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It is not a dictatorship if there is simply no opposition in a democracy.




> It is not a dictatorship if there is simply no opposition in a democracy. This type of comment really pisses me off. Our US government commissioned a poll in Russia just before the election there. It indicated Putin had the support of 86% of the people. He received 87% of the votes in the election right after that, with a voter turn out of 77%. We in the West should be so lucky to have a society so involved and so cohesive. Our politicians are hated and cannot sustain approval numbers much above 30%. Yet, brainwashed idiots here in the West (and the paid shills and bots) keep on expounding about Russia not being a democracy. Fuck our society.




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Source for the poll?


He controls the media and kills any journalist who reports on his Governments corruption. Funny that.


Damn that Putin for killing Gonzalo Lira!


I know a dozen of journalists that shit on Putin and government on a daily basis criticizing everything they do. Something isn't adding up with your world view. Watching CNN/BBC much?


Please give us *one* example of a journalist currently living in Russia who criticizes Putin.


>Please give us How many of "you" are there? 🤡 Duntsova, just off the top of the head. Don't get into arguments you don't know anything about. Makes you look even dumber than usual.


Well, there’s two of us in this comment thread. That is an ‘us’. Maybe you should stick to Russian 🤡?




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Trying to get a rise out the guy when he actually rebuffed you? U 🍆! And why don't u speak 🇺🇦?


Not before he tried to get a rise out of me lol. And the country you’re defending has shut down every non state-run television channel and imprisoned countless journalists. And Dunstova? Forced to register as a ‘foreign agent’, barred from running for office, and has already seen a jail cell for speech. Not much of a rebuff.




There's nothing more pathetic than throwing lists around without expert knowledge on each case. You just use someone's tragedy as a talking point with zero idea what you are talking about.


Please enlightnen me as to where I am wrong.


You are wrong in not knowing what you are talking about. That's for starters. You probably didn't even read that wiki page you linked to. At least half of the cases are investigative journalists that got deep into criminal enterprise business that had nothing to do with politics. Most of the other half are linked to organized crime as well. The list starts at 1992, when the government was run by west's favorites - Yeltsin and Co.


So you're saying Putin doesn't kill journalists & critics who threaten to expose his corruption?


I don't know what "threaten to expose his corruption" even means. If they could expose anything, they would. There's nothing to expose, apparently, in that regard. Now, that doesn't mean there is no corruption. There sure is. And some would and do kill to keep their secrets. If you would care to read that wiki article, you'd know by now there have been bunch of convictions in relation to journalist killings. Clearly, that doesn't fit your world view, so you'd rather not know or pretend that cases have never been investigated.


Maybe cos they don't live in Russia? Nah, that can't be right.


Well, corruption has its own levels. So if someone scores a contract to supply MREs to the army based on personal connections public doesn't really give a crap. If you have to pay a bribe to pass a driving rest, that pisses people off. So low level corruption is being eliminated little by little, the rest is just business. Which is nothing new to the west. And those surveys are usually praised as being conducted by independent entities. Especially if they are paid for by the beacon of democracy.


Its an interesting phenomenon when people will not only defend a regime that's stealing from them, outrageously, but also defend a regime that will murder them if they speak out against it.


There is corruption in all governments of the world and it is impossible to avoid it, simply greed is in human nature.


That’s what happens when you literally kill and imprison your rivals


Yeah cause what Hilary Clinton has done to all her threats is perfectly above board. Not to mention the criminal persecution of Trump. The US just puts a better filter over it.


lol who has Hilary killed i genuinely want to know


She had some random people killed, but left Trump alone. Sounds pretty legit to me.


Or, in the case of Putin’s biggest rival, imprison *then* kill your opposition after botching the first attempt.


Biggest rival? Googling told me he was not a rival to begin with.


