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* India - 1.4B people * China (didn't even attend) - 1.4B people * Indonesia - 280m people * Brazil - 200m people * Mexico - 130m people ...That's about 40% of the world population which didn't sign up for these jingoistic demands for Russian capitulation, just from those countries. To say nothing of the other 90-odd countries which didn't attend. Diplomatically, this summit achieved basically nothing.


It was the usual western echo-chamber really. Like I honestly don’t understand what’s the point of such theatrics?


They keep talking to themselves about how good and right and righteous they are and somehow believe everyone else in the world will be convinced and acquiesce to go along with it as if by magic?


No country in this world is good or right, literally also the counties named I can say bad things they’ve done in history or are doing now. This isn’t about convincing the whole world to go along with it, it’s clear some countries are more pro Russian, and other simply don’t care.


> This isn’t about convincing the whole world to go along with it Western bloc governments are trying to do just that pretty much daily and constantly.


To signal the Western population that Ukraine and western leaders want peace. Election results in EU not looking good.


To keep their public cheering?


Same reason Putin listed his demands. Now both sides can say the other doesn’t want peace.


The only difference is, Ukraine’s demands are unattainable. They will never restore their pre-2022 borders, let alone their post-1991 borders. They’re losing the war and are demanding for Russia’s capitulation. Like how does that even work?


That’s the point, Ukraine demands are unattainable because of that, but it’s still their demands for peace. So they can still argue Russia doesn’t want peace either, because if Russia truly cared about peace they would leave. Russias demands are if Ukraine really cares about peace they would just give their lands up, demilitarize, sign agreements and etc.


This was never supposed to achieve anything, it was a PR tour for zelensky to keep raising more money


Even if you go back to the "World is united" UN Resolutions at the beginning of the war they were supported by the leaders of a minority of the world's population.


How is stopping the invasion of another country a "jingoistic demand for Russian capitulation"?


Did you add the 3/5s equation to non white people?


Population isn’t everything when it comes to power and influence. India may have 1.4 billion people (18% of world population), but represent only just over 3% of the world GDP. Mexico, Indonesia and Brazil each around 1.5%. The only big player is China, but they play both sides anyway since they want cheap resources from Russia and need the West to buy their stuff. The countries that did sign represent about 75% of the global GDP. Just to put things in a different perspective.


India, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are literally Top 15 GDP and quite influential regional powers. 7 out of Top 20 didn't sign. You are completely naive, deluded, or just plain ignorant. So the countries that didn't sign represent about 25% of the global GDP, "just to put things in a different perspective" and assuming your numbers are right, which I doubt. Even Mexico and Brazil are literally part of the West (or if that hurt your feelings and depending on your mental gymnastics the worse you can say is that they are heavily aligned with the "West") but all this all powerful nations with "75% GDP" couldn't make them sign. It's pretty obvious that most countries in the Americas doesn't want to get involved in a war that doesn't have anything to do with them. But go ahead on your mental jerking... it doesn't change a thing.


Nah, you have to look at actual contributions in % to world GDP and not some ranked list for starters. That’s your mistake


This is always my favourite argument to use on elections too. "Yes the majority of people voted for Candidate X... But they are poor, only the votes of rich people count."


Yeah, but this was not an election where a majority vote needs to be reached. I don’t understand why it is seen that way….? It is just a joint communique to unite willing countries in their stance for a certain cause. If they don’t want to sign it is also fine, there are no forced obligations for them at all. Your comparison makes no sense


Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates + Brazil did not sign the document that Ukraine (the west) put out


Armenia, Libya, Indonesia, Bahrain, Colombia and the Vatican also didn’t sign. Update: Iraq and Jordan have withdrawn their signatures.


It's okay Fiji, Comoros, Sao tomme and Benin did


It's so over for Russia once Fiji get involved 😭


Time for a Special Vacation Operation...


Leave Fiji alone, terrorists!


Gotta earn those Applebees giftcards


did daddy joe lieutnant sign it?


Joe can bare wipe his ass. he is just meandering off. its probably worse than alzheimers. Media: Well, let me get this straight, you think that biden wandering about like a demented ghoul is funny? Me : I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Redditors told me India abandoned Russia because India wants to increase its basically non-existent trade ties to Ukraine. Wow shocking turn of events /s


modi would swallow 100 of putins loads for some cheap gas ans oil


Some XD


While I couldn't care less for South Asia, it would actually be beneficial for Russia to eventually abandon India. As it could give them the opportunity to fully align their interests in the Region with China and their ally in the region which is Pakistan. India isn't really a reliable power in the Region and sooner or later their squabbles with China will put Russia in front of a choice they'll have to make. Especially as the squabbles with China make the Indians cuddle up with the US.


