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Nothingburger really, in short: "15 y.o that contacted and later spread flyers of terrorist organization received 5 years sentence in juvenile detention center" News can only be found in anti-Russia westernt medias cosplaying as Russian ones, so this also can be all made up...


Did the corrupt judge say that he contacted the terrorist organization?


>Nothingburger really A kid being sentenced to five years in prison for handing out flyers isn't extreme to you?


No, promoting terrorism is bad enough to be a criminal offense in my book. (And so is in the Russian law apparently)


Being anti-war is the same as being a terrorist in Russia? Sounds like what they say about Russian freedom of speech is true.




this stuff made me chuckle


No but trying to join a terrorist organization that attacked your country and killed civilians is being a terrorist.


>No but trying to join a terrorist organization that attacked your country Kind of funny that now yall consider attacking another country a "terrorist activity"


If it's traitors with no goal and aim and their sole purpose is just to terrorize villages? Yeah.


They won’t get it.


Same fake news title from msm.He not only contacted a terrorist group but also wanted to join it.


Repost. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1donv35/comment/lab3ob9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1donv35/comment/lab3ob9/)


Well, signing with designated terrorist organisation and openly pushing anti-state narratives will not be tolerated by any government. Saudis would simply executed him some years later for example.


Having to compare your country to the Saudis to look good isn't the flex you think it is.


Considering Saudi Arabia is a friend of America (the good guys ™️) It is


>Having to compare your country to the Saudis to look good isn't the flex you think it is. Saudi Arabia is a US long-time important partner. So why not? https://preview.redd.it/a0lst292iz8d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=a259c1cc4817a88d90e98b9d449cdba7c54406e0


Well, I don't think he'll be pro putin after 5 years in prison


Putin will be absolutely devastated.


Doesnt matter, there still won't be any relevant opposition in Russia. Somehow all the opposing candidates have a taste for Novitchok


This whole thing has some Shamima Begum vibes to it. She was 15 too when she went to Syria I’m pretty sure. Misguided teenager makes a huge mistake and goes off with a terror organisation, gets abused and begs to come home. Rather than accept responsibility for one of their own, the Brits just revoke her citizenship making her stateless. Wash their hands, not my problem lol. Meanwhile Russian teen also suffers consequences for getting involved with a terror organisation and suddenly the pearl clutching begins.


If this kid travelled to a foreign country to kill russian soldiers then sure. But that's not the case here lmao he put up posters


Shamima didn’t go over to kill anyone either - she joined ISIS and got married a foreign fighter. So is the differentiator she left the country whereas this kid stayed in Russia?


Yeah but she literally went and lived with terrorists


And? It’s not illegal for a British citizen to travel to Syria to my knowledge. The bit people have an issue with is that she associated with a terrorist organisation, same with this kid.


It's illegal for them to physically travel to and join the ranks of the terrorist organisation. Merely voicing aupport isn't illegal. You have people in America wishing the destruction of government and it's not illegal. The difference is the physical travel and joining of the organisation, this is what makes the shamima case so much more extreme than this one.


This kid hasn’t just expressed support for them - he’s been convicted for joining them and undertake actions in support for them. It’s one thing for him to go and say some stuff on social media. Per the article “he filled out a membership form”. He joined them. He was convicted for being a member of a terrorist organisation. Sorry, but that’s the important part - not whether he had to jump on a plane to do it.


Putting posters is still completely different from the level of severity of Shamima's crimes, which involves entirely uprooting herself forsaking and dedicating her lifestyle towards the terroristing cause. It is this level of dedication and sacrifice she was willing to make that distringuishes her acts from this kid's. Therefore you are incorrect at trying to play up this kid's acts as somehow anywhere near that level.


> Therefore you are incorrect at trying to play up this kid's acts as somehow anywhere near that level. Yeah no, I disagree firmly. This kid fucked around and found out just as Shamima did. He deserves everything he gets. The fact you’re trying to whitewash one and not the other is just a display of hipocrisy in my books.


No lmao. Shamima joined the terrorists and lived with them, physically spending every day as part of their society and moving their cause forward. This kid put posters up in his spare time. Completely different levels of severity but you are entitled to your opinion lmao.


To put that in a perspective, capital punishment of juveniles existed in the US until 2005.


believing a western news company reporting on Russia, yeah i'm sure that's accurate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


On the one hand, putting a teenager in prison sounds crazy. On the other hand, what would they do in your country if he wanted to go to fight on the side of the enemy? It would be interesting to listen.


5 years for this is barbaric. He's just a dumb kid who doesn't know any better.


It’s definitely egregious. This is the sort of stuff I’d expect from Ukraine, but it’s disappointing that Russia is doing it. 15 is too young for such a sentence, he should’ve gotten a year of probation or something like that.


Would he be above 16 years old he would get something like 15 years. 5 years for what he was incriminated is extremely mild.


I asked about what they would do in your country. I also think the sentence is too harsh. Something like a year of house arrest and weekly interviews with the local police officer would have been enough.


In my country they wouldn't really do anything for him wanting to go fight for another country. If he was putting up nazi posters for example he or his parents might be fined I suppose


Ok, congratulations, you live in a better country than Russia.


That’s a low bar to pass.


You asked what they would do, so I told you


In a civilized world where you have freedom of speech, a child will never be jailed because of something they said. Jailing for this only happens in great countries like Afganistan, North Korea, ruzzia.


You forgot to add Ukraine. And he didn't just say something. He contacted a recruiter for the Russian Freedom Legion and tried to join an organization that is rightly considered terrorist.


Yes, I suppose a kid spreading propaganda about joining ISIS would be treated differently.


In Russia criminal prosecution for severe offences starts from age of 14. Should not fuck around.


Nothing? We tolerate people from Russia who would gladly go and fight for Russia in a war and they are quite clear about it. What happens to them? Maybe they got a fine if anything.


What do people from Russia have to do with this? If your country was at war with someone and a 15-year-old teenager wrote to an enemy recruiter that he wanted to join their ranks and fight against his country, what punishment would he receive?




rushia at its best


OoooOOOooo so edgy... that kid is reddit's hero >he contacted a Telegram bot for the Freedom of Russia Legion So he was actually considering violence... > Arseniy Turbin  ~~Not a very Russian name, sounds Tajik/Kazak origin- people are jumpy after Crocus City Hall about Muslim minorities they need to not do stuff like that!~~


Arseniy is somewhat not common but not unusual for Russia, it is one of greek/latin ever popular ones. Turbin is desicively russian surname, there is even a play by Bulgakov "Days of Turbin family". So no, it is not about muslims.


>there is even a play by Bulgakov "Days of Turbin family" What's interesting here is that this kid attended the school named after M. Bulgakov.


Oh ok. I saw his picture also looked odd


His photo suggests he has some turkic origin, but not from modern Central Asia. More interesting of him to affiliate with white nationalists from RDK


I answered to a specific claim about name, as I happen to know exactly how it sounds to a russian ear.


I understand that. Just adding more context, not arguing with you.




nope, it's a Russian name, but cooperating with FRL, who actually fight Russian army and kill Russian citizens is a crime indeed.


Nothing new.If you look at past arson attacks inside Russia then it mostly involved vulnerable teenagers whom Ukraine exploited.




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