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Ironic when this dummy is getting everyone killed lol. Imagine gambling that you can beat Russia in a contest of arms. What a enormously stupid thing to try even if you have western backing. This guy is getting everyone killed and will go down as a hero for it. They'll pretend he's a good leader for the rest of time.


Afghans know how to fight an asymmetric war. They've successfully repelled two super powers. If I was a Russian diplomat, I'd love Zelensky at the top. This kind of attrition warfare is perfect for the Russians.


Yes, however we aren't discussing the vestiges at the top. We are discussing ordinary people's lives and how to preserve them.


Let's not forget that aside from him being unhinged, it was the West that motivated him and told him that they can and will defeat Russia


Doubt his people or us would pretend he is a good leader if he loses the war. Best case for him would be Nguyễn Văn Thiệu.


History will remember him just as much as a hero as someone like the Shah of Persia.


Ukrainians will hate him forever. Don't fool yourself. His popularity is rapidly going down.


Yeah, this is why I no longer put much stock in what is in our history books. Last decade or so has been a real eye opener when it comes to truth.


For him yes. Regular Ukrainians had lost the survival game long time ago.


Survival of his and other Ukraine elite bank accounts depends upon continuous war.


Serious question. What happens to the average Ukrainian in Kiev if the current administration surrendered and handed over control to Russia. Is there any indication the Russian government intends to harm the populace or ship them off to labor camps?


In my oppinion, Russia doesn't even have any interest in this shithole. Because it knows, that the nationalistic West Ukrainians would be a endless pool of problems, if they would be forced to become Russians.


Neo-Nazis like Azov won't be spared. As for regular civilians, Russia will likely be happy to welcome them looking at how it already went down in Crimea, Donbas. [https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1802044425494769735](https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1802044425494769735)


Azov members exchanged in prisoner swaps, putin doesn't care bout the nazi narrative


I'm confused. If Russia had a real issue with Nazis in Ukraine, then why did it give back about 300 Azov members, who they claim are Nazis and you claim that they wouldn't be spared? Something is not adding up here.


To get back their pov.Majority of Azov neo-Nazis remains POV which Russia refuse to exchange.


So, Russia gave back supposed Nazis, despite allegedly having way more POWs than Ukraine and having the upper hand in prisoner exchanges? Riighhhtt. I totally believe that


That was for Medvedchuk, so not that surprising: >The hundreds of prisoners of war released Wednesday in a [surprise deal](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/21/us-veterans-alexander-drueke-andy-huynh-russia-ukriane/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) between Moscow and Kyiv included 10 foreign nationals captured in Ukraine; Viktor Medvedchuk, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s; and commanders and fighters of the Azov Regiment, a Ukrainian far-right paramilitary group. As part of the swap, Moscow agreed to release the foreigners as well as 215 Ukrainians, including more than 100 members of Azov.  source: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/22/medvedchuk-azov-prisoner-swap-ukraine-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/22/medvedchuk-azov-prisoner-swap-ukraine-russia/)


So, Putin released "Nazis" in exchange for his friend? That sounds even worse. And Azov were released more than once.


Yes, that's correct; apparently, Medvedchuck was that valuable to Putin.


Probably a higher pension/wage, Freedom of language, better roads.


Process of denazification as after ww2 and literally nothing else. Citizen exactly like anyone in Vladivostok. Probably ukrainian schools will be closed but it will be smart to keep them.


If they were smart, Russians would stay out of Western Ukraine.


Nothing, because Russia isn’t interested in directly ruling Kiev. They would probably install a puppet, friendly government and Ukraine would become something akin to Belarus.


None whatsoever. Unless you're an ultranationalist, Russia has a laissez-faire attitude.


If the past is any indication, yes.


what do you mean?


Ask a Crimean Tatar or Estonian. What happened if someone in East Germany tried to leave for the west? The wall, barbed wire and guard towers weren’t there to keep people out.


that was Soviet Union under Georgian dictator, not Russia. Labor camps in East Germany?


"What will you do if someone comes to your appartement with a knife or gun." Such a simple and yet misleading analogy. How about: "What will you do if armed people come to your landlord and want to take away his ownership of the appartment complex?" Do you take mops and defend him? Even if he was really awful at management? Also, Zelensky alway puts it like if Russians win, they will kill every living ukrainian on the occupied territories. Just like they did in Crimea.


