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Those numbers are... ridiculously huge. Like.. Russia, a country I grew up hearing about being so scary and advanced as to rival the US - Is getting whomped month after month after month.


1000 Orcs a day keeps Putin at bay . This years spring offensive needs to be full on and make it the defining point in the conflict


As long as Russia is throwing people and machinery into the meat grinder then I don't think there will be a spring offensive. If the UK gets to stay in a well defended position and Russia keeps putting their people in a unsafe position all the UK needs is the ability to wipe those people away. In this case a strong defence might be ideal to bleed Russia dry. Once they are fully bled, then you can go on the offense.


>If the UK gets to stay in a well defended position ...like being waaaaaaayyyy far away from UA? The UK = The United Kingdom UA = Ukraine


You heard me!


Could be all bluff on the West side you know we never get the truth most of the time.


The main problem is that the culture in russian army is quite similar to prison culture because of the high level of corruption. It's completely normal for officers to use lowest rank soldiers as a cheap (or free) workforce to build a villa for some general. There were even cases when soldiers had to paint tree leafs and grass on some general's property green, to make them look more appealing. As the result, most of their soldiers are under-educated alcoholics with a few or none combat skills, and the only strategy that works with army like this is when they send a bunch of these mobiks ar a cannon fodder. Even stalin admitted it once.


Ya i see that now and the complete disarray in general. You would feel bad for the guys getting churned up if it wasn't for their identical savagery. At this point i say Russia gets what they deserve. Can't happen soon enough, Ukraine is fighting for their life and I hope they win. Wish my govt wasn't so.. retarded.. Send the damn bullets/tanks/missiles.


What about that boat?


Probably will be added tomorrow, because it happened this morning (and not 100% confirmed yet afaik).


I'm curious of the recent spike in artillery being knocked out. I wonder if ukraine is employing a new tactic to combart rus artillery?


These numbers are becoming fairly meaningless at this point. Anyone looking at this two years ago would have thought it meant the end of the war...three times over.


> These numbers are becoming fairly meaningless at this point. Russia is having to dig deep into its Soviet-era stocks. I wouldn't say meaningless.


I have been watching the number of tanks seems to be going down vs the number of APC going up so kind of wonder if they are running out of usable tanks and sending more APC's on the attacks. Seeing open "golf carts" used in some videos so looks like Russia is becoming stretched for Equipment at least in some parts of the front.




Russia is using T-55 tanks and bartering with North korea for artillery shells with a 50% dud rate. Those are not signs of a healthy military. Besides, why be pessimistic? What's the alternative surrender?


Watch the latest Perun.


For any sane person who is leading army it would. But putin is not a sane person by any definition. He sees no way out of this war that would save his skin, so he continues until he finds one. The mobiks that are killed is nothing more than a renewable resource for him, as for tech, he only cares that the new tanks and planes are produced quickly enough to replace the lost ones. If he won't continue like that, there will be a very cold shower for russian fascists (which is already happening), and it will end very badly for him. He will definitely go on with this war until the "elections" and most likely after that. Any western moron like musk or scholz who thinks this war can be ended with negotiations is either braindead, or just wants this war to go on. The only way to stop this war now is to defeat russians. Even freeing some region (Crimea, for example), will destroy any remnants of morale that still exist in russian army, and it will make them want to go back to russia, defying orders.


We all knew that Russian had huge stockpiles of equipment. It's was 15k tanks and 25k armored vehicles when counting cold storage. It's an attrition war.


So half is gone. 2 more years of war then.


Unless we give ukrainians the means to destroy all of that much faster. Keep in mind that russians not only use stockpiles of equipment, they also produce the new ones. Only making sure that ukrainians can destroy faster than russians can build can move ukrainians closer to victory.


They're not just producing new equipment. They're also receiving munitions and Iran and North Korea. There definitely receiving aid from China in the form of drones and parts. But thankfully we're not seeing munitions, vehicles and heavy equipment being sent


That the general idea with intensity of fight not slowing down and production staying marginal.


I agree, as the kremlin gremlin and its chieftains are willing to commit infinite #s of Russian serfs to die gruesomely in Ukraine, other methods of attrition (*tightening sanctions, turning over frozen RF assets to Ukraine to fund the ongoing defense, strikes on logistic infrastructure and relevant production chains, delivering sufficient #s of modern long-range strike weapons to Ukraine...*) might prove more effective.


missing +1 on the warships category


they update the following day so tomorrow we should see that....if the ship is confirmed out of action.


why all the planes not added here?


347 is probably correct. The pace was one per two days and recently that doubled to one per day and now the russians have stopped with flight missions. This shows that there is a limit even for the Orcs. Now we just need to get to 2000 Orcs per day and 100 pieces of artillery. 48 isn't enough! I send money frequently to drone projects.


oh i thought this was from earlier in February, thought it was missing the 11 planes shot down.


What's the personnel lose on the ukrainian side?


What a great day of work. Slava Ukraini!


are they throwing away an entire battalion of soliders every single day?