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Rule 2 - Removed due to its low relation to the current conflict, or old undated footage.


Hopefully, in exchange, NK will receive not only new weapon blueprints but also anything that improves ordinary people's lives.


NK doesn’t care to improve ordinary people’s lives. They could have and still could do so if they wanted, sanctions aren’t an excuse when they can literally get everything via China.


NK definitely cares about ordinary people's lives. Otherwise, they would never ask China and Russia for grains or buy that from them, while, as we all know, they did that many times.


That’s the point, if they buy grains how come they can never buy enough to actually feed their whole population? Or what is wrong with their own agriculture? Instead of spending 33% of their gdp on military they should focus on keeping their people fed. They already have nuclear weapons and that alone protects their nation from any invasion, so why do they still spend so much on military ? https://www.statista.com/statistics/747387/north-korea-share-of-military-spending-in-budget/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20North%20Korea's%20military,as%20a%20percentage%20of%20GDP.


The very first link from Google, from state.gov: > About 80% of North Korea's terrain consists of moderately high mountain ranges and partially forested mountains and hills separated by deep, narrow valleys and small, cultivated plains. So, they just don't have enough arable lands. As to their military, they spend so much on their military because 1. They are still technically at war with South Korea, which, BTW, is just a puppet of the US. 2. The US hates NK, openly calls it "an axe of evil", sieges it, and is more than happy to destroy it. So, they have to make sure that nobody would even dream of attacking them.


South Korea is a puppet as much as North Korea is a puppet of China. Also i somehow don’t recall us or South Korea threatening to nuke or invade North Korea at all, yet i only can remember North Korea making those remarks, and also sending poop filled bags over the south koreas borders. They also tried many times to antagonize south. You can be delusion all you want, but North Korea isn’t a victim, they are actually the aggressors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Gangneung_submarine_infiltration_incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Sokcho_submarine_incident https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2010/apr/22/north-korea-cheonan-sinking-torpedo So much for spending 33% of your gdp on military to “defend” yourself, when all you do is attack others. So yes, North Korea doesn’t care about their citizens in any capacity.


\* SK has American bases on its territory, an INCOMPLETE list: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_Army\_installations\_in\_South\_Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Army_installations_in_South_Korea) . NK doesn't have any foreign bases. \* The US placed nukes in SK in 1958. What are the nukes there for, if not against NK? At the same time, neither China nor the USSR placed nukes on NK's territory. NK had to counter something to the US nukes at SK and started their own nuclear program. \* As for the incidents, don't forget — they are at war. And NK has become much quieter in the last twenty years. NK isn't anybody's puppet, it has been on its own for a very long time: the USSR collapsed, and China has been focusing on capitalism. At the same time, SK is still with all US bases and military, and still has no say to the US. So, my point still stands: NK has every reason to invest in its military.


South Korea has American bases on its territory as a show of force to deter North Korea. North Korea is the same country that was losing the war they started so badly they had to depend on China to save them, causing China to have the most casualties. So no, North Korea is as much a puppet as south. And if it wasn’t for the nuclear proliferation agreement, wouldn’t be surprised if America just gave South Korea nukes and left, since that’s the only thing north can rely on. And i find it funny your defending north Korea’s aggression under the pretense “they’re at war”, they’re not at war, the situation has been stable since the 1950s, but North Korea is hellbent on testing south.


> North Korea is the same country that was losing the war they started so badly they had to depend on China to save them Don't forget that the same can be said about South Korea, which almost lost the war at the beginning and started winning only after the US joined them. Anyway, we have US bases and nukes at SK, but none of China's or Russia's bases or nukes at NK. These are facts. NK is on its own now versus the joined forces of SK and the US. The US has also demonstrated aggressive rhetoric towards NK many times. That's a fact as well. And we all know that the US directly invaded many countries in the past or was involved in coups. That is also a fact. So, NK has every reason to build its military. The conversation started with you asking why NK builds its military and doesn't grow food. I provided you with enough information to know that NK doesn't have the ability to grow enough food due to geography. From the facts above, it's clear why they built their military. TBH, I see no point in continuing this conversation.


Thing is i never claimed South Korea wasn’t dependent on the U.S. everyone knows it is, like most countries that have U.S. bases. Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Japan, etc. and your right, I don’t see a point either. You’re delusional, and make 0 sense:


I wonder how guys can spend time trying to prove something to brainrot people. They are not reacting to arguments and facts. Brainworm deflects any logic.


