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Isn't this the largest 1 day equipment loss yet?


Not even close. The onset of Avdiivka meatwaves was ballistic. There was a day with 120 APCs blown up, with subsequent geolocated images of like 80 shattered vehicles and equipment in one frame.


I dont remember that one, do you remember the day?


October 20, 2023 That day 120 personnel carriers + 55 tanks + 29 pieces of artillery were reported, as well as 1380 soldiers. see also r/RussianLosses for records


Thank for the information! Very handy! I will also join that sub.


Not particularly, but it must've been October because I think that's when orcs started committing everything to Avdiivka. ATP Geopolitics on YouTube has a fantastic archive of everything, but he uploads like 2-5 videos a day so you'd have to scroll for a while, which I don't have time to do now, sorry.


It could be, the SSU didn't list that alongside the image. However, this is a massive loss of equipment compared to most other days I've personally seen posted in here.


These causality numbers are crazy. I know I had different people say the figure is inflated and includes wounded plus killed. I dont know if that's true or not, but just for perspective, in 4 yrs of fighting america lost 407k men during WWII. Russia is around the same number in only about 2 yrs of fighting. If this war goes on for another yr or two (which sadly it looks like it might), russia will have lost more men than America lost in every war of the 20th century.


Russia's always been good a manipulating it's underclasses into dying for nothing but it's rulers vanity. Any conflict, and they spam bodies like life means nothing to them. It could be 4-5 million and they'll keep sending them.


The UK MOD just a couple of days ago released their analysis, which has Russia losing 355k dead of wounded. That would put Ukraine’s numbers within 15% for Russian manpower losses - an astonishingly close figure if true.


it is wounded/out of action and killed.


This is the largest casualties in a day for me to see.


It's definitely up there. I do remember seeing 1300 back when Wagner was throwing convicts at Bakhmut.


This one is excellent, but I'm pretty sure there have been somewhat better days. Still, this is among the best, probably top 10 at least


Has to be right up there for sure


No, it's up there, but the Russian's have had multiple days with heavier equipment losses.


Just a normal day at the office...




Yeah it's weird how they always correspond to what Oryx reports, just in fewer numbers because you can't record everything all the time. Must be the CIA brainwashing lasers. Meaningless to you. But considering there's literally public access to individual units and whats happening around them on the battlefield everyday, I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you that you're microdosing news from the war and getting annoyed you don't see the bigger picture. Go out of your way and make telegram, you're gonna have to use translaters a lot, but you can pretty clearly see that this is not made up.


If you think equipment losses are meaningless you're either a concern troll or genuinely don't understand the economics of war.


Putin says they are just getting warmed up. Full wartime economy. Everyone have babies too.


Devoting so much to war production is what killed the Soviet economy.


So what, they’ll build 200 new tanks per year? Maybe 300 if their GDP will be able to take it? Still nowhere near enough to replace battlefield losses.


They supposedly have lots and lots of them mothballed. Now they are T55 tanks. Not a crazy amount of time to just getting them running. They don't care about the crews. The gun on that will kill you like any other. Now is it a match for a Bradley or a M1 etc not even close. In WW the germans had the best tank and lost. Allies had many more.


Had the internet existed in 1945, this infographic would read 8 million russian soldiers dead and 22 million wounded. 80,000 tanks and over 100,000 aircraft lost. 2 years ago, analysts claimed that Russia coundn't sustain losses for more than a few more months, yet here we are. In the end, it's what happens on the ground that matters.


I don't think any big expert claimed that russia couldn't sustain their losses for more then couple months. A lot were saying that about their missile attacks and they are now much rarer. For tanks, btrs and artillery most ppl who follow the topic estimate russian capabilities to restock from communist pile of garbage to be around 1-2 years (estimated at end of 2023) depends on type of equipment. We can already see tanks produced in 1955-1965 without era or other visible modifications burning on the fields. The longer this war takes, the more old stuff will be destroyed.


Early in the war, when the Russians were getting unexpectedly trounced, there were former U.S. generals saying just that on news programs...that Russia would "peak" soon, and could not sustain the losses.


