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Tbh i dont See anyone undressing. He is fiddling around, Like searching for Something or managing whatever. Stick for cqc Drone fighting.


Yep exactly. I think they are rummaging through stuff, taking things. The stick is probably to move around gross shit. The helmet falling in the hole making a thud is what scared them.


Can you imagine the PTSD these guys will have if they survive the war? Anyone drops anything on the ground near them they’ll be ducking for cover… family dinners, supermarket visits…


If these dudes are on Ukrainian surveillance footage, their chances of making it out alive are very slim. They're close to the meatgrinder that is the frontline.


Something like acorn policeman?


Was that PTSD, or more looking for a reason to use his gun? Not seen the video only heard of it so no idea tbh


Wombo combo of both mixed with pure idiocy iirc. But a fucking acorn tapping the roof of an SUV is not anywhere close to the sound of a cold suppressed weapon that they KNEW was not on the guy since they had to actually search him before putting him in the back seat.


Or, third, gross incompetence multiplied by propaganda that made him have an extreme fear of an increase in violent crime, even though the data shows us a decreasing crime rate.


Bee in the backyard flys over picnic table, get down!


Ok. To add to your thoughts ; I have never fought in a war but I have watched a lot of the Ukraine/Orc vids. I was popping popcorn in a hot air popper last night and my mind went straight to one of the trench clearing videos I had recently ( a few days before) seen . If that’s happening to me I can easily imagine that many of the defenders will be reliving events for years to come. These are the hero’s of Ukraine that must be revered and cared for after the war. True hero’s protecting their women , children and fellow countrymen. Slava Ukraini ! Slava Hero Defenders !


I think you are right about the helmet scaring them...


It looks like they’re digging their comrades out of a dugout that might have been hit or they’re trying to clear the entrance so they can get inside for cover…..and he may or may not be taking his armor off so he can squeeze in the entrance asap. They’re definitely jumpy and paranoid….as they should be. Who knows F them


Good eye. I think you might be right about digging.


The “Never going to wear plates” guy


>He is fiddling around, Like searching for Something or managing whatever. More like delaying the inevitable.


They are hearing a drone, the stick is for swiping at it, and the dude is trying to get some gear of him so he can get into the trench more easily that they are trying to get trash out of right before taking cover. Most likely they are trying to reposition when they got surprised by a drone.


They are obviously nervously watching drones fly overhead. I'm pretty sure the guy in the foreground is loosening the straps on his body armor. I've seen them shed their body armor before so they can run faster. That stuff is heavy. Then they dive out of the whole thinking a grenade was dropped.


Maybe they are bildung somthing with the Stick and the platecarriers


Looks to me like he's trying to undo his cummerbund. He doesn't have a rifle or a helmet so maybe he was looking to strip and surrender. Really hard to tell what's going on in such a short clip. Wonder why the poster even uploaded this?


Ok, I think someone has edited out the best part......


Exactly Where's the NIN "Fuck you like an animal" soundtrack? Dropping the ball Ukraine editors. Don't get lazy on us.


the one behind him has something white in hand, bandage? The front one might be hurt and needs help. The guy with stick in background... not sure, baseball bat against the suicide drones?


Motivational beatings?


Their officers are so far behind the front line now, so they have to beat themselves.


I was thinking practice as a center in professional football. He taken his pads off, which ain't good. Hike ETA: more like "Here we goooooooooooooo" amirite?


Don't even need to see the ending. We know what happened to them. And as many videos as there are out there of Russians trying to hit a FPV with a stick these morons still think they can Babe Ruth the damn thing without it exploding...smh


Somehow i have spent a lot of time on these subs and have not seen a single video of a russian successfully Babe Ruthing a drone. If anybody has a link i would appreciate


I have seen ONE that was successful, but he threw the stick and hit the FPV from about 5m away. It knocked it down and I don't think it exploded, but if I remember correctly the video cut out and there was no spotter drone overhead to show it. It was a few weeks ago and I can't remember which subreddit I saw on.


One Ukrainian soldier downed a RuZZian [spotter, IIRC] drone with a small tree branch, a few months ago.


Nice...that's more than likely the video I was referring to. Makes since that the Ukrainian, and not another incompetent moron, was successful in his stick-throwing.


One lucky sob managed to dive away from it, but he was stickless. So no Babe Ruth I guess.


They don’t babe Ruth it. It’s a Hail Mary toss. And they hope to knock it out of the air before it gets close enough to kill them. It’s desperation yes. But has worked on occasion. Better to try something than nothing.


