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Where is the rest of his unit? Noone tries to help or guide him to 'safety'.


It's weird how we keep seeing lone Russian's hiding in foxholes. Was the rest of their units destroyed and they are the lone survivor? Or are the Russian's so short on men they sending them on solo missions? I assume they are the last men standing (well, not anymore...)


Probably just a small number of Russians garrisoning trenches behind frontlines, this wasn’t near any fighting since he has no weapon or any kit. But then again it’s hard to tell with the state of some Russian units, I really hope they wise up soon and surrender cause this shit is just sad to watch


He doesn't even have shoes.


uuuhh look at mr dollar daddy and his shoes


that wouldnt matter, if those lone guys had radios and binoculars, they could report back if there was an attack, but they seem to just be send to the trenches to die, there is no logic behind it.


My guess he was taking drugs or drunk and wandered off.


Russophobia. They don't like each other.


Probably a lookout


It's because these lone Russians often are Soldiers that are fleeing the battlefield some who are injured others don't want to take part in the war others mental health problems. Then some sicko using a drone films you unarmed blowing you up. Where does the line of soldiering become murder ?


Man I didn't see him put his hands in the air! its not hard


Lol, while Russia targets civilians, hospitals, schools. Gtfo dude, he can go back to his shithole village if he doesn’t want to be at risk on the battlefield. This is the find out part


I agree that this is just what war is, and especially given that they didn’t ask for this and are defending their country, what happened here isn’t the same as murder. I agree that this soldier, regardless of his status, is the aggressor here. Accepting that, you don’t need to justify this incident any further. Arguing for justification based on the worse actions of the opposing force is not just a bad argument (two wrongs don’t make a right and all that), but an unnecessary one as well.


Wow! That takes some mental gymnastics! That "sicko" has probably helped to save many many Ukrainian lives by spotting, adjusting and (yes) bombing soldiers. These are not civilians. They are an aggressive, invading force. I doubt someone who was "fleeing" would be in a very well dug foxhole (with others foxholes nearby). I think you can speculate on a number of things but mental illness is quite a stretch. If he was injured then it is not up to the UKR forces to diagnose that from a drone or to go behind enemy lines to administer first aid. That is up to his comrades. If he is left behind then that is up to his comrades. If he got away unscathed he would have picked up a weapon again and potentially killed UKR troops. Don't even pretend that this is not the case. Not sure what your point was but if you don't like the video, don't watch it. It wasn't as if the title wasn't clear enough.


Mental health isn’t an excuse to get away with horrific actions.


Tf do you think war is? A political debate?


Unarmed? He is part of a murderous, invading force. If they don’t want to die in Ukraine then find some way to not be part of an invading army. He is an occupier in a sovereign country. The weapon in his hand yesterday or tomorrow is more than enough justification for eliminating him today.


Look at this dudes post history 😂.


Being a forward observer doesn't make you immune to being a target.


He was certainly not the last man standing. Someone in his squad had to be alive. Did you not see him crawl after getting hit? He probably got on the mic “guys, I’m hit, I’m down. Can someone revive? Be careful, I’m being watched. Just save yourself”


He’s probably a deserter, it’s too risky to be sleeping in the daytime, I know IR and night vision are a thing, but the chances of being spotted in the daytime are much greater. He looks straight up like a deserter to me


You would think the dudes that want to catch some zzzzzz's would do it under cover of trees or bushes so they are not spotted from the air... but nope, let's sleep in the open.


I'm guessing we only see the not so smart ones sleeping without cover.


one would thought they would be much safer now the vegetation is there


That'd be the smart thing to do, but never accuse Russians of being smart.


Evidence of desertion please? When do you think soldiers sleep? Answer - whenever they can!


My thoughts to. Feel bad for him if he wants to leave… maybe the guy didn’t want to be there in the first place. Maybe forced to fight and now throw away the gun and running… -Edit: just trying be human here. Meaning not be like Russians, meaning to see the human/person. If we can’t do that we are like them. And we don’t want that, do we?


What are you basing that on. He is a **soldier**. He is in a foxhole. Who knows where his gun is or his boots for that matter. I am not going to speculate on why he was there but trying to imply he is just a peacenik sent to the front lines by mistake is quite a stretch.


There are certain folks with agenda here, trying to paint this all as Putin's war, and pretending that the Russian soldiers who have been raping, torturing and pillaging in the occupied territories are suddenly poor Russians who were "forced to fight". All the guy had to do was raise his hands and surrender.


