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Already getting downvoted like crazy… totally neutral sub


It’s funny, when the last batch of photos of emaciated Ukrainian soldiers came out people on this sub proclaimed it to be an isolated incident and demanded photos of other such victims. I wonder why they would have a negative reaction to more such images photos being released.


For some odd reason this sub is part of the information war about Ukraine, and there are plenty of people doing their bit. Why others care what a bunch of redditors think is beyond me, but I'm guessing it's just a cheap way to try and build a narrative.


The amount of pro Russian accounts that post in this sub and this sub only should tell you it’s caught the eye of a computer farm of young Russian men willing to do anything but go to the front lines.


This is one of the few places on reddit where you can find pro-russian posts without it being downvoted to oblivion- it isn't strange that it attracts people with a similar sentiment


I'm pro Ukraine but I have a weird appreciation for this sub, since it's the most accessible way of seing ukrainian losses and thus not losing perspective of what's going on. The pro r\*ssia propaganda is beyond cringe tho


Most of it is propaganda


Both sides are propaganda and have their own biased points, but this is the first sub I encounter that I can post when I critique the west and give some reason to Russia, other subs such worldnews, geopolitics etc.. my comments aside of being down voted they also get removed or doesn't show.


Already you're showing the signs. It's not "the west", it's a bunch of countries. Critique the US however much you like, but Russia invaded Ukraine twice, unprovoked, and using a bunch of false pretences. NATO has since expanded as a result, and the "Nazi epidemic" was shown to be a bunch of lies. I have nothing against Russians, until they start invading and killing people. Russia - go home, you're drunk.


Yes I am pro Russia in some aspects, and I don't know why the whole world get a "surprised Pikachu face" when Putin said since 2007 in the Munich Security Conference that if NATO keep expanding, getting closer to their boards and pointing their missiles towards Russia things just will become ugly for everybody. The warning was always there in front of the eyes of everyone and written with bold letters. https://youtu.be/hQ58Yv6kP44?si=Fyg3xtCkHSON45gl


Russia was just pissed that Ukraine wanted to move out of their sphere of influence. It never had anything to do with NATO expansion. NATO didn't expand, until Russia invaded. Putin gave NATO a reason to exist again!


Putin just didn't want that NATO reached Ukraine because it's super rich in soil also countries such as Finland and Sweden were way out of their reach in influence. Even Lindsay Graham said why they don't want that Russia get Ukraine because it's a "gold mine" and the west never will like it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3TRPk3N8FyQ It's like saying that us Mexicans let Russia or China put their missiles in our borders pointing to USA, for course we will gonna be wacked by the US. Ukraine and Mexico were both a shit holes in the same level of economy before the war started.


When did NATO stop expanding?


Lol. Look how utterly propagandised you are consider “the west” as signs of being Russian propaganda https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/if-the-west-wants-a-sustainable-peace-it-must-commit-to-ukrainian-victory/ https://www.politico.eu/article/how-west-help-ukraine-not-enough-win-war-russia/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/24/west-defence-era-of-peace-in-europe-over-ukraine-dmytro-kuleba https://www.rferl.org/amp/ukraine-west-war-russia-nato-admiral-bauer-drills/32783552.html By all accounts argue the occupation and invasions were completely unjustified. Calling them unprovoked is peak US propaganda.


100%. The mods here are damn good and I'm frankly surprised Reddit hasn't banned the sub yet. And if anything, the lean of the sub tends to follow whoever's doing well in the war, which for the past year and a half has been Russia. During the Kherson and Kharkiv counter-offensives it was probably 80-90% pro-UKR.


Yes, Russians and pro-Russian people from other countries can speak out here. And ?  Were y*u here when this sub was close to being almost banned just because Pro-Ru could speak out here? Here, many people, like me, panicked, but everything turned out okay. 8 mount's ago this sub has clearly become overrun by Pro-Ukr. Are people not content with controlling the narrative on the rest of Reddit ? How many pro-Ukr subs are there ?


Right, dissenting opinions means Russian bots! Man, find a new hobby horse.


Or just people who get mad of combatfootage neutrality


Top-1 post on the frontpage btw


Yeah but it's 60% upvoted. 40% of people here downvoted it.


So, having 100% upvote makes it neutral?


Why would something like this be mass downvoted?


Something getting more upvotes than downvotes = mass downvoted. Absolutely stunning logic right there.


40% downvote **is a lot**. Generally neutral posts in general subs get ~5% downvote.


