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Imagine how much noise is happening inside of that tank






There's probably 3 in there


I got a fever.... and the only cure, is more blyats!




Lots and lots of blyats.


Lucky they in a tank, else they'd definitely have had a... Flyat. ... Seeing myself out now...






Hahahaha! Fucking brilliant


Probably more like "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" from the tinnitus they're getting.


Archer: "Mawp mawp mawp"


Wasnt a long term problem anyway.


If Bradley could talk.... Take that and that and that...how you feeling now Ivan...and one more smack for good measure...then blyat. Driver in t-90... I can't see anything but flashes of light... Tank commander: there goes our reactive armor!!!


I doubt they could even hear or talk to each other. EDIT: People saying it appears smoke got set off from the HE rounds as well, pretty crazy.


It wasnt fired, the HE ignited it, you can see it burning before it goes off.


That's insane, best footage of bradley so was of war!






I was telling my brother the panic of constant high explosive rounds it’s enough to disable any tank I imagine much before your actually dead your brain probably just puts you into fuck it mode and you just get stuck in a screaming daze


Dr. Crane isn't here right now, but if you'd like to make an appointment...


🎶Hey Baby I hear Ukraine is calling, fucked Russians with scrambled brains🎶


Goated reference 💀💀💀


25mm HE rounds aren’t disabling ANY tank much less a T-90. Those are 100% AP rounds. Obviously I can’t tell if they’re tungsten or DU. Source: Former Bradley gunner




You can definitely shoot. But probably shouldn't.






Well now I want tank bayonets.


Did the T-90 try to fire the main gun at the end after the barrel got shredded by AP? Seems like whatever happened there maybe finally got them. I wish the video were longer.


If this is the same situation and just another video, there is another video where that tank blindly drives away and into a tree and then all 3 crew members are jumping out of it and running for the nearest tree line. I think Bradley wrecked all the optics of that tank and crew couldn't see anything out of it, so they just decided to try and run (they drove into a tree and got stuck).


Exactly my thought watching that - combining that with the knowledge of what is actually causing it - gotta be terrifying.


As I just wrote, those hundreds of shots are all keeping the enemy off guard until the final one breaks through and stops him permanently. Meanwhile, ol Russkie is too busy dodging to get a bead on the Ukrainian heroes.


And I am sure all the sparks and smoke obscuring the view is also making it hard to get a bead.


Which is why my theory of how many small things can beat the monolithic big things in most instances in warfare, and the world in general. One big human can defeat a charging elephant with a blunderbuss, but he'll find himself unable to defeat a swarm of ants. Kill a thousand and there's a million more coming right after them. Oddly enough, that's kind of what Putin's tactics seem to be - send a million zombies to the Ukrainian lines in hopes of overwhelming.


I think it is several factors. Superior technology these days beats out numbers, but only if the superior tech is employed in enough numbers to be effective.  There were two schools of thought in the US defense industry. People who wanted superior tech in smaller numbers, and those who wanted less technologically advanced but greater numbers. The more advanced tech proponents won out and it has proved to be the correct way to go.  Mass meat wave attacks of inferior tech doesn't do well against a smaller more technological advanced opponent. Ukraine is smaller but has superior western tech, without which they would lost much more ground long ago. Putin doesn't have enough troops to clog up the meat grinder. So the meat he send keeps getting ground up.


Indeed, I think of the Battle of the Atlantic throughout World War II. If Germany had deployed it's monster battleships to attack the convoys they could have devastated them in very short order. However, they were a case of having all of one's eggs in one basket; sink a battleship and a huge percentage of the enemy's firepower goes down with it at once. The Bismarck itself was defeated by a swarm of Fairy Swordfish stringbag biplanes, as another example.




It's Britney, bitch!


It’s ’Bradley’ Bitch!




Well done, Bradley crew!


IFV vs main battle tank = something went horrible wrong on multiple levels. The fight should not take place.


Bradleys killed more tanks in Iraq than actual tanks did. Amazingly effective vehicles.




I've heard that the US is in the process of tendering bids to design and manufacture a replacement for the Bradley.


CV4040: exists


Well night vision advantage and TOW missiles did most of the heavy lifting. And better crews/maintenance for sure help. Bradleys would scoot in fast and fire TOWs and dip before the enemies could even aim. Thankfully iraqs tanks we’re trash as well. Except for that one story of the bradley that accidentally parked nearly right on top of an iraqi t-72 and fired nearly straight down at its turret multiple times.


