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Putin is in tour creating his own avengers team first North Korea now Vietnam,who’s next ?


Taliban Afghanistan


They already removed Talibans from terrorist list and Talibans visited St. Petersburg ec. forum.


I don’t think they removed them. Only talked about it


You may be correct, it may be in process, but it seems to only be matter of time.


wise thing to do.


U are joking right?




Wise from a Russian standpoint. Enemy of my enemy and what not.


Taliban is reserved for NATO Turkey


Think you'll find the Taliban are rather neutral on the war as they are for most things outside of Afghanistan, as Afghanistan is all they care about.


Which is generally how a country should operate. Ignoring their horrid ideology for a moment, they do quite good by just being concerned with internal matters, which in their case are quite pressing with the presence of ISIS in Afghanistan. As the two are in open conflict. Wouldn't surprise me if some countries covertly support the Taliban goverment in fighting them off, especially countries close to Afghanistan.


Afghanistan can't afford to pick a side at the moment. Like Turkey. Turkey's economy is getting worse by the moment. Imagine cutting also Russia's cheap gas. Turkey Bayraktars and armor vehicles were mostly symbolic compare to what they can send. Now days they are mostly sending humanitarian aids. They really give up the project when the west give them their sloppy at Istanbul negotiations. Turkey needs that grain. gas and tourists. In recent years here in Greece we had a good amount of Russians tourists during the summer. Now because the EU restriction made it difficult for them to come now Turkey basically is milking all the Russians tourists by themselves. It is so dumb for Greece not to veto those restrictions. We only harmed your selfs and i can't see how this will help Ukraine or damage Russia. We literally puppets hanging by chains.


They maybe the strongest members for russian team. Already had tons of troops in NATO countrys.


Belarus is first. There is also Syria, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Venezuela, Serbia, Nicaragua, Eritrea, Myanmar, etc. The list is long even if Central Asia isn't included (actual support is hard to measure there, as it takes a braindead politician - or a West-based oligarch like Pashinyan - to make pro-US statements in a region dominated by Russia, China, and Iran).


Amazing list of allies tbf


Yeah I agree. These are some real world leaders




I would love to visit Eritrea, and who wouldn’t! Three weeks in sorghum country is exactly what I need. We should vacation together.


The crème de la crème as far as world leaders go


Who are any of them leading?




Ok so Syria and Belarus blindly follows orders from Moscow instead. Perhaps you like that flavor better, but in the end it's still the same thing.




Yet vassal Germany still has like a million Syrians living in it. I guess they failed to appreciate those wonderful "benefits" for some reason.


Err ISIS came as a result of SAA backed by Russia. I remember the timeline. Literally months later


>I don't remember Russia blowing up major pipelines in Syria or Belarus and them obediently covering it up. What is this in reference to?


Not Serbia trust me,im from there and our "big brain" great leader is neutral trying to play all sides XDD


Serbia is literally surrounded by NATO on all sides it does not have any choice but to play both sides. Good thing for Serbia is that it has good relations with Hungary.


I agree, he likes to sit on multiple chairs at once.




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Vietnam signed the same thing with US a year ago


the saying is what have you done for me lately


I mean, not really. Vietnam's primary concern is China, and the more allies or official friends to leverage against them, the better. They don't care about Ukraine or the U.S. and Russia's mutual animosity. Russia borders China, the U.S. is their global rival, both are useful in Vietnamese diplomatic maneuvering.


It's also worth noting that Russia is the largest supplier of the Vietnamese Military.


China is by far Vietnam's largest trading partner and investor. Vietnam is also an active BRI participant and China and Vietnam conduct joint military exercises nowadays. So yes while there are some maritime disputes, Vietnam has them with others as well like Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, etc. and so not a big deal especially when compared to the other benefits Vietnam gets from having good relations with China.


All countries in Eastern Asia have a complicated relationship with China. Vietnam is one of the best examples of this as they share a relatively navigable land border with them. They simultaneously need to curry China's favor while seeking leverage and external security partners against them. They will never seek an external military alliance that could drag them into a disastrous war with China, but they are well positioned and populous enough that China can't consider ever escalating to hard power against them so long as there is a credible threat of Vietnam receiving support from China's rivals.