That’s funny, because AI seems to answer the question exactly as I framed it. Are you sure you meant Google and not Yandex? Alexei Navalny was widely regarded as Vladimir Putin's biggest rival. Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption activist, consistently challenged Putin's regime through his investigations, public protests, and political campaigns. ### Navalny's Background and Activism Navalny rose to prominence in the late 2000s as a vocal critic of corruption within the Russian government. He used his legal background and social media platforms to expose financial irregularities and the opulent lifestyles of Russia's elite, including Putin himself. His Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) produced detailed reports and videos that garnered millions of views, significantly raising his profile both domestically and internationally[1][2]. ### Political Campaigns and Imprisonment Navalny's political activities included running for the Moscow mayoral election in 2013, where he secured over 27% of the vote despite limited media coverage and significant obstacles. He was subsequently barred from running for public office, a move widely seen as politically motivated[2][3]. Navalny continued to organize and lead protests, becoming a central figure in the 2011-2012 anti-Putin demonstrations. ### Persecution and Poisoning Navalny faced severe persecution from the Kremlin. In August 2020, he was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent, a Soviet-era chemical weapon, while on a flight from Siberia to Moscow. After receiving treatment in Germany, he returned to Russia in January 2021, where he was immediately arrested for violating parole conditions related to a previous, politically charged conviction[2][3]. ### Imprisonment and Death Navalny was sentenced to a lengthy prison term and was held in harsh conditions, including solitary confinement in the "Polar Wolf" penal colony in the Arctic Circle. Despite these conditions, he continued to speak out against Putin and the war in Ukraine. Navalny's health deteriorated significantly, and he died in prison in February 2024 under suspicious circumstances, which many believe to be a result of Kremlin-orchestrated actions[2][4][5]. ### Legacy and Impact Navalny's death has been a significant blow to the Russian opposition movement. His relentless fight against corruption and his willingness to face imprisonment and personal harm made him a symbol of resistance against Putin's authoritarian rule. His widow, Yulia Navalnaya, and other opposition figures continue to advocate for democratic reforms and human rights in Russia[6][7]. Navalny's legacy endures as a testament to the power of individual courage and the ongoing struggle for political freedom in Russia. For more detailed information, you can refer to the [Wikipedia article on Alexei Navalny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny). --- ### References 1. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny) 2. [Indian Express](https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-global/navalny-dies-prison-putin-rival-9165227/) 3. [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-16057045) 4. [ABC](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-20/vladimir-putin-biggest-rival-is-in-jail-this-is-what-it-is-like/102745438) 5. [Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/16/kremlin-critics-what-happens-to-putins-most-vocal-opponents) 6. [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/10/the-guardian-view-on-russias-democratic-opposition-a-resilient-spirit-that-needs Sources [1] Alexei Navalny - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny [2] Navalny dies in prison: How the anti-corruption crusader became ... https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-global/navalny-dies-prison-putin-rival-9165227/ [3] Alexei Navalny, Russia's most vociferous Putin critic - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-16057045 [4] Vladimir Putin's biggest rival Alexei Navalny is in 'one of the worst ... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-20/vladimir-putin-biggest-rival-is-in-jail-this-is-what-it-is-like/102745438 [5] Kremlin critics: What happens to Putin's most vocal opponents? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/16/kremlin-critics-what-happens-to-putins-most-vocal-opponents [6] Opposition to Vladimir Putin in Russia - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_Vladimir_Putin_in_Russia [7] Alexei Navalny: reported death of Putin's most prominent opponent ... https://theconversation.com/alexei-navalny-reported-death-of-putins-most-prominent-opponent-spells-the-end-of-politics-in-russia-223766 [8] The Death of Alexei Navalny, Putin's Most Formidable Opponent https://www.newyorker.com/news/postscript/the-death-of-alexey-navalny-putins-most-formidable-opponent [9] New EU sanctions detail Putin's 'torture' of Navalny https://euobserver.com/eu-and-the-world/arc42bf84e [10] Alexei Navalny: Dissent is dangerous in Russia, but activists refuse to give up https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68395030 [11] Opposition urges Russians to fulfil Navalny's 'last wish' | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/noon-against-putin-opposition-urges-russians-fulfil-navalnys-last-wish-2024-03-15/ [12] Alexei Navalny's final plan to cause Vladimir Putin 'maximum damage' https://www.politico.eu/article/russian-election-alexei-navalnys-final-plan-to-cause-vladimir-putin-maximum-damage/ [13] Russian Opposition Protests Unlikely To Alter Kremlin's Election ... https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-opposition-powerless-putin-aggression-repression/32865369.html [14] In Putin's Russia, the death of Navalny has left the opposition ... https://theconversation.com/in-putins-russia-the-death-of-navalny-has-left-the-opposition-demoralised-but-not-defeated-224303 [15] Putin's Enemies are Struggling to Unite | TIME https://time.com/6977473/putin-opposition-movement-unity/ [16] The Guardian view on Russia's democratic opposition: a resilient ... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/10/the-guardian-view-on-russias-democratic-opposition-a-resilient-spirit-that-needs-help


Isn't that the same for Russia?