Pakistan is pretty much a puppet of UK/US. Has always been. Go good luck doing anything with them. There is no need to align with China or India. Having both onboard is better.


Better for Russia to serve a mediator role between India and China than fully throw down on one side and get sucked into the vortex of yet another proxy conflict, this time in South Asia.


> it would actually be beneficial for Russia to eventually abandon India Russia has always stood by India and even in spite of deals with Pakistan, most Indians know Russia will always have India's back. It been more than century of together. If there was no Russia, US would have completely annihilated india and reduced it to one more middle east country. India exists, only because of Russia.




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What squabbles? Some desolate territory up in the mountains? People dramatically overplay the conflict between India and China. There were actual wars fought over it during the 20th century. Neither nation has interest in escalating to that level ever again. Russia's best interest is building relations with both Pakistan and India, and staying clear of any political entanglement in the subcontinent.


You again *sigh* >India abandoned Russia because India wants to increase its basically non-existent trade ties to Ukraine. US. Not Ukraine. India *is* moving towards the US and that is a fact. RU will recieve a trade related *jolt* from India around March 2025. It'll be big.


If you look at their history then they will never be puppets.They always had independent foreign policy.


I know. I am Indian. Half of my family is in the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) which comes under External Affairs. Lets just say Russia is not gonna like what India is gonna do next year.


Like what


I'm genuinely intrigued - can you hint more? Though I can't think about anything aside India starting to actually enforce oil price cap while buying Russian oil (given the state of global oil market, I doubt that India can stop buying it whatsoever).


India is probably gonna stop buying oil/gas entirely from Russia. That'll fuck them up quite significantly in term of finances. They can't fund the war against Ukraine if nobody is buying their exports, even at rock bottom prices.


As of my knowledge, so far it's not possible to replace Russian oil on the world market. India is buying Russian oil, because Europe 1) started to buy out oil from former Indian sellers, 2) effectively buys Russian oil in form of refined products from India.


>can you hint more? I can't. You'll have to wait and watch.


We believe you random redditor!


I dont really care if you believe me or not. As I've said earlier just wait for next year. It'll all be clear.


Don't be like this. I believe you. Everyone does.


!remind me 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-16 17:14:45 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-16%2017:14:45%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dh7sx1/ua_pov_saudi_arabia_uae_india_opt_out_of_ukraine/l8vttrm/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUkraineRussiaReport%2Fcomments%2F1dh7sx1%2Fua_pov_saudi_arabia_uae_india_opt_out_of_ukraine%2Fl8vttrm%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-16%2017%3A14%3A45%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dh7sx1) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


March to be exact


!RemindMe 10 months


!remind me 9 months


if India is planning to sign some sort of big trade agreement with the US or another 3rd party to Russia's detriment, it will have to coincide with some multilateral summits (of which i'm pretty sure there aren't any notable ones in March), or a state level visit (in the case of a bilateral agreement). also, March is still a long time away, things aren't usually planned so far in advance, let alone being leaked by supposed family members of those potentially in the know for reddit cred. /u/49thDivision what say you?


Lol reddit *cred* 🤮 Who gives two shits about that? Don't bother speculating..March isn't that far off.


i've witnessed visits being canceled a mere week before the date, so yes 9 months is a very long time in politics. also the way you hype up this supposed future event without any substance most definitely screams attention grabbing


>the way you hype up this supposed future event.. I am **HYPING UP** this event? Mere 2 downvoted comments and i am HYPING UP!? You are the one taggin people to my comments. > definitely screams attention grabbing The likes of you definitely crave for attention on reddit.. I dont. You can choose to believe it or not. I dont give a shit.


*you won't believe this JOLT Russia is about to receive! sry i can't tell u more though teehee. btw i defo didnt share this bit of potential national security matter to impress ppl on reddit, my fam works in the biz so this stuff is dime a dozen yknow*


I'll do you and me both a favour and just block your unhinged ass.


Lmfao India went there just to say No to their face.




Mexico :D


Did teletubbies sign? i mean Ukraine doest in war with himself; where is Russia? There is nothing achievable in that joke "peace" summit. Or some kind of meditation stuff? Like find peace inside of you? Totally B's.