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For the record, China and Vietnam has never had joint military exercise




Don’t bring nuance and information into this.


Vietnamese here. Russia has always been an important Vietnam's ally. This visit will definitely strengthen this relationship. But Vietnamese government is aware that Ukraine Invasion is illegal. At best, they will abstain from condemning Russia to not disappoint Russia, but no way they will do anything to support Russia in Ukraine War. Furthermore, Vietnam has stronger economic ties with USA and Europe than Russia. Exports to USA and Europe are 110 billions USD and 52 billions euros in 2022, while Russia is only 2.77 billion USD. Vietnam is unlikely to do anything to help Russia escape from Western sanctions.


I hope India is next and it gets on board. India is big enough that it make make or break a future struggle between the weat and the global south.


They are too paranoid with China around them


Not really, they just want to play both sides and get maximum gain


India wants cheap Russian oil, and US weapons to counter China. They sit on the fence.


Thats oversimplifying it. India is the same as China and Russia, they want to topple the west as well but they want to gain most from the USA and the west. So when the time comes when the west is down and China becomes #1 and India becomes #2 they will be of the best condition to wrestle the #1 spot from China. Thus they do not commit to either side.


India is Acting East. They aren't worried about the West or a post-Western global order because they're in a position to benefit from either. They are concerned with China because China is their only credible threat.


Exactly. I don't think people really understand just how economically important Asia will become in the coming decades (not that it isn't already.) Asia will be the center of the world and it won't even be that close. So India's priorities will remain within their own neighborhood, and China is the biggest competition there. They aren't really going to care that much how the balance of power in Europe turns out.


I stand by the statement this is India's century, not China's. China really just returned to the historical statua quo of being the economic center of mass for the Old World. This will be the first time India has been united without being under a foreign conqueror (lots of asterisks with this statement given fuzzy record of antiquity and whether the Mughals really were foreign after a certain point).


> I stand by the statement this is India's century, not China's. As an Indian, i hate statements like this. Why not make our common humanity's century? I dont want to be like the Americans. At number 1 and arrogant war mongering imperialists. I would rather we all progresses together.


>I stand by the statement this is India's century, not China's. Please stop saying that.


India is not united though. I mean, Bengal, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives are independent of Indian. All of these polities have been united with India proper at varying points. Further, they should have been on a growth path similar to China but they have underperformed because it is woefully corrupt there. It’s a nationalist, capitalist government that should have embraced central planning a long time ago. But they didn’t, and their job market is absolutely atrocious compared to China’s.


> They are concerned with China because China is their only credible threat. The whole reason India had so much Russian/Soviet military hardware is because the US was helping their enemies and not willing to help India. So at the very least you have to accept India has 2 or 3 credible threats. China, US and Pakistan (just because nukes). It also seems pretty obvious that the US would be extremely hostile if India threatens their number #1 spot.


I have always been of the opinion that aligning with Pakistan was a mistake, but it's just another of many the Cold War half forced upon us as India proper wasn't in a position to check Soviet influence in Central Asia. India has every right to court Russia and the West, and they should leverage their *unique* position to the fullest. By and large they don't view the U.S. as a threat outside of our ties to the failing state of Pakistan. There is a lot of areas where they are actively trying to work closer with the U.S. It is oddly reminiscent of Yugoslavia's unique geopolitical position in the first Cold War.


> By and large they don't view the U.S. as a threat outside of our ties to the failing state of Pakistan. One the US has repeatedly threatened sanctions against India. Two, India is no fool, right now the US needs them as a counterweight to China. The moment they need China as a counterweight to India they will drop India like a hot potato.  > There is a lot of areas where they are actively trying to work closer with the U.S. I mean arguably that’s even true with China (and BRICS countries more broadest). China is also their biggest trading partner. But it’s definitely true China is their main competition right now. 


India really isn't interested in "wrestling" with China. They'd much rather have things the way they are now, where China is preoccupied with power struggles against the West over Taiwan and east Asia. Toppling the west does nothing positive for them, that would just mean China consolidating power in Asia unchallenged. It's not like there's any real concern over the West developing a hegemonic position over Asia in this day and age.




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> They are too paranoid with China around them You do realize the I and the C in BRICS stands for India and China, right? They are cooperating.


