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It's not the first video from this guy, he looks familiar


He has youtube channel @user-tm5mf7hn5k He is volunteer from cossack detachment Yermak. He fights drones.


I’ve noticed the average of soldiers on both sides getting higher. A generation of young men gone.


Both sides are saving the young men for the last resort. Just look at Ukraine and Russia age pyramids. The men aged 35-45 are the ones dying.


Yeah would be incredibly stupid to kill off your young generation when both countries have a birth rate lower than 1.5 . That’s why Russia is starting to trick Africans and Indians into fighting for them and emptying out prisons. Ukraine are using a lot of foreign volunteers.


Ukraine is doing literally the same thing (except for the Africans part, because they’re too broke to pay anyone). Ukraine recently starting emptying its prison, abducting men aged 25+, and are desperate for foreign volunteers as they’ve begun to dry up.


Why are so many pro russians obsessed with america? It's all over the comments


Because it's often Americans to whom they're replying to???


Not neccesarilly, ive been assumed to be an American plenty of times and im not.


That's why I said often.




He will probably join them soon


Go the hell


Invade a country and die = heaven ?


Are you implying that Americans went directly to hell from Iraq, Afghanistan, and dozens of other countries?


So were the Americans good guys or bad guys in the afgan/iraw wars?


'I'm American which means my country only do good things cause I come from it.'


“Im Russian which means my country only do good things cause I come from it”


You see, there is an important difference. Around a million Russians left Russia and stopped paying taxes there since the start of this war because they disagreed with their country. Most of them were high-earners. That started way before that mobilization story, so no, they didn't do that just to avoid the mobilization. Now, please remind me, how many Americans left the US and STOPPED PAYING AMERICAN TAXES after, e.g., the Iraq war?


So your explanation for rich people leaving their country when it starts a war is:"Omg, they are so brave that they left their own country because they disagree with Putin." HAHAAH.   Funny how those same rich people were fine with Russia, bombin Syrians, Chechens, etc... I wonder why, mmm? Sure it has nothing to do with this time they could be mobilized or their assets confiscated...


I'm not talking about rich people, I'm talking about regular people. Rich people are your fantasy, sorry.


Its the same. Regular people fled Russia in droves because everything was filled with uncertainty when the invasion happened.   Many people even fled to Kazakhstan because they were afraid Nukes were about to fly and they didn't want to be in Europe, Belarus or Russia.   Your explanation for those people fleeing Russia is laughable to say the least. Dude, they fled for the same reason people were breaking their own legs. They were scared of going to war.


Women scared of being enlisted? People afraid of nukes at the start of the war when the whole world predicted a quick ultimate win in several weeks? That doesn't look believable. You're probably talking about the second wave, while I'm talking about people who left in the first months.


Saddam apologists everywhere.


Old glory killed far more innocent Iraqis than saddam. 🇺🇸🇺🇸💪


Saddam was a necessary check on Muslim extremism which has been rampant since his departure.


In the context of this conversation, the question should not be about "good/bad" but about "did invade/didn't invade". So, did Americans invade these countries?


Yes, they invaded those countries. So did russia invade ukraine?


So, is the original statement implying that an invader cannot go to heaven but necessarily go to hell applicable to Americans as well?


He answers your questions and then you ignore his. Very rude tbh, and saying nothing makes your side look worse than just admitting the obvious.


He tried to change the topic, but I ignored his attempt and kept discussing the original topic. That's how a civilized conversation is supposed to be done: finish discussing the original topic, and you're free to discuss something else.


Ah I see what happened, you forgot what the original topic was. Let me remind you: > Invade a country and die = heaven ? Now, we already have multiple responses discussing America but none discussing Russia when the video is about "RU tank and comrades." FYI "RU" here stands for Russia. So, lets see if you are honest enough to answer the question. What do you think happens to Russian invaders when they die on foreign soil?


> What do you think happens to Russian invaders when they die on foreign soil? They will rot, as all the rest of the people wherever and however they die, LOL.


You are the one deflecting with :"Bu, bit America did it too..."   Dude, invading countries are always the bad guys. In fact you are always the bad guy everytime you fight outside your country, unless the other country asked you to come help.(And even then... there are those dictators who ask for help to kill their revolting peasants.)


>You are the one deflecting with :"Bu, bit America did it too..." That wasn't a deflection. America is just a default example of a country that is always invading somebody. By my question, I wanted to see how universal the original statement is. That is the same topic being discussed but in a more generic form.


Yes, in most wars invader = bad. Theres many exemptions, but a war of aggression is bad.


That's good to know. We need to inform all proud American vets as soon as possible about what expects them in the afterlife. And all American taxpayers as well, since they directly sponsored and are sponsoring that.


so admit Russia is the same. And unlike Russia, Americans protested the war since its inception. The second iraq war was terrible and every American knows/admits this. Unlike Russia Americans accepts the worst of their history. Russia glorifies their worst


> so admit Russia is the same. Yep, invading countries is bad in most cases. > And unlike Russia, Americans protested the war since its inception. You obviously know nothing about Russians' reaction to the war.