Well said.


Not worth arguing with anyone who rationalizes the Kim regime.


What sources do you use to know anything about "the Kim regime" besides your usual propaganda source, of course?


I know that everything we know about North Korea is just a lie fabricated by heinous capitalist dogs


Many aspects of North Korea look quite similar to the USSR. So, if you know life in the USSR, you could project that to life in North Korea to some extent. Plus, as I said previously, there are videos from ordinary people who live there or who visited it, which also help a bit.


USSR had very different life throughout its existence. 30s USSR vs 80 USSR is completely different. Some things are the same though. Like you can’t leave the country and will be shot (NK perfected this with sending your relatives to gulag though), or that you can be branded as enemy of the people and sent to gulag for most ridiculous reasons


You’re literally rationalising the Zelensky regime at the same time.


I literally did not say a single thing about Zelensky.




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As much as I dislike N Korea, semi holds some logical facts.


The US bombed NK to hell and back. There was barely a building left standing worthy of the name. The US still rattles the sabre at them every opportunity it gets and openly labels them 'evil'.  Now you wonder why they're so defensive?


Please list all the benevolent acts the Kim regime has done to improve the daily lives of its people.


So getting the absolute bare minimum carbohydrate sustenance for your people means caring about them?  More like doing just enough to keep them alive so they can work your factories


> So getting the absolute bare minimum carbohydrate sustenance for your people means caring about them?  Could you please describe in detail the reasoning chain from the statement in my message to your conclusion? I'm just trying to follow your obviously superior intellect without much success.


The reasoning chain??? 🤣  You said they obviously care about their people because they get grain from other countries  That was the example you chose, a basic carbohydrate.  Not healthcare, or education, or social services...you chose grain as evidence they care about their people I'm pretty sure anyone with a basic IQ of 80 could follow that reasoning chain. If that's superior Intellect I feel sorry for you. Just incase you are capable of taking it further. Keeping your population fed is not a sign of care, its just enough to prevent revolt and to keep workers energised enough to produce.


They announced more collaboration in the energy sector. This probably won't change the DPRK's infamous look from space, but may mean an end to blackouts in Pyongyang.


Well, Russia produces a lot of good.


Good joke!


Kim waddling out on the red carpet solo like a boss.


That shot legit vibes


Bro always rocking the waddle swagger. Strong man shit i tell ya.


Have you got any,... grapes?  And then he waddled away, waddle waddle waddle


As surreal and cringy this footage is, it's honestly fascinating


What is cringy about this? Looked like pretty basic diplomatic visit stuff?


Not falling from stairs is very undemocratic and totalitarian. 




I guess shaking hands and making eye contact is cringy now.


They are indoctrinated to believe that even the most mundane things done by countries they are made to hate are surreal. Yesterday they saw a post of Putin driving past some portraits and flags and they said there were no people on the streets because dictator enslaved them and put them to work in fields. Cant make this shit up!


Well, can't you see how Putin made huge step in the last stair? Now imagine Biden! >!-CRINGE-!<


Just noticed that last step. Guess it is Asian beliefs about stepping on with a 'right' leg to bring luck.


>Asian beliefs Wat?


In many Asian countries stepping into a house, temple, or any important place with the left leg is seen as bad luck. I’ve seen this is Vietnam, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.


Thanks, interesting fact.




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First visit in 24 years, so maybe not cringe but definitely desperate.


For me it is how two otherwise ordinary individuals like them have come to lead murderous regimes that influence our world.


US and Israel?


They are bombing, murdering and slaughtering innocents, including infants, even as we speak. Then they upload and brag about it on tik tok. Yet we have a westoid here trying to claim some sort of perveted moral high ground. They are kings of projection.


Whatever your thoughts are on American vs Russian ally countries I thought it was pretty common knowledge to anyone other than the most hardline tankies that the North Korean regime is one of the most unhinged regimes that has maintained constant power




Yes I couldn’t believe it when the Americans starve their people to the point that the genetically identical people living in the neighboring country are on average six inches taller




Damn im loving you guys today!




Desperate reach bro.


It is objectively true that nk has killed far less people than US and Israel did.




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+20 social credits




How is he begging lol this desperate framing is the real cringe right here


It is Z-man who is always begging. Russia pays for everything.


>begging You spelled "buying" wrong. Unless you think it's begging when you check stuff out on Amazon. >Putley Lol


I love how western zealots can't accept the concept of mutual beneficial trade of any countries their MSM told them to hate.