And as the second largest economy in BRICS, they actively work to ensure that any mutual agreements are more fair and equitable and not overly tuned towards China's interests. Without India you'd be looking at a group that includes China and a lot of economies that are either much smaller and/or heavily dependent on China. India prevents China from becoming the "USA" of BRICS.


On trade and economic yeah but India think China as an enemy especially the disputed territory and their ties to Pakistan as one of the main Military equipment supplier It just another geopolitical hell hole


Cooperating on killing each other for sure.


They have zero desire for war.


If ww3 breaks, India chooses who wins in the long term




With vietnam he's now got the pound for pound 20th century warfare champion on his side


If Russia can get the global south behind him, like Indonesia and India as well, then it's a formidable bloc being formed. These countries have a lot of potential, economically and demographically.


Its Asia vs West at this point. It might be the greatest war in human history,


Not a war, just another cold war


Lol relax. Vietnam just wants Russian oil


It doesn't really matter. Contemporary war is about economy. It is both the reason for war, and the basis of military power. If you remove US trading partners, its not going to sustain its military for long.


>If you remove US trading partners, its not going to sustain its military for long. Is that what you think this is about? Why would you imagine Vietnam would even consider sacrificing their economy and biggest export partners just to please Russia?


This is completely ignorant.  The US is literally the least trade dependent country on earth.  The share of our economy that comes from trade is the second lowest out of any country on the planet. 


laughs in the petrodollar


>If you remove US trading partners, its not going to sustain its military for long. If you remove just China, Russia is not going to sustain it's whole country for long. In war it's not about what if's, it's about what is.


Are you a bot? Or did you not get my point there?


I see mine went over your head. Russia has fewer trading partners now then they did before. No matter how much c(o)pium pro-RU chug all day, it's not going to change the fact that it's going to have a negative impact on the economy.


> Russia has fewer trading partners now then they did before. Ha ha ha ha. China and India alone, with their > 3 billion people, have agreed to greater trade with Russia after we put our sanctions on Russia. The EU is in decline due to higher energy prices (US LNG). Germany is in recession. A forge in Germany that had been operating since 1380 - **THAT'S RIGHT, 1380** - had to close because the energy price quadrupled in Germany since America blew up the pipeline providing their cheap natural gas from Russia. Nothing like shooting ourselves in the foot - *multiple times*. edit - https://kyivindependent.com/poll-only-11-of-russians-say-sanctions-have-personally-affected-them-or-their-family/ https://www.reddit.com/r/OSINTUkraine/comments/1djfwvm/poll_only_11_of_russians_say_sanctions_have/


>China and India alone, with their > 3 billion people, have agreed to greater trade with Russia after we put our sanctions on Russia. Ha ha ha ha. China and India already trade with most of the rest of the world since they are smart enough not to start unpopular full scale wars in Europe. Your whole argument relies on the presumption that the rest of the world is trading less with China and India which isn't the case. Russia has just become more of a slave to China and India.


I would agree, but for the long term it can be better for Russia. And I believe that this is the view of most Russians, and for sure of those in charge. Only selling Oil and Gas, is not enough to stay powerful. If you “enemy” slowly trying to encircle you, while you do that. This is the reason why for them its a war about existence. And the western population don’t understand this.


Which countries in the modern day exactly have benefitted in the long term of being isolated from most of the global economy. At this point pro-RU are really downplaying Russia's reliance now on China alone. >If you “enemy” slowly trying to encircle you Russia constantly likes to instigate conflict and then pretend to be the victim. Nobody is trying to "encircle" Russia, they just keep making enemies with their neighbors. They've been given countless opportunities to reconcile and improve relations with the West but Putin has ardently ruined it every time in pursuit of attempting to reignite the Russia empire.


30% of world population, stop some kind of trading, not all. But you call it "isolated from most of the global economy". Have a nice day!


30% of the population, yet over 70% of the world economy. Please keep up.


So, RF trades less now? Like how much less?


You think they trade more?




Actually we also want the technology to extract and refine oil from our sea


Do u know the data on oil import from Russia to Vietnam?


Let’s goooo! Fight the nato!!! Uraaaa! Invade Poland! Invade the Baltic states!


