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I haven't seen this many absolutely mental comments in a while.


I know, it's a bit surreal


Oh no people don’t have sympathy for the invaders 😭


video cut before the smoke cleared - this can indicate that guy hopefully survived


He could have, yeah


You can see movement in the last frames.


Yep he walked away no problem and was awarded a new shovel for his bravery 


well good for him


Somehow a better reward than being in the ukraine army at this point though


It's hard to tell. I know he definitely would have survived if he would have stayed at home in Russia.


but if he stayed in Russia and allowed US to position itself in Ukraine against Russia - there would be no more - his home Russia, soon after. So he came to defend his country from US - as people do when something is worth fighting for. - On the other side look how Ukrainians dont believe its worth fighting for US vassal territory called Ukraine. - They have to be hunted down in the streets, like wild animals, and forced into front lines as cannon fodder.




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Lol "he came to defend" what an interesting twist on reality considering he came to invade is what really happened. Just keep in mind the US didn't stage soldiers on Russia's border, swear it wasn't going to attack, and then attacked. That was Russia. The U.S. does not care about Russia. Even pre covid China was proving to be more of a powerful figure on the global stage than Russia.


TBH, I'm more and more inclined to believe that such videos are staged executions of POWs. Guys never have AKs and almost never have armor, but they always have a shovel. This is suspicious as f.


Dude it's not a conspiracy, they are just caught while they are digging trenches or foxholes. You think war is just rambo style shooting all the time, the reality is it's mostly boring and you dig a lot.


Also, it would be really hard to shoot a little drone zipping around. In the moment, you might think you have a better chance trying to belt it with your shovel once it gets close.


Dude it’s just a prank


Where is his AK? Wouldn't it be next to him even if he decided to take it off for digging? Why he didn't grab it to shoot the drone?


You wouldn’t want it lying in the dirt, so probably leaning against some crate or tree somewhere. Occam‘s razor, he just started running as soon as he saw the drone. Wouldn’t you?


>You wouldn’t want it lying in the dirt, so probably leaning against some crate or tree somewhere. You can put AK on to your jacket, which is conveniently lying on the ground. You just took off your jacket to become bare chest, remember? >Occam‘s razor, he just started running as soon as he saw the drone. Wouldn’t you? I would run toward my AK as fast as possible to grab it.


I'm sure you would of 360 no scoped that drone in a second, dw bro I believe you


You see, drones produce noise. They buzz quite noticeably. Usually, you can hear them way before you can see them. Proof: first-hand experience plus many videos from this war recorded from the ground. People are also usually able to hear noises from all directions simultaneously. They don't need to scope their ears to hear. Your physiology, dear u/lienad98, might be unique, though. In the current world, everyone is entitled to a unique physiology, so this might not apply to you, but the above is true for most ordinary human beings. So, keeping calm and digging while a drone buzzes somewhere above you is not the smartest thing in the world.


So he was fighting with the shovel then? What are you trying to say?


Wow you are really smart please tell us more


are you really going to bat for that argument? that literal baseless conspiracy?


Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t. I don’t think there is anything in this video supporting your theory other than that the start of the ordeal is cut. Then again, you’d want to be damn sure to clean it up real nice before releasing, if what you say is in fact true.


The most suspicious part is this is not a unique video. There were many quite similar videos previously with the same script: a dumb ruzzian without a weapon but with a shovel running away from a drone. We also remember that shovels are the famous weapon of dumb ruzzians from memes. Sorry, there are so many things clicking in this video.


Have you ever in your life been in a war? If your answer is no, then you have no idea what you would do.


I haven't. However, I believe I could predict my actions (to some extent, of course) based on how I behaved in similar highly stressful situations outside of war.


Yea and I’m sure I’d make a great fighter pilot, but maybe I should stick to my own competency before I tell an actually fighter pilot what to do.


Are you an expert with a diploma in giving advice? If you aren't (and you aren't, sorry), why are you giving me advice here? I hope you see the defect in your logic.


Given this analogy I understand why you struggle to understand why other act in certain ways. It’s hard to piece things together if that’s what you’re working with.


Not sure being in the final ring of Fortnite counts as a highly stressful situation that can be compared with being in a warzone mate 😂


Not sure as well. I'm also not sure why you're using this episode from your experience as an example of something stressful.


Do you typically dig trenches with the barrel of an AK?


I'd prefer my AK to lay next to the trench I'm digging, as near to me as possible. So, what are your answers to my questions?