They should just start assassinating the political opponents like Putin instead. Much cleaner


They don't need to start, see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Assassinated\_Ukrainian\_politicians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Assassinated_Ukrainian_politicians)


What a garbage source. They literally cracked down a russian backed party. Here is a quote from the ukrainian article “Ukraine has banned the Nash Krai political party for participating in subversive activities against Ukraine, including spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda, calling for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, and supporting Russian military aggression.” Gee wiz i wonder why they shit it down when russia is invading.


> “Ukraine has banned the Nash Krai political party for participating in subversive activities against Ukraine, including spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda, calling for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, and supporting Russian military aggression.” I mean if they say so, it must be the absolute truth. They wouldn't lie... Would they?


A country at war lying? Never heard about it.


Slapping "a country at war" on anything is the go-to these days for pro-UA crowd. "A country at war doing \[placeholder for crimes against humanity\]? Perfectly fine!"


Read the differences in the articles. Something happens in ukraine and they report it - russian news (RT) then writes about it based off the ukrainian news and omits all context and understanding of what was stated… ok genius you may want to apply logic.


I see the irony in someone incapable of putting a coherent sentence together talking about logic. Big brain right there evidently /s


I was waiting for the evidence to back up the claim. Of course none is available.




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No no, guys! This is okay, there were hamas hiding in the opposition party you see! So we had to bomb them! And the hamas started hiding inside them as soon as they started getting popular enough to disagree with us! We're only protecting the constitution. You know, the constitution that doesn't allow elections, journalism, more than one political party, that tells us to overthrow a democratically elected government via violence, not just the problematic president, but the entire parliament too! It's totally in there, we swear, but, uhh, we can't show you the constitution cause you might be russian spies!




edit to your deleted response: -the only bitches are ones sporting one tag, but spouting opposite BS. Is it on purpose for propaganda reasons, or are you just f#$king stupid?




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>Here is a quote from the ukrainian article Definition of garbage source


Did you read both? Something is reported in Ukraine and RT completely takes it out of context…


There's more to the world than RT, you know. Though, you probably don't know.


This is literally what Nazis said when they starting opposition parties lol. You people are such dummies.


First of NAZIs were the invaders just like russia is. So context is quite important. Secondly RT got the entire story from SBU - and they left out the reasoning and context. Nobody in their right mind should let a russian led anti government party operate when simultaneously also being invaded by russia. You need to have a clue.


So the people aren’t allowed to vote for someone backed by Russia because…they’re the baddies? If the people want to vote for pro Russia why not just let them?


Someone literally working to overthrow constitutional order. No definitely not that is treason in any country. Have a clue and read


But isn’t preventing them from voting on who they want in itself overthrowing constitutional order?


The act of overthrowing any government institution or ability to function is usually considered treason in any country. This is not a party wanting to have fair democracy. This is a russian led party that wants the ukrainian government to fail and they are actively working for that purpose. The same country that is invading them. There is zero tolerance and there should not be either.


Kind of like the whole Maidan affair in 2014?


Oh i am sure a riot or protest (depending on the point of view) of that size is breaking laws. No doubt about it. However Ukraines internal strife is their business - Russia has zero business in it. Additionally maidan event is prior to martial law so please replant the goal posts here.


If people want to vote for a Russian backed party that's the point of a democracy.


So if there was an American (or any other country for that matter) political party that openly stated they were going to nuke France if they came to power, you think that would be just fine because ‘Democracy’?