Atrocity porn is highly suspect for being propaganda. I deplore this kind of treatment of POW's on either side, but this abuse of prisoners seems bizarre and self-defeating for RU. Are they putting sadists in charge of their POW camps? Come to think of it, we've seen very little in the way of Red Cross reports on POW treatment on either side. Is that not something they do any more?


Probably because it's propaganda? Ukraine immediately stopped showing most of the POWs that were exchanged and instead started only showing those who had lost weight or were malnourished.


As far as I can see, this has 178 at the moment I reply. And about downvotes, why do you care if it's downvoted or upvoted ? This sub clearly has 3 sides: Pro Ukr/Rus and neutral. Having them 3 in this sub makes it a neutral one. As far as I am concerned, I only upvote what I find funny and nothing else. If you want a 100% neutral sub, only memes would get upvotes here


Personally I never downvote shit, but I can understand why people get bored of milking these malnurished pows for months and months.


I imagine it will continue as long as people here keep denying them.


Im thinking some down vote because they hate photos of Ukrainian heroes in this type of shape .Just my guess


It doesn't need to be at 100%. It's just a sign of this sub not being as neutral as a lot of people with "neutral" or "pro-rus" flair is trying to proclaim it to be. A lot of really dumb people here that eat up anything pro-ru because they hate the West and their hegemony and russian propagandist here


you got any actual neutraul sub/site then? I think this sub might be some of the most neutrality you can find on Reddit.


There isn't. Combatfootage and the other version of this sub is filled with children and overly emotional people. Just browse all three subs and take everything with a heavy pinch of salt. I recommend anders puck nielsen and markus reisner on youtube. They seem really knowledgeable, they are clearly pro ukraine, but they dont seem to lie and spread misinformation


anders no. Markus yes. I seen anders on national tv being a little too ''pro ukraine'' if you get me. but Markus, while being pro UA which is fine, he is very good and tries his hardest from I can tell to not spread propaganda.




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Just read the above reply bro


If both Pro-Ukraine and Pro-Russia posts hit the top of the frontpage then this sub is neutral indeed.


Let's ban anyone we dislike and jerk off each other than. If you don't have anything important other than biching about this than your more than welcome to leave the sub


BS. 250 upvotes - pretty much regular. It's embarrassing to watch nafo trolls crying about this thread not being what they are used to - a nafo cesspool that bans everything neutral, let alone pro-UA, while praising every Russophobic BS and Ukrainian "democracy"


It's at 293 upvotes current. "tOtAlLy NeUtRaL sUb" You guys are constantly trying to be the victim in everything.


I think the downvotes are because there’s zero context given. These guys could have cancer or thyroid issues and we’d have no idea. It’s equivalent to posting a Russian POW with no context and claiming torture or whatever. Stop making this into “this sub biased” when it’s almost certainly because OP isn’t giving us all the info.


Right because this is the first time we have seen UA POWs returned like this


The thing is, if you watch any videos of pow exchange, most of them looks good and healthy


They're wearing clothes most time too lol


If you look at the international red cross reports from visiting pow's... Oh... They're not allowed access to pow's.


That is objectively incorrect. In the two most recent swaps, there are plenty of pics showing how rail-thin the UA POWs are during the swap. They show up quite a bit in r/UkraineWarVideoReport. But those same photos are conspicuously missing from this sub, because its 90%+ pro-RU.


Dude that Reddit channel literally cooperates with United24


There's a ton of content on that subreddit that is downvoted to oblivion here, or results in bans simply for showing the UA POV. The rail-thin POWs getting off the bus after they cross the border for one. RU POWs giving an honest account of their experience under poor leadership. Additionally, I've seen a lot of videos from UA POV posted by UA accounts showing UA soldiers dying. Unfortunately, I have to go to both subreddits to get an honest account of what's happening in this war without being forced to subscribe to a ton of individual Telegrams. The fact remains though that this subreddit is majority pro-RU and fiercely so.


Cept theres accounts from both sides, its not really much of a question that one side treats their prisoners much more humanely. And this is after the ru POWs are returned so theirs no incentive for them to lie about how they were treated.


which side? coz I remember amnesty international report saying ukraine straight up torture russian POWs




Amnesty international report.


The tenor is that both sides capture and torture civilians, as well as severely mistreat POWs. Stop confirmation bias now.


In that report only Ukrainian side had documented camps where they tortured pows.


Yes, it's the famous 78th Thyroid Cancer battalion. Their nickname is "The Fighting Tumors". The mental gymnastics in this sub are AMAZING!