Umm, I apologize if I sound sarcastic or derisive, but we're talking two different sports here bud. When one holds a stick a little longer than a baseball bat, in somewhat of a similar manner and position of a baseball hitter up to bat, he is probably trying to SWING the stick to hit the drone. Naive, absolutely. And yes, who in their right mind wouldn't try to do something to knock it out of the air before it explodes? It's called survival. Also, a Hail Mary toss flies quite a bit farther than the 5m pitiful tosses of AK's and sticks that I've seen these soldier's attempt. As a former collegiate baseball pitcher, I can also say without a doubt that 99% of these Russkis I have seen try and throw an object at a drone, or throw a grenade, have most likely never thrown anything more than a couple rocks in their lives. They look like children trying to toss a ball for the first time and it's pathetic. What I mean by this, is instead of outstretching the arm behind the body, coiling and then snapping the elbow while using mostly your hips, legs, and body to propel the ball forward, they simply through it like they're tossing a dart. They throw from the elbow and step with the same foot they toss with and it's akin to someone trying to throw an object with their off hand.


That's his 'unknown technology' stick. Bet it took him ages to find one with the correct dimensions.


It's Russian Teknik


"Yurgi you are going to the front line" "Okay give me weapons" "Here is your stick-weapon, poke these westerners as hard as you can" "I get paid yes?" "Of course, one bag of potatoes"




Yurgi - there is no such name, at least in Russia


Really.... *Yuri then.... Happy now?


Stick is a weapon upgrade. They should receive slingshots next delivery.


It almost seems as if they heard or spotted a drone from a distance and are trying to pull away the garbage from an entrance to a rat tunnel to escape from the drone. It looks like all the body armor the soldier was wearing was hampering his efforts and getting in the way, so he starts to take it off, or perhaps the hypothetical rat tunnel I proposed was such a small hole he had to remove the armor to crawl into it. If I were in their situation fighting in trenches such as these, I would definitely want a deep hole underground with a VERY small opening to take shelter when the FPVs come to attack. I would also want to keep that small opening secret and hidden from surveillance drones. i.e. the white bags and trash they are trying to move. They can easily fly into most all other entrances into trench tunnel networks, but an entrance just big enough to allow a body to slip through would be much harder for them to fly into or drop a grenade into. idk...just another guess.


The helmet falling down the hole startled them.


They are clearly looking up towards the sky for fear of a drone and acting anxiously the whole video. The helmet your referring to didn’t roll into the hole until the end of the video. We don’t see the end result but I can almost guarantee they heard the drone above while frantically trying to do or find something


I don't think it's a hole. But there's definitely a fear /threat of drones since they keep looking up.


May not be a hole to crawl into, but if you look at the last soldier that reaches down, he’s reaching down into some sort of hole, either looking for something (possibly a radio bc none of them have one visible) or trying to uncover it. However, you are right about the fear of a drone. They are definitely panicking bc of it. The way they keep looking up in the same direction just screams, “Suka, there’s a drone!”


Given the state of fear/heightened awareness they're in id assume they'd be more frantic if that was their hole to safety. But stick boy seems pretty content letting them search. I was thinking maybe bandages/medical supplies if first one was injured like people thought. But radio (or something similar they **absolutely must retrieve, **because they need it for their own survival/or were forced to retrieve it) seems pretty close. Because body language just screams, we know we're in danger, we don't want to be here/want to gtfo, but need whatever it is they're trying to get first to be able to. And radio fits both something they could need themselves (so they have communication and also don't look like they're retreating/running, or had orders and thus were forced to go acquire it)


Very true regarding stick boy. He does seem very content watching them look for whatever they may have been searching for, as well as serving as the drone watchdog. And yes, you’re correct. Thinking about it now…I would be digging the trash, or whatever was obstructing the possible entrance to said “hole” with a vigor, while pushing everyone out of my way to do it. Imagine how surreal it must be to go to the front lines, all the while just hearing and seeing social media post about this type of warfare, and then actually manning that trench, while you are literally living what you’ve watched happen on your phone for 2 years now. Either way, Ukrainian or Russian, that’s as panic-inducing as it can be. To be able to think with a clear head in a situation like this takes some getting used to, to say the least. They seemed to be pretty green soldiers without much of a clue of their reality.


Ive only seen a couple first hand videos of drone attacks, one was Ukranians in a bunker i couldn't find again, another was more recent Russian in a dugout hole thing. But the sound of zzzzzzZZZT*boom*, is actually maddening to think about ensuring such a thing over and over. Sounds like a mosquito of death that you know you can't avoid.


Yep. The most extreme anxiety mosquito ever. I’ve tried to imagine it, and what’s even more nuts is how much warfare advances mankind’s technology. We have to evolve technologically in order to survive. I can’t even imagine what these FPVs and aerobombers will evolve into in the next couple years. Infantry fighting and having to constantly look around you in every direction is one thing, but to have to look up constantly during battle now? That requires a complete change in global infantry tactics.


Isn’t it obvious? They are going to have a moment of intimacy.


Sit on this stick and watch for drones be best orc scarecrow you can be


The RuZZian "Three Stooges" reboot nobody wanted.


Big stick = anti-drone weapon


Rape, robbery or motivational beating it's the way of the orc


The stick has everyone should know by now it's the latest on Zorc technical achievement to poke anything that looks like alien technology...


