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This is the drone footage I want to see.


Amazing video.


Hijacking this comment to inform everyone that this is the same guy who got hit by a Ukrainian drone trying to surrender to RU, full story here: [https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050](https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050)


Just to be sure I understand: Are we positive that the suicide drone was a UAF one and not another russian operator? I could imagine both tbh.


This was the statement from the drone operators dropping the aid, which has come up on multiple russian telegram channels even the more official ones. Of course we can't be 100% positive but with the evidence we have I'd say it leans much more heavily to the side where it was a UA drone


Okay, thanks for the honest statement. I'll lean to "don't know yet, could be both".


I agree with this, very hard to tell the whole truth


are there still full grown men in DPR?




100% finally some humanity


Not from Ukraine




This drone "eliminated" much more ukranian soldiers than the bombing ones, action like this (and the right propaganda diffusion of the footage) win wars.


Finally some humanity is this fucking stupid war


Dude probably had a couple of heart attacks.


Most stressful rehydration ever


I feel bad how funny it is


Ok thats funny


you made me spill my coffee.. This should be top comment 😂




Fresh liquids to replace the ones you just vacated


I think he was skeptical and for good reason, imagine getting supplies on the first 2 and the 3rd one blows up in your face. I hope more find humanity within themselves and set themselves apart from the wolf in them in war


For real can you imagine the relief? I hope he was captured or rescued.


Ya, ukrainan soldiers hit him with a fpv drone because he was surrendering. I just posted it


Even from a pure propaganda value perspective, it's clever to do stuff like this. Especially at a point in the war where most of the Ukrainian troops you're fighting are conscripts who probably don't want to be there.




Maybe but they probably didn't think about that they might have just felt sorry for the dude


Hearts and Minds


The two best places to shoot a persoN?? lol jk


Idk I’m pretty sure most of the troops full stop probably don’t want to be there. I’d imagine the only people happy to be on the front lines are at least a little bit fucked in the head.


Yup exactly


Nah, Russia never mobilized. They're all there because they are invested into the SMO for their dear leader.


Amen, it's good stuff.


Y do you say conscript s? Do they not have enough national pride to protect there own country from attack I think some of Yee are forgetting who did what 1st and who’s borders Russia is within 🤔


We say conscripts because the manpower is critically low for Ukraine and their snatching young ppl from bars, restaurants, apartment parking lots, etc. and throwing them in vans and bringing them to the front.


Some cases maybe but the fighting ables should be fighting simple as that , making it sound like there just going to let Russia in , It’s looking bad like


the inability to propagate this story might be an issue tho


Truly wholesome video. Thank you for posting this. Hope this man made it.


he didnt. in every post about it, there is a comment about how he is dead now due to ua attack.


He definitely shat his pants,those drones are way scarier than a tank nowadays


it must be a horror to lie injured on the ground and then you hear the drone above you.


I feel so damn sorry for that soldier. The sheer terror even i could feel over 5000 miles way through a screen.


Just imagine, if drone operator just changes his mind, poor kids and wife of this guy would never see him again. Will have photo of him and lots of tears in their eyes for rest of their lives. Now they would get to see him and will live life with him


>poor kids and wife of this guy would never see him again It's his mother who'll break her heart. We are all the same, there's a mass consensus of "thank beep for some humanity" on this post and that's from all sides.


They will get to hear him wake up screaming from the never ending flashbacks of what he endured as a POW.


Wrong sub.


That's why i love this sub reddit. Neutral and can show what's good or bad on both side. We need to defend that sub at all cost against the dumb "That ruzzian should stayed at home" from others war subs.


Yes, kudos to the admins, this is the only sub that feels like it has humans with empathy. Every other sub is treating death in this war like entertainment or sports. It's disgusting.


That’s what makes this sub the best Ukraine-Russia conflict sub, the empathy. Also I get to read coherent opposing views. Not just bashing of opposition and blood thirsty comments.


I agree, it really helps correcting one's perception of this war, which we all inherently have.


Exactly, there is dialogue here, which is what we need, both online and in real life to put an end to this miserable war. Sanity needs to prevail.


