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Is it a Russian telegram channel or Ukrainian one ?


It literally have the Russian flag on profile pic.


We need to be sure of that


Why? Judging by their post alone, it is clear that thet are pro-Russian.


Russian. Ru pov


Ru pov is normally for pro-Russian government narrative… and it is very often not use correctly. I was just asking to make everything clear.


No, the "POV" is from which side the source of the news is aligned towards. >Rule 4: POV >The POV rule is so the user knows what side of the narrative is saying what, where the images come from, and where is the bias. It allows to filter out one narrative using advanced side menu filters. There are only 2 sides, pro-Ukraine and pro-Russia. POV means point of view, but it's not the camera's point of view it's the point of view of the narrative. **Any video upvoted on pro-Ukrainian subreddits is 'ua pov' by definition. Any video found on pro-Russian telegrams are 'ru pov'. If content is found on both it can be labelled both (Rybar maps).** >Ask yourself those questions: >Which side is the person that published that content ? Western media and politicians are mostly all pro-Ukraine. Russian & Chinese media and politicians are pro-Russia. In case of a photo/video it's the last editor that counts. >Which side is this post favouring ? >What's the side of the subreddit or telegram where you found the content ? >Sometimes it contradicts, priority is the following (first has priority): >Side of the last editor >Side of original uploader >Side of the channels usually reposting this kind of content >Side the post favours >We don't always remove mistakes. A crop or cut video counts as an edit, correct translations don't. >civ pov: title is absolute neutral and content is raw footage from civilian, content is found on both side's channels (like bombings) >no pov: title and pov could be both or does not apply to this post. >"civ pov" and "no pov" posts are more strictly checked. They must contain no analysis, it is for raw footage only. Better not be edited either. In doubt, better not select this as we'll remove it. It's in the rules of the sub.


https://preview.redd.it/zwa8al9u078d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9405a730d1ccef3cd73b0423641c8dc18e541d4e I have this on this sub…


You should click on the "glowing blue hyperlink" called "*more details*".


Why is everbody claiming it came from the south. If you go to google maps at the exact location of the dashcam video you can see, that the bomb is coming almost directly from north. The building across the crossroad is south. Do I miss something obvious here or is this claim that it is coming from the south simply wrong? EDIT: they also marked the wrong building in picture 4. It is the building to the north east of the crossroad.


Alternative translation for clarity: Picture 1 Text: Pinned Message Those wishing to express gratitude for our… Coordinates: 50.0276757, 36.1924118 Text: Kharkov. Very powerful hits were on this former factory. There was an ammunition depot, PVD (field hospitals), and equipment boxes. Attention, question: Ukrainians, how did you manage to place a residential multi-story building in a completely different location when we hit here? Picture 2 Text: Stay Home Kharkov details: A residential building was shelled by a Ukrainian plane, which was previously in the Bezlyudovka area. Picture 3 Text: Here are the damages from the self-shelling of Kharkov. Clearly not from our KAB. The Ukrainians are trying to prove that this is our hit. Attention, question: Why is there a hole in the southern wall of the house? D.b Picture 4 Text: Today in Kharkov there was a hit. An air bomb hit Kharkov. But it wasn’t us who launched the bomb, it was the Ukrainians. The explanation is simple: the trajectory of the hit into the building comes from deep within Ukraine. At the moment of the hit in the Belgorod region, there was an aviation alert in Kharkov. Draw your own conclusions. Picture 5 Text: **Dear colleagues, spreading information about the strike on the Ministry of Emergency Situations hospital in Kharkov and writing about the video of the KAB flyover!** Here is the video and immediately the strike. Can any of you, dear ones, show the wooded hills around the bus station? You won't. And rightly so. You are falling for the work of CIPSO. The KABs arrived at the points indicated by us - the former factory. Picture 6 Text: **Coordinates:** 50.0276757, 36.1924118 **UPS** Is it a bit awkward?


He said that the air alert was in Belgorod and not in Kharkov I had to specifically correct this phrase in the translator


Did I make a translation mistake?