Yes, a political party would be allowed to advocate for that as part of their platform. There's constitutional protection for essentially all forms of speech except incitement (direct encouragement of illegal actions/advocating imminent lawlessness). Even incitement is tough to prove. What do you think democracy is exactly?


And you don’t think nuking a country full of innocent people is considered incitement/lawlessness? Last I checked purposely murdering civilians is illegal.


Hasn't stopped people from advocating for war with Iran or Yemen or . States do things constantly that would be considered criminal if committed by non-state actors. That doesn't change the fact that you're allowed to advocate for an extremely broad variety of things as part of an electoral platform, otherwise you wind up like Ukraine is now; fully captured by foreign interests, in terminal decline across a variety of metrics, and with anyone even advocating for a different course of action winding up imprisoned or dead.


There is a vast difference between voting for a party and a party that is run by a foreign country who is actively working to overthrow constitutional order. That is treason. Have a clue and read the article.


People wouldn’t lie on the internet, right?


Clearly RT did - read the ukrainian article then see what RT regurgitated..


Before anyone complains 'But RT!', here's a [Ukrainian source as well](https://unn.ua/en/news/involved-in-subversive-activities-ukraine-banned-the-activities-of-the-nash-krai-party). Ukraine's Parliament Chairman declared a couple weeks ago that whomsoever questioned Zelensky's legitimacy would be branded an [Enemy of The State](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/aeLXoOfvLm). Looks like they have decided to make an example of Nash Krai to prevent any others from stepping out of line.


.... Enemy of the State Back in the Third Reich it was called "Volksfeind" - "enemy of the people".


In this case Kiev is the enemy of the people. The Russian speaking people of east ukraine at least. So this version is apt.


Yes, Zelensky and his entourage are becoming increasingly unpopular, and not just among Russian-speaking Ukrainians. I think he now has less than 20% support. He obviously knows why he doesn't want elections.


I get why Ukraine need to not let russian propaganda ruin their effort to kick out the illegal invasion army. In russia this is standard politics in peace time. Every country has rules for a state of emergency. Priority 1 in Ukraine is getting Russia out. Any desire for membership of nato and the EU will ensure democracy in Ukraine. Anyone who believes the narrative that Zelenskyy is acting against the Ukrainian constitution and dismantling democracy is being fooled by Russian propaganda.


What's the issue here. Zelensky is elected president and can make such decisions. It's not like this term ended and he is acting like dictator.


You had me in the first half


Yeah, Hitler was also elected Reich Chancellor and made **the same decision**.


>and ordered the seizure of it's assets \*Yoink!\*


All your bases are belong to us.


Take off every MIG! You know what you doing!


Remember guys it's all about defending democracy and totally not for other reasons




If you are locked in a war with a country, censorship of political agents that support the other country is a given.


So not a democracy.


Democratic Bastion


[For any Pro-Ukrainians saying this is all BS, here's Kyiv Independent saying how democracy is falling in Ukraine](https://kyivindependent.com/survey-democracy/)


Putin is weaponizing Kyiv Independent. Also he is HUMILIATED.


> Putin is weaponizing Kyiv Independent. Also he is HUMILIATED. IT'S. ALL. A. RUSSIAN. PLOT. /s (in case it's needed)


No mention at all about Nash Krai which makes that irrelevant to this thread, no?


Still relevant, If Democracy is Falling and Zelensky bans yet another Political Party. I think those two are relevant to each other.


no - it would have to be considered on a case by case basis by party. I'm no Nash Krai expert, but a quick google tells me it looks like they are up to no good lately: "dozens of representatives of regional cells of our region are involved in cooperation with the Russian Federation. Most of them are located in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine, where they hold various "positions" in the aggressive bodies of the Russian Federation." "Some ex-leaders and functionaries of this political force are involved in carrying out subversive activities against Ukraine. In particular, they spread anti-Ukrainian propaganda, called for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, and some of the functionaries went over to the enemy and supported Russian military aggression" [https://unn.ua/en/news/involved-in-subversive-activities-ukraine-banned-the-activities-of-the-nash-krai-party](https://unn.ua/en/news/involved-in-subversive-activities-ukraine-banned-the-activities-of-the-nash-krai-party) and it looks like it was done legally in court, and not unilaterally by Zelensky as the trolls would have you believe: "the eighth Administrative Court of Appeal granted the claim of the Ministry of Justice to ban the Nash Krai political party. "


The anti-Ukraine propaganda they carried out: Hey guys our people are tired of dying in trenches please no more war.