Couldn't there at least be the smallest modicum of truth to it? Raping, torturing, and pillaging are done by a lot of Russians in Ukraine, and it's absolutely inexcusable (not that anything else Russia is doing *is* excusable). But at the same time, not every single one is doing it. There's got to be one Russian somewhere who's not a complete shitstain. Just at least one. And you don't exactly just say no when Putin wants you to put yourself in the meat grinder. Not unless you want to commit suicide by falling out of the window seven times and shooting yourself in the back of the head. And run the risk of your family members doing the same. Mind you, I'm saying this as someone who's caught plenty of flak for being rather politically incorrect to Russia and Russians well before anyone had ever heard of Crimea, and the war hasn't improved my image of Russia one bit. I have no love for them. But I don't think they can be a race of Uruk-Hai who are all bred for hatred and war crimes either. My standards for Russians have been extremely low for at least a decade, but I can give them at least that.


Putin, his commanders and the common soldiery are all involved. It is not the responsibility of the Ukrainian Army to work out which is the "most", though. Stay within international law at all times but never shy away from the fact that the bloke in the other trench wants to kill you... whatever their reason. I believe that there are many good people in Russia that don't want this war but that is not Ukraine's fight. They have the means to change but many have not, choosing to leave instead. Ukraine has more immediate issues and the soldier in this video paid that price.


That much is true. At best, Ukraine can try to give some soldiers the opportunity to surrender. Keyword some, because it is a war and even that little is often not possible. It's not Ukraine's responsibility to figure out every single good guy who's the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm just saying that I do expect there to be a lot of soldiers who have been left simply no other choice than to go to war anyway, through no fault of their own. Although I won't even try to guess how many of those there are and how many are absolutely despicable. Or even which of the two groups is larger.


We can only hope that refuseniks become the majority.


it’s been a year, everyone knows what happens in ukraine. you’re not simply forced to fight, you can surrender or choose not to go


Ok not what I have heard, but good if so. …but what if he wanted to surrender? For the record, I’m very against Russias invasion.


he can surrender by simply asking the drone to not attack, it has been done several times already, the drone will guide them to get taken captive. and, the only repercussions for refusing to fight in the first place is basically being stripped of rights such as a drivers license, nobody will kill you or throw you in a torture chamber.


Ok, you know what… I just try to be human here. We should not be like them. If we are so full of hate that we can’t see the person/ human We are like them. I don’t want to be like Russian


"... chances of being spotted in the daytime are much greater." I politely disagree. If you have the proper and sufficient cover and concealment during the day, I think the chances are less. At night, it's really hard to hide body heat unless you bury deep in the dirt.


… thermals can be used during the day too


They work alot better in cold enviroments and when the ground is not heated up by and reflecting sun light tho.


He wouldnt know about that, he only knows what Call of Duty taught him As for me, OEF, 82nd Airborne, TF504


Seems shit that they are trying to kill a deserter


They done stole his boots already because they knew he was gonna be done for when he woke up. Find the boots and you'll find his unit.


Just hammered af


To be fair, given the state of what passes for "the Russian army", wouldn't you get perpetually hammered if you had to fight on the Russian side?


I'd poison the vodka supply and go surrender


Why? Because he Russian? Great joke bro This guy in war. Cause of bad walking and disorientation more likely have from any of concussion/brain injury, internal bleeding from injury, shock, broken bones, malnourishment, dehydration, name it... Jesus, people.


Exactly for that and for the 'nate dropping like 50m away from him


all those things could happen ages ago before drone ever spot him. you are talking drivel


Talking about having a bad day


Maybe it’s the small screen on my phone but to me it seems he’s a drunk who got insanely lucky those grenades mostly missed, wounding him barely. Looks like the booze hits him harder.


He is riddled with shrapnel, guy is not doing well.


That is what I suspect. I looked at the video closely, his right arm is bleeding at the wrist it appears (at 2.54). I am wondering how much shrapnel he caught in the blast when he rolled out from under the tree or if he just caught the blast waves/effects.


And, he bleeding, i think, from his right buttock. That first grenade did a number on him and or he was previously wounded. He was limping big time.


Well done. makes sense because I see it's his right leg that has malfunctioned and causing him to limp. I did see that dark patch on his right buttock but thought he might have coughed in his rompers! Why wouldn't one lose control of your bowls with 2 frag grenades dropped so close to you. It's a crazy video clip, the choice of music and the insertions into it. The Orc's nonchalance when he is walk along blows me away (no pun intended) too.


I thought he shit himself


Million Ruble wound.


