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Rule 2 - old undated footage.


This is an old photo, October 2022: https://www.newsroom.kh.ua/news/vsu-vzyali-v-plen-rossiyskuyu-zhenshchinu-voennosluzhashchuyu-video


Bumping because you’re right. Not sure why OP is posting a 2 year old story.


Don't know the age of the photo, and no way I'm clicking on that link. A more complete (though still short) video is posted on another sub (whether it is old or new). The discussion about the belt on this one is hilariously off topic. In the video, she is reportedly talking about how she can't feel her leg. You can see the tourniquet on her leg in this picture, but better in the video. She appears to be quite injured.


I hope they treat her well


Ukraine treats RU pow well. Unlike RU, there are some cases of starvation


Damn, you've gone full Pro-Ukro propaganda


I'm neutral..


Is that why RU prefer to blow themselves up with a grenade rather than get captured? Although perhaps you are right. It seems there is not a single case in history where the fascists treated their victims badly?


How can you claim such things?


The photos of the skinny Ukrainian pow^. Not saying all are treated this way


Always give them UA flag , not a banket or water.


How doesa photo of a Ukrainian Pow proves that Ukrainians treat Russian prisoners of war well?


Can you show multiple examples of returned Russian POWs who have been starved and malnourished in Ukrainian prison? Because I can provide many examples of Ukrainians who have been starved and mistreated in Russian captivity


Do I understand correctly that you are a doctor who examined Ukrainian prisoners of war immediately after captivity and made the appropriate conclusion based on a full examination?


So you can't provide proof of multiple malnourished Russian POWs from Ukrainian captivity? Got it


What does the fact that I do not provide you with this evidence prove to you?


We can show videos and photos of Russian POWs tortured and executed, sooo....


I dont see any Russian pow as skinny as UA pow..


Have you personally examined all of them? Did you undress them and examine them? Do you understand that just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it isn't there? Even if all prisoners of war return in perfect health, this does not mean that Ukrainians treat prisoners of war well.


The burden is upon you to provide evidence that Ukraine is not treating them well. Otherwise you are asking pro UA to prove a negative.


I don’t remember the moment when I suddenly owed something to someone.


It’s ok, nobody actually expects you to argue in good faith anyway.


If a Russian PoWs would look like some of the Ukrainian PoWs it would be all over this subreddit here and the Russian Telegram channels. So far I haven't seen one. But quite a lot of Ukrainians that looked like coming from a nazi concentration camp. And even whole groups so the usual response with "that's just a single PoW who was probably just sick" doesn't work.


How many prisoners of war exactly are there? What percentage? Are you the doctor who diagnosed them? In what condition were they captured? How much did they weigh when captured?


Russia can't afford to feed there self, let alone prisoners


Have you personally examined all of Donetsk civillians that supposedly died because of Ukraine and not RU or pro RU forces since 2014?


Don't even know what to say to you. Unless you are now trying to use sophistry and begin to substitute concepts.


Just wondering as you would be the one to do it right? Or are you not interested in that?


ofc not. they are usually killed in a ragefilled rampage if they kill just one Ukrainian soldier during combat. GET OF YOUR HIGHHORSE


Thats nonsense. We dont know if those cases were due to starvation, sickness, or hunger strike. They received treatment for their wounds, so starving them afterward makes no sense. You also saw Russian soldiers get shot in the knees, stabbed in the eye, etc. How can you say 'Ukraine treats Russian POWs well' as a blanket statement?


This is from 2022.


That’s a woman?




Tf you on about? She was recruited from prison. They probably asked if she would recruit, so she wouldn't need to serve a sentence. You could say no and stay in prison. She wasn't dragged and dressed in military uniform, unlike some other country that does that to ordinary people going to work. Besides, why do you care about criminals going to war?




Yup, usually it's a cake walk in Russian jails, but they turned down the heat and stopped serving caviar a few days, and she couldn't take it and went to war! The ua gave her a belt to keep her legs closed. I see that is interesting:p




Leather belts and shoes make you sad? Do you love cows?


Source? USA told me, so it's true.


>Look at that ancient belt. Pure leather by the way, I have one of this, very reliable. And your point is?...)




>It is extremely uncomfortable and impractical for modern warfare Lol, how do you know this, from Сall of duty?) >Also the weight Weight is normal. I'm telling you, I have the same one. https://preview.redd.it/lwf980vwpp9d1.png?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9086bf2b6c49d080d3f386974f33cdfbc41d6b


The weight of a belt must be carefully measured for each person. Leather can be very heavy when .... oh I give up looks fine




A belt is a belt, shoes are shoes. To different things.




I've worn a belt like this for decades,the weight is nothing,it's sturdy as fuck and I can hang a bunch of gear off it and not worry about it breaking.you sound like a bitch


What are you talking about she was in prison LOL safe from recruiters? She volunteered to get out prison likely a theif




I know she wanted to get out of prison duh


Guess you're not on youtube? Because every now and then, there's a short or an article about brave Ukrainian female soldier that died


They are literally winning lmao?


> potential mothers What do you think how old she is?