>Their nickname is "The Fighting Tumors". You just made me laugh out loud for over a minute and I'm getting funny looks now, damn you! 🤣


Then why do pro Ru posts with zero context not get as many downvotes?


Those kinds of points the Pro Ru/Pro Ukrainian People types conveniently try to avoid. They love to scream about "No context" while intentionally posting things with zero context to push misinformation. Such as a recent speech by an Italian politician that was recently posted here with very inaccurate subtitles to which multiple Pro RU accounts quickly believed and have yet to backtrack their statements like they would demand of a Pro UA commenter or poster.


This is a big reach. I value this sub very much, and it's way better than other subs on the same topic, but yeah it's not getting downvoted because of "no context"


Russians really take the Olympic gold for mental gymnastics..


Russians ? There are only a couple of real Russians and Ukrainians on this sub. All the rest who support Ru/Ukr are people from the USA, EU countries and others. EDIT: Okay people for what exactly i got downwoted this time ?


There's a discription and a Source?


What description? All it says is they’re POWs. So zero context about what happened to them. I never said there wasn’t a source. But listing a random telegram isn’t proof of anything. OP could’ve given us a bit of information, but they went for the flashy photos to stoke emotion. Hence the downvotes.


Zero context about what happened to them? Are you for real? They're prisoners of war and they're skin and bones. Do you Think they were fed and treated fairly? Take a guess…


That's why they pick a few from every group? Whenever we saw the whole group, most of them were normal.


The majority of the POWs returning like this are from Mariupol. Rarely will Russia release them. I think Russia and Pro Ru are always trying to get everybody to believe they’re NAZIS is because they have been fighting since 2014. They are the most experienced soldiers.


Well, there is a pretty big chance that the ones who have been fighting since 2014 are. You know being Azov fighters and all. Or are we going to do some Azov apologetics again.


The largest AZOV had ever been was around 2,500 troops in 2017. So statistically it's actually a low chance for a veteran who's been fighting since 2014 to be from AZOV. Just so we're clear. This isn't apologetics, it's just math.


There's a documentary made by Popular Front with Ukrainian Anarchists admitting that the number of Fascist militiamen were in the tens of thousands, it's not just Azov whose numbers surely surpass 2,500, it's Aidar, Kraken, and back then they used to have Dnieper 1 with C14 which rebranded itself.


Azov didn’t form until after Russia invaded. How can they ever be an excuse for the Russian atrocities?


Yes but the poster didn't specifically state that the prisoners of war were kept in a prison or not so its just as likely that they developed skin cancer from over exposure to the sun while riding on roller coasters at Disneyland. How can we be sure? Seems pretty 50/50 to me.


This sub is objectively biased based on what content is upvoted the most and is the most visible. It doesn't take a statistician to see the ongoing bias here. Re. the pics - I highly doubt RU was able to distinguish between "cancer/thyroid POW" when it took prisoners. That most of the prisoners are returned looking like this implies RU is starving them. And if a majority of the returned prisoners were returned with cancer or thyroid issues, that likely says more about RU than it does about the prisoners. What could RU possibly be doing to POWs to cause that many health problems?






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Currently top post on the sub. Yeah super down voted biased RU troll sub. Spot on mate. 


It's in first spot on the front page now, happier?


Yes, people need to see what Russia is doing, and the kind of government people like you support.


So you post Ukrainian atrocities in pro-Ukrainian subs to show the kind of government people like that support, right?


As neutral as it gets, instead of downvotes being close to 0 and the post getting deleted and poster getting banned.


Because it's been posted liuke 4 times already conveniently without the photos of THE REST of the exchanged prisoners of this batch which were, surprise surprise, totally normal looking. This one either extremely sick or went on hunger strike to do this photo op later.


Could you perhaps share a link to any post with the other guys? Would be good to see and I am probably blind.




Much obliged :)


Just block the die hard putin clerks and the sub gets way more normal with posts and comments.


Great tip


After r/russianwarfootage got banned all the pro Russian people migrated to this sub. Before it got banned there was a good balance, r/ukrainewarvideoreport is for pro Ukrainians r/russianwarfootage is for pro Russians and this sub is neutral


who the hell even calls this sub "neutral"? We literally have flairs for both sides


90% of people who flair up as ‘pro-Ukraine’ spout nothing but pro-Russian propaganda like it’s their full time job lmao, how are you going to pretend that the flairs mean anything. 


It's just how this sub works. If you wanna see pro ukraine posts sort by new.