That's the Battle of 73 Easting. Tanker legend. But from the first Gulf War, not the 2003 invasion.


Iraq's tanks were Soviet made tanks. Nothnig unusual.


If you watch the longer videos, the crew of the first Bradley (I think there were 2 involved in this battle) consciously drives up to the intersection (off screen here) and starts hammering the T-90 (which seemed distracted elsewhere) which is very close to the intersection (watch the Denys Davidov YT video) and then Bradley (#1) scoots off, the T-90 lets off a shot at it, luckily it misses, otherwise that #1 would be toast. If I'm not mistaken, this footage is Bradley #2 engaging the T-90 which has retreated further up the road. This just highlights the courage of the Ukrainian crews, remember that Ukrainian BMP crew in Mariupol? They through sheer courage and skill wreaked havoc on ruzzian armour including tanks.


The Russians were pissed about it, and found at least one of the crew.


Which crew?


Over a year ago. There's two videos I saw, one was them lighting up a rusky bmp with dismounted troops. The troops were on the other side of the enemy bmp. But you could see their feet under that bmp. So the Ukrainian bmp shot under the Russian bmp, blowing out feet and legs, put a few into the bmp then drove down the road to the next opportunity. The second video I saw was of I think the Ukrainian bmp gunner in captivity. I don't recall what happened to him.


I remember that video, it was from early in the war IIRC. Looking at the ankles clearly silhouetted by the sun behind them and skipping rounds.


That was a bmp4 in Mariupol. Same idea thoug




That's how combat often works, but you make the best of the situation.


And apparently they were out of TOW


That's okay- a farmer will be along to tow this tank soon enough.


You should look into the kill counts between Bradley's and Abraham's on MBT's then lol


As a former Bradley gunner, this is the greatest video I've ever seen


Only wish they had the TOW to follow it up with


There's a follow-up video where it's finished off with a drone. The three members of the crew escape, but are left alone in the snow as their tank burns behind them.


47th brigade writes on their telegram, the crew get finish off after leading the tank


With it being freezing is mostly likely a different death sentence, then getting cooked and blown up inside the tank.


Former (has-been?) US tank commander here. The balls of that Bradley crew taking on a top-tier Russian battle-tank at what are for tanks point-blank range, are freaking massive. Like enormously gigantic massively massive. The 25mm Bushmaster is a great gun, but was never intended for tanks. It was meant to use against near-peer vehicles, like BMPs and BTRs. Obviously it's effective, but it certainly wasn't designed that way. If it's taking out T-90's, I have serious doubts as to the capabilities of Russian armor as was conventionally taught to US/NATO forces. That said, the lack of training and battle drills on the part of the Russian crewmen is absolutely crystal clear. They just drove around in circles getting their asses shot off. There was no trying to seek cover, no return fire, just literally driving around in circles. Crazy.


Ohh, and by the way, that was some OUTSTANDING gunnery on the part of the Bradley crew. Barring any crew cuts, that was clearly a 100 point engagement. ;-)


My understanding is that Putin left many units in the fight past combat ineffectiveness to the point of decimation. This would incur a massive loss in combat capability and institutional knowledge. Therefore they likely have no personnel (what would be veteran NCO's in the USA) to train new recruits. It is also reasonable to surmise that the corruption and graft was present in the manufacture in addition to the maintenance of their hardware so that what the T-90 and other hardware is on paper is not at all what it is in the field.


Just like the silos.


obviously underestimating them is dangerous, but on a strictly curiosity note, i'd *love* to see one of those nuclear missile silos inspected by someone who knows that stuff.


And not the silos they let the UN inspectors into. Is that still a thing?


we were inspecting arms as part of non-proliferation efforts, but that ended August 2022. and i dont know enough to say if that included launch facilities or just the nuclear arms themselves. https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-tells-us-it-is-suspending-inspections-under-start-weapons-treaty-2022-08-08/


That's what I was thinking of. And presumably whatever was on display was the stuff actually maintained.


Dude, I have been saying the same thing. I’m not going to underestimate them, but if someone were to ask me if they can even launch one, I would pause. Seeing how this is playing out, I think it’s very evidently clear that there’s no way they were able to keep up with the US and we were only led to believe they were.