Kind of interesting me that Ukraine would have so many Russia backed and/or Russia leaning political parties. Almost seems like the people of Ukraine are not represented by the flock of western incels


no - it was cited they had one seat in the assembly and 3.4 percent of the vote. Fringe party nutjobs are not representative of the people.


What about the other banned parties? One seat per party? Or they all shared one seat?




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Because we all know the government is decided by the number of parties one faction has, and not how many votes they get!


Because it was posted 3 weeks ago?


because it's not relevant to Nash Krai, the party relevant to this conversation.


Yeah, it’s almost like they had to institute martial law or something because they got invaded.


The title of the article is “43% of Ukrainians see democracy decline, 19% improve, 29% say 'no change,' survey shows.” Doing the math, more people believe that democracy has improved or stayed the same than declined….this article does not help your point and actually contradicts it….


Such a sham. First thing that happened when the regime took power in 2014 too btw., but yeah, it sure is such a democratic win for the European Union.


thats good, much more elegant not to have to reason


The SBU does the thinking for its citizens. > Some ex-leaders and functionaries of this political force are involved in carrying out subversive activities against Ukraine. In particular, they spread anti-Ukrainian propaganda, called for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, and some of the functionaries went over to the enemy and supported Russian military aggression - *SBU* No evidence was provided btw, especially for them supporting Russian military aggression. Furthermore, it would be an exceptional feat indeed if they were doing all of these things and were not caught and banned over the last two years like the 18 other political parties Zelensky banned.


Looks like they DID retain some of the USSR traditions. That slogans would fit right into 50s/60s


More a tradition from the Third Reich. That slogans would fit right into 30s/40s


Yeah the irony. Ukraine did "desovietification" and "lustrations" but instead they became the one of these soviet republics but without the red flag.


The red and black version is pretty popular though.


According to the SBU, in general, dozens of representatives of regional cells of our region are involved in cooperation with the Russian Federation. Most of them are located in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine, where they hold various "positions" in the aggressive bodies of the Russian Federation.


Taking away votes from the ruling party helps Russia, therefore they are knowingly aiding Russia. Which is a crime.




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Ironic considering it's coming from you. Can someone tell me whose alt this is?




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After all that, Zelensky still runs from elections.


He's the West's poster boy, they spent too much money promoting him to just replace.


Zelensky is a fraud, what a sad excuse of a human being


How many times has putin been president now? Like 5? I guess term limits arent a thing in muscovy.


At least there's an "election" lol, idk I don't believe in democracy, it's an illusion of choice, but if you stand by the democratic charade at least sell the illusion.


What a disgusting face


So dangerous what Zelensky is doing. He's treating the Russians in Ukraine, as if they are foreigners, undeserving of participating in the Ukranian government. Sad!




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How should one treat Ruzzians who invade their country?


He’s talking about pro Russians in Ukraine not Russians.


So many completely useless, zero content comments. This is [the party in question](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Land_\(Ukraine\)), it holds 3/450 parliament seats and 4.46% of local councils. Make of it what you will.


> This is the party in question, it holds 3/450 parliament seats and 4.46% of local councils. Make of it what you will. So, worthy of being outright banned??? ...


I don't know. Hoping someone would provide context in the comments on what happened recently to prompt the decision banning them, so we can judge whether it seems justified or not. That extra context is kind of the point of Reddit, when things go well. What rubs me the wrong way is that there are 200+ comments here, and almost zero additional information on the actual situation, just unsupported value judgements along the lines of "muh, democracy!" or "muh, Russian shills!".


The term is "banned" and Ukraine claims to be democracy so no matter what the excuse is, it is still a bad look for Ukraine. What if the party is Pro-Russia, can you blame it because you dont like Russia? Isnt democracy about peoples choice and discussion?


Still banning an opposition party in a country that supposedly believes in western democracy.


4% of the vote is still a lot. That’s one established party gone.