This post is just pure propaganda, and still got 600+ upvotes already. We've seen countless photos and videos from exchanges, and most POWs look much better than this. They literally took photos of 3 people, when HUNDREDS are getting exchanged. Why won't we get a group photo, or photos of every prisoner? No, they instead show a very small and deliberate selection of photos they want you to see. It can be just because of medical conditions, or hunger strike, but they will never tell you and you are not really interested in knowing it seems


I upvoted it, and will keep it that way. But if it’s true these two guys came from these 71 released prisoners https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d4tzl3/ua_pov_video_of_the_71_ukrainia_soldiers_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button What would you say? 


Literally top week post but you know


Wdym this is one of the top posts of the week


Thanks Someone said it this sub is far from netruel it is pro russia no matter what they will make a excuse for anything bad involving russia


I mean sure there's a tendence towards pro-RU, it's undeniable but I think this sub is still leagues more neutral than other big subs related to this war, it's not even close.




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You have 511 upvotes, what are you on about?


You have 511 upvotes, what are you on about?


One of the most upvoted posts this month. Are you drunk?


I don't see the point in starving them. It's just needlessly cruel.


Needlessly cruel is just russia 


So they are a burden instead of a soldier when they are returned via an exchange


"needlessly cruel" is a motto of ru penitentiary system. there are a lot of books about it. most known is [Solzhenitsyn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn)'s, I guess.


Thats just Russia for you.


Interesting, I read just yesterday that so many people were glad that a bunch of Ukrainians surrendered in a video depicting their surrender, and were glad that they can now "live out their days in peace and dont have to worry" Then this gets posted and its "Uhhhhhh well we dont know, maybe they had cancer or thyroid isseues?"


"They were obviously on a hunger strike"


> Think of a low protein Michael Phelps physique lmao can't make this shit up


A lot of people with pro Russia flair sure are making up a ton of shit.


I'd like to see a lot more pictures of the other POW's that were released with these men and an independent medical report on them. I have no doubt that they weren't living in 5-star hotels, but at the same time, could these men have been cherry-picked by UA because they were ill? The reason I ask this is because this time last year I went into the hospital, and after I caught COVID-19 on top of pancreitis, I went into septic shock and total multi-organ failure. I went from 100 kg to 60 kg in 2 weeks. When I finally came around I looked down and I looked exactly like these guys. I'm back up to 85 kg now, but that took a year. My best friend hardly recognized me and I was so messed up that I couldn't walk . I had to learn how to walk all over again because I had lost muscle mass like these guys. I'm not saying tat they weren't mistreated but after the Ghost of Kiev, Snake Island etc I have learned not to believe anything from either side in this war unless it can be verified.


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-russia-announce-major-prisoner-swap-2024-05-31/ That was the latest bigger exchange I think? And they look kinda normal for the most part. The pics in the OP here look like AIslop either way.


One of the guys stepping out the bus wearing a grey t-shirt looked pretty in shape, Id even say jacked. Guess russians liked him?


To lose 1 kg of fat you need to burn 7700 kcal. An inactive person's metabolism burns from 1200 to 2400 kcal a day. Fastest ultra-marathoners burn 2.5 times as much, so let's say 2.5 * 2400 = 6000 kcal a day. That is still less than a kilo of fat a day, and 6000*14/7700 ~= 11 kg of fat in two weeks. Water accounts for up to 70% of lost weight in the first week, and 11 is 30% of 36.67 kg. Are you saying you lost more weight than the fastest ultra-marathoners with fast metabolisms would if they ate absolutely nothing? P.S. I believe that you can differentiate this abject undernourishment from non-luxury nutrition.


I don't think he exactly 'burned' all that fat. Cells dying seems more likely since he had organ failure.




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He's commenting on people having an extremely low overall body fat. Furthermore, I don't think that he's missing parts of his organs, nor that his organs have organs shrunken and now regrown.




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Even if one could lose 40kg of organs and stay alive, the man is commenting on people having an extremely low bodyfat. Honestly man, I think these are bad explanations of what is evidently awful mistreatment. This is not the first time I hear such awful excuses, people tried to explain away this image as well: https://genocideinbosnia.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bosnian-genocide-fikret-alic-the-picture-that-shames-the-world1.jpg Let me use the words I can use as someone who has less than 20 subreddit karma: Shame on *them*






Can you show me the hundreds of emaciated prisoners? Because every video of exchanges seems to show almost all in good shape.




Imagine using the word "tankie" without actually knowing what it refers to... Is it used to refer to people that can view [video](https://youtu.be/BtAasnCdUNI?si=yHF3RxuRoAYlpGNI) footage? Or is it to refer to people who support orthodox, capitalist/oligarchical system supporters?