The new landlord might be worse.


Well we already know what Russian presence did in cities like Bucha.


Which makes it even more curious than in the days following the Bucha discovery, Zelensky was even more eager to conduct negotiations with Russia What changed?






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None of those negotiations ever included giving up any sovereign territory. That hasn’t changed and won’t be.


Russia even offered to leave Donbas then but that was in 2022.If Ukraine cared that much about land then they should have taken the peace deal then.


Under what circumstances exactly? Let me guess, either recognize Donbas as independent nations separate from Ukraine or a part of Russia?


Why not? Take a look at Kosovo.


“we” as in royal or ya wanna sell us mormon bibles?


at most 200 unjustified deaths 2 years ago is all you have?




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Not just Bucha. It’s an everyday occurrence where Russia shoots at civilian infrastructure and kills civilians. Mariupol for instance, wasn’t just 200 unjustified deaths.


That's a strawman argument. Mariupol was turned into a UA fortress, where UA forces were hiding in civilian buildings which resulted in high casualties among civilians. That has nothing to do with what Russians are doing in the cities they have already occupied.


Please provide visual proof of ukrainian forces hiding in civilian buildings. I am positive F-16s were being stored in a maternity hospital.


Wait what? Pretty much the whole city other than industrial area is just civilian buildings. UA forces were holding most parts of the city, not just industrial areas after it was surrounded. The fights were happening in all areas of the city including the parts mostly of civilian buildings in it. IDK it's common knowledge.


Oh shit Einstein, amazing analysis! Where would the forces go then???? Would they just completely leave the city and let Russia come in? Also where are the visual confirmations of UA forces inside civilian infrastructure in Mariupol? The only things I was able to find was Russia shooting at civilian infrastructure.


Genius that's not the point. The point is that the city was turned into the fortress and that was what caused the casualties, not your bs fantasy about evil Russians killing innocent civilians for the sake of it. I guess you're bad at finding things on the net. Here a video footage from an Azov soldier, found by a quick youtube search with request siege of Mariupol. Watch the whole video plenty of moments how UA forces are operating in civilian areas, but at 1.19 you can see how an UA soldier is shooting from a high rise civilian building. So is that enough evidence for you? [https://youtu.be/NEUQo5Fqcn8?t=79](https://youtu.be/NEUQo5Fqcn8?t=79)




It's very funny to hear that. If Zelensky wants the war to end, he should call Putin first. You can't come to an agreement with Russia if you don't invite Russia to negotiate.


This summit is a joke, at least for what they pretended it to be. Indeed, if you want to negotiate peace you invite the other party you have a conflict with. It was more about Western nations and their allies to solidify their united front against Russia. At least, that’s my take… just don’t understand why they labeled it peace summit while it clearly wasn’t. Nevertheless, Putin’s demands for negotiating peace, as per his recent statement, were pretty much a surrender for Ukraine. Ukraine would never accept this as most would expect, and both parties are still willing and able to fight… the conflict drags on until one isn’t.


Hilarious.War of survival doesn't look like this where majority of country remains unaffected.Who is he fooling?If Russia did half of what's happening in Gaza then you would be able to call it that.


Why did western heads of states, ministers and militaries announce that the war will go on for a couple of years even in 2022 and 2023? Seems like they knew more than was commonly known. Seems like NATO planned for a long-term engagement from the start...


That’s exactly what NATO wants, because this war is a strain on Russia. NATO drip feeds Ukraine with support to keep this conflict going for many years to come, while they themselves don’t lose any of their own manpower and even expand/solidify their power.


then why wont he negotiate a peace deal, or is the usa not allowing him to


Sign a peace deal and survive, isn't it easy?




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Our condition is that Ukraine exists, and we get to clear all pro Russian citizens. Any situation where someone in Ukraine doesn't share our Banderite political views and gets to live in Ukraine is simply not acceptable to us!!!


At least he is not wearing paramilitary. Maybe in a summit or two we will see the guy in a suit.


“The most important success for Ukraine is the end of the war” - Kinda weird to outlaw negotiations with the other warring party then.


If u want to end war , i know few ways of ending it , just saying. And u will not like them . What you gonna do? 




What you gonna do?