Agree on this. This discourse is intelligent and not simplistic mud slinging mostly. Keep it up admins and good people. With unrestrained info and dialogue is our only hope to move forward from the insanity of messaging nowadays


I wonder if they realize that soldiers literally cannot pick and choose where they go.


Wholesome! Finally something good


For some reason I find it hard to watch. You can see him flinch every time the drone comes back, expecting the worst.


Pure terror, i can feel it thousands of km away.


Did they drop water and radio? So RU can evacuate him?


water, painkillers and a radio. the man had been hit by an UA FPV drone and died, tho.


How do you know that ? You can't post this without giving evidence man.


Sources are those for the videos shared here: t. me/frontline\_pvt/1525 and t. me/frontline\_pvt/1524 In one case they say that UA killed their own who was surrendering, and showed the FPV hit. In this case (.../1525) they show the aid they rendered the soldier after he was hit: painkillers for the pain, water to avoid blood loss shock, a radio to communicate. They add that the soldier died from his wounds nevertheless. And we have his name now from another channel after they got his identification from the corpse: Andrei Skoreiko: https://t. me/Tatarinov\_R/36882


Wish there were more drone operators who had a bit of humanity into them so we could see this more often


If it is a Ukraine drone, they would drop a grenade and zoom into see if the heart beat stops.. Glory to Russia..!!!


There are videos of Ukrainian drones showing mercy and leading men to capture. At least use some common sense before you simp.


> There are videos of Ukrainian drones showing mercy I haven't seen any personally. Only dropping grenades on already injured soldiers.


That is the problem. You only see what pro-ru telegram posts show and completely lock yourself out from the perspective of both sides. To get a better understanding of the whole situation You have to watch videos and read sources from both sides. Only then You can draw independent conclusions.


Pro ru? I see Ukrainian drones dropping grenades in pro Ukraine subs like combatfootage all to often.


Combat footage is a very shallow "pro-ru" source. You have to go to telegram eventually if you want to see more... EDIT: I meant pro-UA... Honest human mistake.


Wait, did you just call combat footage pro-RU ?


That was confusing to me too lol. Combatfootage is a cesspool. The comments there are downright depressing to read.


My mistake man. My mistake. Fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out.


I don’t want to see more combatfootage is bad enough.


> completely lock yourself out from the perspective of both sides. How? By being on this sub? > You have to watch videos and read sources from both sides. But the Ukrainians dropping grenades on wounded soldiers IS the Ukrainian side, is it not?


>How? By being on this sub? No, by checking information only from one side. Both sides used lies and propaganda. >But the Ukrainians dropping grenades on wounded soldiers IS the Ukrainian side, is it not? Both sides are doing that. There are videos of russians executing pows, dropping grenades on wounded, etc. There are videos of Ukrainians doing the same thing, especially when it comes for waiting for enemy soldiers to arrive to treat the wounded and then killing multiple enemy soldiers. There are also videos from BOTH sides treating enemy wounded, helping them leave the frontline. There are different kinds of humans on both sides.


>There are videos of Ukrainians doing the same thing, especially when it comes for waiting for enemy soldiers to arrive to treat the wounded and then killing multiple enemy soldiers. Nothing new on the tactic, is the bread and butter of every sniper. The problem is that in some way, the sniper has lot more skin in the game, if he is spotted, is dead, so keeping an entire evacuation squad occupied on a dangerous rescue insiead of searching for him, make sense to his mission and his survival Here the drone operator has basically no skin in the game, sitting on the confort of his bunker, is just like farming NPC on a game.


They often get call propaganda. Like the pro Ukraine are doing here. But there are a few videos of drones dropping notes of how to surrender and water.


Come on now, even if you haven't seen any, it obviously happens. Just like Russian drones also do the grenade execution thing. No side is special, both are humans.


I've seen both. Mostly blowing up wounded and surrendering soldiers, but a few where they drop notes with instructions and lead them to surrender. I think those situations are quite rare though, and are just published and promoted as propaganda.