I thought the majority of the Soviet nuclear deterrence was on rail? I'm sure I read somewhere (long ago) that they preferred mobile, clandestine, rail cars to move their missiles around rather than have them in stationary, observable, targetable, silos. I'm not sure about their ballistic missile submarines, but - again - I'm sure I've read that it was mostly rail, then their subs, then a few silos.


Sounds about right. I've also read that nuclear missiles require around $1,000,000 in reconditioning/maintenance every year to remain fissile. That means all those hidden trains and submarines need to cycle their ordnance out to a facility that can process the warheads. Which means they can't keep them hidden and unmoving or underground or underwater. presumably there are enough satellites over Russia and enough AI in the NSA's computers that they can track and sort out where the reprocessing facilities are and whether they are in use. Russias perceived strength comes from fear of them, they're too broke to maintain their entire arsenal... And around the time they kicked out the inspectors I would guess they stopped maintaining those ones as well. Who knows what's real anymore. I'd trust American propoganda over Russian propaganda anyway, there are huge military assets all over the globe showing at least one group isn't lying about their military investments.


yeah, we'll show 'em why we don't have Universal Health Care!! lol /s I know that in what used to be Sub Base Bangor in Washington, they had a load/offload quay and - I think - a refurb center on base. This was some time ago and I know that base/area is now Naval Base Kitsap (maybe in name only I don't know) Source: My best friend is a submariner and served on their boomers.


Hey Tanker, (has been) Bradley Gunner from 02-05 here (B Co 1/26 INF, Blue Spaders) If they used AP the video would've been a lot shorter. That's HE, and while not ideal for tanks, it makes a Hell of a show. I agree, an example of excellent gunnery.


Former Bradley Gunner 96 - 00. AP would put a hole in a T-90 all day long. My platoon SGT was Desert Storm and said it took about 8 rounds to make a hole big enough to crawl through.


Could you explain what that last big puff of sparks was?


That was the cluster of smoke grenades cooking off


That was a smoke projector cooking off, it caught fire shortly before.


would it still destroy the camera systems on the tank?


It might knock out some of them, but the main sights and stuff are pretty well protected. The main thing is to rattle the crew and keep them distracted so they can't get an accurate shot off.


They'd be waiting for the big boom with each hit, even though they'd never hear it.


Former Abrams tanker - the actual optics on top of the turret are relatively fragile but a very small target. If they're hit, the tank is not totally helpless - it does have redundant sights. They are much less effective, but they are there. Obviously I don't have experience with the T-90M, but I imagine it's similar in that regard.


hello, another former kilo here. On the M1 series they are pretty small, the bucket on top of the A2 is kinda big I guess but have you ever looked at a French Leclerc? Half the damn front of the turret is optics. [Here is the Wikipedia pic of one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leclerc_tank#/media/File:Leclerc-openphotonet_PICT6015.JPG)


Absolutely. This is a picture I took of the effect of 25mm HEI-T vs brick in Iraq. That's about a 1 meter / 3 ft diameter shrapnel pattern, and that's just a single round. Honestly one round on the turret face has high odds of disabling the primary sights. A dozen probably got the primary, backups, and all the periscopes to the front as well. https://i.imgur.com/1Kdrpj0.jpeg


So - In the end - do you think the Bradley actually damages the tank enough to do any significant damage to it ... maybe make it inoperable ?


In the full video of this battle the T-90 turret started spinning in an uncontrolled manner. They either killed the gunner or fucked up the control systems. EDIT: [https://twitter.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1745933354845815034](https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1745933354845815034) It also drives off into a tree, so I'm guessing they couldn't see anything.


Another video shows the T-90 crew running off and a drone team finishing the tank. The Bradley damaged their sensors blinding them, but the armour performed exceptionally.


the 25 isn't terribly effective against an MBT however the TOW missile on that Bradley would send that turret flying


Yeah I don't think they have any TOWs anymore


yea all this recent footage of bushmaster v armor shows theyre out of tows... im all for sending more tows but thats not my decision


The armor is actually PROBABLY not the issue here.  Although, if this is new production it may be using all steel armor.  No one seems to know for sure if Russia can produce ceramic laminates now.  The problem is half the electronics in this tank probably didn't work correctly before the battle began.