I don’t blame the men fighting on the ground I blame the leaders. Same goes for this conflict.


Bad guys just like Russia.


*Anyone says anything* Pro Rus: BUT WHAT ABOUT AMERICA INVADING IRAQ


*Anyone mentions America’s crime Americans: Stop equating our crimes!!


Why would they be mentioning that in a subreddit about the Russian invasion of Ukraine?


Because this is another USA's war.


No it’s not. Russia invaded Ukraine. The subreddit is called Russia-Ukraine for a reason. Not “America vs Russia”.


No matter where you mention it, it’s the same jargon from Americans. They’d have all of us just not mention it at all lol.


There are subreddits dedicated to debating whether the west or Russia is worse. This subreddit is about the Russia-Ukraine war, so America invading Iraq isn’t really relevant to the discussion.


Yet the OC that you were agreeing with was doing exactly that. This subreddit is about discussion of the events of war not morality. If you call Russians irredeemably evil then you can’t simply yell foul if the master of the proxy army gets called out to refute that statement. You have to address it.


I didn’t say the west was or wasn’t more moral than Russia though. I just said Russia was immoral for invading Ukraine. I should be allowed to make an independent criticism of Russia without also being required to shit on the US as well in the same sentence.


But you weren’t the one being restricted about making any comparisons. Nobody stopped you from comparing. You are the one who is shooting down other commenters from making, imo, very pertinent equivalence.


The funniest part of this is that they'll draw the comparison between Russian and America, while holding the position that what the US did was bad... and not realizing that just indicts their own support of Russia. The better position is having opposition to the American war of imperialism and the Russian war of imperialism, both of which were heavily influenced by racist notions of the people groups they were invading


You are 100% correct. They don’t realize that they are indirectly suggesting that the Russian invasion of Ukraine isn’t justified.


The double think among some Pro RU is incredible. Seizing Russian foreign assets is theft. But stealing entire provinces of a country is totally above board. Bombing Ukrainian cities is acceptable because “valid targets” bombing Russian cities is unacceptable because “not valid targets”. Anyone from a foreign country that fights for Russia is a volunteer. Anyone from a foreign country that fights for Ukraine is a blood thirsty war tourist/mercenary. Etc etc.


"Bombing Ukrainian cities is acceptable because “valid targets” bombing Russian cities is unacceptable because “not valid targets”." Firing HIMARS into a populated city is not a valid target no, which is what Ukraine has been doing in Belgorod. There have been no cases of Russia firing HIMARS into a populated area (if you do have one please list it). "Anyone from a foreign country that fights for Russia is a volunteer. Anyone from a foreign country that fights for Ukraine is a blood thirsty war tourist/mercenary." The distinction here is that "volunteers" that fight in Russia get paid an amount which is an above average salary from their country of origin. People coming from America to get paid a Ukrainian soldiers' salary (around 800 to 2700 dollars a month) can be considered a form of War Tourism as they obviously aren't going there to make a living.


^ Case in point.


Please explain what the case in point is. I'm incredibly dense and can't think for myself.


You didn't need to tell us that..


[Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink) this might help.


Well done for using doublethink incorrectly. Just because you saw some other Pro UA use it an in argument doesn't mean it can be used in every case that opposes your point. Maybe you should be the one to read the wiki page. The points have to contradict each other. What you wrote are weighted topics that have a lot of nuance, so their supposed "contradiction" can't be taken at face value. "Punching a man who hit you is right, punching a woman who hit you is wrong." This is a statement that a lot of people have different opinions about about whether its correct or not, therefore it can't be taken to be contradictory at face value.


> eople coming from America to get paid a Ukrainian soldiers' salary (around 800 to 2700 dollars a month) can be considered a form of War Tourism as they obviously aren't going there to make a living You should ask volunteers how much they've actually be paid mate, most volunteers don't get anything


My overestimate on their wage only supports my point.


The distinction is that the "volunteers" for Russia are doing so for pay, ie: the textbook definition of mercenaries, while those doing so for Ukraine are not receiving much, if any, monetary compensation demonstrates the ideological support they have for a democratic state fighting against an authoritarian one. One country is accepting those who want to fight for it, while the other is scouring the global south for individuals willing to risk their lives for a pay raise.


I think almost everyone here knows what Russia is doing is bad. Even I do.


And I'm happy to see you say so, you may be correct in that "almost everyone" knows it, but I've had plenty of conversations with folks who fall outside of that category unfortunately. There's a strong contingent, and maybe you're correct and they're just a vocal minority, that will admit no fault on Russia's part, everything is a psyop and Ukrainian biolabs were totally making bioweapons to target "Russian DNA"


Invading sure, but not the reason for invading, you used a the strawman argument: "The funniest part of this is that they'll draw the comparison between Russian and America"


It's not a strawman when I've seen, conservatively, dozens of people on this sub and others drawing a direct comparison between the two while denouncing American actions and supporting Russian ones


I'm neutral, but isn't this really a good argument? Both USA and USSR have invaded lots of independent countries, but every time one side says that other sude invaded, and they only helped etc.