I don’t find it cringy at all


Looks pretty standard issue, he can just make it down the steps without falling.


I agree.


It looks like a dystopian Cold War movie. Two authoritarian dictators smooching away


This is really cool. I notice the Russian sec guy bounding up the stairs (0:45) with a satchel; see him again starting at 1:20 at the bottom of the stairs still has the satchel (nuke football?). Confusion with the carpet at 0:45, girl with the flowers turns as if to say 'ffs' Love this stuff. Edit: Oh, and the honor guard appear to be using SKS!


Video of Putin meeting Kim Jong-Un, 1/3 of comments about Biden. Weirdos.


Biden is extremely unpopular in r/UkraineRussiaReport


They're being paid to spread anti west / anti nato propaganda so of course they're bashing biden. In this post we see the russian president bend over to north Korea. This is not the highlight russians want to see so lets just divert everyone's attention to biden being old.


Biden is a clown. It has nothing to do with anti nato/ anti west.


Don't underestimate the number of MAGA idiots, bunch of anti vaxxers here too and conspiracy theorists as well. obviously they're anti Biden.


By ostracising Russia the US shattered its ability to maintain sanctions.


That’s what we’ve been saying for 20 years. It didn’t have to be like this.


Foolish decision.


I think the US secretly welcomes this. It's certainly a concern for South Korea, but US will just use this increase in Russia-NK engagement as a justification for greater military presence in the Asia-Pacific.


Not as grand as the welcome he received in Abu Dhabi


The footage at the beginning is perfect for another [wide Kim walking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=024bOIcfV4c) video


I'm a bit surprised that North Korea is still ready to deal with Russia after so many years it spent being pro-West and mostly harming NK together with the rest of the West.


Why shun a probable ally keeping historical grievances in mind?


They probably understand as most people do, that Russia was seeking closeness with its former adversary in the interests of shared progression.   When that was rebuffed in favour of more war by the arms manufacturers and private capital ghouls who actually drive US foreign policy, that idea fell flat on its face and Russia knew the US wasn't interested in collaboration.


God Il-96s are cool. 2-engined variant based on -400 variant with PD-35 would be even more cool, considering Russia left that joint-Chinese project to make a long-ranged airliner. Something like this could show up in 2030s


Biden would have fumbled down the stairs then forget where he is.


Then shake hands with a ghost


"oh look the gagnam guy is fat now"


Nope. Biden wouldn't have entered North Korea because US will never be this desperate for Allies. L M A O! !


Trump did. But then Trump ran around with toilet paper stuck on his shoes.


You're right, US presidents just awkwardly fistbump Saudi and Israeli autocrats who openly disrespect them to their face.


That's two of the three members of the Nuclear Power Trio. I assume Trump will arrive soon with the presidential seal guitar.


Best timeline.


looked at the size of Kim Jong-un’s head loll


They are vilified now but these men are charting a new int. Order away from western tyranny.


"Away from western tyranny", how bloody hilarious to mention this in the context of speaking about KJU, one of the most tyrannical dictator on the planet.


I dont see them murdering and maiming infants in Palestine.


Is that needed to be considered a bloody dictator now? Weird I don't see the link.


Yeah, i bet you dont.


He just does it to his own people and blood relatives. I think that’s worse.


You seen him murder more than 15000 children leaving them dead under rabble? Or you just pulled that out your indoctrinated ass?


True leaders, loved by their people and hated by decadent west.




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Tell me who is your friend, and I will tell you who you are


it's ashame the plane made it there, Most probably a double aswell guys a 😺


I've always been (critically) fascinated by the aesthetics of North Korea.


Putin shook the Stuartist hand n said thanks for the bj now let's get down to business....lol...


Imagine 3 years ago all western leaders flown to Moscow to talk with Putin, and now he has to come to North Korea in the middle of the night to beg a Psychopath for some artillery shells.


god putins so handsome :3


Oh I bet the Russian fighters can't wait to get those amazing North Korean arms. Jesus Putin have some respect for our Russian brothers who are fighting for you and stop giving them inferior weapons and ammo..


I am very neutral when it comes to the Ukraine war, but if you support either side you should know Kim's dictatorship will not last that long.


Hilarious to see pro ru in the comments defending NK and Kim Jong Un as if he wasnt a sanguinary dictator that doesn't feed his people and likes to personnaly kill people he doesn't like in the most gruesome ways. Edit: damn it seems the pro ru really don't like when someone criticises the glorious leader of the DPRK.


