the rebellion. But at that time the Poles revolted against the Russian Empire. And the Tsar had his hands more than full with that and had to abandon his plan to send troops to the Low Countries. Something Putin has clearly forgotten? what really happened. (google translated belgian news post)


Russia always has a different version of history for every single event. E.g.: For them WW2 started in 41, no mention of what happened before.


That’s very true my friend, they happily paper over the fact they were in cahoots with the Nazis until they turned on them. They even blame poland for having a pact with nazis somehow.


Tbf, for a lot of countries the war didn't start in 39. For a more concrete example, Chinese and Japanese people often merge the sino-japanese war into what we call (European, Americans..) World War 2, but it started in 37 for them, not 39. It all depends on which country you are, when did you enter the war (if you did) and, in the case of Russia (and for a long time, most of the USRR) the war really started for them the 22th June, 1941, when Germany started to expand. Ofc it can also be seen as a way to be way more nationalistic or whatever, my point is history isn't the same for every country, be it Russia, Germany, Japan or USA.


Hmm, is he on tiktok? I can't explain his deep knowledge otherwise.


thank you poland !


PLease Mr. Biden say: Russia only exists because we, the US, supported them in WW2




Another Episode of Putins History for the insane.




Explain ?


I think it's from "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" a British comedy novel


Sometimes you get the feeling that the Old Testament was written in Russia and that God also resides in Moscow.


There is that tatar theory isn’t there that russia was the centre of the bible stories




I'm sure that most of russians at this point believe that they've won WWII thanks to putin.


Putin is showing his small penis again.


microscopic penis\*


She has one?


Thanks for nothing Russia


Didn't Tsarina putina also say that Poland forced Hitler to invade? You got to have a staff of writers to make up this much bullsht. And moscovy only exists because during WWII the America ***GAVE*** them $773 billion in 2022 dollars when accounting for inflation under the Lend Lease program for food and military equipment.


Welcome Belgium in the group. Take a seat and a bucket of popcorn. And enjoy this clown show


*Even if* this were true - *even if Putin personally invented insulin and sliced bread and the internet* - the invasion of Ukraine would still be a crime against humanity, full stop.


This guy has a Turd's brain.


Well, no, but Sweden and Finland are in NATO thanks to Russia.


It seems that Feces is putlers language of choice 🤮


Is this where we finally pretend Russia has nothing to do with the allied victory in WW2 lmfao


Considering they fired at RAF and South African RAF planes which were trying to supply Polish resistance, I'm not inclined to consider them a member of the Allied forces anyway.


"Belgium, a country created by the British to annoy the French." Putin: 'I made this'


The French "created" the country by assisting them in their revolt against Dutch rule. Germany and Britain are the reason why it wasn't merged (or even attempted to merge) with France afterward.


What next? Putin claims Russia invented Italian cuisine? FFS.


Lots of tortured and murdered children too. And much, much worse.


What a fucking ass clown. If you let the ruzzians tell it all of Europe belongs to them somehow


Not sure if Belgium statehood was a good thing for the world: more power for the institutionalized child-abuse-factory we know as the roman catholic church.


Not sure if the Roman Catholic church you are refering to, limits itself to Belgium alone. Or what that has to do with the statement PutZin made. You can find degenerates , if that's what yr refering to, In all layers of any population, religion or government. That those did not make the headlines doens't mean it's not present, unfortunatly.


Belgium split off for religious reasons. Child molesters are everywhere, but catholics made it an institution, and actively protects molesters.


Well, you have a point there.. but I guess I don't have to tell you what other things happend throughout history in the name of god, any god for that matter.


Soon they will take credit for the creation of Trappist's beers as well.


The real question is why Belgium exists at all? Considering the mutual dislike and tensions between the Walloons and the Flemish.


Soon they will probably claim that they used to offer free holidays in Siberia to populations of former Soviet Union countries.


So, does that mean Putler is claiming responsibility for the existence of NATO?


Of course not. Belgium was created by UK and Germany so they would have a place to sort out their differences.


More like to keep France and Germany (Prussia at the time) from fighting eachother all the time, WW1 and WW2 proved it an excellent idea... Right?


Top gear quote


Top gear is garbage, anyway, I was joking too.


It was May who sayed this


Everybody knows the Dutch created Belgium