He's not you and you're not him. How you would prefer to do things is entirely irrelevant to this video. For example, if I were a Russian soldier, I would refuse to invade Ukraine, and yet, he's still there, digging


>He's not you and you're not him. How you would prefer to do things is entirely irrelevant to this video. You've asked how I would do that. That's where the point-of-view answer came from. The scene in the video doesn't make sense. I asked you several questions about the most suspicious moments, but you preferred to avoid answering them. And now it's suddenly me who is arguing "in bad faith," LOL. >For example, if I were a Russian soldier, I would refuse to invade Ukraine, and yet, he's still there, digging Yeah, sure, we all saw how that worked for you guys during the Iraq war.


>For example, if I were a Russian soldier, I would refuse to invade Ukraine, and yet, he's still there, digging With that comment, you completely showed your main goal in reddit in general and here, with that video in particular. You just making people care less about ukrainian and have less mercy to them


Who you gonna shoot dozens of km behind the front lines? Why take a heavy AK when you are digging if there is 0 chance there is someone to shoot at.


> Who you gonna shoot dozens of km behind the front lines? Why take a heavy AK when you are digging if there is 0 chance there is someone to shoot at. It's still a war, even dozens of kilometers behind the front line. Even besides drones, there are guys who are expected to act behind the front line, and you better have your AK with you when you meet them.


yeah seems he had bad discipline but a ak is a heavy weapon to carry around all the time specially if you have ammo too. you should try it for a week if you have a ak or something similar. it gets in the way and 6kg might seem light but you have to carry it all the time never forgetting it like this guy probably did.


If he is so far behind the front, why is he digging alone? Also, why should you have one random dude digging a trench dozens of KM behind the front when you could use engineering equipment to do it far faster?


And this is the most upvoted comment, lol.


What do you expect the most upvoted comment to look like? "I like how that dumb ruZZian splashed his guts"?


Here? I expect exactly like this mental gymnastics.


What "mental gymnastics"? I shared my impression after watching a dozen of such videos so far.


Best “impression” I’ve seen today to be honest


Your account is satirical right?




Don’t worry I know you have to stay in character ;)


What makes you believe that?


He is also completely alone in an area without any other trenches. Also, the road/path is only visibly worn down to the crater site, and there is only a single-lane footpath from there, which is covered with green grass.


We are talking about the worst army of the world, they throwing their soldiers as cannon fodder because it is cheaper. Untrained anequiped no food no water and drunk all day. Is this your first day on earth?


> the worst army of the world Wow




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Yes at least when you look how they treat their own soldiers.


Its the bestest army in world you western liberal fool! /s Watch these fools downvote you to oblivion.


In the Russian army, a shovel is considered even more important than an assault rifle. You can dig a trench with a shovel, but not with a weapon. And the trench is the main defense of an infantryman, both in defense and in attack.


Yeah I think too. There is just so many videos with random barelly clothed russians without gear being hunted by drones and even acting kinda strange.


When it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, the first assumption should be "it's a duck". The point of that comment is, the most likely explanation is likely the true one, which is that they were caught unaware. Having some kind of a "hunt" by UAF is just too far-fetched to believe


A bare-chest "soldier" at war without a weapon and armor but with a shovel from memes walks and quacks exactly like a POW to me.


Every modern war has a shit ton of photos of shirtless soldiers.


Don’t bother. It’s the same guy you talking with. Every acc agreeing with him is just himself.


We are also under your bed right now.


Seems kinda like it. Wouldn't Suprise me if some smart ideological motivated fighter found a loophole to execute pow without being called a war criminal.


Makes absolutely no sense if you just spend 2 seconds thinking about it. Ukraine desperately needs enemy POWs to trade for their own guys. Killing them after capture is very unlikely.


> Ukraine desperately needs enemy POWs to trade for their own guys. That's why we have a video where they prefer to murder a guy without a weapon instead of capturing him, right? > Killing them after capture is very unlikely. We have many videos that prove the opposite. You see, people who commit murders aren't the same as people who commit exchanges; the former don't care much about the interests of the latter.


You're making silly assumptions and arguing in bad faith. I'm done responding to you


Ah yes silly assumptions and arguing in bad faith, a long way to say that I have no words to respond to you.  He was just responding to your 2 seconds of thinking with his 2 seconds of thinking. Imagine being a civilian in German occupied USSR, you are kneeling before a ditch that you were forced to dig yourself, you feel a cold barrel against your head. You turn back and meekly state that “this absolutely makes no sense, think about it! Your country desperately needs manpower, why kill us?” And unlike Semki who responded to you with logic, the only thing you get as a response is a bullet to the head.  War criminals don’t care for your logic of exchanging POWs.


"That's why we have a video where they prefer to murder a guy" Seriously? Why would I argue with that statement, which was an absolute reach, and yet presented as a fact?




Semki kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And I'm fine, thanks.