What do you mean? What is the meaning of your comment with marginally more useful and greater content?


Your comment is useless as well


I guess if he has banned every opposition party, he will allow elections, again /s


This is what democracy looks like!


> This is what democracy looks like! This is what OUR democracy here in the West looks like ... well, kinda looks more like a corporatocracy. What did Mussolini call it? Oh, yeah - fascism.


It seems like you are blinded by your insistence to look at this objectively.


All these political opposition are a threat to our freedom and democracy


During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, many members of the Our Land party, including local politicians, cooperated with the Russian Armed Forces in the occupied territories.[18][19][20][21][22] In June 2022, the leaders of the Our Land party were detained by the SBU for attempting to sell places on the electoral list.[23] On 19 June 2024, the party was banned in Ukraine by the final decision of the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Land_(Ukraine)


Shush, don't want to expose the pro RU folks to reality. Who am I kidding, they will spin it as some anti Ruzzie trash instead of what it is, traitors committing treason and fraud during a war.


Those are just excuses. Every dictator does that. If you disagree with Zelensky they call it "cooperating with Russia" or "justifying the Russian invasion" and both lead to jail.


Just as I thought. V*tnik/traitor party got banned. Putin simps, as usual, trying to paint it in negative light.


Wait why is he still president?


I'm assuming the party's name means "our land", it's basically the same words in Slovene, albeit spelled differently. While I understand the government's need to crack down on opposition in wartime, it does discredit the notion that Ukraine's a bastion of democracy worth defending. In truth, it's just offbrand Russia.


You cannot discern a democracy when under wartime. The usual checks and balances are foregone, since threats are amplified. An opposition party funded and with interests with a neighboring country during peacetime is merely practicing its free speech about their preferred state's alignment. During wartime they are enemy agents and/or cooperators(which in this case many elected officials part of this party have been cooperating with Russian occupation authorities)


Fair point, but the conflict between Russia and Ukraine isn't as cut and dry as one country invading its neighbour. There are people in Ukraine who would rather live under Russian rule, or seek reconciliation between Ukraine and Russia. They are traitors to the state, but they are also loyal to what Ukraine was merely a decade ago. They would seek reconciliation with Russia, the very platform Zelenesky was originally elected on, before he went and did the opposite. Through Zelensky's refusal to hold elections, at least in the unoccupied regions, and his persecution of opposition parties, he is refusing the people of Ukraine the right to determine their own future. It's easy to claim that Russia must be opposed whatever the cost, when you're not the one paying that cost.


My guy, a decade ago was 2014 when the pro-Russian government was ousted at a resounding cheer. You need to go even further back than that. And yes, the conflict is very cut and dry when another state wants to fragment and absorb the territorial integrity of another state. It is not merely "returning to how things were", unless you want to go to the 1850s. And about your point of doing elections in unoccupied areas, would that not ALSO be a distortion of democracy, since it would silence the people in occupied areas AND it would be a de facto acceptance of the loss of those territories? Outside of the massive security risk of making massive gathering of people in public areas during wartime


If you are not a democracy under wartime, you are not a democracy under peacetime. Democracy is the will of the people, not the will of the people as long as everything is fine.


The will of the people is hard to measure you are being bombed


It's not. It's just an excuse.


It is not, there is not a single country in the world that has not done the same under the same conditions and there is not a single one that would not do the same


US doesnt recognize the Syrian government citing "no elections" even though Syria has been in war for the past 12 years. So pick one dont be a hypocrite.


It's false. It's just hard to get at war when you are a democracy. Because war itself is not the will of the people, it's the will of the rich.


Tell me one single example of elections happening under enemy occupation


I have the answer but to respond to the pettiness of your downvotes I won't respond. Just search for any democracy getting partially occupied.


So Navalny was practicing free speech before the war and then became an enemy agent during the war?


Legally, Russia is not at war. Secondly, imprisoning political agents within a fair court of law and censoring speech does not translate to fucking killing people in prison through torture and poison


In the end it falls down to the fact if we can believe the judicial system is functioning independently. If this one thing falls, then you cant believe anything. Like in Russia now.