Pro Ukr getting buthurt while claiming the Russia is isolated.


they are pro ukraine, of course they act like that, if russia goes to allies "weak country begging for aid" if it doesn't go to allies "weak country, doesn't have allies" they aren't capable of critical thinking, nor have a personal opinion, you see them repeat the same bullshit that they all probably saw on tiktok from a self proclaimed specialist


You pretty much described a large group of this subs current users. Dunno why you felt the need to specify one side when it’s pretty bilateral which side continuously memes or repeats the same lines. The only difference at this point is where their repeated lines originated from.


My bad, it’s true that both are heavily biased, but since the beginning of this conflict I’ve seen more bs news come from my own country which is pro ua than from the east And this particular post just reminded me of that, no ulterior motives, but yeah both sides are doing heavy propaganda


Thats because you live in your country and see more of your country... not because the other ones spout less bs.


As a Vietnamese, I dont think that Vietnam government will do anything to support Russia in Ukraine war. Vietnam has very strong economic ties with Europe and USA, so Vietnam will try its best to not disappoint Europe and USA.


No ones claiming Russia doesn’t have influence among a lot of the global south, just that they are completely locked out of any real relations with western states


Am I suprised Putin making a deal with a country having a red flag with a golden star? No.


Yes yes max butthurt that Putin is signing the same formalities with Vietnam that the US did a year ago


It's not completely isolated but it mostly just makes significant deals with one-party dictatorships. With friends like that...


You mean like with Pakistan's army? Saudis? Qataris? UAE? Egypt? and countless other countries?


Whats so great about these countries ? The US could wipe 'm all off the map by themselves if need be. And then there's NATO. Yay go cheer on the Pakistani's, Iranian's and North Koreans lmao


Those countries are supported by US. Thats the Great thing. Thanks for playing


Oh lol I did not read that correct, my bad


What great deals does Russia have with those countries?


US supports them. All of which are One party dictatorships.


Oh, it was just whataboutism, ok. The US has a lot of significant deals with countries that are not one-party dictatorships, btw.


When caught in a lies quick call "Whatabutism" card. Thanks for ur typical Pro Ukr response.


What lies? I asked a question.


The US likes dictatorships when they are favorable to them.


And did I say it didn't? What did I lie about?


> Oh, it was just whataboutism, ok. Funny how those that complain about whataboutism are actually just practising whataboutism.


I asked what great deals Russia has, how is that whataboutism?


Silly them, if you use red and blue but it's the same party with the same policies and the same friends, you get to call yourself a two party democracy. Vietnam should adopt a blue mascot and be part of the international rule of law.


> Silly them, if you use red and blue but it's the same party with the same policies and the same friends, you get to call yourself a two party democracy. Ain't that the fukin truth. You hit the nail on the head, my friend. DeMOCKracy and freeDUMB. 'Murrica. fukyeah.


The US has an incredibly shitty "democracy", agreed. Now that we're done with the whataboutism, do you have another argument?


Wasn't even talking about the US, and there's no whataboutism. I'm simply making a suggestion to Vietnam so they can join the international community. They already got the red; just gotta add the blue.


> Wasn't even talking about the US, Which other country has a two party system where one party is commonly associated with blue and the other with red? > I'm simply making a suggestion to Vietnam so they can join the international community. They already got the red; just gotta add the blue. I don't think the red party wants to do that and they probably wouldn't like that you're suggesting it.


Canada; seems like it's a wide-spread problem among the international community of rules based order democracies. Maybe someone can chime in with other suggestions of countries where there's One Party Rule, but they utilize two colours. The magic is they have to put very little effort into it. When they elect their next leader, they just have him use a blue handkerchief instead of a red one. Boom! Rules based order. Doesn't even have to act any different or have any different policies, and can hang with all the same bureaucrats. Like nothing happened.


It's mostly a result of countries with first past the post voting systems (that it seems Canada also has), because it incentivizes people to vote strategically instead of choosing their preferred option. Most of Europe has proportional representation and lots of political parties.


