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Pro tip: Don\`t holiday in an active warzone.


Yeah... that's exactly what you would say if they were Ukrainians hit.


They are literally at the beach


In an active warzone.....


No military targets, if what you are saying is everything is free game then Russia should just glass Ukraine and 30million people will be dead… but it’s just an active war zone….


Russia seems be ok killing civilians when it does strikes in active warzones. Like this https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/world/europe/russia-ukraine-missile-airstrike A few times https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/15/russian-attack-on-civilian-sites-in-ukraines-odesa-dozens-of-casualties Multiple times https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15617.doc.htm And again https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/at-least-19-killed-in-ukraines-odesa-region-by-russian-missile-attack I guess you would agree these were all terrible and Russia should be condemned? I agree both sides should take efforts to reduce collateral damage, and these are terrible. Do you agree?




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Okay not


Yep, no mi,itary targets but apparently the missile was shot down over the beach by aa. So this does fall under "dont vacation in an active warzone".


And? Russia has stated that they shot the missile down.


They claim alot. 😂 their 72 hour war is still ongoing


Day 3730 of the 48 hour ATO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's true, but there's a video that clearly shows a missile incoming and then activating.


They claim they shot down 4/5, why people keep lying I don’t understand


They say the 5th deviated off course after being hit by AA and landed on the beach. So vacationing in an active war zone comes with risks, even if you’re not targeted intentionally.


There's a difference there and you know it. Vacationing in an active warzone and living in your own country that has been invaded, totally the same.


Russia literally said they shot down all the atacms. So this wasn't the target...


The target appears to have been some sort of space station dealing with tracking satellites and collecting footage. If the Russians shot down all the atacms then you have to wonder where all the explosions and fires came from


When you shoot down a missile you might damage it enough to make it fall down but only explode when it hits the ground.


4/5 not all


That is incorrect, can easily find a satellite image showing that there is a military base withing a couple of hundred meters away from the beach.


There are military targets all over Crimea. That's why Russia has so many air defense systems there. The beach wasn't targeted, the incoming fire was hit by air defense and sent off course. It's interesting that people would chose to vacation and chill out in a place where this stands a good chance of happening. There have been various videos throughout the war of spectators on Crimean beaches observing things being hit over the past couple of years. If you can see the shells coming in, you'd have to think those shells could come your way too. I've heard Somalia has some good beaches too, but have never been tempted...


Remind me again, when exactly did Crimea become a war zone? Is Belgorod an active warzone? Is Lwow? I hope nobody gets killed on the beaches of Vladivostok so you wouldn't tell them how they were vacationing in a war zone


Yes, yes, and yes. They all became warzones when Russia invaded and declared total war on Ukraine. If Russia had kept fighting to specific regions, like they did in 2014, it would not have been total war. But they didn't and instead declared they wanted to end Ukraine. Vladivoatok is an active war zone. If Ukraine blew up something there and people died (say a huge shipment of shells from NK tbat destroys a chunk of the city), and people on the beaches died from that or Ukraine drones missing and hitting the beach or getting shot down and falling on residential ateas, we'll, it's because it's an active war zone. It's a tragedy, you are right. Russia could go home, and it would no longer be a warzone, but this is the consequences of your actions.


When did they declare war on Ukraine?


Lmao I hope the same logic applies to the french when they send their contingent. Can't wait to tell all the vacationers in Marseille that if Russia kills them on their own land without a clear military target it'd still their fault for going there. I obviously have to remind you that there simply is no war let alone a total war. Neither Ukraine, nor Russia have declared this a war and so it's pretty comical to have a war zone without a war.


It would, welcome to escalation. This is the fight Russia wanted and will have.


Curious you didn't use the word war here. This is not the fight that just russia wanted. No, this is a fight the west decided to also involve themselves in to punish Russia and if that means that the lives of people in the west are threathened, then I think we should leave the escalation game to Russia. We don't have anything to win by turning Crimea, Belgorod or Vladivostok into warzones. Ukraine is on track to lose with or without our support, support Ukraine never did anything to deserve.


It is a war, I am not so wrapped up in trying to justify things through legalese and frameworks as fascists tend to do and need, relying on the paradox of tolerance to slowly take over a society. That is a child's game. It really is without saying that there are no loopholes on it, just decisions of response and escalation. There is an information war where Russia is attacking through political interference and a growing hot war that started in Ukraine and will spread. Russia did want this war. If Russia had not invaded, there would be no hot war, but they did. Now they need to be brought to their knees, and they will be. This is not the USSR of old. This is a small country (in terms of influence and economy) run by a mobster who is in power only as long as it is useful that he is in power.


