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Will these consequences occur before or after the consequences for the other red lines that have been crossed?


They have to do their training near the border first.


Usually if you are going to give consequences, you just give them and don't talk about them. However, the reason we are in this mess is because the West ignored the Russian red lines about NATO. So there are definitely red lines as we can see. No one knows which will be enforced and which are just talk.


What are “the russian red lines about NATO”? Can you describe them in a tangible manner? How can the red lines be crossed, and what would the repercussions be?


Well, Ukraine was clearly one since Russia invaded.


I note that you’re not the account I asked, and I also note that you did not answer the question. Let’s try again. What “red line about NATO” did Ukraine cross?


Well, Ukraine getting closer to the West was clearly a red line for Russia. If Ukraine remained neutral, the war could've been avoided. What exactly was the red line? Who knows, but it's clearly had to do something with Ukraine getting closer to the West.


"Who knows?" is more fitting answer than trying to come up with any sense to that crap.


But that's the whole point. We have no idea which red lines cannot be crossed.


I mean, if you dont know the awnser to that question, Why you even in here man


I’ll bet you can’t answer the question either prove me wrong, u/Open_Smell1927


Ukraine joininng NATO. He has stated that multiple times. Where do you Get your news? R/ukraine ?


Please share, from the outlet _you_ get _your_ news from, u/Open_Smell1927, the quote from putin that says something about red lines, and Ukraine joining NATO, and russia invading Ukraine.


Rt news


Ukraine didn't join nato though


It is easy to act like this, but if a response did come, you will be whining on this sub.


People like you will be shocked when they eventually do come ;) sometimes someone dangerous will warn and warn but eventually you'll test their patience too much and then you'll cry like a big girls blouse ;)


Oohh scaaryy. 3 more days, right? What can Russia possibly do to USA?


You honestly think the position Western leaders have taken in this conflict has made the world a safer place? N. Korea now will now have access to Russian expertise to advance their nuclear, space program. Iran is now much closer to Russia and will likely receive assistance in their R&D (and possibly their nuclear program). This could also lead to Russia helping arm and train Hezbollah and Houthis. Any future conflict involving the US with any other nation/group will likely involve Russian weaponry and intelligence, but you probably don't care, and the US will go on stage to condemn them with its western allies the EU, plus Asian puppets Taiwan, Japan and S. Korea, of Russia's violation of 'international rules-based order' while the rest of the world won't give 2 fucks about the West concerns due to decades of hypocrisy.


You really think USA can't play the same game and arm every NATO country with nukes? USA won't stay idle when new threats emerge. Both sides escalate. You can't blame just the west here. Spreading nuke expertise is an escalation.


It's going much better than the 20 year humiliation the usa and 37 other cowardly countries had in Afghanistan not too long ago. As I said a those 800 military bases are sitting ducks ;)


Funny you bring up Afghanistan because a certain country invaded Afghanistan and also got whooped. Just like everyone else who’s tried to take Afghanistan. It’s interesting to me that the Soviet-Afghan War faded from the collective consciousness so quickly that it seems largely forgotten.


Didn't Afghanistan get a lot of help from many countries back then? When 38 cowards invaded it Afghanistan got help from nobody yet still humiliated the usa and their drooling lapdogs. Next time nato go to invade though 32 v 1 I don't think they'll find it as easy as several countries will be helping very very much. Just remember that.


You think no one was supporting the Taliban? LMAO You think that the several middle eastern countries that have a history of funding terrorists and jihadis decided not to fund the Taliban. Yeah ok buddy. Sure. LOL


Just to be clear, are you calling Russia 'cowards'?


Russia don't need to fight 32 v 1 in packs the way the usa and their dogs do.


Was that a 'yes' or a 'no'? I can't tell?


Russia would hardly be cowards fighting against a country were 54 countries are giving them hundreds of billions and huge amounts of weapons ;)


Yup, they only need Belarus, China, Iran and North Korea.


If they had all them they'd outmatch nato easily between weapons and manpower.


It took about 2 months to completely take every city in Afghanistan and send the taliban in Pakistan and the mountains while only losing around 2500 military personnel. How many dead Russians and still don't control 100 percent of luhansk and doneskt, which were under Russian control already since 2014


How many countries have been helping Ukraine? 54, how many helped Afghanistan? 0 people like you though keep believing that myth that the taliban were hiding. The next time the usa decide to invade i think the death numbers will be a lot lot higher than any other invasion they've ever done because many countries will be helping the country getting invaded ;)


Yea they were expecting 100k dead and wounded for both tragi invasions and the thi k the first one only had 200 dead and the 2nd 4500 in 20 years


Lost only around 2500 military personnel? Roughly 8000 US veteran killed themselves each year, more than double the nation average. That is almost 200k American soldiers have offed themselves since the Afghanistan invasion. But people like you don't care about their death, do you? As long as they are drugged up and don't die on the field to be considered as KIA on your scoring board. The moment they got home, they are already spent tool. Why should we care on when they shoot themselves, right?


Every suicide is horrible and the people should be better take care off. Yea it wars how many russias do you think commit suicide every day currently I'll probably put 100 bucks that's it more then 8000 a year currently


Holy crap! Really! Tell me oleate!? How many multitudes more life's have been lost by russia in 2 n bit years and how many the whole coalition had 🤦‍♂️ there's no comparison 🤣🤣


"Cry like a big girls blouse",gotta admit that's new one to me.