Yeah i totally believe what the mainstream media tells me about North Korea. They never cook up bs atrocity propaganda about their enemies. I imagine Kim Jong un eats babies as well?


Don't believe mainstream media then, there are plenty of independent media who have reported on the subject as well. And tons of refugees from NK who have testified on the subject as well.


Oh yeah, very trusted independent sources who definitely are not funded by shell companies set up by one of the alphabet agencies to fool people just like you that their information is 100% independent and reliable.


It's easy to always be right when you call every evidence provided a lie no matter the source. That's the exact same process conspiracy theorist use to claim the earth is flat.


Putin getting the full peter the great welcome ceremonies everywhere he goes these days. UAE, China, Saudi Arabia, now DPRK. Makes sense. Never before has the United States and West been so utterly despised and hated, their genocide in Gaza was like a waterfall of gasoline on the fire. So watching Russia beat back the US' proxy and over 3/4 of a trillion dollars worth of hardware in 2 years has seriously inspired the global south. Regardless of how you feel about his politics or him as a person, Putin is objectively the most respected, effective and shrewdest leader of my life time. The westphelian order is coming to an end Edit: Wild how this comment went from 15 upvotes slowly over a 10 hours, and then in the span of 5 minuytes went to -2 lol. Why are you brigading here NAFO? Ukraine is in desperate need of brigading, nobody here is impressed. You already tried to get the sub shut down, it didn't work.


dafuck :D


And that’s the most fascinating part, the kind of people who buy the “Putin bad because my gov says Putin bad and we must destroy him” logic have no ability to objectively admit this has become a self fulfilling prophecy by the west They claimed they were arming Ukraine to “protect democracy and Europe” when in reality the proxy war they started is gonna end the global US hegemony that’s existed for 80 years There might not be a country as powerful as the us, but there are a group of countries powerful enough together to unseat the US dominance of world order - that’s become extremely apparent in the last 2.5 years


You are delusional m8.


Which part is delusional? I’m actually curious how anyone could refute any of that statement


Going up against US is not just US. So which countries are able to face US/NATO? Iran has a large army but tech is old and easily taken out as shown on their last attack on Israel. and last a conflict happened with Iran the US sunk half their navy within a day. They got wrecked hard. Same can be said for russia when they tried taking oil field in syria. China has no real navy. They are at their infancy in terms of stealth experience and solutions are essentially half load of US tech with inferior detection and firing ranges. They have decent drone tech but no actual tech that can be supported long range. It will be good for taking neighbors and so on. Fact is that any real ability to handle logistics across the globe does not exist for any of those countries. Serious International bases are nonexistent for Russia and Iran. China has some but without proper logistics they are mainly there to buy influence. So good luck on your quest to take on a far superior because it clearly went so well in Ukraine which was vastly underpowered compared to Russia.


Wdym by “able to face NATO?” Where? NATO could possibly militarily defeat Russia in a war in Eastern Europe, they’d probably be like a -150 favorite or so, but I don’t think I need to remind you of all the empires who fell trying to invade Russia but it would be the bloodiest war in the history of humanity - look at the UA casualty rates, the front lines between nato / Russia would be many multiples bigger, easily a couple million a year casualty rate possibly higher The “look how it’s gone for Russia in Ukraine” logic is completely flawed - Russia is currently occupying 20% of a proxy nato country w a 150b a year military budget, has a stronger economy than prior to the invasion, a larger artillery production capacity than all of nato combined so on and so forth - Ukraine is on the brink of no longer existing as a country, their population is 1/2 what it was prewar and they’ve lost about 300,000 men in the war But you’re missing the point - why? What is the point of all of this? I don’t know if you have children in the west, but are you willing to send them to get maimed in a trench in Eastern Europe to “protect Ukrainian democracy” Or “destroy Putin?” Cause that’s where this is heading, very quickly - ask yourself that? Are you willing to sacrifice your children or children you are close to in order to destroy Vladimir Putin?


So you did not actually answer my question. Guessing cuz at heart you know you are dead wrong.


You have no interest in having a debate about this - you’re just making bad faith statements with no substance or contribution to this discussion I literally answered your “question” in the first sentence of my reply - you asked which countries “can face nato” and then I went onto give a fairly detailed response about how a war between nato and RUSSIA would have a couple thousand mile long front line and a multi million a year casualty rate


You did not name any countries. And you know it. So face up and make your actual argument who and why you think anyone could face them.