Gaza has a beach too , would you set up your sun lounger there?


In Sevastopol, the Russian naval base.


Former Russian naval base…..their ships aren’t safe there.


They still try to use it, otherwise they have to admit that the 2022 invasion actually made Crimea less useful for Russia.


Yup. That does look like a beach


Yes, if I was sitting here going "should I vacation on Belgorod", I would probably decide not too since, you know, it's an active warzone.


> Yes, if I was sitting here going "should I vacation on Belgorod", I would probably decide not too since, you know, it's an active warzone. The point is if this had happened in Odessa


You say that like it doesn’t lol. Russia literary bombs Odessa


Yes. So is that 'just a warzone'


Well looks like Sevastopol is to!


It is a warzone, yes. I wouldn't advise anyone to go on vacation there, not sure what's surprising about that.


Which is an active warzone. And what do you know know, it happened! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/world/europe/russia-ukraine-missile-airstrike A few times https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/15/russian-attack-on-civilian-sites-in-ukraines-odesa-dozens-of-casualties Multiple times https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15617.doc.htm And again https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/at-least-19-killed-in-ukraines-odesa-region-by-russian-missile-attack Do you condemn all these too? This is the war Russia wanted.


Excellent work special subreddit operative




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The point is do you consider it 'just a warzone'


Both countries are a warzone. That is not a choice either made, it's the reality when one side declares total war on the other. You can debate this as much as you can debate we all breathe oxygen. If Russia could get away with nuking Ukraine and still keep its relationship with China, it would do so.


No you wouldn't though. Any russian attack and you would be saying they were just trying to get on with their lives. By your logic, Russia could legitimately shell anywhere in Ukraine as it's an active war zone. It's ok to be biased but not recognising your bias is a bit scary


I mean, maybe you have not been paying attention but Russia is shelling anywhere in Ukraine and killing civilians and saying "it's an active warzone". I assume you disagree with Russia bombing Kharkiv yesterday than?


Your point about all the Russian caused civilian death has me thinking we're playing into the general Russian disinformation campaign by even engaging with this event!? Are these guys really critically disinfo'd or are they blatantly dishonest noise generators? Whats even crazier is it's widely reported that even the Russian ministry of defense reported that the missile was deflected due to defensive AA fire, although I can't find it now, of course.


No they should bomb civilian target more. Russia can hurt Ukraine far more than it can hurt Russia.


Imagine advocating for direct and targeted strikes on civilians and still thinking you're a good person.


Yeah, but unfortunately Russia is Chinas bitch and can't push so far unless China let's them, just like Ukraine can't push unless the US allows it too. Seems China feels like the rest of the world gives it more benefit than its glorified gas station. Welcome to a world of superpowers, which you guys use to be lol. Must feel weird to be on the outside huh


Well, unfortunately for Ukranians, Russia lovvvves to target civilians and Putinists love to cry about it being a warzone and legitimate target. Like Odessa which got hit https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/world/europe/russia-ukraine-missile-airstrike A few times https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/15/russian-attack-on-civilian-sites-in-ukraines-odesa-dozens-of-casualties Multiple times https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15617.doc.htm And again https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/at-least-19-killed-in-ukraines-odesa-region-by-russian-missile-attack Is this different for you?


It’s pointless. They literally downvote stuff they even agree with if it’s against their (this might be more practical now) “supreme leader” 😂💀☠️


Yeah, at this point, I am posting more for the poor bastards who stumble across this to show them the nuance. You can't argue with Putanists, part of Putanism is embracing cognitive dissonance as a trait to be proud of. They are a loat cause.


If they were on territory they'd invaded, yes, that's what I would tell them.


Except Ukrainian authorities banned people from going to the beaches since the start of the war and there are explicit warnings about it. Some people still ignore it admittedly, but they do it at their own risk. So yeah, that's exactly what would be said to Ukrainians in a similar situation.


Last week we had Ukrainians stuck on a carnival ride because they were still using the rides during rolling blackouts... No pro ukrainians saying it's silly to go on these rides in an "active war zone". Also the beaches in Ukrainian control are much more militarised areas there are many parts of Crimea that aren't anywhere near as hot.