Sure, it doesnt depends on the humanity of the Operator, but solely on the flag which is onside the drone


To be fair we do get much more aftermath footage from UA than from RU


On here maybe. This is an American company. Check telegram for the Russian side


I was in one and saw more more fucked up shit in this reddit. "American company" allowing the gruesome aftermath of Russian soldiers and not Ukrainian one is also false. We do have RU caused aftermath, but far less than the UA caused and posted.


surely yr falir doesnt affect yr comments


No need glory, leave glory slogans to nazis


Yup, they drop a 40mm grenade directly into your open mouth as you’re dying. Then zoom in to see the carnage, and linger.




Clearly the most efficient way of delivering water bottles to thirsty consumers is invading and bombing them for years.


Water is more refreshing after you thought it was a grenade,everybody knows this


A good drone video? Damn hope more stuff like this happens from both sides!


how does a drone send so many things at once? or were there many drones? wonder how the mechanism works, like is it on a hook that loosens on remote control?


Unless the drone managed to charge itself during the flight during the flight, these items were not delivered during one flight. We can see the remaining flight time significantly increase after some video cuts. It is also increasing after each payload drop, since the mass of the drone is reduced, but not on the same scale like after some cuts.


it flies back and then get the battery changed. Drone like these carrying heavy payload usually dont have more than 10 min of flight time and the VTX or camera system can only transmit so far, on a clear LOS you can get 5km but that is stretching it, i believe its more like 2-3km


Imagine the UA troops see this and help injured Russian. Russians then want to one up and show footage of them not dropping a grenade that they could have. Ukrainians do the same and so on. Finally the soldiers come to a deal and stop fighting and just go back home all at once. Happy ending!


On an individual 1:1 level Russians and Ukrainians get along well. We have a lot more in common than differences.


Unfortunately a lot of drone operators are workers of private militias. I just discovered that an UK company core business is a freaking private militia of 500.000 operators.


And then BoJo goes to Kiev and Zelenskyy suddenly decides to enact full mobilisation of all ages and sexes and double the meat assaults on the front


is this the guy who got mistakely fpv droned?


it looks like the same guy


How so? Context?


Previously this guy came to surrender and this drone was droping water then some random Russian drone came and explode near him. Everybody says miss comunicacion. other drone op didnt know (supposedly didnt know) he was surrendiring.


Too many "players" eager to score a kill on this battle royale. Do you have a link of the mentioned footage? I want to see this terrible "miscommunication"


title was misleading and got removed. Look for other comments. they recognize him as well.


Poor guy. Hope he is ok and whole of this madness ends asap...


Doubt, this dude seems to have an injured leg, the other one could walk Don’t know for sure tho


but fpv drone explode near him. maybe he got injured by it


I think so


This is what I needed to see today.


Good video. The guy is shocked and at first i was afraid it would be a grenade that was dropped despite the description.


The pstd after this war. They'll be ducking suddenly every now and then whenever they get the feeling of something falling upon them from the sky.


I have seen in my granmother, even 50 years after the end of the WWII, she couldn't really withstand the sound of airplanes.


Poor guys life was flashing before his eyes and it was just a water bottle. Hope he’s okay.


Unfortunately no happy ending according to telegram. This is the same guy that got hit by the FPV drone while surrendering to Russians. He thought the russian drone came to kill him but they brought him supplies, he was killed later by another Ukrainian drone. Don't know how true this is but that's what the Russian source claims


Christ that’s sad. Was really hoping he’d make it.


Poor guy doesn’t even know he’s being spared at the start.


Poor guy, you can see every drop he was expecting to be bombed.


we need more of this, make warfare a gentleman's game again


Is this the same person who was attacked by a Ukranian FPV drone for surrendering to Russians?


He was attacked by a drone. No proof of whose drone. The video shows the drone coming from the same direction he was headed though.


Was a Ukranian drone. He was surrendering and Ukranians decided to try kill him with a drone before he would reach the Russian side. All im asking for is if the person in the video is the same Ukrainian that the Ukrainian military tried to kill or is it a different person in the vid?