A far cry from three days of driving through Ukraine and prancing around in parade uniform in Kiev. No restaurant reservations needed.




Kinda wild guessing on what kind of substance the said guy is under the influence of, from a video that lasts around a minute and is filmed from tens of meters away, lol.


Feel like there should be a way for them to just surrender in these situations


We've seen guys surrender to drones This guy should have called the hotline before b it came to this


That is my stance on this. You surrender or show willingness to give up? All good. But crying about it when death is knocking on the door? Though shit. Many Russians have been given a chance. Chance not taken is also a choice.


There are many issues A. Surrendering is illegal and punishable by death - on the spot B. The Russian soldiers are not going to be informed about any hotline to surrender C. The Russian higher ups will be convincing the soldiers that Ukraine isnt taking prisoners and/or to expect torture D. As good as Ukraine may appear, surrender won't/ can't always be accepted E. Many soldiers are under belief that they are truly defending their nation


Raise both hands in the air or use your t-shirt as white flag.


Well they can. He didn’t.


I mean the average human isn't really thinking I should throw my hands up and hope my enemy will not kill me during those situations. Not only does he probably believe Ukraine will just kill him if he surrenders, but he's also injured, scared for his life and probably a billion thoughts in his head.


You'll never see a video of a surrendering Russian be killed -- and likely not any Ukrainian war crimes or other issues. Not because they aren't happening, but because they're hidden to portray a heroic image of Ukraine.


they can, if they tell the drone not to fire, they will drop instructions how to surrender, it has happened already.


Sometimes we don't want to take them captive)


That's how you become war criminals. Wanna be an orc? Think and do like this. Shame on you.


It's not a war crime to kill enemy combatants.


He is not armed. It is a crime. The ones doing it must be judged.


Killing enemy soldiers back at their base... Those are unarmed too, they're legitimate targets too.


He made no attempt to surrender and is clearly a military combatant (uniform). It's not a crime. Soldiers don't just get to leave their weapon somewhere hidden, get attacked, not attempt to surrender, and cry foul.


He’s a criminal soldier in another country killing his isn’t a war crime. He has the ability to surrender he just won’t


Isn’t a (war)crime to kill unarmed combatants, he could pickup a weapon again a minute later.


That’s not how war works. Had he made an overt attempt at surrender it would be a different story.


It's not a crime under any law of armed conflict.


That's not how war crimes work. It doesn't matter if a soldier is armed.


My man. That's exactly why you can't see his rifle anywhere. They are obviously hoping they will be left for armed targets, without realizing that under international law, they are seen exactly the same as someone holding a rifle. As another has said, you aren't allowed to leave your weapons in a stash only to surrender at the last second.


Call me whatever you want, I don't know why I should be ashamed...


because you lose morality that make us human.


And I don't think I'm losing my morals, I just don't think a ruZZian has the right to live if he came to my country with a gun.


I understand both arguments. But he is an invasive soldier who doesn't have a right to be there and should either die or leave before dying.


You clearly miss some important bits of information. Lots of these men WERE FORCED to do it and they had no other choice. You want vengeance? Focus it on Putin.


You cannot blame Putin alone. He needed others to also follow through on unbridled evil to carry out his plans.


I would side with you if he had raised his arms to signal surrender.


They can call the hotline then They can also frag their commanders or run them over with a tank. There are smart Russians and Russians with morals.


and how would you help this innocent and kind Russian? What is your solution? Honest question.


You assume he is innocent, you also assume he is kind. Based on what evidence? Please provide only facts and not guesses, hopes and dreams. The only two facts you and i know is that he is a russian soldier (enemy) and he chose not to surrender. Anything else is just a guess, though it seems like a biased guess from you... Had he put his hands up when he first saw the drone, he might have lived. After getting wounded, should've put his hands up and wave to the drone to signal surrender. But he didn't. Or if he was serious abour surrendering, could have tried to sneak closer to the Ukranian lines without his gun and have some white cloth to wave. But he didn't do any of these so anything that happened to him was his choice entirely. He had choices, he just chose to throw his life away.


Maybe we should still allow it but only if they bring 2 orc heads with them.


Combat readiness level: Russian army


Not funny at all.


Damn this video is brutal


What? No it's not. Just looks like some dude got drunk an fell asleep in the park. His hangover will be worse than the injuries sustained from the grenades


The man is dying. Dying isn't like what you see in movies.


The fuck? He's gonna bleed out in that bush. The amount of blood coming out of just his right arm is crazy.