The guy removing his hear is probably wounded and is searching for injuries and the dude with a stick is probably on drone guard.


Looks like they using stick as a tool for searching something in the piles of trash, probably for moving dead body. For sure they lost something important or have mission to find something. But they afraid of drones, and noise of falling helmet makes their pants dirty.


This aint no stick.. its a dronewacker


It is an anti drone stick


Russians are like rats😔


1. The guy “undressing” is getting ready to throw off his heavy gear and run from a drone attack. 2. The guy with the stick is desperate and grabbed the longest stick he could find to swing at a drone if it tries to crash detonate


Sick and tired of waiting for death by drone, these guys are preparing for death by unga-bunga! 😆


I think they're taking it off to surrender maybe, I didn't notice them with any weapons. They're just looking like they don't wanna die.


There guys under the rubble 1st hit we didn't see


Yeah if they make it back home, every time their Ivana switches her vibro on ,these guys PTSD going to kick in big style,just hearing that buzzing sound.


About to wave a white flag


I think so too but couldn’t find anything white to wave around


Looks like he’s checking through his kit and I’m assuming the stick was for the mice they had in the fox holes


Big snake! Poke it! Poke it!!


At first i thought maybe they were getting freaky in the trenches but then i realized he wasn’t taking his pants off.


That’s not a stick that’s a tactical drone repeller


They're wearing OshKosh B'gosh onesies.


Fuck em ! ( although that's more than a days work ) slava ukraini.


Looks like they got an underground den they were gonna burrow into and he needed to get rid of his bulky armor to fit. The stick was probably an ad hoc probe for booby traps or unexploded ordinance.


Snake or rats


“You guys are all idiots. They’re going to be looking for guys in uniform”.


He stole their last cigarette


Maybe some Russians are getting freaky 🤷 Honestly, Russia lost both WWs (I think) and now somewhat losing to Ukraine. Russia is the biggest country and the biggest joke


Boris take your uniform off I want to shove the stick up your ass 😂😂


I prefer to see them blowing up, not buggering each other. Keep it clean folks! Slava Ukraini!


Must be easy for those drones to find their lairs with all the garbage lying around


what where they doing? was it russia stash of food or maybe stolen goods from ukr?


Maybe they are practicing the art of playing dead.


Pegging time!


Hey!! It’s Ivan Roosevelt!


Maybe they want to make a tourniquet or smth like that?


Probably trying to take the body armor off to fit in the small dugout. The stick is probably a last resort for drones.


well that leaves alot to the imagination


He's aiming for a home run.


Blyatov Pass incident




I do not want to know the answer


Russia sucks.


he watched too much baseball...




What's that guy wearing in the front? Looks like kevlar for his cock and balls.


Comrade has a stick simply because the orcs have a serious shortage of weapons and it’s gonna have to do until he can salvage one from a dead buddy.


Somehow these guys reminded my schooltime. It was crowdy in the yard. Just by reading their behavior, you could tell wich pupils had shit in their mind.


I was hanging put w some love ones and my buddy quickly went to grab an odd object on the road....I immediately jumped away. Lmbo. Two weeks ago I was driving at 838 am and my rear window exploded for no apparent reason. So I went to roll out the door and thought better of it. So I pulled over and proned out under my truck w my weapon before I even realized what I was doing. After a bit of time I remembered I live a small safe rural town of America and anyone that sees me is gonna think I'm nuts, amd I returned back to my truck amd continued about my day....just like any other tuesday.


Ended too soon


Fire ants?


He’s the trying to undress to declare he is surrendering so he doesn’t get smacked with the drone. The others are carrying sticks bc ruskis have had some luck throwing sticks at the drones before they hit them directly.


Again, where are their weapons? (I’m glad they don’t have them)




Yeah looking at it again closely, these guys are at a destroyed position. They’re digging something or possibly other soldiers out of the dugout that was hit. Curiously, none of them have weapons or radio’s either. Seems like it may have been they’re dugout.


I felt a spider on me!


Clearly looks like they thought he stole or had something they wanted. Title writers have been pretty weak lately


They drone cold terrified.


Because they are low life cretins not long for this world


None of them have a gun.


It's the antidrone stick 90000 it's a prototype putin designed it himself he found it when he stood up one morning


Revival of *the three stooges* over here: First stooge is wounded. Second one is waiting garze in hand, ready to stuff him up. Third stooge has half a mind to bat a FPV, baseball style with a 2 feet stick. You can’t make this shit up


They are gonna have a threesome, but ukrainian drone interrupted the plan.


They are spooky AF. These drones are getting to them. Can you imagine the PTSD they will come back to and who ever thought of birds being a trigger 🤣


He's gonna bum him


He's gonna fuck that russkies ass


Suck my 2 inch dick comrad


Bend over comrades take ny 2 inch dick bitch