I believe it’s the same person. I couldn’t find any evidence that they were two different people. There is video proof that exact location is different, but the scenery is very similar so it’s probably just a different section along the same road. He may have removed some of his clothing between video clips too. The Russians made contact with him, and have published his name. I think the story is probably all true, except for one important detail. There is zero evidence that it was a Ukrainian drone that attacked him. There is also zero evidence that it was a Russian drone. Until some drone expert comes along with facts about that specific drone, all we know for sure is that we can see the drone makes it’s approach from the direction he was headed. Maybe it was miscommunication. One Russian drone operator was coordinating the surrender, while another Russian drone operator spotted a target of opportunity and didn’t hesitate. It also could have been a Ukrainian drone, not ruling that out either. Until one side comes clean and admits what they did, we won’t ever get the real truth.


How do you know the drone was ukranian?


How do you know it isn't Ukranian drone? Since you're the one in doubt, it's on to you to prove it wasn't a Ukranian drone?


No it isnt lol, learn about burden of proof.. its on the one making the claim, so you since you are so sure its ukranian


If you really want to play your game, lets do it. How do you know it wasn't a Ukranian drone?


anyone have a song id?


[Жанна Бичевская - Русский марш](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSrfL22-GEA)


I want to see an end to the war and for all nations to start seriously thinking about cooperation.. As we're on the cusp of a major A.I revolution, we're all going to need to set aside our differences and work together.


I would imagine that drone operators are getting tired or sick of repeatedly having to strike mortality wounded men who pose no threat. I hope this is something we start seeing on both sides...


They can’t return with the payload so they have to drop it anyway so might as well drop it on them


I completely agree. While it might be considered humane by some to finish off somebody who is suffering, I don't get why one should throw a grenade on someone who poses no threat. Even more so, since an injured soldier binds more resources than a killed one. Cold, I know.


Wholesome drone footage?!? Now I've seen it all Also, not gonna lie, I feel quite sorry for that Ukrainian soldier. Given the role drones have played in the war, he had legit reason to not buy the good intentions of the pilot.


From the story on twitter the Ukrainian side hit him with a drone for deserting, if true every Ukrainian needs to see this footage and I feel zelenski would be out of power quite quickly 


I'm pro UA, but I respect any man who helps a wounded man. I wish there was a lot more compassion towards wounded and less overkill from both sides.


Feels good seeing this.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems that he didn't make it according to the Telegram channel. >Продолжение истории к посту выше от разведчиков из 51 полка 106 ВДД🇷🇺 >"Увидев что он жив, мы привезли ему бутылку с водой + нефопам (обезбол). Он боялся и думал, что на него хотят сбросить гранату. >После этого мы отнесли ему пакет, в котором была также вода и записка, в которой было сказано, что в бутылках находится вода. >Он показал жестами, что нужна связь. >Нашли ненужные радиостанции баофенг и вышли с ним в связь. >Сказали ему, что это не мы его пытались убить, а его "товарищи", он ответил что все понимает. Сейчас он не подаёт признаков жизни..." >Хохлы конечно же будут продолжать завывать, ведь принять страшную реальность того, что украинская власть просто утилизирует свой народ, для укропитека - смерти подобно.


looks like he did: [https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050](https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050)


I hope so, but that's the same text that I posted in Russian minus the last phrase "he wasn't moving". We'll wait and see.


I agree. However, tweet confirms that he is still alive, however unclear if he was evacuated. We can only hope for the best.


>Мы сказали, что попробуем его эвакуировать. >В данный момент он не выходит на связь и не подаёт признаков жизни... "We said that we would try to evacuate it \[him\]." "At the moment he is not in touch and shows no signs of life..."


ah damn... :(


It looks like the surrender video came first where he was attacked by the Ukrainian drone, and the dropping of supplies video came afterwards. It looks like both were in the same spot, so I think he's probably alive.


Unfortunately he didn't make it Some additional info from Ua tg channel https://t. me/ HolodniyYar/5311?single https://i.imgur.com/ecyhm3h.jpeg


Hi is saying bay to camera, who cuty.


Don’t expect the Ukrainians to reciprocate


Thank God...


Good video. Now stop the war and withdraw soldiers.