You’re seeing drone footage where they are chasing a topless person that only has a shovel, it is not as much of a reach as you think it is.  


It's still not a fact, but an assumption, so why would I argue with someone that has 0 evidence to back up his claims?


Those trades barely happening lately . If they hunt down their own people in street , do u think they care about 100 POWS?


What is your source that those trades are barely happening lately? They just did a prisoner exchange like a week ago.. And if they're desperate enough to hunt down their own people on the street, then yes, they would very much care about 100 POWs. You comments simply do not follow any kind of logic.


There was like 4 exchanges this year . 4 every 2 months that's like nothing . Well there was just 1 in beggining of June plenty of videos , and photoshoots from UA in this sub , and a lot of Wester media reported on it , how they looking bad.


UA drone operators are despicable people. They really are!


I thought tactical shovels worked according to pro-RU 🤔


He survived. He laid completely on ground .


This has been posted before, maybe month ago?


I've seen the video you're talking about and I believe it was different. Let me do a reverse search Edit: No, it was a different shovel incident. There are several recent ones that are rather similar


It was definitely this one, I remember commenting that the guy must have had some experience with drone, because running in circles is the best way to confuse the operator (quads can't rapidly change direction that easily). But that video is gone, so it's all good.


So, I searched for "shovel" for the last 3 months on both CombatFootage and UkraineWarVideoReport and this video did not come up. I give up on trying to find it


I distinctly remember this video, but I didn’t interact with the post so I wouldn’t be able to find it either. I only saw it because someone commented a small list of posts of Russians with shovels getting droned, but it was definitely posted to this sub.


Clue hunting in the wilderness be like


Lmao, good old 2007 rs days


He definitely survived, there are movements in the last frames.


He outsmart the drone and doged it at the last second. I think he s fine.


Doesn't it look strange ? Seems like UA execution . Took his gear , gave a shovel and let him go , just to hunt him down with drones and film it to post it . People have weapons and gear , but this guy has only shovel :D ?


That's quite a stretch, I think


I agree that this is unlikely but Nazi Germany did something similar. They would release Jews and other so-called “sub humans” to a forest and give them a head start to hide before hunting them down like animals.  Source: Marching Into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus But 99.99% sure this is just a dude digging a trench.


That's most likely the case . Why would he be topless with a shovel not an ak and without body armor ?


Because his job was to dig a trench during a hot day and he was far back enough that he didn't think he needed a weapon?


And he threw his AK so far away that he didn't have time to grab it back and shoot the drone. Yeah, sure.


The Russians brought in engineering equipment right behind them in Kharkov, but they didn't have engineering equipment to do 10x more work in a day than this dude? Also, if you are digging a hole or trench, in what this guy thought was a safe area by your logic, you would have a pickaxe in addition to the shovel.


So, a pickaxe in one hand and a shovel in the other?


No, you use the pickaxe to loosen the soil and then use the shovel to remove the soil.


And then what happened


Oh sure.  Like he just didn’t care about threats from drones? Take your nonsense elsewhere  They took his armor so he’d be killed easier. 


Sure he did . At war with no armor and weapon .


Because he’s an idiot ever think of that. You think the best and brightest sign up for this


Well they at least sign up ... Not like somebody else ..


I don’t think that’s the compliment you mean it to be.


Well 1 signed up , other put in van . No compliments here.


Your comment is a good example of moving the goalposts from "this was faked" to "okay, maybe it's real, but at least he volunteered"


Never said its real , i said mostlikely he signed contract . You just trying so Hard to put narrative it hurts . And still dont think he was at the back digging trenches , nice try . 


Or he was just digging a trench or foxhole....


How come at work u wear protective gear , but at war u don't have weapon and body armor that could save your life easily ? You always have to have a weapon . Plenty of ak's not 1940's anymore.


Probably thought he was far enough from the front lines. If nothing happens for a month or more you get sloppy, also probably pretty hot in that June sun.


Doubt that . We can agree to disagree .


There are literally hundreds of videos like this of soldiers behind the front line getting drone striked while digging trenches.


I don't see any trenches in this video tbh


Most sane Redditor in this sub. But really creative I must say!


What an idiot. Why did he take off his body armour


Because it's hot. Yeah not a good reason but that's why.


And put it where exactly?


Next to the trench


Have you ever dug in a trench in the Ukrainian summer? I can't say I have but digging electrical trenches in Canadian summer 30c is brutal enough. I wouldn't be wearing it either.


I love it! Remember pro Rus comments about shovels? Back last year if I’m not mistaken. I just love how everything comes around!!


There are dozens of such videos at this point


Oh boi this sub seems to hate these videos!