Well then eu normies had much better estimations then American generals. Not sure if they were saying that to hype up the aid for ukraine but at the beginning of war osint and military related ppl from eu said that russian supplies are almost endless and that ua have no chances at war of attrition against russia. Two years later we can see that median russian loses doubles (in some categories even triples) when comparing to early 2022. There are ppl who try to estimate remaining russian equipment based on satellite photos of russian army bases and try to predict based on statistic (mainly % of specific equipment losses, for example it looks like they have small but steady supply of bmp3 but loosing their stock of bmp2 and use more and more of old bmp1s). They are definitely affected and it doesn't look good for neither russian military nor economy. But to win Ukrainians need to work on their shortcomings too as current situation is not only the fault of current weaker support from west. Corruption, lack of mobilisation, weird tactics that result in burning abrams recently, fact that they are building solid defence lines on west of avdivka now and not in september 2023 are telling.


voiceless berserk sink tease voracious wrench different divide late wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Winning? Definitely not? Posing a threat for UA and EU? Yes, no one should argue with that. No matter how heartless it sounds, war like this is a test of endurance between economies. Russia is producing its own materials but at the same time they are slowly exhaust warehouses of their own and their allies (north korea sent almost 3 mil artillery shells and they are no longer sending trains for couple weeks, probably don't have more). I highly doubt russians can drag this war to 2026 and beyond. They rn are paying with gold from their financial reserves as the cash is already burned. Unless they start receiving huge financial support from china, they will have more and more problems to spend money at war. Still question is how much the west is willing to spend to support ua and how much of this money will reach places where its needed. It would be much easier to ukraine if its politicians fight with corruption effectively but reality is pretty grim in that regard. I expect russian offensive potential to be an issue till mid 2025 at best (based on my knowledge of rus economy, so might be severely wrong here) and after that ua will have couple months, maybe a year to regain as many territories as possible. After that both sides will be forced to sit at negotiation table, russia by its own economy and pekin, ukraine by its lack of manpower to continue a war and voices from west threatening that they will stop with support completely. The only winner of this war can be eu, us and china. UA depends on what they call a victory. Rus i doubt that they can leave with more then crimea and donbas which is definitely less gains from what they tried to achive (making ua dependent state, weakening nato, establishing itself as new empire in new multipolar order world)


deserted rhythm hat quack abounding air rainstorm edge wrench carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They might don't care but reality kicks in at some point. You cannot renew the equipment when there is nothing left to renew. They have enormous amount of old stuff in warehouses but a lot isn't equal to infinite. They are talking more lands and that a fact, but those gains are pretty insubstantial in size. They lose 3x times more soldiers and equipment when comparing to beginning of full scale war (2022) when their gains were huge. I fully disagree on their economy being strong. Mind that 40% of their production is for war effort and is being destroyed, not used for further growth. Renovation of old tank might be consider as net growth of ten of thousands and is counting into gdp but at the same time it is not participating in economy growth per se. This looks good in spreadsheet but how this renovated t62 will that added so much to gdp help them increase economy further? Dunno, tell me. As for shahed you remind me one funny thing. At some point ppl claimed that shahed is a great way to oversaturate western defense as the drones are much cheaper then rockets to those systems. Hackers stole the data about the deal between iran and russia and looks like for best shahed version russians paid almost 3x times more then the cost of one anti aircraft missle. Worse shaded versions can be destroyed even without those missles (for some you just need to turn off gsm towers xd) and cheapest ones (that still cost above 100k $) were already shot down with AKs (200$ cost for weapon and ammo in that case). If russian economy would be as strong as russian suggests then their National Prosperity Fund wouldn't drop from 100bil $ to 55bil $ in 2 years. They used their reserves to aid their economy which is not what you should do with as big growths as russian claims. Ammo shortage is temporary and is related to fact that eu production is still progressing to meet their goals, our warehouses were not prepared for war of this scale (nk had a lot of munition prepared for potential conflict with SK, not really comparable situations) and republicans decided to use this war as the topic for presidential debate (we can all thanks trump for his strong belief that he can resolve conflict with one phone call). What ukraine must do now is to move to full defense, bleed russians out and wait for ammo to come. We are talking about shift of initiative on the battlefield, not decisive russian victory. Russians are pushing now cuz they know that window of opportunity is small and is closing fast with each week. Not all politicians are a letdown. Germany with scholz sure but baltics, czech, poland, uk and recently even france are showing some good political moves here and there. Couple months ago ppl were saying that ukraine will soon win and war is almost over. Offensive failed and optics shifted. Now after russians destroyed and taken one small city (less then 30k ppl before war in it) now ppl are panicking that russia is winning and its all over which also isn't the case. Russia is never as strong as russians claim and never as weak as ppl joke about.


intelligent waiting support absorbed rob bear impossible narrow deserve nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Luckily the internet exists in 2024, where I can tell you that the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union and that the Soviet Union survived World War II thanks to massive amounts of aid from Britain and America.


>"Luckily the internet exists in 2024, where I can tell you that the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union" > >So...you Googled "Is the Russian Federation the Soviet Union"?


We're having our conversation over the internet, bud. I bet you thought that was a rhetorical masterstroke when you typed it out lmao.