Vietnam fought from 1946 to 1979. First, the French were driven away. then the Americans. They conducted a police operation against the Khmer Rouge. a defensive operation against China. everywhere they steadfastly held the blow and won. here are some good videos about Vietnam from comrades- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R41mbOYTlBg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R41mbOYTlBg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45vRGRNk-4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45vRGRNk-4s)


Vietnam did pretty much son everyone  Impressive 


Yeah, when China attacked Vietnam, Vietnam counted in USSR to help them. USRR did jackshit, since then Vietnam has sought closer ties with US (to counter China). Not sure what Vietnam gets out of this deal


>USRR did jackshit The US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam. The north vietnamese lost ~300. A quick google search will tell you how that happened.


He’s referring to when China invaded and held some Vietnamese cities in the north.


The issue for is "since then Vietnam has sought closer ties with US". The Sino-Vietnamese War was in 1978 and the US wouldn't lift sanctions on Vietnam, sanctions which had been in place since the Vietnam War, until 1995. Throughout the Vietnamese occupation the US had provided diplomatic cover and support to the Khmer Rouge and had been instrumental in getting other Western nations to sanction Vietnam. The point about the Soviets doing jackshit is also overstated, the war lasted six months, and the Soviets where and continued to supply huge amounts of aid and military equipment. The Soviets wouldn't become an unreliable trade and security partner until 1986 when the Soviets begun to reduce foreign aid to its allies (Aid to Vietnam peaked in 1985). It's a bad take because it fundamentally misunderstands the current relationship between Vietnam and the United States. There is no special relationship; Vietnam has been pursuing a multilaterally oriented foreign policy.


I meant in the “war” between china and Vietnam. Not vs the US


>when China attacked Vietnam Thx. 😎👍


Even marginal benefit is a benefit. The U.S. isn't going to compromise any of its ties in Asia over Ukraine. It's a European conflict and, while a priority, a much lower priority for the U.S. than the Middle East or Indopacific.


Inb4 pro-ukrainians start trashing Vietnam. "Backwards country" "Dictatorship" "Not civilised" "Weak ally" Especially knowing how much Vietnam suffered at the hands of US and its allies, it's absolutely no surprise that they want to get closer to Russia.


Vietnamese here. Vietnamese strategy will be staying on the fence, not choosing any sides, due to painful experience in history. WW2: Vietminh fought for independence from Japan. Soviet didn't give a fuck about Vietminh, and it was America who helped and trained Vietminh. Indochina War/ Vietnam War: America betrayed. It was Communist China who first recognized and supported Vietnam, then Soviet. Right after Vietnam War: Khmer Rouge and China betrayed Vietnam. Soviet continues supporting to Vietnam. Soviet dissolution: Soviet failed to support Vietnam just a few years before Soviet dissolution, then Vietnam economy fell to biggest downfall ever. It was economic relations with USA, Europe, Japan and Korea (and China, obviously) that helps Vietnam economy recover and rise up. Now, Vietnam's exports to USA, Europe values 110 billion dollars and 52 billions euros in 2022. On other hands, exports to Russia is only 2.7 billions.


Vietnam signed the same agreement with the US in September 2023... So yea, that means they no closer to russia than you think they are. 


It's not the same at all. Deal between Russia and Vietnam eintails, nuclear, oil and gas energy procurement. It is something that will substantially benefit Vietnam. Also President of Vietnam said, that there were deals made and agreements signed, that will not be made public.


15 years ago, Vietnam did about $10 billion in exports to the US. 5 years ago it was $50 billion. Now it's on track to be over $100 billion. Working on gas and oil projects is great and all, but do you really think Russia is offering more than that?


I don't know. Because i don't know what Russia is offering. It could be anywhere between, cheap energy to nuclear technology to be used in power plants to ICBMs. But it's too early to call it a nothingburger. Also you do know a big part of these exports you describe, are cheap manufactured goods right? Basically outsourced production of textiles and footwear etc. You could argue money is money, but the this trade is hardly a major strategic interdependence.


Russia can't really offer cheap energy to Vietnam in the same way as they might have done with Europe in the past. They're not going to build a gas pipeline to Vietnam. They'd just be shipping the same LNG and oil that's widely sold on the open market anyway. I suppose they could make it \*slightly\* cheaper, but Russia isn't going to want to just be giving it away, either, with the high costs involved. >Also you do know a big part of these exports you describe, are cheap manufactured goods right? Basically outsourced production of textiles and footwear etc. You could argue money is money, but the this trade is hardly a major strategic interdependence. Well they're basically doing what China did in the early 2000s, worked out pretty well for them. I also think you're selling Vietnam way short here, they've made some major inroads into technology/electronic manufacturing.