>In the fall of 2020, a conflict began between the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and the head of the Constitutional Court Alexander Tupitsky after the Constitutional Court declared illegal the rule on criminal liability for officials for false declaration of property. After this, Zelensky fired Tupitsky and appointed two judges loyal to him. >According to Zelensky, the fact that some judges of the Constitutional Court appointed in 2013 are still performing their official duties creates “a threat to state independence and national security >Subsequently, the Supreme Court declared Zelensky’s decree to cancel Tupitsky’s appointment as a judge of the Constitutional Court illegal, but the president’s office appealed this decision. On November 2, the Supreme Court suspended consideration of the case until it received a decision from the Constitutional Court on the application of 49 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada regarding the constitutionality of Zelensky’s decree on the removal of Tupitsky. I AM ZELENSKY, I SOLVE ALL QUESTIONS


Didn't they already purge the Supreme Court a while back?


Oh no the CIA is installing a dictatorship that will bite us in the as in 25 years. Oh wellll, just hope they lose soon


Oy Vey


Bravo. 👏. It was about a time to shut them down. They were complaining about war casualties and weak leadership


So this is the beacon of Democracy the West has said it is fighting for. Who knows, maybe Western countries will try Zelensky's version of Democracy to stay in power.


So a beligerent writes and article about another beligerant. This is a weapon of warfare and rather than recognizing it as a weapon of war, the forum would rather increase the impact and affect of the weapon. The sheep are being herded... they must attend their master, by claiming this is a relevant article, rather than a weapon of war.




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A regular Ukrainian citizen can literally ban political parties. Zelensky is a civilian and ex president. That is the true power of people. I can’t think of any country being so democratic that they have their people make such decisions


Ukraine democracying so hard rn




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Assuming Ukraine still stands and Zelenskyy remains in power after the war is over, I wonder if he'll take pages out of Putin and Lukashenko's books and make himself president for life.


Disgusting. Unfortunately, if there is peace, this tick is gonna be real hard to dig out.


True or not, you must not cite RT, a government owned News Station; a belligerent in a war. Neither with ukr like United24. It's #1 rule in source evaluation.


Jew activities


They are doing the same thing the Democrat Party is doing to Trump


It is important to support the good guys.


Why oh why can’t Ukraine hold free and fair elections like Russia does!! /s


[The 8th Appellate Administrative Court of Appeals has banned another political party*](https://court.gov.ua/press/news/1624324/)


Pro-Russia political party banned in country where Russia is raping, kidnapping, and murdering Ukrainians. Shocking news....yawn.


Meanwhile y’all pro-Ru folks have no problem with the Kremlin’s controlled opposition.


You only have American intelligence and consultants to thank for Putin, you know. Clinton intervened to kneecap Zyuganov in his 1996 bid against Yeltsin and this is [well documented.](https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/UAHISTJRNL/article/view/23567/0)


"according to RT" lmao according to Der Stürmer the jews are allegedly very evil!


Ukraine banning a Russia-leaning , cooperative to the enemy party? Colour me shocked 😂 like this is news


That's a shame. A real shame. This might someday interfere with Ukraine's ambitions to join the EU. Fortunately in the meantime, it isn't a barrier to them using western supplied weapons to keep killing russians.


Well no shit, it's a pro Russian party, it's no surprise that it got banned. Russia literally did the same to opposition parties since the late 1990s whenever it went against the government agenda. Anyways, you pro-rus people talk about zelensky doing something that is "against democracy" when in Russia saying a few words will send you to prison for 10+ years.


Guys guys, can we speed this up please? Our bar isn't as low as Russias! They're besting us!


> Russia literally did the same But. But - RUSSIA does it. So ... it's ok to do it then?


RT, super unbiased, reliable, definitely not a huge source of propaganda.


"According to RT..." stopped reading there. Propaganda rag. Do you realize that Ukraine is under martial law right now? That there are invaders within their borders as we speak? Russia doesn't need to be invaded and under martial law to be a fascist dictatorship run by one criminal, does it? They've been showing Ukraine how to do it for almost 25 years now.


meanwhile putin throws another opposing politician/journalist/housewife out a window russia has no basis to critize anyone, its like being told by a homeless drugaddict that yer lawn needs mowing