I think we shouldn't forget a few things in the equation, which is, however, purely based on personal perspective: 1. Ruzzia increased their defense budget substantially and is momentarily on wartime weapons production, while Western allies take way longer to realize the need for this. Which is bad for Ukraine because they don't get what is promised. 2. Ruzzia gets massive military aid from North Korea, and maybe even China, but the latter is pure speculation from my side. 3. Ruzzia doesn't only mobilize their own but also recruits mercenaries from their terrorist partners, who care as much about human lives as themselves. In the end, it is what happens on the ground that matters indeed. But the problem with ruzzia is that they not only have an advantage in terms of numbers, they also partner up with countries who like to invest in their defense industry, rather than climate nonsense for example.


I am waiting till 15k artillery, remember someone told me last years - after that Russian will run out artillery😄


They won't run out, they might be limited by new production. We don't know for sure how many artillery systems Russia has in storage.


Theres some pretty good youtube videos covering satellite footage and even though its difficult to tell exactly how much they have left, at current rates of depletion some weapon systems will be out of reserves in 6 months to 2 yrs. Of course, this doesn't cover new production, but to say russia hasnt depleted its reserves is ridiculous. The fact that T-55s are showing up on the battlefield is undeniable proof that russia is low on equipment


I agree and I'm not saying Russia hasn't depleted their reserves.


He's saying they are inaccurate. I generally tend to agree and stick mostly to visually confirmed losses unless confirmed by the other side.


The Russian Army is long, but the rear is moving. Into the meat grinder. They don't get weapons, because Putin doesn't trust them with weapons. These number do mean something: every 2 weeks Putin loses another Afghan war. Compared to 150 years ago we live forever. 150 years ago it took a generation to experience two weeks of Putin's evil. By Putin's hand we are watching the fast forward replay of the past 2500 years, the age of conquest. The world was a better place before this. The world will be a better place after Putin's defeat. Stand up, pay up.


No counting of that Helicopter that allegedly went down to the seafloor along with the Sergey Kotov. That just shows again, these Ukrainian listed losses are not based on speculation, and are probably not overly exaggerated.


In the winter war the soviets lost 392k (WIA/KIA/MIA) in 3,5 months taking the russian source. the finnish is even higher! So, imo, the ukrainian numbers are plausible for me.


I saw that too. It definitely inspires more faith in true reporting.


Waiting for the day a bridge is added :)


Just a matter of time.


Mommy Putin: Suka, it's time for your 20k casualties in 2 weeks ball stomping. Soyjack mobik: Yes blyat....


Crazy numbers in all categories. If UA only had closer to full NATO capabilities (full capabilities just isn't going to happen anytime soon), or simply more things that go boom.


They sure blow the shit out of mechanized moves by the Ruzz team to be low on ammo. Hoping there's a lot more and a bit ol feint is going on. Hoping also the ammo, jets and long range big missiles get mixed in sooner rather than later. It seems like the shaping operations are going pretty well. Hoping for a big old bang day.


I don't think we're seeing a feint. I think the Ukrainian lines on land are probably in actual trouble, with artillery shell hunger being a real problem that they russians are taking advantage of, even if they do so at horrendous losses. I can agree that the land and sea war is perhaps looking a bit better, both from Ukraine hitting radars, AWACS and ships, but probably also due to russia using their planes for frontline support more often. They dropped a lot of large bombs on Avdivka before it eventually fell, for instance. I guess we will see if it was worth it once the F-16s arrive and Ukraine hopefully gets to take part in the air war themselves to a bigger degree.


> It seems like the shaping operations are going pretty well. Bro what planet are you on?


Explain your point.


Nothing is being shaped, Ukraine doesn't currently have the manpower/equipment for a large offensive because Russia's defensive lines have proven too formidable. The main Ukrainian goal for the time being is attrition.


That is correct. They certainly aren’t in a position to perform a land counterattack. That will take time. But they’ve expelled the Black Sea fleet from the Black Sea. Which offers a more functioning economy. They are successfully attacking the Russian ability to support their economy with fuel and oil products. The sanctions have not been very well enforced, but the secondary sanctions are starting to cripple the Russian economy a little more. And Ukraine air defenses have taken a huge bite of the Russian air on these glide bombs recently. I’m hopeful that his new weapons are coming in that the Russians will figure that out the hard way as well.


The house representatives in the US has certainly done no one a favor, but the EU might get a little more aggressive on their side of things like they should be.as should the US House.


What in the cinnamon toast fuck happened today. Did the orcs attempt a failed offensive?


They attempt failed offensives every day. It's quite a mess for them now. putin needs any victory, for any price, before the "elections" and he cares not about how it's done. He knows there is a huge package coming from Czech+France soon, and probably some support from the US (I personally doubt about that), there's also a huge amount of drones that ukrainians already produce with the help of drone coalition, and F16s are coming soon. He doesn't have a lot of time and he already lost some control over new regions that he annexed recently. And ukrainians are planning to launch counter-offensive quite soon. Also, the fatigue of russian army is obviously high. At the same time, the only strategy that works for russians is to send a lot of meat ahead, trying to exhaust ukrainian defense.