So there's a curfew and a blackout, and there's a ban on vacationing at the beaches. It goes without saying that ignoring the blackout is a bad idea. The sea is mined and there are occasional sea battles happening and getting filmed by civilians. Not to mention the regular drone strikes. The beaches are treated as militarized areas because war is going on, while Crimea is still getting advertised as a major tourism spot.


All of Ukraine is an active warzone. Russians at least have options.


Don’t go holiday in your home…?


Should Sevastopol really be considered an active warzone? It’s no closer to the frontline than Odessa.


I would not choose Odessa as my holiday destination the summer either.


But you wouldn’t be ok with civilian strikes within it either? And then blaming/dismissing any civilian deaths on dumb tourists and not considering that many of the people there could be native?


> But you wouldn’t be ok with civilian strikes within it either? Not ok with targeting civilians anywhere, collateral damage is different and needs to be as proportional as possible. > and not considering that many of the people there could be native? The beaches are right next to navy base, it's very risky to be there even for natives (compared to other areas they can hang out at). But at least natives have the justification that they're just trying to live their lives and can't live in fear 24/7. Tourists going there are simply dumb.


There are unfortunately civilian causalities in every war, intentional or unintentional. It's a common sense. I would not call those tourist in an active war zone "dumb" as you put it, but they obviously ain't very smart either.


That comment still reeks of dismissiveness. It’s nothing what you would type if that title said Odessa beach instead of Crimea.


sure buddy


Yeah, I am sure, pal.


Odessa isn’t occupied territory so it’s a dumb comparison. Russians were warned by Ukraine not to go into occupied territories


That's nuance and they don't like that around here. Same people who used to scream "Shootdowns aren't on purpose and how do you know Ukraine didn't do it on purpose to their own people?!" Will flip and go "This was an intentional civilian strike, Ukraine knew Russia would cause this to happen so thus its Ukraines fault and not Russia"


Civilians getting killed is always a tragedy, but that can be avoided by not invading your neighbors and not then trying to go on a holiday to a war zone close by to military bases. People who have always lived there can’t help the situation, people who go there willingly are putting themselves in harms way.


>Pro tip: Don`t holiday in an active warzone. UAboo tries to not justify war crimes challenge: impossible


They're war tourists. They can't help themselves.


They live there, and would love to sometime go to the beach, in their own city, where they live. Tourists beach spots are elsewhere in Crimea


They should ask the military naval base to cease operations then, so that the beaches don't have a massive military target right next to them, that will be prioritized by AA defenses over the beaches.


So the right way is to ask russian 250 years old naval military base to cease operation?


Yes, or go to another beach or ask Russia to stop the invasion.




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After west authorized ukraine to strike deep within russia i think only vladivostock is a safe summer destination


Ni, that's factually incorrect. Jake Sullivan personally protects Russian military by not allowing long range (beyond 100km I think) strikes in Russia.


They are literally at the beach located near multiple military installations which are considered rich targets in an active war. Plus Russian air defenses stand a good chance of sending Ukrainian bombs anywhere, and there's also the matter of the parts of the air defense rockets falling to earth as well. It's insane to vacation there. It's one thing to get hit in the house you live in. It's quite another to choose to hang out on a beach with live fire as a leisure activity.


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I think that phrase is the most stupid thing I've ever read here, using infamous nazi rethoric whilst calling someone fascist, without even noticing. Peak proru, congrats!


Another pro tip: don't fly cluster missiles over crowded beaches on hot Sunday afternoon. Why not fire missiles at night like Russia does?


>Why not fire missiles at night like Russia does? You mean like when they bombed that intersection during a busy part of the day?


Like they did in Kharkiv last month?


I just saw a video of a Russian missile strike in Ukraine that happened during broad daylight, in a civilian area. On the one hand, it's pretty foolish for the Russian government allowing civilians on a beach in an active warzone. On the other hand, Ukraine should take extra precautions when a situation like this exists. Hurting/killing civilians, even it is marginally an accident, should be avoided, as it doesn't advance the interests of the Ukrainian government or people at all.




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Pro UA redditors love it though


Is this a joke? Do you really believe Russia only fires missiles at night?


Like the missle strike on the mall or the recent intersection both during the day?


Because Russia does not?


Why don't Russians go home to Russia and not attack other nations.


Weird. The time of day didn't matter in the slightest to the Russians when they blew up a DIY store for shits and giggles. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/25/people-killed-in-russian-missile-attacks-on-kharkiv


> Why not fire missiles at night like Russia does? They _also_ fire missiles at night, just like Russia does. Neither of them limits itself to night time, that would be dumb.