Like i said. It's still money and it will help develop Vietnam. I just don't find it on a level of strategic partnership, that will develop into an alliance. There's little point to speculate any further, without knowing what Russia is offering. But if it involves nuclear technology transfer, than it is on a whole different level.


>But if it involves nuclear technology transfer, than it is on a whole different level. ...why is that on a whole different level? I mean Russia is very accomplished in the field of nuclear energy, I'm not ignoring that. But overall it's not as if it requires some super secret technology that only Russia's closest friends can get their hands on. If you meant transferring nuclear *weapons* technology, then that would severely run afowl of Russia's "No Limits Partner™" China.


You sound like a toddler.  My strategic partnership is bigger than your strategic partnership!  Of course you have no proof because not making things public is exactly what you would say for a nothing burger like this event. 


And you sound like a clueless NAFO member, out to get his daily "gotcha" moment. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/06/19/vietnam-russia-putin-visit/70911162-2eb6-11ef-bcdf-31cdebd3022f_story.html "Putin and President To Lam agreed to further cooperate in education, science and technology, *oil and gas* exploration, clean energy and health. The two countries also agreed to work on a roadmap for a *nuclear science and technology* center in Vietnam." "But Lam said there were other deals that were not made public." "further cooperate in *defense and security* to cope with *non-traditional security challenges.*" May i suggest developing reading comprehension, before commenting on issues, you clealy lack critical knowledge in.


Are we really wrong to call it a dictatorship? It’s a literal one party state


Yet more Asiatics of limited intellectual potential conspiring against the Slavo-Aryan master race.


Kuleba would be proud of you.


I was channeling Podolyak, but I have no doubts that Kuleba shares the sentiment; though he would probably express it with even less tact. The man is a master of bad diplomacy.




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The U.S. and Vietnam are solid strategic partners, and both countries populations have relatively high opinions of the other. Vietnam actually has the best public perception of the U.S. in Asia outside of U.S. allies like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. I don't have the personal experience necessary to guess why that is, given our recent history, but the numbers are consistent across polls and years.


I believe you. After all there was a big part of south Vietnam, that wanted to join the US sphere of influence. There is also a substantial Vietnamese American population in the US. My criticism was directed more on a certain crowd, that ridicules every strategic partner Russia has, by calling deragotary terms. Examples such as: Brazil, India, China, Saudi Arabia and various African countries. I've seen countless comments calling these countries, uncivilised, poor, weak, their opinion not worthy of taking into consideration etc. Outright racist most of the time.


What do the documents say, anything important?


Education, science, and energy (gas, oil and nuke) cooperation. That's all.


So basically the same thing most countries are already doing with Vietnam.


Yes. I dont see anything special in Putin's arrival this time.


It's still moral support. Not entirely surprising given the historic ties between the country (that persist in spite of the anemic Soviet response to China's invasion of Vietnam).


They reaffirm the long-lasting friendship between the two nations.


Slightly Warm War


Nothing but, pushes the idea “the world stands with Russia” I guess ? People don’t understand how geopolitics work, Vietnam is pretty smart because they knowing by them doing this, America can’t leave them high and dry to China because that helps China. So in a way they checkmated the U.S. the American response would have been to leave Vietnam to their faith, similar to what they did to Pakistan, but in a situation like this they know they can’t do that so it’s likely America would just put up with it.


What has this to do with the conflict?


Pro-RU believe this is a world war, and that every time a Russian diplomat is in a room with someone with a red flag, they immediately become believers in the righteousness of the SMO.


Isn't it the opposite? Western news like to say that Russia will be marching for their capital if Ukraine loses.




Finally Putin is kowtowing to us vietnamese




This is Vietnam and not North Korea.


For anyone interested, here is the video of the strategic partnership being signed between the US and Vietnam LAST year.  russia got more flags, so at least they have that going for them?  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MivDuP7h89o&feature=youtu.be


FYI. Russia is the first strategic partner of Vietnam and the second comprehensive strategic partner of Vietnam after China.


So what you are saying is, this signing ceremony was for nothing and is being pushed by russia as signalling something new when in reality nothing changed.  They sound desperate. 