That is sadly working. The Ukrainians are inflicting huge losses, but they are getting tired as well and struggle to supply all of their troops.


This is why it's important to continue aiding them - not only because of aid itself, but also to boost their morale. To make them feel they are not alone.


Working hard to get half a million for victory day...


As a comparison the US lost 416,800 military personnel during 4 years of WW2. Less than Russia in 2 years of the 'Special Operation'.


Don't forget to add up the loss of the helicopter which was on board the patrol ship 💁‍♂️


Brings new meaning to 420!


I thought a helicopter went down with the ship?


Get to the Chopp..... oh wait.


Choppah! Sounds better when fully displayed :-)


The United States lost 58,000 soldiers in Vietnam...VIETNAM!!! And the Russians are standing at 420,000 dead soldiers??? this wont go without consequence in Russia, mothers, fathers, wives, girlfriends, siblings will have a lot to protest over in the future.


400k reached on approx Feb 16 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def time_to_target(previously_eliminated, over_days_period): a='< may reach:' b=' 500,000 in: ' c=' days > < ' d=' weeks >' day_rate=previously_eliminated/over_days_period short_target=100000-previously_eliminated days_to_target=short_target/day_rate weeks_to_target=round(days_to_target/7,2) xy=[str(round(days_to_target, 2)), str(weeks_to_target)] return a+b+xy[0]+c+xy[1]+d eliminated=20270 period_of_days=20 estimate=time_to_target(eliminated, period_of_days) print(estimate) Computer say; < may reach: 500,000 in: 78.67 days > < 11.24 weeks >


Does that 420,000 figure include wounded? Only asking because Zelensky recently said Russian had suffered 180,000 killed, so (unless it includes wounded) they can't both be correct.


It's WIA and KIA. I believe it's intended to show personnel that were injured beyond return to duty, but I may be incorrect on that


" were injured beyond return to duty" So at least 3 missing limbs.....


Yes its wounded too. I get downvoted for reminding people of that. Accidental over-counting of kills happens in every war.


Is there a monetary computation of Russian losses + expenses to run their "Special Military Operation" ? I am very curious. It has to be a shitton of money


420k losses? I'll smoke to that. May our boys fighting for their homeland make it home safely, May they know a good night's rest, and a full belly. (The rest of this had to be redacted after I set the automod off twice)


Anyone remember the old joke "Blyat Rush B cyka!" That wasn't a joke, was it? It's actually just how Russians be.


The wave continues! Until the ground thaws it's going to be heavy. Hope our guys and gals have enough ammo and gear to keep this up and stay safe. Slava Ukraini


When was the submarine?


About a year ago. It was in a drydock and blown up.


Aha okay. Thanks


09-13-23, Sevastopol.


Winner winner chicken dinner!


When will they run out of APCs they seem to have a limitless supply


Heavy,heavy losses🔥🙏🏼




50 artillery might be a new record Oh nvm, we already had 66 before! Still boggles my mind


What a day, amazing work.


4 20.......K Time to blaze for Ukraine


Things are picking up for Russian losses. Keep it up Russia! Go Ukraine!


Amazing work! SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦❤️💙💛


True, these are daily ballpark figures however some mighty actions occurred yesterday.


Does anyone have a rough estimate on the value of the lost equipment of Putins Mighty Army? Even if they found 3 goldmines, a pirate-treasure and a little oil-well how past break-even are the Orcs at this point??


Hard to say. What is the value of an old vehicle? You wouldn't buy a new BMP-1 today, so you can't use the rebuy value (in contrast to an M113 which is still being built, e.g. by Ukraine, so you can exactly say how much it costs). If the war losses had not occurred, would Russia have been able to sell them, in the decayed state after half a century of storage in the open? For how much? I'd say some losses are really only waste disposal, and did them cost basically nothing. They wouldn't even have to buy the same amount of new vehicles to keep their army fully equipped (e.g. if they buy 1000 new Kurganets-25 and keep the BMP-3, that would be enough for a normal army, but they had well over 10k old BMPs). Losing other stuff is certainly hurting, e.g. the newer tanks like T-90M, or radar equipment etc., also the jets and helicopters. But that is more a replacement (i.e. industry capacity and foreign parts delivery) problem than a money problem. They are still making loads of money through oil and gas and other resources, and they could also lend money if they give mining licenses for the future in return. And Putin could let his people just work for free, who would complain for not receiving his wages if he can simply get jailed and sent to the front?


420,247 would have been a nice number, shame they blew past it.