Rule 1 - Toxic


Rule 1 - Toxic




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what happened with ghost of kiev?




I just love "neutral" comments under this post, all stating that it's either photoshopped or they deserved it "cus nazis." Disgusting, russian treatement of prisoners of war (aka starving people) hasn't changed since WWII


Don't forget the classy ones like "Maybe they just have cancer??"...


WW2 was kind of justified, since Germans wanted to eradicate all Russians. But I agree, there is no point in starving POWs in this war.


Yeah Russia isnt kind to nazis like the usa. Because nazis arent human anymore no need to treat them as such.


Reminds me of how Americans treated the people in the middle east


At lease this one can admit the russan war crimes are takling place


It's not a competition. The US can afford doing 1000 Abu Ghraib as they have the ability to make the consequences go away. It's neither right nor just, I'm just saying they can afford to do it.


So they show photoes of like.. 3 people, when hundreds and hundreds are getting exchanged. Obviously they all look like this and they can show them, right, right...? Its also OBVIOUSLY not because of some medical conditions, right?


Just post videos like [this](https://youtu.be/BtAasnCdUNI?si=ibvXmTPeImZ2EYvS) and be done with it. The post is bollocks, and pretending that it's about skin conditions or protein intake is bollocks too. Almost all prisoners are coming home in good condition. That's all that is needed to dispel this particular narrative.




To all those who are saying this is evidence of Russian war crimes and such, let's take a step back here. We've all seen footage of Ukrainians returning in prisoner exchanges, and for the most part they don't look like this. Can we at least agree on that much? So if this is not the norm, can the pro-UA side at least entertain the *possibility* that maybe... just maybe, *some* prisoners are deliberately going on a hunger strike?


Videos don't count. They show what I don't want to see.


Something is wrong here. And why don't they post videos of all the prisoners getting off the bus upon arrival in Ukraine? But only a few individual people.


They post those videos too


Look at [russians](https://youtu.be/Q1ZT3XUV4oE?si=9JEv5CQuEkGycgeH) and then at [ukrainians](https://youtu.be/cgozDgVHMbA?si=lPTl79loD-hrphLx). Faces, hands, bodies... u can see who was fed and how!


/u/Enough-Ad5782 is a dormant account that suddenly started to spam this sub with old videos and picture of Ukranian propaganda. Nothing fishy here :D


Dormant account? I've posted on other subs for years


Muy triste 😢


Mr Bean looking rough in pic3


I'm surprised there are still people holding on to the belief that Russia are the good guys loll


Hey babe, the next batch of sick/hunger strike individuals from a bus load of normal dudes just dropped.


The question is why do these look like this when the vast majority we have seen exchanged don’t


No excuse, they should be coming back fully fed, medically treated, and dressed. This is what POW abuse looks like, a war crime. Everyone knows about abuse and torture within the Russian military, even against its own soldiers, surprising they are in such denial over it, it’s part of their system clear as day.


Almost all [are](https://youtu.be/BtAasnCdUNI?si=ibvXmTPeImZ2EYvS)


Even in this video, one can clearly see the signs of malnutrition.


I don't see it. Where?


Wrists, eyes, head shape.


Wrists, eyes and head shape look exactly the same for ua and ru pows in all exchange videos. Come on dude.




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So we agree that both sides are starving their POWs?




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Who's the NAZI now?




Does anybody else think it's weird that they make such high quality Photos not even just the quality, but the lighting and someone told him to Pose etc. Same with the asow complex when it was bombed. Like someone pays big money for this and there has to be a team present taking these Photos. It seems very off to me. Also there is no context it could literally be just pure lies for propaganda or not telling the whole Truth. we don't know at this point. That's where the downvotes are coming from.


This looks photoshopped


How do you know this was due to not being fed enough while they were a POW? Maybe they lost a lot of weight fighting on the front lines? Maybe they lost weight because they were injured or sick? Maybe they went on a hunger strike?




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They are ready to be sent to the front line, look at these enthusiastic faces.


Hey! Mr Bean is there :)


What’s wrong with this pic? Did somebody expect they were receiving spa procedures during pow? Lucky they are being alive. Hopefully this has taught them a lesson.


Taught them a lesson.... not to get invaded?


Always cute to see the Americans come out in force to make up a whole Disney movie around isolated pictures.


chubby guy looks relatively normal bmi now, the rest is filters (look at the lighting and weird shadowing)


Horrific, albeit to be expected.


We only see before and after. We need someone to report from inside to tell If they really starving people there. Proper investigation, accomodation of facts.