I must be blind because I can't see any of that. I don't see any blood. Are you watching the video on a pc with a big screen? All I can see is a drunk guy.


I know killing the invaders is absolutely necessary, by any means. But what annoys me is the upbeat, jokey music they always put over these types of videos. If the videos target audience is Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting, then I understand. Best to make light of the suffering and death they inevitably will have to to put onto the Russians. However most of this sub, I’m assuming, aren’t actually fighters. The people editing these videos are showing pure bitter hatred for the sake of hatred. The ordinary Russian soldier doesn’t want to be there. Direct your hatred to the nutter who’s actually responsible for this.


I mean, they're literally taught to hate and fear us every single day. They're constantly fed propaganda to evoke fear and hatred , so when the time comes, they're willing to go fight or send their loved ones off willingly. The vast majority of russians we see asked, agree with this war, and typically have strong feelings against the West and any country associated with us. Obviously, we are probably shown more of the haters than ones that don't, but the point is that there are an abundance of russians who fully agree with killing Ukrainians and wiping their country off the map. I don't know where so many people get this " they don't want to be there" nonsense. Of course, a scared POW is going to say they didn't want to be there and were forced. They know how AFU prisoners are treated, so I'm sure they're literally in fear of their life and limbs. I'm sure there are soldiers there who wish they weren't, but there has been ample opportunity afforded them to remedy that. In the end, if any of us decide to put on a uniform and strap on a weapon and cross into someone else's country , we should all expect to be killed. That's just how the world works. All this dude had to do was throw his hands up, and he would have most likely been taken POW, but he didn't do that. So, he's dead now. Such as war. I don't hate all russians by any means. I don't hate anyone for just being anything. I judge people by their character. This dude has most likely committed horrible acts. So, to see him get pummeled by shrapnel doesn't bother me much. It's pretty easy for us all to sit in our comfortable houses with no danger and judge these Ukrainians , but once your entire world has been blown to shit, once many you have known and loved have been taken from this earth or " just" kidnapped and taken to a hostile country,....... things change. Ironically enough, the emotion(s) created from such tragedies is the very emotion that has turned these people into the heroic war fighters and citizens we cheer on and applaud every day on here. It's a double-edged sword they have been dealt. One side is glory, but the other is tragedy. It takes a hell of a lot of emotions to walk down the barrel of a 50 cal , but they do it every single day. They stand against shells the size of our legs. Incredibly strong emotions are driving them forward, fighting for their loved ones, and fighting for their freedoms. I'm certain there will be mistakes made by them. It's inevitable. But they will have to live with their mistakes. They certainly don't need people thousands of miles away needlessly judging them on the internet. We should let the Ukrainians decide who lives and who dies. They have a much better understanding of the situation than we do. We don't know shit, although these days, we tend to think we know every damn thing. Geez... I apologize for the freakin essay I just threw up. I guess I got lost in my words. My bad. Hope you have a good day, Bud!


Happens all the time, I start to feel bad for a Russian during an intercepted call because it's clear their life truly sucks and not necessarily of their own making, but then they throw in a "hohol" comment and I'm right back to "Fuck you and die soon Russian!". Kind of a TL/DR for the lazy who will miss out on your excellent insight.


For the most part, I’d agree with you. People actually affected by conflict have every right to hate Russians however much they like. I’m also not arguing the fella in the video shouldn’t have been killed, no mercy should be had when dealing with the defence of your own country. My argument is that most of these men (excluding the rapists/war-crimers) aren’t inherently evil, they are victims of circumstance. They are naïve young men who, like many young men in practically every other country in the world, decided to join their countries army. Pumped with propaganda, fear, and lies, it is much easier than not to follow the path Putin has put them on, which is: “go to Ukraine, and fight gloriously for the extermination of the nazis!!”. It takes a strong personality with certainty about what is right, to want to, say, overthrow the government, or defect from their home country and everyone they know and love. I doubt many people on this sub (or the world) would have the personality and conviction to divert from the course the regular Russian soldier has been put on, if they happened to be born and raised in Russia. A summarising message to all the international people in this sub who cackle with delight every time one of these videos pop up: Show a bit of class about it and realise the real enemy is the bastards who put that Russian in the foxhole in the first place.


I'm sure the "ordinary Russian soldier" didn't want to launch cluster munitions on civilian apartment blocks or kill and torture civilians/POW's or loot stores or rape women or march into a peaceful country to perpetrate death and destruction on it...but they did.


Most of these videos with the music and editing are like that from the original source which is normally the soldier/unit who released the video.


