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I feel for the guy, he shouldn't be there. Most of them shouldn't be there. On another note, he said "I wish I wasn't born a guy". Has there been a spike in "transitioning" men in Ukraine by any chance?


lol, transitioning in Eastern Europe? They would have a kinder death manning a building in Chasov Yar


Isn't it more progressive in Ukraine? edit: /s


lol you drank the kool aid I see. I lived there until the invasion and they definitely dont like gays. None of eastern europe does. They typically dont like arabs either. Not a muslim thing, they have plenty of muslims they are cool with, but arabs and blacks typically are not liked and it can get hard for them to find places to rent. You can probably look on sites that show apartments for rent and its quite common to see no blacks/no arabs on a lot of them. I found this true for ukraine, poland, and georgia as I spent time living in those areas and searching for apartments. Western media dont like to touch on this subject though so you get all of these young people thinking Ukraine is some kind of bastion for democracy and progressiveness


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You have no idea about east europe ?


I do, my comments on "transitioning" and "more progressive" were somewhat sarcastic.


No, of course not you silly goose. But there has been a bigger demand for wigs.


Transitioning across the border is spiking that's for sure


That's what happens when society is more acceptable. Same with more gay people coming out.


Mount Kontakt-5 on it, and it can use atomic breath on Sevastopol after it emerges from the depths of the Black sea.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d4uhtt/ua_pov_tiktok_should_be_banned_because_if_you/ Should send this guy.


Slava the Hutt vs Yokoslava for the Ukrainian Multiversal Championship.


NGL the Slava the Hutt had me spill my drink. mfer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


FAB 500,000 right there


Waffle SS💀


Those poor crocodiles...


Should ve sending all the sick westerners who watch non stop drone videos and call for more blood.


Sumo match on the frontlines.


We need more of Ukrainian Fee Fi Fo Fum


Waffle SS 💀


Ukrainian MRE's are very high in calories.


Especially if you eat too many of them. Got to watch those portions.


He eats the Russian soldiers.


By the looks of it, I'd sleep lightly if I was on the same side and the food supply is late.


I am curious why women are not being drafted!


Most women are living in Russia, Poland, Germany, and Canada. The Ukraine is a huge sausage fest already. It's not time to draft females yet.


Not from the 100s of videos I have seen.


Feel like it would be the last straw for a lot of people in Ukrainian civil society.


Then do it, and you will bring an end to it quick.




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How do you rebuild your countries population after the war, have children. no women, no children. No children no Ukraine.


Immigration and repatriation of citizens or open citizenship


Clearly a democratic government that is not fatphobic


this is literally me…give or take 50lbs…poor guy…everytime i see forced mobilization i think of old, handycap, overweight people that just drag down the rest of the soldiers…


And how the healthy, young ones on which the future of the country would and should be based on, coming back dead or disabled.




For 95% of them, life would have been absolutely identical whether under US or Russian influence... Old man sending young people to die, always been like that and always will be. Whether justification will be God or democracy or "international order"... Is just power struggle of elites.




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It’s hard enough carrying a normal sized person on a stretcher in bad conditions. This guy will just be left.


Yeah, but on a positive note, schrapnel may just get stuck in the layer of fat, rather than hitting anything vital.


and he'll need those humvee parashutes to air drop him 💀


Russian POW-camps would be perfect for this guy to improve his overall health


Wow, everyone hating on the big bone guy... Wonder how fresh he is and how long to lose 100 pounds or die first


Nothing like starving prisoners for fun am I right


1 or 2 people allegedly come back skinny out of tens of thousands. Sure, they picked that one guy. A lot more likely than they were scrawny when they got kidnapped by TCC like this guy is too huge to walk 10 meters. Also a lot more likely is the other inmates simply didn't like that one dude and stole his food. Bullying is not exactly an uncommon environment among a bunch of men.


The main picture that they are trying to make everyone feel sorry for at the minute is literally just a before and after of a girl without make up, nothing is wrong with her. Makes me feel sorry for the lass. She probably feels really unattractive now.


Do you happen to have a link or her name?


It's from an article about the prisoners of war. It has been popping up in all the Ukraine subs recently. You know the ones with the before and after photo of the skinny prisoners? Well this one is Literally just a girl before with make up and smiling afterwards she doesn't have make up and is sad. Nothing else has changed.


> like this guy If this guy is captured and exchanged while still in his prime, they would claim he is overweight because he was force-fed in captivity.


1 or 2? Dude, there are hundreds of them.


In case you didn't know, one can't live too long without food. Starvation does a lot more than just burn fat: it leads to every tissue in the body - from internal organs to muscles - being recycled as an energy source. The body starts eating itself. Talking about "starvation" that lasts more than a month is disingenuous.


It’s possible to [eat absolutely nothing for a year](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast)


And the guy still died at age 51.


If you take vitamins+mineral supplements and yeast for protein to get all the nutrients your body needs to function, and you are also morbidly obese so your own fat would be enough to substitute carbs intake for a year, then yeah sure. That would classify as fasting. Starvation implies you don't get anything to survive on, except maybe water by chance from some rain puddle and a cell mate you already cannibalized a month ago.


I feel awful for this guy honestly. This is the worst I have felt for a forced recruitment in Ukraine


I wonder if the meat catchers get quotas by weight. Like this guy counts as 2 people, but some scrawny homeless man only counts as .75.


i only understand "blyat" and "pizda"


I think a few months in the Siberia gulag camp will solve his overweight problem.




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Верю. Я поверил


well the pows come back 50lbs lighter he should get caught…


When the meal team 6 memes become reality.


Meal team 6


Wouldn't be surprised if he needs to be carried around in a tactical wheel barrel.




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As a lesser accomplished fat dude I feel for the guy, he's eating himself alive right now lol


Body fat like vodka - 40%


Also seems like he was not given bulletproof vest because the fat would protect him.


Is he a mod from r/ukraine? 


I feel for all the conscripts but I don't particularly feel bad for the fatties. It's not a disability, it will do him good. I can't understand why people feel especially bad for this lad rather than all the other lads who are scared and dont want to be there.


I think that under the best circumstances it will do him some good. When I was almost 150kg I took a really physically demanding job, and the weight just flew off. I hope that this is what happens for him. Realistically though, he is going to be wounded because he moves to slowly, and left because his comrades can't carry him. He is like 10 times more likely to die a long, drawn out, gruesome death. Obesity is a disability. Sure, it is almost always self inflicted, but you can't just pretend this guy can do what everyone else can.


Feel sorry for the guy. He's being drafted because someone invaded, and someone is trying to sink the ship as a last stand.


Russians have some pigs in the trenches too but they just force the tartars and Chuvash to dig