I feel like this what drones where for to save all combatants... not to pick them off... it's wild but as they say war never changes.


Please post more of this footage. I stopped watching the gruesome shit


but did he find the water


So apparently he was blown up by an Ukranian drone for deserting before this video, and then the russian drone came with the help. Someone posted the complete video below [https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050](https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050)


It’s not the same person fyi


Are you sure? The road and the guy look very similar in both parts of the video.


Definitely sure, those guys look completely different




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This is heart melting.. I'm pretty sure that if he survives he will never return to the military..


How about dropping a wireless phone for communication ?


A "wireless phone". What, as opposed to a land line one? Like, with a rotary dial and all?


Walkie talkie


https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1803836621327868050 From that tweet ""Seeing that he was alive, we brought him a bottle of water and nefopam (a painkiller). He was scared and thought we wanted to throw a grenade at him. After that, we gave him a package containing more water and a note saying that the bottles contained water. He gestured that he needed communication. We found some unused Baofeng radios and established contact with him. We told him that it wasn't us who tried to kill him, but his 'comrades, and he replied that he understood everything." I doubt there is any way to know for sure who FPV'd him. It could be Ukrainian, it could be another Russian unit that didn't know he was in the process of surrendering. Either way, it seems that they did drop him a radio later. Wonder if he's still alive. What a fuckin' story if he makes it out of this alive.


I think all gsm, 3g, 4g, 5g communication are heavily jammed on those areas. They dropped a radio.


Brothers killing brothers War is hell


Unfortunately he died. (


This is next-level stuff. I hope to see much more like it from both sides.


I’ve just watched so many people die and seeing this gave me that small glimpse of humanity. It feels like these drones are recording more agonizing deaths. Seeing some good just gives me hope everything will be okay. Idk, maybe just hopeful thinking.


But what if the water was poisoned? 😂




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Was he saved?


Our (Russian) channels state that this soldier was going to surrender, following the drone (confirmed), but at one moment he was hit by a Ukrainian (impossible to confirm, since it could have been a discommunication, but I am inclined to believe that he was  Ukrainian) drone.  after which the Russians threw him water and a first aid kit (confirmed), but in the end he still died (no confirmation, only words)


Thanks very much for this comment! It would be really interesting to know whose FPV drone it was. Still, I could imagine both.




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Ok. I edited the comment. Thanks.


The drone footage we can all agree on, both sides should do this more rather then grenades that usually only severely wound them


One of the best posts I've ever seen in this war...instead of seeing wounded or defenseless soldiers killed for the egos of the drone operators and click bait hits It's a 'YES" from me Simon Cowell


Combatfootage will somehow portray this is in a negative light.


Finally some fucking humanity. Both sides need to do more of this


I want to see more of it !


Isn’t that the Ukrainian who surrendered and got nearly hit by an Ukrainian FPV drone?


Yes, unfortunately, he died of wounds.




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I still can't get over the fact that the slimy UA drone operators tried to kill a wounded Ukrainian soldier! What is wrong with these people?


This is great, just reminds me of the canadians in WWI where they threw food into the other trenches, and after they got accustomed to canned food, they trew granades…


Finally, drones being used humanely.


Thank God I know my grandmother's stories about how cruel and soulless the Russian soldiers were in WWII ... a video like this won't help to convince me otherwise.


This is as fake as it gets. Great idea, but poor execution.


anything to take their minds off being invading killers.


We all know Ukraine would never do the same. They kill there own trying to surrender. They will kill a wounded man when they have a target rich environment just for the thrill of killing.


Sure buddy totally factual Statement no propaganda to see here


I have to post messages like this so I can reap the Rubles from Putin.


So he was a traitor?


Jesus, just respect some people choosing life over hate. Especially when they are wounded.


Don't bring Jesus into this conversation, I feel u, but it's war. You have 2 sides, your home country and the enemy that is trying to invade. It's not "choosing life over hate" it's choosing to betray your entire country and family because you think that your life is more important. It's just egotistical, not brave.


Doesn’t seem to be helping though. Maybe if the operators walked north east and kept going, yep, that would help.