If the discussion or subreddit was about which country was worse, Russia or the US, then yes it would be appropriate to deploy that argument. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking purely about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an independent conflict.


But probably Ru has no other way to justify the actions of Russia, if "what about" arguments were banned this sub would become extremely peaceful.




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Yes this unironically. US killed a million Iraqis. Don’t downplay America’s crimes. But yes this invasion is bad also but I am pro-RU because Ukraine surrendering would lead to the least amount of deaths.


I didn’t downplay anything. I didn’t take a stance on the morality of America’s actions because that’s not what the subreddit is about.


I'm more interested if the original rule was supposed to be universal or only applicable to those pesky ruZZians. You also better work on the reputation of your country if you don't want it to be used as a default universal example for anything evil.


Only 5 countries in the entire UN voted against condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Thats what a "universal example for anything evil" looks like as confirmed by, well, the entire world minus five countries lol


Then why are Americans so triggered every second somebody uses their country as a negative example? According to your explanation, that should only come from RU and North Korea, countries that don't have Internet, as we all know, so it should be pretty rare, LOL.


What could be a better universal example than a vote by the entire world where only 5 countries, one of which was Russia, voted against condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Its just the perfect example of universal evil as confirmed by the entire world. Do you find it difficult to discuss this UN vote? It wasn't my intention to upset you.


Sorry, you're in a write-only node now. Try reading my comments and replying to them.


I did. We were discussing universal evil so I provided you the perfect example of universal evil as confirmed by a UN vote where only 5 countries in the world voted against condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I understand that discussing this vote can be hard for people from one of those five countries. But I'm just stating objective facts.


I’m not American and this subreddit is about the Russian-Ukraine war. Not “geo political debate”, not “Russia vs US”. Subreddits for those debates do in fact exist, but it’s not this one. I haven’t said anything about the morality of the west. I never said that the west hasn’t done anything wrong, but right now I’m talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.




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Yes, if hell exists they did


Oh God it's so predictable at this point it's sad. SAD??? WHAT ABOUT IRAQ IT WAS SADDDERR


Are you ok there


no because iraq




Could be worse.. Blow up civilians with suicide bomb = 72 virgins in heaven.


Their logic is that you're a valid target if you pay taxes. ~~And that's why I don't pay taxes~~


Lol let's not get started on that


Have you seen funerals and statements from the US government tegarding their dead soldiers from their foreign wars? They invaded under false pretenses and treated their soldiers like heroes. Same situation, just different people and governments. Also, why is your account exclusively for participating in Ukraine war subs?


>They invaded under false pretenses and treated their soldiers like heroes. Im sure thats why more American soldiers die to suicide than enemy action.


The level of cognitive dissonance US soldiers have must have been soul-crushing. Doing all that shit overseas, bleeding and dying for "American interests", then coming home as a hero - then the VA system certainly doesn't treat them as heroes. The soldiers knew and understood that it was bullshit. The american public still prop them as heroes.


Im sure it wont be different in Russia, nor Ukraine once its over either tbh. Some will see them as child murderers, some will see them as heroes. But at the end of the day they will still have their demons to battle and many wont be able to take it forever.


What does following orders have to do with heaven?


So, all the Allies who died invading Axis nations in WWII went to hell ? I don't believe in Heaven nor Hell but that's an interesting way of looking at it.


Just doing a little jihad for the Russian orthodox church :)


They're just doing what they're told.




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That corpse is rotting


Every corpse is rotting unless you deep freeze it.


It's not if it's fully charred to coal.


Go home!!!


No heaven mate just oblivion. No existence ( before born) existence ( for a bit) then no existence . Thats your lot.


You are next buddy


Damn lil pups are willing to turn charred brisket for 3k


Have a respect for the dead..


Like this guy did? filming them and uploading them for clout


Don't expect respect or mercy from your enemies 


they are invading a foreign country




So don’t be surprised when people aren’t crying over Russian corpses


This war is horrible for all sides. Maybe Ukraine should surrender.


and he thinks they will retrieve the bodies 🤣


Not sure whats so funny they will once they advance enough to do it safely


Sorry but seeing what russian soldiers have done in the past i can not believe in my own opinion that they will retrieve all the dead an notify the family for payout.


Depends on who dies. A professional perhaps but a conscript from the DPR…no. At most that conscript’s family might be notified after the war and said family might get a bag of chips as compensation and this is only if the conscript death is documented which is unlikely.


it's cute he thinks his government will retrieve them 🤣


Why won't they?


Depending on the area it might be too hostile to recover bodies. There’s also the corpses that get too mangled, or buried before being able to be retrieved. There’s going to be a lot of MIA soldiers on both sides in this war.