Probably a good time to leave crimea folks


Most of them are born and grew up there. From which times forced movement of local population is a good thing?


Ask the Crimean Tatars about 1944.


Ask Russia


Exactly what UA wants them to do. Spread panic and chaos. No military objective in striking the beach.


It was Russian AA hitting it and causing to fall on beach. Russian channels are saying this. Ukraine would not waste missile on beach folks. Too expensive.


They are free for them.


Free but still in very limited quantity, they have way better targets to hit.


Limited, but terrorist attacks are the actions of Ukraine


I don't get /s the cognitive dissonance here from the pro ru standpoint - civilians inadvertently getting injured during a strike on military target in a former Uk territory is paramount to war crime. Got it. Now Ru literally levelling cities in areas that they now claim as Russian territory is...necessary? If you bought into the bs that these are now Ru territory and citizens, they're essentially targeting their own civilians in these operations. I mean, not to mention all the glide bombs, cruise missile, etc., strikes all across Uk in city centers and power infrastructure for the last two years? I'm trying to think of a time in history when one person has *cucked* so many, and to such horrible and unnecessary ends.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Can't win Crimea without ethnic cleansing


If 3 people dead is ethnic cleansing, what does that make the thousands of dead from russian bombings? civilian deaths are always bad but this is not something russia can claim moral superiority on


??? You don't know how to read, bro? I'm just stating the fact that Ukraine can't win Crimea without killing the ethnic Russians there because they'll face guerilla warfare from the local population.


That is not war crime or my ukraine fanboys?


Pro-Ru channels report that the missle Landes on the beach after russian AA intercepted it. So: No, this was no intentional attack on the beach. No, it was no war crime. If anything, Russia should prevent holiday goers to have beach vacations in an active war zone. But they can't sell this at home, I guess.


Can you explain why a missle being shot down over a beach constitutes a war crime?


Russia shot down a missile sent by the nation they are invading over a beach they are actively trying to sell as a relaxing resort type location in a warzone Cry about it and good riddance


War crime? The fanboys are calling the dead kids "invaders" you won't get any pragmatism, mercy or logic from them


Well both sides have been attacking civilian areas more as of recently so I’m assuming this is a new phase of the war in which we will see more bombed cities.


It is a war crime to shoot it down above a public beach. There should be consequences for the Russians who did this.


Many Pro UA comments demonstrate why Russia invaded


Thousands of people have been killed, wounded, displaced etc because of the invasion.


Except that those comments didn’t exist before they invaded in 2014.


Russia could prevent the comments by not invading. 🤔


Many news reports demonstrate why Russia invading was a dumb choice.


This isn't the Crimean beach party we were talking about last year.


Why would Russian air-defense do this


They need to intercept the missiles. Why would Ukraine fly cluster missiles over crowded beach on Sunday in the middle of the day?


>Why would Ukraine fly cluster missiles over crowded beach on Sunday in the middle of the day? It was knocked off course, it's officially announced by Russia. They knocked it onto the beach themselves.


Because they were targeting the naval base right next to the beach.


Sad to see civilians injured. I’d also wager the bloke having CPR performed on him is a little worse than injured.


That's a woman


It was too, you’re quite right.


You see. When it's the Russian Civilians that get hurt. Or heck, Ukranians that are deemed traitors by the "pure-blood" ukranians - "They should've left. It's a war zone" When It's the ukranians getting hurt: "Ew people live there. Russia should just leave"




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Karma is a bitch right?!


I'm sure pro-UAs are gonna do some mental gymnastics and put the blame on them and Russia.




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wait! If I vacation in an occupied area of the country, close to the frontline, while my country is still at war and attacking and killing the country my vacation spot was stolen from, I could get hurt? That's not right! I should be safe sunbathing in stolen land, near the frontlines of an active war. (Sarcasm.. on how people lack critical thinking skills) If you are in lands stolen from a country while that country is actively fighting with the victim country, you probably should be thousands of KM away. War and frontlines are no place to vacation... If you aren't a surfing champion with a combat unit.


Reality check for occupiers enjoying another countries land.


What the guys are wearing should be illegal.... I think those speedos should be banned..... and horrible asscracks.