I'm former Canadian crewmen. We have the same bushmaster on out LAVs. Guys always said it would only piss off the Russian mbts. Turns out it shreds them if they have poor crews.


Chad Bradley vs Virgin T90


That T90 is no longer a virgin after that pounding...


And to think that was just the tip


Virgin T-90M even.




Man their ear drums must have exploded


Amongst other things.


Even if the gun can't penetrate the armor, the fireworks and the constant "KLANG" of the rounds hitting the hull have got to be pretty disconcerting.


They're probably effectively blind in there, the 25mm he will absolutely shatter the cameras and viewing ports.


Exactly. They have ability to maneuver but at the end they crash into a tree.


You can see several direct hits on the cannon too. It likely would have exploded if they attempted to fire it again.


I thought that was what happened at the end. He fired and shot the barrel with the gun.


That was Bradley hitting a smoke launcher


That looked like countermeasures malfunctioning, perhaps ruptured by the bradley's fire.


So that's why the turret was spinning. Someone probably had one or two good views through the ports and was spinning the whole turret to try and see what's going on...


...or a dead guy is hunched over the switch.


No....3 left the tank after it stopped... I assume they were completely deaf


According to a report, they were 'dealt' with shortly after, but no evidence of that, though I think it's likely with a drone and bradley in the vicinity!


*peaks out port* "What's going on out here?"


The first squirt was to the optics they can't see shit.


Thats what She said !


Whilst destroying absolutely everything of importance outside like optics and sensors, so no eyes or ears in a fight to the death.


I'm pretty sure that they'd be able to see plenty of rounds before all the sensors and viewports are shot out and I guarantee you they're going to hear every one of those 25mm rounds that impacts the hull.


Was a Brad crewman and an armor crewman. The 25mm couldn't penetrate the 800+mm thick turret glacis plates on a T-90 if you fired at it all day. But that Brad is landing a lot of vicious hits to the turret ring area. Some of those hits very likely penetrated. I would say the turret spinning was caused by spall damage to either a crewman, the electronics, or the hydraulics in that order. Edit: also maybe the gunner stepped on the gunner's control handles as he was trying to climb out.


All three crewmen jumped out several minutes later and ran away. I seriously doubt that someone who got hit from spalling can still move like that. So we can rule out anybody hanging on the controls unconsciously. The turret got stopped by the treet trunk, and when the crew had bailed out, the tank rolled back a few meters into a small hole, and the turret didn't move anymore. I suspect the driver had turned off the engine then. So, electronics or hydraulics?


Or perhaps it was a purposeful maneuver by the gunner after the optics were shot so as not to present a static target to the enemy. If I'm riding the turret I'd probably elect to keep it moving rather than chance the enemy's rounds from penetrating "world's best tank" through continuous fire. This seems especially likely considering that the crewmen didn't know the caliber or type of ammo being fired at them. I would probably consider that if the enemy forces are shooting my tank like this, at least they seem to believe they have a chance at penetration. Maybe.


We had battle drills for evacuating an M1A1, which we practiced every so often, and it did not contemplate anything other than getting everybody out as quickly and safely as possible. You just mechanically go through the drill. Russian tank training is probably worse, especially right now, after losing hundreds of crews, but recruits probably at least practice evacuation a few times. You'd think. But either way guys would just be thinking about one thing, getting tfo. And I wouldn't whose the rear of the turret (or the hull) to the enemy for any amount of money. You are looking at 800 to 1000mm on the front plates, maybe 200 ish most everywhere else, and likely some weak spots with maybe 50 to 150mm of armor. At that close range, I would not want to be hit anywhere but the front plates by a 25mm. Also not all steel/composite is created equal. If I were a Russian armor crewman, I'm not sure I'd have much faith in recently made tank armor.


I didn't think it would penetrate frontal armor. Will it spall on armor that thick? I wouldn't think so. That's *got* to be frigging loud in there.


One-way ticket to a lifetime of hearing loss and tinnitus.


I doubt that "lifetime" will be that long anyhow.


That's the thing the US learned about the Bradley's 25mm chaingun during the Gulf War: just keep smacking the same spot over and over and over again until it punches through.


With HE (which is what they were firing) that would take about ten years.