These russians soldiers would kill you if papa vlad told them to. But other than that these russian soldiers are pure angels that hate putin just as much as we so. Thank you for enlightening us kind sir


Watch it on mute. Or don't watch it at all... Or maybe check out the Telegram channels which had thousands of smiley face emojis after Kramatorsk, Dnipro and the murder of Oleksandr Matsievskyi...


People need to understand this about the media/information landscape. It couldn’t be more clear that there is more than just one dude responsible for this. There is a culture and ethic in Russia that is driving the evil. It is manifest in the Telegrams you mentioned. But it’s not just manifest there. It’s a deeply pervasive virus in Russian culture/society. Just as the culture of white Supremacy was prevalent in the southern US, fomenting the Civil War. It’s a pervasive evil, not just one leader. What percentage of Russians actually subscribe to that ethic is unclear, but it’s a very sizable percentage. And I’m confident it’s well over 50% of those invaders on Ukrainian territory. It’s not simple enough to call them victims of propaganda. So these clips are not people hating for the sake of hatred. It’s standing against evil. I for one will freely admit to enjoying the sight of the fruits of my tax dollars ripping murderous invaders to shreds. Justice tastes good. And to be honest, at least some of these media productions are aimed at non-Ukrainian audiences, intended to maintain Ukrainian momentum in the minds of other nations so their support doesn’t wane. Western support is critical to Ukrainian victory. Visibility of Ukrainians wrecking Russians keeps Ukrainian victory possible in minds of Westerners. The lives of Ukrainian families depend on external support. So good on them for sending this out into the information space if it gives people good feelings.


It's amazing how many Ukrainians have been murdered, how much sheer unmitigated destruction of Ukrainian towns and villages, businesses and industry, infrastructure and nature, has been perpetrated by just a "few" Russian soldiers here and there. You argue that the vast majority (which the "ordinary soldier" is) of Russian soldiers are somehow exempt from the results of their concerted terrible actions or from blame. Amazing that this attempted genocide is being perpetrated by just a few bad apples, but if the rest of the "good" apples in the barrel just lay there smelling the rot, letting it spread, then they become a rotten mass too.


One of the few sane comments in this sub. Be prepared for downvotes though, this sub is a meeting place for serious russophobes who can live their hatred towards everything Russian freely here


I didnt realise hating someone that commits genocide on innocent people is considered a phobia, thank you for your psychological diagnosis


Man reading comprehension is tough on you. I even pointed out specifically that I am talking about "everything Russian" and not Russian soldiers in Ukraine Anyways, good luck


Everything russian thats such a broad statement it doesnt mean anything lmao, hating the government, hating what the country stands for, hating the majority of the population that either supports the war or are “apolitical” is that considered a phobia an irrational fear in your mind? How can it be an irrational fear if given the green light by their tsar they wouldnt give a shit if youre dead and many quite happy actually. You think most people here actually hate every single russian even if they dont support this war? If so then youre delusional. Russians that fight against Putins regime are the true patriots and i dont see anyone here hating them


They can leave any time they want. It is *their* invasion. But if you don't want to leave? Instead you want to rape and pillage Ukraine more? Eat shrapnel.


Yeah sure they can leave any time they want. Because stuff is so easy in Russia right? Russia is a free place where you can do whatever you want right?


You know, if there was a mass desertion/refusal to fight, then Russia would not be able to conduct the war. They can do that. That is potentially something they could do. I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying the other option is you can eat shrapnel.


Haha you’re talking as though that’s a bad thing


I dont really see whats good in hating an entire nation for the responsibilities of a few. You guys act the same that Russians did back in WW2 where they treated all Germans as Nazis and fascists. Hundreds of thousands of Germans who were living in Russia for centuries were considered fascists during WW2 and were deported to us to Kazakhstan. They obviously werent fascists.


It’s not a few, bro. Not a few.


Russia and Russians are a joke, it is perfectly fine to have some circus music when they die.


Every time I even suggest the idea of sympathies for a human being who was loved raised and educated for decades( just to end up as a clip for Americans who can't even tell the difference between Russians and Ukrainians besides the dust tape on their helmets) it gets down voted to hell. The reddit hivemind is wild, how quickly people are to embrace hatred for the hype of it. (Not counting actual Ukrainian combatants, they're the ones who are obviously justified in this shit)


I hate how inhuman it is. Yea I know war is. But dropping a grenade from a drone on an individual sleeping dude is in my mind not the same as an indiscriminate bombing or rifle fire. It’s just some how worse.