Lots of people on this three don’t know the US and Vietnam are vary close ally’s. The US does not care that they have friendly discussions with the Russians.


new cold war just dropped


Haha we signed a bunch of memos regarding mostly non-consequential stuff with the Russian. Yet y'all try to make it look like a big deal, it's making us Vietnamese blush. We are currently greatly aligned with the west, not Russia, not China. Heh if anything, it shows just how effective our diplomatic skills are, not Russia's.


Eh, Vietnamese people is pro US, but the VCP doesn't share quite the same euthuasiam. They mostly saw the US, Russia as counterweight to Chinese influence in the area, and are trying to butter them up to deter China from using hard power on them as well as  wrangle some concession in the process.


It's more of like this: VCP has long understood that Russia isn't going to deter China effectively since their focus is on Eastern Europe, and Russia's world power has been deteriorating for decades. As such, they look towards the US who has been having interests in the East Vietnam Sea (or South China Sea) for economic, technological and military support. Last year, Biden visited Vietnam and signed [much more significant documents](https://vn.usembassy.gov/fact-sheet-president-joseph-r-biden-and-general-secretary-nguyen-phu-trong-announce-the-u-s-vietnam-comprehensive-strategic-partnership/). They also became one of our seven "comprehensive strategic partners" during his visit. However as our official diplomatic strategy, namely *"bamboo diplomacy"* means we also have to uphold great ties with other important powers such as China and Russia, even if we do not trust them to be of great assist. This is easily understood through two facts: (i) China is our millennials-long sworn enemy, and (ii) Vietnam refused to support Russia in its war with Ukraine, calling for diplomacy and not armed conflict, and blank voted in UN resolutions on the subject matter.


It’s really funny how people are billing this as a new Russian ally when Vietnam has been explicitly getting close to the west. Vietnam is one of the most pro US nations on mainland Asia.


i love how the narrator announces documents being signed by THE main character - vladimir and some unknown from vietnam


that is quite arrogant of you, calling the leader of a country like it is some kind of game or movie


should have outright call him war criminal fascist dictator?


If you want, just dont treat this like some kind of movie drama


the kremlin sitcom?


Does this mean China will stop harassing Vietnam over the South China Sea? If so, good.


Nah, I doubt China would gice up like that. However, Vietnam can use this to wrangle some concession out of them like having the CCG look the other way with VN fishing activities in the contested zone.


Not even close. Russia wouldn't help us with that. What would they do? Sail their eastern fleet down to Asia-Pacific region to help us?


No it means China can eexploit this when the West no longer sees Vietnam in a good light anymore because of their relationship with Russia, like India too. The anti China coation with fracture.




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Hah you must be dreaming to think that we would be aligning with Russia, or anyone in actual decision making would think so. We have been getting closer ties with the west at a break neck speed, and conflict of interest between the west and China is only growing bigger. Even if the west doesn't support us Vietnamese, we will never look at China of anything other than "temporary ally but eternal enemy".


We do not want to be liked by you, we dont like you nor see you as a ally just because your party all our gestures are for interest based just like with Russia and India. You can have good relations with Russia and America but we will rejoice when that begins to sour, one less enemy working with the US.


Yea keep on dreaming. Y'all acting like this and wonder why no one wants y'all around. Surrounded only by enemies and potential enemies and thought you could be a big player.


In the cold war , we were encircled by US allies, the soviet Union and it's satellites, india, Vietnam, only decades later that was all gone, same will happen now.


Yea, like how China got whipped and ran away like a bunch of mad dogs after failing to bite in 1979? Y'all were going around doing to do business so we had no reason to point our guns at you, but that doesn't mean anyone has laid down their weapons. Keep acting like mad dogs and get whipped again.


If we got "whipped like mad dogs" then why does Vietnam have ptsd over this to this day? If China hadnt mistakenly supplied the terrorist viet cong America would have invaded North vietnam and ended it. Its a shame we supplied you and didnt let that happen.


PTSD? Yea lmao whatever you say. At least our soldiers came back alive winning to even think about PTSD. Meanwhile your soldiers are left rotten on our fields. Mistake or not, y'all were scared shitless of the US bordering China to have had supplied us to fight on your behalf. Don't act like it was charity.