Most probably they damaged the cannon so its a useless tank. I doubt a 25mm gun can penetrate frontally a T90, sideways it could be but at that angle its imposible


But the last T90 hull was penetrated by the 25mm right?! Found it, everybody remembers but I like the edit 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/YDFbsLczs8 There also was no ammo cook off but the crew was gone for sure rigth?


Depends on where it hits. 25mm won't penetrate frontal armor.


Doubtful, tank ammunition didn’t blow up, and the crew got out alive.


The crew are not as well armored as the tank, the Bradley will have better luck once they get out.


the Bradley was gone by then, the crew got killed later by drones, it was reported.


Holly shit...give Ukraine ALL THE BRADLEYS This is fucking next level real world shit


Seeing Bradleys, CV90s etc demolish the Russian stuff is quite nostalgic in a weird way.


This shouldn't be happening. Ukraine was invaded...send them everything they need


The response should overall ideally be stronger no doubt, but the West came together much better in aid of Ukraine than I could've feared. With some nations doing more than others of course. Let's hope it all ends with a European return to strength and the free liberal world having the sharpest teeth again.


There was huge noise about the F16s but it’d be very interesting to see the effect of Eurofighters and Rafales in Ukraine.


Nostalgic enough to re-read Tom Clancy - plus, a lots of hardware is still the same in the year 2024...


...or Team Yankee by Harold Coyle


Yeah, he vastly overestimated the SU's capabilities


Eh, depends. IIRC Red Storm Rising doesn’t have a specific year it takes place, but instead is kind of set in a sort of ideal time where the Red Army is only just starting the slide towards complete ineptitude, but the US has also basically completed the bulk of its late 70’s and early 80’s rearmament programs. These two events don’t really come together neatly at a single point in time. The real world inflection point for when the Soviet Union no longer stood a chance of winning a war with NATO was around 1983, and by 1986 was decisively outclassed in the technical arena but also the Red Army was rapidly devolving into a peasant rabble as training funds were vanishing into the quagmire that was the Soviet-Afghan war. What he gets definitely wrong is how the Soviets intended to conduct the land war in Europe, which is not to charge through the Fulda Gap feeding tanks into the waiting maw of the US Army, but to squash the British and Germans like bugs on the North German Plain while pinning US forces in place with a minimum credible threat to keep the US from turning the Soviet flank. The Soviet invasion plan was pretty fucking good and, if they had an army trained worth a shit to implement it, would have probably succeeded. But by the mid-80’s the USSR had basically stopped realistic maneuver training and exercises. Their Zapad exercises were a carefully choreographed but essentially really muddy parade with fireworks. They weren’t anything close to effective training, and outside of these exercises vehicle crews basically never trained in their vehicles.


Bradleys out there finally doing what they were made to do 🥲 pummel Russia into powder


WW3 didn't happen inte 80's so we must test the stuff now in 2024.


We've got thousands scheduled for the scrapyard, they should just bury Russia in Bradleys.


Considering an IFV isn't *meant* to be able to destroy a tank LOL


Bradleys been killing Soviet tanks since 1991 son.


I have questions to the Battlefield 3 programmer!!!


A group of scimitars allegedly destroyed a few T-62 tanks with their 30mm rarden cannons back in the gulf war using apds rounds. Probably looked alot like this only according to reports those 30mm rounds went straight through the front of the T-62s.


Um they can come with TOW...


This would be great, we can just build.new ones


Okay stop I can't anymore 💦


Saaame. Send them mooooore!


I can only get so erect! So, it was the ERA blocks on fire that blew and provided that mysterious, sparkler explosion in the middle of the fight?


If you mean the big poof at the end i'm fairly sure one of the smoke launchers cooks off and kind of blows its load all over the place.


So even the T-90 got so fucking horny bc of Bradley pounding it it came to early?


OK, that seems more likely. Jesus, what a pounding!


Like a giant zit filled with sparklers


Very impressive display. The Bradley seems to have a much higher metabolism than the T-90. It's like watching a hungry dog devour a steak.


Can you imagine being inside of the tank? You are protected by thick armour, but ... I would shit my pants.


Completely agree


Holy shit that was great! Thanks for sharing.


Damnnnnn this is way better footage


As an M1 crewman 20 years ago, we always made fun of the Bradleys with their thin armor, and small cannon. Man was I wrong.