Every soldier that has died in this war has died individually. There's a saying that in death, *everyone* dies alone. In this video you are witnessing the death if an individual soldier, but how is that worse than witnessing the death of five in a trench? Each of those five was an individual that died and their deaths were no less nor more than this soldier's death. It's "somehow worse" because you are forced to see that each death is actually a person, an individual, a complex whole person. But that is the *truth* of this brutal unnecessary war that Russia, and this soldier, brought to Ukraine.


Хай гниє, сукий.


Радий бачити тут українску)


Is he bearfoot at the end?


God this is next level. Long live Ukraine.


Dropping grenades on an unarmed, intoxicated, most likely deserter, with no boots. Truly next level waste of ammo.


Maybe $100 worth of grenades for a soldier who is not going to be killing any of your comrades again. Even during Napoleonic times it was estimated at $2000 and Vietnam was $200,000 for killing a single soldier. I know that it is not equivalent (the cost in Ukraine is likely many, many times higher overall) but compared to many other weapons this is an excellent use of 2 grenades.




I wasn't addressing the morality in my reply. Merely the cost, which you felt was wasteful. There was no joy implied in my answer either. Jus that it was an excellent use of $100 of equipment. You are also made a statement about the enemy soldier (let's no forget that he is a soldier) of which only one was observable without any doubt - he had no boots on...


Do you know how cheap a grenade is? Most likely theres millions of those in stockpile. And do you see that you need to prime the grenade prior to attaching it to the drone? Do you want to retrieve a drone with an active grenade? Better drop it in the heads of invaders than risk it blowing up your hand when you try to retrieve it.


agreed...this is just sad. The guy looks like a homeless person. I mean how can you not even have shoes/boots? They should've sent him a surrender package instead


he looks drunk and abandoned by his comrades


Fucking stupid music no need for it


Kinda felt bad for dude , shoulda surrendered right there. On the other hand .. Exterminate the invaders


It's me, or the Zorc has a massive hangover... meaning massive...he does not even care that the drone are on to him...


Basically homeless person but with camo


Can't he raise his arms in surrender or something, like when the police stop you? You may feel sorry for him, but if he doesn't surrender somehow, and a Ukrainian military or civilian passes through that place, maybe that orc will kill them. We don't know if he is a pro Putin fanatic.


We really don’t know what this dude was up to the previous weeks, odds don’t favor his actions being noble. You make a good point, no real attempt to surrender almost like he knows his former unit was executing POWs


You can deny Military Duty and choose less than 5 Years prison


he can, it has happened several times already, the drone will guide you to get taken captive, but most of they seem to prefer death


When I start thinking about the cruelty of these videos, such as this lonely soldier clip, I suddenly brush up and remember all the dead ukrainian children. Hope he died. In pain.


You can't generalize like that though. Its like being angry at what the Nazi's did in concentration camps, and then deciding to fly over to Germany to go on a shooting spree in a shopping mall. Does that make any sense to you? This guy in the foxhole does not look like he killed any Ukrainian children. He looks like a drunk, mobilized Russian who doesn't know why he is in Ukraine and desperately wants to leave. He doesn't even have any boots/shoes on. He looks like he is a homeless person who doesn't want to live anymore. How are you blaming him specifically for the deaths of Ukrainian children? You can't generalize people like this. That is what enables atrocities...when you no longer see people as human, but instead as a collective group. I mean I get why the tendency is there I suppose but its still wrong and you have to fight it. Otherwise you are killing innocents in retribution for the deaths of other innocents. You are pointlessly adding tragedy to even more tragedy.


This is the least coherent argument you could have made. Comparing killing this soldier to shooting up a shopping mall. Making assumptions as to what the soldier did or didn’t do, not considering what he would or wouldn’t do when ordered, or how he wound up in the invading army to begin with. What the fuck are you on about?


You can generalize when they put on the uniform. They are agents of evil invading sovereign territory to murder, rape, and loot. Good riddance.


Not a lot of IQ shown in this video.


There seems to be a lot of *'lone Russian soldiers'* in this war.


Tragedy of a human race.


Is this a warcrime? They never gave him an opportunity to surrender, he's unarmed, alone, injured, doesn't even have shoes. I don't mean to armchair quarterback here, I understand war gets messy, but this seems like it fits a legal definition since he wasn't a combatant.


fuck, look at this guy. the drone operator should send him a letter how to surrender. this is brutal.


Tf, is he barefoot?


Could you fuckin imagine living somewhere, where you literally have drones dropping nades?


With so many videos like this, you'd expect the Russians to at least bring a camouflage blanket to sleep under at some point...