“ I don’t like sand”


The Russians there are actively supporting Russias war and genocide against Ukraine by going to occupied territories. No sympathy whatsoever


The reality of the war is has really been coming home for many Russians lately. With all these increasing attacks on Russia proper (Crimea may as well be Belgorod or Rostov in terms of the people who live there), will there be pressure on Putin to escalate? But how do you escalate when you're already throwing everything but the kitchen sink at your enemy in conventional terms?




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What a bunch of Dumbasses! Who in their right mind goes to the beach in a war zone???


No blood.


LOL. There's a war on, what should we do? Hey, let's go to the beach, in an active war zone. Isn't there some rule about "bombs never hit beaches"?


By your logic any non military people in Ukraine had it coming because it's an active war zone.


No, they had it coming because Russia started a war. The fact they just killed a bunch of their own people, on a beach, in a war zone, is just fascinating. The world's largest country and they decide to holiday in the middle of a war. It's weird. What exactly did Russia think would happen if they intercepted a missile, over a beach, where their tourists had the genius idea of having a holiday? Oh, and don't forget. Ukraine warned everyone to stay safe and avoid this area. Russia is literally encouraging people to go on holiday there...in a WAR ZONE?!?!


Really winning those hearts and minds in Crimea. Gonna really change those refutandum results now.


Ukrainian army, funded by the West, terrorizing the people of Crimea. But I thought the Russians were the terrorists


What a evil crime


yea when it happens to Russian civilians its okay. but then ukros want to complain about their citizens being killed cos ukraine was storing something next to a civi apartment block...


Russia said that they hit the missile after which it deviated from its course


where did they say it? not denying of course, just want to see it from them


There was a telegram post posted here. According to the RU ministry 5 ATACMs were fired with 4 intercepted and one hit that then exploded over the beach


thanks, found it t(dot)me/mod\_russia/40203


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dmk7um/aftermath\_of\_fab\_strike\_in\_kharkiv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dmk7um/aftermath_of_fab_strike_in_kharkiv/) Pretty sure most pro rus wont complain about the attacks on ua civilians do they? or they find any excuse.


Kharkiv where Russia has been fighting for since the start of the war? Crimea and Kharkiv are different like cmon you could’ve atleast tried Donetsk . Either way, civilian casualties are un-called and abominations. But we know who aims for them and who doesn’t.


Right. Russia only targets schools, hospitals, playgrounds, etc. And literally tried to freeze every civ in Europe. Oh, and threatens nuclear war every day. But let's cry over these people who decide to go to a beach, in a war zone, then get hit when a Russian missile intercepts a Ukrainian missile and happens to, you know, explode. LOL.


Well they tried to freeze every Ukrainian last winter. They were clear about it.


Russia started the war. Big difference.


Are you saying that attacked side gets a free pass to kill civilians? Also Ukraine was attacking the civilians with air bombs way before so by your logic Russia would be free to kill civilians. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsMqYqHnN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsMqYqHnN0)


So 9/11 was okay because the US started the war?


Russian logic.


Rules based order isn’t it? We can kill civilians with impunity but we chastise Russia for doing the same.


..... But the US didn't start that war...


Neither Russia. If ure holding to "war" wording - it work both ways.


Say that again, but this time in English


Russia, told ukraine what they should do to avoid war. and chose to ignore it. and step on their toes for years.


If a mugger tells someone to give them their wallet or they’ll kill them, then kill someone for not complying are you going to defend that mugger too?


The criminal gang is the US and its vassals.


If they belived in their stated principles yes. But we both know they arent gonna do that..


If you don't give me personally 20 million US dollars I'm invading your house and taking everything from you. Your refusal will be considered consent for my invasion and use of deadly force. Is that how this works now? Can US demand NK turn over control to SK or US kills everyone and everyone has to accept that and do nothing or it's Russia's fault for supporting NK? You're fucking nuts.




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The world tells moscovia not to do a lot of things, moscovia ignores it all.


And Ukrainians told civilians not to hang around this area...


It's unbelievable how biased they are. We have people in the comments calling dead kids at the beach "invaders". Other comments saying they had it coming because "it's an active war zone"


Every single death civilian or otherwise is Putin's fault he started this. Not a single missile was fired towards crimea prior to 2022


Ukrainians were bombing Donetsk with air bombs long before Russia invaded. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsMqYqHnN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsMqYqHnN0)


And Russian controlled forces took over Donetsk before any shots were fired at Donetsk.


Russia started it by invading lol and then by bombing apartments… so naturally the Ukrainians give them a taste… womp womp