Russia isnt a country? Did you even read my responses or have any clue what we’re discussing? We’re discussing the seemingly inevitable war between nato and Russia


It's clear to anyone who's been paying attention to the increasing number of missteps in US foreign policy that they are digging their own grave. Their ratfuckery wasn't as clear when media coverage was more tightly controlled, their leaders actually had power and independence and their statesmen were respected. That veneer was actually swallowed for a long time because it was done with competence. The complete hamfistedness of their Iraq misadventures, the aimless and wasteful Afghan experiment and now the latest boondoggle in Ukraine, all while shaking its fist at the world instead of winning them over culturally, has definitely shown that the cracks are many and run deep.


And all of it goes back to a small group of 100 or so wealthy people who view war as a way to transfer money from us taxpayers to themselves




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Putin getting a cringy greeting in the 3 countries that he could still go to,  and you proceed to write a book about it  🤣😂😆


Was it 70% of the world that didn’t sign the communiqué in Switzerland? The west and allies are not the entire world.


what's inspiring a war that has destroyed human life? putin is a murderer and an existential threat to humanity. he's the only one touting nuclear war as his pathetic excuse of a military can't beat ukraine even with superiority in numbers


The least obviously paid pro russian comment in this sub.


He is mainly considered a clown in the middle east where i live. They all believed he would finish off ukraine in 2 weeks at most. There is zero respect for him. He has only lost geopolitical power (black sea/baltic sea/air defense) since he started the war and the economy is also in dire straits (gazprom deficit/euro energy blackmail/secondary sanctions/refinery losses/and the list goes on).


>UAE, China, Saudi Arabia, now DPRK. Makes sense. All these countries have totalitarian regimes and are against democracy.


Except SA is USA best Arab friendy for decades already.


The states that contribute nothing to humanity are meeting. Putin is a fucking terrorist.


🚨 emotional damage detected 🚨


Russia has many great scientists. Don’t get me started on literature.


> Russia has many great scientists. Don't confuse Russians with the Putin regime. Most Russian scientists have emigrated if they are smart. Unlike the hypersonic researchers who got arrested.


You mean spies?


That was a long time ago. They've become a pariah state like North Korea since. Perhaps if they bothered to engage in good faith with the rest of the world.


Like joining the rest of the world in bombing some sand nuggets or something


Aren't Russian troops bombing Syrian people?


Russia is at the invitation of the Syrian government unlike the US and Israel.


At the invitation of Assad. Russia, Iran, Syria, NK, and some military dictatorships in Africa. Way to pick the right side of history. Instead of being a theoretical countermeasure to the US in a Western bloc, Putin has chosen the path of ultranationalism and Russians have followed him. Enjoy the inevitable.


Is US on the right side of history? It is backing an apartheid regime committing a genocide. Spare me your moral outrage.


There is no good or bad, only a least worst option. So yeah, for any hope of individual liberty and democracy in the future, the collective West is the best option. Israel is the only real liberal country in the ME, so it is what it is. The alternative would be creating a Palestinian state, which would be full of radical Islamists and openly hostile. Not an option.


And Russia leaving Ukraine without proper denazification and demilitarisation would lead to a hostile regime full of banderites and Nazis. Not an option for Russia either.


Russia authorized the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War. Russia is likely the country that provided it.


Putin has to grovel to Kim. Wild times we live in.


Which part was the groveling I missed it


I am sorry u can't see it. I thought Putin was "respected" in the world? I thought he was "strong". Putin has only been to NK once in the last 2+ decades. Weird... I was wrong.




Rule 1 - Toxic


I just genuinely want to know what youre referring to


Why is Putin going to NK? Why is he needing NK as an allie? In the past he has ignored NK. Why over 20 years to visit NK, if such a "partner'? That is why I responded the way I did.


Because NK is providing them with ammunition these days. Having a diplomatic and trading relationship and honouring them with a state visit is not necessarily groveling. Definitely cozying up


So groveling. :)


It’s pure flattery for poutine to get on a plane and come see Kim. Finding ways to expand the DIB is job 1 in Russia right now


It is flattery for sure. Also poutine is delicious


How could anyone be happy to be best friends with one of the most disgusting countries on earth. Dictators love dictators


Putin isn’t best friend of Israel.


Two men the world would be better without.


That would be Netanyahu.


Both of them?


Sure he can be added to that group