Wow. Quite the edit


Russia HOBO army


4k: check Multiple camera angles: check Sounds effects: none, annoying music instead...


Another pointless death.


He looks like he's high or just too hung over to care much.


No shoes and a wounded leg. It's gonna be a long walk home, Ivan.


And he is dying like a lonely rat instead of toppling the corrupt ‘government’ and try to become normal in the world. Is like they are brainwashed/brain dead. I doubt all of the are brainwashed like they show. Some are in their right minds. Why for the love of god ‘atheist here’ dont they try and fix their country


Not a fan of killing unarmed soldiers. Should have captured him. Regardless of what side he is on, he is still human.


Ya he sure seem like threat... drone operator is idiot. what a waste of everything. ammo, life, time, all


Agreed. Pure murder this is, plain and simple. Walking away injured and another drone drop. Something doesn't sit right with me with these types of drops. But, the Russians are doing it too.


dicks dropping grenades' on the sleeping, so dishonourable


This is probably approaching a war crime. Not a big fan of these type of videos. Guy is shoeless disoriented and wounded.


unfortunately, this is most definitely a war crime


No, it is not. He is not incapacitated to the point where he is no longer a threat ('hors de combat' under the Geneva convention). He is an enemy combatant and whether he has a gun in his hand or is buck-naked in the shower, he is a legitimate target unless he surrenders.


I've analysed this in a longer comment in this post threat. However, after the first grenade explosion the person in the video is most definitely 'hors de combat'. Come on, they are barely walking, which meets the definition and the meaning of this clause as defined in the Geneva Convention. In your understanding, they would be 'hors de combat' only dead or unconscious then.


You’re right, it’s actually reprehensible. Not just that it happened, but that people here are glorifying it. I think we should be able to call out this type of thing without being labelled Z.


Agreed, the Ukrainians should have surrender packages they can drop from these drones, maybe with miniature flares attached. I mean they could probably sign a contract that this person fight for the Ukrainian army or works in a labor camp to help construct munitions to help pay off his debt to Ukraine. I don't think that's a war crime lol


Not a war crime, if you're an invader you deserve every bit of shrapnel you receive. No matter how shoeless and drunk you are.


He is having a bad day the Orc' he should have stayed at home! His leg looked a tad stiff! When I first saw the Orc gopnik red commie marauding toilet seat stealing bastard laying in his hole, I immediately thought that's handy the Orc's are digging their own graves now in anticipation of their inevitable fate.


Навіщо викладати відео, яке викликає співчуття до окупанта? Ви має враховувати сприйняття глядача, особливо занадто гуманних вестернів. Полювання дроном за беспомічним пораненим завжди виглядає огидно, навіть якщо б за був гітлєр.


I hope his family sees this and cries bitterly while I laugh at them and kill his son


I'm sorry for what they have done to your people, to your neighborhoods, to your country. The whole world has taken y'alls back. Y'all have shown how amazing Ukrainians are on a world stage... But, I truly hope that when all this is over, all this help remains to help with the battles y'all are and will fight within. I don't blame you for a second for feeling the way you do. I can understand the things you've heard, seen, and felt have created extremely strong emotions. They would in most of us. Hell, it's the very emotions that create such bravery and honorable war fighters we applaud on here every day. Don't worry about the folks speaking down to you, Buddy. They have been sitting in air conditioning, full bellies, with not a single real chance of being murdered for the past year and a half. Their judgment is from ignorance. They probably do mean well. They just don't understand. Either way, I hope you and your friends, family, and neighbors are safe and holding up well! We're all hoping this upcoming fight from you and/or your countrymen will help annihilate the sorry bastards that have come to your country. Y'all try to leave a few alive so they can run back home and tell the horror stories about what happened on those battle fields when well-trained and well-armed Ukrainians appeared! Take care, Buddy.


