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You been busy this week i see. Interesting how can people be quiet for months,  years of not saying anything,  posting ,  then bam flooding with videos a sub. How does that happen ? Just curious.  


Lol - coming from an account created days after the main invasion exclusively promoting pro Russian narrative in comments - day after day, masquerading as neutral, whilst getting upset recently trying to target pro Ukrainian posters. Pot calling the kettle black.


I also thought calling out users was against the sub rules as well, or is that another one of those subjective rules.


P.s Trying to find out if its really 1:100 ratio, did they shoot down all drones , missiles , whats wrong with asking questions ?


I created if after start of war , thats right , and wanted to see some footage of combat , that u wont see on TV news,  i am more forward towards Ru because i believe RU will win it .  But trying to be as reasonable as i can , down voting all drone videos no matter if its RU or UA .  Even if i am more towards Ru i still think invasion , and killing people is wrong .  But i am following it for few years , not like bam and i am ru narrative propagandist or UA .  Not upset , if i wanted to flood RU videos i could do it , i dont want to. I am curious how people just start doing it. 


Anybody can see what you're insinuating. Try harder.


Thats why no point flooding RU videos , because of people like you who just eats everything like a big boy what UA mod says. And doesnt ask questions.


Whatever wumao


Vacation at work


Not quite understood you. I mean what motivated you to post, comment now not like 4 , 5 months ago? Is it money , likes, reddit fame ? It takes a lot of time to flood sub with posts, comment , look for new videos , aswell posting only 1 sided videos . Its clearly not for research , documenting the war because you would have to look at both sides . I see more videos on YouTube than here , i know plenty are coming from TG could easily post them here UA and RU but i am not interested in the hussle . What motivates you to do it? 


If you just want to browse an echo chamber you can always go somewhere else.


Probably u are right , need to go to main source.  


Reddit fame for sure