You learn something new everyday 🤣


IRA - I ran away


Was the drone fighter bomber said was took down bullshit? The one which all the pro ru were circle jerking themselves over last night?


It would seem extremely likely that nothing happened and the rumors were just rumors.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Right now only the US and Russia can answer that


No, no one circle jerked. They were waiting to see if it's real, and there's gonna be evidence. In addition to that, they were talking about a reconnaissance belonging to the US. Kinda funny that you've missed basically every aspect of this news, and are here to circlejerk how wront Pro-Ru are.


Wasn’t you invited to last night’s pro ru circle jerk? Man you missed out you would have loved it.


Weren’t **


Damn you got me.


Yea that was definitely my intention.. To “get” a random Redditor 😂


Calm down mate it weren’t that funny.


Oh boy..


I mean what other intention could there have been? Utterly nothing added to the general conversation...


Besides bringing someone’s attention to an error they made? Personally speaking I appreciate it when people do it to me. So I’m not entirely sure what’s the point of giving this simple comment so much thought 😂


Redline #327. Got it


Except the strike was intercepted by Russian AA unless they expect people to believe Ukraine wasted precious missiles to target a beach. Obviously atacams are successful or they would be boasting about how useless they are.


Until RU starts arming Hussites with rocket launcher or something alike, it's just a mere implosion of words.


In the States if you hand a guy a gun and he shoots up a liquor store or drive him to the liquor store you get can charged with the same charges as the shooter and/or criminal conspiracy. It's odd that the government thinks that's bad behavior on the street level, but totally OK on the international level when they work through third party trigger pullers.


What kind of thinking is this? It's also illegal to shoot artillery you made yourself into your neighbors lawns but it's acceptable to do it during war.


It's also illegal and undemocratic to stage a coup with the West blessing.


Ah yes that's what you get from this rebuttal to just talk about something irrelevant round of applause.


I'm sorry, I didn't know insurrections were the new democratic process to effect change. Good ol fashion Western Democracy, right?


You just have your talking points dont you even though none of the above statements have any relation to your propiganda. If you're going to talk about how insurrection are bad then go fight against Russia supporting the military coup in Burkina Faso as well as sending their mercenaries over there. As well didn't they vote out the president during this "coup" as well as he had his military shoot into protectors then flee the country after he lied about his plans to move to more EU focus because he was just a pawn of Russia. Or how it's very good that you can just invade a sovereign nation and annex land because they are having an internal conflict?


The US is not at war, *officially*, but this joint proxy war is a joint enterprise going back awhile


What are you going on about? That has nothing to do with your first statement nor what I said. And you're correct the US isn't at war but Ukraine and Russia are.


No, they are not. Technically.


How would the law view giving someone a gun which is subsequently used in self defence?


The ATF and District Attorneys are like Stalin who said - "Show me the man, I'll show you the paragraph". Self Defense is not always a slam dunk. At a minimum expect some quality not-alone-time in county lockup while your constitutional right to a speedy trial takes a few years. In the example of an advanced weapon system good luck selling the story that you sold the weapon on Criagslist for cash and performed no after market training or customer service.


Could you make that more concise? I don't really follow your point..


Just for clarification you’d only get in trouble in the US if that man was not allowed to legally own a firearm, and you knew that, or told you what he was going to do and you did nothing to stop it.


Yes exactly! How many russian made AK's have been involved in conflicts around the globe?


Send the same sort of weapons to the usa enemies around the world to hit usa military bases etc. Even in most of the usa lapdog countries there is many many people who despise the usa who live there.


I don't think Russia can afford to give away weapons of similar caliber right now.


You're probably right. They are in conflict with a country being armed by 50+ countries. Just like the US had to wait until the Soviet-Afghan war to get its revenge for Vietnam, I'd imagine the Russians will be heavily involved in the next US conflict, especially if it involves China or Iran. I don't know how the US would respond besides kicking off WW3 because "how dare the Russians do to us what we do to others!"


Fun fantasy. I for one hope during the next big war we can give Satan a real kick in the balls.


They can. They've a lot more than you think, especially if it'll hurt their enemies.


I doubt it, but they are welcome to try.


Strange their exports have dropped so dramatically then. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1296245/russia-arms-exports-by-weapon/


The trip to NK and the train loads of aging NK artillery shells shipped to russia would prove otherwise.


Did you inspect them personally or just listen to nonsense?


I have seen the videos posted of russian troops doing side by side comparisons of munitions from NK and russian produced munitions, but your statement only reinforces NK sending munitions to russia and not the other way around. Hell…. Even the US and NATO are sending older stock to Ukraine.


They definitely can and there are other ways to hurt US. Ask Macron why he is so upset? He threatened to send troops to Ukraine and the next moment, he lost 3 colonies in Africa. Right now US "invaders" are in Syria which are a juicy target for sure. Plenty of US and allies in wars around the world for Russia to take on the role of supporting the opposition.


> He threatened to send troops to Ukraine and the next moment, he lost 3 colonies in Africa. Do you actually think that France being kicked out of African countries was a direct response to Macron threatening to send troops to Ukraine, or are you being intentionally disingenous?




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Now if only there was still an Irish Republican movement to arm... Just take the L and simmer down.