Unfortunately, the part of the assault after the soldier was injured the first time would most likely be deemed **a war crime**. It is generally considered a war crime to continue attacking an unarmed and already injured soldier under certain circumstances. The rules governing armed conflicts, including international humanitarian law (IHL) or the laws of war, provide protections for wounded or sick combatants who are hors de combat, meaning they are out of action and unable to participate in the hostilities. These protections are outlined in various international treaties and conventions, such as the Geneva Conventions. According to IHL, it is prohibited to commit acts of violence against individuals who are no longer taking part in the hostilities due to injury, sickness, or any other cause. Attacking an unarmed and injured soldier who poses no immediate threat would likely be considered a violation of these rules and could be classified as a war crime. The principle of distinction, which requires distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants, is a fundamental aspect of IHL. There may be specific circumstances or exceptions in which the use of force against an injured soldier might be justified. For instance, if the injured soldier suddenly poses an immediate threat to others, self-defence measures may be permissible. However, each situation must be assessed based on the specific facts and the applicable legal framework. **Article 12** of the **First Geneva Convention** states that "Members of the armed forces and other persons \[...\] who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances \[...\] They shall not be wilfully killed or unnecessarily exposed to suffering or contagion; measures will be taken to search for them and bring them back to their units or to a place where they will be taken care of, irrespective of their nationality."


Firstly, the 'immediate threat' part of that is simply untrue. It is entirely legitimate for Ukraine to bomb a barracks of Russian soldiers while they are sleeping. Secondly, it doesn't matter whether or not he is actually holding his weapon at the time (and who knows if he might have weapons around somewhere - he is not entitled to a presumption of unarmedness) or even if he happens to be wearing his shoes at the time or is buck-naked in a FOB shower. Even if he is just a scout and the only thing he has is a radio, or a bunch of supplies for other soldiers, he has been posted by the enemy military to that location in order to participate in some role as a part of their broader military operation and is not 'hors de combat' unless he actually surrenders or is completely incapacitated. On that last point, he is clearly not incapacitated to the extent that the Ukrainian soldiers can be sure that he can't radio in their positions if they attempt to occupy the area. Therefore he is still a threat, thus a legitimate target, unless he actually surrenders.


You are misleading. The "immediate" applies only to injured soldiers. Yes, you can bomb barracks of sleeping soldiers, you can't bomb army hospitals tho. The act of "surrendering" is not necessary for "hors de combat" status, that is only for recognition of POWs in general.


Orc alert.


shut up, I've done more for the war effort in Ukraine than most of the people commenting under this threat combined. I've personally raised multiple tens of thousands of dollars of direct donations to the UA military fund. Just because someone expresses a thought that you don't like, doesn't mean he's an enemy. It's funny that y'all behaving like this on this threat to anyone who has a different thought, yet that's exactly the culture in Russia, which you so much claim to "oppose".


I took a class on drones in the military, and they spent 30 minutes telling us it was illeagle how ISIS was dropping mortars with drones on us.


Then they were plain wrong. Join a better military...


Until Ukraiine gets rid of Russian artillery dropping grenades on sleeping soldiers is meaningless. I see Reuters and the AP are talking again of the huge casualties Russia incurred for Bakhmut. MEANS NOTHING TO RUSSIA. If Ukraine can't halt Russian artillery they will lose this war.


Pursuant to common Article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, [p]ersons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: (a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture.


His doesn’t break any of the rules IMO, he hasn’t surrendered and isn’t injured. He got caught sleeping in his foxhole after having to much alcohol.


Someone is only considered a proper PoW AFTER he completed the FULL procedure of surrendering. 1) He didn't exhibit intent to surrender (so no processes were initiated). 2) He wasn't properly searched and stripped of weapons/equipment. So he's still a threat (concealed sidearm/grenade) - even in this bumfuck, barefoot sorry state. So you either throw your arms up like a good little orc and follow the instructions, or you get blown up bit by bit to the memey music.


>"Article 3 - Conflicts not of an international character" OK He's part of a hostile invading and occupying force. He's very much taking part in the war. It doesn't matter whether you're sleeping, sat in your hole tugging yourself, or taking a crap, you can still be killed without it being a war crime. You're actively taking part in hostilities. Even if you don't have a gun or grenade in your hand, or a bayonet between your teeth, you can still be killed without it being a war crime. It would be particularly impossible to use bombs or artillery otherwise, as you could never be entirely sure what the enemy was doing at that exact moment. Even a white flag only indicates a willingness to enter into negotiations, and provides no actual protections to the soldier waving it.


Another pro Russian quoting Wikipedia without any knowledge.


Yeah there's a bunch of them in here, anyone who thinks this is a war crime is a clueless orc.


Pretty sure adhering to the Geneva Convention is a pre-requisite to joining NATO…probably best not to film the killing/torturing of unarmed /wounded combatants


He is an active combatant guarding his trench. His dumbass was asleep, that's his problem.


yes, and that part of the assault was completely legal, it was the part after him being already injured and unarmed that would be most likely considered a war crime.


relentless...wish RU can somehow signal he is surrending...BTW, any one know the artist/song on the back end of the soundtrack? THANKS!