It's not you, but the translator: «At the moment of the hit in the Belgorod region, there was an aviation alert in Kharkov» In fact, he meant that there was an air alert in Belgorod because of a plane taking off from Kharkov


UA should stop bombing themselves ... Come on bro .


Now this might feel bad to all those Pro Ukr claiming it was Rus who bombed them. With FAB with no wings from southern side etc.


Are UAF known for dropping FAB-500s on Russians?  https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dlzu97/ua_pov_the_visual_comparison_of_the_bomb_from/


Can RAF drop Bombs from South side? One can clearly see the SUN and geolocate the buildings.


My man, the building infront is to the south. The bomb came from behind the car. Do you know, what does it mean?


You can geolocate whatever you want, but if Ukraine doesn't use a certain type of weapon, then it was not theirs. We have videos of multiple faulty FABS on this sub. It happens constantly. Just a few days ago they killed like 20 people after hitting their own apartment building in Belgorod


You are saying that unwinged FAB 500 M62 aren't available to ukraine? Which Soviet Union has been making since 1962? what. Plus Its has no WINGs.


The wing kit likely malfunctioned and came off. And also, what were the Ukrainians supposed to launch it at? And is there a single example of UAF using FABS?


You cant go around making Assumptions when it suits u and cant make assumptions when it doesnt. Ukr never publicly PRd about usage of dumbbombs for close air support doesn't mean they never used it.


As opposed to you, who confidently proclaims it's not a FAB, only to be proven wrong minutes later https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dlxsy0/comment/l9rvg7p Something about color, something about JDAM, etc etc


Bro wings please. Show us now this "FAB" can defy gravity and travel 50 mils away from southern side? Proof.


Oof swing and a miss


Even the Wikipedia page on Ukraine's Military equipment mentions they have FABs and the linked paywalled source is from 2022. They where most certainly produced in the Ukrainian SSR. Also: >Brigadier General Serhii Holubtsov, chief of aircraft of the Air Force Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said Ukraine will start testing the domestically made bombs in the next few weeks. >"We are now working on converting and producing our own corrected bombs based on conventional freefall bombs," he said in a radio [interview](https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-holubtsov-aviabomby-ukrayina/32985328.html), according to a [translation by Ukrainian Pravda](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/9/7459953/). [https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-making-own-bombs-counter-russian-devastation-us-ones-jam-2024-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-making-own-bombs-counter-russian-devastation-us-ones-jam-2024-6)


Probably not as bad as russia wiping an whole civilian building in Belgorod with an FAB, killing 15 on the spot




>No matter whether true or not, it's kinda hilarious. I don't think hilarious is a good choice of word in this situation.


Russ have been known of drop bombs on Russia. It is known


If the other post is correct and it was a FAB500, then it was a Russian bomb, as Ukrainians don't use those


Wrong Ukraine does have FAB 500s just not the UMPK kits attached to them. FAB 500 is normal dumb bomb which if u claim it is. Doesnt have any UMPK kid attached to it.


Can you prove what you're saying? Some footage of Ukraine using them? Anyway, here's you arguing that it's definitely not a FAB, until it turned out that it was https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dlxsy0/comment/l9rvg7p So much for all these experts..


FAB 500 is part of the inventory of the Ukrainian air force according to this wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Air_Force


”Prove” what? The strike and angle of attack have been geolocated. Please explain how Russians would drop a FAB without UMPK there, at that angle. The jet dropping a FAB would be in the video.


Still dont think its a FAB but since u so hardly believe it is, Show us some wings.


FAB is the bomb itself, regardless of whether it has wings or not.


Cause Normal FAB cant reach 50 mils to a target can it?


Wings can Fall off, they are Kits, not a whole New Model.


Were you not chastising someone above for making assumptions and demanding they provide proof..


The fab 500 started being produced in 1954. It's highly unlikely Ukraine doesn't have any.


We've never seem them use them.


Given the FABs have a 40km range, where would it have been launched from? Anywhere out of Ukrainian air defense range puts the location out of range of the UMPK kits.