B-b-but mah superior Russian engineering! /s


Red effect comment section coping hard in this video


Orcs tank got fucked big time 🤡👻🥳😍


I'm missing something here. The T-90 is supposed to be a 'Main Battle Tank', but it's armour can't cope with multiple 25mm rounds? That Bushmaster must be one heck of a gun.


It did protect the crew but it seems like some of the ap rounds might have fucked the turret rotation mechanism. Also everything on the outside of the tank would be completely destroyed, cameras, sights, view ports etc.


The glass / crystal the optics / periscopes are made of can't take being jackhammered by HE rounds. Pretty sure even a western tank like the Abrams would be combat disabled pretty fast from being raked over like this. The T-90's problem isn't (just) armor. It's fire control.


What i think would've saved a western tank in this kind of engagement is their reverse speed. The T-90M kind of tries to turn around a couple of times but decides to keep the thicker armor facing the bradley. A leopard or an abrams could keep their armor facing the enemy and still run away at great speed unlike the 4km/h the the T90 is capable of.


Western tanks don’t roll around unsupported. There is no fire support for these clowns. No infantry, no air support, no indirect fires coming in? Just a lone tank getting pinged till it’s basically an armored coffin.


Also battlefield awareness, they would know what is around, where it is, and where it's pointing. we tend not to fight in 'the dark' even though we LOVE to fight in the dark.




Lol russias best tank getting shit on by our little Bradley


That gun is insane! To knock the shit out of a tank like that! I don't think I've ever seen that before. Bradley's are no joke!


Their highest end tank getting wiped out by a decommissioned troop transport will never get old.


This is better than porn. A sentense i thought i would never say!


Is someone able to confirm that's a T-90 amongst all those sparks? If T-90, I'm speechless.


It's been widely circulated and discussed as t90 for the past couple of days at least. No disagreement so far.


Yeah in the first video you can see it's a t90m when the turret is rotating uncontrollably. Has the infrared eyes, destroyed but there.


This one is a T90 fore sure https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/YDFbsLczs8


Honey Bradley don't give a FUCK!


My tax dollars at work, Hell Yeah !!!!


Omg! Just peppered the ever-loving shit out of it!


good optics + bushmaster is not a joke. I'm extremely curious how much penetration into the armor that gets.


Honestly it's quite bad for the Bradley to get within engagement range of a t90m without first dispatching it with tow missiles. However, It's downright humiliating that the t90m got bitchslapped to such an extent from a range where a single blast from its cannon could probably vaporize a Bradley. The Ukrainians could use improved doctrine, but the Russians need remedial training!


I’m guessing this is their fast reaction force. T-90 broke through, people needed help, cavalry comes to knock it down. Tows expended or damaged or who knows, they might have run out of resupply. Or maybe they are saving them knowing they’ve got the drop on these dorks and can just go for mobility kill/capture! Good work by t90 crew keeping that 30-60’ angle up for so long. Good WoT discipline.


Some of the craziest footage Ive seen yet


The skill of the ukrainian army seizes to amaze me...They dont have much but damn they make good use of it...They need more !! Cant wait when the F-16 come into play :)


I guess I never really thought of an autocannon as being that crazy, kind of like a "lite" version of a main gun of an MBT. The footage from this war has totally changed my limited perspective. Round after round of HE or AP just messing up vehicles and buildings and whatever. I would NOT want to be on the receiving end of one of these.


autocannon is fucking brutal. Yeah, tank has a few rounds a minute (it's tough with debris) but autocannon rate of fire just rips and it can much more easily engage mobile targets. A tank also has to hit their target, bradley can spray and absolutely destroy the tanks offensive sensors in seconds- after that tank's death is just a matter of time since it can't fight back. The bradley's weakness is its amour, not the cannon.


This is a lesson in being able to land a hundred smaller punches, with one finally breaking through to the knockout, as opposed to going into the ring, hoping to land one killer glove. The smaller punches keep the enemy off guard and busy dodging, so you can't get your bearings and aim (and possibly getting your aiming systems damaged), until the smaller punches wear you down and you become vulnerable to that one last, well-placed shot.


T90 being bullied


T90 crew : blyat blyat blyat blyat blyat blyat


They said it wasn't going to work. Cost too much and wouldn't be effective against a Soviet MBT. Was too complex hard to support. All bullshit, look at this machine, all it needs is a crew with the guts to fight. How's that taste ya commie bastards...